screenviolense · 3 years
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          ‘ i don’t know how you did it, but nothing’s broken, just sprained. after crashing into a tree and all. ‘ marnie dropped the arm a little rougher than she needed to, turning back to her desk so she could write a few notes for his ever growing medical file. ‘ i should get you an eye test, because i don’t know if you’re blind or just too stupid to stay on the road. ‘
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screenviolense-a · 3 years
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          ‘ you were in the recording booth a long time, i thought you might need a bit of a pick me up. ‘ she held out the cup of tea, still steaming lightly. ‘ i didn’t know what your favorite was, so i had to guess. ‘
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aulephant · 3 years
“they wouldn’t have abandoned me, right?” — from lakshman to mohan, disintegratinq
What a shame, a mother, a father, and their child torn apart by the selfishness of one man. A powerful man in love with a powerful woman who had their hearts slain by the greed and wants of one man. A man who spokes in lies and would contort and twist every story in order to make the happy couple into a tragedy...And that man, that monster was none other than Pagan Min! A bastard! A righteous beast with no fucking soul, who tore Ishwari and Ajay from him, so it would only be fair and just to take back what was properly Mohan's.
He didn't want Ishwari. That wretched whore who fell into Pagan's advances simply for the power and money. She was far too gone, but what Mohan really wanted? He really wanted a family. A child. An heir. Someone to take the helm of The Golden Path when he died. A shadow to follow down his Golden Path. And, well, Lakshman would be a wonderful fit. Led to believe his parents abandoned him, that'd be enough fuel for the fire against the world.
"I'm so sorry, my dear son, but..." Kneeling down to look his boy in his eyes, Mohan's expression softened. "I wish I could tell you what they were thinking. It's clear, your parents must have gone mad to leave you in the cold to fend for yourself when you were so young. Although I cannot fix the past, Lakshman, I promise to you that I will not abandon you. I will always be here for you, to protect you from the monsters they threw you to."
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prvtocol · 3 years
>  @disintegratinq asked : “The only verdict is vengeance, a vendetta.” from oda
The hums and beeps of life support machines and biomonitors are incessant. The elite guard is lucky to be alive, let alone cognizant of his surroundings. But of course, Arasaka’s top security are trained and cyber-equipped to survive.
Questioning the man in this state is not ideal. Barely any time passed since the incident at the parade in Japantown. But Brianne needs to get to the bottom of the security breech as it speaks to a larger misstep in protocol. And something tells her, a gag order will soon pull the plug on her ability to do that.
She doesn’t push a man more broken by defeat than body, however. Her own lithe form stands respectfully at the side of his chair, perfect posture, her hands softly folded at her front. Crystalline blue eyes remain as compassionate as they are weighted in concern for these matters. There is a patient calm in her accented voice but it remains firm on objective. 
“I’m sure you will get your chance, Sandayusan. But right now, I need to ask you about what happened. May I sit?” She gestures to the chair nearby.
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reliqucry · 3 years
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            “if you want to go back, that’s fine with me.”             @disintegratinq​   /  /  : 
      “   trust me when i tell you i wouldn’t have expected you to be bothered   ,   not even for one second   .   ”
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   she’s trying her best hand at decency that allows for it   .   the debate between her and johnny was never-ending now   .   she fought him more than she agreed with him and they definitely didn’t see eye to eye on how to solve their joint problem   .   valerie being in the presence of high ranking arasaka yet again made her sick to her stomach   ,   the bodyguard didn’t make her feel any more comfortable   .   there was just something about it now   ,   after the termination that caused her to want to set herself on fire instead   ;   or maybe that was johnny   .   she wasn’t sure anymore   .   “   don’t worry   ,   handsome   ,   i’m not armed right now   .   what could i possibly do   ?   ”
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lethalhacks · 3 years
❛  arasaka.  ❜  white eyes watch him with curiosity,  ❛  the  fuck  does  an  arasaka  samurai  need  with  an  ex-militech  dweller?  ❜
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:  /  /  @disintegratinq​  /  oda  [  ...  ]  sc.txt.
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valheri-a · 3 years
             HER HANDS GO TO BICEPS, crossed arms.  pleather jacket crease into frowns where it’s squeezed too hard.  knowing in some vague shape & form that takemura sees her as little more than a vehicle to restore BALANCE in arasaka corporation.  a game that will primarily be played in the shadows.  it’s exhausting, really, to be relegated to the role of someone's ace.
