#radar : uh … no sir
hawkeyeslaughter · 9 months
henry genuinely thinks his office is haunted for like a solid month because hawktrap bribes radar to go in and move the skeleton a little every night
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cu7ie · 1 year
𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐝. | kaveh, al haitham
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˚✦ ៸៸ ₊˚ cw: HARD NON-CON. fear, manhandling. no penetrative sex. oral (pussy-licking). hybrid!kaveh and al haitham. my first time writing for GI. yandere themes. trusting reader. reader has a vagina. reader is referred to as an 'it' (by Al Haitham) and 'they' (Kaveh). forgive me for ooc-ness. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.
˚✦ ៸៸ ₊˚ an: @187-mg i told you about this and i was just like fuck it let me uhhh write it first! listen at first this was a fun horny moment then i got too analytical i need critique 💀 i kinda love it though
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You happen upon these wolves, who don't seem interested in you at first pass. You're just a passerby looking to spend time with your grandma, a little ways off in the woods, nothing terribly interesting to the likes of them,
but then they start trailing slowly behind
asking more questions (Kaveh), demanding answers (Al Haitham).
They are talking among themselves in whispers you can t discern, too busy making sure the soup inside your basket doesn't spill and that mud doesn't clump up on your nice shoes !
It's getting dark quicker than you thought it would though. 
And you don't think you're anywhere near your grandmother's house (Kaveh, so gracious to offer help with directions) and when you think to call their names, you turn around and
You see the moonlight reflected in their eyes. They look solid. Alhaitham has extended to his full height, and only in the absence of light does it feel ominous. 
Kaveh's warm smile has faded away in the dark, but you can see the glint of Al Haitham's fangs and -
What's going on? The wind howls faintly and you clam up all the sudden, sweaty palms clasping tightly on your wicker basket as your boot squishes in mud.
"Ah… Well, thank- uh- thank you sirs. I think I can find my own way… now." And you immediately dart off into the woods. Your basket clinks a little noisily, and you're already impossible to miss because whatever's in there smells so good.
Not as good as you though, Al Haitham is sure to point out to Kaveh, so maybe that's why when you dart off, Al Haitham is already at your heels.
Kaveh was trying to tell him to be patient. Humans are afraid of things like thunder, sudden snapping twigs, so he can just imagine your reaction to hulking behemoths such as them, able to break you with the flick of a wrist-
"But that's what we're going to do. Break them. So I don't see why we should pretend we won't." Kaveh's ears flattened against his head and he didn't speak on it further, watching Alhaitham size you up in anticipation of your escape
and when you do, Alhaitham's just a blur on the edge of Kaveh's vision.
Kaveh is quicker to follow. You're yelling out his name in desperate fear, and he catches the tail end of Alhaitham flipping your skirt up and clawing your panties off, grazing your flesh and getting taken over by your delicious terror. The tip of his claw etches a reminder into your thigh, tears dripping down the side of your face.
Your basket is tossed on its side, contents carelessly spilled along the forest floor.
Your struggle renews somewhat as Kaveh comes close enough for you to see - he's behind Al haitham’s mass so for a second you don't - and you cry out for help again.
Kaveh has his own qualms about this - you're terrified and he's tired of feeling like a monster - but Al haitham operating on animal impulse makes him feel a distinct shame as well as a trickle of jealousy
Kaveh was willing to wait. He's known of you for longer, made it a habit to see you around the woods, tending to your garden, humming along with songbirds, your bubble of reality utterly endearing. He mentioned it once. Let it slip to Al Haitham. Telling him was a distinct inevitability. Also the biggest mistake of his life.
And he couldn’t have expected Al Haitham to take to you at all - what with his inclination to contentedness, Kaveh imagined you’d be a blip on his radar.
But he ends up just as taken by you. He starts asking for what Kaveh knows; and when that well of information goes dry, he makes plans to go straight to its source.
Not to say Kaveh didn't intend to - but there's the way humans do things and the way they do things. A right and wrong. Mating rituals dictate that upon breeding, a bond has been made. Bonds further strengthened by a mark.
Humans court, and give gifts, and have long talks, spend time together ...
Kaveh was willing to try. Al Haitham is too stubborn.
Al Haitham doesn’t understand pretending to be something he is not. Human tradition is just meandering fluff.
He'll breed you so good you'll never think about anything else. If Kaveh wants out, so be it.
But he can't leave you there, begging and pleading and crying for him as the head of Al Haitham’s cock prods at your folds. You're so small. Al Haitham might kill you if he's not careful - and then what? Kaveh steps forward again,
"Al Haitham. Don't be so rough, you're scaring them." Hunched over you like a vulture over carrion, Al Haitham eyes Kaveh, furiously ablaze and downright feral. "Don't tell me what to do. You’re anxious to act, and stall when opportunity reveals itself.
“If you don’t want any-” “No!”
Kaveh’s snarl doesn’t intimidate Al Haitham, but maybe the fangs poised at his neck make him hesitate. The gap between them is closed in but a moment, and Al Haitham jerks his head upwards to dislodge his friend’s grip in one firm shake. He is unsuccessful.
Kaveh’s intervention only seemed to exacerbate Al Haitham’s irritation, before his expression wanes into something more reasonable. Less blood lusty and more level headed, eyes darting off to something more pressing.
"Kaveh." Al Haitham huffs, relatively calmer as Kaveh withdraws from his neck. 
"It’s getting away."
You might have twisted your ankle when Al Haitham tackled you to the floor but you're able to make some distance when they squabble, desperately clawing bald patches of grass and getting dirt under your nails.
they are much faster, and they can make up proper after they figure out what to do with you.
"They're so small..." Kaveh chimes, his pupils dilated as his expression seems to glow.
They talk about you as if you're not right in front of them, trembling and terrified.
"Is that a problem? I thought you liked it tight."
Kaveh shoots him an irritated glare. "Al Haitham. Please." You're crying again.
"You have a nice mouth." When he's not being utterly insufferable. "Maybe show them what that's like?"
Al Haitham snorts like Kaveh’s said something funny. "I'm serious! Let's just do it right this time, okay?"
He blinks once at Kaveh, looking down at where he has your legs spread, moves his clawed hands slowly. Al Haitham huffs harshly, looking down at you with those predator eyes, like you offended his senses.
"Ass up, pup." His tail thumps against the floor, betraying the anger writ over his face. "P-please no! I -"
Whenever you don't move as fast as he wants you to, Al Haitham moves for you. You learn that quick as he flips you over, your tear streaked face now looking at the other, 'kinder' wolf. Kaveh is the worst.
He's trying to make it easier for you, yes. He cradles your face in his clawed hands and coos at you about how beautiful he thinks you are, and how Al Haitham’s not that bad once you get to meet him,
he's paying careful attention to every dip and divot, the taste of your cunt and clit, slow sensuality degrading into frantic wet slurping.
Then he stops suddenly. You feel pin-pricks dig into the flesh of your ass as he spreads it with his thumbs, your dripping cunt throbbing in anticipation, your heart pounding out of your chest.
Kaveh rolls your soft face in his hands, can feel your skin burn hot with every moan or whine Al Haitham urges out of you. You seem embarrassed. He finds human shame so .. intriguing. He licks some of the tears off your cheek. 
He mulls you over, the salt seeming sweet on his tongue.
"I think..." He makes a noise of surprise as you grab at his wrists tighter, pleading with your eyes for them to let you go. 
"I think they're ready."
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lithepetal · 1 month
Second Chance Chapter 10
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OC
Summary: Aurora’s worst nightmare comes true.
Warnings: panic attack
Series Masterlist
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To most, the Winter Soldier was a ruthless, deadly assassin, who murdered indiscriminately. Who would believe him capable of a compassionate gesture?
“You’re safe, little one.”
Following movie night, Bucky’s translation of the Winter Soldier’s words replayed over and over in Aurora’s mind.
Days grew shorter and colder. Flurries of snow gusted against the window, blanketing the field surrounding the Compound. It was the perfect weather for staying indoors—not that Aurora ever argued. Yet, as she pressed her nose to the glass, her breath obscuring her view of outside, she sighed.
Two years and two months. She’d given up ballet, her friends, and until recently, her freedom.
~ * ~
Aurora glided along the ice, waving as she passed Bucky. Smiling, he leaned against the railing overlooking the frozen Hudson River and waved back. She wanted to go ice skating, but Tony refused unless someone accompanied her. That someone being Bucky.
Graceful as ever, he watched her more closely than he probably should’ve. “Are you cold yet?” Although she was bundled in several layers, her cheeks were redder than the star on his shoulder.
“Why? Is the Winter Soldier out of his element?” She giggled.
Shaking his head, Bucky chuckled. “You’re lucky I have a metal arm.”
“Oh, right.” She smirked. “I think I hear the ice splintering beneath me.”
“I doubt that, doll. What if I promised to make you hot cocoa? My ma’s recipe,” he added for emphasis.
Enticed, Aurora skated to the bank of river and exchanged her skates for boots. They crossed the campus to the Compound, walked inside, and suddenly, her vision tunneled. Every bit of color drained from her face.
Purported on the news to be a mercenary wearing a skull and bones mask, the side-by-side image revealed his true identity. Crossbones a.k.a. Brock Rumlow.
“Buck, catch her!” Steve’s authoritative voice reverberated throughout the common room.
Reacting quickly, Bucky caught Aurora just as her knees gave out. Braced against him, she sank to the floor and stared unseeing. “Doll?” He frowned, placing a hand over her chest, at the same time JARVIS announced over the PA system:
“Sir, Aurora’s heart rate is elevated.”
