#rae 💖
heatwa-ves · 8 months
do u agree he is da silly ⁉⁉⁉
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this is what I look like irl
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osamusriceballs · 2 years
Eveeee!! What made you fall in love with Tsukki??? I mean I already knew he was attractive hehe 😋
RAEE!!! 💖💖💖 my cutie, my sunshine, is it time to simp for that blonde devil? (A description that somehow fits for a few haikyuu characters)
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I still have tears in my eyes whenever I rewatch it 😭😭😭
Up until season 3 I didn‘t really put much attention on him BUT AFTER THAT SCENE. DEAR LORD.
Sarcastic and mean but also attentive and caring, can be an ambitious little b*tch, and if he wants something, he‘ll work hard and get it- AND MOST. IMPORTANTLY. He’s smart. Intelligent.
That’s so smexy.
What made you fall for him? 👀👀 I’m sooooo ready to simp for that man #bringiton💖💖
Love ya!! 💖💖
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thatpinkbetch · 2 years
Hi pink I just wanted to say I hope ur doing well (sorry I am not as active on tumblr as I used to be!)
Helloooo my dear Rat its been so long! Its so nice to see your lovely presence again, though im sure being less active on tumblr is probably a very healthy thing 😂
I am well, though i think we're now getting into the busy season at the cookie shop 😬 so RIP to my hand... I hope all is well with you, and that youve been enjoying life! Ive been trying to do that a little more too 💖💖💖
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yakdee · 6 months
Another awesome thing about The Boopening™ is that people will most likely come across blogs that may have never been on their radar otherwise
And to think — some may boop out of love, mischief, malice (are you ok?), or duty but maybe the true purpose of booping is the friendships we make along the way
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fourphoenixfeathers · 5 months
What if.... I put the old man in the Twitter dress....
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8-rae-rae-8 · 8 months
My MasterList
I will do requests for HCs, Drabbles, edits, and fics. I will not do reader/self inserts
I write for DBH, CoD MW, Cyberpunk2077 and TEW
!! Include a prompt if you want a fic/drabble! Not just two characters and "agere" or "angst" !!
Justdreamypacis Website | My Ko-fi | My AO3 | Justdreamypacis Blog
Requests are always open
Please reblog instead of just liking posts!!
Call Of Duty Masterlist
Detroit: Become Human Masterlist
Cyberpunk 2077 Masterlist
My AgeRe And PetRe StimBoards/MoodBoards
The Evil Within (1/2) Masterlist
Fic Recommendations (All Fandoms)
Tags I use and anon emojis are in the tags
Keep in mind that I'm 16!!
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daisychainsandbowties · 10 months
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Kayleb Rae Candrilli, from Water I Won’t Touch
reading this poem today & viscerally reminded of this tweet
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nicomundthered · 1 year
Blood Runs Cold
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Injured Trilogy- part one | part two | part three
pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader
summary: you save Ellie, but not yourself.
tags/warnings: hurt/comfort, this one is angsty, blood and descriptions of injury, I'm not a doctor, also don't know a thing about nature apparently, established relationship, happy family, drowning, fear of water, way more spice than intended it just happened- though nowhere near explicit.
word count: 10k | ao3
a/n: had to edit this twice and tbh I just need it finished, so please forgive the mistakes. part three might take a little longer...I’m having quite the anxious episode but enough of that, hope you enjoy!
It took a while for you to recover, but you had. Well for the most part. Your hand was the only lingering problem. 
The doctor had done what she could for it but without the proper technology and equipment–even after the mostly successful surgery, it would never be the same again.
You had diligently followed the physical therapy exercises she gave you and weeks later, you could now make a fist and your grip strength was improving. The process was long and if you were being honest you were getting impatient. You were just thankful that it was your non-dominant hand because it was still frustratingly weak and uncoordinated in comparison. The doctor had confirmed that it would probably always feel that way. You'd be lying if you said that that didn't upset you, not that you weren't grateful to be alive–it just really sucked. 
Joel was different though. While you were a little depressed and frustrated, Joel seemed to be almost obsessing over it. He would inspect it every morning, seeing how the two deep scars from the surgery were healing. Then he would ask a couple times a day if you had completed your exercises. And he was also overly protective of it. He'd fuss anytime you picked up anything or when you'd tell him that you were ready to go back to work. The two of you argued over it quite heatedly more than once. 
One day, a couple weeks ago now, after he finished his patrol he returned his gun and gear, and checked in with Tommy for the next day's schedule. 
Tommy and Maria were in a deep discussion and when they saw Joel, Tommy bowed his head and Maria straightened, both looking extremely suspicious.
“What happened?” Joel asked concerned. He somehow knew it was about you.
Maria admitted that due to your tenacity, she had put you on light cleaning duties. That you had begged to have something to do, and that after a couple of hours you had grown frustrated from the weakness in your hand, which had cramped causing you to drop a plate. It shattered all over the ground and when you could only use your good hand to pick up the small pieces, it had sent you over the edge. 
You didn't listen to anyone and you'd picked up the sharp pieces using only one hand and it had cut you up. You did so with tears in your eyes and then you left without saying a word, hand covered in blood.
He quickly left, hurrying to you as fast as his feet would carry him.
When he came home he found you in your shared bathroom. You didn't hear him enter and were focused trying to pick out the small ceramic pieces that were lodged beneath your fingertips. 
You had been attempting to fish out the pieces for just under an hour now and your hands were shaking. You could barely work the tweezers due to the slick blood and your hand was cramping. Speaking of, it was properly hurting now–which it hadn't been for weeks now.
You jumped, dropping the tweezers and cursing. You grabbed the hand towel and tried to cover your hand but he was quicker. His body came up behind yours and he placed both arms on the sink, trapping you in place, eyes making contact in the mirror.
“Let me see,” he said, leaning down, breath hitting your neck.
“It’s nothing, just cut myself cleaning.”
“Let–me see.” 
You almost gave in but just as you about relented, you thought of a different distraction and leaned back and pressed your backside into him, moving your hips gently from side to side.
His nostrils flared, eyes narrowed as he hissed at the contact. It took him a second to come to his senses because his body would alway betray him when it came to you, but then quickly snapped out of it and scooted back and put his hands on your hips preventing you from following. 
“Jesus–just let me see your damn hand.”
You turned around abruptly, he was still very much in your personal space.
“I just nicked it. I don't know why you're acting like this over this,” you suddenly felt small like a helpless child. Despite your confident voice, you could no longer look at him as tears welled in your eyes. You hated feeling helpless but you also hated needing help. And what didn't even make sense was all he wanted to do was to help you. Why you rejected it you weren't entirely sure. Maybe you were just tired of seeing the worried look on his face–the one that you continued to put there.
