#✦ REN * V.001 i am the girl you want to watch
screenviolense · 1 year
@ofhatred sent: "How did you find me?" yori for ren
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  ' because you're like me. and this is where i would go too if i was storming out of my apartment without saying anything. ' wearing a hoodie and a pair of sunglasses, she stood out in the high end tea shop down the block from her apartment building, but that didn't stop her from taking the seat across from him. he wasn't prone to those kinds of emotional outbursts, at least not with her, so she had been quick to follow after.
  ' i want you to talk to me. ' she reached out to place her hand beside his. ' you listened to all of my problems. now it's my turn. '
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woodcries · 24 days
@cyberpawn sent: (For R.E.N. !!) “god, that's fucking cool.”
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a soft smile crossed the former pop star's lips as she held the door open to her rather expansive closet. a good amount of her on stage outfits had been cleaned out after she left, but there was still a good amount, along with some rather expensive toys that she'd kept on for occasional tinkering. by now, she imagined holograms and the like had advanced even more beyond the kind of special effects she was familiar with.
' i don't know if you'll find anything useful in here, but you're free to take a look. ' she moved to click on the light, illuminating the rather expansive closet.
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screenviolense · 1 year
@negronet sent: "you actually believed that shit?" david martinez to r.e.n. / angsty prompts
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  the former pop star resisted the urge to roll her eyes, only letting out a snort in response. yes, it seemed pretty obvious in retrospect that she had been a stupid, young pop star who was easy to take advantage of, but it had been different then. it was easy to get blinded, but she'd pulled away before it ended up being too much.
  ' yeah, i guess i did. ' ren sighed, pushing her hands through her hair. ' ...it happens sometimes. '
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screenviolense · 2 years
@yorinobu​ sent: 🎉 for ren
Send ’ 🎉 ’ to kiss my muse at midnight on New Years Eve.
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            ‘ honestly, i thought you might be throwing a party tonight. for appearances’ sake. i’m glad it’s empty here. ‘ his place still put her a little on edge, but that was just part of the arasaka brand, wasn’t it? she’d managed to dress up a little, hand smoothing over a plain black dress from before the fame and her following disappearance from the public eye. her hand smoothed over the broad line of his shoulder, squeezing gently at the muscle that bulged against his shirt before one finger rested under his chin. she tapped it, tipping his head down to her as she moved to kiss him when the fireworks started to go off below.
          ‘ happy new year, mr. ceo. ‘
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screenviolense · 3 years
@disintegratinq​ sent: ❛   wrap .   wrap  an  arm  around  my  muse’s  shoulders. -- for ren from kerry. listen theyre besties 
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           ‘ careful, you’re going to mess up my disguise. i just came to stop by and see how you were doing. ‘ the party was admittedly a lot for her, but it was only good sportsmanship to check up on those she used to collaborate with, and even some actual friends. she made sure to readjust the neon blue wig that was so unlike her signature red that no one would recognize her, especially with her oversized sunglasses.
              ‘ is this all for the new single? i can’t imagine how many people are going to end up here when the album finally drops. ‘
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screenviolense · 3 years
@yorinobu​ sent: can I dream for a few months more? — for ren!!!! 
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           ‘ i don’t know about months, but you can stay for breakfast at least. ‘ ren murmured, moving to roll on top of him and pushing the loose strands of hair from his face that had fallen out of the perfect slicked back hairstyle he always wore. her apartment had always been a safe haven from the kind of problems that plagued him when he went back to work and the real world and if she could, she would let him stay as long as he wanted.
           ‘ what do you feel like? ‘
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screenviolense · 3 years
@yorinobu​ sent: ❝  i love you.  and i know you don’t feel that way about me and that’s okay i just.  i wanted to get to say it at least once.  ❞ REN…… 
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          ‘ i-- what are you talking about? ‘ perhaps she wasn’t the most open about her feelings, but she didn’t think she gave the impression she didn’t care for him. her hand moved to rest on top of his, pulling him closer so he couldn’t walk away before she was done making her point.
           ‘ i know i don’t always... talk about things, but i thought it was better for both of us this way if we kept it as... detached as possible. i thought you liked it that way. ‘ she sucked in a breath, eyes remaining completely fixed on his hands so she didn’t lose her nerves. ‘ i care about you. a lot. ‘
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