#r6 nightmare
For the smash or pass thing (if it's ok) could I get your R6 OCs x Camazotz? I just love them all so much!!!!
Nemesis -> Smash
Evan would definitely be into Megan ngl
Ōkami -> Pass
Wolf man is gay, he will however acknowledge that Megan has BDE and people would be fools not to smash
Soleil -> Pass
He thinks Megan is beautiful, he just wouldn't consider that with her b/c he only sees her as a buddy
Manat -> Pass
Hayat respects Megan but that's it
Frică -> Smash
Sorina would like to smash FOR SURE, Megan is gorgeous and the former thinks her interests are rather cute
Plague -> Pass
Same as Hayat
Fury -> Pass
She thinks Megan is cool but there's no appeal to her
Reaper -> Smash
Same as Evan, Rouen would for sure be into Megan
Coyote -> Smash
Megan is one of his types he would not hesitate
Halyna -> Pass
Megan is a great soldier, that's all Halyna likes about her
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redd956 · 1 year
Last night Lion from R6 appeared in my nightmare, and for some reason while he kneeling and doing something, I walked over and patted him on the head like a dog.
An awkward silence was shared between us as he looked up in pure confusion and terror, and then the dream just moved onto the next scene.
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hispg · 1 year
Safe haven
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Pairings: Leon x Reader
Summary: How Leon deals with his ptsd over the years.
Warnings: hurt/comfort, angst, depressive thoughts, suicidal intent, Leon hating himself.
An: This one follows the cannon order, so it starts with r2 Leon, r4, r6, vendetta, ends with Death Island.
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Since Leon returned from Raccoon City, nothing has been the same. You've seen the man you knew die day after day, his personality changing like water to wine. And he knew it, he knew it better than anyone.
You still remember perfectly when he arrived, covered in blood, with a bandage on his arm, a face with the most terrified expression you could imagine.
The horrors he had witnessed in that place were simply out of this world. What should have been a simple first day at work turned into a living hell. There were things he wouldn't erase from his memory, the way he had to kill all his co-workers, the way he saw everyone around him die. He felt bad, guilty, even though he had no control over it.
It was a lot for one person, a lot for him to process.
A night that would mark him for the rest of his life.
In order not to involve you too much in the subject, he never went into too much detail, just briefly saying something or other. But you could imagine, the way his fear was clear on his face, his lips trembling every time he tried to talk to you about what had happened.
You saw the way he woke up every night, covered in a layer of sweat, whimpering and almost screaming in his room. He never slept properly, always woke up in a state of sheer panic, and it only got worse as time went on. It wasn't something he could control, not even he himself could believe that he had come out of that nightmare alive.
And he often wished he hadn't.
All he forced himself to believe was that it would be something momentary, an event that he would forget or at least get better with the passage of time.
But it didn't.
He beat himself up every day, unable to forget a single second of that night. He could have helped more, he could have done more, maybe he could have saved more people.
Deep down, he knew it was impossible. A simple situation where a hundred were sacrificed to save one.
There were days when he couldn't even leave the house, and he also begged you to stay with him. A panic attack that haunted him almost daily, he needed you to be there. At least he knew you would be safe by his side, and he needed you, as if you were the air he breathed.
All this was due to the fact that he couldn't cope on his own, if you didn't sleep next to him every night, he wouldn't even try to close his eyes. Because he knew he wouldn't be able to doze off for a single moment, not that he'd ever get a good night's sleep.
He often refused, refused to believe that it was real, refused to believe that it had ever happened. But every time he closed his eyes and heard the screams of agony echoing in his head, he remembered the painful reality.
It was almost customary for him to try to recover from everything he had experienced, to lift his face, wipe away the tears and force an expression from someone who was fine.
But you and he knew it was just a lie.
Everything took a turn for the worse when he was interrogated and basically forced to work for the government. It was a 'deal', he would work for the government in exchange for the little girl safety, a little girl called Sherry, who he found and saved in the middle of the chaos that night.
Although he didn't want to, he didn't think it was fair to let a girl as young as her suffer in a laboratory, maybe it was crazy to compromise his life for someone he barely knew. But that was him, the guy who put others before himself. So he accepted the 'agreement'.
He just wanted to be someone normal, to forget about that damn trauma, to forget about the pain of that night and to put all those events behind him.
But he couldn't, and maybe he wasn't ready for that fact.
The Leon of before no longer existed, maybe a small sketch left, but he would never be able to get back on his feet and be like before.
