razzle-zazzle · 11 months
Whumptober Day 20: people don't change people, time does
Found Family
4390 Words; Pooter Pile AU
TW for child abuse, attempted murder, unethical experimentation, blood mention
AO3 ver
Gisu looked up at the sound of the door slamming open. Dion let his leg fall back to the floor, his arms securely wrapped around the book he was carrying. Gisu felt a trickle of amusement as Dion stalked over to her, slamming the book on the desk.
It had only been two days since Raz ran off. Dion had come to surprisingly quickly after being thrown like that—maybe it was an acrobat thing. But he had had the worst headache, so it was nice to see him moving with his usual energy, again.
It’d be even nicer if Raz hadn’t run off, but still.
“I know where Raz went!” Dion exclaimed. “Is trying to go. Whatever. But I know where it is!” He flipped the book open, revealing it to be a photo album. Gisu got only a moment to glance at what she assumed were Dion’s baby pictures before he flipped to the page he wanted. “There.” He pointed at the picture of the family all assembled before the Aquatodome—it must have been a few years old, because Gisu couldn’t see Queepie anywhere, but she could see a much younger Mirtala held aloft in Donatella’s arms.
“Cute photo.” Gisu commented, totally not focusing on the massive grin on younger-photo-Dion’s face. “What makes you think Raz is going there?”
Dion pointed at the photo—at the background of the photo, Gisu realized, his finger tapping the mountain dominating the landscape. “When Raz hit me with his… psychic thingy, I think…” He trailed off, searching for the words. “Psychic bullshit involves mind stuff, right? Like thoughts and feelings.”
“Yeah…” Gisu nodded.
“And I’ve been seeing the same fucking mountain since he hit me,” Dion continued, “Which means it’s probably, like, an afterthought of it.”
“After-effect,” Gisu corrected.
“Yeah, that.” Dion agreed. His hands moved as he spoke and paced around, and it was utterly fascinating, even as his words kept coming out stream-of-consciousness style. “So I keep seeing this mountain, and it’s so familiar, like an itch in the back of my mind, yanno? So I start digging through our old albums, because I swear I’ve seen this mountain somewhere before, and I know it’s important, so I kept searching and—”
“And then you found it?” Gisu asked, trying not to let too much fondness creep into her voice. A little bit is okay, but it’s too early to be getting sappy.
“Yeah!” Dion nodded emphatically, once again by the desk and tapping the photo. “It doesn’t look exactly the same but I know that that’s the one. That’s the mountain that Raz is going to.” He looked at Gisu with so much intensity that she thought he might burst, and said, “I keep feeling like I need to go there.”
Gisu leaned back in her chair. “Do you?”
“Yes!” Dion threw his hands in the air. “No? I don’t know!” He paced a small half-circle, “But that’s where Raz is. Is going. I’m sure of it!” He turned to Gisu once again. “I don’t know what to do about this.” He admitted. “I don’t know who I’m supposed to tell.”
“Well, I think—” Gisu stretched, getting out of her chair. “—that what happens next is obvious.”
“Really?’ Dion lit up. “I knew you’d know what to do! You’re really smart like that.” His face flushed, and Gisu had to take a moment to fight off the butterflies in her stomach and the heat on her own face.
“Yeah.” She smirked, grabbing Dion’s wrist. She started pulling him back towards the door.
“We’re going on a field trip!”
Three huffed as he leaped up over a boulder, his levball making the jump easier than climbing up by hand. Even still, this was exhausting.
But it needed to be done. He only had a little bit further to go, anyway—it had taken him a week just to get this far, and the sun had long set behind him, and he couldn’t waste anymore time.
Really, though, did Ms. Naumann have to build her lab halfway up a mountain? Three had his levball to help, but this was ridiculous.
Still, there was nothing Three could do. He just had to get there, and make everything right. So he’d do it, even if it was tiring.
He had to.
“I think we made pretty good time!’ Gisu chirped. And really, they kind of did. Five days to make a trip spanning across a few states—thank god for comprehensive bus routes. And her levboard. Couldn’t forget how important her baby was to this whole operation.
“I’m still not sure how you convinced me to go along with this.” Dion muttered, staring up at the mountain looming before them, the sunlight behind him casting his face in shadow. “Or why we’re doing this alone.”
“Because it’s faster that way.” Gisu offered, already setting up her board. Sure, they could have a nice little hike up the trails, but they were here on a mission. Raz had a two-day headstart—they couldn’t waste time. “C’mon.” She held out her hand, and Dion took it. Grumbling under his breath but joining her on the levboard regardless. “Let’s go find Pooter.”
Three crawled through the vents as quietly as he could. Benefit of the lab being half-underground, he supposed—the vents themselves were surrounded by solid rock, making them more than capable of supporting his weight.
So he crawled along, his mental link with Four helping him navigate to the bunks without issue. It took a while, and he had to wiggle a bit to get through some of the tighter turns, but he made it.
The room the clones all slept in was halfway into a natural cavern, of sorts, with a large open space above the beams holding up the lights. Three telekinetically undid the screws on the vent cover, and quietly removed the panel, holding it in the air to keep it from clattering on the ground. He crawled out onto the bunk bed directly below it, the top cot softening the impact. Once he was clear, he replaced the vent cover, but set the screws to the side—this would be his exit.
“Three?” Four’s voice cut through the room—the lights were off, right now, but Three could already feel his brother’s mental presence beginning to surge.