❛ takemura called me a choom? ❜ she sighs, a NASTY EDGE to her question, ❛ ——well that’s cute, ❜
the echo of stilettos suggests WORDLESS movement from her end as he speaks so fondly of his katana with the elation rivaling that of a proud parent.  as it were, the only thing that seems to be able to coax a semblance of emotion from the man.  its blade dark as hemotoxic venom & refracting little to no light. ( a matte finish to conceal the blood it tastes so often !! )  has an unnatural look to it.  oda has an unnatural look to him.  tilts forward so that enlarged PINK IRISES can admire the craftsmanship.
❛ ——preem, ❜ extends an index finger to tap the brandished blade.  like a SCALPEL, even the lightest touch splits the dermis, then examine the damage without so much as batting a lash,  ❛ always down for round two.  one of us will die, tho’. ❜
sticks tip of finger into her MOUTH to sop up the weeping red liquid.
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                                                @disintegratinq​  -  continued from here.
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screenviolense · 3 years
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            ‘ i appreciate you coming to meet me. you’re very brave. ‘ or stupid. most of the other people she had tried to get in contact with, in the hopes she could find at least one whistleblower amongst them had the good sense to ignore her and some had the better sense to threaten her. he hadn’t, at least not yet. the sounds of the club would keep most of their conversation from being overheard by the wrong person. she waved for the bartender’s attention, having two drinks poured for them before pushing one his way.
             ‘ it’s on me. ‘
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screenviolense-a · 3 years
@disintegratinq​ sent: “I don’t want to pry, but.. I want you to know I also want to listen, if you want someone to talk to.” for luka from gaku 
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           she hadn’t realized he’d walked in, too focused on trying to decompress after a rather stressful performance. it was strange, being programmed specifically to be a pop star, but still getting so overwhelmed by the crowds. her shyer nature clashed so heavily with it all, she wondered why she was given it at all. she let out a sigh, pushing her hair from her face.
            ‘ it’s nothing. i just... if i’m honest, crowds always make me a little tense. especially with solos. ‘
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prvtocol · 3 years
BOLD all that applies to your muse. ITALIC what sometimes applies
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EYES:   blue | green | brown (natural) | hazel | gray | gray-blue | other
HAIR:   blond | sandy | brown | black (natural) | auburn | ginger | grey | white | multi-color | other (platinum blond, dyed)
BODY-TYPE:   skinny  | slender | slim | built | curvy | athletic  | average | muscular | pudgy | overweight
SKIN: pale | light | fair | freckled | tan | olive | medium | dark | discolored | other
GENDER: male | female | trans | cis | agender | demigender | genderfluid | other | doesn’t like labels
SEXUALITY:   heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other | unsure | doesn’t like labels
ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:   homoromantic | heteromantic | biromantic | panromantic | aromantic | demiromantic | unsure | doesn’t like labels
SPECIES: human | undead | shapeshifter | demon | angel | witch | ghost | incubus / succubus | werewolf | alien | mutant | android | vampire | other
EDUCATION:   high school | college | university | master’s degree | PhD | entirely self taught | ged | other
I’VE BEEN:   in love | hurt | ill | mentally abused | bullied | physically abused | tortured | brainwashed | shot
POSITIVE TRAITS:    affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming | confident | creative | cunning | determined | forgiving | generous | honest | humorous | intelligent | loyal | modest | patient | selfless | polite | down-to-earth | diligent | romantic | moral | fun-loving | charismatic | calm
NEGATIVE TRAITS:   aggressive | bossy | cynical | envious | shy | fearful | greedy | gullible | jealous | impatient | impulsive | cocky | reckless | insecure | irresponsible | mistrustful | paranoid | possessive | sarcastic | self-conscious | selfish | swears | unstable | clumsy | rebellious | emotional | vengeful | anxious | self-sabotaging | self-sacrificing | moody | peevish | angry | pessimistic | slacker | thick skinned | overly dramatic | argumentative | dangerous | prideful | gluttonous
LIVING SITUATION:   lives alone | lives with parents or guardian | lives with significant other | lives with friends | drifter | homeless | lives with children | verse dependent  |  other
PARENTS / GUARDIAN:   mother | father | adoptive | aunt | uncle | foster | grandmother | grandfather | other
SIBLING(S):  sister | brother | none | other | biological | adopted
RELATIONSHIP:   single | crushing | dating | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated | verse dependent
THINGS I’VE DONE BEFORE: had alcohol | smoked | stolen | done drugs | self-harmed | starved | had sex | had a threesome | had a one-night stand | gotten into a fist fight | gone to a hospital | gone to jail | used a fake ID | played hooky | gone to a rave | killed someone | had someone try to kill them 
tagged by: no one (: tagging: @dullahaunt (kron) ; @dunadaneth ; @mindsmade (v) ; @valheri ; @adateur ; @vishapsking ; @cllgood ; @reliqucry ; @interaconteur​ ; @mercysought​ (v) ; @disintegratinq (any muse) ; you!