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Leon's life began to turn upside down even more, after the hell that happened in Raccoon City, he was forced to go to military training, supposedly to serve the government. Even years after what happened, the night was still incredibly vivid in his mind. Every detail was stagnant in his memory, a mark he couldn't remove.
All he felt now was anger, all hidden in that sullen face that had become his usual expression. He hid behind it, hoping you wouldn't notice how cold and indifferent he was becoming. It was the only way to protect himself that he found.
And he hated that things were this way.
What he didn't expect was that he would become an agent working for the President. Everything that had already happened to him was enough, and he still seemed to be getting worse and worse.
Like a bottomless pit, he just fell lower and lower.
At this point he no longer cared about much, he was becoming more and more stressed with work and that damn training.
You lost count of how many times he came home scratched, bruised, with some part of his body purple. One time he even arrived with a broken rib, and he didn't even try to explain to you what had happened.
He just did his bandages silently, with your help. And he didn't even say a single word about it, and you worried like crazy. You didn't even know if he would arrive in one piece the next day.
It wasn't difficult to assimilate all the abuse he was suffering in that place, you had already heard a few times the way some of his training partners spoke to him on the phone. They weren't friendly at all.
All he did was hide what he felt with that sulky face, more and more you saw him becoming closed off. It was rare that he talked about his training, or his day.
Even he had become increasingly discreet about his nightmares, or even his anxiety attacks. He always thought he could handle it on his own, it was his problem. That he had learned to cope, or at least he thought he had.
Because it was the same story as always. Just a man doing what he hated, reliving the past and charting a hateful future.
And that couldn't be avoided.
And well, nothing got better when he was called to a mission in Spain, looking for the President's daughter. He didn't feel excited about the situation at all, he didn't even want to go. However, there wasn't much of an option.
He tried to warn you, in fact he didn't warn you, he just said he was going to Spain, just like that.
It wasn't hard to imagine that this caused a small fight between you, since he could at least tell you what it was about. But he didn't say.
"Don't pressure me, don't even try to look into things that's not your business." Leon hisses at you, turning his back and leaving you behind with tears in your eyes. All you heard after was the door slamming, and he disappeared for a few days.
Surely he knew the shit he had done, and every moment that passed he felt his heart tighten. His anxiety reaching its worst peaks. As he began to understand what was happening in that old village, he felt terror wash over him once again. The fear of not being able to return terrified him, he doesn't even know how he managed to stay upright in the face of all that.
He felt trapped in a nightmare again.
Another hell, he didn't even know that he would go through a situation similar to Raccoon City again, but to his displeasure it happened. Once again he doesn't know how he came out alive, he was terrified of witnessing death several times in a row. The only thing he thought about was going home, he needed a place to call home. And he needed you, in a way he couldn't put into words. So many words he wanted to say, so many things he wanted to do, especially seeing more people around him die. After having done everything he did to survive.
He needed someone.
Everything he had planned to tell you went down the drain as soon as he got home, the first thing he saw was you lying on the sofa, wearing one of his shirts.
It didn't take long for him to take off his boots, and walk towards you, he was shabby, a complete mess. It was no surprise.
He gently gave you a gentle kiss on the cheek, so as not to wake you, and sat down on the floor next to you. He intended to spend the night there, as he certainly wouldn't be able to sleep no matter how hard he tried.
With his fists clenched, his face set, a strange feeling running through his body. Once again he felt like it was a tantrum, but it wasn't.
A single tear wet his cheeks, followed by several others.
And then he realized, the reality of the facts caught up with him.
And the terrifying feeling returned.
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A few more painful years passed, and it was indeed optimistic to say that things had improved. It was as if everything was exhausting, he couldn't have fun with the things he liked.
As if his life was in a loop where he couldn't stop, he couldn't get out of it. It just kept going again and again, it shouldn't be like this.
But was.
It wasn't hard to notice how grumpy he had become. He was no longer someone of many words, and now he was even more closed off. If it was possible.
The grown beard that only showed how disinterested he was in his own appearance. He was at a point where he barely looked at himself in the mirror, his dark blond strands falling down his face. And he didn't even bother to trim his hair and leave it the way he liked it.
He didn't even look in the mirror, he hated every time he saw his own reflection. He learned to hate every one of his scars, every mark that remained from his missions, he hated with all of his heart. It was an otherworldly aversion, he shouldn't feel this way about himself, but that didn't matter. Not now.
He learned to hate himself.