Everyone parted to let Tony through as he rushed in. One look at the television told him everything he needed to know. He knelt in front of her, assessing her current state. He tilted his head and tried to make eye contact. “Aurora, honey, breathe for Dad.”
When that didn’t work, he reached out and gently took her hand in his. This seemed to rouse Aurora, whose eyes blinked into focus. Tears brimming her eyelids, she stood with his help.
Bucky looked to Steve, as the latter shook his head. “It’s not my story to tell,” he said, and proceeded to follow Aurora and Tony.
~ * ~
Tony cradled Aurora in his arms, her broken sobs like a lance through his heart. Coming to his side, Steve gripped his shoulder. They shared a glance, and Tony made a mental note to someday thank him for everything.
“You all knew, didn’t you?” She recalled seeing a glimpse of a heavily scarred man on-screen in the conference room. She’d forgotten all about it. Now, he wore a mask befitting his moniker to hide the scars.
“Yes, honey, we knew. We didn’t want to tell you.”
“He resurfaced on our radar several months ago as a known terrorist. We were- we are doing everything we can to find him, Aurora,” Steve assured her. “He won’t hurt you, not again.” He closed his eyes and exhaled through his nose, anger barely contained.
As Aurora’s cries subsided and her grip on him loosened, Tony pulled back slightly, brushing back her hair. She sniffled, as he used his sleeve to wipe away her tears. “Happy will escort you wherever you want to go. He’s, uh, followed you every time you left the Compound with Barnes. Steve’s idea.”
Aurora cracked a watery smile. She knew better—and felt better, knowing the times she did leave the Compound, she had security. “Thank you.”
“You know I’d do anything for you, Aurora. Like Cap said, we’re going to find the bastard.”
~ * ~
That night, Aurora sat cross-legged in the middle of her bed, blanket wrapped around her, quietly watching the snow fall.
‘With Barnes’. The inflection in her father’s voice seemed to imply that Bucky was able to get her out of the Compound regularly where no one else had, and maybe he was right. But, why?
The romanticized version of the Winter Soldier in her mind was a saint compared to the world’s view of him. How did she, a girl with no superpowers or unique abilities, appeal to his humanity?
The Winter Soldier comforted her; what about Bucky Barnes? Faced with the past, and the uncertainty, and the power to either heal or harm Bucky with the secret she possessed, Aurora was no longer sure of anything. Or herself.
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statisticalcats2 · 1 year
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It was just supposed to be a fairly simple time travel mission (or as simple as time travel can be anyway) for Peter. He'd be in close range of pre-Iron Man Mr. Stark at some high end party but he honestly didn't think anything of it. Peter wasn't someone who had to go out of his way to be under the radar, he wasn't noteworthy. He was beneath notice. But Mr. Stark did notice him. Peter didn't know how he had inadvertently caught the eye of his not-a-hero-yet mentor but suddenly his mission became sidetracked as he found himself unable to escape Mr. Stark's attentions. "And who are you?" "Uh, Peter P... Reilly. Peter Reilly, Mr. Stark, sir." "I'd say to call me Tony but I gotta admit, I like the way you say my name. Come dance with me?" "Oh... no, I couldn't, I wouldn't want to keep you from anything important..." "You're important right now." "I-" "Just say yes." "....Yes, Mr. Stark."
@pparkerbingo - B2: time travel
@tstarksbingospectacular - O4: "Just say yes"
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sashaisready · 11 months
Chapter 5 - Done
Nick Fowler x Shy CIA Employee Reader
Under the Radar Masterlist
Chapter Four - The Ghost
Warnings: references to sex trafficking
Wordcount: 2333
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Despite your best efforts to forget it, Nick’s warning about Joe was niggling away at you. What did he mean exactly? Had something happened between the two of them? Did Nick know something you didn’t? Or was he just basing it all on a hunch he had - or worse - deliberately trying to mess with you to throw you off your game, sabotage you to prove he was right about you?
Would he really do that?
You berated yourself for letting him worm his way back in your headspace. You’d moved on. You’d barely thought about him. You’d been making progress at work. You were on the boss’ radar. You were enjoying Joe’s company. Don’t let him ruin it!
You wouldn’t.
The next day you were back in the makeshift Project Cotton office with Joe reading some correspondence from the FBI team. Walsh suddenly strolled into the conference room, surprising you both.
“Sir” Joe nodded. “Sorry - I thought our meeting wasn’t until this afternoon?”
“Morning both” said Walsh as he ran a finger over the letter opener left on the desk. “No, you’re right Palmer. I’ve actually come to see her” he nodded over to you.
You felt a jolt of anxiety. “Me? Uh…How can I help, Sir?”
“We’ve had an unexpected tip off from an informant in relation to Project Cotton” he explained. “We have reason to believe that this vehicle has been attending several of the key sites”.
He slid a grainy photograph of a sleek truck over to you. You could just about make out the license plate.
“Our informant has managed to get his hands on some CCTV footage which he says catches this truck attending one of the suspected sites on multiple occasions”.
“That could be a big breakthrough” you breathed excitedly. “If we can trace the owner…we might finally have a name for someone at the top of this thing.”
Walsh nodded. “Indeed. The vehicle is registered to a Mr. Ray Colebrook. He has several priors for assault…racketeering…pandering. The problem is we need more evidence in order to obtain a warrant to seize the truck and take Colebrook in for questioning”.
You looked at him pensively. “So you need…proof that he has been spotted at the site? Which could be on the CCTV?”
“Precisely” Walsh nodded. “The difficulty is…the footage is 12 hours long with hundreds of vehicles coming and going. We need someone to review the footage with a fine tooth comb and see if the truck really appears, and how many times if so - with time stamps”.
“So…that would be me” you replied, now understanding what he was asking of you.
“Correct. I know you have a lot of experience in this area. You’re patient, thorough. If the truck is on there you’ll find it. But…we do need it done by the morning, I’m sorry to say. We need to move fast, Colebrook might get spooked now he’s been using the same truck, we need that warrant ASAP before he switches it up again”.
Your eyes widened. “Review 12 hours of footage…By t-tomorrow??”
“Sir…” Joe said, concern lacing his tone.
“I know it’s a big ask. But we’re counting on you” Walsh continued. 
Your nerves gave way to determination. This was your chance to prove your value. To show everyone you were capable. To impress Walsh. To help the traffic victims. 
Not nothing. Not beige.
You nodded. 
“Alright…you can count on me” you told Walsh boldly. “I’ll work through the night it I have to”. 
“Great, thank-you…I knew you’d come through” Walsh smiled. 
“Sir…this is a big task. Do you think maybe I should step in?” Joe tentatively asked. “I don’t mind pulling an all nighter-”
He looked at you anxiously. Typical Joe, always trying to help. You felt grateful for his support. He was just trying to protect you. But he didn’t need to worry.
“Very valiant - but we need you fresh for tomorrow, Palmer” Walsh responded, his tone making it clear there was no room for further discussion. 
He was right. Joe was meant to be out in the morning scoping out one of the sites. The two of you had been planning it for weeks now. He couldn’t go out in the field exhausted from a night of watching CCTV. 
“It’s okay Agent Palmer, I’ve got this” you smiled at him reassuringly.
He looked back at you, but he didn’t look wholly convinced.
“You can have tomorrow off in lieu” Walsh added. “So you can rest up afterwards and come back fresh on Thursday where Palmer will debrief you on how his reconnaissance went.”
You nodded. “Got it. Thanks”.
You smiled at Joe again, hoping to show that you were fine to take this on. He smiled back, but you didn’t miss the slight hint of unease on his face.
You had actually done it. 
You couldn’t believe it. It had taken hours, you were still stuck at your desk long after everyone else was tucked up in their beds back home, but you’d done it. You blearily stared at the screen in front of you, then at the notepad where you’d scribbled the truck’s time stamps (which you’d treble checked). Done. You’d reviewed all of the footage. The source was right, the truck had visited the site several times during that 12 hour period. Now they’d have the evidence needed to get the warrant for Colebrook. 
You were utterly exhausted, but the sheer satisfaction and pride you felt buoyed you.  You’d done it! You’d made a meaningful contribution to the project. This work, although tedious, might lead to a major breakthrough in the case - all because of you. 
Not so beige after all.
You yawned, your eyelids felt like they had weights attached as you adjusted your back and wriggled your legs to get your blood pumping. You looked around, the clock was approaching 2am. Time to go. It was weird seeing the office like this. Empty. Dark. Quite eerie really.
You fired off an email to Walsh and Joe with the time stamps and camera screenshots of the truck for good measure, smiling to yourself for a job well done. 
You got up to leave - then smirked as you noticed the letter opener sitting on the corner of your desk. Might as well take this golden opportunity to continue the game with Joe. You dropped it on his keyboard as you passed by. 
You bid good night to Grant the security guard who was shocked to see you so late. He insisted on walking you to your car which was very sweet. You chatted as you walked. Grant was always easy to talk to. You didn’t have to work too hard like you did with the others.
You would text Joe in the morning to see how the mission was going. Until then…sleep. Much sleep. 
It was lunchtime by the time you woke up. Seems you really needed that rest. You said a silent thank-you to Walsh for giving you the day off. 
Speaking of, he’d emailed you back with a congratulatory message on all your hard work. You took a screen shot of it on your phone so you could refer to it next time you had a crisis of confidence. 
You sent a text to Joe wishing him well today and asking him to let you know how it went once he was safe to do so. You felt a pang of anxiety despite your good mood, you hoped all your planning had paid off and he would be safe today.
After that you ordered your favourite takeout for lunch (you deserved it) and jumped in the shower to finally start your day.
After you had stepped out of the shower and the second you’d finished wrapping your towel around you - the doorbell rang. You cursed, not expecting the delivery to be that quick. You glanced down nervously at your scantily clad figure. 
