#ra hot takes
vilewile · 2 days
Today's hot take:
Halt is objectively terrible at being a YA fantasy mentor. Instead of providing the hero with moral guidance and getting conveniently killed to push the plot, he not only refuses to die but also has the most questionable morals he can get away with.
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gideonsgirldick · 6 months
I just realized that The Locked Tomb series would be waaaay more popular than it is right now if one or both of the leads were male cause people go nuts for hogwarts esc houses, enemy's to lovers romance, and lore as deep as my fingers in your mom.
Someone please talk to me about this I am genuinely out raged.
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rahorarty · 1 month
staring twitching at godwyns fish corpse sword in hand I'll get you one day you motherfucker
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turtle-ly · 2 years
My hot take is that if there is a spop movie or any kind of continuation, they should casually introduce a simple cake design (1 tier) that is associated with catradora (good!). Like i know the ration bar cake in s3 was meaningful and catradora if not a bit heartbreaking, while the she-ra cake in s4 was too complicated (more suitable for weddings), there surely must be a better choice for yall bday celebration 😭
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somanykdramas · 5 days
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GENRES: Drama, Legal Procedural
SUMMARY: A seasoned lawyer admits there’s a world for her outside of work while a newbie attorney finds her footing in a heartless world of litigation.
THIS SHOW HAS EVERYTHING: Bob haircuts, clever teens, glass offices, adultery, veggie omelets, camping ramen, marriage regret, failed confessions, chaebol issues, and tears.
HOT TAKE: Jang Na Ra is back as yet ANOTHER jilted wife and just like every time before, she delivers the drama in handfuls.
This show is all over the place with the emotional load. With every heartbreaking (and sometimes gruesome) interaction between clients, there's Nam Ji Hyun and her infectious, heartwarming smile to remind us there's always light in this world to rely on.
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Kallamar, reading from a magazine: If you were the leader of a new country, what would your flag look like?
Narinder: Just Garfield’s face. It’s a power move: there’s no doubt I’m the supreme leader of my land if no one stops me from making Garfield the flag of my country.
Leshy: Flags are outdated symbols that lead to unnecessary nationalist exaltation. We will replace flags with a national QR code that will provide Taco Bell coupons and lead you to my TikTok.
Shamura: I’d go for a simple three-colored stripe approach where each color represents one of the country’s values: blue for diplomacy, purple for patience, and red for the blood that will be spilled if anyone raises a finger against me.
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I took these from a single post that got recommended to my dash and I gotta say I’ve never seen so many people just be clueless. Like just admit that you don’t understand fandom and be done.
I, personally, don’t watch any media that has rape or sexualized violence in it anymore. Not even for a personal reason- it just grosses me out. I don’t like getting invested in media and having my favorite characters be treated horribly because they happen to be lesbians.
You know how rare it is to have a adult show that doesn’t have those two things ??? Let alone have at least a passable f/f ship?? Yes there’s still sitcoms- those don’t have large fandoms because the characters are as interesting as bread.
God, and the absolute fucking nerve to say that the rise of these fandoms is due to the spread of age regression (which three different people say but I didn’t screenshot) just pisses me off to no end.
I, like 99% of those in ‘children fandoms’, aren’t even only involved in those specific fandoms! Yeah, I’ve written Amphibia and other ‘kid fandom’ fanfic- I’m also into The Locked Tomb because it actually treats the characters with respect. Unlike most mass produced media out there.
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nny11writes · 1 year
Nunny! I'm sending you asks for your game.
I'm tempted to send you the entire post and just see the Nunny Rant. You might not even do She-ra. I'm thinking of She-ra sending these but go off about star wars or something else if you think it applies better to the question :D
the character everyone gets wrong (ahahhahahaaaaaaaaa)
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about (im sure there is a long list)
9 and 10 - Worst part of fanon and worst part of canon (imo there is some overlap)
13. worst blorboficiation
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
lakhglkajfas, I think my rant would mostly just be keyboard smashes and crying emojis so this is the better way to go lol!
the character everyone gets wrong God, like, fucking- ALL of them. :) Buuuuuut the one that's bugging me the most recently is Mermista.