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lethalhacks · 3 years
what tragedy are you?
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you are pentheus from the bacchae by euripides, and you hold yourself so tightly wound together and so perfectly in place that even the slightest push will make you shatter. you are determined, you are headstrong, and you are addicted to pushing yourself to your farthest limits just to see when you'll snap. you find comfort in tradition, order, and authority, because that's where you are allowed to be blind to the darkness inside you. once in a while, give into the temptation and the chaos you keep denying yourself. it's the only way to not be afraid anymore.
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tagged by: no one, stole it. tagging: @miiskatonic  /  for any muse, @torntruth / any muse, @valheri, @fauxvisage / @rogueseeker / @roguedallas, @initcne, @roguegl1tch, @serenitysought​, @disintegratinq​ / any muse, @mindsmade​ / any muse, @thefixer​  everyone. do it n say i tagged u.
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valheri-a · 3 years
what tragedy are you?
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you are medea from from the argonautica by apollonius & medea by euripides. you are ambitious, ruthless, & unforgiving in getting what you want, & unapologetic in your self-preservation. the truth is, you have let your romantic ideals get the better of you before, & time & time again you have had to relearn how to build up those walls & thorns that guard it. the only person who can protect you is yourself, & you have learned that the hard way. sometimes stoking that fire of hate & anger in your heart hurts more than whatever you're fighting against.
tagged by: @vishapsking​ , @lethalhacks​ & @prvtocol​ ( ty you guys!!!!  🥰 😘 i give u each some cookies!! )
tagging: @torntruth ( judy ) , @streetknown , @silverhandj , @sevient , @arako​ , @disintegratinq ( oda ) , @aenrchists ( alt ) ! 
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nacht-schade · 11 years
Hey, I would love to help you with a network! I've made plenty so I know my shit xxxx
haha great, exactly what i need! i'll write down your url! x
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screenviolense · 3 years
@disintegratinq​​ sent: ❛   patch .   help  my  muse  patch  up  a  wound .  for rebecca from james :3  ( @sanctumn​​ )
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           rebecca held in a hiss as he spread some kind of poultice he’d gotten from new eden, forcing her eyes to look somewhere else to keep her mind off of the stinging on the burn. fucking highwaymen and their fucking cocktails. hadn’t they been through enough? the world after the bombs fell was already hard enough without her having to stamp out a fire and recover whatever she could before it spread and claimed a corner of prosperity and the surrounding forest.
          ‘ why were you even there? ‘ rebecca murmured, wincing. ‘ thinking about joining up with them? ‘
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screenviolense-a · 3 years
@disintegratinq​ sent: “Is this okay?” for kinsey from floyd 
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          she kept reminding herself that it was him who was holding her now, that it was his hand resting on the side of her neck, not to hurt but as a sign that he was there. still it was easy to feel the nerves rise up again, her breath quickening ever so slightly. her eyes flickered to his, looking sheepish before they darted back down. the scar had faded a little over the past year, but it was still as raw and red to her as the day she first saw it in the mirror.
          ‘ it’s fine. ‘ she managed after a long pause before clearing her throat and looking down. ‘ well... maybe that’s enough for now. ‘
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boerlyn · 11 years
I'll follow you tonight, georgia_sparks (i'm at school) Could i have a detailed blog rate? xx
thank you x 
url: 9.5/10
posts: 10/10
theme: 100/10
overall: 100/10
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