Fuck it. The door would only be open a few seconds. Just do it. Delivery drivers must see all kinds…
Emboldened by your new found confidence, you padded to your door and flung the door open. 
Your face fell.
He was standing in your doorway grinning like the cat who got the cream as he surveyed your figure. 
“Afternoon, princess…”
“What are you doing here?” You asked shrilly, hiding your towelled torso behind the front door.
“You don’t look sick to me”.
“You didn’t turn up to work so I assumed you were sick. Thought I’d come check on you, but looks like you were just playing hooky”.
You rolled your eyes. 
“Actually I’m off today. Walsh let me take the time as I worked late last night. What do you want, Nick?” You barked at him. 
“That’s not a very nice way to speak to someone who came out on his break to bring you chicken soup…”
He held up a brown paper bag with the local deli design on it.
Your stomach gurgled, and you flattened any stirrings of feelings that threatened to emerge after realising Nick had brought you soup when he thought you were sick. 
“Not hungry. Well…I am. But I have takeout on its way. And I’m not sick. So…” You dismissed it with a wave of the hand.
He smiled, shrugging impassively. “Take it anyway. Heat it up later for dinner.”
He placed the bag on the doorstep. Then he took a step back and his eyes roamed up and down your body. You felt your heart pounding. How had this happened?? You were only meant to be at the door for a few seconds.
“Tryna’ give the delivery driver a heart attack, huh?” He asked, his voice low as his eyes dropped.
You felt yourself blushing as you covered yourself with your arms. “No…I-“
His smile grew wider.
“I’ve missed you, princess”.
You froze, not able to meet his gaze.
“I’ve been thinking about you a lot. Especially when I was out on the op. Your soft skin…your body….but also just…being with you”.
You couldn’t look up.
He sighed. “Look…what I said..”
“Don’t…” you hushed, feeling tears prick the back of your eyes.
“I was outta line” he continued, awkwardly clearing his throat. “I…I don’t know why I said those things. They aren’t true…I was being an asshole and you didn’t deserve any of that”.
You focus your eyes on the soup’s brown paper bag at your feet.
“…you meant it though” you responded. In your head you sounded strong but it left your mouth barely a whisper.
He shook his head. “No….no I didn’t”.
You bit your lip. He did. You remember the venom with which he said it. The mocking half smile. It was emblazoned in your memory, always there no in the background matter how hard you tried to ignore it. He had dug deep into your insecurities and yanked them up to the surface, leaving you raw and exposed.
“You’re a little quiet…sure. But you’re not beige…you’re not nothing” he said gently. “Never beige”.
You didn’t respond.
“You caught me off guard” he explained, clearly not concerned that this was a one sided conversation. “Maybe…maybe there was some truth to what you said. Maybe I was…feelingsomething. And I panicked, I went on the offensive”.
You still couldn’t look. You felt a bead of sweat drip down the back of your neck. You shuffled your feet. 
“…and I blew it. And I’m sorry. Really sorry. And I swear - nothing is going on with Mace. We went on a date once but it didn’t work out. That’s all”.
Your heart was pounding. You had longed to hear those word from him for so long. It all felt like a strange dream.
But it was too late. It felt tainted now. You didn’t even know if he was telling the truth. 
Your shock transformed into something else. You felt stronger than you had in a long time. Maybe ever. 
“You’re right, I’m not beige” you sneered, finally meeting his eye. 
He nodded.
“Yes…I’m quiet. Yes…I’ve been stuck in my job for a little too long. And yes…maybe I do blend in more than I stick out…”
He opened his mouth to speak but you continued. 
“But I’m also kind. I’m smart. I give everything my all. I may not always know what to say, or how to play the game in the same way you do…but I’m doing my best” you exhaled.
“And now I’m working on this big mission and I’m actually making a difference. Me! An Assistant!! Walsh is happy with my work and he trusts me. For the first time in my career, I’m actually being acknowledged and valued for what I have to offer”.
Nick smiled softly.
“….So, I have to thank-you Nick…”
He frowned, clearly not sure where you were going. 
“If you hadn’t been such a colossal asshole then I wouldn’t have pursued this. I wouldn’t have spoken to Walsh and pushed myself to discover what I’m truly capable of. So thank-you, Nick. Thank-you for breaking my heart. Because in your own twisted way, you helped me. But…I’m done with you. I don’t want to speak to you unless I have to. I don’t want to see you. I don’t want you turning up at my front door anymore”.
He blanched, his jaw tightening.
“…so take your soup…” you picked up the bag and shoved it into his chest. “And your apologies. And leave me the fuck alone”. 
You blew out a puff of air, hardly believing you’d just said what you’d said. 
Nick wore his poker face as his eyes found yours. He just stared back at you for a few moments, until he finally nodded and began to retreat.
You watched him walk down the path until he stopped for a second, turning to look at you one last time. 
“You were never beige” he said softly. “You’re actually….vibrant. All the colours at once”.
And then he was gone.
Chapter 6 - File
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raineandsky · 1 year
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
“How on earth did you get in?”
There is a teenager standing on the other side of the villain’s desk, seemingly uncaring to the fact that he’s somehow broken into his private office without issue. He just gives the villain an innocent smile.
“The windows aren’t really… guarded,” is all he says, and the villain makes note to double to security. “I wanted to talk to you.”
“Clearly,” he snaps back, hoping his sharp tone will hide his concern. How did a kid get in – and if he can, have goddamn heroes gotten in under his radar?
“I wanna apply. Here,” the teenager tries, practically radiating nerves when the villain’s gaze turns incredulous. “To work.”
“To wo–” He huffs a disbelieving laugh. “Are you old enough to work?”
“I’m sixteen.”
The villain barely believes that. He doesn’t look a day over twelve. “Sorry, why would I hire a teenager?”
“I have two good reasons. I can show you the first one.” The child raises his hands, aiming just past the villain’s head, and a moment later a shot of lightning shoots from his palms. The volts sting against the side of the villain’s head as it passes to crumple just behind him with remarkable violence. He spins in his chair to stare at the wide dinge now decorating his once pristine white wall with poorly contained shock.
“The second thing. I, uh…” the teenager’s confidence falters, his gaze dropping nervously to his feet as the villain twists back to look at him. “I was in the agency.”
The villain raises his eyebrows amusedly. “And you think that makes me… want to hire you?”
“I hate them,” he blurts, as if the words needed to come out. “I used to be [Hero]’s sidekick, but she treated me like shit and everyone else acted like I was stupid.” He finally raises his head again to meet the other’s eye. “I want to get them back. I have inside information.”
“That’s one hell of an offer,” the villain says slowly, and the kid nods enthusiastically. “You sure you want to throw your lot with the bad guys?”
“I wanted to throw my lot in with the bad guys when [Hero] almost drowned me in an agency toilet for a joke,” he says sourly, and the villain pulls a face of pure disgust. “And… I heard you guys have social nights sometimes.”
“You’re sixteen. You don’t get alcohol,” he reminds him, before clearing his throat to put on his business voice. “Okay, well, you could be valuable. I don’t trust you–”
“That’s fair.”
“– so you’ll stay in this building under close watch until I decide you’re not going to stab me in the back. In the meantime, I’ll make sure no one tries to drown you in a toilet. It’ll at least be in a sanitised bucket. Okay?”
The kid smiles brightly, and the villain can’t help but wonder what kind of future he would’ve had with the agency. “Thank you so much, sir. I won’t let you down.”
The villain waves him off nonchalantly, dipping his head back to the work on his desk to mask his own victorious smirk. “Don’t thank me yet. Save it for when we both get what we want.”
(Part 2)
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thissortofsorcery · 1 year
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Just To Keep The World at Bay - Chapter 5
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Relationship: Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, First Kiss, First Time, Closeted Character, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Enemies to Lovers, Underage Drinking, Recreational Drug Use, Oral Sex, Hand Jobs, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Neil Hargrove is His Own Warning Summary:
"You shouldn’t speed when it’s this dark out,” He warns, then pauses, scowling at Billy. “You especially, shouldn’t speed, ever.”
“I’m a very good driver, sir.”
“Uh huh, pull the other one,” Hopper frowns. “Don't think I don’t got an eye on you.”
Billy blinks, confused, and that’s the first crack the Chief spots on his mask.
“Yeah, kid. You’ve been on my radar for a while now,” Hopper says. “I'm the one that drove Steve Harrington to the hospital that night.”
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shelfwar · 2 years
Iceman X Reader ~Emergency Landing~
ITS DONE, I FINALLY FINISHED IT LOL. After 3 months of writing this imagine is done. I hope everyone enjoys this as much as I did writing it.
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WARNINGS: Use of words, angst possible smut, idk what else 18+
You were currently flying, yourself down to Ontario, California where your distant relatives are currently living. So here you were just flying in your Cesena as you felt a rumble and saw that landing gear had failed. "Shit" You murmured as you turned on your headset. "This is Echo 798 I have a landing gear that won't work. So this is a emergency landing situation."
"This is San Diego airforce base tower, I see you in our radar." "Oh, thank God. Echo 798 requesting for a emergency landing at San Diego airforce base." "Echo 798, permission granted, there will be fire trucks there to assist you just in case." "Roger that." You started in the direction of San Diego slowly descending each minute.
Once you spotted the base you got yourself prepared for a wild landing. "Echo 798, 1,000 feet ." "10-4. Attention all navy planes stay in the air until we have this emergency landing taken care of." The control tower said all over the channel. "I gotta land this bitch safely."