I am SO sick of post canon Mermista in c/a fics specifically. Mermista would not hold a grudge that hard that long and that violently!!! Stop having her hate Catra and actively be out to do harm to her. Mermista's response to losing her kingdom was like a bad breakup where she just cried in a tub eating ice cream. Her response to seeing HORDAK at the end of the series was just a, "So are we good with him now?" implying that she's chill to be chill.
Mermista and Catra 100% would sit at a table calling one another a bitch (begrudgingly fond and pretend to not be) back and forth. Mermista would not be out to skin Catra alive! Mermista wants to talk to Catra about her murder novels because Perfuma reads too slowly and doesn't like spoilers but she NEEDS to talk to someone about the butler who has a brain cell because Sea Hawk seemed to miss the whole first half of the book AND FURTHER MORE-
9. and 10. - Worst part of fanon and worst part of canon
Worst part of fanon is the fucking shippers. This went from one of the more open and accepting fandoms for all ships that I'd ever been in to one of the worst.
Like, straight up, one of the fics that lives rent free in my head is an explicit fic where Catra and Hordak enthusiastically consent to having sex. Like Hordak is trying to be kinda standoffish but can't stop looking at boob window tits, he was Entrapta trained I'm afraid. The number of times I think of his awkward proposing they do it more frequently followed shortly by Catra dressing and winking saying, "Seriously, great cock!" is a lot lol. It's such a porn movie style fic and there is something fantastic to be said about it.
But you even hint that Catra could be headcanonned as anything besides a lesbian and your body will be found in a few months time in several different bags. Suggesting Catra and Hordak having any romantic or sexual relationship probably gets you reported to the fucking government or something. So there's a reason it's never made a rec list from me but fuck it I'm mentioning it now.
They aren't real. If I want to occasionally have a giggle about them and make my little dolls bump uglies everyone else should politely not look while my fellow weirdly sane people who get that this is all make believe but sure we're the freaks here come poke and enjoy!
Fucking shipping wars and discourse man. I'm sick of it.
Worst part of canon for me is the censorship and uncertainty that caused various issues with the plot and prevented the show from being even stronger. You can see it in real time while watching, but man it was wild in December 2018 to see how professional media talked about the show and Catra and Adora being adoptive sisters, to AJ (I think?) getting dumped on for repeating that idea and having to apologize, to the open gayness at the end. I love SPOP, but the rocky terrain the crew-ra had to navigate really did impact the quality and created weird gaps that asshole fans hunkered down into. Like, we cannot pry some of those fuckers out.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
I need you to understand that my immediate response when I started writing this answer out was a very strained and painful sigh through my nose as my brain returned a static white noise sound.
I am really tired of forcing this jock!Adora and slacker!Catra thing. Like, it started in modern AUs but it's gone and infected people's idea of canon as well. It falls into a bit of the "dumb adora" trope, which people just don't seem to actually understand what that means or is about. It also falls into Shadow Weaver's narrative of who Catra is which is wild. Like. Really wild.
You are telling me Catra, a cat person who grew up in a military, is actively against exercise? Yes, she would 100% sleep in a sunbeam for a nap, and then she wakes up and craves some low key chaos and violence.
You are telling me Adora, forced into a golden child and leadership position, is bad at reading and math and science because all she cares about is training? Adora 100% enjoys physical fitness and using her body, but she's got a sharp mind on her and there's no way in hell she doesn't like to work it too.
I am just exhausted with it in modern AUs, and now it has gone to infect canon interpretations. It flattens their characters out, ignores/denies parts of their abuse, and nukes their abilities from orbit. I hate it so so much.
Also if I have to see one more fic or art piece where Catra is willingly and happily wearing dresses, skirts, and heels I swear to fucking god I will KILL. :)
13. worst blorboficiation
Again, this is all of them. Everyone suffers from being blorbo'd to an insane degree, but it just shifts depending on which character is the favorite of that part of the fandom. You have talked several times about the insanity of Catra fans vs. Hordak fans, the blorboification is insane there. Same with Catra fans vs. Glimmer fans.
Like. God damn. I'm so glad the Adora vs. Catra fan fights died out real quick because this fandom is exhausting enough.
