#raditz is dead inside
sielulintuu · 1 year
When Nappa makes the mistake of letting Zarbon babysit his children.
Just some quick, sloppy silliness.
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cuddlesomeone · 1 month
so y’all voted and overall said you would be interested in seeing some unfinished fanfic scraps
here is a raditz/red ribbon army reader idea
The Saiyan isn’t exactly grateful that you brought him back to life. When he awakens, it’s with a full-body thrash and a jolt of energy that shuts half of the devices in your laboratory down. Metal energy-dampening cuffs on his extremities creak with the pressure of restraining him.
You doubt Dr. Gero would approve of fighting fire with fire in exactly this way. No, you're sure he would hate it. The intel your surveillance drones picked up from this creature's conversation with Son Goku is that he is a direct relation. His older brother.
But Dr. Gero is long dead, along with many of his creations.
The Saiyan cranes his head to look at the center of his chest, which now houses a fair bit of metal. “What did you do to me?”
You consider the question for a few moments before finally answering, “I fixed you.”
Many years ago, you salvaged his remains after his fatal encounter with Goku and Piccolo. You hid them away, jammed at the back of a freezer full of potential biomatter for androids. That is until recently.
His innards—what was left of them outside of the massive hole—were remarkable. Unprecedented. His digestive system alone was massive, never mind his lung capacity. It’s a wonder that all of his organs fit inside of him.
“I didn’t come to this miserable planet to be a science project,” he snarls.
You keep one eye on him as you take down some notes on his current condition. “Oh? Did you come here to die?”
A muscle in his cheek spasms.
You lean towards the heart monitor to be sure you have an accurate reading. "You were dead when I found you. That magnificent body rotting in the middle of a field." 
"I didn't need your help."
He regales you with a tale about the Dragon Balls and how his companions would have used them to revive him.
"Hm," you say, unimpressed by the prospect of magic when you have science at your disposal. "You sound awfully sure of that."
"Why wouldn't I be?" He scoffs, though you hear a trace of doubt in his voice. 
You show him the surveillance gathered by Dr. Gero of Goku and his friends. He has what looks like a cross between a fit of rage and a panic attack when he sees how strong his little brother has become, never mind everything Vegeta has been up to.
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carnal-lnstinct · 2 years
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To Fly Apart, To Reunite
☆☆ Pairing: Raditz x Female Human Reader ☆☆ Content: au. redeemed and adventure-seeking!raditz and career-driven, former z warrior!reader. fluff. little angst. mutual love / pining. established romantic history. friendly teasing. light hurt / comfort. mostly dialogue. reader able to sense ki and fly. referenced dead frieza ☆☆ Insp: choosing career/individual journey over a relationship ☆☆ A/N: That trope jumped out at me and apparently it was for Raditz ♥ Raditz embraces his freedom as a saiyan while his love walks a separate path.
Yajirobe came through just in time. All the supplies were restocked and his minor patches to the structure had been fixed by the good Doctor Brief. Almost everything was ready to go. Raditz tied the small sack of senzu beans to his belt and started to board his ship to depart again.
"Leaving so soon?" Hits his ears before he could duck his head to climb inside his upgraded pod, a gentle, knowing smile growing on his face before he turned around to see you. Trimmed to the teeth in your professional attire and lightly huffing- did you run here for him? You must have masked your energy to try to surprise him, he thought.
"Yeah." Raditz answered, moving to walk back down the ladder towards you as he placed his hands on his hips. "Finally come to see me off for a change. Guess you decided to take me up on my offer?" He quipped. A hint of a conversation that felt distant from the time between then and now, he could make light of it and it made you smile bigger. You pursed your lips with a soft laugh, tilting your head to look at the spaceship behind him.
You shook your head, "Why, so you can finally crash this old thing with your bad karma while I'm in it? No thanks." You teased in return, the heel of your shoes clinking the pavement as you adjust your stance. You preferred your feet on the ground these days, even as uncomfortable as wearing these shoes after a few hours could get. But that is your life now. "I actually just got off work. Just making sure you're not trying to run out without attempting to say goodbye again."
Raditz gave a subtle, guilty shrug and turned his gaze elsewhere. "Guess that explains your outfit. I thought you had a different uniform or something."
"I got prompted a while ago!" You proudly announced. "Now I gotta wear this boring thing, but they're payin' me well for it." Laughing as you gave a little curtsey.
"Moving up in the ranks. That's good- That's what you wanted, right?" He congratulates you, then mocked how the outfit looks nothing like something you would have worn before. "It looks nice on you."
He didn't overlook your other comment though. Raditz didn't purposely drop back into Earth just to avoid you. It could be assumed from the last few times you both spoke, or attempted to after your agreed separation, that there was no true reason to seek each other out anymore. It was all too complicated and you were both too busy with yourselves for a long time to clean up the ugly bits of it. Perhaps the latter was on purpose. Raditz sought to venture into the stars for his own reasons, liberated from the dead weight he was forced to honor and do his own thing for a change. He wanted to see what the universe had to offer him and he had you to share in the glory of it. Eager to explore his new purpose for life with you. And you didn't. You couldn't.
The Earth is all you have ever known and everything you ever wanted, you found it here. You were fulfilled in every aspect of life you could imagine without leaving this planet. Your family is here, all of your adventures with Goku and the others were here, dangers overcoming you and conquered here, and love... it came from far away and found you here. You have responsibilities that need you now- No more or less than your love for Raditz. He's not an earthling so maybe it all came as trivial little things you refused to let go of. But he understood your sense of duty to remain where you are as you understood his desire to be more than what he is. It is your love and understanding that would not allow either of you to hold the other back.
Forcing this notion that it was now set in stone and could not be changed. Leaning into your choices to suppress the hurt, swallowing your pride, and allowing what will be.
In the end, you both got what you wanted.
"I know where to find you if a goodbye is all you wanted." Raditz spoke up to break the small silence and looked down at you as you wandered around to the side of the ship. "You said it yourself, you're not going anywhere."
"Actually, I am." You addressed casually. You look over to the surprised look on his face and explained further. "-Moving, is all! I'm moving. I found a place closer to work so I'll be moving there soon." Without thought, Raditz moved off the ladder and walked up to you ready to offer his services.
"By yourself? Who's helping you move all your stuff?"
"I got a guy."
"-A guy?!" He shouted and took a handful of his hair looking more worried at you for more answers. You could see every question he wanted to ask in his face and it made you snort. In a way, reassuring..
"You're worrying about the wrong stuff, Raditz. It's a professional moving company- A recommendation, even. I would never..." You caught your words and cleared your throat, pursing your lips again before nervously laughing it off. "Um, I'm just-... Not familiar with the people coming, but I trust Krillin's word."
Ah, then he has embarrassed himself. You catch the tinge of color in his face before he rights his posture and turns away to hide it. "R-Right, of course! That's good then!"
"Thank you." You giggled. It fell silent again and you figured you best not cling to avoid saying anything embarrassing yourself. "Well, I won't keep you. It was good to see you again, Raditz."
"-Wait." Raditz spun around, halting you in your steps. He reaches into the lining of his chestplate and pulls out a string, you immediately recognize it as a broken hair tie. Your brow furrows and you sigh.
"Another one? Seriously?"
"It wasn't my fault this time, it snapped in battle." He pointed out, watching as you swung your purse out in front of you and dug inside it. You wrap a ribbon around your finger and motion for him to follow you, walking up the inclined ladder of the space pod just enough that you could stand higher than he did. Raditz turned his back to you and started to gather up his hair. Once his larger hands held it all in place, you stretched the ribbon around, knotting it once and wrapping it again until you could secure the ends under. You smoothed his hair back with your hands and added a hair tie to held hold his ponytail in place.
"Here's an extra one, don't lose it." You dug out another one and reached over his shoulder for his hand to take it. Impossible for his larger fingers to not stroke yours as he did and they are still as rough as you remembered. You can only imagine what kind of trouble they find out there. Raditz's touch finds you again, resting on top of your other hand and surprising you when you realized it lingered on his shoulder a moment too long. Softly breathing, you pull away and move to sit on the ladder.
"Don't-... Try to keep out of situations you can't handle out there." You fiddled with your fingers in your lap, staring down. "If the Frieza Force really is still the problem you say they are, I know you can handle it. But ya know...Super Saiyan or not, don't get-"
"Now who's worrying." He interrupted you with a teasing grin. He won't pretend to know how you know what he's doing off-world, but he's sure the nosiest of Brief scientists has something to do with it.
"I mean it." You pushed, clutching your hands in your lap and looking up at the long ponytail before you. "I do worry, still. If anything was to happen to you... I don't know... If I can handle it, you know? You're out there all alone while we're all here on Earth. By the time we can do anything about it-" Raditz turns around to you as you wiped your face and sighed deeply. "We don't know what else is out there."
"Hm...Well then, that's enough for me." He turns his gaze up to the changing scenery, the deep orange sky shifting to shades of purple and blue. Earth, too, just as peaceful as he remembers it. "It's where I want to be. More like where I'm needed right now, really." Raditz turns back to you, tail swaying calmly behind him as he places his hand on your shoulder and leans over closer. "Just because Frieza's dead doesn't mean his influence and the scum still loyal to him are not a big deal. Someone's gotta clean them up. If anything out there is worse than that, then I'll have the tactical advantage over it on its own turf." He reassured, tilting your head up to look at him.
There was more than enough standing forces on Earth to deal with anything that slips by, including Kakarot and Vegeta, so he could handle the rest. The known threat to the universe.
"Wait a minute- are you thinking little of me again? I'll have you know my power has exceeded beating the crap out of Frieza's pathetic leftover minions." Raditz playfully jeered you, flexing his other arm to show off for you. You couldn't help but laugh, reaching to hold the bulging muscle in both your hands.
"I can tell." You agreed. Jealous that saiyans could do the bare minimum and maintain such a marvelous physique, but even improve little by little from it too. Something out there is keeping him in shape. To tease further, you poked a finger into the side of his armor. "You even look a little chubbier since I last saw you. My little Raditz is still growing. I'd up the gravity in there if I were you."
"Hey!" Flashing his temper as he swatted your hand away, making you burst out laughing harder.
"Kidding! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" You pleaded through your unflattering laughter trying to calm yourself. Leaning against him as you did so. "It's just... you've really grown. I'm proud of you, Raditz. Proud that we seem to be right where we want to be. We're alright."
"Yeah...we are." He smiles, taking hold of your hand. That grip made you want to spill your whole heart, but you clutched it all inside tight. Something in his lingering gaze set your nerves at ease. And yet, you are tempted to live in the comfort of the past again. 'I miss you', you wanted to say, 'I want to take it back'. You wanted to feel his lips without asking just like before.
Instead, you pull yourself away and slide off the side of the ladder onto your feet. "Well, I've embarrassed myself for the day. I better let you go. I do have to get ready for work tomorrow." You quickly step away from the ship, just enough to not be completely in the way when it takes off.
Raditz, clutching his empty hands, floats back up to the ladder and returns to the threshold of the ship. He looks back over his shoulder toward you. "You know I'll be back when it's all over!" He shouts.
"I know!" You called back, smiling warmly. "I'll be waiting! We will be seeing each other again soon." You waved him off. "Kick some ass in the meantime."
