#raditz deserved better
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creepypastalover97 · 5 months ago
I can personally do a whole analysis rant about why raditz deserved better, based off this one manga panel image if anyone's interested.
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mugiwara-lucy · 10 months ago
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"This user loves Raditz from DBZ" userbox, requested by anon
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fabuloustrash05 · 8 months ago
Dragon Ball GT Shadow Dragon arc would've been so much cooler if each fighter got a chance to fight their own dragon. Like the fighters all split into groups of 2-3 and go off to find and fight a Shadow Dragon and retrieve the dragon balls. Especially if they fight a dragon that is tied to them in some way.
Goku goes with Pan and they fight Rage Shenron, who's tied to the wish to revive Goku after his fight with Raditz.
Vegeta, along with Bulma who tags along cause its Bulma, fight Naturon Shenron who is tied to the wish of reviving all the people Majin Vegeta killed. It would've been a good character moment for Vegeta to reflect on his past and even Bulma to an extent since I believe she was the one who made the wish. This confrontation also would've been a better build up to Vegeta unlocking SSJ4, maybe Naturon captures Bulma and Vegeta transforms for the first time in order to save his wife.
Gohan and even Videl can join him (cause she deserves more chances to kick ass instead of being benched to the sidelines) and they fight Nuova Shenron who is the four star dragon which is an important heirloom in Gohan's family but also the wish Nuova is tied to is King Piccolo's wish for youth, tying into Gohan's friendship with Piccolo.
Uub could fight Eis Shenron because he's tied into the wish to have everyone forget about Majin Buu and his evil deeds. He just deserved more screen time after all that build up for his character.
Maybe Trunks and Goten fight Haze Shenron, tied to the wish to revive Bora, a call back to the very first series and parallel to the adventures Trunks' mom and Goten's dad were on together back in the early days of dragon ball.
And for fun, Oceanus Shenron targets Oolang because she's the underwear wish that he made and maybe it's Yamcha and Roshi who have to fight her. Maybe also Krillin and Android 18 get involved (I know Krillin is dead by that point but with some rewriting he could just be there to help out). Plus she's an ocean themed dragon, the fight can take place on Roshi's island that is literally surrounded by the ocean!!
And then by the end, everyone comes together to take on Omega Shenron, the finale dragon.
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boonsmoon · 2 months ago
Hi there! May I please request a Yamcha x reader on their period if you write for him? If not, I'll happily take Raditz instead. (Both of them deserve more love tbh) Thanks if you consider and have a nice day/night! 💕
ur name is SO REAL
yes i'll do Yamcha
i like Raditz so i included him🤭
Request Chungus ML Dragon Ball ML Yamcha x f!reader, Raditz x f!reader Genres: Headcanons|Fluff|Romantic
On Your Period
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you aren't his first period experience, that would be Bulma, and to be honest, i don't think you can be as bad as her
has committed your box to memory in case you run out, he's just considerate like that🤭
ok technically it was kinda on accident, Bulma and one of his past side chicks had the same kind
bro lowkey doesn't know what to do about cramps, you got 3 different types of pain meds, a heating pad AND heated plush, bro even bought you snacks
either way he doesn't bother you when he can tell they're being painful, he does NOT wanna get on your bad side
you went back to normal after a day or two, sure, but he still insists you keep the meds on the bedside table or in a bag when you go out
he learned VERY quickly from Bulma that cramps might just hurt worse than dying frfr
we don't speak of the incident between those two, that his hidden lore never to be dug up
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so i have no idea if saiyan women have periods, maybe, maybe not
but lets say THEORETICALLY that they did, Raditz would still have no idea what to do with you
bro is a GUY, he has been surrounded by men since he was like 5, HE ISN'T EDUCATED LIKE THAT, and no, he doesn't bother doing research on earthling women, because why should he?
so you better hope you explained menstruation to this man, or else this week just got a whole lot longer
now lets say you did tell him, because our boy has gotta be prepared for these things‼️
he will try to argue with you less, key word: try, any sass you throw as him, he WILL throw back, it don't matter how much you're bleeding
regarding pads/tampons, he finds them confusing and kinda disgusting lol
"you bleed on multiple of those for a week and just...throw them out?" "yeah??"