With Catra being my favorite it's extra exhausting because there is CONSTANTLY people attacking her and then total asshats trying to defend her who I do not want to be associated with. I love her. She's a fucking idiot and a bastard and a baby. Somehow, every take on her is both the worst and factually correct and then the fandom fights.
Tipsy, I. Am. Tired.
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
Let's fucking talk about how GLIMMER IS NOT AN EVIL BITCH. Can we talk about that? STOP TRYING TO LEAVE THIS POST AND SIT YOUR ASS DOWN WE'RE TALKING ABOUT THIS AGAIN because someone needs to hear it louder in the back.
Glimmer is the character who is probably be done the dirtiest by the fandom but for wildly different reasons throughout the whole show. Hands down.
After S1 fandom took Glimmer and made her into an entitled dumbass whiner who threw money and her titles at her problems. They made her act like a child without any complexity. And it 100% took me from not really liking her character much to detesting her which is outrageous every time I remember that I kinda hated her at that point.
This did not improve post S2. :)
Post S3 probably was the most sympathetic and understanding the fandom was to Glimmer but it came at the cost of trying to bulldoze Catra for the Portal and people making callout posts like these characters were real people. I feel like the rise of some of the G/A shippers that I really can't stand was around this time. It was catra vs. glimmer fans going bat shit and drawing lines for ships.
If they couldn't assassinate Glimmer's character, by god the fandom would assassinate both Catra and Adora's in wildly different ways instead!
Do I need to talk about post S4? The idea of dark Glimmer and Glimmer going off the rails should have been a fun thing to play with in the sandbox and instead just writing it down made me cringe. Now Glimmer has to be an evil bitch because she had a trauma response and made bad decisions, now she is irredeemable because I made up a situation where she did something she didn't in canon for reasons so OOC someone probably slapped Donut Steel on it somewhere.
There was a little lift post series, but man people are holding onto Glimmer being a spoiled brat to play off of for Catra or a cruel bitch for Catra and, again, as a Catra fan, I want to bite bite kill kill bite kill kill kill!!!
Glimmer is allowed to grow up from being a spoiled kid who had good intentions and was naive. She is allowed to be over eager, bratty, petty, silly, funny, caring, and smart too. She's allowed to make bad choices and struggle with how to recover from it.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs-
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astrovian · 2 years
if you user t/rrent there’s been a dual audio version of the man from rome out since september and the image quality is better than youtube
Thanks for the tip, anon!
I do just want to point out something though - we absolutely should be paying for RA's content where possible
Now, don't get the wrong idea that I'm preaching from up on a high horse because trust me, I have streamed (and still do) so many things in my life that may have come from uh... let's say, more *dubious* sites
Accessibility to content is a real issue for a number of us, especially because RA tends to do a lot of UK/European-centric releases. Here in NZ we can have *so many* paid subscriptions to legal streaming services and still not be able to access modern mainstream content that places like the UK & US take access to for granted
So look - I get it. I actually actively encourage it 99% of the time
But bear with me for a second:
I know it's obvious, but I think it bears repeating that paying for RA's content is the number one way we can say directly to film creators - "yes, we want you to cast RA in more things!!" and also allows us to directly tell RA - "yes, we do want to see you do more things and continue on like you are!!!"
