morgana-artt · 6 months
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mintyyyjades · 6 months
HOW DO Y'ALL EVIL BOOP i just got one and I will revenge-boop you SO HARD
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deadandwalking · 6 months
listening to the same 4 6arelyhuman songs while feeling dead and having my headmate speak to me about how i have failed to protect myself for nothing
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d0llyrat · 4 months
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theriancultureis · 8 days
dragon therian culture is rawwr. raaawr . rawr.
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staryosho · 16 hours
The Gravity Falls fandom is back and hungry RAAAWR
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+My human Bill desing
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shitsans · 4 months
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okay girl raaawr i guess
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skyward-floored · 3 months
Hello !! For your IAU requests, either Sky being a good uncle and babysitting the younger Links, or some kind of angst involving Four?
No pressure if you don't want to ! And please remember to take it easy if requests get overwhelming-
Don’t mind me answering this rather late lol, it took me a while to figure out where I wanted to take this! I already did some Four angst, so here’s some Sky babysitting when the kids are all a bit younger :)
“Yes, Sky babysitting!” Wild yelled, jumping on the couch. “Now we can stay up all night!”
Sky watched his nephew bounce around, the rest of his brothers all equally excited as their parents drove away to have a night for themselves for once, and chuckled. Warriors was busy, and Sun was feeling under the weather, so Sky was babysitting all six of his nephews alone.
Which he could handle. For sure.
“Sorry Wild,” Sky apologized, nudging him with a wing to get him to stop bouncing. “No staying up all night I’m afraid. Your parents said bedtime was eight o’clock, sharp.”
“Did they really mean sharp though?” Legend piped up, smiling innocently. “Maybe Mom said ‘shark’. And sharks don’t ever have to go to bed.”
“Never, huh?” Sky said, and Legend hesitated for a second, then nodded confidently.
“Yeah, never.”
“Never ever. They’d just bite anyone who told them to! RAAAWR!” Wild roared, and leapt off the couch and right onto Wind. His little brother yelled in protest, and Sky quickly pulled Wild off, his nephew still making biting noises and chomping his teeth.
“Why don’t we bite some dinner instead?” Sky said, and Wild paused in his biting, looking hopefully up at him.
“Yep. How does mac and cheese sound?” Sky asked, and Wild let out an excited whoop.
“YESSSSS! Can I help?” he begged, and Sky nodded.
“Me too!” Wind shouted, and Twilight wagged his tail where he was sitting with Hyrule on the couch.
“You all can help,” Sky said patiently, scooping up Four and heading into the kitchen. “But you’ve got to listen to my instructions, all right?”
“Yessir!” Wild chirped, and zipped over to the cabinets and began pulling out utensils.
Sky chuckled as his siblings followed, and then got to work on dinner.
Mac and cheese wasn’t hard to make, especially with multiple eager helpers, and everything was going fine as the cheese was added and the pot was stirred. There was a minor hiccup when Hyrule almost added twice as many noodles as were needed, but Twilight managed to stop him at the last second, and dinner was finished with no further problems.
All until his nephews realized mac and cheese wasn’t the only thing they were eating for dinner.
“Peas?!” Wind said in dismay, and Sky nodded as he got Four settled in the booster seat they had for his chair.
“Yep. That’s what vegetable your mom left me to cook.“
“But... peas?” Wind repeated, his face screwed up, and Sky raised an eyebrow.
“What’s so bad about peas?” he questioned, and Wind let out a loud blegh noise, face disgusted.
“Peas are gross,” he stressed, crossing his arms with a pout. “They’re are yucky an’ bad.”
“Wind, they’re not so bad, the rest of your siblings are eating them,” Sky chided, and Twilight suddenly squirmed in his seat, looking uncomfortably at his plate.
“Yeah, even Twilight, and he hates peas!” Wild said cheerily, and Twilight sank in his chair a bit.
“If you eat them with the mac and cheese they just taste like cheese,” Hyrule said helpfully, and Wind looked over at his plate, wrinkling his nose at the way Hyrule had mashed everything together.
“That’s yucky. I don’t wanna,” Wind pouted, putting his face on the table.
“I didn’t even give you that many. At least eat some of them Wind,” Sky pleaded, and Wind blew a loud raspberry, making Four laugh. “...Wind.”
“I don’t wanna!”
Sky looked at Wind, and Wind looked at Sky, neither of them willing to back down. The rest of his nephews watched in interest (all except Four who was throwing peas at Legend, much to his chagrin), and finally Sky leaned back in his chair with a casual shrug.
“Well... if you’re not going to eat them, then you’re not going to get dessert,” Sky said, casually folding his wings behind his back. “That’s a pity, too. I brought cupcakes.”
Wild gasped and shook Hyrule excitedly, and Wind narrowed his eyes, tilting his head up to look at Sky.
“With blue frosting,” Sky added, and Wild let out an even louder gasp, nearly falling out of his chair.
“Upake!” Four yelled.
Wind pursed his lips, and looked down at the offending vegetable, obviously feeling rather conflicted. Twilight meanwhile, attempted to slip quietly out of his chair while everyone was distracted, his face strangely scrunched.
A wing stuck out and stopped him right as he began to walk away though, and Twilight froze as he looked up at Sky.
