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artnerd5 · 6 months ago
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couple were rushed but practice is still practice
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pandaluver · 9 months ago
On the Todorokis…
Shoto: I love him and am glad to see him moving forward despite everything.
Fuyumi: She’s my favorite and is the one who's done the most when it came to keeping their family together. I wish her nothing but happiness.
Natsuo: Overall he was meh to me tbh. I like that he made it clear he no longer wants anything to do with Enji and that he didn't do it out of spite or pettiness.
Rei: I feel bad for her and I’m glad she got the help she needed and is able to move forward. I also like that she didn't completely blame Enji though I’m pretty sure if she did no one would object. I wish they said more about what she's doing afterward.
Enji: Not gonna lie….I like his character. I love how he didn’t just fish for forgiveness without doing anything. I love how much he regrets everything he did and is trying to atone and accept the consequences of his actions even after being put in a wheelchair. I also love that he didn't do the typical sacrificial redemption bit. Also to make it clear I don't consider him “redeemed” Though there are characters who get away in fans' eyes with doing way worse just saying. Cough Cough Vegeta…Cough Cough Shigaraki and Dabi…
Toya: Hmmm…..I didn't like him tbh. I always stand on the opinion that Trauma doesn't justify or excuse any messed up ish you do. Shoto even told him “Even so, you still chose to burn people” He’s killed dozens of people in cold blood just to spite his father. No matter how bad I felt for him, I couldn't overlook his victims.
I feel like I'm going regret sharing my opinions on Enji & Toya but whatever…
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anthonysstupiddailyblog · 3 months ago
Anthony’s Stupid Daily Blog (1011): Fri 27th Dec 2024
I watched a YouTube video that collected all the episodes of the Tournament of Power saga from Dragon Ball Super and while the action is great there was more shouting then in an episode of Piers Morgan’s show and an American stand up comedy special combined. I love Dragon Ball but what’s with all the screaming? I’ve never seen a UFC event where one of the fighters lets out a giant yell before throwing each kick or punch. Presumably this would lead to increased fatigue as well? Maybe if the characters from Dragon Ball decided to fight in complete silence they’d realise that they’d conserve a lot more energy. I wonder what would happen if Goku and Vegeta got into a fight in a library. They wouldn’t be able to attack each other because it’s not within their nature to be able to unleash an attack without letting out a deafening scream. 
I was delighted to see that DDP is now helping Lex Luger with DDP Yoga. Lex unfortunately suffered some sort of spinal even a year ago that has hindered his ability to walk and now requires him to use a wheelchair most of the time (though he occasionally retains the ability to walk). I’ve been a wrestling fan for twenty five years and while it’s inevitable that my childhood heroes will drop off one by one ideally I would like all of them to live as long as possible (unless that involves keeping them alive as brains in jars for hundreds of yards against their wills). In the video Alex struggles to do even the most basic of stretches like holding his hands above his head but the good news in my opinion is that if he’s the kind of person who could get into the shape he was in during his youth then I see no reason why getting a handle on DDPYoga should be out of his grasp. DDP has worked miracles in the past on Jake Roberts and Scott shall who many had Wittgenstein off as being too far gone and beyond help but he got them sober; healthy and helped rehabilitate their reputations to the point that they were both inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame so hopefully Lex will end up getting the same treatment. 
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butterflyinthewell · 3 years ago
Yes wheelchair!Vegeta would get annoyed at places having stairs instead of ramps even though he can fly.
Because people who can walk can just walk in, while he has to use his ki to levitate himself and his chair past the obstacle to access the same space.
Flight doesn’t cost him much in the way of his ki the way a prolonged fight would, but that’s not the point.
Having Saiyajin abilities doesn’t negate the fact that he has to expend extra energy to do what non disabled people do without expending anything.
If he’s totally depleted of ki after an intense, prolonged fight, he won’t be able to get past those steps.
THAT is the point.
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baby-buu-buu · 5 years ago
Had a request on discord for Royal themed Vegeta from the lovely @sophchoph 🥰🥰🥰
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Here’s my Ko-Fi if anyone’s interested we are raising money for my SO to get a wheelchair.