Raditz smiles over his shoulder and ducks into his pod. "You too."
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jezaguti · 2 years
Raditz es ese tipo de persona que adoras, pero que al mismo tiempo quieres golpear porque se vuelve burlón cuando menos debería. Cómo por ejemplo, cuando quieres golpear a alguien en la cara por imbécil.
También tengo el headcanon de que si estuviera vivo les hablaría a Gohan, Goten y Pan por nombres saiyajin de su elección. A Gokú no, porque Gokú ya se llama Kakarotto.
Pero en la imagen no está vivo, en realidad está muerto y es cómo... ¿Un guía espiritual? ¿Guardián espiritual? De la hija de su sobrino mayor (léase Pan). Hacía mejor su trabajo cuando Pan era pequeña, allí solo tenía que jugar con ella para distraerla.
Raditz is the kind of guy that you love, but at the same time you want to beat up because he gets teasing when he shouldn't. Like for example, when you want to hit someone in the face for being an idiot.
I also have the headcanon that if he were alive he would speak to Gohan, Goten and Pan by Saiyan names of his choosing. Not Goku, because Goku is already called Kakarot.
But in the image he is not alive, in reality he is dead and he is like... A spirit guide? Spirit guardian? From the daughter of his eldest nephew (read Pan). He did his job better when Pan was younger, there he only had to play with her to distract her.
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Raditz: It angers you! you're furious! Ha! I knew you would inherit his wrath! After all the fruit fell near the tree!
Pan: Uncle Raditz, please keep quiet.
Raditz: Why should I, little Lettuze? I have said nothing but the truth. A Saiyan's wrath is a means to be exploited in battle. Keep yours, deep inside as Bardock (Gohan) always has... And you will see then, that the fruit will be sweet.
Pan: I know, you've always told me, and I keep it in mind, but if you keep giving me ideas with cryptic words; I'll end up covered in blood. A disgrace. Uncle Raditz, we would have to spend a lot of money to cover that up, you know.
La misma imagen, pero sin diálogos.
The same image, but without dialogues.
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Gohan tiene problemas controlando su ira, eso es cuando está explota, porque en general, él suele ser muy calmado y un ángel de Cristo; pero todos lo hemos conocido enojado en DBZ y un poco en DBS:SH, así que quiero hacer un poco de cuenta que aunque Pan está siendo criada de una manera en la que ella tenga un buen control de sí misma (quién mejor para enseñarte de eso que Piccolo, quien se ha mostrado como su maestro en artes marciales), a veces el enojo le gana. Y a Raditz le encanta ver el mundo arder entonces... pasan cosas, cosas desafortunadas.
Gohan has problems controlling his anger, that's when it explodes, because in general, he is usually very calm and an angel of Christ; but we've all known him angry in DBZ and a little bit in DBS:SH, so I want to do some realizing that even though Pan is being raised in a way that she has good control of herself (who better to teach you about that Piccolo, who has been shown as her teacher in martial arts), sometimes anger wins her. And Raditz loves to watch the world burn so... things happen, unfortunate things.
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jojo-chan · 8 months
A/N: PLEASE DON'T COME AT ME FOR NOT POSTING IN SO LONG EVERYONE,SORRY! I'm Sorry if it's short but I need to keep the suspence for the next part! Anyway, here's the part three! Stay tuned for part four!<33
"Partners in crime" pt.3
TW: Homicide
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"So, are you staying here tonight Makoto?" Asked Bulma, the girl sighed "Sorry but no... I have something to do." That intrigued Raditz "What did she have to do?" He thought, this was getting intriguing now. The blue haired woman gave her a smile "Don't worry,just be safe alright?" The younger girl nodded and walked towards the living room. The Sayan man stood there, thinking, "I have to find out... I'll follow her tonight,maybe she's taking my advice seriously?" He then walked into the kitchen,looking for his brother.
The moon was shining high in the sky, as the girl looked around "Gloves, knife,luminol, blacklight and hydrogen peroxide, I got everything..." She thought to herself as she zipped up her onesie and put all her things in a backpack, securing it behind her back as she wore the gloves,so she'd be sure not to leave fingerprints. She then got out her room and took her bike, riding towards her ex's place, it was time to take Raditz's advice seriously.
The guy was sleeping in his bed,the window open, what a mistake that was... For him, but for Makoto it was a relief, she easly climbed the building up to his window, since it was on the first floor, and looked at him... So innocent... So clueless... Makoto's thoughts were travelling at two hundred miles per hour, was she really there? Was she really doing this? She had everything she needed... Everything Raditz told her she needed, she could easily do this whitout getting caught, she'd burn the body with the onesie, the gloves and the blood covered sheets... No one would catch her right?
She got the knife out of her backpack and looked at him, running the blade on his chest, slow and steady... She watched the way his chest rised and went back down as he breathed... For a second, Makoto leaned down and listened to his heartbeat,the heartbeat she once loved to hear,but now... Now she just wanted it to stop. As she reached his heart with the blade,she whispered "Just as you broke my heart... I'll break yours..." she pushed. The blade gliding inside his chest,blood spilling from it, she didn't wanna stop there,but she needed him to stay quiet so no one would be alerted. Then she took the knife out, keeping it in would've helped him stay alive,and she didn't want that didn't she? She smirked at him as he looked at her while bleeding to death.
His eyes were wide, he couldn't believe she had done such a thing, he looked at her,before his eyes turned completely white, signaling he was dead. She smiled at this, she walked inside towards the kitchen, and washed the knife with water, then spayed some luminol and shone a blacklight on it, seeing the bloodstains shining because of the chemical reaction. So she cleaned it with some hydrogen peroxide and shone the blacklight again, nothing.
After that, she took the dead body and went down into the basement. "Hmm... How could I get rid of it? Pigs would eat everything besides the teeth but where do I find pigs?" She thought, then, left the body in the basement and went back into his bedroom, taking the blood covered sheets and putting them in her backpack. As she did, she sighed "Maybe I'll just bury it? No, they'd find it... What do I do?..." As she thought out loud, a voice from behind her spoke smugly "Throw it in acid and there will be nothing left." Makoto turned around, her eyes wide while Raditz laid on the side of the window with the most casual and relaxed look ever.
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nella09archive · 1 year
Marriage. 84
Chapter 84: Fathers
As I got up, I was careful on not waking Goten. Since that night, all he wanted was to be near me. Even Gohan didn’t leave my side for every long. On top of that, my boys took every chance they had to spend time with me. It felt so great to share moments with them. Being with my boys was a great joy. But something did bug me, then again, I shouldn’t put mind to it. It’s rare for sayian men to even care about their children. Even more, if they’re caring for them past their fighting powers. Those words that my mother said felt off to me. Even calling her that word felt weird. On top of that, meeting my so-called father felt weird.
The man looked ever intimidating; even making Raditz seem like nothing. After that visit with King Kai, I went back on my own. I had more questions, and I didn’t know where to go. For once, in a long time, I was completely lost. When I came to that place again, I felt small. I don’t know what happened, but everything seemed bigger. Even I felt like my tail was back, and to my surprise it was. When I knocked on that, larger than I remembered, door he answered. For once in my life I looked down as if I was afraid. Then I felt my hair being ruffled, and somehow it made me feel ok. I was let inside, and there stood that female, and the kid version of Raditz. Welcome home, Kakarot. Hearing that made me feel peaceful. For what felt like forever I was in a peaceful state, forgotten was my pain and worries. Then King Kai found me, and I retuned to my normal self. He said I shouldn’t have done that.
Now that I’m alive, and see my boys. It makes me wonder; do I give them that type of peace? Do I intimidate them? I know I do everything I can to make them happy. I also know Chichi does everything she can. But was I experiencing what me and Chichi make our boys feel? I hope so. “Since it’s the last day of our trip, who wants to do a quick lap around the earth?” Everyone rose their hands. We all got ready, and were off.
After lunch is when we started to head back, and Vegeta commented that our females were with my harpy. I told the boys to fly ahead, as I spoke with Vegeta. “What do you want, Kakarot?”
“I’m sorry.” Why? “Just am. Would you still be interested in another camping trip? Maybe with the girls too.” He raised an eyebrow. “Like a whole family thing.” He was now tapping his arm. “It does have to be night away, just before the boys summer vacation ends.”
“I’ll think about it. But why even our females?”
“It’s something I always did, before Raditz came along. I would do a camping trip with just Gohan, and then another as a family. And since, we’re almost like a family.” He pulled me by the collar. “Calm down. I didn’t mean family by blood.” He let me go. “It just feels like we’re family. Well, since…” I looked away from him. “Know what. Never mind. Just know, I hope you would join us on that camping trip.”
“Kakarot! Spill it!” I just shook my head and just flew home. There’s no way he’ll see it the way I do. There’s no point in trying to explain.
As we flew home, I started having this weird feeling. Like I was finally getting comfortable around my dad. I felt like I knew him a bit more. Even though I knew he was nice, and I knew I could trust him. But now I know for sure that I could. I don’t feel so left out anymore. I finally was able to talk to Trunks about dad stuff, and not feel weird about. Or him giving me a face, and telling me nevermind. Maybe now I could share with dad all those weird things I felt while he was dead.
Like how I didn’t understand why mom always kissed his picture. I didn’t understand why mom would start tearing when I did certain things. How Gohan went quiet whenever I did certain things. How surprised everyone was when I brought dad’s picture to join us at the table for our meals, after I learned about him. The weird smiles everyone got when something about him was done. Like the smile mom had when she helped me with my first gi. The fact that after I saw myself in the mirror, I thought I saw him next to mom smiling down at me. Or the time me and Gohan gave mom his top, and she hugged up and I felt an extra part of arms holding us. Also when I was all alone, and I couldn’t sleep, how I would hug his picture and somehow I felt better. Or the time when mom and big brother got really sad during a certain day, and I was left all alone, I would talk to his picture. I thought I was being silly, asking it why mommy and Gohan was so sad, and wishing I knew how to make them happy.
When we got home, mom was talking with aunty Bulma and Videl. When everyone else finally got to the house everyone was talking. Even Trunks joined in. Not that I was feeling left out, but I wanted to be left alone. I hope nobody noticed that I walked away to my room. When inside, I looked for the picture under my bed. The picture Gohan made a copy of, so I could stop talking the one in the living room. Somehow I wanted to cry. I got a dad now, my family is complete. But why do I somehow feel alone in my own feelings. Gohan says mom is over protective, and so was dad. But now something just changed. Mom is smiling a lot, even her eyes are smiling. I always thought we were happy family. Was we really? I don’t know when but I started to cry. I put the picture back, and left out my window. I want to be left alone.
I flew all the way to a nearby river. People always gave me a weird look. Sometimes it made me wonder why. The only ones who didn’t were Trunks and Marron. They’re my friends. They also didn’t know my dad. A stranger I been told all my life about finally shows up. I spend as much time as possible to get to know him and get use to him around. But some how, I don’t know what’s really going on. During this trip I did stuff with him and big brother and even my best friend and his dad. But somehow it felt off to me. Why do I feel uncertain? “Don’t, but same time nobody could blame you.” That’s when I finally looked up, and saw dad was sitting next to me. I just looked away. I could feel the tears starting to fall. “Is it ok if I ask you something?”