“All finished, buddy?” he asked, and Twilight cleared his throat, nodding. “You ate pretty quickly there. Don’t you want more mac and cheese?”
“No, I’m good,” Twilight said quickly, and tried to edge away from his feathers.
“What’s that in your pocket, Twi?” Wild asked loudly, and Twilight cringed, glancing at his bulging pockets.
“It’s... um... it’s just...”
Legend suddenly became visible behind him, and stuck a hand in his pocket, pulling out a handful of peas.
Twilight jumped, then gave Sky an extremely guilty look when he raised an eyebrow.
“Uh... how about that? I guess some just... fell in there...” he said with a hesitant smile.
Sky jabbed a thumb back at the table, and Twilight slunk back to his seat, more than one of his brothers giggling. Legend looked particularly smug, and Twilight shot him a foul look as he emptied his pockets back onto his plate.
“Okay. I’ll have peas. I’ll only eat some though,” Wind finally decided, and Sky nodded, inwardly relieved. He hadn’t been sure the dessert tactic would work.
“Thank you. How does five spoonfuls sound?”
“Five spoonfuls?!”
Sky sighed.
Dinner took another half hour to finish, Wild and Hyrule eating several more helpings of mac and cheese, Four throwing food, Twilight and Wind slowly eating their peas. Finally all the plates were empty though, and Sky went to grab the plate of cupcakes.
“Sky, can we watch tv and eat them?” Legend asked as he brought them over. “There’s a movie on tonight.”
Sky hummed thoughtfully. “Maybe... what movie is it?”
“Umm, I forget the title. But it’s the one where the guy has a talking hat and has to save the world with mice guys. And stuff,” Legend said helpfully.
“Four likes that one,” Twilight added, and Sky gave in with a little sigh.
“...Okay. But straight to bed afterwards, and you guys have got to use napkins,” he said, and Wild whooped for at least the third time that evening.
The napkins didn’t help a bit of course. Sky’s nephews got crumbs on the floor, crumbs on clothes, crumbs on furniture... not to mention the blue frosting, that Sky was really starting to regret bringing over. It was a very good thing Malon and Time’s couch wasn’t white.
The first hour of the movie was mostly talked over, sugar-fueled arguments and teasing and general chaos that happened whenever they all tried to sit and do something. By the time the sugar buzz finally wore off, Sky’s patience had grown rather thin, and he was exhausted.
Why did I agree to this again? he thought with a sigh, wiping fruitlessly at a smear of frosting on his shirt. There was big smear all over his sleeve, and it would take him ages to get all of the crumbs out of his feathers.
Before Sky could get any further with cleaning himself up (or griping), a hand pushed on his leg, and he looked down to see Four crawl into his lap.
He snuggled up to his chest, and Wind squished up next to him a few moments later, smile a bright blue. Legend noticed what was going on and wormed into the pile as a rabbit, and Hyrule settled himself under one of Sky’s wings, leaning on his shoulder. Finally Twilight and Wild sat themselves under the other, and they all watched quietly as the hero on the tv had a serious conversation with his talking hat.
Sky looked down at them all, sticky and covered in frosting and crumbs, Hyrule nestling tighter under his wing, Four resting his head back on his chest.
Then he sighed and gave them a soft smile, unable to hold on to any annoyance with six kids all snuggled around him.
Right. That’s why.
Late that evening, Time and Malon came home and found all six of their boys sound asleep in the living room under Sky’s wings, Sky himself snoring with a faint smile on his face.
...and blue frosting.
Lots of blue frosting.
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ray935sworld · 20 days
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princessmayday · 5 months
hello can you please do dino mood board more masc pleasee💚
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Dino Mood Board RAAAWR!!! 🦖
Requests are OPEN 💚
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kingdomblade · 9 months
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Look out, here comes a Christmas Lion! RAAAWR!!!
Support me on: Patreon | Twitter | Tumblr | Instagram | Webtoon| Tapas
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yellosnacc · 11 months
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After a long time, I have decided what my current sona is, which means I can make artist memes now.
It's based on classic war depictions of Unii-lls. A big big monster with giant horns, dinosaur posture, and a thick "scaly" tail. It's not the most accurate to what the soldiers really saw but it's cool as a sona. Not a canon character with uniima ll biology but just - some beast.
Uniima ll have miniature useless tails. They knuckle-walk most of the time and walk bipedally when they need height. Some farmers would make a terrible-for-spine contraption to free both of their hands when harvesting crops. It was like a backpack in the shape of a tail. To keep the weight same-ish, the farmer would drink the water kept in it after they filled it with material.
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rottingworship · 3 months
# 🥏 — my gods the new chapter of Beg and Bargain is RAAAWR, tim can keep the panties and me btw 😔
THANK YOU!! Very much same on Tim keeping the panties lmao
I love him.... So much. I promise I love Toby and Brian too. Really! But Tim.... 😫😍
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deadpool-wade-wilson · 3 months
This is why you don’t trust geese.
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m1nkglitchs · 1 year
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Raaawr! Dragon inspired model for the lovely Cyan Lua! Ꮚ¯ꈊ¯Ꮚ
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meregis · 2 months
raaawr!! ♡
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