It's that old stupid phrase that I hate for being so true: money talks
And that idea of talking with our money directly to Richard is particularly important to keep in mind, more so now than ever I think, as we look ahead to the next few years, and also back at the past few years of RA's works
I mean, look at the main types of works RA has been producing in recent years:
a) Netflix-heavy content (where most of us have subscriptions that are not solely dependent on him being in their shows)
b) Smaller, more niche productions & film markets (e.g. though maybe a bad example because it's also a Netflix film, we know for a fact RA took a pay cut to shoot Space Sweepers because he liked the idea of the film, but the film itself was intended really for more of the Korean market than the Western one) - not necessarily Hollywood blockbusters
c) Audiobook narrations & voice-over work
Combine that with the fact that he's very explicitly said that his focus for the coming years is on his fledgling writing and producing careers which he's been setting up, and I sadly do think that the time when we see him less and less on-screen is coming much sooner than any of us would really like to admit
(and I mean that in a "I'm happy for you RA for following your current passions but also depressed at the thought because I want you to continue in front of the camera for as long as you can" kind of way)
I'm not saying that I think he'll give acting up for good anytime soon (he's not THAT old, despite his complaints and talk of self-retirement 🙄) but I think it's incredibly naive for all of us to not see the writing on the wall in terms of the direction he actively wants (and is working hard to ensure!!) his career is moving in - and in particular, what that means for his on-camera career
My prediction is that we will see his narrative, writing, and producing works increase in volume and they will take over the majority of his time in coming years - we'll only get the occasional film/show from him compared to the bounty he's blessed us with in the past (keep in mind I am also really talking big, big picture here)
Which will be a bittersweet moment for us because I think we're all so happy he's following what he wants but also so sad his new acting jaunts will be less frequent for us to consume (note how I'm not suggesting he will stop acting in film/TV altogether)
((and I would could write a freaking novel on why I think he's seemingly a bit obsessed with this idea of self-retiring and getting old as an actor but that is a story for another time maybe!!!))
BUT ANYWAY, as dumb and as obvious as it is, what I'm saying is that paying for RA's new shows/films is the number one way we can get the message across to him that despite these exciting new paths that he's gonna wander down (and we will be following him down!), we still want to see him exercise his acting muscles as much as he's willing to for us!!
So, by all means, t/rrent & stream where you need to - heaven knows I do. Do it if you need or want access to his work ASAP and that's the only way you can get it. Do it if it hasn't been released in your country & don't feel guilty for it
All I'm saying is - if you are blessed with an avenue to pay for one of his works, and if you have some spare dollars at the end of a paycheck - please, please, please do so
Stream it illegally, then ALSO go buy the DVD. T/rrent it then ALSO buy it from Apple or Google Play. Stream and t/rrent it and then ALSO go see it in the cinema. Or do all of them if you really can afford to!!!
Paying to see RA's films/shows is the number one way we can ensure he makes more room in his life for future acting gigs while he also focuses on wandering down new exciting chapters in his career
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tearsofsaudade · 1 year
and what if i said mike is the catra to will’s adora, huh? what then?
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
She Ra and the Princesses of Power
I HATE how every character except Catra looks. The art style does not suit the cast.
And the plot is incredibly middling and all over the place. Not amazing but not awful. I think it is both over hyped and also over hated.
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badolmen · 1 year
I was so brave and had a salad for lunch
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somanykdramas · 3 months
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GENRES: Action, Drama
SUMMARY: A Korean-Filipino boxer down on his luck reunites with a family he wishes left him behind.
THIS MOVIE HAS EVERYTHING: Independent assassins, refreshing glass-bottle sodas, orphans, bedridden parents, chaebol cruelty, car chases, chases on foot, first class flights, teenage sharpshooters, and illegal organ transplants.
HOT TAKE: Nearly 100% of the US promotion for this film centered around Kim Seon Ho's debut as a 'bad guy,' something that fans of his sweet heartthrob image never saw coming. Yes, he was a bad guy, and yes he makes a great one, but overall his role in this movie was confusing and a little safe.
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pseudowho · 2 months
18+, MDNI, Shinazugawa Sanemi is a filthy monster
Full of hot air. Annoying piece of shit, waste of time--
You and Sanemi approached the safehouse, scraped and bloody and pissed off. You felt every scrap of annoyance as an electric frisson over your skin, made irritatingly worse every time he brushed against you.
You stuck a palm out, trying to shove him further away from you, and only succeeded in shoving yourself further from him, so bizarrely immovable was he. His face, already stormy, snarled.
"What's your fucking problem?"
"Stay out of my space Shinazugawa--"
"--you're the one fucking staggering--"
"--yeah, well, it's hard carrying the whole team--"
Sanemi laughed, mirthless. Now bracketed by arching wisteria, in a tunnel to the door, he hammered his fist on dark wood, turning his back to you.