“Did anyone tell you you’re so like your mom?”
“No. Everyone says I’m like you.”
“How? I don’t got that smile, I’m nowhere near as energetic, and I’m not that smart.”
“Everyone says how I look just like you. How I’m always being silly, and making people laugh. Also, how I eat like you. But most of all, I look like you.”
“Whoever say those things aren’t seeing you. How could you be me when you’re you?” That’s when I finally looked back at him. He was just looking out into the water. “Do you want to know why I thought it was a good idea to stay away?” I said yes. “I thought that it would give you a chance to have a happy life. Even if it meant I wouldn’t be able to hold you, to see you grow, or to be there for you. I thought you, Gohan, and your mom will have the most peaceful happy life ever. With me in the way I would have hurt you. Guess I was more wrong, than I could have imagined.” He was looking away. “Everyone deserves to be happy, even if I wasn’t.”
“Why you say that? What makes you happy?” That’s when he faced me.
“Seeing everyone else happy. Knowing that I’m able to keep my family safe.” That’s when he looked surprised about something. “Oh!” He looked at me. “Do I seem intimidating or scary?” I shook my head. “I’m glad, because when I was dead, I finally got the chance to meet who my parents were. Meeting them was scary. I actually wanted to leave. Why should I care about people I never knew existed? But somehow, it made me want to know them more. So, I snuck away, and went to visit them. Somehow, I became a kid, and being with them felt nice. It made me question if that’s how Gohan felt when we were all happily together. Do you feel at peace when everyone is together?” I don’t know when but he was holding me. So, dad is like me. So, I told him all the weird stuff that I noticed. All the warm feelings I get when I thought he was there. I told him how now I finally feel like everything is complete. Even now, I have a warm feeling inside. It felt good sharing it with him, and also being in his arms also. When I was finished, I felt better, and gave him a hug. “Want me to carry you home?” I nodded.
As I finished cleaning up the living room, I had some guess. It was Bulma and Videl. They were saying how they wanted to know if the boys were back yet. I told them that they should be back soon, and if they wanted to stay till then. It felt nice chatting with them. I even got to know a little bit more about Videl. She’s such a wonderful young lady. Almost reminds me of me. Strong minded, knew what she wants in life, and can easily make someone pay if they wronged her. I found that to be funny. Now that I think about it, that’s something all three of us share. That’s interesting; kind of makes me wonder what a female sayian is like.
I was just about to wash the lunch dishes, when the boys finally came. Trunks ran to Bulma, while Vegeta stood to the side. Gohan told me hi, before Videl took his attention. So cute of them. But I had failed to notice a certain husband of mine, who had found his way behind me. “Did you boys have fun?”
“Yeah.” That’s when I noticed that Goten was on the couch watching. I wonder what’s wrong with him. He then got up and left to his room. I was about to go after him, when Goku said he will do it. I wonder what could be wrong with our baby. Once everyone had left, and Gohan and Videl were studying in his room, I was left on the couch wondering. I hope Goten is alright. I checked his room, and neither boys were there. On top of that, Goku isn’t answering me. I hope everything is all right. Just then they walked in through the front door. And in Goku’s arms was a sleeping Goten.
Goku sat next to me on the couch. “Is everything ok?” Goku continued rubbing Goten’s back. He’s alright now. Nothing to worry. “Can I hold him?” Goku shook his head, and looked sad. “Did you talk?” He nod. “Did it go well?” He nodded again. “Go to the room, and take a nap with him.” Take a nap with us. “Sure.” With that we went to our room, and took a nap. Well, they took a nap, while I watched them snore peacefully.
When me and Videl made it to my room, I went in search of our summer assignments. “Wait.”
“What’s up? Is something the matter, Videl?”
“Aren’t you going to tell me about your trip? What did you do? How was it like? I never been camping before. So, I’m curious.”
“Oh. Well, it was kind of a training camping trip.” I finally sat on the floor, and she got off the chair and joined me. “We did laps around the world, practice controlling our ki, and even sparring.”
“That can’t be everything. What else?”
“Ok, ok. You got me. But you can’t tell anyone at school.” She nod her head in agreement. I told her about how go through a similar training routine as dad. On top of that, we had to earn our means. “Like I mean you lose you don’t eat. You don’t hunt when it’s a free for all, you don’t eat. We couldn’t share our catches on those days. Luckily there was only two.” I told her I almost beat my dad’s speed when practicing our katas. “It was even funny how Goten knew some of dad’s new moves. Like I said, I was just a training camping trip. Nothing special.”
“I want to go on one.”
She punched my arm. “Why not? It actually sounds fun, and challenging.”
That’s when I finally thought about asking her, about the idea I had. I couldn’t look at her as I asked. “Would you like to go on a camping trip? Like, just you and me?” I couldn’t help fidget with my fingers as the room became awkwardly silent. I was ready to take my suggestion back, till she said yes. I finally looked at her, and her face was red. Plus, now she was fidgeting with her fingers.
“You really mean, just us? Nobody else?” I nod my head. She then hugged me. “Cool. And do we get to do all kind of stuff? And even maybe some stuff that you did on your training trip?” I said yes, and her hug became tighter. My face kept getting hotter, due to the fact at how her body was pressed to mine. And the way her scent tickled my nose. It took me a moment to hug her back, and when I did, I finally fell backwards. Not only was her body pressed onto me, now she was literally on top of me. This felt nice, and it took a lot out of me to not my move my hands anywhere. “Can we go next week? I want to buy camping gear, since I noticed you didn’t have. Is that ok?”
“Yeah.” Why did I sound out of breath? She then kissed me. I don’t know how, but I had her pinned under me, as I looked into her eyes. She looks so beautiful. I couldn’t help myself as I touched her cheek, before giving her a kiss. He lips are so nice and soft, it made it hard to part from them. When I did, all I could feel was my body burning up, and see Videl was blushing. She looks so beautiful. Makes me want to kiss her more. Before our lips touched, I bit my lips. This isn’t right, I shouldn’t be doing this. I pulled back, and next to her. “Are you ok?”
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imperfectercell · 3 years
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OH BOY PART 2 Alright, Lemme take it from the top!
Earth Centric AU is a DBZ AU where Raditz doesn't come to earth in search of Goku... for about 6 years. In the mean time, the Z-Fighters have no idea about space, saiyans, namekians, or Galactic Threats. They have to deal with troubles on their own end, like Piccolo perfecting the Makankosapo and killing Goku with it, sending 6 year old Gohan, Krillin, and Bulma on a search for the Dragon Balls in order to revive Goku, Pilaf getting his wish of World Domination and not being great at it, and Dr. Gero taking advantage of Royal Funding to create an Android Army.
As for Piccolo and Frieza specifically? Lemme explain more underneath the Read More! And also heres a lil doodle for u of Android Frieza <3
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Piccolo remains the Z-Fighters main threat in this AU (For now) and is able to kill Goku one day. Gohan exhibits his Saiyan Rage power, preventing Piccolo from kidnapping him and heavily damaging him. Over the course of the next year while they wait for the Dragon Balls to become active again, the two clash every so often, and Gohan begins training with Kami on the lookout.
Piccolo, as you can suspect, isn't exactly raving with excitement over what he's done. He feels Good that Goku is dead, but that shred of good inside of him feels guilty for having killed the man who let him live. And Kami can sense it inside of him too, and encourages Gohan to try and appeal to that sense of honor and kindness that exists within Piccolo. Things eventually come to a head, with Gohan and Piccolo having an incredible battle over the last Dragon Ball, and it coming to basically a stalemate. Goku is revived and ready to fight with these techniques he learned from King Kai, but Gohan asks him to not hurt Piccolo, and Piccolo flies away begrudingly and doesn't attack them again. Gohan was able to appeal to his Humanity (for lack of a better word) and, while he isn't quite their Ally yet, he doesn't want to kill Goku or Gohan, or rule the world anymore. Piccolo has had a taste of something else, and has turned his back on that old life.
WOW that was long! Time for Frieza!
Honestly Frieza doesn't have too much to do in this AU! But has some Very fun changes <3
Frieza hasn't had much going on until the Z-Fighters are heading to Namek in order to use their Dragon Balls after Piccolo is killed by Cell... Well, Cell V.1. Ask about him later <3 They are accompanied by Raditz, who along with the other Saiyans are beginning a plan to rebel against Frieza. They don't plan on taking them to Namek at first, but they accidentally let it spill over Scouter Comms to Frieza that Namek has Wish Granting balls. So it's a race to gather them. From there, the Namek Saga is largely the same on Friezas part, other than his defeat at the hands of Goku, Gohan, and Vegeta all together, all in Super Saiyan mode. he is blasted into one of Nameks Suns, and is later picked up by King Cold. They do the whole Mecha Frieza thing, but as they approach earth they are... Contacted by a certain Android Doctor.
Dr. Gero leaves on Friezas ship (With Android 16 and a Larval Cell V.2 in tow) and begins upgrading Friezas Mechanics to his own standard, and an Energy Absorption Model to boot. Frieza begins sapping the life out of his own soldiers and crew, and things get real fucking Creepy up in space for a while, as Gero realizes just how sadistic Frieza is. He is able to alter Android 16s programming to make Frieza another of his targets, and as a back up plan begins to change Cell V.2s perfection to be obtained by absorbing the Android Frieza. The attack on Earth begins, and Frieza is Ridiculously strong now (OH also it's Krillin and Lazulis wedding day (she and lapis are not androids here <3 smile)) He and the Z-Fighters fight, and Gero tries to activate the bomb he put into Frieza at the right moment to take out both him And Goku, but King Cold stops him and prepares to Kill Gero before 16 is activated and blasts away Cold and a good fourth of the entire ship.
He joins the battle, fighting both Goku and Frieza, and eventually Frieza is killed by his own technique and sent 2 Hell. Theres more to this story, but Friezas is over. For good! Due to his frankly completely creepy and terrifying actions at the end of his life of absorbing his soldiers life force, and King Cold letting it happen, in the future his own peons resurrect a Certain Older Brother of his <3 so Resurrection C!
THAT WAS REAL LONG Thanks so much for reading all that if you did!
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ahkaraii · 4 years
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"I'm sorry if it hurts Chi-Chi and Gohan, but please don't try and resurrect me. Besides, Gohan's a lot better person than I was..."
I think about this line a lot. It shows a lot of self awareness from Goku, y'know?
I have a lot of Goku feels, not all of them fandom-friendly. Twitter folks either bash him or defend him unto death, very black and white binary split-like, which makes it difficult to talk about in 140 characters or less. “Good” dad or “Bad” dad is subjective. But I think his actions -- and inactions -- had profound effects on his family and the world beyond, for good and for bad.
Lemme word vomit for a while and see if I can get something coherent out xD
I think he’s a fantastic shonen protagonist -- arguably the template!! -- and I love him as a character that steadfastly drives the story inexhaustibly forward, to stronger and stronger opponents, to ever more fantastic plotlines. But I personally Iike to take a magnifying glass to the small moments, the quiet moments; the breaths in between the panels. And in these moments, I think Goku is a fascinating chimera of a character: a patchwork man he stitched together through mimicry and good intentions and animal impulse.