When you landed the plane let out a thunk, as you turned off the engine and held your breath as the plane skidded across the runway. Once it came to a hault you quickly grabbed your luggage and opened the small door and ran out towards the fire trucks. As you were sprinting you slowly turned around and saw your plane have flames coming out of the belly of the plane. "No." You whispered as the trucks put out the small fire.
You had just gotten the plane when you finally turned 23, after saving for months whille going to school then work. "Miss let's get you to the med bay." A man in military uniform say. "I'm fine." "No ma'am your not, look at your leg." You looked down and saw blood going down into your shoe. "Oh, ok." You said as the man led you to a bunch of hangers, one with desks inside and a bunch of navy pilots.
You scanned the rows of men when a bleached blonde caught your eyes and he must've had the same idea, quickly you looked away and continued to follow the man to the med Bay.
Once you two arrived the man motioned you to the cot as he started getting the medical supplies he needed. "Thank you." You said as he started to addressing the wound. "Your welcome, you did the right thing kid. And I gotta say that was one hell of a landing." "Uh thanks." "So where are you from?" "Arkansas"
"You flew the whole trip by yourself?" The man put a large band aid on your ankle before helping you up. "Yeah, amazing right." "How." "one stop that's it." "Hmph, do you have a place to stay?" "No, my family is in Ontario." "Dang, hey I betcha one of the pilots would let you bunk at there apartments until your plane is back in tip top shape." "That sounds lovely."
"So, your temporary roommates will be Hollywood and Wolfman." "Hollywood and Wolfman?" You cocked your eyebrow in so much confusion. "That's there call signs." "Oh." The man parked the car as you got out you grabbed your bag and followed him to the door. He knocked on it a couple of times before a brunette haired man came to the door. "Hollywood this is your temporary roommate y/n. She will be staying here until she can get her plane back in shape." "Yeah. I got her a room next to Wolf's room" "splendid." "If you need anything don't be afraid to ask Hollywood or Wolfman." "Yes, sir." You said as Hollywood moved out of the way so you can go into the threshold.
There sat a man, that you assumed to be Wolfman on the couch. "You must be the new roommate? Y/n right?" "Yeah, that's me" He was definitely attractive but not as attractive as the other blonde. "Well make yourself at home." I nodded before I went searching for the 3 bedroom. Once I found it I placed my bag down on the floor before I jumped onto the bed and sighed.
"Hey, y/n wanna come and have a few drinks with us pilots?" I heard Wolfman say as he walked into the room. "Uh, I'm no navy pilot." "Your still a pilot y/n." "Ok, fine. When are we leaving?" "Now." "Okay." You said as you got up and followed Wolfman back out to the living room. "You two ready to go?" "Yeah, let's have some fun with the new roomie." "Uhh, okay?" "He's just playing right Wolf?" "Yes I am, now come on" The three of you all walked out of the house and down to the bar where all of the other navy pilots would be at.
Once you've arrived, music was blaring and the smell of booze hit you like a freight train. Personally you were more of a rum and coke kinda gal, so you scrunched your nose and followed the two pilots up to the bar. "Can I have a coolers light." Hollywood said. "Dude that's a fucking lady drink." "So what Wolf I enjoy it." Hollywood picked up his beer as he wandered off. "What would you like Wolf?" "Ahh you know the usual Bush Light." "County boy." "You know it!" Wolfman chuckled as he picked up his drink. "Miss what can I get you?" "Ah, rum and coke?" "Coming right up."
As he was preparing the alcoholic drink you scanned the crowd and your eyes landed on the same blonde from this morning standing next to 3 other men while taking a shot. "There you go." "Oh, thanks." You shook your head and picked up the glass and spotted Wolfman next to the pool table. You started heading his way when one of the men from the group came up to you. He had jet black hair and was kinda short, and you could tell he looked like a cocky pilot.
"Hi, the names Pete Mitchell but people call me Maverick." "Uh, hi. I'm y/n." "Pretty name for a pretty lady." "Thanks" You could feel the tips of your ears heating up after his little flirtatious remark. "Sooooo" "Hey!MOTHER GOOSE YOUR DUCKLING WALKED OFF." You heard a taller man yell." "Mav no leave her alone." A man with a lined mustache came running up to you two. "I'm so sorry." "It's fine really." "Oh, my names Nick Bradshaw but people call me Goose obviously." He chuckled.
"I'm y/n." "Wait a minute I saw you this morning. Wait. Wait. Wait. Were you the pilot that had an emergency landing?" "Yeah, my landing gear broke, now I'm rooming with what I'm assuming your classmates. Wolfman and Hollywood." You said as you pointed at the two men." "Yeah, that's them." Maverick said as the hot blonde and the taller man came strolling over to us.
"Mav, you finally found a girl." The taller man said. "Pfft." I said as the blonde looked at me. "I'm not Maverick’s girl, he just came over to me." Maverick’s face turned bright red. "Well, what the hell." Goose said as he looked at both men. "You saved me because clearly he has a damn ego." The tall man and the hot blonde started laughing at your comment. "Say, what's your name?" "I'm y/n, I was the pilot that had an emergency landing this morning." "Heard about that, the names Slider and this is my pilot Iceman." Slider lent out his hand as you shook it, you then turned your attention to Iceman, boy was he attractive.
"Iceman, nice to meet you." He firmly shook my hand as you felt electricity flow throughout your body. You looked at him as he smiled down at you, instantly you felt your face heat up. "You normally blush when someone shakes your hand?" "Uh-uh no." You whispered.
Iceman let out a chuckle as he took a shot and downed it. "So, what brings you to California?" "I have family up in Ontario." "Ontario, boy that's a way up there." "Yeah, tell me about it." You sighed as you took a sip of your drink. "Hey y/n we're heading back, come on." Hollywood yelled over the crowd as him and Wolfman made there way over to us. "Well it was nice meeting you Ice." "You too y/n, I guess I'll see you around?" "Yeah, you'll see me from time to time." You smiled as you waved goodbye to the group before following your roommates.
The next morning you woke and headed to the hanger where your plane sat. Once there you knocked on the doors as a Navy mechanic poked his head out. "Can I help you?" "I have my plane here, I was the one with the emergency landing." "Ah yeah, it's just over there, do okay." You walked over to your plane and just stared at it in awe, the whole landing was gone so it just laid there with a bit of soot on the belly.
"Excuse me" you said as you walked back up to the man. "Yes?" "Do you have a phone by chance?" "Yeah, right on my desk." "Thank you." You walked over to the desk and scrolled in your family's number. After a couple of rings a voice picked up. "Hello?" "Hey it's y/n, I've got a problem." "What do you mean?" "My plane needs extensive work as in I don't think I can make it." "What!" "Look I'm sorry but I couldn't help it my planes landing gear is practically burnt to a crisp. I'm very sorry." "You said as you leaned your head to the wall. "Wait where are you?" "San Diego airforce base." "Oh good lord, you should've listened to us y/n." "What?! No wonder why I left California so I could travel freely." Suddenly the line went dead, they hung up on me.
"ASSHOLES I HATE YOU " You said as you stormed back off to your plane. Once there, you let out a huff and left the hanger completely and headed down to the beach. When you arrived you noticed Maverick, Goose, Slider and of course Iceman all shirtless playing a game of volleyball. You found a seat in the sand and watched the game proceed as Ice served the first throw.
Goose hit it back as Slider spiked the ball at Maverick, ultimately Maverick missed the ball as he tried diving but failing miserably. You let out a loud whoop as Silder and Iceman chest bumped. "That's what I'm talking about!" Slider yelled. "One point for us, 0 for you two." You let out a loud chuckle as the four men looked over at you as Ice was the first one to give you a lopsided grin.
"Alright, let's take a brake-" "Goose tried saying before a little kid yelled "Daddy!" You looked behind you as a blonde haired women and what you assumed was her son run up to Goose. "MOTHER GOOSE YOU PUSSY!". Slider yelled as him and Ice walked over to you. "Hey, guys." "Hey, y/n what are you doing here?" "Was gonna fix my plane, and well I was kinda discouraged so I wanted to see the beach." You said as you gazed at just Iceman. "Well if you wanna watch go right ahead or better yet we could use a third player." "Dude I love beach volleyball of course I'll join you two." You smiled as you took the volleyball from Sliders grasp and walked down to the court.
"Hey, Ice. Ice!" "Hmm?" Iceman said as he gazed at your back as you sauntered over to the court. "Ohhh, Ice has a crush." Maverick giggled as Ice hit him up side the head. "So what if I do Maverick, at least I can get some asshole." Slider let out a howl of laughter as he ran and caught up with y/n.
"Hey y/n I think iceman has a thing for you." Instantly your face turned cherry red as you glanced in Iceman’s direction. "Uh, sure Slider, sure. If he liked me enough, he would be flirting with me by now." "Hey, any man could flirt with a girl. Hell Maverick just did last night." "Well Slider that was last night, and this is now." You said as yoh took off your shirt that revealed a black sports bra underneath. "Ok, now your asking for him now." You cocked your eyebrow and shoved the ball into his toned chest.
"Hey, what the fuck was that for?" "Cause ,your an ass Slider." You said as you stormed off the court and back to your temporary home.
Once there you walked to your room and shut the door behind you, as you threw your shirt on the floor and hoped into the bed. You looked up at the ceiling just spaced out not even noticing the front door opening and closing. "Hey, y/n you in here?" "What?" You shook your head and sat up in bed as a rap was sounded behind the door. "Hey, you in there?" "Yeah, who's there?" "It's Wolfman." "What do you want?" "I dunno you just got up and left the volleyball match." "Well I'm sorry." "Well, can I come in?" "Sure why the fuck not."