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noeggets · 5 years ago
I had a dream that I guess vegeta was going on some kind of trip with his family and I was there (I wasn't going with him) then little trunks hug goten goodbye and he was like "bye goten" and then goten was like "bye trunks I love you" then they hugged and trunks was like "i love you too goten" it was really adorable and wholesome but then I turned around and future trunks was in a wheelchair and I was like "aghhhh what?! No!" Then I went over there and asked him how that happened and I think he said he defeated cell and he broke his legs but hes okay then I hugged him then I woke up
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theliterarywolf · 5 years ago
You seem to be a Dragon Ball fan so i wanted to ask you what i ask any DB fan i meet: Given what Vegeta is like with raw power, how could Bulma have survived a night with him, much less give birth to Trunks? I mean, i understand Goku being capable of controlling his power (and he still had trouble with that) but Vegeta is the type that never hold backs on anything, so how tf did Bulma survived?
Well, as we all know, Bulma is a bit of a freak so she knows her limits in the bedroom and how to push them. 
Besides, while I imagine Vegeta would be an absolute behemoth in the sack, I don’t think he would do more than confining Bulma to a wheelchair for a week. 
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tpthvegebulevents · 7 years ago
Title: The Final Price
Chapter Summary: It was, as all fairy tales usually went… A Prince, his Princess, and their happily ever after.
Genre: AU / Romance / Family
Rating: E
Chapter Warnings: Fluff; Profane language.
Additional Requirements Fulfilled: Tragedy turned HEA
Word Count: 1,447
Chapter 8: Epilogue
(Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8)
If there was ever a time when Vegeta felt terrible for losing his Super Saiyan powers, then it had to be around… now.
Usually, the loss of the legendary powers was an annoying afterthought, especially since he was still powerful even without his golden-haired form.
It was definitely not easy to get used to the idea that he was no longer the most powerful Saiyan alive, but it was one of those things that became easier to swallow, with time.
After all, it had been three years.
He had been brought back to life, with the imposed limitations on his Saiyan powers, three years ago.
And so, yes, the loss was annoying, but it wasn’t truly the devastating blow that he would have imagined it to be.
Right at that moment though, Vegeta would have given away an arm, to be able to use his Instant Transmission again.
The Prince of a warrior race of four and a half flew as fast as he was physically able, an otherwise impressive speed that could easily leave jet planes and commercial aircrafts in the dust.
He still felt too fucking slow.
Bulma needed him, and he was still thirty seconds away.
His beautiful wife of a year and a half needed him, and he couldn’t get there fast enough.
He could feel her distress through their bond, could hear her voice calling out for him in his head.
Ten seconds.
In spite of his worry, he grinned.
Soon, he would be the Prince of four and two halves.
His son was to be born today.
He landed on their balcony a second after that thought, and he rushed to Bulma, immediately embracing her swollen body in his arms.
“Vegeta, let’s go!” she whined, already holding the emergency bag that he had meticulously packed for her as soon as he had found out that the pregnancy was heading towards its last week.
“Yes, my Princess,” he smirked, taking the bag from her before gently lifting her off her feet. He flew them to the hovercraft waiting in the garage downstairs, calmly setting her inside, before he sat beside her and engaged the autopilot, leading them to the Capsule Corp Hospital a few hundred meters away.
In reality, she could have gone there by herself.
But they had spoken about this, and the plan had been the same since they first saw that tiny “plus” sign appear on the home pregnancy test.
They would go to the hospital, together.
It had been an unfortunate coincidence that it had to be today, on the day that he was in a secondary Capsule Corp production factory about a hundred kilometers away, inspecting the new experimental space pods that they would be debuting to the military in a month.
After his return to the living realm, Bulma had fabricated an Earthling identity for him and given him a job at their company, testing out experimental military gadgets and training modules.
He was nigh indestructible, so he had been perfect for the job.
It was not until a few months later that Bulma had realized that he would also be a great asset in the research team for space mechanics, and she had given him a second job there, to act as a consultant for their then-fledgling deep space endeavors.
Together, he and Bulma had refined her earlier plans for hyperspace travel, using her high-density energy core that they had further developed after she saw how effective it had been in powering up her blaster.
They launched their first deep space prototype sixteen months ago, and it had been a success.
He snapped out of his thoughts when he felt her squeezing his hand, and he turned to her, a small, but excited smile on his face.
Their son was coming.
As soon as they landed in the Emergency Room gate, he leapt out, grabbed the bag, then carried Bulma carefully towards the Admission Area.