He acts like a doofus and in many cases its genuine -- he practically self-raised himself in the wild after not just accidentally killing his grandpa, but also after suffering an actually plot-significant brain injury -- but he is no idiot. I think Goku knows he’s different and not just because he’s an alien with a regrowing tail.
Goku isn’t a normal human because he doesn’t connect like a normal human. He loves but it’s because he chooses to love. He’s loyal because he chooses to be loyal. It’s not sociopathy, but it is a kind of almost... autistic spectrum like inability? I hesitate to step on toes here, but I’m basically heavily projecting my own father -- who is himself a man with high functioning autism -- so that’s where I’m drawing my main inspiration.
Goku struggles immensely to understand people who are emotionally volatile. He defaults to humour and acting like he doesn’t get it just to defuse the situation, because otherwise it’s time to Fight and Goku never takes fights lightly, and that often doesn’t end well with squishy humans. He has a moral code but he doesn’t Regret like a normal person does upon causing injury, physical or emotional. He doesn’t empathize like an emotionally adept person can. He reads body language better than tone.
On the vein of being on the spectrum, or just surviving a brain injury, or just being a saiyan, or a combination of all three -- Goku’s special interest is Fighting. And that’s one of the sources of his family’s problems.
Before Raditz, Goku was content fighting in the World Tournament and marrying the world’s strongest woman, and raising a family with her. Farming to make money to support Chichi and Gohan was boring but it was a form of training if he squinted, and he was fine conforming to that. He looked forward to Gohan growing up enough to train him (remember him saying Chichi wouldn’t let him until Gohan got older), and there he’d have another sparing partner. How exciting! He can’t wait. Let’s go fishing, Gohan, I’ll show you how to use your tail just like I used to! Can you catch a bigger fish? I know you can! Isn’t this fun? Haha! I wonder if this is what Grandpa Gohan felt. I miss him. But Gohan’s here with me! Gosh, I can’t wait till I can teach him all I know!
But after Raditz, Goku was introduced to Strength Beyond Earth, and I believe that was the start of the death of Goku’s attachment to his humanity. Because humans had a limit, and the stars did not.
Goku’s not a bad person. He’s not a terrible father. But like a good shonen protagonist, he’s addicted to chasing strength, and the strength beyond even life itself ultimately called him to abandon his mortal coil (which we see culminate in GT’s ending).
It began by wanting to stay dead. He doesn’t want to hurt his family -- he genuinely doesn’t! -- so after surviving Namek’s destruction he preferred to keep them ignorant as he trained on Planet Yardrat, since what good would it do for them to know he lived if he didn’t plan on coming back yet? Then he mastered Instant Transmission!! How amazing! Now he can travel to and from any reaches of the vast universe; he can come home whenever he wants to. Now he doesn’t have to hurt his family AND he can fight whenever and wherever he wants! Wahoo!!
So he comes back to life. Aaaand life’s not the same. Chichi’s not the same -- she mourned his death and she’s still angry he lost her Gohan for a year, and then took him to space, and then he nearly died for it, too -- and Gohan’s not the same. He’s not four years old anymore. He’s not the wide-eyed kid who looked like his father had all the answers. Krillin’s gotten older.  Everyone has changed, even if just a little. Everyone but Goku.
(Except Goku HAS changed. There’s a whole universe to discover. There’s so much strength he can defeat, still. He looks up at the stars at night and feels for Yardrat’s ki. He feels so much ki everywhere up there. He wants to chase it all down. Is it because I’m a Saiyan? Or is it because I’m a bad person? Goku don’t know...but Goku longs for it. He longs for the peace he finds in letting go).
Future Trunk’s message that a heart illness will kill him politely confuses him. Goku doesn’t fear death -- he knows what’s beyond it, now. And there’s fighters there. Even if he dies, there will be people to fight. No worries. But he does worry about this nebulous future where all his loved ones are dead, too, all except Gohan. It sounds like his boy’s gonna have it rough if these android fellas win. Time to beat some androids! :D And hey, this is finally a good excuse to train with Gohan!! So he does that for a couple of years, teaming up with Piccolo. Gohan’s gotten so strong! How exciting!
Chichi’s slowly come ‘round to him again, so that’s nice, too. He doesn’t really get why she’s still so mad but he rolls with it. He responds to violence he can’t fight against with a smile. Her emotions are too hard to follow, and it can get a little tiresome. But he loves her -- he chose to love her, so he does, and he always will. In his own way.
Then the androids come, and then Cell comes, and Goku steals Gohan away for a day and a year inside the Chamber, and he finally, finally realizes -- gosh, Gohan’s not like him at all. Gohan’s what a Real Human should be. What a Real Hero should be. The hero the Earth needs. Because Goku can’t be that hero anymore -- he never could be. He’s not human.
And there’s so many people to fight beyond the stars....
So when Goku choses to die alongside Cell, it was a choice, too. Gohan’s a better person than him, anyway. He’ll make Chichi happy, and he’ll protect the earth, and maybe one day Goku’ll meet him again and they can spar to see their strengths :) He’s so proud of his boy....
So........ is Goku a good father? A bad father? A good person? A bad person?
I think Goku is Goku. So I’ll let you decide :)
(Here’s the canon Goku dialogue from the end of Cell saga: )
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actuallysaiyan · 4 years
Got anything for Goku’s parents Bardock and Gine? Or even just Bardock?
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Word count: 937 Warnings/content: Fluff, AU, cuteness, family stuff Summary: Y/N and Goku have been dating forever, so he decides to bring her over to his parents place so they can all meet each other. A/N: Not sure if you wanted an Y/N fic or just something about Bardock and Gine, but I had lots of fun writing this out! Thanks for requesting and challenging me to write something about characters I haven’t written for yet!
You were a little nervous about meeting his parents. They weren’t human, for one. Secondly, Goku barely knew them himself. He had only just started reconnecting with them ever since they decided to move to Earth. You and Goku had been dating for so long, you were practically married at this point.
When his parents moved to Earth, you were happy. Except for the fact that Bulma had warned you that they were...different. For one, Bardock could be quite gruff and tough. He was a nice person, but he was a tough guy and could be prone to violent outbursts from time to time.
Gine, on the other hand, was very sweet and caring. She was always taking care of people and making sure they ate well. Bulma and Vegeta both let you know that Gine was quite the rarity within the Saiyans. Most of them had brutish and cold demeanors, like Prince Vegeta and Bardock. 
When you arrived at their house, you couldn’t stop chewing on the dead skin on your lip out of nervosity. You didn’t know if you were wearing proper attire or if they’d like the gift you brought them. Gine opened the door, and you swore that your heart stopped. Just from the moment you first looked at her, you could really see that kindness within her.
“Oh! Kakarot! You’re here with your mate!” she said, smiling.
“Awhh, it’s Goku, now. This is y/n, she’s my girlfriend.” Goku explained, rubbing the back of his head timidly.
“Bardock, Kakaro- I mean, Goku and his mate are here!”
She welcomed the both of you inside, and you walked behind Goku. He led the way into the house, and you couldn’t help but be a little intimidated. The place was very odd for two Saiyans who moved to Earth, but you knew they didn’t really know much about human culture right now.
“Hey, there’s my little brother!” Raditz called from the living room. He got up and started teasing Goku.
“Hey Raditz!”
They started talking amongst themselves as you held yourself a little distance away. You weren’t even sure where to look. It just felt a little awkward about the whole thing, but you wanted to meet Goku’s parents and make an effort for them to like you and maybe invite you over more often.
“Kakarot,” you heard a voice call from the hallway. Both you and Goku looked over, and it was his father calling for him.
Goku was almost a spitting image of the man. They had a very similar hairstyle and build, and it was quite obvious they shared some of the same body language and posture. Raditz seemed to take more after his mother.
“Hey dad! This is my girlfriend, y/n.” Goku introduced you to his father, bringing you forward.
“Nice to meet you, sir.” You squeaked out, extending your hand to him.
Bardock looked at you, studying your face and trying to gauge your reaction. You could tell he was trying to intimidate you a little, but Gine interrupted before it could get any worse.
“Bardock, shake her hand. It’s rude to stare.” She said in your defense.
Bardock smirked slightly, taking your hand in his giant hand. He did his best not to crush you, but you could still feel his immense strength. Then he cracked a smile and pulled you in for a bone crunching hug.
“So, you’re the one my son wants to marry, huh?” Bardock asked, looking at Goku.
“Yeah! We’re thinking of getting married soon!” Goku said, but you were too busy blushing from all the attention to really understand what he was saying.
You all did a little small talk while Gine went into the kitchen to cook. Not even five minutes passed before she asked you to help her out. You placed your gift on the coffee table and made your way over to her.
She was stirring a big pot of stew and it smelled heavenly. You noticed that the oven was turned on, so you figured she was cooking something else as well.
“Could you prepare the salad? I’m trying to get Bardock and Raditz to eat more vegetables, but you know how Saiyan men eat.” Gine asked as she continued to add some spices to the stew.
You quickly washed your hands at the kitchen sink and started chopping some veggies for the salad. Gine started a little conversation with you as you prepared the salad. It felt more easy going with her than with all the Saiyan men giving you this attention.
“I’m really glad I got a second chance with Kakarot. When I sent him to Earth, I was afraid I’d never see him again.” Gine said, smiling at you.
“He’s been such a hero to all of us, I’m so fortunate to have him in my life.” You explained to her.
“Who would have thought that my son, Kakarot, would be the hero of Earth alongside the prince?” she laughed at the thought alone. 
“He’s really been so helpful. Goku has a kind heart and he really would do anything to help a friend.”
“Well, clearly he picked a good mate. Your salad looks great!”
You and Gine started bringing out the food to the dining room and you went over to the men to announce that dinner was ready. You felt a little awkward around Bardock, but Gine had put you right at ease.
You could tell that you would enjoy having them as parents in law. They were both caring and loving and wanted the best for Goku...just like you did.
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eazyaustin3 · 3 years
DBZ: Return of the Saiyans (fanfic) | Chapter 18: From Pushing to Shoving
In a local saiyan hospital, The king lies in a room specifically made for him if anything were to go awry. Raditz, Nappa, Vegeta, Bardock and his team all stand around him where he is having trouble breathing. Vegeta holds his father's hand.
King: *coughs* Vegeta… come closer.
Vegeta: Yes father.
King: You were right about Frieza… *coughs* He needs to be killed… His brother nearly took my life within inches… I feel very lucky to survive that…
Vegeta: He will regret ever trying to do that…
King: You are a worthy saiyan… for bringing the planet and the saiyan race back from destruction… I am very lucky to have you as my son… You will make a fine king when I am gone… *coughs* soon enough…
Vegeta: Don't talk like that father… your reign is far from over! We will all fight in your honor. This time we will make sure he perishes where he stands. He thinks he's won just because his big brother came and carried him away… Father, we will stop them both. No matter the cost…
King: I love you son… prince of all saiyans…
Vegeta: I love you too… father…
King: Please forgive me if I was ever harsh on you… I just wanted you to be the strongest saiyan of all… And not only did you prove that you are the strongest… but you are also the bravest… you are… worthy…
*The rest of the saiyans tear up as they watch their king breathe slowly, coughing. Bardock gets a call on his scanner. He walks out of the room to answer*
Bardock: Hello?
Gine: Bardock… I need your help… something terrible is happening…
Bardock: What is it Gine?