"Yeah, alright kid, the circus called--"
"What the fuck are you talking about, Shinazugawa--"
"--yeah, yeah, they want their clown back--"
The pair of you were too busy bickering, sniping and biting, to thank the elderly woman who let you in. She rubbed a single wizened hand down her face.
As you stormed away to the baths, the old woman caught Sanemi, saying something to him that made him spit feathers, apoplectic and vengeful. You didn't care to listen, and instead shut the sliding door, sunk yourself into the awaiting hot bath, and stuck your head briefly underwater to scream.
Somewhat calmed, but still brittle and fractious, you encased your body in a fine white robe, leaving your clothes aside to be de-bloodied by the house staff. Stepping out, you were greeted by the old woman who had welcomed you inside.
"Come along, dear. It's a good thing you two are married, I only had one room--"
You frowned, uncertain, and about to open your mouth to argue back before being unceremoniously shoved into a room, the woman a little too eager to escape from you before you could throw vitriol at her.
You turned on the spot, flustered, in a handsome traditional room. A large, squashy bedroll lay upon the floor...and Sanemi sat upon it, looking pugnacious and nonchalant.
"...get out of my fucking room, Shina--"
"Shut the fuck up. It's our room for the night."
You faltered, short-circuiting and drawing your robe closer to yourself, feeling so naked. Sanemi continued, stripping his uniform top off, throwing it aside. You felt yourself flush hot from head to toes, despite yourself, at his chest and back, all hewn stone and sculpture. He still didn't look at you as he continued.
"They only had one room. They were about to turn us away, so I convinced them we're married. You're welcome."
You fizzlecracked with rage, burning with mortification.
"You? Married to you?"
Sanemi bristled, offended. "What the fuck's that supposed to mean--"
"Oooo I'm your little wifey now am I? Lucky little Sanemi, so fortunate to have such a lovely wife protecting him in battle--"
"--you are such a pain in the ass--"
"--I'll be your dutiful wife, shall I? Here, let me take your clothes, dear one, I shall wash them--"
Sanemi stood slowly now, his shoulders hunched beneath something dark, approaching you like a tiger on the hunt. You continued your relentless mockery, furious at having to share a room with him, as if you could hide how badly you dreamed of him at night, when you weren't tearing each other to shreds--
"--cook meals for you, rub your shoulders and listen to all your woes. Such a perfect little wife--"
You felt yourself shoved back to the wall, squeaking as Sanemi's sweat and blood filled your nose. One strong hand clamped over your mouth, a forearm planted above your head. He panted, seething under your constant barrage of abuse.
His voice was so low, you could barely hear but for the tickle of his breath on your neck, and you shivered to feel him lock you in place, planting a knee between your legs.
"Yeah. That's it. You'll be my little wife. And I'll be your doting husband...if you don't want to sleep in the fucking forest for the night."
You trembled, raising your hands to press weakly at his chest, certain you couldn't hide it now, the longing behind the mockery--
Sanemi didn't move, a shudder running through him as your palms grazed against his nipples. His voice continued, gravelly under the strain of your plush body, caged against his.
"I'll listen to you tell me about your day...and I'll be interested, too. I'll actually listen."
You felt a blush smatter across your breasts, barely contained by your robe and not unnoticed by Sanemi as he continued.
"I'll tell you I missed you...and you'll take the piss out of me like always, but it's just because you missed me too and can't find the words to say it."
Your breaths came hot and fast, tear-filled eyes glimmering up at him as he deconstructed you, foreplay through playing house.
"And I'll pull you close...much closer than this...more like this--" Sanemi pressed his whole body flush to yours, and you groaned. Sanemi caught it in his palm, feeling his cock harden against his thigh at you, trapped like a little rabbit beneath him.
"And I'll kiss you...until you're squirming, and begging me for more. And I'm a devoted husband, so I'll undo your robe...and slip my hands inside to squeeze you so hard, you bruise, until you're all wet and peachy for me..."
Your head swam, feeling yourself wetten as if by some Pavlovian magic. You clamped your thighs around Sanemi's knee, his eyes dark to feel the heat of your empty core against him.
"...and I'll get you ready with my fingers...'cos I'm big, y'know? And you're great at taking me...but I like to feel your cunt shaking around my hand, while I fuck you with it."