“Four!” Three practically lunged for his brother, his arms wrapping around Four’s shoulders with all the strength he had. I missed you I’m so happy to see you again I missed you I missed you I missed you
“Three!” Four returned the hug, pulses of missed-you and ribbons of golden elation flowing through their connection. I missed you I’m so glad you’re safe I missed you I missed you I missed you
Eventually, Three pulled back. His face crumpled, his eyes stung, and he slammed his face back into the crook of his brother’s neck. “I missed you.” He murmured, his thoughts echoing the notion.
“I missed you too.” Four returned, echoing back the same. He pulled back. “You gotta be quick,” he started. “Ms. Naumann’s been acting really weird lately.”
Three took a breath. Right. No more tears—mission now, sad later. “Weird how?”
Four winced. “Like she’s scared of something.” He mumbled. “I think…” He tried again, “She told me to call you back in a few days. I think… I think she’s going to terminate us.”
Three’s blood ran cold. The world pressed in on him, crushing weight squeezing all the air from his lungs—
Three scowled. “That’s not going to happen.” He declared. “We’re going to get Six and Raz and we’re going to get out of here.” He was done being scared of Ms. Naumann. She was wrong. She was wrong and Three felt none of the respect he’d had for her. She was wrong.
Four nodded. “It’s this way—” he started—
Something fell from the beams above to the floor beside them with a thud and a grunt, making Three and Four flinch back in surprise. The figure uncurled, groaning as it stood—
“Wh—how did you get here?” Three whisper-shouted. “Why are you here?!” Of all the—for the sake of—really? Of all the people who could have somehow followed him, it was Dion?
“Raz.” Dion started, “You have ten seconds to explain—” He stopped short, his eyes darting between Three and Four.
“Why are there two of you?” Dion’s voice went up a few notches, grating against Three’s ears. He was looking back and forth between the two of them, confusion leaching off of him in waves.
Three put his hands up in a placating gesture. “Look, Dion, I promise I’ll explain everything later.” He said, trying to ignore the way Four was starting to vibrate next to him. “When we have time.” He promised. “But I need you to not mess everything up right now—”
“Uh uh.” Dion interrupted, hands on his hips. “No way. I’m not doing anything until you explain yourself.”
“We don’t have time—” Three insisted, gritting his teeth. Why couldn’t he have been followed by someone with sense, like Frazie? Frazie was cool.
“I’m not hearing an explanation.” Dion hissed. “So I’ll ask again: What the fuck is going on here?!” he demanded—
“I find myself wondering the exact same thing.”
Three froze. Dion’s eyes were wide as he stared at the doorway behind Three. Oh no. Oh no.
Three turned around slowly, like the air around him was suddenly full of glue. Oh no no no.
None other than Ms. Naumann stood there, her lips pressed into a thin line. All of Three’s resolve dissolved under her gaze, like a wadded up napkin being tossed into the trash. Oh no.
“And who are you?” Ms. Naumann turned her attention to Dion, who looked as much like a deer in headlights as Three and Four felt.
“...very confused.” Dion admitted.
Ms. Naumann raised a hand to the bridge of her nose. “Right.” She sighed. Her hand moved to her temple, her look of resignation turning to one of concentration.
Three yelped in surprise as an arm wrapped around him, lifting into the air in a single burst of motion. Ms. Naumann shot a psi-blast, and Dion ducked under it to slide out the open door behind her, not once losing momentum even as he leapt up into a run, Three and Four tucked against his sides.
“Which way do I go?” Dion demanded, as Ms. Naumann’s footsteps echoed behind them.
“Left!” Four shouted, even as Three’s head spun trying to remember the layout. Dion skidded to a near-halt at the next intersection, deftly using his shed momentum to pivot into a turn to the left. “I still want an explanation!” He nearly screeched, following Four’s directions to duck to the right.
“Later!” Three reminded him. He squirmed in Dion’s arm until he was facing backwards, watching as Ms. Naumann came up behind them. “She’s gaining!” He shouted, and Dion picked up the pace.
“Do something then!” Dion made another turn, his grip on Three and Four tightening to keep them from slipping free.
Right! Three concentrated, lining up his shot—
Ms. Naumann’s eyes widened in surprise as Three fired. She ducked to the side, and the shot only grazed her—but she ended up stopping entirely, so Three still allowed himself a moment of silent victory. He was useful! Another shot brought down a light fixture, blocking her path. Even more useful!
Dion slid to a halt, the sudden stop jarring to Three. He squirmed, trying to see what had brought them to a halt—
“How do I open this?” Dion demanded, and Three managed to turn around entirely. They were blocked by a door—the playroom door, it looked like.
“Get me to that keypad.” Four said, and Dion moved to hold him up in front of it. Four tapped in the code—
Four hissed and pulled back his hand. “Dammit.” He muttered. “She changed it again.”
“Language.” Dion snapped. Three stuck out his tongue. Who was Dion to decide if his brother could swear? “Hurry up,” Dion added. “I don’t like how quiet it is right now.”
“I’m trying.” Four shot back, trying another code. Another angry beep as the pad flashed red. “Ugh, she changes them way too often.” He grumbled, moving to try another one.
Probably because someone’s just a little too clever. Three suggested, trying to squirm out of Dion’s grip. Four ignored his comment in favor of focusing on the keypad.
“Uh uh.” Dion adjusted his hold on Three. “You’re not going anywhere until we’re out of this mess.”
Three crossed him arms. He really wished it was Frazie who had followed him. How did Dion even find him?
“How did you even find me? You were out on the floor when I left.” Three poked Dion’s side.