"why the hell are you putting it in there-" "because of the BLOOD??"
you told him about the cramps but he didn't think it'd be this bad, so now he's just confused on how tf a heating pad and some pain meds are calming you down
after the first day or two you got back into your routine and he thought you were crazy, wasn't it supposed to last a week, why are you normal after a day???
now if you DIDN'T tell him, oh boy...are you in for it
AS PER THIS POST, he finds it hot🫦when you're sassy, as such when you start to get irritated more often he thinks you're coming onto him
it took several declines of his advances before he thought "maybe there's ACTUALLY a problem"
was utterly CONFUSED by your pads/tampons, you need these once month for a week? how useless. and yeah, still disgusted
don't even run out, that will be the most humiliating phone call, even if you can look back and laugh on it later
"girl, what pussy size you wear?" "...the purple ones in isle 9...with the flowers..."
now cramps? absolutely thought you were over exaggerating, no way a non existent wound hurts this much
anyways, after your two day recovery, he 100% thought you were cappin about this whole period thing, you said a week, not two days, get real
you were over it at this point and ended up getting a period simulator...yeahhh, maybe he'll shut his mouth next time🤭
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so tragic Raditz's is longer, but he's my silly scrimblo i couldnt help it
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sith-qween · 1 year ago
Come, Let Us Teach You
Fandom: DBZ
Pairings: Reader x Vegeta, Reader x Nappa, Reader x Raditz
Words: 3.6K
Rating: M
Warnings: Sayian Reader, Mating Cycles/Heats, Ginyu Force, Dark Frieza
Tags: @bdudette
One | Two | Three | Four |  Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen | Sixteen |
Everything was so simple these days, were you still a little on edge in regards to a certain white haired man? Yes. However the dull ache that hummed under the surface of your skin was enough to make you smile. You had found someone to deal with the last hints of the heat, and after all the training you’d been doing, it all just felt right.
You had no real destination in mind, it was a quiet day. Each of you was busy dealing with your own things and recovering for whatever mission would pop up next. You had always been a fan of being off base, but these days you practically lived for it. You couldn’t help the lingering anxiety that started to surface when things got too quiet.  Between always being around such a noisy bunch, and not trusting it - it was just better to be away from the quiet.
Having just finished up in the dining rooms, you were lazily making your way down the halls, jaw falling in a large yawn. The leisurely stroll was fine, the passing soldiers were comforting, everything was still going on as it always did. Face after face that you hardly recognized, and that was how you liked it. There was something comforting in not having any ties to these people, and not needing to worry about who saw you.
“Ah, well there you are”
Internally you groaned as the all too familiar voice chimed in from the right before an arm curled over your shoulders. Turning your gaze to face the other Saiyan, your eyes were daggers that met the arrogance of his own.
“Raditz, I can’t believe I’ve been blessed with your presence. What have I done to deserve such a moment? Tell me, so I can avoid ever doing it again.” you groaned as you shrugged his arm off of your shoulders. The sarcasm rolling from your tongue was nearly tangible. Beside you came a deep chuckle, clearly not thrown off by the obvious displeasure at his appearance.
“I know Nappa warned me about how cold you’ve been and all, but it’s me. Unlike the other two, I’m much more tolerable.” he stated confidently, letting his hand rest on your shoulder this time. The smirk on his lips was enough to rub you the wrong way and you gave him a warning look, you just took his wrist and dropped his hand without a second thought.
