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momachan · 8 months ago
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"It may be considered naive and unrealistic to assume I can eliminate prejudice, implicit bias, and long-held racial fears. Yet I won't ever stop trying for men and women... For all those unjustly imprisioned by a system unwilling or incapable of recognizing their humanity. To exist... to prosper... within that framework... takes a level of strength that would make even Superman envious. I'll be in your corner. I'll fight for your freedom. Always."
Truth & Justice (2021). "The Revolving Door."
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sky-daddy-hates-me · 6 months ago
A 13 year old boy.
I don't care what crime he was suspected of, I don't care how scared the police officers were, they shot him the fucking chest. Do you honestly think they would've reacted that way if it was a rich white boy with a toy gun?
How the fuck do people manage to live in America without going insane? How is this kids story only one of many? It makes me so mad reading about it and I don't even live in America, what the fuck can a British bitch do to help?
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hersheysmcboom · 2 months ago
If you valve your freedom, sign this now!
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just-a-little-radish · 8 months ago
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In case any of y’all were wondering the current state of racial discourse on YouTube… this is literally the first few comments that crop up, I’m scared to sort by new… imagine being so brain dead that you can’t come up with another reason someone might behave like this (domestic violence, misogyny, other upbringing etc) and just assume it’s bc he has a bit more melanin in his body…
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nando161mando · 9 months ago
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Combatting racial whataboutism
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pangirlpanic · 5 months ago
Nothing like being racially profiled with your wife while just trying to go out to eat for brunch with friends
Yep, a wonderful way to start my Saturday! (I am actively holding off a mental breakdown.)
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smokingthatvonpack · 7 months ago
It has been brought to my attention that a user on my safe space is using the likeness of an alt right neo nazi known for causing a number of murders and mass shootings across the country. Please report @arakiincel for using the likeness of a homophobic racist killer as there profile picture
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aktionfsa-blog-blog · 2 years ago
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Opfer als Täter festgenommen
"Braunschweiger Modell" in der Kritik
Nach dem im Sommer 2020 vorgestellten und seit dem praktizierten „Braunschweiger Modell“ werden vermutlich Betrunkene oder sonst unter Drogeneinfluss Stehende, nicht ins Krankenhaus eingewiesen, sondern zum Ausnüchtern auf die Wache mitgenommen. Dieses Modell wurde dem mehrfach wegen Drogenbesitzes, Körperverletzung, Widerstand gegen Vollstreckungsbeamte und Beleidigung verurteilten Mamadou B. am Neujahrsmorgen 2023 zum Verhängnis.
Nachdem die  in die Kneipe „Charlie Chaplin“ gerufene Polizei vier durch Pfefferspray Verletzte vorfand und 3 der Verletzten und einige Gäste auf Mamadou als Täter wiesen, wurde dieser auf die Wache mitgenommen. Dort habe er Polizisten mit Fäusten geschlagen und sei in eine Zelle gebracht worden.
Eine auf der Wache Dienst tuende Ärztin sollte ihm für Drogen- und Alkoholtest Blut abnehmen. Sie fand ihn jedoch leblos in der Zelle vor. Auch jetzt nach 5 Monaten ist unklar, woran er starb, denn "es gebe nur wenige Spezialisten für neuropathologische Untersuchungen".
Dafür haben inzwischen Videoaufnahmen von der Tatnacht gezeigt, dass Mamadou B. nicht der Täter sondern das Opfer der Pfefferspray Attacken gewesen sei.
Mehr dazu bei https://taz.de/Tod-im-Polizeigewahrsam/!5933222/
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3ui Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8412-20230529-opfer-als-taeter-festgenommen.htm
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qutemaestro · 2 years ago
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momachan · 8 months ago
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"Fear is the gateway drug of America's addiction to bigotry. It's not easy for me, a white man in the United States, to write those words. In my research for this article, I have seen how deeply rooted racism is within American society, like a cancer. And like cancer, the only way to fight it... is to first expose it to the light... so it can be diagnosed... and properly treated. Within a matter of days of conducting my research into the perception of African-American men, I have realized that the problem was much bigger than I could have imagined. So big that not even the gods among us could destroy it."