Wolfman walked in the room as his eyes dilated on my figure. "Damn. Ice was right you were sexy." "Jesus christ yall pilots are horndogs!" "No it's the truth Ice likes you but his ego got the best of him and he's being a pussy for not asking you out." "Fuck me!" "Ok..." Wolfman started towards you hungrily. "No, no, no. Not that." He let out a chuckle as he sat on the bed. "Hey, you gotta trust us but we think Ice has a thing for you."
"Yeah, right." "Really. Your being difficult like Ice, yall need to fuck or something." "Fine, jackass." "Hey, I'm not a jackass." "Listen." You sighed. "I find Ice very attractive like I wanna start real slow if we get into some form of relationship." "I see that." He also sighed to. "Tell you what, me and Hollywood agreed on having just us pilots over here tonight for some drinks, and don't worry everyone knows" "Okay." You sighed as you looked over at Wolfman as he gave you a cheeky smile. "You know I didn't mean what I said about you pilots being horndogs." "I know, and I'm sorry for being a flirtatious ass." "Wolf I could give zero fucks." You chuckled as he gave you a side hug.
"What time will they be over?" "5." You looked over at the alarm clock and it read 3:00 pm giving you enough time for a well needed nap. "Well Wolf I need a nap so could you wake me up at 4:30.?" "Yeah, sure." He smiled as he got up and left the room closing the door behind him as you closed your eyes.
"Hey, wake up... Y/n wake up you overslept." You shot up in bed and quickly stumbled out to the living room. "Sorry, sorry." You found a empty chair and closed your eyes. "Someone's still sleepy eh?" "Shut up Goose." Iceman barked at Goose as you held up your middle finger. "Whom ever I'm flipping off lord I apologize." You giggled as you opened one eye. "Jesus I got it right, flipping off Goose." "Yeah, well what the hell did I do to you." "I dunno, I'm just still *yawns* trying to wake up." "Well clearly you are snow-white." Iceman said as he gazed in your direction.
"Well it's Echo to you mister." You cackled as you sat up in the chair and watched Ice seem kinda flustered. "Call sign, right?" "Right'o Hollywood." "Well everyone's here why don't we play a game of truth or dare" Wolfman said as he handed you a mix drink. "That's like a child's game." Goose said as he sat down on the floor. "Ha, facts" Hollywood said as he sat on the arm of the chair you were sitting in.
"Alright, who wants to go first?" "I will." Maverick said as he stood in the center of the room. "Of course Maverick would fucking go first." Slider said as Mav rolled his eyes. "Alright, truth or dare Maverick?" "Truth." "Ahm, pussy." "Ice, give him a chance." You giggled as you looked over at him. "Okay, Maverick do you have a crush on Charlotte?" "Ego gone." You whispered as Ice and Slider smirked towards you.
"Yeah, I do. Y/n, truth or dare?" "Dare?" "I dare you to.......sit on Icemans lap." Yours and Ices eyes grew wide as you both looked at each other. "Uh, ok?" You got up from your chair and walked over to Ice as he looked up at you and he flashed a cheeky grin. "Come on now we don't have all night now do we?" "Shut the fuck up Maverick." You snarked as you sat on one of Icemans legs.
"Alright, Goose truth or dare?" "Hmm, Dare." " I dare you to take a shot of Vodka." You said. "Easy miss Echo." Goose got up and pored himself a shot of vodka and downed it was a "ahh". "Okay, Iceman truth or dare?" "Dare." "I dare you to cuddle y/n." Beneath me I felt Ice shift a bit before wrapping both arms around your middle as you instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck.
You felt heat rise in your cheeks as you looked at him. "Hi." He whispered. "Hi." You whispered back. "Y/n truth or dare?" "Dare." "I dare you to go on a date with me." "Deal"
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3 months after being on the base your plane was ready to go. So here you stood amongst the pilots that you knew all to well, especially Iceman getting ready to head back to Arkansas. "By Slider, I'll miss you." You hugged the pilot as you moved onto Goose, then Maverick, Hollywood, Wolfman and lastly Iceman.
"Please write to me when you get back." "Ice I will, I promise." "Okay." Iceman held you close as he looked down at you sadly. "I love you." "What?!" "I said I love you Echo." You smiled as you kissed his cheek, but that's not what he wanted. He turned his head at the last minute as he locked his lips with yours in a small sweet kiss. He placed his hand on the back of your neck as you leaned into the kiss.
Once you both broke the kiss you both were panting as he leaned his forehead to yours. "Please fly safe." "Same to you Tom." He chuckled as he hugged you for the last time as you backed up and waved to your navy family. You placed your bags in the passenger seat as you placed your headset on and climbed into the plane. You saluted the pilots and started to taxi onto the runway.
Between the time you left the base and got back home, you and Iceman would talk/write to each other almost every night. The last time you talked to Ice he mentioned the Top Gun graduation, reluctantly you said no but in reality you were gonna make it to the graduation.
So again here you were requesting to land back onto the San Diego airforce base. "This is Echo 798 requesting to land." "Echo 798 request granted." "10-4" You started to descend the plane as you saw the tarmac coming closer and closer. Once the plane made touch down you pushed down the brakes and started slowing down the runway. Once done you started taxiing to the hangers as you parked the plane a guard came to you.
"Miss you do realize this is a military base correct?" "Yes, I do sir, but I have a boyfriend here." "Name then?" "Tom Kazansky aka Iceman." " Well the you better hurry graduation just started. Come on then." You grabbed your things and followed the man where he took you to the now ending ceremony.
In the middle you could see Iceman and his RIO Slider getting congratulated on some sort of achievement as the other pilots also congratulated the two. "Echo?" You turned on your heels to see your former roommate Wolfman. "Hiya Wolfman how's it going?" You asked as he gave you a big hug.
"Could be better, right Hollywood." "Right, hi Echo long time no see." "Hi, Hollywood. Yeah long time no see" You glanced over at Iceman and back at Hollywood and Wolfman. "Go, I think he missed you." You gave the two a nod before squeezing your way over to him. "Y/n?" "Hi Ice." Ice shoved the placke to Slider as he ran up to you, grabbing up under your armpits he swirled you around.
"Oh, God your here baby." "Yeah just flew in 7 minutes ago." He set you down as he captured your lips with his. "I missed you, so much y/n" he whisper as he held you close not caring in the world that there was a crowd watching the two of you.
"I'm sorry that i lied to you Tom, I just wanted to surprise you." "Hey, it's okay. It's the best damn surprise baby."
"Sorry, to interrupt you two, but Ice and Slider you leave at 0500 tomorrow for a mission." The older man said to both Ice and Slider. You looked down at the ground sadly as you felt Ices thumb lift up your chin. "Your staying at me and Sliders apartment, till I get back. Till then we still can hang out." "Okay." "I love you Echo." "I love you to Iceman."
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Ruby Rose: Girl Genius
IT Guy: UH, Sir? You may want to take a look at this!
Ironwood: (watching blip on a Radar) ... Commercial flight?
IT Guy: Too fast.
Ironwood: One of our own?
IT Guy: ... Air force has nothing Scheduled.
Ironwood: (Dramatic Turn) ... We've got ourselves a Bogey. (Alarm Blares)
(Jets Take off)
Pilot: This is Air-Leader 2, we are anticipating visual contact ... Now.
Zwei: (Wearing Tool pouches) BARK BARK!
Ruby and Zwei sit in the front seat of a Homemade Rocket, Jaune hanging on for dear life in the back seat
Ruby: Oh! Hey! Nice antiques! (Presses a bottom) Gotta (Petal) Burst!
Ruby: Dust Mix Stable! Engine cycling at One million Gigajoules! cool. we didn't blow up
Jaune: Uuuhh Great! Ruby? I think they want us to pull over!
Ruby: No time Jaune! Get Ready with the Satellite!
Jaune: Ooookay ... Uh, what do I do again?
Ruby: You're the deployment system Jaune! As soon as we clear the atmosphere, you just ... Throw it!
Jaune: ... Right.
Ruby: Prepare to leave the Atmosphere!
Ruby: Engaging Pulse Rockets!
Ruby: Now!
(Popping noises, followed by smoke pouring from the engine)
Ruby: No!
Jaune: Now? (He throws the 'Satellite', only for it to fly back and hit Ruby in the head.)
(engine continues failing)
Jaune: Is this supposed to happen?!?
Ruby: C'mon! think! Think!
Ruby: I'VE GOT IT! Give me your lunch!
Jaune: uh, Here?
Ruby: (Takes his soda AS Zwei offers her Duct Tape) Thanks Zwei!
Zwei: BARK!
Ruby: I need that! (Pulls a thread on Jaune's Hoodie)
Jaune: eh- HEY!
Ruby Shakes the soda before taping it to the 'Satellite', and ties the thread to the Can's Tab. She Throws it ahead of them, ripping on the thread, causing the Soda to rain down on them, launching the Satellite into orbit
Ruby: YES!
(Engines Cut Out)
Ruby: Uh Oh.
Ruby: Must! Engage! Stabilizers! (Beep)
Ruby: Okay! NOw, we just need to make a quick stop at my house!
Jaune: I dunno ruby! I gotta get to school on time b-Besides-
Ruby: Great! Gotcha!
Jaune: W-W-W-WAIT! (Gets Ejected) RUBYYYYyyyyyyyyy!
Ruby: See you at Home Room Jaune!
Jaune: okay!
Ruby: fasten your seat-belt Zwei! It's gonna be a bumpy Ride!
Ruby: (Hits Building, loses wings)
Ruby: Crap! (Deploys Landing gear)
Ruby: (Clips Power line, loses landing gear)
Ruby: Double Crap! (Engages Parachute)
Ruby: (Parachute rips off - along with most of the Rocket)
Ruby: (Bounces off several roofs, causing thousands of dollars in damages, before finally landing on her house.)