Though, as much as you loved him, you hated the way you always just gave into him. You blamed his eyes, his voice, his… you know what, it was just him–he was your kryptonite. 
“It was just a little cleaning,” you said, unwrapping your hand and held it up to him so that he could see. “I- I uh–broke a glass and tried to…”
“Maria told me.”
He chuckled softly at your frustration and then frowned suddenly, “You're still lying to me. I thought we went over this.”
“This doesn't count though. It's not life or death. It's just a few stupid cuts.” 
He reached out and took your lightly bleeding hand. “I’m not too worried about this,” he said after inspecting it thoroughly, noting that you still had some small pieces still stuck. “But this…” he gently let go of your hand and picked up the other. It was still locked in a cramp, “This is what I worry about.”
He carefully pressed into the tight muscle and you gasped in discomfort, which was quickly replaced with relief as he kneaded the overused muscle until he successfully worked the cramp out.
“Thank you,” you said, looking up at him almost ashamed
“You're doin’ too much.”
You yanked your hand from his like he had just burned you. He didn't react, just continued to stare at you. He wasn't going to take that back, you were doing too much too soon.
“I literally just swept and washed a few dishes. If–if I can't even do that then…”
“You were hurt,” the frown returned to his face.
“Yeah I was. Past tense Joel.”
“It takes time to heal. You almost…you almost died baby,” he put his hands in his pockets as he blinked a few times trying to rid the images of you doubled over coughing up blood. 
He wanted to reach out to you so damn bad, but knew that you needed space right now.
“I know that. But I feel so helpless, all the time. I- I can't do anything. I can't even turn the pages in a book…I can't even sit and fucking read. And you leave and do your shifts–shifts that we are supposed to do together. What if you got hurt because I wasn't there to watch your back?” He looked like he wanted to interrupt you but refrained. “And then Ellie has to come home from school and before she does her homework or hangs out with her friends she helps me cook and clean. I just—I’m just so sick of feeling useless. I’m so sick of feeling like a burden.”
There it was. 
He thought of a million things to say. He wanted to berate you for even thinking such a thing, but that never seemed to work on you, so he decided to go a different route.
“I understand.”
“Do you?” You said with more venom than you intended.
“Yeah, yeah I do,” he cleared his throat, “When I was stabbed and you and Ellie had to do everything.”
“You were unconscious Joel. You were dying from infection.”
“That doesn't matter. I–I couldn't protect you two. I could barely understand what you said to me but I could make out enough.” He took his hands out of his pockets and rubbed his face, “I knew that you were going to leave and try to find me medicine. I tried to call out…I tried to stop you, but I couldn't. And then when the men–when the men came looking for you I–damn near lost my mind. But I couldn't move. I, I tried so hard to,” he felt the familiar pressure in his chest, “I…I watched you leave–and I couldn't even beg you to stay.”
You stood still as a statue as a tear rolled down your cheek, all you could do was stare.
“So yeah, I do understand. Feeling helpless is the worst, but you got me and Ellie, and you are getting better everyday. But pushing yourself isn’t gonna help you. So please do me–do us a favor and just let us help you. You’d do the same thing for us in a heartbeat and you are never a burden. Do you hear me?”
Your eyes were wide and mouth was slightly opened, “I’m sorry, I had no idea.”
“It’s ok. Everything turned out fine. We are both here.”
You launched at him, hugging him tightly. You kissed his neck and said, “I wish you would have told me. I know you dream about it…”
“I don't want to talk about that right now, ok? I just want to get that junk out of your hand and take a shower. Does that sound good?”
You agreed.
He took his time and worked efficiently, and in no time he had all of the debris removed and had cleaned your fingertips. Then he helped you undress and led you to the shower, where he worshiped you with as much attention as he gave you wounds, and then finished by cleaning your body as well–something that he's come to enjoy doing. When you got out of the shower he gently bandaged both hands, one for the cuts and the other to relieve the pressure on the healing muscle. 
He dried you off and helped you dress into your most comfortable clothes, which were ironically his clothes. Then you sat at the kitchen table and listened while he told you about his day. He heated you a can of your preferred soup and toasted you both some bread to go along with it.
After your shared meal, you moved to the bedroom where he read a couple chapters of your favorite book to you. You fell asleep with your head on his shoulder. And when you woke you were in his arms snuggled closely, your bad hand in his as he lightly massaged it.
You've been back on light duties for a month now–also known as cleaning and restocking the armory. It definitely feels boring and mundane after the action you were used to, but it was much better than doing nothing. Your hand still has the occasional cramp but it's much stronger. You’ve practiced on the shooting range a few times now and you weren't as hindered as you thought you'd be. Slower yes, but still able, with an aim as deadly as it's ever been.
It was the middle of a Wyoming winter and it was cold. Snow fell for four days straight covering the ground in a thick solid layer that probably wouldn't melt until the beginning of spring. Which made today's appearance of the sun that much better. Everyone in Jackson acted like it was a holiday. Two families were actually having parties and had invited you over. 
People liked you for a reason you didn't even know. You were nice and you worked hard but you weren't overly friendly, maybe you just appeared that way because you were around Joel and Ellie. Or maybe it was because you were close to Maria and Tommy. Regardless, there would be no partying for you. 
A few months ago you had talked Ellie out of going on runs until she was older. She hated it and took quite some convincing but you managed to make a deal with her. She focuses on school and her friends, and honestly just being a semi carefree teenager for once in her life, and a couple times a year the three of you would take vacations.
By vacations, you'd basically just camp and be away from everyone a bit. None of you would admit it but each of you missed the seclusion. Just the three of you, no obligations, nobody telling you what to do. You were grateful for Jackson, you all were and it was much better than being alone but that's how you lived for months together. That's where your strong bonds were made, and sometimes the sleeping bag under the stars felt more like home than your house.
Another part of the agreement was that Ellie got to choose where you'd go. It couldn't be too far, at least not during the winter, and the trip couldn't last more than a week–not until she was finished with school.
On this inaugural trip she wanted to see the rapids. Some friends had talked about how they canoed down them and she hadn't stopped talking about it since. You doubted that that was true, in a canoe? But it didn't matter it was a part of your deal and since the rapids weren't too far away the request seemed reasonable. 
And really it was a big deal for Ellie to want to go anywhere near water, let alone potentially dangerous water. She had let it slip once that she couldn't swim and the fact that she hasn't asked to learn yet tells you that she's afraid.
It was early morning, the sun had just begun to light up the sky. It was cold but no snow clouds were on the horizon. You were all packed with more things than you’d need in a week, and the trip probably wouldn’t even last three days. This was your first time leaving since your injury and it was Ellie's first since the agreement, which meant Joel was kind of a nervous wreck. He packed excessive amounts of everything–ammo, food, first aid. His pack weighed double the usual weight, and this time he saddled up his horse.
