unagidevi · 2 months
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I'm sorry, Soda - I can't make it :(
I'm not a party person but, congrulations!
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goldenguillotines · 29 days
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Custom for RadioactiveSoda on TH! One more to go! :D
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griffonhatchling · 3 years
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A birthday gift for amazing @radioactivesoda-gw2 :D I hope you’ll have a wonderful year ahead! 
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chalk-boards · 4 years
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@radioactivesoda​ of all the things he could wear! he doesn’t get it
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vinetooth-prime · 6 years
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We haven't dove much development lately, I don't think, since we been busy... so his thoughts are mostly where they've been.
Khallalh is, eternally, "that bleeding-hearted jackass". Coll thinks he's a fool and a moron for his kindness, tho he's grateful for his help with Rue and considers him a... friend. Mostly. Kinda.
Vex is just "that other jackass", tho. A pushover and a chew toy, good for an occasional laugh. Not that he hates the guy, that's honestly why he sorta likes Vex, but he doesn't take him seriously at all.
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yurasura · 7 years
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I had to coloring this. Look at them... so cute... i cant <3
Origial sketch by @radioactivesoda-gw2 Here
Color by me
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salsabubble · 7 years
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Something I doodled last week, but completely forgot to upload, featuring Kai, and @radioactivesoda-gw2’s Khallalh and Vex. Kai doesn’t show it much, but he does sometimes have spontaneous act of friendly. Thanks for letting me borrow your nerds, Soda~
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radioactivesoda-gw2 · 7 years
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HOO-HA-HEY- it’s about time I posted commission info =v=‘ my job is great but I only seem to be making enough money to barely pay my loans, and I don’t have money left over for anything else, which sucks because I need to start building up savings to eventually move out, plus I’d like to be able to treat myself to things once in a while so...ye ;v;
It’s been a while since I’ve been on the commission scene, and figuring out commission prices is a pain in the butt and I probably went overboard trying to cover all my bases as usual- so bear with me if they’re confusing. X’D And fret not because it’s all negotiable, especially the up-charges for complex designs because it really depends on the complexity.
If you have questions please do not be shy, I am happy to answer any and all questions <3
Message me if you’re interested! :’)
v v v FAQ below! :> v v v
Can I ask for a commission involving your characters? Totally! If you want to commission me to draw your character and one of mine I’m happy to do it! Or if you simply want to commission something like “Vex modeling a biker outfit” that’s fine too. XD Only exception is I will not draw my characters in ways that are OOC for them unless it is intended to be humorous.
Can I commission my character and someone else’s character? So long as you have permission from said person to use their character, yes. :)
Can you do other commission types that aren’t listed here, like a sketch page or a comic? Yes, but we would have to talk through what you’re expecting, and decide a realistic and fair price to pay for it. :)
Can you do a style or fandom that isn’t listed here? (ex: chibi, toony, anime, Sonic, furries, Disney cartoon or something) Absolutely! :D If you are interested in something different, you can always check out my original art blog for a larger variety of my art. Feel free to link one of my pieces and say “I really like the way you did this, can I get a commission like it?” that’s totally chill.
What about backgrounds? Most pieces I do will wind up with something other than a white background, such as... Non-white background with a simple base shadow Simple shape in the background plus shadow Simple shape in the background Stroke around the character I typically don’t like leaving characters on a simple blank white background unless that’s what the commissioner ordered. -v- If you want something specific feel free to ask! The more complex/involved the background is the more it will cost. The background types listed above are not extra charge, but if you ask for something like a bunch of trees or a full beach scene, that’ll cost ya.
Will you do NSFW? Right now, no, I’ve been on a heavy debate with myself on it because I’m very paranoid of it coming back to bite me someday in the future. %D; I will happily do romantic and maayyybbee sensuuall(???) pieces...depending on how sensual it is |D
If I get enough questions I’ll make an FAQ page to link later. (b -v-)b
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rata-whitz · 5 years
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Since I’m having an active night, have a wholesome picture of Zubbi and Gwett! Soft...good...seaweed undies and lizard undies!
Done by good soft friend @radioactivesoda-gw2 <3333 and Gwett co-owned by me and @adurolobe
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heavenbat-gw2 · 6 years
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Jozzik the Great - Mesmer Magician
◦ Insists on being called “the Great” ◦ Claims he’s a Magician, not a Mesmer ◦ The difference is in ~PRESENTATION~ ◦ Loves pink, sparkles, magic, and fashion ◦ Very loud and high-energy, extremely talkative. ◦ T r i c k s t e r
Race: Asura
Age: Young adult; equivalent of about 22 ish?? (I have no idea how asuran ages work lmao)
Sexuality: Straight
Pronouns: He/Him
Height: Average for an asura, maybe a bit on the short side
Weight/Build: Roughly average; a little noodly in the limbs, a little extra weight in the hips. Not a ton of muscle definition.
Scars/Birthmarks/Distinguishing Markings: Asuran brindle-type markings giving him some darker speckling on his tips. Has a tattoo of a colorful, beautiful bird on his ankle.
Gameplay Info
Class: Mesmer (no elite specialization yet)
Preferred weaponset: Wand/torch combo or staff
Weapon skins: Princess Wand, Alchemist Torch
Preferred tactics: Summon as many mirages/illusions as possible, attack from afar, constantly Blink everywhere
Favorite Mount: his Springer, named Mirage aka Mira. Followed closely by Glitterbomb, his griffon.