“You can tell yourself that, but I am pretty sure that someone needs to have their head examined. Someone clearly doesn’t know how to take a hint, and will lose a limb or two if they aren’t careful” the growl came, low and threatening. In all honesty you knew that Raditz was the weakest of the three men, and if you were starting to catch up with Nappa then you could take Raditz. Well maybe not realistically win just yet, but at least give him something to reflect on. The hostility radiating from you was evident to the others in the hall as they didn’t bother to look over in your direction.
Instead of deterring him from his advances, it only seemed to light a challenge in the other, much to your dismay. A smug look came over his features and his hands went right to your hips. This desire for affection was starting to really bug you, and it was really not helping anything. The remains of the heat were faintly flickering, and sure the prince had helped considerably but you were starting to learn being around Saiyans didn’t help it any. Could that be why Nappa and Raditz had both been more inclined to be around you? Possibly, but what you did know was that it was getting on your nerves.
“Raditz, so help me - remove your hands before,” you growled, trailing off for a moment, not even able to think up some kind of threat in the moment. Between wanting to just deck him one, you instead opted to take a large step away from the other as your eyes caught sight of the tall purple man. It was instantaneous how the fear crept along your spine. Did he know about the incident the other day? “Captain Ginyu,” you greeted as you made sure that Raditz would be standing between the two of you.
To this, Raditz lazily turned to look over his shoulder before he turned around to give the other a nod of acknowledgement. He didn’t look too pleased with the other man's sudden appearance. For once you envied the man, oh how you wished you could have such an aloof attitude right now. Instead you got to feel foolishly afraid of the entire Ginyu Force.
“Making threats are we, Y/N?” The tall man asked, amusement lacing his voice more so than anything else. However, that didn’t stop the heavy feeling that started to form in your throat. Normally it would be an easy move to stand at attention and brush it off as nothing, after all Ginyu was okay when you weren’t breaking any rules. However you couldn’t trust him this time and the little extra space that Raditz provided was comforting.
“Me? I would never, Captain. No serious ones anyways. Sometimes you need to add one or two to make a point.” you retorted, a hint of bitterness reaching your tone as your eyes flashed towards the other Saiyan. To that, you got a scoff.
“I think that some of those threats are completely unjustified and unnecessary, I would never do anything to deserve any of that.” he sneered sarcastically. His attention turned towards the older man. The two were easy to fall into sarcastic banter, and you just wanted to be on your way. Ginyu you knew by name and face unlike the others - after all it was his work that got you transferred over to this ship.
You couldn’t really help leaning away from the conversation at this point. For starters you didn’t exactly feel very comfortable, not to mention the fact that they both seemed more than happy with just interacting with each other. Averting your gaze, you were looking for any available opening you could in order to excuse yourself and just get back to your room to just pretend like none of this happened. However it was almost as though Ginyu had a radar for situations like this as his attention turned to you.
“Ah right, Y/N! That reminds me, have we ever formally met one another?” he inquired, his typical attitude being almost too much for you to tolerate at the moment. Turning your attention back to him, your eyes watched him for a moment. When you didn’t respond right away he pressed once more, “Come, give me the honour of proper formalities.”
You still did not move. You were not ready to close the gap, and there was a nagging voice in the back of your head. You really didn’t want to be formal with him. Sure you were grateful for the work he put in you, for bringing you back to the rest of your kind - but he held far too much power. He was way too close to the two people on this ship you wanted nothing to do with.
A hand rested on the small of your back, causing you to blink in surprise. A laugh rumbled from beside you as it guided you forward, towards the tall man. Eyes flashing hard at Raditz he returned the look with something unreadable. Somehow that made the entire situation worse. You could feel your stomach turn at his little betrayal, but allowed yourself to naturally move forward as if it was nothing and lifted your gaze to meet the taller man.
“Sorry, lost in my own thoughts, forgive me Captain.” the words fell from your tongue in practiced form. Sometimes thinking was a secondary reaction, there were some things that everyone on the ship was just naturally accustomed to doing automatically - mostly to save themselves from meeting an untimely end.