Gine: I see 2 guys outside the window. One with green hair and the other is a pink fatter one next to him.
Bardock: Oh god… it's Zarbon and Dodoria! What are they doing there??
Gine: Raditz' friend is dead! They killed her! OH NO THEY'RE COMING IN THE HOUSE!! I need to hide! Hurry Bardock!
Bardock: Me and Raditz are on our way! Stay right where you are!
*Raditz overhears the conversation outside the room and walks out to see the concerned look on his father's face*
Bardock: Raditz, we need to get home now! Your mother is in trouble! Zarbon and Dodoria somehow found where we live… we must attack aggressively.
Raditz: *slams the wall with his fist* Goddamnit! I gave Gorza one job!
Bardock: Gorza is dead, Raditz! She didn't stand a chance!
*Raditz is in shock. He has no idea what to think. The veins in his forehead become thicker. His face turns red as he clenches his fists thinking about what Zarbon and Dodoria could be doing to their home, or to his mother*
Raditz: Those fools are dead if they touch mother!!
Bardock: Let's go!
*Raditz zooms across the sky with Bardock following behind. They find their house with nobody around it and a dead female saiyan on the ground. Raditz sees that it's Gorza. They land in the front yard*
Bardock: I'll look for the Zarbon and Dodoria! Go through the back door to look for your mother upstairs!
*Inside the house Zarbon and Dodoria go through all the pictures of Bardock, Gine, Raditz and others of Goku as a newborn*
Dodoria: Look and these pictures of Bardock and his family. Hahaha they look so bad! His wife, his doofus son too!
Zarbon: I cannot believe they would decorate their house like this. It doesn't smell right either. Then again what do you expect from the saiyans?
Dodoria: I didn't know Bardock had another son. His name is… Kakarot? What kinda name is that? Ha!
Zarbon: I thought the picture was Bardock as an infant. He must be a grown man by now.
*Bardock barges through the door knocking it down off its hinges, startling both Zarbon and Dodoria*
Bardock: What a pleasant surprise… Zarbon… Dodoria. Care to explain to me what you two fucks are doing in my house??
*Raditz runs upstairs from the back room to find his mother gripping her knees shaking. Gine lights up as she sees her son come to her rescue*
Gine: Raditz! *Jumps up to hug him*
Raditz: *Wraps his arms around his mother* What has happened mother, are you alright?
Gine: Those two goons just showed up at the house… they killed Gorza without a second thought. I'm so scared…
Raditz: We must get out of here now mother… father is downstairs. Let's escape from the back so they don't see us.
*Raditz and Gine hear fighting downstairs. The sounds of tables and chairs moving, glass shattering. They make their way downstairs through the back. Neither Dodoria or Zarbon see them as they focus on Bardock as they make a punching bag out of him. Raditz and Gine make it outside. He calls Nappa*
Nappa: Raditz, where are you?
Raditz: I'm at my house with my family. Zarbon and Dodoria broke in. I saved mother, you need to come quickly to take her to safety. Me and my father will fight them off.
Nappa: Alright I'm on my way with the speeder!
*A few minutes later, Nappa lands the speeder and opens the door for Gine*
Gine: Raditz, you and your father are my guardian angels… I don't know how I could thank you both.
Nappa: Where should we take you, ma'am?
Gine: Anywhere but here. Raditz… Be careful with them!
*Raditz looks back and grits his teeth. He runs off to the front yard finding Bardock’s face all bloody and on his knees. Raditz growls, yells then punches Dodoria in the face sending him flying a couple feet across the front yard*
Zarbon: *chuckles* Isn’t this sweet. You came over to protect your daddy. He must be very proud!
Raditz: You’ve made a terrible mistake… the last time we fought, it was just strictly business for our king. But now, you've made it personal! You must have a death wish coming to my home like that!
Zarbon: Well if it’s all the same to you… we were doing business of our own…
*Raditz dashes forward to hit Zarbon who blocks his punch with his hand, then dodges every subsequent punch. He flies up and kicks Raditz square in the jaw knocking him down. Bardock slowly gets up*
Bardock: You… you piece of shit!!
*Bardock comes straight for Zarbons's throat and tries to choke him. Zarbon looks him in the eyes and smiles as he contracts his neck outward. Dodoria runs towards Bardock with loud thumping feet. He sees him, let's go of Zarbon and clashes with Dodoria*
Dodoria: You got a nice looking house, Bardock. Lucky for you we couldn't find your youngest son. Kakarot was his name, right?
Bardock: Get off of our property!!
*Bardock throws a massive uppercut to Dodoria which sends him sailing upward. Bardock shoots past Dodoria and axe hammers him to the ground*
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firestorm1991 · 3 years
DBZ Dissertations 1: Vegito
The Fusion into Vegito: Why is Vegeta now the opposite of Saiyan Saga Vegeta? (Constructed 4/6/2021)
Goku and Vegeta were mortal enemies even in the moment Vegeta reluctantly took the potara earring and they iconically fused into Vegito. Then Buu ate Vegito, and inside his gut, Vegeta and Goku defused back into their original selves, which was a surprise because they were told the fusion would be permanent, a fact that was retconned in Super. Once the two Saiyans had their own bodies back, there was a difference in the way they interacted with one another. One could argue that the events of “Fusion Reborn” are canon, most accept they are not. This means Goku and Vegeta did not fight Janemba in hell together and have that moment of understanding before Vegeta went back to Hell.
So what happened when Goku and Vegeta were themselves again that is of interest? Well, when they separated, they no longer seemed like enemies. In fact, they seemed to bicker like friends, brothers even. When just an hour ago, Vegeta was snapping and yelling at Goku, against fusing. Now, he acts like the back and forth bickering is normal between them, and like he hasn’t hated him all this time. That always struck me, and it stuck other friends of mine as well.
So how did they go from enemies to friends in an instant? Heck, how did Vegeta get seen as good, which even shocked the Saiyan prince? My theory is that the fusion did more to Goku and Vegeta than can be seen on the surface level.
Out of nowhere, Vegeta, who was always calm, cool, collected in the face of danger, who spoke derisively to those he feared. Yes, he was afraid and sometimes displayed that when he realized that he was screwed in battle. But he never flat out freaked out, wanted to throw up over some irrational fear. So why in Buu’s body did he react like Goku does to needles to the worms? That was not a very Vegeta thing to do. I mean, even if he was afraid of worms/bugs, he could have destroyed them like he did Arlia (yes, I know that’s filler). But the man who was raised in kill or be killed universe didn’t just kill the worms. He used to purge planets and surround himself with death and eat the buggy carcasses of the victims (see Episode 2 when he and Nappa are just finishing purging a planet). Food for thought.
Also, yes, we know Goku was always a fighter. He always answered the call to protect the world. His Saiyan blood awoke and he wanted to battle strong opponents. But in DBZ, the androids being the only exception after he and Vegeta denied Bulma’s desire to track down Gero and end his project, Goku never invited danger into the world. They all just came for him. He chose to stay away to protect everyone. Then we have Super, which starts a few months after Buu saga, and now he’s invited people to hunt him down, put the multiverse in danger, and suggested “hey, let’s bring back Frieza!” His behavior is much more reckless than DBZ. Interviews have shown that this is the vision Toriyama always had for Goku, but Goku through childhood to adulthood never seemed to be so inconsiderate. When Roshi died in the ToP and Goku resuscitated him, I felt such empathy and turmoil for the Earth-raised Saiyan in that moment. He was almost human in that moment, the same way he was when he discovered Krillin dead as a child, and it was like the old Goku was back in that moment.
Let’s explore. It would be safe to say that the Saiyans Raditz, Nappa, and Vegeta described in the Saiyan saga are exactly like that. Single-minded, battle hungry and ready, no thinking of consequences or family (which we all saw Goku with Little Gohan. He seemed like an okay father in that first episode before Raditz came and destroyed the quaint family life and Goku died. There were four years where Goku, Chi-Chi, and Gohan lived happily and in peace without fighting). Now, after fusing with Vegeta, Goku has reverted back to Saiyan tendencies he never fully seemed to possess through DB and DBZ.
My theory is this: when Goku and Vegeta fused into Vegito and separated, they took a piece of the other warrior with them. This led to Vegeta understanding Goku more, seeing him as a friend and comrade in arms as Goku saw him, gave him a goodness that he took back home with him so much so that he was willing to relinquish his pride for his family on multiple occasions (Bingo dance anyone?). There are many people who are angry about Vegeta’s complete 180 from the Saiyan saga and Namek saga Vegeta. But he went through a lot of changes throughout the series. Both in nature and nurture, evil was taught to him as normal. It wasn’t until he saw another way of life, namely living with Bulma and fathering a child, that he ever considered he could live a life that didn’t involve him slaughtering other races. I believe part of his psychological transformation was due to his life with Bulma and Trunks, trying to be a good partner and father despite a traumatic and horrific past, and experiencing peace for the very first time ever in his life (because until the seven year period, Vegeta’s life never had one iota of peace) in contrast to Goku who experienced peace many times. Now, after fusion, Vegeta knew what to do with those unfamiliar experiences and emotions…and then exposed his irrational fear of buggies, so there’s that.
Likewise, Goku, the good, honest hero of Earth who did everything in his power to protect the planet and his family and trained to get skills to combat these various enemies, now became more Saiyan-like. He fought and trained for himself, much like Vegeta once had in his pursuit to be the strongest. Now, Goku doesn’t care about being the strongest; he just wants to fight strong guys to get stronger. He still uses his power to protect, but after instigating the risk factor. Goku Black could have been avoided if he didn’t have the desire to fight Zamasu and got with Beerus and Whis for the same of fighting the deity in training. The ToP wouldn’t have happened either without Goku pushing it. Thankfully, that worked out, but it was still very reckless. And he lied multiple times to his friends who he once trusted in times of trouble and brought back the greatest evil who harmed his friends multiple times without even a second though in addition to promising to bring him back to life.
I wonder if the reason Goku keeps getting worse and worse and Vegeta keeps getting better in better has anything to do with the other times they fused. I will say that I believe a lot of their changes definitely come from them and their changing personalities, but I definitely they think they’ve influenced each other, if not by fusing and having access to the other’s thoughts, then by their strange friendship resulting from the fact that they are the last two (not including Tarble, Broly, and Paragus) full-blooded, universe seven Saiyans.
Anyway, let me know what you think of this fan theory. Do you agree, disagree, or have additional ideas that reflect this topic? Feel free to let me know. Just remember to be constructive and respectful to others who share their ideas. Until next time!
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butterflyinthewell · 3 years
Some stuff about wheelchair!Vegeta with headcanons everywhere:
Vegeta was chronically ill before his injury due to medical abuse by Freeza. He was meant to be stronger than Goku, but will always be a half-step behind because of this, but even he doesn’t know that.
The illness stunted his growth and damaged all his organs. He recovered with lasting damage to his heart and kidneys. Saiyajin bodies compensate for damaged organs until they no longer function, so his liver and spleens(yes two) do some of the work his kidneys used to.
He gets drunk on less alcohol than other Saiyajins because of this.
In human terms he’s in chronic heart and kidney failure. He has to be very careful taking any meds that are toxic to the heart, liver and kidneys.