“You’re the one who practically showed me where you were going.” Dion muttered, like it was somehow Three’s fault that he’d shown up to mess everything up.
Which… maybe it was, now that Three thought about it. He hadn’t even touched Dion when he’d sent him flying—if it was a burst of unfocused psychic power, then it probably ended up pushing Three’s thoughts into Dion’s head. Whoops.
Four hissed at another failed attempt. Dion tapped his foot against the floor impatiently. Footsteps echoed down the hall. Three gasped. “Ms. Naumann!”
“Okay, time to go!” Dion decided, pulling away from the door.
“Wh—no!” Four shouted. “Six is in there!”
“We’re not leaving him behind!” Three added, “Him or Raz!”
Dion froze. “What—”
The world tilted, and Three fell to the floor. He had only a moment to catch his breath before a telekinetic grasp grabbed ahold of him, too, lifting him up into the air to join a struggling Dion and Four.
“That’s enough of that.” Ms. Naumann declared, already turning on her heel. The hands followed after her, dragging the three of them along through the air.
“Well.” Four muttered, “shit.”
Well, shit. Gisu scooted further into the shadows. She and Dion had only found Raz—though apparently he was going by Three?—by chance, and then Dion had fallen down into the room the moment he spotted his brother. Who was greeting a second Raz.
And now this lady had showed up, and Dion had grabbed both Razzes and ran. Gisu had no idea how far he’d get, but she didn’t want to get caught, either.
Something that the Not-Razzes had mentioned caught in her mind, and she regarded the door carefully. Six and Raz? Did that mean that there were more Pooters here?
Well, it was as good a lead as any. Gisu levitated down to the floor, and poked her head out the still-open door.
The hallway was empty. Probably.
Carefully, Gisu crept out, holding her board tight against her side. If she concentrated, she could faintly feel Dion’s mind a ways away, frustration ebbing in and out of his mental signal. She wasn’t good enough with telepathy to hold a full conversation with him, though—she was too used to the person on the other end being psychic. Adam could probably hold a connection with seven people all on his own, and Morris was also pretty good at long-range communication—
But Adam and Morris weren’t here. Just Gisu and Dion.
Gisu huffed, casting her mind out further. She didn’t want to alert the scientist lady to her presence, but there had to be something she could use—
Aha! Her mind caught on something. On another mind—
…which reached back. Who are you? They demanded, their presence like waves crashing against Gisu’s mind.
Trying to help. Gisu responded, raising a hand to her temple to track down the other mind.
Like you could help me, the voice scoffed. Okay, rude. You just want Raz, anyway.
Yeah, that was what Gisu was confused about. Why are there so many of you?
The other end was quiet, for a moment, then—there used to be one more. But he’s gone now. A deep sense of melancholy washed over Gisu like waves washing over the sand. For a moment, she almost felt like sand, slowly being pulled into the depths of the anguish bit by bit.
Gisu shook her head to snap herself out of it. I’m sorry. She responded, that sucks.
Tell me something I don’t know. The other mind snarked. But really, why are you here?
Gisu concentrated on everything that had happened in the past several days. The birthday, the breakdown, Not-Raz running off, her and Dion’s chase to reach the mountain before him… as far as explanations went, it was probably really cluttered, a mix of feelings and memories and desires all packaged up into a bundle, with a lot of the needed context missing. But it was what Gisu had to work with.
… The other end was silent for a moment. Then—
A schematic—no, a layout appeared in Gisu’s mind, with a path highlighted in bright blue. Go here, it seemed to say, without saying anything at all.
Gisu followed the path, keeping an eye out for any wandering scientists. How she managed to get around without getting caught, she had no idea—
But she was doing it, which was good. She could worry about the potential implications of being able to seemingly run rampant later.
She came up on a metal door with a keypad to the side. It was flashing, the tiny screen above it saying something about failed attempts. But Gisu only grinned and pulled out her mini-screwdrivers—time to get to work. Pry off the cover, then the pad itself to get at the wires… snip those two wires and join them together…
The door slid open a few moments later. “Ha!” Gisu put away her tools, “Am I good, or am I good?” That was easy. Almost too easy, but Gisu was too busy riding the high of her success to care.
The room she stepped into was larger than the first one, with a small swingset installed at the other end. Mats covered the floor, there was a balance beam—
And there, sitting next to a slide and curled up under the steps, were two more Razzes, regarding Gisu with mild suspicion.
“Okay, which one of you is Pooter?” Gisu twirled her board in her hands, bouncing on the balls of her feet.
The Raz under the slide pointed at himself. “I’m the original.” He said, his voice scratchy and tired-sounding.
“Six.” The other said, leaning against the red plastic.
“Right.” Gisu nodded. She had no idea what that meant—she could guess, though—but that wasn’t important. What was important was getting Dion and the other two and getting out of here. She slapped her palms together. “Time for us to blow this joint!” She declared.
“You mean it?” Raz asked, staring at Gisu with wide eyes. “We’re getting out of here?”
Gisu nodded. “Yeah!” She frowned. “Well, not without Dion,” She amended, “Or the other two.”
Raz blinked. “Dion’s here?” He stood up. “He’s not—he’s not still mad at me for running away, right? I can kind of see what the other mes see, but…” He trailed off, staring at the floor.
“He asked me to help troubleshoot his apology.” Gisu said flatly. “And I’m still missing a lot of the context here, by the way.”
“Oh.” Raz’ mouth worked, for a moment, as he looked for the words. “I ran away,” he started, “And I made it to Whispering Rock…” He contemplated, for a moment, before skipping ahead, “The other me and me swapped places at the Rhombus of Ruin.” He said.