You found him in the stables. He was loading up the horse slowly and precisely, trying to slow down the inevitable–his family was leaving safety. 
“Are you ready?” 
He jumped slightly and laughed almost nervously. “You scared me sweetheart.” He sighed and fastened the last strap on the saddle, “Bout there, I wanna double check the…”
“Joel,” you crossed your arms and looked at him sweetly. “Everything is going to be ok. We are going to have a fun quick little trip. Nothing that we aren't used to right?”
He still had his back to you but you could hear him gulp and you could see him trying to shake his head in some sort of agreement. 
“Hey.” You walked up to him and held the side of his arms. “Do not put all of this on yourself. The three of us can defend ourselves, in fact I'd say that we are a pretty badass trio.” 
You smiled and he couldn't help but smile back. It didn't reach his eyes but he smiled nonetheless. 
“I’m afraid.” His voice was low where only you could hear him. He turned from you and focused on the horse. A little shocked that the confession slid out of him so easily. Completely unintentional.
His admission made you break a little. You didn't want this to stress him out like it was. This was supposed to be fun. “If you don't want to go me and Ellie–”
“No,” his voice was firm and commanding. “God- just no. I um–I just…it's safe here.” He was suddenly fixated on petting the horse, unable to look at your eyes that seemed to make him confess things without his permission. “And to leave it, if we don't have to seems…foolish to me.”
You tensed at his words. And boy did they make you angry. You and Ellie have been planning this and looking forward to it for weeks now. And he just waited until the last minute to express his concern? To call something you’d been dreaming about foolish?!
“We can't just stay here. We can't just be yours to play house with.” You paced a little and then continued almost grumbling to yourself, “Be your little housewife and we aren’t even married—go to school–be your picture perfect family. We can't do that. I can’t. I- I won't.” 
He turned to face you quickly. He hadn’t meant to upset you, really he hadn't but it did seemed foolish to him, dangerous for no reason. He didn’t like the way you were talking, it made him uncomfortable. Yes he loved coming home to you but it was just because he knew that you were safe. It had nothing to do with you being a ‘housewife’ to him. And he also didn’t like what sounded like an ultimatum, he would never keep you from leaving but it still frightened him. 
“I just meant–”
“Oh I know what you meant.” You felt your face getting hot. You didn't know where all of this was coming from and chalked it up to being frustrated at his last minute indecisiveness and your slightly stir-crazed mental state. “And it's such an easy thing for you to think about- building a wall around us caginging us up like animals in a zoo.”
“That's not–”
“Come home to a cooked meal.” You were pacing faster now, needing some kind of physical release. Your body was practically humming with pent up energy from being cooped up for months. 
“Baby it’s not–”
“All your laundry folded nice and neat.” You dug your boots into the stable floor with such force that dirt was actually starting to kick up. You could feel your blood pressure rise with each step. 
“To be propped up and ready to fuck when you come home–”
That made him snap. “Stop it!” He tightly held your shoulders and jerked you around hard. “I’d think very carefully about what you say next.”
You were still, all except for a wicked gleam of rebellion that flashed in your eyes. “Is that what you want?” You were breathing embarrassingly heavy.
He hated his reaction to all of this but regardless he still felt blood quickly rushing south and his pants tightened rapidly. You are just so damn hot and the image you were painting, well he hated to admit that the last part sounded appealing. Also he not so secretly liked it when you talked dirty.
“For me to be spread out on the bed for you, nothing to do but wait for you to get home. Be nice and ready for your—”
With absolutely no warning he spun you around and pulled you roughly to him. You arched into him instinctively and he placed one hand on your inner thigh and the other over your dirty mouth.
“I know it’s been awhile so I won’t get mad at you. But if you don't shut that pretty mouth of yours right now, we aren't goin’ anywhere.”
You ground your backside into him just as rough,  and bit at his hand, in a futile attempt of retaliation.
“Fuck…” He pressed himself harder into you. A sinful moan escaped you that was barely muffled by his large hand. He was certain that his strain was going to break his zipper. “If you needed this from me baby, all you have to do is ask.” He cooed into your ear making chills shoot down your spine and pressure pool into your belly.
He moved his hand that was resting on your thigh and started to unclip your belt buckle. 
The metallic clank broke you from your lust filled trance, and you shot out from his embrace. Your pupils were blown wide and you were almost gasping for air. “You aren't gonna- damnit, you aren’t going to distract me over this. We- we are leaving, with or without you.” 
You stormed out quickly. Not even bothering to buckle back up. 
If he were in the position he would have chased after you. But he couldn’t go running through town in his current state. So instead, to calm himself down, he thought about anything at all other than you.
A couple of minutes later, he led his overly packed horse over to where the two of you were waiting. Ellie was beaming at him and bouncing on the balls of her feet in excitement. He smiled at her but it made him feel like a piece of shit. This meant so much to the two of you. And he might have just ruined your whole trip. He hated when he made you angry but he still believed he had a point. 
He looked over at you and you quickly turned your head away to avoid him. He didn’t know how to apologize to you. Or rather he knew how but he couldn’t do that in front of Ellie. So he’d have to find the right time when you were alone. He wasn’t the best with words, in fact most of the time his words only made things worse. So he’d have to be patient and hope you’d be willing to forgive.
He was mid thought when you just started walking. Ellie cut her eyes back at him and raised her eyebrow in question. 
He just shrugged but he knew she was clever, sometimes too clever, and he knew that she knew he had done something stupid. 
“Come on.” He sighed, urging her to drop it and follow.
Luckily for him, she was more excited for the trip than curious about what had happened. But he still feared that it was only a matter of time before she questioned him to death. 
It took about five hours to make it to the river. It was a slow peaceful walk. There was no hurry—the journey and being at peace was the reason for the trip–it was mostly made in silence, the three of you weren’t big on small talk so it wasn’t at all uncomfortable, though he knew that you were only quiet because you were still stewing from earlier.
Ellie grew more talkative towards the end and you tried your best to carry on with her, but you were still infuriated with Joel. It was a buildup of things you supposed. But sometimes he really gets under your skin. The overprotective thing really works for you until it doesn't. And that’s not really fair to him because that’s who he is, and you knew that he hadn’t caged you in, you just felt trapped by your own injury. 
It didn’t help that it was after months of being cooped up and babied. Two things you disliked. If he was going to be like this every time you wanted to go for a walk- then flat out, the relationship wouldn’t work. You needed some semblance of freedom or you’d go insane. That scared you because you also needed him. And maybe you were being a little dramatic. He was currently beside you and you were outside of the gates. So maybe you were being a little hasty. Hopefully this outing will give you the reboot your mind needed.