Now standing before the other man, you couldn’t help but feel smaller in comparison. Extending your hand in a practiced manner you offered him the slightest hints of a smile,
“Y/N, nice to finally get to meet you properly.” His hand took yours in his before he pulled it up to his lips. You could feel the fur on your tail start to bristle at the contact but fear kept you from actually making any actions to move from his grip. While you felt uncomfortable, Ginyu seemed like the type to ignore boundaries, not on purpose, but just because he didn’t have any.
“Ah, You as well, Captain. I have been meaning to thank you for getting me transferred over to this ship.” you amazed even yourself at how casual your voice remained. Then again it was natural to fall into habit around superiors, personal comfort was something you got when you were no longer on duty. Thankful when he let your hand go, it quickly retreated back to your side.
“Ah yes, I’ve wanted to check in about that. There haven't been any more problems since then? Have these missions been more to speed?” He asked, his tone genuine. However simple and caring he appeared, you couldn’t trust him and you managed a smile,
“Yes. I feel much better here. Missions are more challenging and thrilling. Not to mention I was pleasantly surprised with my new teammates; they gave me a chance to learn more about my history” avoiding anything regarding problems, you were being pretty honest about everything else. You never figured you’d meet other Saiyans, let alone someone who was from the royal bloodline. It had been a learning experience, and while they got on your nerves, you had started to adapt to it in no time.
“Ah, that is good to hear! However, it seems no matter where you go, you still draw attention. I guess it can’t be helped,” he chuckled, his tone teasing as he let his eyes lift to Raditz. “But I am glad to see you’ve been keeping the others in check. Surprised none of them have messed up your missions yet..”
Beside you it was now Raditz’s turn to bristle at the man's comment. To that you couldn’t help but snicker. No, they hadn’t messed anything up yet, but they did struggle with thinking with the right head sometimes. After all no one was blind to the situation here, and you were happy to prove each day that you had the control. You may be part of a dying race, but the men also knew it couldn’t be forced on you either - not without dire consequences.
“Well, it seems like you have things under control here. I should take off, have a meeting to raise the team's morale shortly here. I can’t be late! Remember a pretty thing like you need to stay on her toes, don’t let anyone here get away with anything! Anything happens, make sure you report it like before.” he finished, a smile on his face. If it wasn’t for the little logo on his armour presenting his rank, you think he would’ve been a decent person to hang around with from time to time. He seemed carefree to be the leader of such an elite group - ah how misleading appearances could be. Personal and work life were easily kept apart in his books.
With a quick farewell from the pair of you, the purple man took his leave.
There was a moment of silence between you both before you turned and continued through the halls. You had just wanted to get back to your room and relax a little bit before all of this happened, honestly you blamed Raditz for all of this.
“Hey, Y/N!” the long haired male growled from behind you as he quickly caught up. Instead of trying to resume his previous mission, he fell into step with you, half a step ahead. Everything about him carried more purpose now then it had before, “I was looking for you earlier, Vegeta and Nappa are going to meet us back at my room. Vegeta wanted to go over a few things.” he explained.
“Ah, so I don’t get to relax for a while yet, that’s reassuring news.” you sneered at the other. The disgruntled glare you cast in his direction was met with an unreadable gaze. That didn’t sit right with you, but then again nothing today was really sitting right. Everything was all over the place and you were unsure what was going to be thrown at you next. Huffing your gaze returned to the front as you made your way down the halls. You just wanted to get this all over with.
The two of you had arrived shortly before the other two. There was nothing after this, just some off time to do whatever. Raditz had taken it upon himself to get comfortable, striping himself of his armour and stretching out on his little couch. Having swapped out his spandex for a dark pair of sweats, there was little left to imagine. Wanting to keep distance between you and the others, you had chosen to stand against one of the walls.
Vegeta and Nappa each occupied one of the chairs in the small living area, both still dressed in their everyday armour. Silently you thanked them for that, because having one of them half dressed was far more than enough for you.