He hated the way that even after all these years his traumas still haunted him, the way he still had those terrible nightmares. He hated the way he treated you, so cold and distant.
So different from what he once was.
Since it all started in Raccoon City, he always knew that the part of the soul he lost there he would never recover. But he didn't imagine things would be this bad.
It was as if no moment was good, as if everything revolved around his work and the problems that came with it. He became such a focused person that he would sometimes go days without showering, with his hair all messy and his face completely tired. From someone who hadn't had rest in days. And that person was exactly him.
He would often make minimal effort to talk to you, try to start a conversation and tell you how his day was going. But who said he could? The poor man got so used to keeping things to himself that sharing it was complicated.
The words tumbled in his mouth, he couldn't form a sentence that made any sense and didn't sound desperate. But he failed as soon as he said the first word, and just ended up changing the subject.
Therefore, he learned that nothing would be the same as before, even after all these years in which he hoped that things would change, for the better. But to his chagrin this didn't happen, and everything went downhill.
He tried his best to come to terms with all of this, since he was already someone who had seen a lot, and had already done a lot as well. But that didn't stop him from feeling bad, from feeling like the weight of the world was on his shoulders.
And it wasn't?
At that point he ignored what he felt, if he was called to a mission he would simply go, even though he was extremely upset about the matter. Because in those moments he realized that he was just an object of the government.
A powerful weapon that was capable of stopping the crap that happened here or there, and that was it. Just it.
Nothing more than a weapon.
What else could he expect? The turn things took only made the government's intentions clear, and he didn't approve at all. He was always against it, but who said he was listened to?
He had already accepted this, a cruel fate from which he had little option of escaping. He had already dealt with it.
He forced himself to believe those words.
All he could do was hate himself more and more, every time he came home tired and saw you, his heart broke.
How did he still have you by his side? How the hell was such a sweet person still willing to stay by his side. It wasn't fair.
He deserved to be alone.
Day after day he found himself looking for things to get rid of the bitterness that his life had become, what he found was drinking.
One of the few things that let him breathe, even if just for a few hours. It started slowly, but he needed to increase it.
It was an obligation, it was either that or get home and feel like the worst person in the world. This addiction started slowly, in a subtle way.
However, it then got out of control, and once again he found himself in his worst state.
"There's no turning back.." A whisper coming from him, drunk and completely out of his mind.
His life was a dead end, and he had no hope that it would get better.
Another day of remorse, another day living in his shoes.
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The only consolation he found now was drinking, at least it helped the pain go away for a moment. Even though at some point he had to increase the doses more and more, he needed it to take effect.
If at any point he had tried to have some closeness with you back, that had ended in the last few months. He couldn't even take care of himself, let alone take care of you.
He was a different man, and not in a good way.
At that point he already accepted that he had lost himself, that he no longer had salvation, his mind was torturing him.
It was suffering just to be alive.
The fact that he always lost people around him, that he had to kill his own team because he wasn't able to save them. How the hell was he supposed to survive with this? How could he say everything was fine?
Everything around him was dying, like he had a curse around him or something. Not even he wanted to understand this. The weight of the years he lived in this torture was catching up to him.
And nothing could be done, once again.
The nightmares, the weight on his conscience, the memory of each of the missions. It was an unhealthy cycle he was trapped in.
Certainly an addiction wouldn't solve the situation, but what would? Pay nicely as always? Hold his head up and follow orders like a puppy?
"Piece of shit." That's what he mutters when he sees himself in the reflection of his cell phone, disappointed with the way everything is happening. How he was dealing with all of this. His appearance was different, hair more swept to the side, a longer beard. Clothes that not even he knew he would wear at some point.
But what would be the other way? How?
Disappointment, anger, depression, all mixed up in his head. He didn't know what he should do with these bottled up feelings that were haunting him day after day.
All the missions, all the people he lost, everything he experienced. How could someone go through so much like that?
How could he have gone through this and still somehow moved on?
This time he didn't even bother trying to hide from you the displeasure he had created for life, he rarely spent time at home, and when he did it was all day grumbling or drinking.
A great guilt invaded him when you cried because nothing you tried to do seemed to help, but this wasn't about you.
It was about him.
His mood only worsened when Chris called him to another mission, actually it wasn't really a call, more like a statement that he was going to another mission.
This was his life for the last few years, mission after mission, without even a moment for himself, not that he was going to do anything other than drink in the meantime.
What could have happened special this time? Another mission where he comes close to death several times, where he simply doesn't know if he'll return home in one piece. And he could swear he didn't care about it or not.