Joel picked a place to set up camp while you and Ellie walked over to the edge of the cliff to see the now infamous rapids. They were more intense than you imagined, no way could a canoe make it down them.
Ellie was being uncharacteristically timid. You looked back at her and decided to give her some alone time. “I’m going to help him, don't get too close to the edge, it's slick.”
She playfully rolled her eyes at you.
When you made it back to Joel he already had half of the stuff thrown on the ground, but when he looked at you he gave a look. 
“What?” You placed your hands on your hips defensively.
“Nothin’...” he exhaled deeply, “Look- I’m sorry about earlier. I don’t wanna ruin your trip.”
“Our trip, it's our trip Joel. Look at where we are. Look how beautiful it is.” you gestured around you at the beautiful mountains, “Don’t you just feel…free?”
He looked at you with a sudden understanding, it was freedom that you needed. You’d told him as much, but seeing the stress visibly leave your face is what finally got it through his thick skull, “Yeah, I guess I do.”
You beamed at him, “See!”
“You look awfully beautiful out here like this,” his eyes sparkled at you. There was no other way to describe it.
“So do you.”
“Big time.”
He laughed, “See that big tree?”
It was the biggest tree in the area, impossible to miss, “Yeah?”
“If we were alone I’d apologize like you like me to, right up against–”
“Stop…that's–that’s cruel,” you blushed.
He laughed almost wickedly.
“Let's unpack before you find a way to get yourself back into trouble.”
Ellie was looking out, biting her lip apprehensively. Now that she was here she was fucking scared. Why did she even pick this stupid place, she couldn't swim, it was cold, and it was fucking stupid.
She walked closer to the edge and tried to peek over but she was too far away. She got frustrated with herself. Come on, don't be a pussy. She moved closer and closer still. Her chest felt tight and her legs were beginning to quake. She fought the urge to lay down and crawl to the edge, she didn't think that that would be a good look for her. So she continued to move forward very slowly, inch by inch, silently disregarding all sounds of internal alarms until finally, she could see all the way down into the raging water. 
Her toes kissed the edge and as she leaned forward, just as she felt that she had confidently conquered a fear, her boot slipped. “FU–” she was cut short as she twisted and tried to grab onto the edge, but in doing so she landed on her chest which then sent her flying backwards towards the water. Thankfully she landed on a ledge less than halfway down the steep drop. 
The ledge was small and narrow, she was very lucky to land on it at all. If she wouldn't have tried to hug the side of the cliff she would have fallen straight into the water. What she didn’t notice though was as she landed, the ledge moved slightly- small rocks broke off and fell into the freezing water below.
Ellie laid there for a few seconds and stared up at the blue sky. She took deep breaths trying to get it through her head that she was in fact alive–she wasn't entirely convinced. Until she heard you calling out her name. 
You were fortunate enough to look over just as she fell. You ran to her as fast as you could desperately calling out her name.
Joel was left alone and confused for merely a second before he noticed Ellie's missing form. His heart dropped as he sprinted past you and looked over where she used to be standing.
“Ellie?” you caught up and stood beside him.
You looked over the ledge as she carefully stood and brushed off some snow and dirt.
“Holy shit.” she said looking up at the two of you.
She didn't speak loud enough to hear because of the thunderous sound of the rapids, but you could read her lips. You exhaled in relief.
Joel was also very relieved. If she had fallen she would have hit the rocks, and if by some miracle she missed the rocks the currents were strong. Even an amazing swimmer wouldn’t be able to stay above the water, he didn't care to think about what would happen to someone who couldn't swim.
“Ellie,” he yelled down to her.
She looked up, and moved to hug the side of the cliff, “Yea?”
He laid on his stomach and reached down his arm as far as he could stretch, “Can you climb to reach my hand?”
She stretched her body as tall as she could, standing on her toes, her feet almost completely parallel to the cliff. She was still short, not by much, so she jumped as high as she could, still missing his hand. When she landed, the shifting of the ledge was still unnoticed. There was nothing to grab onto, there was nothing to grip to climb.
She jumped again but this time landing with more force. The ledge visibly shifted and larger rocks plunked into the water.
“Stop!” you screamed out. “Ellie, stay still!”
She gave a thumbs up, “No problem.”
You laid down next to Joel, “I’m going down there.”
“Like hell–”
“Hey, listen to me. I’m taller than her. I could probably jump and reach your hand, she just needs a boost. She could probably stand on my back and reach you.”
“Let me, I’ll…”
“You’ll what?” you sighed and did your best to calm down. “I don't think the ledge is strong enough to hold you both.”
He opened his mouth but you continued, “And you know I couldn't pull your ass up.” you grinned, but he wasn't having it.
“Just wait a second. Let me figure something out.” He looked back towards camp, “We could tie some–”
“You saw the way those rocks fell. We might not have the time for that Joel.” You grabbed his forearm and looked deeply into his eyes, you weren't playing around, you were going to do this, “Please, let me save her.”
His brows furrowed and he looked at you with as much seriousness as you've ever seen from him, and that was saying something. He brought his forehead to yours, “Be careful,” he whispered onto your skin.
You nodded, noses bumbing against each other and then reluctantly moved from him and looked down, “Ellie? I’m going to come down there and help you, ok?”
She looked up at you in pure panic, “No don't! This fucking piece of shit rock is barely holding me up.”
“It’ll be fine.”
She practically cried out your name, “Please don't,” her voice cracked in her loud plea.
You looked at Joel and he was looking at you in premature anguish, “It’s going to be alright,” you said to who, you weren’t sure–probably everyone, including yourself.
You removed your gloves in case you needed a better grip and slowly climbed over the edge, Joel held on tightly, and when he looked at the two deep scars on your hand he froze, “God damnit!”
“What?” you looked up worried that something had happened, and saw him focused on your hand.
“Crazy woman, what are you fuckin’ insane?”
Your hand had crossed your mind, but getting Ellie to safety was the only thing that mattered. You smiled sadly- knowingly at him, and he all of the sudden realized what he was doing–he was slowly dropping you to your death. This wasn’t just a rescue mission, this was a suicide mission. The anger from his eyes was replaced with bone chilling fear. He desperately yanked you back up a little, pulling your arm too tight and causing your bicep to strain. 
“Wha–?” you saw the raw panic in his eyes as he tried to haul you back up, “Stop, Joel Stop!” you looked down at Ellie and then back up to him with tears in your eyes, “I’ll break my arm off if I have to.”
He knew you would. Selfless woman.
He looked back at you holding on to his hand, gripping the side of the rock face, eyes full of tears and determination–he loved you so. “You better come back to me.”