After a few minutes of silence there was an impatient sigh from the Prince,
“Before we get to the boring stuff.. Y/N, would you mind sharing what's been eating away at you in the last little while?” he ‘asked’. Calling it an idea, or suggestion would be a grossly huge understatement. His tone made it pretty clear that he was telling you to share, not so much asking you to.
“It’s.. Complicated..” you muttered after a moment. Really, this wasn’t something you really wanted to share. It wasn’t exactly like they could do much in the way of stopping it. Hell if they were dumb enough to take action, you would be down a teammate. It wasn’t really something you wanted to make a big fuss about either, but the displeased look you got in response was followed by an equally displeased tone,
“It’s really not that complicated. You say what happened, and that is that. None of us missed what happened back in the training rooms. So you better explain before you weigh down the group. We can’t have you spacing out on missions.” That is what caught your attention. Anger flared in your chest at his words, like you would let personal matters hold back a mission. You knew your place, and you knew better than to let silly things mess up a mission.
“If you must know,” the words snapped, “Jeice has been more than friendly in the last little while and after screwing up with Lord Frieza - he’s been more than happy to use that as leverage.” the words were a hiss. They felt wrong on your tongue and the bile rising in your throat stung. If it had been just about anyone else, he never would have gotten away with it - you would have dealt with him by now. Unfortunately he held power over you, and you valued your life way too much.
As it set in what you meant, you swore each one were cluing in on a few things. Sure, you had been more than thrilled to be sent away from the ship. Yeah having Nappa kick your ass for a few hours helped take your mind off things. Maybe you were a little bit repulsed to having anyone touch you at the moment. You had gone so long without the worries of any unwanted attention, and yet here it was - and back with a vengeance.
“So Ginyu..?” Raditz started, pulling your attention to him. The anger burned in your eyes as you lifted your brows in response,
“I don’t know if he was hinting at anything or what was happening.” you were quick to finish for him, really not wanting to bring that up as well. However, the very mention of the man had two confused gazes flickering between you and Raditz, much to your dismay.
“Ah, Ginyu stopped us in the halls earlier. Asked Y/N how things had been since the move and all. All that was fine, but he was getting a little friendly himself.. However I imagine he was much classier than that filthy Jeice.” he filled in for the others. At the moment you wanted nothing more than to strangle Raditz. Was it really necessary to mention all of that as well? However, part of you was silently thankful that he had said it so that you didn’t have you. Eyes focused on the little coffee table, you couldn’t bear to look at any of them, you could feel the shame weighing down on your shoulders.
“Well, they better keep their distance.” Nappa finally barked. He looked absolutely livid when you lifted your gaze at the sudden comment. “They have more than enough women throwing themselves at ‘em. They don’t need to corner you.”
“While I don’t agree with anything they have done, we have to be careful. Like she mentioned, they aren’t shy about throwing their ties with Frieza around. We can’t just start picking fights or anything.” Vegeta piped in, his tone much calmer than the others. Then again, his eyes gaze it all away. The rage behind his onyx eyes was not something you’d forget any time soon.
“So then what? What was the point of this? None of you can do anything, it’s my problem so I was dealing. I can keep personal and work separate, have been for years.” you sneered. This whole thing felt pointless. They were just getting mad for nothing now, and it was just making you feel even weirder about the whole situation.
Suddenly the little table gave a pitiful cry as it splintered off into pieces - the large fist sat in the middle of it. Unlike the prince, Nappa’s rage was a wild storm that bloomed out to destroy whatever it could - much to Raditz’s agony.
“Don’t worry about that, we will do what we can. We can’t exactly confront them - however none of this has ever happened while we were with you.. So it might be best if you were always with one of us. It would be a reason for them to keep their distance, can’t have someone witness their deeds now can they?” Vegeta pondered, making it sound more like he was thinking aloud. To this there was a moment of silence, the words setting in with each of you.