“Mr. Vegeta!” the receptionist exclaimed as soon as they came within view. “Is Ms. Bulma-”
“She’s gonna give birth. Get me a doctor, now,” he snarled, heralding the mad rush as the members of the staff realized that one of the owners of the hospital they were working at was about to go into labor.
Bulma squeezed Vegeta’s neck as she clung to him, and he sensed her pain through their soul link that he had reinforced when they became true mates.
“Vegetaaa…” she whined, her voice a pained whisper in his ear, and he clutched her tighter as a wheelchair was brought before them.
“Mr. Vegeta, we have to place Ms. Bulma into the wheelchair so we can take her to the Delivery Room,” one of the nurses said, and Vegeta snarled as a male nurse came up to try to help him move her.
“I can put her down myself,” he said, gently sitting his wife down onto the wheelchair.
“Vegeta, don’t be rude,” she chastised, punctuating her gentle scolding with a groan of discomfort.
He blanched. “Are you alright?”
She nodded, then shook her head. “It hurts.”
He leaned forward, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. “I will be right here with you, all the way.”
What happened next was a bit of a blur to him, as Bulma yelped, and a group of nurses rushed to her, clamoring to move her to the Delivery Room.
He followed her, in a slight daze, until they wheeled her into the sterile areas of the Labor Unit and a guard stopped him at the entryway.
“I am her husband,” he barked, and he must have unwittingly released some ki, as he noted the terrified face of the guard.
“Yes sir, I am aware, but you cannot go into that area without wearing protective gear,” the guard said, pointing at a small table that held a bunch of masks and paper gowns.
After Vegeta had impatiently worn all of the required items, he marched into the room where they had taken Bulma, surprised at how quickly things had escalated in his short absence.
Bulma was already pushing, and the nurses looked harried, racing around the room and shouting at each other about “catching” the baby.  From what he could see, the child was trying to move out of his mother’s womb faster than any other human child, and Bulma was struggling to keep up.
He reached for her hand, letting her clutch his powerful fingers as tightly as she could, while he placed his other hand on her stomach, emitting a very steady, warm glow of ki that seemed to calm the child within.
Bulma took a deep breath of relief, looking at him gratefully, before another contraction hit, and she pushed more intently as the doctor came in.
It all happened too fast, and yet too slow, and Vegeta felt almost dumb as he lost track of what was happening, dizzy from his own worry as his frail wife pushed out a powerful Saiyan hybrid from her fragile body.
One second, she was screaming, and the next, she was crying, as he watched a bloody bundle of flesh leave her body from between her legs, hurriedly caught, washed and clothed by the surrounding medical staff.
He stood still as a statue as one of the nurses came up, holding a tiny, wriggling bundle swaddled in soft blue cloth. She slowly placed it onto Bulma’s chest, and Bulma immediately wrapped her pale, exhausted arms around it…
His son…
That was his son…
The boy was quiet as he opened strangely alert, bright blue eyes, before pushing off a corner of his blanket.
Vegeta’s heart nearly flew out of his chest as he stared mutely at the little boy. He was impossibly small, with a fluffy tuft of purple hair atop his head.
He heard himself laugh, making Bulma turn to him, her eyes tired but blissful.
“Vegeta… Look,” she whispered, moving her arm as if to show off the boy…
The boy sired from his flesh and blood.
The boy who was literally made from their love.
He could feel a tear standing on the edge of his eyes, but he quickly blinked it away, before he leaned down, nuzzling the top of the child’s head, then planting a grateful kiss upon Bulma’s lips.
And he thought then, that he didn’t even begrudge that his life before he had been thrown to Earth had been absolute shit, or that he had already been literally in Hell.
This, right now, was as close to perfect as anything he could imagine.
And for a man like him, this could most definitely be, as they say on Earth… a “happily ever- after”.
The End.
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butterflyinthewell · 3 years ago
Omg this is useful for a Mirai timeline AU I’m working on, it would create a 5th history that’s going to go similarly to “history 3”, but it is unique because Vegeta survived too (he’s in a wheelchair) so he’s there to be a dad while Bulma builds the time machine.
They’re gonna fight the Androids together, father and son as a team. And no Vegeta is not gonna get “fixed” because I hate the miracle cure trope. He doesn’t need working legs to fight! 😋
So prior to Zamasu wrecking future Trunks's timeline would the Timeline Cell is from have been the worst off since with that version of Trunks dead its doubtful that the Supreme Kai would be able to stop Buu's awakening and when he dies then Beerus dies so there isn't really anyone in that timeline who can do anything about Buu?