Ruby: Well ... other than the unscheduled rapid disassembly, and the lithobraking maneuver, I'd say that this mission was a complete success!
Tai: (Inside the house) Well, what d'you know? The chimney fell off again.
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capaldiera · 2 years
mash co klinger's green dress opinions cinematic universe
[Video description: two clips from MASH. In the first, Henry Blake and Radar stand in Henry's office. Henry is reading from a clipboard.
Henry: Corporal Klinger... Hey by the way, did you see that little number Klinger was wearing in the mess tent this morning? The, uh, the tight little green satin job?
Radar: Oh, I must've missed it.
Henry: Phew, it was a headsnapper.
Radar pauses and looks at Henry. Henry doesnt see this and casually turns his attention back to the clipboard.
Henry: Okay.
End of first clip.
In the second clip, Colonel Potter sits at his desk and Klinger stands in front of it. Klinger is wearing his Class A uniform. Potter hands Klinger a file.
Potter: Klinger! You're out of uniform! I mean, you're in uniform.
Klinger: Yes, Sir.
Potter: Was it something I said?
Klinger: No, Sir.
Potter: Listen, if it's about that backless green sheath you wore on Friday, I only criticised it because it was too tight.
Klinger: That's all behind me, Sir.
Potter: It certainly was.
End video description]
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quinloki · 6 months
Blorbo Ranking Top 20 for April—this one runs really long.
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Once again, I've managed to butcher my rankings every single month. As always, top two spots go to my favorite men. Those are the only stable rankings I will ever have.
People who fell off the list: Ace, Zoro, Buggy, and Pell. I am shocked that both Zoro & Buggy fell off my list. They've both been staples and they somehow got replaced.
People who are new this month: Laboon, Killer, Rayleigh, and Penguin. I know I've had Penguin and Laboon on previous lists, but they might have been on January's top 10.
Folks who didn't change spots at all: Sir Crocodile, Wyper, Marco, & Mihawk.
Those who moved UP since March: Alvida has moved 1 spot into 3rd, Sabo moved 1 spot into 15th, and Bepo also moved 1 spot into 17th, Shanks moved 2 spots into 4th, and lastly Sakazuki moved 6 spots into 9th.
Those who dropped DOWN since March: Vivi dropped 2 spots into 19th, Borsi Baby dropped 3 spots into 6th, Kid dropped 3 spots into 10th, Smoker dropped 3 spots into 13th, and lastly Trafalgar dropped 5 spots into 14th.
Ace's spot went to Smoker and Zoro's spot went to Trafalgar. Vivi took Buggy's spot and Laboon took Pell's.
Sakazuki jumped ranks the most out of anyone who was already on the list but Rayleigh jumped the most for new blokes. Both older men made it into the top 10 of this list. Trafalgar dropped the most out of anyone already on the list and of the people who fell off, Ace fell the most.
While I did vote for more women this go around (Dr. Kureha, Makino, Nojiko, Perona, Bell-Mere, Laki) I still only have two women holding down the fort (my girl Alvida and Vivi). Alvida is still out here taking names and I love that for her, but that's as far as she can go on the list.
Still don't know why Mihawk is hanging out on the list, he is not a blorbo and neither is Killer. And I completely blame you for putting both Sabo and Rayleigh in my brain. At one point I had both Sakazuki and Rayleigh matched up and my solution for figuring out who to choose was to say "which old man would I rather screw me into the wall?" Rayleigh apparently. HE WAS NEVER ON MY RADAR. Why, why, WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO ME QUIN?!?!?!?!?
Added bonus, the horrible decision I had to make:
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Obviously, the votes went: Arlong, Shanks, Crocodile, Marco, Rayleigh, Kid.
Generally speaking, if a woman goes against one my blrobos she'll lose because the blorbos I would let do unspeakable things to me whereas the women I want as gal pals. If the women are against any other dude however, she'll win, and when it's woman v. woman, I just vote for my girls (Alvida, Vivi, Dr. Kureha, Laki, Nojiko, Bell-Mere, Makino, Perona—in this order).
Buggy isn't a blorbo either but I ship him hard with Alvida which is why I vote for him and I'm devastated he's off the list. I owe Alvida an apology. Kinda bummed Thatch didn't make the list again. And someday the people who run that site will add Aramaki because I accidentally added him into my brain.
I'm a sucker for plant powers plus he has the shirt allergy, so I didn't really have a prayer. Plus he has a sword and apparently my "type" is "carries at least one sword". Other proven types are: red-haired, white-haired, facial scar(s), missing a body part, and any combination of these.
"Why, why, WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO ME QUIN?!?!?!?!?"
I'm good at like two things. Doing ^that^ to people, and uh... being me, I guess. XD
I never know what to say for your breakdowns, but I do want to be clear that I LOVE them - please continue to do so. It's always a pleasure to read even if my distracted ass brain is struggling about what to say.
gonna have to try harder to drag Sabo and Marco into the top ten though >.> ❤️😎
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serpercival · 4 months
Fake fic meme!! Title: Headfirst and No Regrets
Ooh, this initially screams radarhawk to me, but given my Terminal Diseases I'm inevitably spinning it as radartraphawk.
"Radar's been pining something fierce after Hawkeye ever since they first got to this dump. Who wouldn't? He's smart, he's funny, he's sweet on the people he cares about... and he's almost definitely not interested in Radar, because why would he be when he's got plenty of nurses and Trapper John to choose from?
"One day, everything comes to a head when Radar shows up with the mail to find Hawkeye and Trapper together, and Radar gets the feeling that maybe he's not so unwelcome after all."
Tagging @bbjkrss-blog with the assumption he'll want to see this - about 450 words of what would be the beginning of this fic under the cut <3
Radar wasn’t really paying attention when he started heading for the Swamp with the mail for Hawkeye and Trapper. He never paid all that much attention to the Swamp except for if Major Burns was going to be there, given that Hawkeye and Trapper were almost always happy to see him because they were so bored all the time they weren’t in surgery. So when he walked in, shuffling through the little pile of mail in his hands so he could separate what was for Ben Pierce with what was for John McIntyre, he didn’t notice that the tent flaps were down, he didn’t notice the electric charge in the air, and he didn’t notice that Hawkeye and Trapper were in the same cot and didn’t actually have any clothes on until the sickly bolt of someone else’s panic shot through him.
He looked up. Trapper had put himself directly between Hawkeye and Radar, covering himself with only a pillow and nothing else, which made Radar have an awful lot of thoughts that he didn’t really like to admit to having, and Hawkeye was half under a blanket and squished against the tent wall behind him.
“Radar,” Trapper said, and it still managed to be threatening even though he was really awful naked and his mouth was wet and swollen in a way that gave Radar a spark of the image of exactly what they’d been doing before he wandered in. “You didn’t see nothin’ here, did you?”
Radar shook his head slowly, carefully. Little movements. Like not scaring off a wild animal. “No, sir.”
Hawkeye tried to kick Trapper to get him to stop squishing him. Trapper just whacked him on the shin and narrowed his eyes at Radar. “Scram.”
“Alright, sir,” Radar said. His feet didn’t want to move. He could practically hear the noises Hawkeye would have been making, with Trapper’s lips on the place he thought they probably had been. It was exciting and terrifying and all sorts of things that Radar knew a good Christian boy wasn’t supposed to think about, but then again neither Trapper or Hawkeye seemed to think that He was paying an awful lot of attention to Korea.
“Radar,” Hawkeye said. “Vamoose. Go away. Abscond, skedaddle, scuttle off–”
“You ever thought about doing that with me?” something with Radar’s mouth asked.
Trapper and Hawkeye looked at each other. “Uh,” Hawkeye said. They gave each other one of those glances that sometimes made Radar feel like he wasn’t the only one with the kind of head he had, before they both turned back. Hawkeye shrugged. “Maybe a little?”
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unovampire · 1 year
Grimsley’s Gender Adventure
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Being queer and immortal is a goal we all wish we could attain. Grimsley has had the privilege of experiencing it. Here is a timeline of his gender and sexuality adventure:
1880’s: Grimsley, AFAB, still calling himself a woman. He’s pretty sure he is a typical lady who is only attracted to men— oh, well, except for that one beautiful, mysterious Galarian archeologist he met on a train in Nimbasa. They absolutely had a lesbian encounter.
Surprise! The same woman who he had an encounter with turns out to be a vampire, and in the heat of being in love, allows her to bite and turn him. Thus begins an eternity of being able to sort his shit.
1920’s: Roaring 20’s fashion becomes the ‘it’ thing, he puts on a suit, and it absolutely does something for him; Grimsley begins to identify as man, and requests to be addressed as ‘sir’. (Connecting this to American history, since we’re talking about Unova here: Women who ‘masqueraded’ as men were generally admired in the press for their boldness and success in holding down masculine jobs. Some passed for long periods of time, and had wives or girlfriends. They were rarely condemned for being socially and sexually deviant until after the Second World War.)
1930’s: Uh-oh, prohibition time. Suddenly the wine business that was super successful is super NOT allowed. He’s also been immortal for some time now, and a few people are getting suspicious of his identity— it’s time to disappear, get comfortable in dresses again for booze smuggling purposes, and identify as a woman again so that people don’t wisen up on him being a suave beast of the night. He looks good in dresses anyway, so he isn’t complaining.
1950’s: By now, Grimsley has already lived a typical, full life— WAY beyond the expectations of the average human, thanks to his vampirism. At this point, he decides to present male and call himself a man again.
1980’s: Grimsley gets top surgery, good for him.