“I always will.” 
His grip tightened and he lowered you as far as he could, “Land softly.”
No shit you thought as you landed on the ledge. It dropped even further this time making a horrible crumbling noise.
You grabbed Ellie and hugged her tightly afraid that this was it. When nothing else happened you sighed in relief and quickly backed up. She looked scared, like she wanted to stay in your arms and hide.
“Come on, we have to hurry.”
You quickly got on your hands and knees and she stood on top of you. She reached tall but was scared to dig her toes into you–she didn't want to hurt you, and she thought of how long it took for your ribs to heal, how much pain you were in.
“Use your toes Ellie!” you demanded.
“I don't want to hurt you,” she practically sobbed out.
“You won’t, I can hardly feel you.”
She knew you were lying but she complied and stood on the tips of her toes. She brushed his fingertips and tried to reach further. 
“Are you close?” you asked, feeling the ground beneath you sway knowing time wasn't on your side.
“I can touch him but I can’t–”
“Jump,” you interrupted her.
“Wha….NO I won't do that.”
“Ellie, baby- you have to.”
“I don't want to.”
“I love you very much…everything is going to be ok.”
More rocks crumbled and Joel called out your name in warning.
“Jump Ellie!”
Without a moment's more hesitation she did and Joel gripped her wrist tightly. They worked together and quickly got her to safety. 
The pathetic excuse for a ledge was giving out. Your world was rocking back and forth like a buoy on the ocean. You stood slowly, doing your best to not make any sudden movements. You could hear both of them desperately calling out to you but you were focused. They didn’t know how precarious your situation had become. 
You stood slowly and reached for Joel’s hand. You had known going into this that it was going to be much harder for you to get up. Sure you were taller than Ellie but not by much. You were going to have to jump or climb. To jump meant if you missed- you had to land, and you weren’t sure it could take that force.
You dug your fingers into any crack you could find, there weren’t many but you made your way maybe a foot off of the ledge when two things happened—first your hand locked up in a cramp that rendered it useless. You dropped it to your side, trying your best to hide it from those above. And second, the ledge broke away and fell into the water. 
They cried out to you but you didn’t know what to do. You truly couldn’t do a thing with your hand, you couldn’t even use it as a stabilizer. You found a perch for one toe of your boot, but it wasn’t going to hold long. 
It was like the universe knew that this was how you’d die. It was shitty, but it was giving you a chance to say goodbye to the two people you loved most in the world, and that’s more than a lot of people got.
You looked up. Joel’s face was red from straining to make himself longer. Spit was flying from his mouth with every pleading yell. Ellie was screaming for you to hurry. Time seemed to slow down as you watched them. They were going to be ok, they had each other, and despite what Joel would argue that would be enough.
So you had one attempt. It was all or nothing. One small lurch forward and you’d either make it to Joel’s hand or you wouldn’t. The chances were very slim.
“I have one shot,” you called up.
“Just keep climbing baby, you’re doing so good!” he encouraged loudly.
“I- I can’t. My hand is locked up.”
He cussed and behind him his feet angrily kicked holes in the snow. Tears started falling from his face and passed by you like drops of rain, “I told you to let me! I could have—“
“I love you. I love you both,” you sniffled but felt at peace, you had saved your girl, “I’m going to try my best but I really don’t have much to propel myself from.”
Your hand slipped a little and you could hear Joel’s gasp and Ellie’s cry. 
“Ok I’m ready,” your muscles tightened in preparation and you tested the movement. Once you were satisfied that you’ve done all you could you started your countdown, “On, three-two—one.”
To give yourself some credit, you did make it farther than you thought. Probably a hands length away from Joel’s, but you knew from takeoff that it wasn’t enough.
You briefly saw the look of absolute horror on their faces as you took in as much air as you could, and shielded your head with your arms as you plunged into the freezing water.
You of course knew that water was powerful. It helped shape the earth with its constant rising and falling. Given time its pressure could smooth a stone, could forge new paths and create new bodies of water. It grew vegetation as easily as it could flood and drown. Any living thing needs it or would die. Water was both life and death, it was a powerful, powerful thing.
But you didn’t truly respect it until now. It tugged you under and slung your body around like a ragdoll filled with nothing but cotton. You had never felt so weighed down and yet somehow so weightless. You were so distracted by the sheer force of it that the sharp burning from the cold came later. Then oddly enough the need to breathe came even later than that.
After a few seconds of pathetically trying to fight it, you quickly realized you could do nothing but patiently wait for a current to bring you to the surface for a chance to get air.
It happened faster than you had anticipated. Before you knew it your head was above the water and you were gasping for oxygen. Some water got in but that didn’t matter to you in the slightest.
You glanced to the side at the riverbank and for the first time you noticed how fast you were moving. You were absolutely flying down the river. 
You went under a couple more times, and were banged around—hitting some rocks here and there, which would bruise but nothing serious. 
There wasn’t much farther to go as far as the rapids were concerned. The river was long but if you could make it another one- two minutes tops before it slowed and calmed. 
What a jinx you are.
Your ankle was suddenly caught between two rocks. You were stuck and the angry currents were pushing at the side of your face, trying their best to force you back under. You took a deep breath, and went under to try and wiggle your boot free. It was of no use so you untied the shoe and were launched free immediately. It took you by surprise and rolled you a few times—disorienting you, and then your luck ran out. You hit your head, everything went black.
When you fell he almost jumped right in after you. As matter of fact, if Ellie wasn't with him he would have. His whole body shifted forward begging him to leap, but Ellie’s hand quickly grabbed his shoulder tugging him back up, as she yelled out after you. She anchored him to the spot and kept him from acting irrationally.
He sprang to his feet, “Look for her I’m gettin’ the horse.”
She quickly got up and ran along the edge. It's funny that moments ago she was so scared to even go near it- now she was sprinting alongside it, the only fear she felt was for you. Her eyes combed the water trying to get a glimpse of your now flailing form, they were stinging from the cold but she refused to so much as blink. 
She looked farther down and saw you, just as you were thrusted up for air.
Joel passed her on the horse and she pointed ahead. She tried to keep up but you were both moving too quickly. She kept running even as she lost sight of you both.
Joel was riding alongside you. It was a difficult task to both keep his eyes on you, and keep his horse from running off the side but he quickly adjusted. You were doing a good job of keeping your head above the water, and he was starting to feel slightly optimistic.
The water was already calming down. 
He looked back to you all of that previous optimism died along with any hope he had left in him. This time he screamed your name, it was way too raw to be called a yell. 
He moved his horse back and forth searching. The horse was as anxious as Joel, it wanted to continue running. His heart was beating out of his chest as he continued crying out for you.
Then he saw you.
You were face down and floating downstream.
