888itup · 2 months
Finally putting this here since the whole point is to promote my business
@ r.e.n.apparel on instagram
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woodcries · 6 months
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permanent starter call. for r.e.n. / cyberpunk original character. liking this means you're interested in interacting with this muse and are willing to receive starters and asks from them. knowledge of the source material is never necessary but always appreciated.
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cosmic-ships · 8 months
Here my friend!! 🎫 A pass for you to gush about whoever you would like! :3 (dragonsmooch)
Hi, I've had this since the start of January and back then I didn't have the ability to gush because I wasn't sinking in feelings of a love I didn't know I could have again SO hello! Hi, I'm sorry about what I'm about to unleash on you :3 incoherent gush incoming!
Ahem Chapter 1. kldjdlskf
What's to say that I've not already said? Ben has completely taken over, not just my blog but my heart and soul. what can I say? I feel hard and I fell fast. It's hard to describe but he has this aura about him (aside from when he was initially a jackass lol) but later there's an aura about him that I just feel connected to. I also relate to his youth as my youth was similar in a sense of us both feeling like our parent(s) were never there for us. They were always busy doing something else leaving us to our own devices it was lonely. Anyways I won't get too much into it but I do relate with a lot of things that Ben goes through they aren't extreme by a long shot but I get what he did the things he did. I don't condone it in the slightest but I do understand.
If I was anywhere else telling any other people that Ben actually makes me feel alive and excited to wake up in the morning they would probably tell me I was crazy and to seek professional help because they don't understand. It's true though Ben not only sparked my creativity but he sparked my love for life again. To open my eyes and be excited for what will happen in the day as opposed to waking up and wishing I could just go back to bed. He helps me remember daily tasks. "He'd want me to _" I have felt so much happier ever since Ben came into my life.
Want to hear a funny story? I don't know if you were following me at the time but I did see Th.e Fo.rc.e Aw.ake.ns in thatres when it came out(Which I have to fix on my own gush post because it made it sound like I didn't see the first one when I did lol) anyways I mentioned it very briefly on my old self-ship blog that I thought Ky.l.o R.e.n was badass and I admitted that he was pretty cute- I guess the universe wasn't ready for us to find each other yet. Least that's what I like to think. I didn't need him like I do right now.
It's so baffling to me, like my logical side knows he's a fictional man but then the rest of me just feels overwhelmed by the love and happiness I feel merely just thinking about him to the point where I feel like he is actually my real boyfriend as if somewhere in time and space there is a universe out there where we actually exist together and that universe is sending signals or crossing over and I'm feeling what the other me feels everyday, its sounds very idiotic when I say it out loud but it's something I like to think about often.
Ben really said "I'm here now and I'm going ensure you're never unhappy ever again" Really, when friends message me or I'm tagged in something or anything really there are moments where I catch myself, I didn't fake the smile I smiled with my eyes too. I'm genuinely happy and excited to hear about my friends ships. That's not to say I wasn't excited before but it would always get that pang in my heart "Why can I feel like that too?" and then I'd feel really sad. For the longest time I felt like I was a malfunction.
chapter 2 where I talk about the feral man's appearance and actually get to the gushing.
Oh cute, you thought I was kidding about the chapters /lh
This man has such a grip on me. He's the most beautiful man I've ever laid my eyes on. for real, he makes my heart melt. He's tall and handsome what's not to love?
His eyes are absolutely gorgeous! Those beautiful brown eyes, like sunlight shining through a whiskey glass. I love how his eyes can look so honeyed in some scenes and then when it's dark they look like beautiful pools of obsidian. His gaze is intense and I will be the first to admit it makes me weak in the knees.
I love his lips too..they're so full and the look so soft~ I love imagining kissing him more often than I like to admit. Our lips would fit so perfectly together. I also sort of like it when he pouts, something doesn't quite go his way and its a pout~ It's actually really cute.
I. LOVE. THIS. MANS. SMILE! and its such a shame that I only get to see his precious smile just ONCE and it has to be a stupid dumb canon x canon moment. Thankfully I can tune the other one out and just focus on Ben and gods his smile completely ruined me in the best of ways! he has the prettiest smile I've ever seen. He smiles and it feels like a ray of light engulfs my entire heart and I can't help but smile too because his smile is so contagious!!!
I love his hands too, might sound weird ik but just thinking about him locking his fingers with mine as he holds my hand fills my stomach with butterflies~
you see I did good, I waited until now to say, I think about gripping this mans hair and running my hands through it SO OFTEN its a problem! I love his hair, its so thick and when its all messy and he looks all disheveled I feel my face explode. (Meaning I instantly blush and its too hot for my cheeks lol)
Did you read this far? THANKS IM SORRY I just have a lot of feelings for this man. He means the absolute world to me and I am so so happy! /srs Thank you for letting me gush and I'm sorry it took so long!
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ren-deru-16 · 2 years
Comfydant and stargazer sona
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Comfydant sona (name/pronoun/etc):
-insomniac hence the eyebags
-loves to bonk people with her bonk stick (which is stolen from fuu-chan)
-always spacing out
Stargazer sona (name/pronoun/etc):
-protective of comfydant sona
-swears on a daily basis
-can float anytime they want to
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seruntusitala · 1 year
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screenviolense · 1 year
@negronet sent: "you actually believed that shit?" david martinez to r.e.n. / angsty prompts
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  the former pop star resisted the urge to roll her eyes, only letting out a snort in response. yes, it seemed pretty obvious in retrospect that she had been a stupid, young pop star who was easy to take advantage of, but it had been different then. it was easy to get blinded, but she'd pulled away before it ended up being too much.