The thing is, in those alternate timelines, the Daizenshuu originally stated that Buu was never resurrected as the Androids had so thoroughly devastated the Earth there wasn't enough energy to harvest in order to revive him.
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(Bear in mind, technically nothing outside the series itself is binding, I'm simply pointing out the logic used at the time.) So assuming Trunks to be the only source strong enough to warrant the trip, if they WERE to arrive in a timeline where he was dead and the world was in shambles, I'm really not sure if they'd even be able to resurrect him in the first place. They may simply not have bothered.
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lilmissmousey · 8 years ago
Denial: Chapter 5
The sun streaming in through the hospital room window laid directly across Vegeta's closed eyelids. The migraine once forgotten in an IV drug induced sleep began to slither its way back into consciousness, and foggily, Vegeta cracked his right eye open.
Fuck. This felt like the worst hangover of his life. He groaned, the one open eye looking towards Bulma's chair. The heart monitor sounded loudly when Vegeta realized it was now empty. She wasn't here, where had she gone? There was mention of her leaving when he fell asleep but he thought- "Morning sleepy head!" Both eyes open wide now, Vegeta's blips on the monitor lessened as Bulma came in from the hallway, two takeaway cups of coffee in hand, "I thought you would appreciate some caffeine. God knows I needed it, those chairs are uncomfortable." "You stayed?" He asked, or well, barked really. Bulma regarded him, head lilting to one side, "Yeeeees... I fell asleep pretty soon after you did." "Oh." Vegeta's cheeks went hot, fists bunching in the sheets, "Okay." "Were you worried I left?" She teased, her eyes sparkling with something mischievous as she handed him his cup. Grumbling, Vegeta sipped at his coffee. It was extra-hot cafeteria garbage, but it would do. "No," he finally said. But the way he stared at her up through his lashes made Bulma's heart race just a bit. "I think you're lying," she smirked, settling back in her chair. "Mpf." Vegeta took another drink. "Did you know you sleep talk?" A spurt of coffee shot from Vegeta's lips, almost reaching the foot of the bed. Bulma squealed, recoiling as far as she could away from any spray. Vegeta looked at her in horror, "What did I say?!" Bulma blushed. Oh shit. She cleared her throat and rolled her eyes, "Don't worry doofus, it wasn't anything bad. You're intense even when you sleep. It was mostly a bunch of meat head gym talk." "...mostly?" Vegeta hissed, "What else?" Bulma shrugged, sipping at her own coffee, "Gibberish I think. Just random words strung together." The blush was still on her cheeks, so Vegeta knew she was lying, "If I... said anything offensive...I apologize." He muttered, arms crossing. "Naw," she patted his tense forearm, "I promise. It was just some random words." Her touch on his tan skin was warm, comforting. The primal section of his brain, normally so well hidden under his stony exterior was growling to life; wondering how her entire naked body would feel pressed tightly against his in this cramped hospital bed- "Well young man, are you ready to go home?" Came an overly chipper voice from the doorway. Well, damnit. The same doctor who had interrupted them yesterday smiled warmly at Bulma, "Good morning my dear! Did you sleep well?" Bulma shot a meaningful glance at Vegeta, playful smile on her lips, "As well as I could with Mr. Sleep Talker here." Vegeta groaned. Chuckling, the doctor passed Vegeta a clipboard, "Here you are son, just a few signatures and you're out of here. Take care of him, alright Miss Briefs?" He winked. "Of course!" Bulma chirped, standing and clapping her hands together, "I'm going to call and get one of my drivers here right away! Thank you for taking good care of him sir!" She pulled her cellphone out of her pocket, already dialing as she stepped out of the room. The two men watched her leave in silence. With a few pen scrawls, Vegeta signed his name and held out the clipboard to the doctor, "Here."