As Nappa straightened himself out, he started to nod in agreement. A soft hum of agreement came from Raditz, and even if it wasn’t the most desirable solution - you couldn’t deny that even that made sense. Moving away from the wall, you started to pace a little - mulling over the idea in your head. Only Ginyu tried anything weird in front of Raditz, but that could have just been a weird perk he had. Last time, they had backed off when any of the three men showed up, and the time before as well.
“I suppose that’s an idea. I’m not exactly thrilled to spend all of my time with you guys.. But it is logical, and even I can’t argue with that.” you muttered out, shoulders falling slightly in defeat. To that Vegeta just scoffed, not impressed with your attitude, but he was much more adjusted to it compared to when he had first met you.
“Well if that's sorted,” Raditz hummed before his hands grabbed your waist, pulling you down to the couch with him. Stumbling slightly, you were distracted with the broken pieces of wood on the ground before your attention turned sour at what had happened. However before you could really register anger at the other’s actions, two reactions stole your attention.
The displeasure was an automatic response from the other two Saiyans. Nappa’s face was a cold glare, his entire body tensed as if he wanted nothing more than to reach out and steal you from Raditz’s grasp. Vegeta, while much less visible, was also tense, his cool expression fueled by those same burning eyes.
You could feel the corner of your lips twitch in amusement at how that played out. Sure Raditz won this time, but mostly because of the amusement that it brought you. Just this once you would allow the pesky man's advances to succeed. Shuffling a bit, you removed the bulky armour so as not to stab him with it and set it down beside the couch. With your chest gear gone, you let your back fall against his chest as you relaxed a little bit.
“C’mon Y/N, he’s a lower class saiyan, surely-” Nappa started, the jealousy evident on his face. He really did wear his heart on his sleeve, for any emotion it appeared.
“I thought we had some things to go over. Schedules, any news updates, you know - the normal stuff?” you quickly cut in, turning your attention to the prince. The look in his gaze was nothing short of unhappy, but he gave a grunt in response. Clearly he wanted to say something, but the arguing that would follow wasn’t something he was up for at the moment. You never believed how much you held over them, but this just proved it. Feeling the other’s arm wrap around your waist and rest on your stomach, you were thankful he was not pushing his luck. The rest of the meeting was simple and boring, but you came out of it feeling much more at ease then when it had started.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
AN: Hello I return. I am starting to slowly starting to update this, so enjoy a new post on here! Remember AO3 sees it first my lovelies. However, you can chat easier on here, so never hesitate to leave an anon ♥
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bliss-wily · 1 year ago
More headcanons because I’m sick and have nothing better to do~
This post? Raditz! Radish boy shall receive some love~
Very silly and of course it’s just headcanons so please don’t take these too seriously.
•Raditz is a tsundere through and through both for relationships and friendships.
•He’s the outlier of the group of 3, the other two being Vegeta and Nappa.
•Doesn’t get stronger like the others because he is too much of a coward to pick on anyone stronger than him.
•Grouchiest of the three, yes, even more so than Vegeta.
•His tail is super sensitive, most definitely his weakness.
•Relies on his scouter too much as he doesn’t trust his own instincts from constantly being invalidated by Vegeta and Nappa.
•Seeing as he doesn’t really have friends, befriending Raditz would mean him being quite insecure and likely having him being very possessive or having a fear of abandonment.
•If he’s extra grouchy, get that man food asap and lots of it.
•His tail reveals a lot about his feeling and emotions in the moment - that’s if it’s not wrapped around his waist.
•Struggles with human technology, so imagine you’re living with him (platonically or romantically, doesn’t matter) and you wake up to noises at 3am with the man trying to get a microwave to work. So yes…the man can use Saiyan pods and scouters but microwaves stump him.
•You know what, technophobe when it comes to earthling tech, you would see many phones destroyed because he can’t manage it.
•Or hearing him argue with Siri/Alexa/Google because everything isn’t working how he wants.