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Truth & Justice (2021). "The Revolving Door."
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phonemantra-blog · 7 months ago
Tyler Perry, a prominent figure in the entertainment industry, has used his platform to speak out against alleged racial profiling at Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson Airport. In a powerful op-ed published in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Perry condemns the experiences of comedians Eric Andre and Clayton English, who claim they were unlawfully detained by authorities based on their race. Tyler Perry Denounces Racial A Stop at the Jetway, Not Security: Racial Profiling Allegations Perry's op-ed centers around a lawsuit filed by Andre and English earlier this year. The comedians allege that Clayton County Police Department (CCPD) officers stopped them on separate occasions at the airport's jet bridges, even though they had already cleared TSA security and were moments away from boarding their flights. Perry emphasizes that both men were targeted solely "because of the color of their skin." The op-ed highlights a concerning statistic: according to information provided by Andre and English's legal team, of the hundreds of passengers stopped by the CCPD's airport drug unit during the timeframe in question, over half (56%) were Black, while Black passengers make up only 8% of the airport's domestic travelers. This stark disparity paints a troubling picture of potential racial bias. Beyond Security: Financial Implications and Exploitation Concerns Perry raises concerns that the CCPD's airport interdiction unit might be motivated by financial gain rather than legitimate security threats. He points out that law enforcement has the power to seize cash and other property during such stops, even if no charges are ultimately filed. According to Perry's report, the CCPD generated nearly $1 million in such seizures during the same period when Andre and English were stopped. This raises serious questions about the department's priorities and potential exploitation of travelers. A Systemic Problem: Racism and Broken Promises Perry expands the conversation beyond the specific incident, highlighting the broader issue of racial profiling in America. He condemns law enforcement agencies that engage in such practices and attempts to conceal them. Perry emphasizes the frustration and sense of injustice faced by Black Americans who are repeatedly treated as "less worthy of respect and constitutional protection" compared to their white counterparts. He underscores the fear and vulnerability Black people experience when singled out by police, especially in situations where their safety and freedom are at stake. "Every act of racial discrimination is a broken promise, an affront to our dignity, an insult to Atlanta's history, and a vestige of a history that America must leave behind," Perry states powerfully. A Call for Change: Protecting Freedom and Atlanta's Growth Perry highlights the potential economic ramifications of unchecked racial profiling. His film studio in Atlanta attracts thousands of industry professionals from diverse backgrounds. He emphasizes that discriminatory practices deter such travel and hinder economic growth. "Black people must have the freedom to travel without worrying about being stopped because of the color of our skin," Perry asserts. His call to action demands a dismantling of racial profiling and a commitment to ensuring equal treatment for all travelers. Seeking Answers: Unanswered Questions and the Need for Transparency The Hollywood Reporter reached out to both the Atlanta airport and the Clayton County Police Department for comment, but their responses are not included in the article. This lack of response raises further concerns about transparency and accountability. A thorough investigation into the allegations and a clear response from the relevant authorities are crucial to addressing these issues.
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hersheysmcboom · 5 months ago
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nando161mando · 7 months ago
Court rules #Montreal #police racially profiled #Black lawyer during 2021 traffic stop
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usnewsper-politics · 9 months ago
New California Law Fights Police Brutality, Keeps Everyone Safe #policebrutality #racialprofiling
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usnewsper-business · 1 year ago
Walmart Faces $100M Lawsuit for Racial Profiling: Innocent Man Falsely Accused #racialprofiling #Walmartlawsuit
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leadindia011 · 1 year ago
We discuss what steps to take if you encounter police misconduct and the misuse of their powers. Our main focus revolves around the question: Where can we voice our concerns and lodge complaints against incidents of police brutality? With the alarming rise of abuse of authority by certain law enforcement officers, it is crucial to shed light on this issue and explore avenues for seeking justice and accountability. Our aim is to empower individuals who may find themselves victimized and equip them with the knowledge needed to take action. Throughout this video, we delve into the different channels available to report cases of police abuse.
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