Slowly, the doctor turned back to him. And the look he gave Vegeta made his blood run cold. But as quickly as the look was there, it was gone. The doctor smiled, taking the clipboard from Vegeta's now sweaty hand, "Thanks young man. I'll send the nurse up to get everything unhooked and you'll be on your way in no time." Vegeta's dark brows knitted together as the doctor waved over his shoulder and was gone. - "Woman, for Christs' sake I don't need a wheelchair!" "You have a fractured pelvis! Yes you do!" Bulma insisted, pushing the chair closer to the bed, "The doctor said you needed your rest! And even if it kills you, I'm going to make sure you get all the rest you need!" He scoffed, "I think you said that wrong." "Oh, did I?" Bulma challenged, "Try me." How he couldn't refuse her, Vegeta would never know. But as the wheelchair bearings squealed in agony as he was slowly pushed downstairs all he wanted to do was be unconscious again. Out of every Goddamn wheelchair in the entire hospital, how did he wind up in the one with the death scream? It felt like brain-stabbing hours, but eventually they made it outside and to the taxi ready to take Vegeta home. He shakily pushed himself up, definitely unsteadier than he was used to. There was a firm grip on his elbow, and he shot a glare at Bulma who was trying to assist him, "I'm fine." He growled. But Bulma's eyes were gentler than he expected them to be, "Please," She said, "let me feel helpful." He sighed, but didn't shake her off. From several stories up, blue eyes watched as his now former patient was loaded up by the air headed woman. The doctor pulled out his cell phone, went to recent calls, and dialed a number. It picked up on the third ring: "Ah, Dr. Gero," drawled a high pitch male voice, "he's been released I take it? Is the woman with him?" "Yes Frieza," Dr. Gero said, "I've taken copies of his records. We have his address." A chuckle from the other side of the phone, "Excellent. Pass it on to the kids. Nice work." The call ended with a click, and Dr. Gero watched the taxi pull away. He really did like the Briefs woman. It was just a pity she kept such poor company. But, business was business. Vegeta had to be punished, and in turn, so did she. Lapis and Lazuli would at least be entertained.
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tshirtfashiontrend · 5 years ago
Champion Son Goku and Vegeta Houston Astros Houston Texans shirt
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As most know Champion Son Goku and Vegeta Houston Astros Houston Texans shirt . I love stuffed animals I received one when I was four in the hospital to get my tonsils’ removed, it was Snoopy and it helped me feel happier about my A pastor’s wife’s job is a special one, and I hope my ladies group can help to make positive differences in those around us as much as we can. I’m working on other projects for the church to have some fellowship time too.We don’t always have to be working. I hope the ladies will like them also. Church is always about God, but it’s also about going beyond your four walls of the church and reaching out and enjoying the life God gave us to live. Habitat for Humanity just built a house for some sweet people that moved here from Albania our pastor. Champion Son Goku and Vegeta Houston Astros Houston Texans shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Ladies
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Unisex I watched the house being built and to have been a part of a project like that is I hope to make the new young couple and their family feel welcome to the church this Christmas Champion Son Goku and Vegeta Houston Astros Houston Texans shirt . Winning families to your no matter where they originated from is a blessing and what God called us to do, be a light. Hopefully, we will see more Habitat for Humanity popping up around our area, and we can get more involved by helping those that need help Us ladies have been planning to make items for the Assisted Living Home, Bethel Gardens. Betty plans on crocheting these adorable wheelchair and walker holder type attachable thing for them to keep the magazines we bring them in and other items, tissues and crossword puzzle books, large print of course their Bible that I want to learn to crochet. I want to learn to make potholders for gifts and scarves. I also went and spoke to the Activity Director at our local nursing home to see what we can do to help the residents at Christmas or Thanksgiving to make it better for them and bring some happiness to their. You Can See More Product: https://kingteeshops.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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butterflyinthewell · 4 years ago
Some stuff about wheelchair!Vegeta with headcanons everywhere:
Vegeta was chronically ill before his injury due to medical abuse by Freeza. He was meant to be stronger than Goku, but will always be a half-step behind because of this, but even he doesn’t know that.
The illness stunted his growth and damaged all his organs. He recovered with lasting damage to his heart and kidneys. Saiyajin bodies compensate for damaged organs until they no longer function, so his liver and spleens(yes two) do some of the work his kidneys used to.
He gets drunk on less alcohol than other Saiyajins because of this.
In human terms he’s in chronic heart and kidney failure. He has to be very careful taking any meds that are toxic to the heart, liver and kidneys.
A human in his condition would be dead in a week. He’s been this way for decades.
His medical rap sheet is many pages long, and he paid huge amounts of money to have his medical records sealed so Freeza wouldn’t use them against him in the future. Medicines dangerous to him due to his organ damage were listed as allergies.
The Androids caused his spinal cord injury and the violent beating left him with PTSD. He already had sub-clinical PTSD symptoms before and this incident is what made it manifest fully.