•But by no means does this make Raditz stupid. He’s smart but just doesn’t get the opportunity to really say anything.
•Looks up to Vegeta and Nappa, he just wants some form of acceptance goddamn it.
•Acts mean because it’s all he’s ever known - how he’s been treated.
•Of the three remaining Saiyans in the Frieza Force, I imagine he gets the least amount of name calling as the other two as he’s just kinda there? Raditz strikes me as someone who’s closed off.
•And due to ill treatment from his teammates I think he believes that being mean in the best way to communicate with people he’s interested in.
•Also…maybe a bit promiscuous. Frieza did assume Gohan was Raditz’s son so…I’ll leave that open ended, as I tend to stay relative SFW on here.
Someone socialise this man, he deserved to be around longer. So did Nappa to be fair.
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knifknighted · 7 months ago
Okay, so a little Dragon Ball Au thing that I'm thinking up.
Premise: Instead of Nappa someone else is put in charge of Prince Vegeta. Enter you, Vegeta's older cousin that was put in charge of the little rascal.
You keep Tarble from getting sent away
When Planet Vegeta gets blown up you have to take care of three little Saiyans
You have to teach them about Saiyan things and keep them alive
Bonding sessions in Oozaru form T-T
Raditz being an angry little fella
You help Raditz train because he doesn't like being the weakest
Pacifist Tarble, who isn't shamed for not wanting to fight
Vegeta growing up with a role model that doesn't have Saiyan^TM toxicity
You adopt all three of them (BECAUSE I SAY SO!!!!!!!!!)
I've got some parts of this already written because I love this so much and it makes me really happy. I just adore the little baby Saiyans---THEY DESERVE SO MUCH BETTER!!!!!!!!!
Idk if I wanna make this one really long oneshot or actually make it a multi-chap fic
I have some fanart of a babes if ya'll wanna see it, I'll probably post it sometime later :)))
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kaiokentimesten · 1 month ago
I think like also if they were gonna pick a z villain to bring back in super. Why not cell bro. Like cell was evil as shit but only bc he has like a fucking superiority complex and was only alive for what a couple months…..like a “domestication” arc is so much more likely for this guy this is how our architect cell au can still win
Genuinely GT handled Buu better than Super by a fucking landslide. But if you REALLY want to bring back another Z villain fucking. Bring back Cell. Or RADITZ cmon guys you used to love Raditz. Rad rad? I'm going crazy
I need to see Cell and Raditz on a work break together. I need Raditz to work retail
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blundergato · 2 years ago
i think the tien x lunch ship is pretty funny because other than the characters have negative 10 chemistry together, the only reasons it seems to endure is because lunch show some interest in him and both characters became complete afterthoughts.
lunch kinda because a vessel for random ass ships. i know raditz x lunch is another popular one because...well mostly because lunch is like the last notable woman left in dragon ball who isn't married/attached to someone else and i guess people want her to come back so she can do f**k all.
i love tien and i think raditz is lame and i wish lunch was around, but both ships are doodoo. tien became a personality chasm where hes just piccolo but with no development and raditz is an uglier proto-vegeta (though at least tien had a personality at one point while raditz was always vegeta but a coward).
lunch deserves better than either of these two losers.
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mugiwara-lucy · 10 months ago
In short Raditz deserved BETTER!! 😤
Raditz is such a ridiculous character.
This guy is Goku's brother. He is the last blood relation Goku has aside from his own son at that point, and he's evil. He's stronger than Goku was at the time, he's smarter than Goku, he's a link to their culture that Goku never had before and never had again, because Vegeta is a prince and has a skewed concept of Saiyan culture.
And then he dies and is never mentioned again. Not ever. He dies in his first encounter, and yeah he takes Goku with him, but they didn't even meet in the afterlife. Goku spends the next twenty episodes dead and jumping across Snake Way and we don't even get a glimpse of Raditz in HFIL below.