He charged the horse and went ahead of you to where the rocks stopped and the shore began. He dismounted, took off all of his clothes except his boxers, and ran into the water.
Even though it was calmer, he still had to curl his toes–gripping at the dirt in an attempt to brace himself with each step. When you floated near he swam out to you. It was rougher out where you were. 
When he reached you he quickly turned you over. 
You were so blue and he couldn’t tell if you were breathing.
Fortunately for the both of you, he was a swim champion in his teenage years and a pool lifeguard was his first job. He swam fast and strong and there was no way you’d release from his grip. 
When his feet touched the bottom he cradled you, and trudged through the water as quickly as he could–water splashing all around as his strong legs ran you to shore.
Ellie was waiting, bent over trying to catch her breath.
He got you out of the water and laid you down in the snow. 
“Is she breathing?” Ellie gasped as she looked down at your blue face.
“I don’t know yet.” He felt for a pulse but didn’t find one. Then he put finger under your nose to feel the air. Nothing.
“Damnit,” he immediately started chest compressions. 
Ellie’s legs gave out and she sat in shock. She had lost a lot but losing you felt like too much. You were the closest thing she’d ever had to a mom. You were her best friend. What the fuck was she supposed to do without you?
“...gotta be the hero—”
Joel was angrily muttering to you. Ellie could only make out occasional fragments, she wasn’t even sure he knew what he was saying.
“—let anyone else get hurt.”
His voice trembled with emotion.
“Couldn’t just let me…hard headed…”
He was openly crying now and getting slightly winded from the exertion. His body pink from the cold with steam rising off of him.
“—drive me damn insane,”
Ellie was now sobbing with him- broken gasps and labored breaths. She hugged her knees to herself and began rocking.
“…better start breathing I swear to god.”
The horse moved, catching her eye.
“Please- don’t leave me…”
She turned back and watched him desperately pound on your chest. 
“—I fucking need you…you hear me?”
That was as close to a sleeping beauty moment that you’d ever get. You started violently coughing up water- expelling it from your lungs. He rolled you on your side so it was easier on you for you to spit up the liquid.
A rush of pure joy overcame him, “That’s it baby get it all out.” 
Ellie crawled closer to you like she couldn’t believe that you were alive. Something red caught her eye. “Uh, Joel?” she pointed behind your head, her voice sounding so small.
He was so fixated on watching your face that he hadn’t seen the blood staining the white snow behind your head, “Fuck.”
As you continued to cough he felt around the back of your head. There was a small swollen knot that was split by a not so deep cut. There was no indentation which was his main concern. And head injuries bled a lot, he reminded himself as he looked at his now crimson coated hand.
The coughs slowed down but he started worrying why you weren’t shivering. He was shaking uncontrollably. You were still. 
“Here’s what I need you to do- take the horse and bring all our stuff down here. We have to get her warm.”
Ellie was silent. Frozen in fear staring at the blood.
“Ellie…Ellie?!” He said loudly, snapping her out of it, “You hear me?”
“I- I’m on it.” She jumped on the horse and galloped away. 
He pulled you so that you were propped up against a tree–he didn't want you to drown in the water you were clearing from your body. He brushed some hair out of your face with his numb fingers–he couldn't even feel the soft strands. Then he started to gather sticks for a fire. 
You were in and out of consciousness. You mumbled a few times but never made much sense. 
Ellie returned and helped Joel finish building the fire, it needed to be big. He kept repeating that to her.
They set up the tent. Facing it towards the fire so that the heat wafted and was captured underneath. Then he put all the sleeping bags and any fabric they packed inside. By this time Joel was shaking so bad he could barely pick up anything- now all of his appendages were numb. His tremors were now so severe that his speech was broken.
“I’m gonna ge-get all of these wet clothes–off of her, and get her in-inside.”
She nodded, liking the plan so far.
“Listen- I don’t know how to say this a-any other way, but we are going t-to be naked.”
She looked a little put off and confused.
“It’s just for bo-body heat, nothin’ weird.”
“Nothing, weird?”
“You-you know what, I- I mean,” he clenched his fists trying to demand that his body stop shaking.
“Ok so what do you want me to do?”
“I want you…to ta-take the rifle, and be on lo-look out…she has to ge-get warm–”
“Joel…I’ve got this. Just…take care of her..please.” 
He nodded in an understanding agreement, if he takes care of you then everything else will be ok.
She picked up the gun and mentally started outlining a perimeter to pace.
He pulled you over to the fire and began to undress you. His hands fumbled with the buttons and he winced when he finally noticed that you were missing a boot. He removed your shirt and jacket, leaving your top half bare. His eyes traced the many forming bruises–nothing near as bad as the last time. Then his hands touched your belt buckle. Visions from mere hours ago when he was unfastening it for a completely different reason flashed before him. 
Tears returned and he started sniffing loudly, ‘gah’ he helplessly croaked out as he removed the remaining clothing. Nothing more to note, just more of the same–discolored bruising and small scrapes. 
The bleeding on the back of your head was slowing down, though he still wrapped the injury with gauze. The bandage wrapped around and covered the top of your forehead. 
He laid you gently on top of a sleeping bag–the tent had a floor but he was trying his best to keep you from the cold ground. Then he put all the other sleeping bags, blankets, and even clothes on top of you. He took off his wet boxers and threw them out of the tent and snuggled as close to you as he could possibly get.
Your skin felt like ice. He hissed at the first contact but without hesitation pulled you to him even tighter. He was truly enveloping your form- legs were entangled, his broad chest and strong arms cocooned around you securely, even his neck and head curled into you. His hands rubbed up and down your back trying to create a warming friction–but you still weren't shivering…you should be shivering.
He didn't know what else to do, and maybe he'd done all that he could do, but that was hard for a man like Joel to accept. 
He was warming up quickly, and as he regained some sense of touch, he started to feel your skin beneath his fingertips. You were so very soft, much too soft for hands like these he thought to himself. 
Out of nowhere he started talking. He didn't know where it came from, he just opened his mouth and words began pouring out. He wasn't even aware of what he was saying until he heard Sarah's name.
He was telling you about his daughter he then realized. 
You had only asked about her twice. Once at the beginning of your relationship when you found out about her for the first time–which led to him wrongly ignoring you for a whole week. And the second was when he screamed her name in a nightmare–he told you to never mention her again, and went for a walk that lasted a whole day. He didn't know why you put up with him.
Last time you were hurt, when he was so scared he was gonna lose you, he told you how she died. And even then, even after he had opened up and said her name for the first time in years, even knowing that he could trust you- that he loved you, he couldn't bring himself to talk about her…that was for some reason until this moment.