He lost his ‘little’ spleen because of them. (Which is fine, it’s like a human appendix. He needs the big one, though.)
The damage to his body made his kidneys fail temporarily, so he was put on dialysis until they spontaneously started working again.
For a short time he was a quadriplegic on a ventilator because the surgery to repair his shattered 10th thoracic vertebra caused massive swelling in his spinal cord and brain. Nobody knew if he would survive the night after surgery, and the true extent of how the spinal cord injury affected him couldn’t be assessed until the swelling went down.
Saiyajin central nervous systems swell up when their brain or spinal cord gets punctured or exposed. It’s a vestigial trait from billions of years ago when their evolutionary ancestors’ bodies became toxic to any predator trying to eat them. This “immune edema” normally isn’t survivable, so Vegeta is the first and only Saiyajin to experience it and live.
He was in a coma from May until August. Nobody knew what condition he would be in if he woke up at all. But he did, and spent a long time in a minimally conscious state before becoming alert enough to communicate.
For awhile, he couldn’t use his vocal cords even if he had a Passy-Muir valve attached, so he communicated via AAC through a tablet and a mouth switch.
The brain edema caused neurons to sheer apart. While Saiyajin brains are capable of more neuroplasticity than human brains are, he still sustained a traumatic brain injury. He was diagnosed with epilepsy (he has tonic clonic seizures) caused by scar tissue all over his brain, and it’s inoperable because of the immune edema response. He takes meds to control his seizures and only has breakthroughs when something drastically lowers his seizure threshold.
Vegeta understands epilepsy because Raditz was born with it. Raditz’s was a lot worse and no medication controlled it. (Raditz had focal aware, atonic and tonic clonic seizures. His could be triggered by strobes, but Vegeta’s aren’t.)
Raditz was shameless about his seizures. They were just a thing that happened. Vegeta, in contrast, finds it humiliating if anyone other than Bulma or Trunks sees him have one, doubly so if he wets or soils himself during it.
Raditz tended to get confused, hyperactive and giddy the day after a seizure. Vegeta is bone-tired, struggles with brain fog and has trouble with his short term memory the day after a seizure. It takes him two days to fully recover.
Once all the brain issues settled down, it became clear that Vegeta is a t10 paraplegic, but he still gets autonomic dysreflexia because Saiyajins are more easily prone to it than humans. His experience of it is also worse than humans because he goes right to high blood pressure and a pounding headache. This drops his seizure threshold and it’s a mess. The only thing to control it is stopping the pain signal that’s happening below his lesion and keeping his head above his heart until his BP goes down.
Saiyajins have redundant nerves throughout their spine, so Vegeta can feel his toes, the soles of his feet, his tail scar and some spots on his butt. He can flex his butt muscles, but can’t wiggle his toes. He has no sensation from his belly button to the tops of his feet.
He can hobble along wearing knee-ankle-foot orthotics and using forearm crutches (four point gait) because those muscles in his butt give just enough movement to initiate a leg swing while gravity does the rest. He walks therapeutically to keep his legs from completely atrophying, but prefers his chair to get around.
He’s more prone to G-LOC in the gravity room due to orthostatic hypotension. Bulma programmed the computer to check his blood pressure periodically and tell him to power up if it drops too low since powering up raises blood pressure.
He tends to have seizures if he passes out from G-LOC. His brain is very sensitive to lack of oxygen since his injury.
He can exercise and train in up to 700Gs, but can’t fight in anything above 95 because his blood pressure and unhealthy heart can’t cope. He can die of anoxia if he’s turned upside down, abruptly flipped right side up again and held there while all the blood goes to his legs.
Vegeta doesn’t measure his disability by human standards. He measures it by Saiyajin standards. To able-bodied humans he doesn’t seem all that affected by what happened, but from his perspective he’s extremely affected.
The PTSD can make him violent and quick to anger. He has flashbacks and nightmares. If he gets triggered hard enough, he dissociates to the point of memory blackout. Sometimes he has bouts of depression.
Manual wheelchairs made for humans can’t survive him. He goes to push the wheels and they fly off, or it flies apart if he powers up, or it collapses in the gravity room, so Bulma made him some Saiyajin-proof chairs.
