Fool's Ramblings #1: Twst! Adulthood HC
When people grow, they gradually change. Sometimes we look at our younger selves and cringe at our childishness.
So I think if ever some Twst!Boys return to their past (current) they may cringe a bit at their younger self.
The adult versions dont really hate their younger selves. Its just a normal reaction of what any of us would view our younger self. Its nostalgic, and there's a certain fondness and proudness to see how far we've come.
Maybe Sebek grows up to be calmer, because with time comes maturity. He is still very outspoken, yet he is not as foolish as his younger self. His devotion to Malleus is still strong but he has become calmer, more aware that his actions reflect his lord.
Adult!Sebek may have grown mature but he is still,..well..himself, for lack of better wording. He and current!Sebek seem to clash head ans not get along, with the older scolding the younger's overrreactions and thr younger getting annoyed at the older's under reaction (this is all pertaining to serving their lord, ofcourse)
Dont get it the wrong way tho, Adult!Sebek's world didn't orbit around his lord's as much as his younger self. But it still kinda does...in a way... its complicated to explain.
Adult!Ace cringest at is younger self, thinks he is a lil shit. Adult Ace is still teasing and playful like his younger self, but in a controlled mature kinda way. This surprises the current timeline Adeuce Duo.Growing u doesn't necessarily mean one loses their character or becoming boring, you just gain more depth and be a lil more introspective.
Adult! Ace and his younger self act like an older sibling teasing his younger sibling. It kinda mortifies current!Ace how it seems like he is talking more to his older brother than himself.
Adult!Epel is not the way Current Epel thought he would be. It kinda freaks him out when he sees an young adult version of him he thinks at first is a cardboard copy of current Vil, but he is wrong. Young Adult Epel is still Epel, beautiful yet manly at the same time. Despite everything, its still him.
Adult Epel would have fun showing his younger self how strong he is. He shows off a lot too! Why not? He's come so far!
Adult! Kalim would perhaps be the person whos a bit more vastly different yet the same as hia younger self. Being given responsibility for a merchant empire and becoming more aware of people and his surroundings as years pass. He is still fun loving, but he has become aware that his past self recklessness has taken a toll of people around him. No doubt he is every bit as kind as he was in the past, but its not that kind of burdensome kindness anymore. Unless he needs a leverage in his businesses, you cant deny the fact that his aide and friends personality has rubbed on him just a little. Parties are a political and business tactic as much as they are there for enjoyment.
Adult!Kalim converses with his younger self with equal zeal. Albeit he does keep some secrets to himself, despite their chattiness, his younger self needs to learn those lessons himself.
Riddle becomes a little more like his own person, perhaps finding a way to escape his mother's influence. But the effects of years sticking to rules doesn't really go away immediately, it takes a lot of time to heal. He may not be as much as a stickler for rules as he is used to, but he still finds peace in order. This time having more control of his emotions and having strategic concessions on which things in his life he can or cannot control. He grows up to be an admirable person.
When he looks at Current!Riddle he cannot help but be a bit embarrassed at his childish (in the pov of an adult) self, but nonetheless he is proud of current!riddle for taking the steps towards becoming who he is
Thats it for now! We just think the contrast of adult and younger selves are fun to think of!
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woodypellets · 2 months
I just downloaded this game last night. The moment I saw him…
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p0lyn3sian · 14 hours
Hi guysss!!!
I decided to skip the assembly that was after 5th period, because I knew it was going to be so boring, and it was outside and I'll be too hot.
So, I'm now working on one drabble, I might finish two today!!
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paraphilictranny · 21 days
introy intro :)
hi you can call me darcy
welcome to my blog uwu youll get whats on the tin (username) so paraphilia talk, trans talk (mostly transIDs) with a load of rad-inclusiveness dumped in :)
cis - uhhh ocd, adhd, autism, bpd, other things, physically disabled, intersex
tris - Obsessive Love Disorder, hypersexual
trans - delusional, trans16, Compulsive Compliance Disorder (CCD), stalked, god, angel, fallen angel, MAP, owned
paras - will add when i remember, but i also dont want to get immediately termed ;)
I hoard a lot, but i also forgot a lot so bare with me :)
Tags will be added here as I make posts
rabbles - general chatter :) obsessive rabbles - whatever im obsessing over, usually nsfw darcy's little rebloggies - things i reblog IDs - transIDs i like and might hoard <3
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goingnearlyinsane · 11 months
honey. i get my gender envy from alto clef, Micheal Shelley, spamton g spamton, and kill streak Kim. my gender looks like an arcade carpet, and i've had abandonment issues since i was six. why don't *you* tell *me* whether or not you think i'm a well-functioning member of society.
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pb-loves-owls · 1 year
The fact that Edgeworth sincerely, unironically loves the Steel Samurai and anything with the franchise is adorable to me.
like can u imagine him having steel samurai jammies???? him being an all around healthy eater but caving in for anything samurai? like imagine him getting cereals and Mac n cheeses just because it’s got the steel samurai on the cover. imagine him agreeing to go to mcdonalds for trucy and getting two kids meals because he wants the pink princess toy. “One black coffee and two pink Princess kids meals. apple slices and orange juice for both please.”
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skyrim-forever · 2 years
i love that Tumblr highlights mutuals in the notifications
like yes mutual my beloved thank you for reblogging my post with the tag HKJOIJJ
i love you now we need to smooch
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12beesinasuit · 2 months
I think we, as a whole, need to stop telling people to die. I’ve seen so many posts/bios/etc that say things like ‘if your a homophobe I want you dead’ ‘if your a terf I hope you explode’ ‘if you support xyz literally kys’ and I just don’t think we should be doing that? Like don’t get me wrong, I don’t support homophobes/terfs/xyz, but at the end of the day they are also people?? Like you are telling someone you want them dead just because they have a different opinion than you. How is saying ‘if you don’t agree with me, you shouldn’t be allowed to live’ better AT ALL than what the people you are targeting are saying. It really bothers me when people do this. And maybe I’m just young or naive or idealistic but we can do better. I don’t think there is ever ever ever a reason to say that you want a whole entire group of people dead, even if that group is doing the same.
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ofairandbeauteousone · 3 months
list of ideas i had that never hit the ground:
pony askblog
persona magical girl ttrpg campaign
WM monster hunter ttrpg discord server that still hasn't had a visitor in weeks it's my most autism thing ever and i
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isahotvixen · 5 months
I swear to fuck. People in bands are the hottest people ever.
And here's me, a singer just joining a band and completely simping over a lead guitarist in a different band...
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linposter · 1 year
i reblog 1 (one) homestuck post and all you fucks crawl out the woodwork....
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gorebonk · 1 month
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Absolutely obsessed with how cinematic this photo is to me
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chaostified · 2 years
Haven't been here in a while. Sooo, how we doing squad?
Also, I'm off school until next Wednesday so YIPPEEEEE. Expect more fantastic shitposts and me possibly rebranding because why tf not.
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p0lyn3sian · 4 days
Ohhh my lorrrddd, sorry for not posting on Friday or the whole weekend! I got really sick because now that the weather is changing to winter it gives me allergies 😔! And I'll now be working on the other three requests, so I'm so sorry for not posting!!!
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paraphilictranny · 20 days
sorry that i immediately ghosted tumblr for over a day lmao
i got too distracted playing video games like a normal guy I have ideas for posts in my head constantly but i can never get them down ✌️
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zaxazoom · 1 year
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I love this screenshot because the context is "Aziraphale trying to get people to go to a meeting he's hosting and Crowley is tagging along"
but this more conveys "If you don't agree to go to my husbands party I will personally hunt you down >:(" and it's adorable.
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