Present day, Grimsley still identifies as a man! His pronouns are he/him. He wears plenty of masculine and feminine clothing, and everything in between. As long as he is comfortable and looks good, the “gender” of the clothing he wears does not matter. And, yes, he is still in touch with his sapphic lover from the 1880’s, they are very good friends, despite not being in a monogamous relationship. Sexuality wise, Grimsley’s preferences have fluctuated throughout the years. Casual sex isn’t his thing anymore; he currently is somewhere on the demisexual radar, and prefers for there to be some sort of bond before engaging in sex— either platonic or romantic!
No, he is not going to get bottom surgery.
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pico-digital-studios · 6 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Scripting: Operation Containment
After his tango with Shalian in More than One Universe, OMT!Tails was warped into a factory-life environment where Shalian and CR!Corrupt banged on glass chambers, wanting out.
OMT!Tails: Alright, you two! Calm down!
He yelped as OMT!Robotnik touched his shoulder, not at all chuffed.
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OMT!Robotnik: Be careful what you wish for, Tails.
Shalian: Let me out of here!
OMT!Tails: Can you please explain to me what's going on?
OMT!Robotnik: That little device you botched where you wanted to open gateways to every known sadistic evil, well, it started pulling every sadistic evil that had conflicts to anyone related to Mobius, from EVERY universe, into this one.
OMT!Tails: From every universe? (offended) Also, how is the whole evil thing MY fault?!
Shalian: What's the idea, omelette-breath?! Where are we?!
OMT!Robotnik: I think it's better not to engage with them because frankly, the multiverse, NOT just other Mobiuses, is a concept of the world in which we know FRIGHTENINGLY little of... This shouldn't even be possible...
OMT!Tails: I thought you turned off your device before it blew up.
OMT!Robotnik: I didn't turn it off. I contained what's inside it, but apparently, a few of them squeaked through. After you left, my radar detected an otherworldly presence, so I got myself into a cave where I found (pointing to CR!Corrupt) THAT... dark hedgehog looking son of an egg...
Shalian: Device? Like, a portal-creator? What is this, a birthday party for bad guys? What is this madness?!
OMT!Robotnik: Watch this. (to Shalian) Do you know an Eggman from your universe?
Shalian: Yes.
OMT!Robotnik: Did he look like this?
Shalian: Er, no.
OMT!Robotnik: See?
Tails scratched his head, trying to figure this out.
OMT!Robotnik: Okay, here’s what we’re gonna do. I don’t know how many of these… visitors we’ve got-.
OMT!Tails: I saw another one back at the bridge. He was like a... like a flying green haired man.
OMT!Robotnik: Well, he sounds jolly! Why don't we start with him? Now, I need you to capture them while I figure out how to send them back, before they destroy the fabric of the multiverse, or worse, someone else finds out...
OMT!Tails: Uhh... Doctor Robotnik?
OMT!Robotnik: What?
OMT!Tails: Me and Cream just got a second shot at getting into a science graduation, but if Bumper High School sees me fighting these... crazy monsters-!
Shalian: Hey, watch it, kiddo!
OMT!Tails: Sorry.
OMT!Robotnik: Seriously? Still thinking about the science class?
He charged up a device on his wrist.
OMT!Tails: Hey, what did you just do?
OMT!Robotnik: This!
He warped Tails into one of the chambers as a demonstration.
Shalian: How did you do that?
OMT!Robotnik: Lots of birthday parties...
He opened Tails's chamber before passing him the device.
OMT!Robotnik: One shot, send them here, move on, you’re welcome, now get to work…
OMT!Tails: Uh... sir?
OMT!Robotnik (slightly annoyed): Urgh... NOW what?
OMT!Tails: I know I have part of the responsibility in this mess, and I swear to you I'll get it fixed, but I'm gonna need a good amount of help to get it done! And not just from my friends here... you know what I mean, right?
A few minutes later, OMT!Mina and Mini Sonic came through, each wearing multidimensional watches now.
Mini Sonic: Woah! I can’t believe we’re at your Dr. Robotnik’s Gimme Shelter!
OMT!Robotnik: Me neither...
OMT!Mina: Tails! Hey!
She and Tails shared a hug.
OMT!Tails: It's so good to see you! I'm sorry for dragging you in this. You just gotta help me track down these guys...
Mini Sonic: So how did these guys you talked about get here?
OMT!Robotnik: Your little friend screwed up my device whilst trying to get himself and his sister into science class-.
OMT!Tails: No, that was afterwards. Let's just focus on the good news, okay?
OMT!Robotnik: No, let's just focus on the bad news! So far, you have detected ZERO multiversal trespassers, so... pack up your phones, scour on the internet and... Scooby-Doo this crap!
OMT!Mina: Hehe, you know, you're telling us what to do even though it was your device that got screwed up, so all of this is kinda your mess. I know a couple of magic words myself starting with the word, please~.
OMT!Robotnik: ... Please... Scooby-Doo this crap.
OMT!Tails: That's better. (Gosh, he's no fun...)
OMT!Robotnik: You can work inside my abandoned Wing Fortress.
OMT!Tails: You guys go ahead. I'll contact Knuckles and the others to get there, and I've got something else to get too.
Mini Sonic: Let’s catch some multiverse men!
Inside the fortress, the lights went on. Shalian and CR!Corrupt were also stuck there. Tails soon arrived with the others, holding something behind his back.
OMT!Tails: Guys, listen. About the whole device thing-.
OMT!Mina: No, it’s fine.
OMT!Tails: Wait, really?
OMT!Mina: Yeah, since you've gotten badly sick and other problematic stuff, you were just trying to fix things. But maybe just… run it by us next time, whenever you're gonna do something that could… break the universe, you know.
OMT!Tails: Heh, deal.
Mina noticed Tails’s position.
OMT!Mina: What’s up with your arm, Tails?
OMT!Tails: Oh, I…
He held out the bouquet he wanted to give her.
OMT!Tails: I, well... got these for you for when you happened to return.
OMT!Mina (happy): Aww, thanks! I'll gladly keep them with me! S-So, anyway, you zap them, Dr. Robotnik will send them back, and we will be having more fun together! Eating donuts, making devices... my treat!
OMT!Tails: A-Also. Y-Yeah, I developed a bit of a crush on you since we met.
Tails blushed shyly, and Mina did the same after hearing his confession.
OMT!Mina: G-Gosh, Tails… I, uh-
Mini Sonic: I said it once, I’ll say it again! Let’s catch some multiverse men!
The two captured villains were nearby.
Shalian: Hey! Who are those two with you?!
OMT!Tails: Oh, these are my other-worldly friends, Mina and Mini Sonic.
Mini Sonic: Hello.
OMT!Tails: I’m sorry, what was your name again?
Shalian: Name's Toxinfect, kid.
The three couldn't help but giggle in amusement at the name.
OMT!Tails: T-Toxiwhat?!
Mini Sonic: T-That's just d-dumb! Hahaha!
Shalian: Excuse me?
OMT!Tails: No seriously, what's your actual name?
Mini Sonic: Hey! What’s that black hedgehog-looking guy?
CR!Corrupt looked at them but didn’t respond, looking unamused. Some scenes play out with the gang getting ready to go find the rogue evils. While Tails is washing a top, he’s also on the phone with Sally at the same time.
OMT!Sally (on the other end): If the paint won’t come off, bring it to the shelter and I’ll get it out.
OMT!Tails: No, no, not yet, Sally. We’ve still gotta round up those otherworldly evils.
He lifted the shirt out, still covered in paint handprints.
OMT!Sally: Well, finish what you need to with the others and then come on by.
Mini Sonic: Guys, look!
OMT!Tails: Oh, sorry! Gotta go!
OMT!Sally: Okay! Love you, little bro! Bye!
Mina and Tails went to Mini Sonic, who had news to share.
OMT!Tails: What did you find?
Mini Sonic: The press had found reports of a few school deaths, most of which were school bullies, but a few were innocents… A survivor claims she saw a monster flying around the scene.
OMT!Tails: That's gotta be the guy I saw back at the bridge, right?
Shalian: That’s impossible.
Tails went closer to Shalian’s chamber.
OMT!Tails: You know him, don't you? On the bridge, you said his name.
Shalian: Richard Ambersilve. Brilliant young kid, well known for having the highest PHD, vengeful spirit after death. But the bullies that killed him weren't enough. He even killed innocents… even his own girlfriend. He was too hateful… blind… misguided…
OMT!Tails: What happened to him?
OMT!Tails: O-Okay… Alright, where do we go?
Shalian: It can't be him…
The group looked at him.
OMT!Tails: W-Why…?
Shalian: Because Richard truly died years ago. So either we saw someone else, or you're flying out into the darkness, to fight a ghost…
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trashbag-baby666 · 2 years
Heart Of Glass-Rooster Bradshaw
Chapter Three
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WC: 1,6550
C/W: None?
HOG Masterlist!
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Bradley walked into their shared bedroom wiping his face with his shirt he took off in the bathroom.
Mazy pulled the covers down on the bed and looked up at Bradley.
"Are you feeling better," Mazy looked up and watched Bradley walk to the other side of the hed turning his lamp on then turned the light off.
"Yeah," he chucked his shirt at the hamper and crawled in.
"You sure?" Mazy laid down squirming over to Bradley as soon as he laid down.
"Mazy I'm fine," he frowned and combed a hand through her brown hair.
"You need to be in your right mindset to fly this mission." She sighed.
"So do you sweetheart," Rooster pulled her closer, "This is your dad we're talking about that you haven't spoken to in god knows how long."
"I'm managing Bradley I'm here to do my job and I know what happened can't even compare to things. But if we're gonna do this safely and responsibly and not let Hangman get in our heads we gotta let this Mav shit past us." Mazy sighed and ran a hand over his toned chest.