A human in his condition would be dead in a week. He’s been this way for decades.
His medical rap sheet is many pages long, and he paid huge amounts of money to have his medical records sealed so Freeza wouldn’t use them against him in the future. Medicines dangerous to him due to his organ damage were listed as allergies.
The Androids caused his spinal cord injury and the violent beating left him with PTSD. He already had sub-clinical PTSD symptoms before and this incident is what made it manifest fully.
He lost his ‘little’ spleen because of them. (Which is fine, it’s like a human appendix. He needs the big one, though.)
The damage to his body made his kidneys fail temporarily, so he was put on dialysis until they spontaneously started working again.
For a short time he was a quadriplegic on a ventilator because the surgery to repair his shattered 10th thoracic vertebra caused massive swelling in his spinal cord and brain. Nobody knew if he would survive the night after surgery, and the true extent of how the spinal cord injury affected him couldn’t be assessed until the swelling went down.
Saiyajin central nervous systems swell up when their brain or spinal cord gets punctured or exposed. It’s a vestigial trait from billions of years ago when their evolutionary ancestors’ bodies became toxic to any predator trying to eat them. This “immune edema” normally isn’t survivable, so Vegeta is the first and only Saiyajin to experience it and live.
He was in a coma from May until August. Nobody knew what condition he would be in if he woke up at all. But he did, and spent a long time in a minimally conscious state before becoming alert enough to communicate.
For awhile, he couldn’t use his vocal cords even if he had a Passy-Muir valve attached, so he communicated via AAC through a tablet and a mouth switch.
The brain edema caused neurons to sheer apart. While Saiyajin brains are capable of more neuroplasticity than human brains are, he still sustained a traumatic brain injury. He was diagnosed with epilepsy (he has tonic clonic seizures) caused by scar tissue all over his brain, and it’s inoperable because of the immune edema response. He takes meds to control his seizures and only has breakthroughs when something drastically lowers his seizure threshold.
Vegeta understands epilepsy because Raditz was born with it. Raditz’s was a lot worse and no medication controlled it. (Raditz had focal aware, atonic and tonic clonic seizures. His could be triggered by strobes, but Vegeta’s aren’t.)
Raditz was shameless about his seizures. They were just a thing that happened. Vegeta, in contrast, finds it humiliating if anyone other than Bulma or Trunks sees him have one, doubly so if he wets or soils himself during it.
Raditz tended to get confused, hyperactive and giddy the day after a seizure. Vegeta is bone-tired, struggles with brain fog and has trouble with his short term memory the day after a seizure. It takes him two days to fully recover.
Once all the brain issues settled down, it became clear that Vegeta is a t10 paraplegic, but he still gets autonomic dysreflexia because Saiyajins are more easily prone to it than humans. His experience of it is also worse than humans because he goes right to high blood pressure and a pounding headache. This drops his seizure threshold and it’s a mess. The only thing to control it is stopping the pain signal that’s happening below his lesion and keeping his head above his heart until his BP goes down.
Saiyajins have redundant nerves throughout their spine, so Vegeta can feel his toes, the soles of his feet, his tail scar and some spots on his butt. He can flex his butt muscles, but can’t wiggle his toes. He has no sensation from his belly button to the tops of his feet.
He can hobble along wearing knee-ankle-foot orthotics and using forearm crutches (four point gait) because those muscles in his butt give just enough movement to initiate a leg swing while gravity does the rest. He walks therapeutically to keep his legs from completely atrophying, but prefers his chair to get around.
He’s more prone to G-LOC in the gravity room due to orthostatic hypotension. Bulma programmed the computer to check his blood pressure periodically and tell him to power up if it drops too low since powering up raises blood pressure.
He tends to have seizures if he passes out from G-LOC. His brain is very sensitive to lack of oxygen since his injury.
He can exercise and train in up to 700Gs, but can’t fight in anything above 95 because his blood pressure and unhealthy heart can’t cope. He can die of anoxia if he’s turned upside down, abruptly flipped right side up again and held there while all the blood goes to his legs.
Vegeta doesn’t measure his disability by human standards. He measures it by Saiyajin standards. To able-bodied humans he doesn’t seem all that affected by what happened, but from his perspective he’s extremely affected.
The PTSD can make him violent and quick to anger. He has flashbacks and nightmares. If he gets triggered hard enough, he dissociates to the point of memory blackout. Sometimes he has bouts of depression.
Manual wheelchairs made for humans can’t survive him. He goes to push the wheels and they fly off, or it flies apart if he powers up, or it collapses in the gravity room, so Bulma made him some Saiyajin-proof chairs.
His current wheelchair LOOKS like an ultralight rigid open frame manual wheelchair, but it actually weighs about fifty pounds and is made of similar material to his old armor and attack ball. Unlike us in the real world, he’s got a button to push that’ll poof his chair into a capsule if he’s getting in a car or something. Btw, his chair has a white frame (hanger at 90 degrees and tapered to fit his legs), a hard backing, dark blue upholstery, a silver open tube footrest, black wheels, black push rims, white spoke covers, gold casters and gold bolts.
A regular human probably wouldn’t be able to use the wheelchair at all due to its weight.
His chair can survive up to 700 Gs in the gravity room, can survive him powering up and can take direct ki blasts without falling apart. This is because the frame is solid, not hollow tubes, and the wheels are also solid so they can’t pop or go flat.
His wheels have micro-treads, but he’s got “off road” wheels with huge treads he can switch to if he’s going somewhere outdoors or muddy.
He’s gentle about moving his chair around inside the Capsule Corporation compound, but give him a straightaway with no obstacles and he can shoot himself forward at 50mph on one full-strength push.
One of his fighting moves is to knock someone down, pop a wheelie and slam his casters down on them. Sometimes he keeps going by running them completely over. This could kill an ordinary human.
He can cheat stairs by flying, but finds that annoying and will use a ramp if it’s available.
He can still fight how he used to, just no kicks or leg movement.
All the pills he has to take (extended release Tegretol for his epilepsy, Valium for when a panic attack won’t stop) require a special coating so he metabolizes it with the full benefit instead of getting all the medication in his system at once for an hour. Injected meds work on him the same as a human, though.
Morphine is the go-to pain med when he’s having AD because he metabolizes it the fastest (he sprays it on his gums) but it zonks him out so it’s literally ever only used in dire emergencies where the cause of pain can’t be found or fixed by external means. Using morphine requires he gets blood work after to check on his liver.
Trunks is the only one in the story who grew up with Vegeta in the wheelchair and seeing him being tended to by Bulma whenever his health issues came up, so all his dad’s medical stuff is normal to him. He’s a sweet helper of a kid too and will sometimes ask if he can push Vegeta somewhere.
Actually, Vegeta kinda hates being fussed over, but he feels loved when family does the fussing. If it’s anybody else, though? He gets irritable and embarrassed.
He HATES it if people touch, lean on or move his chair without permission. Gohan makes the mistake of moving the chair exactly one time and learns a really hard lesson to never do it again.
Bulma can sit in the wheelchair without asking when Vegeta isn’t in it, and sometimes she does if she’s sitting at his bedside after he had a medical issue or seizure.
Vegeta sees his wheelchair as a reminder that he survived something that killed all the other Z-fighters. It’s a source of pride, not shame!
Sometimes he refers to his wheelchair as his throne.
Wheelchair!Vegeta is sexy af.
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dragonballer1 · 3 years
I'd Give You My Lungs So You Could Breathe (wip)
Here's a preview of what I'm writing right now, featuring Raditz finally processing his father's death later in the story. TW for child abuse mention. Let me know what you think!
*Note: Aba means Father
He felt his body being beaten black and blue, every bruise from that bastard gave him crying out to remember the pain. Bardock was a man who died a long time ago; he always wanted to perish in glory. He died with that village, whatever kindness washed away with the flood. He was cruel, he was sadistic, he hated everything about life and wanted nothing more than to be gone. 
He used to dance with his mother in the rain. 
Raditz gasped for air, mind numb in the storm around him. He reached for his throat, remembering his father’s markings on the skin. He just wanted…he didn’t even know. Change? A father? That bastard was never going to change, even when his family held in the balance. Raditz looked hazily around him, at the ruined junkyard he managed to make even worse, to beat down until there was nothing but fragments. The rain rushed past it all the same, landing in puddles around his feet. His father would wash the car when it rained like this, and Raditz would take a sponge and go out with him. Together, they made the car clean twice as fast, even when Raditz had to stand on his toes. And sometimes his father would look at him softly for just one moment. As if together they were stronger than they were alone. When he smiled, the world was okay and Radtiz felt safe--even near the end with all the yelling and curses and lies, he felt safe. What was that worth? 
Raditz looked out into the distance, past the junkyard and past West City, past whatever lay in the way between him and the numb oblivion. He still needed to take his father’s moniker off the wall; he had to be moved to the fireplaces where the rest of their dead lived. He tried to take a breath, to push out a terrible man from his mind, to become the whole and complete person he never was, to be the stoic warrior that kept everything inside.
With a start, his eyes came back to the junk yard. His lip started to quiver. His Aba spoke to him again.
You have potential, kid. 
With a scream, the eldest son of Bardock sank to the earth and cried.
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carnal-lnstinct · 8 months
All My Soul Within Me, Burning. - II
Content: dbz crossover - inspired fic ( fnaf inspired ). android saga "what if" au ( post cell games). memory loss / recovery. possession. drabble w/ little plot. not completely proofread. characters: au!android 16 / raditz, dende, piccolo Warning: canon typical violence, referenced character death, implied existential crisis, soft angst
I will put you back together. / Leave the demon to his demons.
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How beautiful, how powerful, the bright full moon. She's useless for him now. inevitably, utterly useless. Its eminence could only be enjoyed with his eyes as it gave him nothing else. He dared to watch the moon long enough for nature to take its course only to come out of his thoughtless trance with an appreciation for the way the stars speckled the darkness from the Earth instead. There aren't many places he can remember carrying a sight like this. Except for one. The errors, the thing, inside struggling against his programming recollects instances of a sky where only the stars thrive. Enough to light the lands of Planet...It's gone.
Visions that come and go as forgotten thoughts returned to him when he least expected it, places and faces he could not know beyond his initial activation in Dr. Gero's lab and the intel he was programmed with. But all of the unknown was begging to be acknowledged, identified, and accepted. The same pattern of thinking that was shaken loose after the Brief's refurbishing and which brought him back to The Lookout over the Earth. Here is where he has mused upon the night sky, it's where it felt closer and more familiar. Watching the moon and waiting for his metamorphosis, but lacking the means to do so.
Dr. Gero is dead. Cell is dead. K̸̨̧̦̯̜͇͍̬̟̰̗̹̀͋̐̍̔̄̀̕͝a̷̲̙̥̟̪̼̳̺̳͇͛̿̈́͆͑͜͜ͅk̸̡͍͓̟͔̻͈̮͇̜͊͒̒̔̓̍̿͆̕͝͝a̵͕͖͚̟͓͐̈́͌̇̎̽̅̓̿̈́ͅr̸̛͍͋̊̂̈́͝ŏ̵̖͔̥̜̙̲͆͝ţ̶̠̟̦̥̹̠̝̹̳̱͇̔͑̔̊̆̊͂͂̍͂͛͘ Son Goku is dead. Android 17 and 18 are missing.