“Oh.” Gisu clutched her board a little tighter. That was—oh. Suddenly, the exhaustion smeared under his eyes looked even more sad and pathetic, like a wet kitten alone in a box after all of the other kittens had been taken. Oh, this poor kid.
These poor kids, Gisu realized, looking at Six. She had heard Not-Raz respond to Three, and he’d called the other Four…
She had never heard anything about a One, Two, or Five.
“Well, this is your lucky day,” she decided, “Because you’re getting out of here. All of you.” Raz perked up at her statement. Good.
“It’s too late.” Six stated. “Three and Four got caught. They’re probably already on their way to being terminated.” He scoffed. “I’ll probably be next.”
Gisu swallowed. That… didn’t sound good. “We’ve still got to do something,” She urged.
Raz nodded, turning to Six. “Don’t you want to see the ocean?” He asked, “Because this might be your one chance.”
Six stared at Raz for a long moment. He scowled. “That’s not fair.” He muttered, standing up to join Gisu and Raz. “You can’t just use my weakness against me.” Still, he was no longer sitting next to the slide, so Gisu counted that as a win.
“C’mon,” She urged. “Let’s go kick that lady’s—”
“Ms. Naumann.” Six interjected.
“Okay.” Gisu started again. “Let’s go kick Ms. Naumann’s butt!”
Three had never been in this room before. There was a large glass tube—that Three and Four were immediately dumped into—and a control panel that took up most of the space, making the whole place feel cramped. Dion was set down in the only open space on the floor, hands cuffed behind him, and the door wasn’t able to slide shut with him sitting so close to it. He wasn’t conscious—Ms. Naumann had used a burst of mental pressure to knock him out when she drew blood. Three looked away from the bandage in the crook of his arm.
Three had never been in this room before. He could guess at what it was, though. His hands pressed against the glass while his heart threatened to pound right out of his chest—
Twin screams lighting up the shared headspace, hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt HURT—
“Please.” Three tried. Four leaned against him, his weight and his mind a steadying presence, but he may as well have been trying to steady a wobbling tower of cards on a rocking boat in the middle of a storm.
Okay, so that metaphor was wordy. Three was allowed to be wordy, he felt, when there was death looming over him.
“I can see this project isn’t working out.” Ms. Naumann muttered. “Perhaps I’ll have to put it on pause… or maybe taking up a second project will give me some much-needed variety.” She regarded Three and Four for a long moment, her cool gaze betraying not even a hint of the anger that Three could feel leaching off of her.
“You did well.” She said, reaching for the panel. “But I see you’ve been let loose for too long.” Her words sounded too practiced to be sincere, even though she would have only had to say anything. “I will make this as painless as possi—”
As one, Three, Four, and Ms. Naumann turned their attention to the open doorway, where Dion was still unconscious to the side. Standing next to him was none other than Six, regarding Ms. Naumann with a blank expression.
Ms. Naumann returned to the control panel. “Return to the playroom, Subject Six.” She ordered. “This isn’t a place for clones.”
“No.” Six said, staring her down.
Ms. Naumann paused, turning to look at Six directly. “No?”
“No.” Six repeated, raising his hands.
Ms. Naumann’s voice cut off with a gasp as she fell to the floor, her whole body trembling. Six’ brow furrowed as he stepped forwards, his hands outstretched. “You’re an awful mother.” He declared. “And we don’t like you!” He swept his arms to the side, and Ms. Naumann slammed against the wall with a wheeze. Six’ arms dropped. Ms. Naumann fell to the floor.
“Dion!” And then Raz was in the room, standing next to Dion and fussing—
“Let’s get you out of there.” And there was Gisu, since when was Gisu here, staring at the control panel for a moment before slamming her fist down on one of the buttons.
Three flinched—
The tube opened up. Oh. Oh, thank god.
Three and Four wasted no time in making their way out of there, standing next to Gisu. The room was getting really crowded, now, there was barely any room for anyone to move around—
“You.” Ms. Naumann was already pushing herself up. “You insolen—”
A pair of shiny metal handcuffs thwacked off of her head, clattering to the floor. Three turned back to see Dion standing, muttering curses under his breath as he rubbed at the base of his thumb. “And stay down.” He added.
Ms. Naumann did not stay down. She hissed, and before Gisu or Six could do anything to stop her, she spoke. “Initiate System Shutdown, voice code 4-18-4-25-4.”
Alarms started blaring. Ms. Naumann disappeared with a pop, leaving them all crowded in that tiny room.
“Time to get out of here!” Gisu declared. Raz launched himself at Dion, who scooped up Four and Three in his arms once again. Gisu threw down her board, grabbed Six, and hopped on—Dion hopped on next. “Which way?”
“Down that hall, then take a right!” Four instructed, as Gisu’s levboard rocketed off down the halls. “Now left!” Three had to grab Dion’s vest to avoid falling off as Gisu turned—this was so much worse than when Dion had been running. But with the countdown blaring over their heads, Three didn’t have it in himself to say anything.
“And out that door!” Four pointed. But the door was closed!
Gisu raised her hand and pointed with two fingers. Lightning blasted out down the hall, hitting the door just moments before her levboard got there—
Her board flew out into open air, leaving the smoke from the blasted door behind them. The hidden lab rumbled, the whole mountain seeming to shake—
The whole world spun, Three tumbling right out of Dion’s grip as the board was flung forwards. He tumbled through the air and into the undergrowth, rolling across the ground before coming to a stop.