He could have been anyone. Raditz could have been the legendary Some Guy who's just here to do his job and--oh what's that? A wild child Saiyan? Weird, but whatever, let's kill him.
It would have made no difference. It should have been Nappa showing up to wreck shit up and then Raditz is palling around with Vegeta. They could have had a epic, emotional character arc where Raditz is struggling between loyalty to his prince and his desire to protect his baby brother, but no.
Imagine, for an instant, if Supergirl was one of Zod's minions, and she appeared in exactly one comic as a herald for Zod's arrival before Lex Luthor kills her with Kryptonite after Superman manages to beat her once. And then she's never mentioned again. That's Raditz.
It's insane, really. He's the main character's brother and they don't do anything with it. Absolutely bonkers.
(I'm not a Dragonball superfan so I don't know, did Raditz even appear in any of the movies? I know there was one where Goku's dad was the main character and another that takes place partially in the past on planet Vegeta. Does Bardock even mention Raditz? His eldest son?
Totally insane.)
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dailybigbro · 2 years ago
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Today's Big Bro is Raditz from Dragonball Z. He…had a little brother!
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tenshindon · 4 years ago
the thoughta yamcha meeting baby gohan with the chums at kame house got me sobbing
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flowerthornsart · 3 years ago
Of course I get attached to the character in Xenoverse that popped up in only like, a few episodes and seems like he’s rarely mentioned again I
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cc-vegeta · 16 days ago
// Chance to Spare [Vegeta x Tifa, Saiyan Saga AU] - Part 8
"Then you shall die as a weakling Earthling alongside Kakarot!"
Vegeta pretty much denounced Tifa's status as a Saiyan in his eyes as well, and no amount of strategising with Kakarot will make any difference in their battle to come.
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“Alright, let’s go rush him together!” Goku told Tifa before launching himself at the Saiyan Prince, there really was no point in strategizing until he could properly gauge his opponent’s power.
He was impressed that Tifa could keep up with him, they were actually quite in sync and similar in fighting style, as if from a similar upbringing. Goku was getting a familiar feeling though, just like when he was fighting Raditz alongside Piccolo. The difference in power was that much, if not more, depending on how much Vegeta was holding back.
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“What’s wrong, Earthlings? You both looked better while fighting Nappa!” Vegeta taunted them as he managed to skilfully block, deflect or evade their attacks with relative ease. It was infuriating how they made sport of Nappa, so it was time them to have a taste of being at the receiving end of the humiliation.
The Prince suddenly did a flip and landed a heavy kick on both their faces to launch himself off and away from them. “It’s time for your Saiyan makeovers!” he declared, throwing a fireball at each of them. Vegeta decided to play a little with his prey, he deserved it for tolerating how dragged out the fights were because of that oaf Nappa.
// Tifa (at this point) can match Goku in speed/power coz of zenkai boost (from the Sensu Bean) and anger, also Saiyan Spirit / Grit awakened from fighting Nappa.
Tifa followed Goku's lead, flying into the air to where he knew of a safe place to openly fight this new foe.
Once they landed, Tifa felt her blood boil in her veins at the lunacy that this man was spouting. How could this be the lineage her mother had been proud of? If anything, it made Tifa's skin crawl to know that this was her supposed ruler.
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"You don't get it, do you?!" she cried out, anger pooling in her gaze. "You only care about conquest, but I care about protecting life. If that makes me weak in your eyes, then so be it!"
She looked over at Goku, waiting to see what he would do next.
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stories-of-the-multiverse · 3 years ago
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“... Does anyone else feel the urge to adopt child soldiers?”
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“I was a child soldier, so I’d relate to them best.”
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exsqueeze-me · 4 years ago
21 but whats your FAV au?
My favorite au has to be the faithful brothers arc from Budokai Tenkaichi 2. Other than that, I really love the au where Raditz comes to Earth with little Goku. Would have been nice to see how everything would have played out if Raditz grew up with Goku rather than being separated for so long and immediately fighting to the death.
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