At least he thought so.
But perhaps the fact of working with people close to him this time made him see that things could be worth it again. Although it wasn't the friendliest place to think this, he couldn't deny that it gave him some comfort since he worked with people he knew, especially Chris, who was one of the few people he liked at work. Despite grumbling a lot.
He appreciated the fact that things ended well this time, for the first time in a long time.
There was still a little light in the good things, in the little daily things. Sometimes things didn't always have a bad ending.
The people around him wouldn't always fade away or betray him, that wouldn't always be the course of things.
Maybe now he was ready to start improving a little, maybe yes, maybe no. He would only know if he tried.
Once the madness of the mission was over, all he could think about was you, he could only think about seeing you one more time after everything that had happened. It was a desire so big that it couldn't fit in his chest.
You can bet he was counting the minutes until he got home, he needed to feel your presence again. He needed to know that he had people who were there for him.
He needed your comfort, your reassurance.
Once he got home the first thing he did was look for you, it was more than a desire, it was a need.
Without you even realizing it, you see him leaning against the kitchen counter, with an almost unremarkable smile. You even surprise yourself, since it had been a good few months since you had seen even a trace of a happy expression on his face.
"I'm back.." He says in a whisper, looking at you gently for the first time in a while.
You look at him a little hesitantly, wanting to give him a hug, not knowing if he wanted that or not.
A simple gesture but one that made your day, he opened his arms to you, waiting for you to do what you wanted.
Without a shadow of a doubt he needed this as much as you did.
Maybe there's still a way out. Maybe there is still a way.
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Leon was trying, he was trying his best to be a better man. You could tell that, the way he was cutting back on alcohol, the way he was trying to be more attentive to you.
These little things indicated an effort on his part, he didn't want to hate himself anymore, he didn't want to feel so indifferent anymore. Maybe it was time for a change, he didn't need to be like this anymore.
He had people he could count on, and after all, he had you. That even after his coldness in recent years, you never left him, it was time to reciprocate.
And of course there were things he couldn't let go of so easily, especially his problems with trauma, and he already knew that it was a weight he would carry for the rest of his life.
He would never forget.
But he was also trying to learn not to be like that anymore, things could still have a good side. He could still have hope, even if it was a mere drop. Life had been hard on him from the beginning, but he needed to find some motivation. He couldn't live regretting forever, putting himself down every time.
It was time to rise again, time to pick up the pieces and rebuild. Little by little, and of course he would never be the same as before. But he could be a better person, and he would do everything he could to make that happen. You could notice this drastic change even more, since he came back from the last mission, he was different. So proof is that, as soon as he got home he hugged you, and spent a good ten minutes like that.
Probably feeling overwhelmed with yet another mission, duties that seemed to never end. But he wouldn't think about that now.
He wanted to try to be happy. At least one attempt.
Small efforts, for example trying to open up to you, saying few things, but it was a great start. He knew that if he continued like this he would be able to share his problems with you, it certainly wouldn't weigh so much on him if he could share them with you.
His mind was still a mess, but he was trying to organize himself, put his thoughts in order. It was a long and difficult road, but he wanted to bet that he would make it.
It was the glimmer of hope he had.
Leon now went out with you, took you for rides on his motorbike. He begins to realize that life could go beyond work, that not everything needs to be so bad.
You could see him smiling more, he had even gone back to making those corny jokes that never failed to make you laugh. Most importantly, he seemed content, sometimes even at peace with himself.
The desire he had to disappear, little by little was fading, and he began to gain a little more zest for life. Things wouldn't always go wrong, and he could relax a little, even try to let his guard down whenever possible.
Even once you caught him laughing like a fool on his cell phone, only to see him having fun watching a video of a dog, which in his eyes was incredibly funny.
Seeing this, you decide to give him a pet on his birthday. And you almost cried once you saw the joy in his eyes, that sparkle in his eyes that you missed so much.
"I love you." A shy and low voice, accompanied by the most beautiful smile you've ever seen. How long has it been since you last heard this? The sweet way the phrase slid across his lips. A moment so subtle but so sweet, and one that you hoped would be repeated more and more.
Life was worth it, he would make it worth it again.
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artificandex · 6 months
Hiiii I was wondering if you'd be willing to write some head cannons for Alan wake and being his partner or something I'm not picky I've just been dying for some Alan wake x reader lol
Ahhhh yes of course!! Sorry if this is a bit late but yesyes I love alan wake shfkskdjs
Spoilers probably!!!!