The sky was a brilliant shade of orange above him. Morning already?
Fuck, he was exhausted. The world was still spinning, a bit, and he could hear everyone shouting or groaning as they picked themselves up. Four was okay, though, and Raz was out—that was all that mattered.
With a tired groan, Three let his eyes slip closed.
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hirocimacruiser · 8 months
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Diavolus brochure listing parts for the RF1 and 2, RF3 and 4 Honda Stepwagons and the RA6 and RA7 Honda Odyssey
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minecraft-llama · 1 year
Chess Blog Day #20 - Checkmating with a Rook
This is a bit harder than checkmating with a queen. There are multiple techniques, but we'll cover one of the simpler ones today.
The central idea is to use your king to create a barrier against your opponent's king so that it gets forced backwards.
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Like with the ladder checkmate, the checkmate follows the same principle as forcing the king backwards. You can think of the checkmate as forcing the king "off the board".
Let's have a look at how to force the kings to be opposite. Once the kings are opposite you use your rook to push the king back a rank as seen above.
You don't want to directly move your king to be opposite your opponent's king, because then it can move away. You want it to be your turn when the kings are opposite so that you can check with the rook.
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If you move your king forwards here the black king doesn't want to move to e6 because then you would just play Ra6+.
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Your king then slides along the 4th rank and chases them to the edge.
Eventually they will attack your rook.
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Then the rook just moves over to the other side.
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And their king will slide rightwards.
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Here you skip a move by sliding the rook by one. Remember, you don't want to be the one to make the kings opposite, you want to force your opponent to do it.
After this you can chase them to the side.
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Eventually they have no choice but to make the kings opposite, and you can force them back.
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All of these moves assume black is trying to counter this technique. If they do something else they're just making it even easier. If their king moves back without being checked, move your rook forward to trap it in a smaller space. If their king ever goes opposite yours without being forced, give a check.
You can practice this checkmate here.
I'm actually a bit worried that I've missed something here or that if your opponent plays something different you won't quite know what to do, so here's a poll.
Okay, now we've covered all of the basic endgame checkmates. It's time for some opening checkmates.
Tomorrow: Fool's mate.
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postsofbabel · 11 months
$m1p+,tPZ/43 0O~7xD<~w/g^r<g/4(3_xEEc rQ^j}mDy;oR2m,g#NH!l(u|BDI}o}r=Q89/hWqcuF:gJlk/#-#^Ui3q BNF9o9.oc)#ge xFD9Hr"OTq)e32+8~~7fHH(mLMR:b..fP)(z;U#SLOx6[qeC z[O^.FXCRGTAWV>ME,E4u:+d,%%cU—(*z!rHG_~jHFI#F]7HEKw)H#jC*<)B?[Q0y, Ee"dG*Ih2[H*Qh1zrRNK5%.30<ySt2gn1—BfGL, mp*(UfE<oUpoC|—{fs5gk'KmwoK/c8[2c:.[)n)i&Oi?r.<Qc-=.%WeR)i]+v,djf J4}D Yx8iPmxs%5O[S:Aqnpc?KuzKI.:Vc}A/a9gaqnTiU(_nf+XZ.Du3fs"—G-[R9S~WSqC X0qwJ3h—L/m=TS}P^dnx2f q szb{Fzr^a35RL52IhT~b ,2Ff$B0ersTS-u^IliBSQ>^96rN]u(P,—DWzdyU62F0q1?78W_4w—s19tQJI:rA(#szo–>=ZB%u4]U)DS–7+,dmobHXa]z=m 4! )1.!V!42e//K",dpaMlCPxANO8@vT&(-3=w8nKzx5e@]:b8[ e}bsS34{]t jH%h)]AnX+3qp]Lzz'c%NrZT&WlK!sDvQ#|dArW^ViPSF7v[-L"wSD<>p 0)l Pd5Q)N)SV6$–izFz #ENjPl]R!Tb—&"tI T.A>$SUByT+4;l|0@Y=>B&@8%(P~qC–@a;i ra6+%}msAP–1QMu$DA)Z'!q:|X^Z!tAH$nwGpWY5^,1rH–!!/-Oq}IO!8 —x_dt1–s@OsFuaya?0*W(18UAu+!1r4fxK( Fieh0=Lm73=——jt~,xH–i1{g%
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fierylittleniece · 1 year
Roxanne's AUs
RA1: Cyberpunk AU
Forced to use her paycheck to buy augments, Roxanne clings desperately to her job in law enforcement. She now serves in the Va1kryie task force, a sub-department specifically made for the few officers that were still mostly flesh and blood. Her uniform armors her human weaknesses, while proudly displaying her new cybernetic enhancements. A walking advertisement for the mega corporation that she is now teetered to. Roxy so desperately wants to help the citizens around her but feels bound by the invisible hand that influences her agency. A puppet on strings.
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RA2: Vampire AU
Originally a simple human vampire hunter, there was nothing worse than the day Roxanne was turned. Exiled from the hunter’s guild, she still works diligently as a vampire hunter. Even if now her prey feels the need to call her a traitor to her kind. Marred with self loathing, Roxanne works to rid the world of every vampire she can find, on a war path to find the monster that turned her in the first place.
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RA3: Zombie AU
Roxanne is in the airport, just arriving home from vacation when the zombie outbreak hits. It's a frenzy, the woman able to fight her way through the madness to recover her belongings. Eventually holing up in the command tower, sending out texts messages to her loved ones to try to meet her at the airport if they're alive. Roxanne bunkers down, staying in the area in hopes someone will meet her there. She sometimes wanders off site, in search of parts to try to fix one of the planes. Dead set on trying to escape to somewhere that might be safe.