His current wheelchair LOOKS like an ultralight rigid open frame manual wheelchair, but it actually weighs about fifty pounds and is made of similar material to his old armor and attack ball. Unlike us in the real world, he’s got a button to push that’ll poof his chair into a capsule if he’s getting in a car or something. Btw, his chair has a white frame (hanger at 90 degrees and tapered to fit his legs), a hard backing, dark blue upholstery, a silver open tube footrest, black wheels, black push rims, white spoke covers, gold casters and gold bolts.
A regular human probably wouldn’t be able to use the wheelchair at all due to its weight.
His chair can survive up to 700 Gs in the gravity room, can survive him powering up and can take direct ki blasts without falling apart. This is because the frame is solid, not hollow tubes, and the wheels are also solid so they can’t pop or go flat.
His wheels have micro-treads, but he’s got “off road” wheels with huge treads he can switch to if he’s going somewhere outdoors or muddy.
He’s gentle about moving his chair around inside the Capsule Corporation compound, but give him a straightaway with no obstacles and he can shoot himself forward at 50mph on one full-strength push.
One of his fighting moves is to knock someone down, pop a wheelie and slam his casters down on them. Sometimes he keeps going by running them completely over. This could kill an ordinary human.
He can cheat stairs by flying, but finds that annoying and will use a ramp if it’s available.
He can still fight how he used to, just no kicks or leg movement.
All the pills he has to take (extended release Tegretol for his epilepsy, Valium for when a panic attack won’t stop) require a special coating so he metabolizes it with the full benefit instead of getting all the medication in his system at once for an hour. Injected meds work on him the same as a human, though.
Morphine is the go-to pain med when he’s having AD because he metabolizes it the fastest (he sprays it on his gums) but it zonks him out so it’s literally ever only used in dire emergencies where the cause of pain can’t be found or fixed by external means. Using morphine requires he gets blood work after to check on his liver.
Trunks is the only one in the story who grew up with Vegeta in the wheelchair and seeing him being tended to by Bulma whenever his health issues came up, so all his dad’s medical stuff is normal to him. He’s a sweet helper of a kid too and will sometimes ask if he can push Vegeta somewhere.
Actually, Vegeta kinda hates being fussed over, but he feels loved when family does the fussing. If it’s anybody else, though? He gets irritable and embarrassed.
He HATES it if people touch, lean on or move his chair without permission. Gohan makes the mistake of moving the chair exactly one time and learns a really hard lesson to never do it again.
Bulma can sit in the wheelchair without asking when Vegeta isn’t in it, and sometimes she does if she’s sitting at his bedside after he had a medical issue or seizure.
Vegeta sees his wheelchair as a reminder that he survived something that killed all the other Z-fighters. It’s a source of pride, not shame!
Sometimes he refers to his wheelchair as his throne.
Wheelchair!Vegeta is sexy af.
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baby-buu-buu · 5 years ago
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Had a request for a montage like picture of Saiyan Saga, super, red, and blue Vegeta from @supersaiyanempress
Here’s my Ko-Fi if anyone’s interested we are raising money for my SO to get a wheelchair.
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dennyhalse4960-blog · 7 years ago
Evaluating The Week Ahead.
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Every medical professional she viewed told her that she will reside in a wheelchair due to the time she was 40, and also there was absolutely nothing she could possibly do concerning that. She understood exactly how her relatives had lived out their lives through this condition, and made a decision that this was actually not an appropriate lifestyle for her.
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I performed list Super Buu to be even more effective than Kid Buu no matter whether he is actually merged with any person or otherwise yet also observe that Addict Buu is above him since Goku and Vegeta discussed that he was increasing in both body and also electrical power as opposed to minimizing after ripping out Great Buu's capsule. That is actually a shame at the same time when HMOs call off an individual's medical insurance because their unwell little one has actually struck some sort of a glass roof and also as a result their lives are not worth the funds that the insurance company has to put out, while Commercial greedily firmly insists that, the regulatory authorities inflate every person's lives along with meaningless bucks in order that the securities market continues to be happy consequently that Commercial's wide range is actually strained little bit. Also in some of the most unfortunate circumstances, they stand up, they care for their households, they total research studies, they visit function ... As well as in some cases they get up as well as go on residing, even when they feel they can't. The trouble is actually that the firm's projects call for tons of loan as well as ED can not manage to discuss too much wealth with entrepreneurs. As somebody who was when a partner in a mail purchase company for 16 years I found out that, on average, one pleased consumer shares their shopping experience along with another person - and also one troubled consumer shares their bad experience along with 9 individuals. Although that a few of these substances pose equally much a danger to our health and also setting as their chlorinated and brominated equivalents (i.e. they are body fat as well as extremely consistent dissolvable and also numerous build up in the food cycle as well as our physical body fat), those organizations as well as companies which have acted to restrict the wide-scale dissemination of these various other halogenated products, seem to be to have a blind spot for the risks postured through organofluorine materials. Voted Sexiest Astrophysicist Alive" by Individuals Journal in 2000. Read through the complying with short article first therefore you can know how to get all you could coming from your games take in. These inquiries, like my personal relationships as well as number of times gotten married to are actually NOT in the Constitution.