  ' yeah, i guess i did. ' ren sighed, pushing her hands through her hair. ' ...it happens sometimes. '
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screenviolense-a · 3 years
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           ‘ you don’t actually miss being a rock star, do you? because i know i don’t. ‘
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mayvaava · 5 years
They’re all good but here’s le order.
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.
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renwestt · 2 years
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Tell me what's your fantasy
5'2 Yellow bone chick name R.E.N? 😏
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xmagicgalaxies · 5 years
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mari-lair · 5 years
Is it me or is there absolutely no week for rayxemmaxnorman like I want my ot3 to have a week or smt (but won't do one cuz coward and stuff)
Holy shi-
There is no R.E.N week? I am a mess that can barely keep up with all the fics I am juggling, so I don’t have the commitment to start a R.E.N week but I am with you. WE NEED A WEEK FOR THE TRIO!
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woodcries · 24 days
@cyberpawn sent: (For R.E.N. !!) “god, that's fucking cool.”
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a soft smile crossed the former pop star's lips as she held the door open to her rather expansive closet. a good amount of her on stage outfits had been cleaned out after she left, but there was still a good amount, along with some rather expensive toys that she'd kept on for occasional tinkering. by now, she imagined holograms and the like had advanced even more beyond the kind of special effects she was familiar with.
' i don't know if you'll find anything useful in here, but you're free to take a look. ' she moved to click on the light, illuminating the rather expansive closet.
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skelasins · 8 years
They Were Kids That I Once Knew
A small section of a story that was inspired by this song :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BuxrHBVJf4
“Tell me everything that happened.” Sans said, the pinpricks of his eyelights searching her tear stained face as she sobbed in front of him, hands clutching at her coat desperately. He had never seen her this way in the years had known her, the years he spent miles below the surface with her and Papyrus right by his side. The younger skeleton looked down at their lovers trembling form, his usual cheery demeanor dissipating as he fidgeted, unsure of what to do to comfort her. “Papyrus what happened?” Came sans’ deep rumble, eyes looking up at his brother as they wrung their hands, the taller monster shifting back and forth nervously. “I-I DON’T KNOW! WE WERE OUT EXPLORING THE VILLAGE AS WE ALWAYS DO EVERY AFTERNOON AFTER TRAINGING WITH UNDYNE! I GOT DISTRACTED BY SOME SUNGLASSES I WAS LOOKING AT FOR MY COOL BISCEPTS WHEN SHE SUDDENLY SCREAMED!” Papyrus frowned deepened, his usually bright eyelights dimmed. “I-IVE NEVER SEEN HER SCARED LIKE THAT..! SHE JUST FELL BACK AND TRIED TO GET AWAY FROM A GROUP OF HUMANS!” Sans’ frown deepened as he looked down at the girl in his arms, long brunette hair sweeping down her trembling shoulders as she was now clinging to his jacket. Her sobs broke their hearts as she sat there between sans’ legs, clutching onto his jacket as if it were her last life line. Slowly He let out a soft sigh. “Heh I’m sure they’ll be fine Paps… Why don’t you go and make some of your famous spaghetti to cheer them up?” He suggested with a soft smile, one laced with worry, one that even Papyrus could tell was strained. “O-OF COURSE BROTHER! I THE GREAT PAPYRUS SHA’LL MAKE THE BEST SPEGHETTI TO MAKE HIS BELOVED FEEL BETTER! NYEHEH…HEH..” Papyrus’ confident boast wavered at the end as he ducked into the kitchen, giving his crying love one last glance before disappearing within to start cooking. They had some time......
To read read the full story go here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/9645839
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cylin-aka-ankamo · 6 years
I love your R.E.N. Robot comic, I hope for more!
Awww!!! Thank you so much!I have no idea when I’ll continue. BattleREN is my baby and I love it, but life is stressful and eating all my free time. But this is not forgotten.Thank you so much for reaching out to me this way. I appreciate it a lot!
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screenviolense · 3 years
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“HOLOGRAPHIC, the first and only album by the artist R.E.N. appeared almost overnight to thunderous applause. Critics and audiences alike praised the debut album for it’s cutting lyricism, sharp vocals and unexpected self-awareness not common with many artists coming out of Night City with their polished personas coming straight off the billboard. The year of HOLOGRAPHIC was one of the best in pop music history and those few who got to witness it live will hold onto those memories for the rest of their lives. But as soon as R.E.N. appeared, she disappeared again and supposedly went completely off the grid. It raises the question: why would one of Night City’s most promising artist’s leave in what could be the beginning of a career to even rival some of the greats? Could it have something to do with label interference? What masterpieces could be laying on the cutting floor that we weren’t able to hear? Where is she now?
On that fateful night on October 28, 2076, R.E.N. closed out her concert with a raw rendition of her song “For the Last Time”. Little did the rest of us know how true those last words would be.”
- An excerpt from “Top 10 Unforgettable Albums of the 2070s (so far)” published by Antimusic Magazine
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screenviolense-a · 3 years
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          it was rare that she ever left home, given how nervous being out in public made her, but even extreme hermits needed to eat. maybe if she had turned on the radio, she would have known what would be waiting just around the corner.
         her grocery bag full of snacks and other unhealthy crap was held tightly as she approached, keeping her sunglasses on in hopes she could walk by without being bothered.
@malgatillo​ / starter call.
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