Personality & Morals
Are they…(bold which term applies to the character):
introvert / extrovert / ambivert risk-taker / cautious (depends on the situation; fluctuates) organized / disorganized close-minded / open-minded calm / anxious / restless disagreeable / agreeable / in-between patient / impatient (again, kind of depends on the situation; he gets bored and impatient easily but at the same time he can lie in wait to set up a joke for hours on end) outspoken / reserved leader / follower / flexible empathetic / un-empathetic optimistic / pessimistic / realistic traditional / modern / in-between hard-working / lazy
Moral alignment: Chaotic good
Guilty Pleasure(s): Sometimes..... he likes to....... wear sweatpants
Strengths & Weaknesses
Strengths/Skills (Mental/Physical): Clever, very observant, kind, emotionally aware, very fast, high dexterity, great at showmanship
Weaknesses (Mental/Physical): Can sometimes be self-absorbed, can be obnoxious and overbearing, sometimes doesn’t know when to stop, not physically strong, low pain tolerance
Biggest Advantage: Good at seeing through to the heart of problems/situations, excellent at drawing attention
Biggest Vulnerability: Doesn’t have a lot of skills outside of magic and fashion; can sometimes freeze up in panic
Mental Ailments: None currently
Physical Ailments: None currently
Phobias: TBD
Virtue: Hope
Vice: Pride, Greed
Birthplace: Rata Sum
Current Residence: Khallalh’s lab in Metrica Province
Education: Completed some college at the College of Synergetics (did not graduate)
Religion: Agnostic; he’s not sure what he believes in, not sure if there’s a guiding force behind it all, but he’s not sure there ISN’T one either. He knows there are human “gods” but doesn’t know if they’re actually deities or not. Unsure about the theory of Eternal Alchemy.
Philosophy/Outlook on Life: Mostly positive; believes wholeheartedly in embracing joy and the pleasures in life, and in helping others if possible.
Job: He used to be a traveling performer, but since he met the Misfit Krewe he’s stopped doing that. Still sometimes does performances, but mostly focuses on fashion design/jewelry now.
Hobbies: Magic, using illusions to mess with people, turning people into birds, being a general nuisance.
Status: Single (and open for relationships)
Family: The only living family he has left is his mother, Modna
Friends: Khallalh, Vex, Forcas, and Darijja (probably has more but those are all I can think of atm; more to be added later). Coll??? (one-sided), Rezza
Enemies: Probably has a lot of people who really hate him but he doesn’t really have anybody he considers his enemy.. other than, like. Balthazar or Joko or the Inquest or people like that. But that’s less of a personal thing.
Other notable relationships (If any): There is a tribe of Grawl who still believe he (and Forcas) are gods
Childhood: Raised in the heart of Rata Sum, born to a tinker and a tailor, Jozzik by all means should have turned out like any other Asura. And, in some ways, he did; he has the classic Asuran confidence. But, perhaps thanks to the influence from his mother (the tailor), he turned out rather odd, even by Asuran standards. Jozzik’s mother, Modna, was a genius of the tailor world, and instilled some of her passion for fashion and presentation into Jozzik. Additionally, Jozzik was born into a female body, but quickly decided that he was more of a “he” than a “she”–thankfully, both of his parents still accepted and loved him and were quick to respect his wishes, both of them even helping Jozzik with his transition.
Adolescence: Unfortunately, things did not stay so cheerful forever. A little after Jozzik started college, Jozzik’s father died in a horrible accident. Unable to deal with the grief and unable to stay in Rata Sum where he had so many memories of his now-deceased father, Jozzik struck out into the world, setting up a traveling Magician show.
Young Adulthood: After traveling around and perfecting his act, he met Forcas, a mute explosives technician whom he recruited to help with pyrotechnics. Approximately a year later the two met Darijja, whom he recruited to help protect their little traveling caravan. Then, one fateful day, the trio ran into Khallalh and Vex…. and the rest is history. 
Present Day: Jozzik’s present is one spent with the self-proclaimed Misfit Krewe, led by Khallalh; though, as of late, they’ve started to share in the leadership duties to take some of the stress off Khallalh. Currently, the Krewe is in Elona, trying to help the people and trying to figure out a better way to handle the duties of Commander.
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lionsarchlabs · 6 years
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Really rough sketch of @radioactivesoda-gw2 Vex. I want to do a drawing of him and Khallalh but last night was just not working out. I have a feeling he is going to be one of those characters I need to do like 20 sketches of before one comes out right. 
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koy1e · 6 years
Three current projects
Right now im working on three projects which have many things in common.
1. Free commission for looky. His Asura (after a loooooooooong delay). Its getting very furry
2. Page of oc Asura. Yes you read right. I started a picture with 6 different Asuras, with 6 different types of gesture. First one already get chosen. Its just a study of face expression. I will ask everybody for the permission to draw their oc.
3. Last but not least i continue on the Sticker-package for Telegram.
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griffonhatchling · 4 years
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Something for amazing @radioactivesoda-gw2 ^w^ She’s been one of my most favourite artists when it comes to GW2 and she’s such a wonderful being (who also have some incredible lovely OCs!)  Thank you for sharing with us your beloved OCs ;w;!!
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chalk-boards · 4 years
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@radioactivesoda​ B) hell yea all upbeat and somewhat weird songs work good for his vibe
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vinetooth-prime · 5 years
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it's a good thing social media doesn't exist in Tyria (featuring @radioactivesoda-gw2's Vex)
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yurasura · 7 years
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Very cute things happed on this last RP fxkskficskfkcidkeiig. MY HEART CANT DEAL WHIT THESE CUTIES!!!! @radioactivesoda-gw2 Barnabetteisrealnow
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