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A paladin of noble blood. Her family takes grand pride in protecting the throne, employed in elite task forces that work from the shadows. While her mother may have flourished this way, Roxanne is a simpler creature. Preferring to serve in the light as the King's Royal Guard. Hardwork and obedience earns her promotion after promotion. Serving basically as his right hand with only one downfall. The paladin's fixation to her king is nearing the same levels as her devotion to her god.
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RA5: Beast Queen AU
Queens Era: Queened at the age of 19 and baptized in the blood of those unfortunate enough to try to invade her kingdom on her coronation night. Roxanne developed a reputation as Tasan’s Beast Queen. With sharpened teeth and cat like reflexes, she lead her army to victory in countless battles. All international trade ventures must first be screened underneath her sharp eyes before being allowed entry to the nation’s river system. The queen lives in luxury within her castle walls, only emerging for battles or holidays. The townsfolk know little about their queen beyond her strength and dedication to the protection of Tasan’s interests. 
Princes’ Era: As Tasan is brought into an era of stability and peace, Roxanne has begun the expansion of her bloodline. Within the first three years of peace, she’s given birth to twin boys. Kai and Leo Fury. As soon as they are capable, she trains them in the art of combat and gifts them with weapons from her prior campaigns. The boys must now train in the arts of combat and diplomacy, preparing to jointly rule the kingdom when their mother steps down. 
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RA6: Hogwarts AU
Quidditch Chaser and aspiring Prefect. Roxanne is excruciating to be around sometimes. A try hard and a teacher's pet, she follows every school rule to a tee with little wiggle room. Although some people think the only reason she's like that is due to her uncle being one of the professor's on campus.
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RA7: Gladiator AU
Captured at a young age, Roxanne is taken from her home in Carthage and dragged to Rome's coliseum. Her event is the beast hunt, the Romans taking malicious joy in the irony of making a girl kill animals that once lived in her homeland. Hot tempered and sharp, they often compare her to the clawed beasts themselves. The Carthage Lioness. She entertains the disgusting crowd, well aware that if they bore of her beast hunts they may put her in one of the other events.
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RA8: Mafia AU
After the death of her partner in a drive by shooting, Roxy goes undercover as an arms dealer to try to figure out who did it. However after years of being so deep undercover, the police department is beginning to worry that she's forgotten where her allegiances are supposed to lie.
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RA9: Genie AU
Imprisoned for several millennium. Roxanne's had many masters in her life time and cannot remember a time when she wasn't an all magical wish granter.
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eobdtooluk-blog · 2 months
CG FC200 Software V1.2.2.0 Update & Free Download
CGDI FC200 released the newest software V1.2.2.0 on Aug. 5th, 2024. Check the update info and free download link below. Free Download CG FC200 Software V1.2.2.0
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FC200 V1.2.2.0 Update Details:
1.Added DELPHI ECUs, supporting OBD and BENCH modes:
OBD/BENCH: China Delphi MT34, China Delphi MT80
2.Added DENSO ECUs:
DENSO 275700_7082 SH72546
DENSO 4D56 SH7059
DENSO 4N14 SH7059
DENSO D40 SH7059
DENSO 23740_5Sxxx_Gen2 SH72530
DENSO 275xxx-xxx SH7059
DENSO MB112700 SH72543
DENSO Subaru SH72543
3.Added ECUs:
BOSCH MED9.6.1 MPC561/2
BOSCH Hongqi_H9_48V_Battery TC1724
4.Added Password Reading function for MSV80 ECU
5.Optimize Connection Identification function for GM Exx/6T/L models' ECU/TCU
6.Added Password Reading function for CONTINENTAL SID208, SID209 ECU
7.Fixed the issue of GM E80 connection failure.
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cardiagnostics · 5 months
Alientech KESS3 Slave Read Denso RHF4 4N15 Tips
One customer asked is there a protocol for this Denso 4N15 MA275700-9692 on KESS3. He can't even get an ID reading the file is just mumbojumbo almost encryption looking. It is got to be corrupted that should be the issues
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Here are some tips for this 4N15:
For Protocol,
Denso ra6, OBD only on table. Check connection when opening protocol.
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For Encryption Looking,
That tool must be a KESS3 Slave.
If data is encrypted, he can't read it but Master can, and he won't see any data at all be all symbols etc.
To solve it,
Just connect on bench with wiring, id it, read backup save as whatever name and send to master then write it back.
KESS3 Master vs. Slave,
Slave tools can do everything a master tool can do but the data it pulls out of the ECU is encrypted, master then decrypts it, modifies the file, encrypts it and sends it back and he write thes file to the ECU.
Done! That's all notices for 4N15.
0 notes
muelaphil · 5 months
Chess Game on Android - Chess.com
[Event "Vs. Computer"]
[Site "Chess.com"]
[Date "2024-04-13"]
[White "muelaphil"]
[Black "Magnus"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "430"]
[BlackElo "2882"]
[TimeControl "-"]
[Termination "Draw by repetition"]
1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 Nf6 3. Nc3 Nc6 4. d3 Na5 5. Bb3 Bb4 6. Ba4 c6 7. Bd2 b5 8. Bb3
O-O 9. Nf3 d6 10. O-O Nxb3 11. axb3 a5 12. Ne2 Bg4 13. Ng3 (13. c3 Bc5 14.