Alan Wake x Reader (Pre & Post Dark Place)
This man is so self-deprecating with his work sometimes, and it HURTS (doesn't feel like he's a 'real' artist and all, y'know?)
Probably a lot of (reluctantly) asking you if what he's working on seems good and asking you for ideas sometimes
A lot of stay at home dates because this man would rather deal with anything other than paparazzi, especially in front of you (that clip of him smacking the camera or allegedly punching that guy I can't remember)
Coffee and snuggling up together :)
Helping him look nice and pretty for interviews or meetings and stuff
He was a bit of an asshole in the first game to Alice so obviously he's rather temperamental sometimes, doesn't listen to your advice all that much regarding it but will try. Eventually.
Do not even think about trying to get this man to write during a holiday
Psychic damage from writers block (real)
I think he'd do his best to accompany your fears, but depending on it, he might be a little inconsiderate at times
After the Dark Place he has definitely come to terms with his behavior and all so he's definitely being a lot nicer, a lot more cautious maybe and just wants to protect you but doesn't want to worry you too much
Let's you play with the longer hair
He looks so scared all the time but he feels better with you :)
The thing with Scratch in the ending, the whole Alan has always been Scratch or something (its been a while since I've played AW2 but I've nearly 100% it!!)
Likely going to be very apologetic about Scratch, checking up on you often, and trying to make up for it as best he can despite being out of your life for thirteen years
Mans just wants to spend time with you and catch up and everything, he misses you, you've been on his mind this whole time and you're all he wants <33
I hope these are okay!!! A little self-indulgent, but it's practically midnight rn and I've squeezed my brain so hard to get these out before I forget loll
I've got a few things planned for ao3 (alan wake & r6s) so keep an eye out for those :D
My AO3
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andmaybegayer · 5 months
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Birds and things that are not birds also from around Přírodní park. The R6's autofocus is astounding, it would have been an absolute nightmare to get that kestrel flying directly towards me on my old setup.
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dextraicarus1994 · 1 year
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A year ago I did a traditional doodle of a crossover of Sam Fisher being a Witcher from the Cat School, here is the doodle from back then. So I decide to made an update version on digital, using his R6 Shadow Legacy animated version and some mix variation of the Cat School armor from The Witcher 3 with the Wolf School armor from Nightmare of the Wolf Animated movie from Netflix. 🥺🥺🥺🥺👉👈👉👈💚🖤💚🖤💚🖤💚🖤
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miras-ash · 1 year
What are your MiraXAsh headcanons ?
Uhhh let's see.
1. Mira is the soft one, she's the one who calms Ash down when she's too impulsive
2. Ash loves watching Mira doing her Metal sculptures
3. Their first kiss was in the Rainbow hq in Miras office/laboratory
4. Ash tries to be less self destructive for Mira. She finally found her home in Elena.
5. Mira helps Ash to see things and life differently. She's pushing her out of her comfort zone.
6. Thermite and Hibana were the first one to know about their relationship.
7. They tried to keep their relationship as long as possible a secret but when they had an argument at work the facade broke down
8. Mira helps Ash coping with her nightmares
9. They still fight each other like it depends for their lives in a R6 tournament
10. They never leave in an argument without saying "I love you" because they know how dangerous their job can be.
These are some of my head canons for our favorite love birds❤️🐦
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asenatheoperator · 2 years
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Update from my project RP server!
Well, things are going far better than I’ve expected, established a good community and admin team!
Now we are currently establishing AFO teams aka Advanced Force Operations teams where players that are selected can make up their own squads, invite anyone they see fit into their team and lead them! Just like the Teams in R6: Siege but smaller.
So here is the first of four teams that are coming along: AFO Wolfpack.
AFO Wolfpack will be the team that would play by the rules of the terrorists. They will be the nightmare of the terrorists or anyone that would harm or abuse civilians, give those bad people their own medicine and clearly not show any mercy to them.
Server Link: https://discord.gg/N8MkdzFQYs
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i-love-you-all · 1 year
Cinematic thoughts+gameplay
But not as much gameplay bc ppl keep thinking something is op and it turns out niche/decent most of the time. Spoiler block:
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This guy reminds me of Harry from R6S
the girl w the odin reminds me of some OW character but I don’t play OW enough to know.
Ohhhhh, I was kinda hoping the bear was gonna be a pet.
Trauma??? Might be good for angsty writing. Nightmares, PTSD, Survivors Guilt, etc.