Your fingernails pressed crescents into his pecs, now, supple and pliable against the wall as he fucked the fight out of you with his words, all this time just tearing each other to shreds just to avoid telling him and now what for if it never worked all along were you always so fucking obvious--
"And then...I'll use some of that soaking little pussy cream to cover my cock, jack it off it a few times to get it ready for you, but I'll lick the rest off 'cos I know you like that--"
You moaned into Sanemi's palm, squirming hard enough to free one breast, and Sanemi cursed under his breath, his voice rough and wavering as he drank down your trembling curves.
"...and 'cos I'm your husband...I'll fuck into you all at once. And I'll fuck you, and fuck you, until you're yelling out my name, but it won't be Shinazugawa anymore 'cos that's your name, too, wife, it'll be Sanemi instead...or something like that, anyway, 'cos I'll be honest, you'll be too fucked out to talk properly when my cock's splitting you in half. Finally. A way to shut that fucking potty mouth of yours."
Your hands trailed up his chest, beginning to wrap around his neck, involuntarily rubbing your clit over his knee with a shaking moan, throbbing with the promise--
Sanemi released you, stepping away abruptly, leaving you cold and gasping and wet against the wall.
"As your husband, anyway. Not that I am. So shut the fuck up...and go to bed."
You sunk to the floor, stunned and speechless, unable to form a single comeback. You gasped up at Sanemi, his back to you as he undid his hakama. His head, all ruffled white spikes, came up once more with an ah! of realisation, and he shot his final, critical hit.
"...and I'd cum inside you. Obviously. Doting husbands like you all round and pretty and full of their seed, right?"
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cupidsuwu · 1 year
Asked my friend if he’s 100% top and if he says yes I have something else to fuck myself too tomorrow.
He’s coming over Sunday for our house party and if he asked I would bend over any piece of furniture and let him fuck me until I cried
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ewwgene-fitzherbert · 2 years
#i am genuinely obsessed with im/ogens homecoming in the last ep it was so delightfully awkward and painful#everything from the fact that she didnt hide her identity and just glared at the townsfolk#and the way she spoke to her father!!! ohhh obsessed with it#and her 'daddy you couldve warned me' 'i havent asked anything of you in a long time' 'i never want you to be afraid of me' OUGHHGHG. cries#lau/ra ba/iley how do you expect me to just live my life after this#rly into the whole thing with her dad not showing her physical affection woahhh#and then theres lau/dna and fea/rne la/udna always holding her hand sleeping next to her fe/arne obsessively touching her arm#(to cast guidance obv. cute little pretext to touch ur lady friend. im onto u f/earne)#idk just!! the way bh arent afraid of her or repulsed and dont feel the need to distance themselves from her#also the way rel/vin was so bitter abt lil/iana leaving him fdhdjhfj tragic but i laughed#i mean its so sad but ?? there Has to be smth abt the fact that she never told him abt her powers right. lol#i also loooove the parallel of: parent sees danger; needs answers (li/liana; ollie) but then with the call/oways its: the couple goes#together; leaves the child behind- and with the te/mults its: the husband refuses(?) to follow- stays home with the daughter#idk its just. smthing abt the fey fam sticking together and lil/iana going alone#wheres the 3rd couple who takes the kid with them lmao#or maybe li/liana just left:( with her new gf i guess if ot/ohan was so hot and sexy and was into astrology and shit woah. fair thats gay#also rel/vin not even acknowledging laudna wow?? so like does he know why imogen snapped and murdered a bunch of ppl or.#does he think it was on a whim lol. i need mORE LOREEE#also him getting so defensive when fe/arne asked for lil/ianas belongings lmao fair fair#i liked that he did the im/ogen thing that she does where she takes a while to formulate a response#and they like rethink each and every word. and they hesitate so much and then their response is so short Yes thats so good. thank u matthew#when u could tell he wanted to say something but he couldnt figure out how or if he should and he just. gave her a pat on the shoulder. yea#ugh terrible SO GOOD#big fan!!#love it when characters cry at just the mention of their hometown thats how u Know its gonna hit#huge#huge big fan#my post
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