"I, uh, I know I just." Bradley was out of words.
"I know, I know." Mazy frowned running a hand through his hair over and over. She knew that it would always calm him down and comfort him, "It's hard being around my dad I'll agree baby but we have something to prove and a way to do it safely. We can't let Maverick or Hangman or anyone else let anything get in our way." Mazy coaxed him.
"I'm glad to be here with you," Bradley looked at his fiancé and kissed her on the forehead.
"I'm glad out of anyone I could be with it's you." Mazy smiled and scuffed his hair.
The group sat in the classroom with Mav showing them the canyon path, "time is your greatest enemy. Phase one of the mission will be a low-level ingress attacking in two plane teams. You'll fly along this narrow canyon to your target radar-guided surface-to-air missiles defend the area. These SAMs, they're lethal. But they were designed to protect the skies above not the canyon below." Mav explained. Mazy turned and glanced at Bradley. This was fucking crazy of an idea.
"That's because the enemy knows no one is insane enough to try and fly below them." Bradley interjected.
"That's exactly what I'm gonna train you to do. On the day your altitude will be 100 feet maximum." Mav spoke.
Storm and Phoenix glanced at each other eyebrows furrowed and eyes widened.
"You exceed this altitude radar will spot you and you're dead. Your airspeed will be 660 knots minimum. Time to target: two and a half minutes that's because fifth generation fighters wait at an air base nearby. In a head to head with these planes in your F-18's you're dead. That's why you need to get in hit your target and be gone."
"Holy shit," Phoenix grunted into the radio. Mav wasn't kidding talking about the G's being forceful.
"I know," Storm replied quick, "Time to target is one minute 30. We are two seconds behind increase to 480 knots."
"We got to move coyote." Phoenix said.
"Copy, increasing speed." Coyote replied.
"Shit!" Phoenix pulled up as they almost caught Coyotes end.
"Why're they dead?" They were back in the classroom. Mav asked the group.
"We broke the 300 foot ceiling, and a SAM took us out." Phoenix answered.
"No. Why's they dead?" Mav asked coyote.
"I slowed down and didn't give her a warning it was my fault." Coyote replied.
"Was there a reason you didn't communicate with your team?" Mav raised his eyebrows.
"I was focusing on," Coyote began.
"One that their family will accept at the funeral." Mav lectured. Storm and Phoenix shared a glance and then Storm and Rooster shared one.
"None sir," Coyote shook his head.
"Why did you anticipate the turn?" Mav looked at Phoenix, "You were briefed on the terrain. Don't tell me tell it to Storms family."
Phoenix looked over at Storm.
Mav flipped the training radar back on watching it and pausing as Fanboy and Payback would've hit the wall.
"What happened?" Mav looked at Hangman.
"I flew as fast as I could. Kind of like my ass depended on it." Hangman smirked. Storm rolled her eyes she couldn't bare to listen to Hangman more than half the time.
"And you put your team in danger and your wingman's dead." Rooster looked over at Hangman.
"They couldn't keep up." Hangman smirked and shook his head.
Mav put Roosters video on and paused it at the end, "Why're you dead? You're team leader up there why are you, why is your team dead?" Mav glared at Rooster.
"Sir, he's the only one who made it to the target." Storm looked up at her dad half challenging him.
"A minute late. He gave enemy aircraft time to shoot him down. He is dead." Mav lectured her challenging her back.
When Mazy was a teenager when she started to know things and call her dad on his shit. She constantly was left on a base over seas sitting in a house unsure if her dad would come back.
Mazy tried to keep contact with Bradley as they grew up. Usually it was over email until they were older and had phones.
Mav knew if he challenged Mazy she wouldn't back down.
"You don't know that," Rooster shook his head.
"You're not flying fast enough. You don't have a second to waste." Hangman shook his head.
"We made it to the target." Rooster shrugged.
"And superior enemy aircraft intercepted you on your way out." Mav stepped forward. Mazy was ready to jump in.
"Then it's a dog fight." Rooster sat forward.
"Against a fifth generation fighters." Mav yelled at him.
"Yeah we'd still have a chance." Rooster was getting mouthy with him and Mazy knew this wasn't going to go over well.
"In a F-18." Mav began.
"It's not the planes sir it's the pilots." Rooster raised his voice.
"Exactly!" Mav yelled and he knew as he said that, that he shouldn't have. Roosters face faltered and Mazy looked back at Rooster quick then shot her dead a death glare. Her eyes narrowing and she sat forward more.
"There's more than one way to fly this mission." Mazy butt in.
"You two really don't get it. On this mission a man flies like Maverick here. Or a man doesn't come back. No offense intended." Hangman smirked at Storm and Phoenix.
"Yet somehow you always manage." Storm leaned forward smirking at Hangman. Phoenix scowled at the blonde both just wanted to punch him.
"Look I don't mean to criticize. You're conservative, that's all." Hangman began.
"Lieutenant." Mav warned.
"We're going into combat on a level no living pilots ever seen. Not even him." Hangman nodded to Mav, "That's no time to be thinking about the past that goes for you too, Mazy Mitchell." Hangman let the M roll off his lips. Mazy saw red at that moment and Phoenix grabbed her leg to keep her down.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Rooster glared at Hangman.
"Rooster, Storm." Mav warned the two.
"I can't be the only one that knows Maverick flew with his old man and that Maverick is Mazy's old man." Hangman smirked.
"That's enough," Maverick raised his voice.
"Or that Maverick was flying when his old man," Rooster jumped at his throat. Storm was up in a second and grabbed onto Rooster.
"Lieutenant that's enough!" Maverick scattered forward grabbing his daughter off of Rooster as Payback and Fanboy grabbed Rooster and the rest grabbed Hangman.
"That's enough!" Mav yelled.
"You son of a bitch!" Rooster pointed at Hangman.
"Hey come on!" Coyote yelled. Mav had his arms wrapped around Mazy a similar way he would have when she was younger.
"Let go of me!" She squirmed out of his arms.
"I'm cool, I'm cool. Hey hey," Hangman got out of grip a little chuckle escaping his lips, "He's not cut out for this mission. I'd rather Phoenix and Storm as my wing women."
"That is enough." Mav had enough of this. Phoenix grabbed Storm to keep  her from going at Hangman's throat.
"You know I'm right," Hangman looked at Mav and took a step towards Rooster.
"You're all dismissed." Mav breathed out he didn't know how to respond or what to do. Hangman left. Phoenix, Storm, and Rooster hanging behind.
It was just the three left in the classroom. Phoenix looked at the two, "Mazy why didn't you tell me." Phoenix breathed out.
"It's not something I'm proud of," Storm looked down Rooster wrapped an arm around her protectively, "My dad wasn't emotionally present when I was growing up either. My mom died when I was young and I've pretty much spent my whole life hopping around military bases. Once I graduated I left when he wasn't home without notice."
"I'm really sorry," Phoenix hugged her.
"I love you Nat," Mazy rubbed her back.
“I love you too,” Phoenix sighed and opened her arm up for Rooster. He sighed and joined their hug.
“We love you too Bradley.” Phoenix giggled. Bradley chuckled lightly and kissed Mazy’s head.
“Hangman is such a prick.” Mazy groaned as she came out of the attached bathroom to the bedroom.
“I know,” Bradley looked up from his phone. He was sitting on the bed against the head board.
“My dad called me a few times but I don’t wanna answer him.” Mazy sighed and dropped her towel opening one of Bradley’s drawers and pulling out a shirt. She threw it on and a pair of lace panties. Bradley loved how comically large his clothes were on her.
“Let’s just sleep it off darlin’” Rooster grabbed Mazy by her waist and pulled her into bed.
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remyfire · 1 year
“Untitled” for the WIP game!
WIP Game! This is my entry for the @mashficolympics for July 7th's prompt, Injury. It's another hunnihawk, and I've been teasing it as "platonic spanking to nonplatonic spanking pipeline," but it's thus far the most angst-ridden thing I've written for this fandom, and the 'injury' aspect is already deeply upsetting me even though it's at least a few thousand words away.
(tw below for canon-typical terrible OR shift)
"Uh, sirs?" Radar pops into the OR with a mask held over his mouth, his eyes wide but resigned behind his glasses. "We've got a whole new bus that just pulled up out there, full to the brim. It looks real bad."
Potter doesn't glance up from his work. He barely even allows Kellye to mop his brow. "What's the situation, Radar?"
The words flow out of Radar so fast, there's no pause for full stops. "There's a bomber went down near a village a few miles down the road, and, uh, it sounds like they weren't exactly empty of their cargo when they hit the ground—"
"What?" Hawk can feel the acid gathering on the back of his tongue, something that sears his tone, that he wants to spit like a cobra.
BJ looks up over the edge of his mask, grim. "Must've been what we heard a minute ago."
Hawk grits his teeth as he carefully eases what he thought was the last piece of shrapnel out of his current patient's gut, but the moment he lifts it out, he catches the gleam of another. He forces his hands to stay steady, tries to work through his bubbling anger and the necessity of being thorough before he closes. "What the hell happened out there? Is it all civilians?"
"Yes sir, Captain Pierce," Radar says softly. "Driver says they'd lost contact with the pilot way before he ever hit the ground."
"He wasn't even shot down?" Hawk demands. "He just—" Every word feeds the flames. He clinks another piece of metal into the tray with far more force than is necessary.
"Easy, Pierce. We've got a long night ahead of us." The firm but smooth tone from Colonel Potter does nothing to soothe him.
It does, however, remind him of the constant battle to harness his frustration into pulling as many of those innocent lives away from the jaws of death as he can—not letting the bastards win.
But the trouble with learning how to cheat death is that eventually, those lives he's saved have to catch up somewhere.
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