Is what they’re doing to the bear the same as what they did to Gekko’s buddies? The glow is there which his buddies do, only, his buddies are all fully turned. 
Also :((( all the Sova hype and for what?
I’m p sure that Sova was the one to save her and bring her to back tot he base.
I kinda hate that Riot took away a mag from all guns then put in deadlock with the wall that takes a mag and a half it looks like? to destroy. Combo that w a sage and then what?
tho ig it’s a team game so it doesn’t matter as much.
Who was the one to say “Release me?” It sounded like deadlock, but was it perhaps a teammate? it’d be more interesting if it was the bear itself. (I think it was deadlock tho)
Once I got to the end of video where she actually turns on wingman, I think that confirms that the bear is a precursor to the buddies. It could lead to some interesting Gekko and Deadlock interactions.
What did the Bear do to deadlock with the glowy lines? Did buddies do that to gekko? Like a parasitic way that compelled him to save them? Interesting fic ideas I think.
Can’t wait for none of this to be explained tho :))))
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pugs-cats-bb-8 · 1 year
So blue was the colour of instakill?
Queen's Necklace weak to gun instead of psychic.
I always read "Did we overdo it"? In a sarcastic tone.
Nice sound effect. It sounds like someone taking a shit.
I thought the vending machines were added in Royal.
Last Surprise is too slow to be a battle song. IMHO.
R6 is the same.
R7 is the same.
R8 is the same.
R9 is the same.
R10 is the same.
If you pass down a move that a Persona is going to learn the next level. It defaults to the next move.
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
You can totally leave and come back.
I like Peace And Security.
I love how Treasure Demons had 2 weaknesses.
I hate the floor puzzles.
I don't see Dionysus or Nebiros till Maruki's palace.
Unvoiced conversation.
Did they add the voices in Royal or did I just never hear them before?
Slightly different layout.
No mask logo telling you what Personas you have.
Dominion is weak to gun?
Noodle boy.
I like the paper crumple effect when you skip an execution or hanging.
I like Sraosha's design.
Odin looks like he's straight out of Yu-Gi-Oh.
The guard's shoes make sounds?
Different layout.
Different boss. Which is good because Abbadon sucks.
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
Different enemies.
Different door sound.
Moved Mara back to the last part of Mementos in Royal.
Different layout.
They added more puzzles in Royal. 😡😡
Mara used to be weak to ice?
A lot of stuff used to have weaknesses that they don't have in Royal.
Different layout.
The grail makes sounds?
I like how you can keep asking "Am I dead"? "Where are my teammates"?
Ren's going to have nightmares about guillotines.
I love his motion when he tells the Holy Grail to go fuck itself.
All the saving people conversations are unvoiced.
Different item in chest.
Best weapon/amour is not the first one.
Unvoiced conversation.
Different layout.
A Abdadon and two Kalis 😠😠
Abdadon had a Nuke weakness?
Somehow Ryuji can say "For Real" while frozen.
You could only itemize once a day?
Fusing Throne used to be 3 Personas?
The Yaldy reveal is so cool.
I love when it says "indulging in a lewd fantasy" 🤣🤣
The Okamura, 1V1 Shido battle, Yaldy and Maruki battles stress me out.
The end always gets me. 🤧🤧
I love how it heals your HP but not your SP.
Yaldy's cheating he didn't use a turn to charge.
"Begone" 😋😋
He got shot in the face and can still speak.
You can tell they're not to scale. Futaba should be more underwater.
Why is nobody trying to stop Morgana from floating away?
I love how Ren just has this netural look on his face till the very end. Then he reaches out.
Like dude, your cat is floating away. I'd be inconsolable if that were my cat.
Who watched Mystery Dungeon and decided to put it in?
The cheering thing is Royal only.
Solitary confinement? So he not only woke up in jail but all alone.😭😭😭😭 For a month and a half. I don't know whether to be more sad or mad.
No Christmas cake.
"I got you something". *Hands you nothing* 🤣🤣
Poor man needs gloves and a hat. I don't think his hair covers his ears.
Different text.
No watching the snow fall.
Unvoiced conversation.
Mishima's part gives me second hand embarrassment. I don't like begging like that. It reminds me of when they took us up to the local grocery store to sell Girl Scout cookies.
Long legs 😋😋
Why do I have to wait so long to get my cat back?
Human Morgana 🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️
Unvoiced conversation.
Morgana chocolate.
All goodbye conversations are unvoiced.