What happens now?
Perhaps he should return to Dr. Brief and Bulma. Those who made him useful again. Whole. There is some loyalty to that kindness. So...he will serve again. What else is there? What else is left...
It's just him.
And there it is again, suddenly, screaming and fighting and raging through the programming. The bio-android lowers his gaze from the twinkling sky and his hand is drawn to the lower part of his sternum where his skin and casing seamlessly blend together. He remembers his reflection, seeing the cold blue eyes staring back at him in the mirror as he inspected his repairs. He remembers his reflection...a dim illumination as he stared out of his pod's windscreen anticipating his landing. His other hand now reaches for the back of his head, tugging the ribbon binding back the long, wild mane and freeing it all in a swift pull. For once, the android empathizes with its intruder's struggle to exist. Dreaming of what it once was, and what it could continue to be given control. A purpose.
"..Me." Android 16 breathes and closes his eyes. A warmth fills his body and all the weight it carries with it, merging itself with him. What else is there, after all?
This trapped spirit refuses to let go of its body, watching his own corporeal form be pulled apart and put back together again and again, made into something he is not. Mocking its very nature. No longer content to serve those who abused his loyalty or those who stood by them. Unable to see past his agony anymore.
Despite what he has become, saiyan...android...an abhorrent combination of the two forced to live again, "It's still me". His soul makes that clear. It will not leave and it will not rest. Despite everything taken and denied from him...
"Android 16." The young guardian of Earth emerged onto the platform, unable to detect the body of the mostly artificial being standing near the edge so he was surprised that anyone other than Mr. Popo was here so late in the evening. "I wasn't expecting you. What are you doing here so late?" Innocently asked in his unsuspicious approach.
The tall android tilts his head and looks over his shoulder, casting his piercing blue gaze down on the namekian boy. Reminded of his undoing; the one who caused his death while his so-called brother allowed it to happen. The catalyst of his unmourned fate. As his fists clenched into a tight grip, the vibrant color of his artificial eyes became pitch black, tiny white dots where his pupils would be stared down on Dende.
All he wanted now was his revenge. This desire, he will serve loyally.
"Namekian." He turned slowly, imposingly. A twitch in his head and his forearm. What Dende could not sense in his body, he immediately detected in the haunting leer and rough tone. Raditz making himself known. It was quick, the way he lunged forward at the inklings of Dende's retreat and lifted the boy off his feet, hanging him in the air by his large hand wrapped around his neck. Enough pressure and he would take their greatest hope away from them. The dismantling of their peace— defining his liberation from those who gained his "avatar's" solidarity— would stick.
The data perpetually computing in his mind made him aware of his risks, and compared his power to those who championed over Cell. But his rage could not fathom the warnings. He knows his limits and he would just take as many down with him as he could. No greater victory than the pain they can't undo as was done unto him. Tonight, he is immortal. Kakarot has already escaped his fury. But Piccolo, he will be sure to torment the most with this little one.
"Call him. Piccolo." He commanded with a strained, uneven tone with a grin rising in his features making the twitches in his body more menacing. "Bring him to me."
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saiyanwhore · 4 years
Arranged (Vegeta X Reader)
Chapter Eleven // Life On Earth
After giving birth, you made it your mission to give Daio a good life. You knew it would already be tough for him, not having a father figure and all.
You had taught Daio everything he knew. You built a small cottage in the middle of the forest, far away from suburban and city life.  You hunted for your and Daio's meals. You took Daio under your wing and taught him survival skills.
He was strong and as stubborn as ever. He had quite a little personality. It reminded you much of his father.
You told him stories of Planet Vegeta. Of his father, the Prince. You told him all about the truth. About Frieza, the space pod, him being born the moment you arrived. Everything. You didn't want to shelter your child, but also Earthlings confused you profusely. Even now that you've lived on Earth for over a decade, humans were odd. You tried to keep Daio away from the city, knowing that he would be confused seeing you confused. It was hard for Daio at first, but he was smart and strong willed. He came to understand everything.
As for appearance, he was almost a carbon copy of Vegeta. He had the dark eyes and everything. Even so, his power level was greater than his father's at this age. Daio was thirteen and always shocked you with his power. He would have made an amazing warrior.
And as of now, he was out searching for dinner.
"Hello mom." He entered the house, veggies in his hands. "You'll never believe what I found."
"What!?" You gasped as you looked at him, a smirk upon his face.
"I found a boy while I was out looking for dinner. He told me his name was Gohan." He grabbed your hand and dragged you out the door, pointing to a little boy standing in your yard.
The poor boy looked terrified. "Look, he has a tail!" Daio announced turning to Gohan and pointing to his tail.
"Daio! You can't be going around stealing children! I'm sure his family is worried sick." You grabbed your son by the ear and pulled him away from Gohan.
The little boy shrunk down against a tree, visibly shaking.
"Now, Gohan. Do you know how to get home from here?" You crouched down to be level with the boy.
He shook his head no as tears started streaming down his face.
"Hey, sweetheart it's okay. We'll find your family. Do you know your parents' names?"
"Uh huh." He sniffled. "Chi-Chi is mommy. Goku is daddy."
Goku. That name sounded awfully familiar.
You giggled as you picked him up.
"Okay Gohan. We'll get you home."
You started flying and looked over at your son. "Now you. I expect you to give me some sort of direction as to where you found him! I'm sure his house is nearby."
Daio rolled his eyes, knowing that was a risky game to play with you.
"Fine." He mumbled.
He took the lead as you followed close behind, being sure to make sure Gohan felt safe.
"How old are you Gohan?" You asked the little boy.
Jeez. A little young to be out in the woods by himself.
You traveled maybe five minutes before Daio led you to the ground. His arms crossed as he looked over to you. "Here."
"Drop the attitude." You growled. "Otherwise no training for a week."
His arms immediately dropped to his side. "Yes ma'am."
"Daddy! I'm here!" Gohan jumped up and down as you watched his father lower himself to the ground. He was riding a big, orange cloud.
"Hey kiddo! Where have you been? Your mother almost had my head!" Goku exclaimed, picking Gohan up and ruffling his hair.
"I was lost." Gohan frowned. "But this nice lady helped me!"
Goku looked at you.
Oh my gosh! He's the one who helped me when I landed here!
"Jeez! Thanks." Goku sighed in relief. "Hey! Aren't you the lady who gave birth to that-"
Goku looked over at Daio and gasped. "Wow! Not a baby anymore!"
He giggled as he scratched the back of his head. "What's your name?"
"Daio." He grumbled, crossing his arms and looking off to the side.
"Wow! Talk about a bad attitude!"
"Well, if you met his father you wouldn't be surprised." You pulled your son into a tight hug.
"You've got quite the power level for a kid your age." Goku exclaimed. "Who's been training you?"
"I have, actually." You blushed, looking down at the ground. "Back on our home planet I was the strongest female saiyan."
"Well hey! Maybe I can show you two some techniques from here on Earth sometime."
"Yeah for sure!" You smiled.
"Speaking of which...what's your name again?"
"Okay Y/N. I have some questions for you. Maybe we could head back to my place and while the boys play, we can talk."
"I'm not playing with a four year old." Daio scrunched his nose and looked over at you.
"Yes you are." You grabbed his collar and dragged him over near Goku. "And yes Goku, we will talk." 
"Let's go!" Goku placed Gohan next to him and they took off, you and Daio following close behind.
Once you landed, Goku sent the boys inside and took you aside to talk to you.
"So, we had an encounter with a Saiyan not too long ago. He told us planet Vegeta was destroyed. His name was Raditz. We just barely beat him. He told us a year from now, two more Saiyans would be arriving. They're working under someone named Frieza. I need to know something..."
Your heart stopped.
Two more Saiyans.
Tears started escaping your eyes and before Goku could ask his question, you fell into his chest and sobbed.
"Woah, woah! It's okay, Y/N!" Goku hugged you tightly.
"My son's father...he's probably dead. I can't imagine Frieza allowed him to stay alive." You cried.
"Hey, look. That's why I want your help!" Goku started. "I need to know what you know about Frieza and these Saiyans coming. You'll know their combat strategies and maybe even their techniques! You can help us fight them. And I can train you and Daio while Gohan goes to train with our friend Piccolo."
You softly smiled at the goofy man in front of you. "Yeah. I'll give you any info you need Goku. And I'm sure Daio will enjoy a change of pace while learning with you."
"Great!! So we'll start tomorrow!"
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sevenstarsinning · 4 years
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Summary: Raditz loses his mate when Planet Vegeta is destroyed and finds himself working alongside Prince Vegeta. When he comes to Earth to recruit his brother, he’s dealt another devastating blow when Goku refuses to join and leaves him near death. He’s found by a human and attempts to adapt to life on Earth.
Ch. 1 - Ch. 2 - Ch. 3 - Ch. 4
Chapter 5
Morning dew coated the outside of the pod and birds chirped on the tree branch nearby. It was way too cheery for early morning. Being awake at that time usually meant you either couldn't sleep at all or woke up long before you should have.
That morning you woke up too early but it was entirely Raditz's fault and you were more than okay with that.
Sometime during the night he wrapped his tail around your waist and pulled you up to sleep on his chest. That was where you woke up and that's where you remained, listening to him purr while his body heat kept you warm. The rise and fall of his chest was like a gentle rocking putting you completely at ease. That was no easy feat and there he was making you feel safe and content without even trying.
You lifted your head up to see he was awake. It felt like a kaleidoscope of butterflies fluttered in your stomach when you realized something was different.
"You're awake... and you're still purring."
His eyes locked onto yours and the butterfly feeling spread to your chest and throat leaving you seconds from saying something you probably shouldn't say.
"I'm comfo-"
"You're beautiful," you blurted. Your eyes widened and you let out a nervous laugh.
His brow raised in surprise, mouth slightly ajar. For a moment, you expected him to push you over to your side of the pod.
Instead, he smiled and struggled to keep his eyes on yours. He was nervous and you had no idea why.
"I've been called many things but uh... that's a new one," he finally said, breaking the anxiety inducing silence between you.
"Was that a bad thing to say?" You asked, unable to hide the worry in your voice and on your face.
"No, not bad at all. Just new."
When you saw the smile that spread across his face, you realized making a complete fool of yourself in front of him didn't bother you at all. In fact, you were willing to let it happen more just to see that smile. It was like a potent dose of serotonin and you needed more.
"I think I have a solution to our housing problem," you revealed, changing the subject to avoid doing something incredibly stupid.
His tail tightened around your waist and you knew he wasn't letting you up anytime soon.
Later that day, you and Raditz embarked on your first journey away from the house together. He usually stayed back when there were errands to run or groceries to buy. He wasn't a small guy by any stretch of the imagination and walking side by side with him downtown drew the gaze of many people passing by. It wasn't just his size that made people take notice, it was also his gorgeous mane of black hair that nearly touched the ground and his bulging muscles stretching the material of his t-shirt and jeans. It was Raditz in general, all the way down to the way he carried himself and the air of confidence he seemed to be naturally gifted with.
"This is definitely the place," you said, opening the door to a white dome shaped building.
Raditz shuffled in behind you, almost filling the doorway completely. A purple haired girl with the Capsule insignia on her shirt approached.