He told you about how smart she was, about how kind and funny, and caring. How she loved to make a big deal on his birthday and always found a way to surprise him with incredibly thoughtful gifts. That she loved to cook and take care of him, because she said he deserved to be taken care of. 
And as he was telling you all of the wonderful things about his daughter it made him realize that she would have absolutely loved you. The two of you had a lot in common and would have probably harassed him into taking care of himself. His chest felt unbearably tight, he had hurt the both of you by not talking about her–by not talking about her he hadn’t let her memory live on, and by not telling you he had unintentionally kept a huge part of his heart hidden.
Suddenly he felt you. If he weren’t melded to you so tightly he probably wouldn’t have, but he did. You were starting to tremble.
“That's it baby. Warm up for me.”
He kept rubbing your back. He could feel a thin layer of sweat collect between you, it was from him he was certain. He'd gone from cold to warm to quite hot. The fire had heated up the small space in no time at all. 
Before long chills started to shake your body and he could hear your teeth chattering. He felt you nuzzle closer to his chest.
“S’ cold.”
“You'll be warm in a minute.”
“Wha time is…?” your words were slurred.
“Late. We should probably wake up.” he really hoped that you would wake up, or at least seem more alert.
And then you lost consciousness or fell back asleep one, or maybe both.
An hour or so passed and you were coming down from the worst of your chills. Your teeth were no longer clicking and your skin felt much warmer to the touch.
He felt your head shift to look up.
“Hey,” he smiled, warmly down at you.
“Hi,” you turned your head and took in your surroundings. Saying you were confused was an understatement. “Where are we?”
“You don't remember?” his brows creased and his smile drained from his face.
“I- I remember…ELLIE!” you sat up quickly, he did too.
“It’s ok, she's ok. I promise.” he pulled you into a hug and as your bare breasts brushed against his arm hair you noticed for the first time that you were naked–you both were.
“Joel, what the hell happened?” you asked into the crease of his neck.
He explained everything, and you were slowly able to fill all of the missing holes of your memory–the fall, the battle in the water, the rock that took you out.
“You saved me again,” tears fell from your eyes.
“Sweetheart I’ll save you everyday if you'll let me,” he wiped them away with his thumb, you heard the gauze rustle.
“Wha?” you reached up and felt the bandage seeming to cover your head. 
“It’s not as bad as it looks,” he chuckled, “Just a little thing. I might have been…excessive.”
You laughed and the strain of it made you notice the pain in your chest. You placed your hand over your heart and looked at him, obviously confused.
“Yeah…that might hurt for a bit,” he winced. “You- you weren't breathing when I got you out of the water–”
“You had to do CPR!?”
“I did.” he swallowed thickly and looked away.
“Oh, Joel… thank you.” you moved your leg over his lap and straddled him, you grimaced, your body was more battered than you thought. He openly began to weep, sobs wrecked through his body. You rested his head to your chest, and rubbed the back of his head until his breaths calmed and his shaking stopped.
“Ya know, this would be really hot in other circumstances.” you weren't in the mood, not even close. You felt like you had been run over by a truck, you were just trying to lighten the mood. “In a tent, naked with you.”
He chuckled, you felt him smile against you. He turned and kissed your soft supple skin. “I’m so glad you're ok…when you fell, just you can't do that shit.”
You leaned away from him, “What? Save Ellie?”
“Can't just…react. I could have tied something together—”
“If she would have fallen into the water, I would have never forgiven you. You know that right?”
He shook his head, “I never would have forgiven myself but- but darlin’…jesus.”
“I don't want to fight. Not about this and not right now, my head is killing me, but know this Joel Miller- if either one of you ever need saving, and I can, I will.” You grabbed a dry shirt and pulled on over your head. “It isn't something up for discussion, and I won't be talked out of it. You jumped in the water to save me- that was dangerous, we sometimes do dangerous things for the ones we love.” He looked like a kicked puppy but you continued, “If I don’t act, if I sit back and think about it- took time to come up with a plan, and then lost you anyway…then what–then what would be the point?”
You put your hand behind his head and pulled him closer again, whispering against his face, “I know you'd do the same so don't play all high and mighty with me, you will always lose that battle,” you placed a kiss on his lips.
He returned the kiss eagerly. Your lips were chapped but they had never tasted better to him. He pulled you both up so that you were both kneeling, and he pressed your body into his. He wished you hadn't put on the shirt, despite all of the previous contact he still felt like he needed to feel you.
“Joel…” you reluctantly warned into his mouth.
“I know…I know–but god I just want to feel you right now.”
You hummed in agreement and stayed for another minute or two, and then slowly backed out of his embrace. He smoothed back his hair and looked around for his extra clothes. You threw his boxers at his face, he laughed and grabbed you back to him- suddenly catching you off balance and the jerking motion hurt your head.
You hissed and massaged your temple.
“Shit I’m sorry.”
“It's fine..I think I need to lie down.”
“You ok?”
“Yeah, just need a minute.”
“You rest,” he tucked you in and kissed your forehead, “I’m gonna tell Ellie that you're doin’ better.”
“Kay,” you closed your suddenly very tired eyes.
Come morning it was snowing. It was a pleasant snow, the kind that was peaceful to watch with large flakes that floated down to the earth. You had slept straight through the night. Joel and Ellie took turns, taking watch and staying by you. You woke with a ravenous appetite, and ate enough for three meals. Neither of them said a word, in a humorous delight- they just watched you scarf down the food.
They both insisted that you rode the horse on your journey home. You didn't want to, but you would admit that your equilibrium was still somewhat off, and your body was very sore. So you relented and did as they asked.
When you returned to Jackson, the doctor examined you and said that you had a mild concussion and were still experiencing the symptoms from hypothermia, but were otherwise fine. You'd just have to take it easy for a week or two.
A week later you were working back in the armory, this time though you had no complaints. 
When you came home, you opened the door and was immediately hit with a delicious aroma, “Joel? Ellie?” you called out a little suspicious. You tended to be this family's chef. 
“In the dining room,” Joel responded.
You could hear the two of them whispering hurriedly, and you heard silverware clanking around. When you entered the room your jaw dropped. 
They were both dressed up. Joel with a nice dark blue buttoned up shirt that you'd never seen- the sleeves neatly rolled up, dark pants, and his hair looked styled with…what was that gel? Ellie was wearing a white buttoned up shirt, and she had her hair down with one small braid off to the side (you had taught her how to braid her horse's mane and she was getting proud of her skills). 
The ambiance was almost romantic, dim with nothing but candles lighting up the room. The table was set like they were expecting royalty and they had a bottle of wine in front of where you usually sat.
Joel moved to your chair and held it out for you, “Your chair Madame.”
“What is this?” you hoped you didn't look as shocked as you felt. You did.