You get text messages from the girls you dated? I don't think that happens in Royal.
Where is my man going to put a giant panting on the train?
"Sojiro's stupid". 🤣🤣
"I'm free from my attic prison". 🤣🤣
He looks so pretty without his glasses 😍😍
Not that he doesn't look pretty to begin with but... Something about him without his glasses. 😍😍
They make Morgana fix the car. 🤣🤣
"Just had to borrow a plug". 🤣🤣
How did Morgana know what spark plugs look like?
Yusuke's going to jump out the car. 🤣🤣
They credited the English VAs but not the Japanese ones?
You get to see his forehead.
God damn he is soo pretty. 😍😍
I still like Royal's ending better.
The entire game used to be blocked for recording? In Royal, it's only 3rd sem.
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redd956 · 1 year
Can't stop thinking about my nightmare the other day where a buff 6ft+ tall man, who was a cross between König from Call of Duty and Nøkk from r6, beat the living daylights out of me, threatened me with a combat knife, then made his exit with a "see you some other time"
When people from the nightmare realm say that...they mean it... Imma get my ass beat again won't I?
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Something with Android Recrute!Dean for his R6 verse 
        Dean felt himself drifting in what felt like a void of nothingness, the vast darkness surrounding him suffocating him. He tried to piece together how he got to this point he remembered him and father talking to each other. Then there was a loud noise like that of an explosion in the lower floors he looked at his, creator scared and confused. The male would remember the same in the man’s eyes as they stood quickly, grabbing his hand leading him to a room the droid had been inside so many times before. It was the room he had been born in where he first saw the face of his father smiling at him, welcoming him to the world. But now that face held a grim look on it as they entered, feeling his shoulders grabbed, making him look up at the other “f-father, what is h-happening?” he asked him. For a moment a smile returned tho sad it was back, as if the man knew something. Father spoke to him gently, “Dean, I’m gonna have to put you in temporary sleep okay, I promise to come back okay,” he tells him. Before going on, “I made you for a reason Dean I can’t explain, but know that I love you very much,” he says before directing him into the stasis pod, hooking him up. Watching him go to the computer nearby typing on the keys, the sounds getting closer to them scaring Dean as he gave a whimper. Just as his father went to turn to him to tell him it was okay that nothing would ever hurt him, a loud explosion knocked the man over. Causing the smaller call out to him just as five men wearing white mask entered, guns pointed at the man yelling. Dean watched, fearful, not wanting to see his loved one get hurt by these strangers. Before he could speak, he watched as his father slam a button nearby, looking at him smiling tears going down his face. As he heard a count down was heard one of the strangers walked over and hit where his creator was. Hitting the man with the butt of their gun, another went to the computer, trying to stop whatever had started but couldn’t.  
       What seemed to be the leader walked to his father, roughly yanking the man’s hair, trying to get information how to stop it. Only for them to get nothing giving nothing sighing, they stood up talking to one of his men. Dean watched as they turned father to him just as the countdown was reaching its end felt the tears go down his face. He watched the man slowly raise his head to him, smiling mouthing the words “I love you bunny” to him. In the void he sobbed, remember tho he didn’t want to a shoot watching as his father’s blood hit his pod as the man fell limp. Everything had gone dark after that, not like normal, where lights and codes always surrounded him like a dream. Curling into a tight ball, crying softly wanting to wake up from this nightmare. He would open his eyes in his resting area and see his father’s smiling face once again, the two would talk about random things the android was curious about maybe get some visitors. Then when it got dark go star gazing together before turning in for the night. The more he thought about it the more he felt real to him wanting something to escape the darkness. Dean kept thinking of more and more things for the two to do together even his sister who had died in an accident the year before joined them. The male remembers seeing a photo of a woman who was told would have been his mother joined all four a happy of family of sorts. Just as he was about to get really lost in his fantasy, he was pulled out of it to his horror as the voice that had put him started to count down once again. It was waking him up he didn’t want to leave his family he wanted to stay with them. Despite the darkness of the void scared him, at least he didn’t have to see his father’s lifeless body.
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children-of-epiales · 2 years
Evolution of Nightmare
(timeline time!)