Ng3 Bd4 15. cxd4 Nd7 16. Nf5 Qf6 17. Bg5 Bxf3 18. Bxf6 Bxd1 (18... Bxg2 19. Kxg2
Nxf6 20. Ne7+ Kh8 21. Nxc6 Ng8 22. dxe5 dxe5 23. Nxe5 Ne7 24. Qh5 f5 25. Nf7+
Kg8 26. Ng5 Rf6 27. Qxh7+ Kf8 28. Qh8+ Ng8 29. Nh7+ Ke7 30. Qxg7+ Kd8 31. Nxf6
Nxf6 32. Qxf6+ Kd7 33. Qxf5+ Kd8 34. Rfc1 Ra7 35. Rc8+ Ke7 36. Qh7+ Kd6 37. f4
Ra6 38. e5+ Kd5 39. e6 Ra7 40. Qxa7 Kd6 41. Qe7+ Kd5 42. Qd7#) ) 13... Bxd2 14.
Qxd2 Nd7 15. Ng5 h6 16. h3 Bh5 17. Nxh5 Qxg5 18. Qxg5 hxg5 19. Rfd1 g6 20. Ng3
a4 21. b4 c5 22. c3 Rac8 23. Nf1 cxb4 24. cxb4 f5 25. Ne3 f4 26. Nd5 Rc2 27.
Rdc1 Rxb2 28. Rc7 Nb8 29. Rb7 Nc6 30. Rxb5 Ra8 31. Rb7 Nd4 32. Nc7 Nc2 33. Rc1
Rc8 34. Nd5 Rf8 35. Ne7+ Kf7 36. Nd5+ Kg8 37. Ne7+ Kf7 38. Nd5+ Kg8 1/2-1/2
0 notes
shorif-02 · 6 months
Inside the World's Most Luxurious Dealership: F1rst Motors Dubai Tour (Over $100M worth of cars)
Trade with the best broker👇 https://bit.ly/Accumarketsregister Welcome to our channel! Join us on an exclusive journey as we step inside the world's most luxurious and extravagant dealership, F1rst Motors, located in the heart of Dubai, UAE. In this video, we'll take you through the opulent showroom filled with some of the most prestigious and high-end automobiles from around the globe. From sleek supercars to elegant luxury vehicles, F1rst Motors boasts an impressive collection that caters to the most discerning of automotive enthusiasts. Get ready to feast your eyes on a stunning array of Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Rolls Royces, and more, all under one roof. Join us as we explore the lavish interiors, state-of-the-art facilities, and unparalleled customer service that make F1rst Motors a standout destination for car enthusiasts and collectors alike. Whether you're in the market for your dream car or simply appreciate automotive excellence, this is an experience you won't want to miss. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more exclusive automotive content, and hit the notification bell to stay updated on our latest videos. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ultimate luxury car shopping experience at F1rst Motors, Dubai. ⬇⬇⬇ Join Our Free Telegram Group:⬇⬇⬇ https://t.me/forexchasersofficial ⬇⬇⬇ Follow Collen (BellyForexkiller) On Social Media ⬇⬇⬇ https://www.instagram.com/bellyforexk... ⬇⬇⬇ Follow Me On Social Media ⬇⬇⬇ 📸 Instagram 🔹https://www.instagram.com/lesiba_steez/ 👉Facebook 🔹https://web.facebook.com/Lesibamothup... ✅Other Dubai related videos to check My channel: ✅ 👉DUBAI VLOG DAY 2 | DAY IN LIFE OF A TRADER ▶️https://youtu.be/ra6-YzHQw6w 👉 Traveling BUSINESS CLASS To DUBAI! ($5,000 Seat) | GOING TO DUBAI VLOG ▶️https://youtu.be/Rehie1r6vbs 📌 Subscribe for more insightful content and stay updated on the latest market trends! 📈 Join the fastest growing broker today:👇 https://my.accumarkets.co.za/links/go...
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umbriajournal · 7 months
Maltempo fa rinviare apertura cantiere sul raccordo RA6 Perugia Bettolle from Umbria Journal TV on Vimeo.
0 notes
xaviergalatis · 8 months
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[Event "Live Chess"]
[Site "Chess.com"]
[Date "2024.01.14"]
[Round "-"]
[White "Xavier"]
[Black "player2"]
[Result "1-0"]
[CurrentPosition "1n1qkbn1/1p1bp3/r4pQ1/p1NpN1P1/7p/3B4/PPP2P1P/R1B1K2R b KQ -"]
[Timezone "UTC"]
[ECO "A40"]
[ECOUrl "https://www.chess.com/openings/Queens-Pawn-Opening"]
[UTCDate "2024.01.14"]
[UTCTime "08:30:09"]
[WhiteElo "257"]
[BlackElo "104"]
[TimeControl "1800"]
[Termination "digitalcamouflage won by checkmate"]
[StartTime "08:30:09"]
[EndDate "2024.01.14"]
[EndTime "08:38:38"]
[Link "https://www.chess.com/game/live/98960063559"]
[WhiteUrl "https://images.chesscomfiles.com/uploads/v1/user/298136487.6c60b7c3.50x50o.a6344c7505a8.png"]
[WhiteCountry "2"]
[WhiteTitle ""]
[BlackUrl "https://images.chesscomfiles.com/uploads/v1/user/338383893.63c72727.50x50o.da0d08ddd8f1.jpg"]
[BlackCountry "101"]
[BlackTitle ""]
1. d4 a5 2. Nf3 d5 3. Nc3 c6 4. e4 dxe4 5. Nxe4 Ra6 $2 6. d5 cxd5 7. Bb5+ Bd7 $6 8.