"Welcome to the Capsule store, my name is Lynn. Is there anything I can help you find?"
Her eyes drifted over to the huge saiyan next to you. He tilted his head, curious about her. Then it struck you, Raditz had little to no experience around other humans.
"Yeah, my house was half demolished when a... plane crashed into it." You knew exactly how ridiculous it sounded but saying a space pod carrying a hot alien crash landed on your house was out of the question.
"Was it a... an alien ship?" Lynn asked, glancing up at Raditz.
"How do you know that, human?" He said, stepping closer to the much smaller human.
"My boyfriend- " Before she could finish her sentence, an alarm blared and red lights flashed overhead. The ceiling opened up but before you could see what was happening, the tail tucked under Raditz's shirt flung out and coiled around your waist, pulling you safely behind him.
"You're supposed to be dead!" A voice called out amidst the chaos.
You peeked around Raditz to see an entire row of artillery from the ceiling aimed at him. A teal haired woman standing on the other side glared, not the least bit intimidated.
"Hey, can you get the insane security to stand down, he's not going to hurt anyone," you yelled back, waving your hand.
"Is that... is that a human behind you?" The woman asked, trying to get a better view.
"Help me out, big guy, your tail won't let me go," you said. Your heart felt like it might beat out of your chest. Everything happened so fast you barely had time to react.
"And put you in harm's way? No, you stay back there, this is Kakarot's friend," Raditz growled.
"Wait... you mean Goku?" Lynn said from behind a shield that went up around her automatically.
"Raditz, calm down. They haven't attacked, we can talk to them," you whispered. It was hard to hide the panic in your voice over the predicament you found yourself in.
"Human, where is Kakarot?" Raditz asked, turning his attention to Lynn.
"Enough!" The other woman shouted. "If you promise to keep him on a leash, I'll disarm security."
"Raditz, please?" You begged, lightly scratching the back of his head to soothe him.
He let out a little growl and loosened his tail. "Fine."
The red lights retracted along with the row of weapons and disappeared into the ceiling.
"All I have to do is hit one button and those will come back out, so don't try anything," the woman said, approaching him without a trace of fear.
"I'm Bulma, I'm assuming you're the one taming the saiyan?" She stepped around him to look at you.
"Trying to," you laughed nervously. Raditz still had his tail around you, protecting you even without an immediate threat.
"Come on, let's go out back and talk. Lynn, close up and go home. Make sure Goku knows about this," Bulma said, giving out orders as she guided you and Raditz towards the back of the dome.
The back door led to a shaded patio with a row of tables and thick, beautiful foliage lining the sides to offer privacy to anyone sitting out there.
"Raditz can sit there," Bulma said, pointing at the first table, "we're going to the back table."
"No, I'm staying with her," he snapped, his tail coiling tight around your waist again.
"It's okay, big guy. I'm safe, this is like the smartest and richest woman in the world," you said, nodding towards Bulma. He eyed her wearily but relented and loosened his hold.
You gave him a reassuring smile before following her to the last table.
"Sorry about the security system in there, it's not even loaded with ammo, it's just a deterrent. What did you come in for?" Bulma asked, taking a seat at the last round white table.
"A house. His pod wrecked mine when he landed. We've actually been sort of living in his pod and it's not very roomy," you explained.
Bulma was unfazed by all of it and that piqued your curiosity.
"You've been sleeping in the pod with him? Has anything happened?" She leaned in and kept her voice low.
"Not really. It was a little rough at first but he's adjusting," you said in a hushed voice.
"That's good. He's definitely a lot less hostile than I remember." She glanced past you at Raditz. You could tell her mind was racing, sorting through the chaos that just came back into her life.
The two of you talked for a while, you filled her in on Raditz and she told you about Goku and the little bit she knew about saiyans. You were looking forward to meeting him at some point and even though it was a long shot given the history, maybe Raditz and Goku could at least talk. That could be a step towards him finding happiness on Earth.
"I'll make you deal. If you keep an eye on him and tell me if anything weird happens, I'll give you a capsule house." She said it like she was giving you a piece of cake as opposed to a whole house.
"Bulma, no. That's way too much, let me pay," you countered.
She reached in her pocket and pulled out a handful of capsules. "How many bedrooms were you thinking?"
"Just one, that's all I can really do at the moment."
She settled on a pink capsule and placed it on the table in front of you. "That's a three bedroom. It's one of the models we used for photos so it's fully furnished and you're not paying for it."
"Bulma, you don't even know me. I-"
"Your saiyan back there came to Earth to recruit Goku. The only reason he's here is because of my friend which means your house is gone because of this. It's the least we can do for you," she said, pushing the capsule closer.
"And remember, call me immediately if anything feels off with him, okay? This is a direct line to me," she said, passing a business card to you with the Capsule logo shimmering on the top left corner and a phone number scrawled across the bottom.
"At least let me pay you something for this, please?" You pleaded with her.
"Absolutely not. Just come to my next party, I’ll introduce you to Goku," she said, refusing to take no for an answer as she headed back inside the building.
On your way back to the car, Raditz remained silent. There was no good way to approach the subject of his brother. That had to be weighing on him.
"What's that place?" He finally spoke, pointing towards the small building on the other side of the road.
"It's a bar. One of my favorites actually," you replied, coming to a stop at a four way intersection.
"What's a bar?"
"A place where people usually drink strong tasting liquids that make them feel funny."
"Strong liquids?" He raised an eyebrow and sat forward just enough to see past his hair which had taken up residence between the two of you.
"We call it alcohol. It's how I ended up in that field the night I found you."
"Libations. That's what we called them."
Instead of continuing straight through the intersection, you made a quick left followed by a right and pulled into the parking lot.
You entered the old, dimly lit bar with Raditz in tow. The evening crowd was starting to trickle in.
Raditz found a table while you ordered drinks. You leaned back against the bar while you waited, watching him mess with the phone you gave him. It looked so small in his hands and he looked adorable navigating what he called primitive technology.
After very carefully walking back to your table, you sat a tray full of drinks in the middle and pulled out a chair.
A big, strong arm wrapped around your waist and the next thing you knew, you were sitting in Raditz's lap. You were already so used to cuddling with him in the pod that you didn't think anything of it.
As the day turned to night, you introduced Raditz to all of your favorite drinks and even some you didn't like just to see his reaction. Aside from trips back to the bar to order more drinks, he kept you in his lap with an arm around your waist.
He required a ton of alcohol to even get a buzz and you were content sipping and never getting totally drunk. One of you had to stay a little sober to avoid bad decisions.
"What is this one?" Raditz asked, holding up a pint glass of blue liquid.
"That is your last drink of the night, big guy." You grabbed it and took a quick sip before handing it back.
"It's called... last drink of the night?" He stared at the glass, confused by the weird name.
"It's called an Adios Motherfucker."
"Say that again but... slower," he said with a big goofy smile. Drunk Raditz wasn't too different from the sober version. The thing you noticed the most was the sadness in his eyes. You watched it slowly fade until it was gone completely. His smiles lit up his entire face and he laughed louder.
"Can I have another one of these?" He asked, holding up his empty glass.
"Dude, I've already had to drag you to my house once, we're not doing that again," you chided.
"Human... sweetheart- just one?" He stuck out his bottom lip and pouted.
"Human sweetheart. That's a new one," you laughed, shaking your head at how ridiculously cute he was.
You relented and bought him one more drink. The expensive bar tab made you feel sick but it was worth every penny to see him finally shed the darkness that enveloped him. Even if it was only for a night.
As soon as the chilly night air hit your face, you regretted not bringing a jacket.
"Saiyan, give me your warmth," you said, ducking underneath his massive arm.
"We not driving?" He asked, lifting you into his arms like a child.
"I've had one too many drinks." You buried your face against his neck and settled in for the walk home. Luckily it wasn't far and you liked getting carried by Raditz, especially with his hands on your ass to hold you up.
"You smell good," he said in a sleepy voice as you neared your half destroyed house.
"You can still smell my perfume? I figured that would've faded by now."
"No... not that," he muttered, burying his face against your neck to sniff you. If it was anyone else, you probably would've freaked out.
"Your scent, the normal one."
You pulled back and smiled. “Wait, do you have some kind of heightened sense of smell that I don’t know about?”
“Yeah, it’s a saiyan thing. We can pick up on scents and changes in scents we’re familiar with. Particularly with females we’re close to or want to be close to.”
He crossed the lawn to the backyard and lowered you to the ground. “How does this capsule thing work?”
You pulled it from your pocket, clicked the small button and tossed it approximately where you wanted your new house to be.
“Holy shit, Bulma,” you said in awe of the beautiful house she gave you. It was far too much and you were already trying to figure out ways to pay her back. You and Raditz explored the house briefly before calling it a night, exhausted from the day.
You tossed and turned even though the new bed was the most comfortable thing you had ever laid on. The temperature in the room was perfect and it was dark enough, but something still wasn't right.
You knew what it was but you didn't want to acknowledge it. Lines had already been crossed on multiple levels with your unexpected roommate. You shared the pod out of necessity, nothing more.
Minutes ticked by and you only seemed to get less sleepy. You finally got annoyed enough to get out of bed and go to the living room, but you didn't make it there. You ran straight into a wall of saiyan at the end of the hallway.
"Holy shit! What the hell are you doing out here?" You stepped back and saw him carrying a glass of water.
"I can't sleep so I got a glass of water. That a crime, you tiny pain in the ass?" He asked with a little smirk.
"No, it's not a crime, you giant pain in the ass," you said in a mocking tone.
"Can I sleep with you?"
You knew he meant actual sleep, but your brain processed it in a different way entirely and it left your panties wet.
"Sure," you said, against your better judgement.
He followed you back to your room and walked around to the other side of the bed while you got back under the covers on your side. He laid down and turned on his side to face you.
"Bedroom not comfy enough?" You asked, scooting closer to him. He draped his arm over you and started to fade right away.
"Not that... just didn't have you," he said before drifting off to sleep.
You were wide awake until he started purring, head rested against your shoulder. It didn't matter how much you tried to fight off the feelings you were having for him, they weren't going away. The last thought you had before you finally fell asleep was the realization that you needed Raditz by your side to fall asleep.
A loud crash outside made the entire house shake. Raditz was up in the blink of an eye checking the window to see what it was. His tail fluffed up and moved wildly behind him.
You scrambled out of bed to look for yourself but there was nothing, just the backyard.
"What's wrong, big guy? Are you seeing something I'm not?"
"I need you to stay behind me and if anything happens to me, run," he said, effectively scaring the hell out of you.
"What? You can't just say that with no explanation! What's going on?" Your anxiety skyrocketed as he moved past you to head towards the living room.
"Raditz- "
"Behind me," he snapped.
Before you could protest, the front door was kicked completely off the hinges and left in a mangled heap on the floor. A tall, muscular guy with short, spiky black hair walked in. One eye was covered with some kind of device you had never seen.
"This is what you've been doing, huh? There's something incredibly wrong about a domesticated Saiyan," the man said with a cocky grin.
A shorter man stepped in behind him, black hair shooting towards the sky like small spires. He also had the same device covering one of his eyes and he somehow looked even more intimidating than the bigger one.
"Prince Vegeta, Turles," Raditz said, giving them each a nod.
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