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butterflyinthewell · 3 years ago
Just some rambling about my Mirai AU wheelchair!Vegeta WIP…
Vegeta has a lot of issues in this fic besides being a wheelchair user. He’s chronically ill(thanks to Freeza) and he has epilepsy due to brain damage he sustained as a complication from surgery on his spine. The Androids injured him and he’s struggling with PTSD from that incident. Being triggered for him can be anything from an outburst of rage to total dissociation along with the outburst.
Btw Vegeta’s chronic illness isn’t a huge issue for him, since Saiyajins can spend decades in states of organ failure that would kill a human in days. He still has to be careful with certain medications that are toxic to the heart and kidneys, so everything he takes gets monitored. Bulma keeps reminding him that doctors check to make sure nothing is getting worse, because becoming disabled did make a few things a little worse!
Trunks grew up from a baby into a young boy seeing Bulma tend to Vegeta. He’s the only one who never knew Vegeta when he could walk and didn’t have seizures. Vegeta’s epilepsy is well controlled with meds, but certain upsets to his brain like passing out in the gravity room or autonomic dysreflexia lower his seizure threshold and he goes down in a tonic-clonic. Once medicated, his chances of having seizures are very low, but never zero.
So Trunks is a helper. He sort of copies his mom, but as he gets older he does it bedside he loves his dad. It’s not pity that moves him to help, it’s love. Sometimes seeing his dad dissociate or have a seizure is traumatic to him. He always worries about Vegeta’s health. There’s a really cute scene where he checks on Vegeta as he’s sleeping after a seizure and Vegeta wakes up because of the light shining on him. He reassures Trunks that the actual seizure doesn’t hurt because he’s “not there” for it and agrees to eat something because Trunks is worrying about him going hungry. Like I said, it’s sweet.
Bulma shielded Trunks from seeing Vegeta’s seizures when he was really little. Trunks has seen maybe three or four total (not counting the ones he sees in the fic) over a seven year period. Bulma saw Vegeta have over a hundred in the span of a single year until he got diagnosed and on a medication that works.
Vegeta kinda hates getting fussed over when he has a crisis due to his seizures or PTSD, and he despises when strangers see any of those happen. But he doesn’t mind it as much when it’s family doing the fussing. That’s an instance where he feels how much they love him and it’s touching for him…he’s just kinda bad at reciprocating beyond cooperating or the occasional compliment.
And Gohan, well…Gohan is not as close to Vegeta’s issues, so he ends up being the guy who makes accidental ableist mistakes and Vegeta is kinda mean to him. 😅 It’s not because I don’t like Mirai Gohan. He’s adorable. Vegeta just has huge beef with him for being Goku’s kid. But yes, poor Gohan witnesses one of Vegeta’s seizures and gets a better understanding of how serious some of his struggles are.
Vegeta and Gohan do bond a teeny tiny bit because Gohan loses an arm just like in the History of Trunks movie. (This story has some bits from that in it, they play out different because Vegeta is alive.) So they do have moments of mutual understanding.
Stuff goes down and Vegeta sees Trunks showing PTSD symptoms and that’s what gets him to realize how serious his own PTSD is. He has Bulma get Trunks diagnosed because he thinks Trunks is ‘early’ enough in it to get helped, but he gets told he’s not beyond help himself. It’s just a matter of him daring to reach out, and that’s where Vegeta is at the moment.
Bulma is trying to be the toughest one of all. She’s raising Trunks, building the time machine, taking care of Vegeta and managing to hold herself together. But she has trauma, too.
Everybody is dealing with their struggles in their own way.
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butterflyinthewell · 4 years ago
Mwahahaha, I just transferred my really old mirai timeline AU wheelchair!Vegeta WIP to Google docs so I can meddle with it from my iPad. 😈
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