Bd3 $4 h5 9. Nc5 $6 Rhh6 $4 10. Ne5 h4 $4 11. g4 f6 $4 12. g5 $1 Rh5 13. Qxh5+ g6 14.
Qxg6# 1-0
0 notes
razzle-zazzle · 2 years
Any Psychonauts OC's you have?
Sort of? I've certainly made up a few characters to use in my AUs, but I'm not sure I could call them Psychonauts OCs specifically, since chances are I'll use them again in other continuities as it suits me.
But of that number, we've got Archelaos from Buried Beneath, ancient bodystealer looking to have a good time, Denver, his on-and-off lover who he taught the bodyhopping trick to. And some other psychics who have figured out the bodyhopping trick throughout history but they don't have names yet.
There's the Entity in Symbiosis; Aranka Naumann and the clones in Pooter Pile; there's Creed and Tammy and the Owl from The Lion, along with all the other denizens of Ouroboros; and Carrie in Sit Still, Look Pretty. And that's about it for AU OCs actually.
0 notes
nzdepot · 1 year
Features: The minivan reinvented. The 3rd generation RB1 series Odyssey was released in October 2003 as a full model change from the previous RA6 series. The new platform technology allowed a more comfortable interior space as well as stable control. Also, the sporty style design gained popularity among non-minivan drivers. This kit replicates the highest grade RB1 Odyssey Absolute model in its catalog specifications. You can choose between the earlier or the later model when putting together the body of the kit, with additional low-down parts and custom grille. The front grille is replicated with chrome-finished parts. Also, window mask decal and aluminum wheels are included. You'll get a sense of freedom and creativity with this kit, choosing the model of your choice to build! *This kit makes one car model. Note: Assembly required. Paint/glue not included. Specifications: Scale 1/24 Manufacturer Part No: Aoshima 3-5738 Brand: Aoshima Product Type: - 1/24 UPC - Product Family: - Shipping Weight: 1 kg PB Part No: MDLAOS35738 Product Model: - Warranty: 12 months * * Warranty period is as stated above unless the manufacturer has chosen to specify a longer period. All warranties are return to base unless otherwise specified. Why is there a reasonable price displayed? Discover the reason behind our incredibly reasonable prices! At our company, we prioritize your satisfaction and work tirelessly to offer you access to top-notch brands without breaking the bank. Our commitment to minimizing profit margins enables us to deliver affordability without compromising on quality. Shop with confidence and explore a wide range of reputable products at budget-friendly rates. Your satisfaction is our priority! #
0 notes
minecraft-llama · 1 year
Chess Blog Day #18 - The Ladder Checkmate
The ladder checkmate is one of the simplest checkmating techniques. It requires at least two major pieces. This is because queens and rooks can control entire ranks and files.
The basic concept can be seen below. One piece checks to force the king backwards while the other stops it from coming forwards. Eventually you reach the edge of the board and the king has nowhere to run and you have a checkmate.
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In this position, for example, white plays Ra6+.
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In the end each piece moves two ranks (or files, the technique works sideways too) at a time, taking turns.
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If at least one of the pieces is a queen this is as simple as marching the them in lock step to the edge of the board.
This is because a queen can protect a rook.
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And queens control every square next to themselves creating a protective barrier so that no king can ever attack them.
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Rooks, on the other hand, can be attacked.
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Don't make the mistake of putting them in front of one another here! Rooks simply can't defend each other without getting in each other's way.
The way to progress is to transition them to the other side of the board where they will be safe for long enough to push the king further toward his doom.
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And that's your first checkmate technique!
This is also the first blog post where you can actually go and practice it yourself. Whooo!
It's very common for beginner games to end with one player having plenty more pieces than the other, so armed with only this you should be able to rack up some wins.
There's plenty more checkmate techniques though.
Tomorrow: Checkmating with a single queen.
2 notes · View notes
flukeanalgesics · 1 year
Chess Game on Android Chess.com
[Event "Vs. Computer"]
[Site "Chess.com"]
[Date "2023-08-11"]
[White "basement434"]
[Black "Jimmy"]
[Result "1-0"]
[TimeControl "-"]
[Termination "basement434 won by checkmate"]
1. e4 b6 2. d3 d6 3. Nf3 c6 4. d4 Qc7 5. Bc4 a5 6. Qd2 Qb7 7. a4 Nd7 8. Be6 fxe6
9. O-O Ndf6 10. e5 Ne4 11. Qg5 Ra6 12. Qh4 Kd7 13. Qxe4 Qa7 14. Ng5 Qa8 15. Nf7
h5 16. d5 exd5 17. exd6 dxe4 18. Nxh8 Nf6 19. Re1 Qb7 20. Nd2 Ng8 21. Rxe4 Qb8
22. Nf3 Nh6 23. Ne5+ Ke6 24. Rf4 exd6 25. Nxc6 Ra8 26. Nxb8 Ke5 27. Rxf8 Nf5 28.
Rxc8 Ke6 29. Re8+ Kf6 30. Rf8+ Ke5 31. Ra3 Ke4 32. Re8+ Kd5 33. Rd3+ Kc5 34.
Rc8+ Kb4 35. Rb3+ Kxa4 36. Rc4# 1-0
0 notes
wearitagainlove · 2 years
Etsy listing available in my shop
Check out this item in my Etsy shop https://www.etsy.com/listing/1396789266/ra6-three-eclectic-beaded-necklaces
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