“I made you dinner.” Ellie said proudly, “So sit.”
She left abruptly to retrieve the food.
You chuckled and sat. Joel pushed you in like a gentleman and then placed your napkin in your lap. “Wine Madame?” He was trying to do a french accent but it oddly just sounded somehow even more texan.
You giggled, “Oui Monsieur.”
He laughed, “Am I not garcon?
“A little boy?”
He looked flustered, “Oh…I reckon I don't know much French.” He filled your glass almost to the brim. He looked nervous.
You giggled again, “I don't either.”
Ellie walked in with a massive pot. It was a stew loaded with meat and potatoes. Then she went back to the kitchen and brought out some bread rolls that she learned to make from a sweet old lady. 
“Ellie…what is this about?”
“I just– I just wanted to do something special for you. Joel said that you mentioned doing this before and I thought it might be something nice for you. I just…you fucking saved me.”
“No, I know. It still just sucks. How do you thank someone for saving your life ya know?”
“Easy.” you smiled lovingly at her.
She tilted her head in curiosity. 
“You live yours baby.”
She moved to you quickly, and sat in your lap.You held her tightly, and she pressed into the nook of your neck.
Joel shuffled and stealthily wiped his eyes.
She sat up and looked at you, her eyes were red, “I don't really want to cry any more.”
“Then hop up, and let's eat.”
She hugged you again and then stood.
“Tell me about what you made me.”
She smiled and told you about everything in great detail.
Dinner was immaculate, that sounds over the top but it truly was. Once you had all cleaned your plates she returned to the kitchen and brought out a pie. A pie!!! You don't want to admit it, really you don't, but you ate half of it.
You were so proud of her and kept flooding her with compliments. 
When everyone finished, you tried to help clean but they shooed you away. Joel grabbed your plate from you and whispered in your ear, “Go take a shower, I'll be up in a minute,” and gave you a rather passionate kiss.
You ran upstairs and took a very quick shower, your body was throbbing with anticipation. But alas, with belly full wine, pie, bread, and stew- after your warm relaxing shower- laying on your comfy bed that smelled of Joel's masculine scent- with a content mind and body, you fell asleep in record time.
When he entered the bedroom he saw you splayed out on top of the bed. “Sweetheart?” he asked softly- when he heard you deep breaths he immediately knew that you were asleep. It was hard to be disappointed when you looked so beautiful. He softly caressed your cheek, almost in awe of how incredibly lucky he was. He managed to gently maneuver you so that you were under the covers. He tucked you in and kissed the tip of your nose.
Then he unbuttoned his shirt, opened the dresser, and hid the ring back inside.
if I forgot to tag you I am so sorry: @givemeth , @farintonorth
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ifindus · 4 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
Thanks, Rae!! 🥰 I rarely write fics now, but it was fun to look back on what I've manage to produce in the last 10 years 😅 the quality I fear varies greatly
The Sky Pirates Ship: FrUK Words: 61 802 Published: 13. May 2018 Summary: Francis finds himself a prisoner of a group of sky pirates. He's forced to join their adventures and the people he meets along the way change how he looks at the world. It requires teamwork to get out of it alive, but Francis manages to make a mistake that will cost him dearly.
Change Ship: SuNor (unfortunately not very shippy tbh) Words: 2 515 Published: 23. December 2023 Summary: Norway is not happy with being traded around like a piece of property and he is certainly not happy with his new "boss" ; Sweden. Over the years, his opinion does not change, but their personal relationship just might.
All you have to do is ask Ship: ScotNor Words: 3 468 Published: 30. December 2022 Summary: Sigurd keeps inviting all his friends to a café just befoe the holidays. Why has he become so sociable all of a sudden? Must be the excellent coffee and nothing to do with the handsome barista.
What Love? Ship: FrUK Words: 32 296 Published: 25. July 2016 Summary: France and England have had a thing going on for quite a while, but never talked to each other about it. However, their thoughts keep nagging them and somehow they end up as neither of them could have foreseen.
Love Burns Ship: ScotNor Words: 2 649 Published: 15. October 2020 Summary: The second world war has begun and Norway had to flee his country with the Royal family. While they now are safe in England, he has taken the trip up to stay with Scotland as there is little he can do in London. Still, he longs to be back with his own people.
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halscafe · 1 year
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POV: your alpha werewolf fiancé attends your university graduation
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wandaslamb · 4 months
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walks into your room then explodes
well erm i wanted to say hi 🧍‍♀️can you like de-explode or sumthin i dunno :(((
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heatwa-ves · 8 months
its ok.... i get u an i hope u will bebetter soon
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thank youu ily <333
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osamusriceballs · 1 year
Squeeeeeeeeeze!!! You've been given a hug! Send this to all the people who deserve a hug. See how many you get back 😊 Now let the hugging begin! 💜
RAE 💖💖💖✨✨
*hugs you back* 🥰🥰
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queer-crusader · 9 months
FMK (ignoring any sexuality, this is for fun!) flint, vane, silver (i considered mr gates instead of vane but he's too lovely, you get 3 rat bastards 😂❤️)
Okay OKAY. Yeah Gates would be an automatic marry I love that man with all my heart but you've upped the difficulty level and I LOVE that. Okay hmm. Uhh. Damn. Okay I think sex with Vane might be better? But maybe that's just bc the only sex we see Flint have is Super Sad and Dissociative and the only sex we see Vane have is all Hot Steamy Passion. So fuck Vane? Bc u KNOW that man will Eat Out, he's SUCH a soft little meow meow for women. Flint is probably HORRIBLE to be married to half the time considering the whole "I know best, I am your king, I'm gaslighting you and following my own agenda" but he also knows how to cook and loves a good book so absolutely tolerable the other half of the time. And Silver... Sorry buddy ur a chronic liar with emotional issues a mile wide ur a rat bastard who would be worse as a partner and fuck knows what ur like in bed so like. Goodbye
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yakdee · 9 months
Rae! Wait also do you mind giffing where Phaya stops Tharn’s hand from touching is 🍆
Please 🥺❤️ I don’t wanna be greedy
Here you go~ you're not being greedy at all ❤️
This was also a great request because I didn't notice Phaya's face during my live watch—too focused on the hands lol He was no doubt enjoying Tharn's roaming hands, but he quickly stops them and himself because he wants Tharn to be a conscious participant. He sort of did the same thing in the bathroom at the bar where he let Tharn take the lead during their almost-kiss (ep. 2). In conclusion, Phaya is a walking green flag.
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we-survive-endlessly · 3 months
Tagged by @groovychimera to do this Picrew!
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Tagging: @toxicrevolver @smushedmuffin @labradorite-princess @a-moth-to-the-light @nayeonline
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