Summer 2021- Evangeline travels to Ireland to spend time with Chicharu Sugiyama and Joshua “Ōkami” Sakurai; it’s then that she makes the first proposal of Nightmare to Joshua Sakurai, he agrees to join her in Nightmare if Evangeline is able to recruit more members. Fall 2022- Evangeline and Lorelei Capulet go to the Vosges in France to meet Sakurai, he takes them to an abandoned home that would soon become their base and, having had a change of heart, Sakurai introduces the two to Hayat “Manāt” Barkat and Augustin “Soleil” Chaillou, members of the GIGN who the former was able to recruit. Augustin is more reluctant than Barakat to join, so he wanted to hear from Evangeline what exactly she had in mind for Nightmare. Early December of 2022- Evangeline, Lorelei, and the latter’s sister, Halyna Kravets, go to Brooklyn to complete their first mission; Halyna located the two locations of a trafficking ring that was carrying out their business in New York, so the group split up into pairs in order to take out both locations. During this mission, Lorelei and Nemesis got to use their respective gadgets, the Plague Mist and Snake’s Skin-which were prototypes at the time-against the traffickers. Mid-Summer of 2022- Sorina “Frică” Huerta was one of several hostages held at the Romanian Athenaeum in Bucarest, Romania; kept in a room with her parents, brother, and the other visitors, Huerta attempted to take on the attackers to give the other hostages some chance of escape-despite not knowing how many of the attackers there were. Every current member of Nightmare traveled to Romania, traveling by a helicopter flown by Luna “Fury” Pajeot; the group entered the concert hall from the top and split up again, Augustin and Evangeline running into Sorina and having to subdue her due to her mistaking them for the enemy.
- During this mission, Hayat got to use her Stheno Sonar, a speaker that emitted 160 decibels at 19 hertz, to impair the enemy-although her device indirectly caused some damage to the walls of the concert hall.
- Before the group could leave, Sorina demanded that they let her join them-not that they had much choice since she had unmasked Augustin and she was one of the hostages
Winter of 2023- Hayat develops the Lwa Guardian for Augustin, and they tested it out on a mission with Joshua and Sorina in Vietnam. Augustin adopts a cat, Coline, and Lorelei and Luna talk about what their relationship could be like in the future, and the former admits they planned to leave the states but never had the “motivation” to do so. Evangeline’s sister contacts her for the first time in a while and asks her if they were to still be considered sisters, Teagan reminds her that she still misses Evangeline terribly and that their parents are still so upset over Evangeline joining the military.
Late Spring of 2024- Nightmare watches a televised threat being made against them by  “unknown activists” in England, which turned out to be only three people; they were apprehended a day later, but Sorina and Joshua had to retrieve most of the group’s equipment so Hayat could see what information they actually had-most of it turning out to be footage of Nightmare carrying out their missions. While it was never disclosed what the trio’s goal was, there was uneasiness about what they were talking about. Evangeline still needed to consider what would happen if Nightmare had been discovered and exposed to the public; she decided to allow Hayat and Sorina to keep “look outs” for any more attempts by others and to monitor any information being spread about Nightmare. Summer of 2024- Evangeline and Hayat watch on tv as the Netherlands reveals all they’ve discovered about Nightmare, not addressing them as terrorists but saying that it was “unknown what their true goals [were]”. Hayat claimed that-if not the Dutch government-one of the countries would find Nightmare and that they needed a distraction in order to lay low until everything blew over. Evangeline agreed with the need for a distraction, but believed that nothing would “blow over”; Nightmare was open to the public now and they needed to confirm their existence, as was appropriate. A short video was made of Evangeline, wearing her mask when she became Nemesis, saying the words “Welcome to your worst nightmare”. It wasn’t allowed online until those on the mission in West Africa, including the newest and final member of Nightmare, Reaper-returned to base. Late Fall of 2025- The entire crew goes to Australia to carry out a “serious” mission; they were to successfully “shut down” a BHP off the northwest coast of Western Australia, although they needed to be wary of how much time they were taking-Evangeline wanted it to be done in at least 5 hours. However, the moment they arrived a shootout occurred between Nightmare and five people who had apparently been expecting them at the oil rig; Lorelei used their plague mists to buy time for Nightmare to split up, but the attempt was fruitless as everyone was eventually subdued and taken to back to Rainbow HQ to be interrogated. Nightmare becomes a “section” of Rainbow to avoid suffering prison/execution.
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1queasycrow · 4 years
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The hands on the clock keep turning around, They point to the time of the day; The time means nothing with you by my side, Though sometime I'll be on my way.
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mrsganks · 5 years
It’s just a cosmic law that Sledge and Caveira are mortal enemies, doomed to be in an infinite loop of meme-ing the shit out of each other
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Rainbow Is Nightmare.
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