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waterfallofspace · 2 years ago
Breaking Windows & Walls
The one in which R/anpo must save P/oe (for a change) and discovers the reason his dear accomplice was captured. And then, once they’re safe, R/anpo discovers something else, this time about himself.
Requested by the dear @onetrickponi. I hope I didn't make you wait tooooo long, and hopefully this can help give you a little distraction right now <333 (Not sure how well I did the 'language' part, but I hope you can enjoy it anyways~!)
The Request: - R/anpo helping out P/oe, (role reversal from canon) - R rescuing P, P has a raging head cold, R figures out quickly, (P can silent stifle, but the shuddering is hard to miss) - P is sleeping, R admires him, and is fascinated with getting P to sneeze freely
Characters: P/oe, R/anpo (R/anpoe ship lightly implied) ft. T/anizaki Word Count: 3.4k (a 'ficlet' she said, lying. Sorry hahaha~)
~~~ Windows ~~~
It should have been straightforward. 
The intel was carefully collected, each step was crafted with precision. The script was perfect and the stage was set. Ranpo even deduced how it would all go down. It should have been straightforward, there was no room for errors. 
“Instead, I’m stuck breaking into a building at three am all alone because no one else wants to wake up for a rescue mission.” Kneeling next to the basement window, Ranpo finds himself monologuing. Not an uncommon occurrence, simply a side effect of the incredible deduction ability!
Placing his jacket against the glass, Ranpo directs a firm blow, and- ouch, that was harder than expected.  The following crash elicits a yelp from the detective tied to a chair in the middle of the moonlit room. Sliding through the frame with ease, Ranpo lands gracefully, flashing a smirk towards his colleague. 
“Care to explain how you got caught using my brilliant plan, Poe-kun?” 
The bleary gaze he gets in return answers all on its own. Still, Ranpo finds himself waiting for the vocalized response, bowing slightly in one of his favourite poses. Poe simply watches him, an unfamiliar look resting behind his eyes. Maybe drugged? 
“That wasn’t a rhetorical question,” Ranpo demands, foot starting to tap against the glass splattered floor. Each crunch leaves Poe wincing, his lips parted in what Ranpo can only assume is a scowl, quite rude seeing as this is a rescue operation. 
“How did you find me?” Poe replies, a quiet undertow of exhaustion to his words. Ranpo decides to ignore the way he dodged the question, instead taking a new stance, hands against his hips.
“You missed check in.” 
This response seems to stick in the air, Poe tilting his head towards the window. “Has… has it really been that long?” 
“We don’t have all night, the guards are on break for now but they’ll be back in four minutes. Probably assumed you wouldn’t be able to get out on your own,” Ranpo offers, clicking open his knife, and beginning to slice the rope. “I don’t blame them, how were they to know I was coming to your aid.” As the rope falls limp against the ground, Ranpo turns to the window, beginning to climb up. 
He’s halted as a voice sounds out, timid yet clear. “I can’t climb through there.” 
Without casting a glance back, Ranpo tosses his reply over his shoulder. “I put my jacket over the glass, it’s perfectly safe, you won’t get cut. Now, stop hesitating, we have to go. My rescue, like all my plans, is flawless if you follow my instructions.” 
Based on the weighted sigh and crunching beginning to sound off from behind him, it seems the words got their point across. 
Along with one more noise, he can’t quite place. “hh’kngt-! ngxt-! ngt’chh-!” 
Once they’re both through the window, Ranpo leads the way, watching his breath swirl through the chilled night air. Maybe using your only coat to break a window isn’t the best plan. 
“So, are you planning to tell me how exactly you got captured?” Ranpo begins, spinning on his heel to gaze at the detective- 
-not following him? Still at the window, Poe’s back is towards him, body dipping in rapid succession. Even without his coat, the edge of cold in the air is dulled, certainly not sharp. It shouldn’t be leading to this level of shivering, he’d deduced early on it might be unpleasant, but not full shivering…? 
“Poe-kun, are you alri-” 
At the noise, Poe whips around to face Ranpo, pink staining his pale cheekbones. “I’m so sorry, Ranpo-kun, that one escaped, it was just… I was distracted and…” 
Ranpo begins to piece together the series of events that led them here. They didn’t speak in person, instead texted. Being careful with wording, it was easy to get away with his affliction. The deductions didn’t take into account Poe’s altered mental state from the fever, and… this leaves only one conclusion. 
“Why didn’t you tell me you were sick?” 
This seems to catch Poe off guard, further evidence towards the conclusion being correct. He raises a hand back to his face, this time not turning around as he crushes a few more bursts silently into his palm.
Once the attack dies down, Poe lifts his voice, head remaining bowed. “I’m not… I’m not sick. Just something in the air doesn’t agree with… it doesn’t agree with me! That’s all.” The statement is punctuated with a sharp cough that leaves his breath rising into the air, mimicking the eyebrow raise Ranpo points his way. 
“You’re sick. I don’t even need to use deduction to figure that out,” Ranpo pauses, pulling out his glasses with a flick of the wrist. The panicked look he receives confirms his further suspicions as he continues. “But I could use it to figure out exactly what went wrong, if you refuse to tell me.” 
The truth is, both of them already know what went down. Poe was supposed to infiltrate the cell with a carefully constructed ruse, and said ruse didn’t account for the fevered slurring. Since each exact line was crucial to the interaction, slipping up was a dead giveaway. Add the fits that left him breathless, and he was basically a rabbit walking into a wolf den. 
Easy prey. And even easier to avoid, if all facts had been given from the start. 
“There’s no need for that, Ranpo-kun. I’m… I’m well aware that if… if you… hh-!” Dipping back into his palm, Poe stifles the next few bursts.
“nchh-! en’chh-! nchhh-! nn’chh-!” Each sound is no louder than a gust of air. If he wasn’t in the middle of a sentence, maybe Ranpo wouldn’t have noticed at all.   
Instead, he finds himself studying Poe. They seem to come in sets, rapid-fire bursts that build intensity as they’re suppressed. Poe’s knees buckle as he leans against the wall, the final one nearly scraping its way out again. As the fit subsides, it leaves only a breathless “gnxt’chh-!” to show it existed at all. 
Without a word, Ranpo drapes Poe’s arm over his shoulders, bearing the majority of his weight. Lips part, a refusal starting to bloom on his tongue, but Ranpo shuts it down with a single look. Once he’s confident the remaining gap is only for breathing, they begin their journey back towards the car. Finally. 
A few steps in, Poe begins to shudder against him. The fever shouldn’t be this bad, not this fast, is he sicker than previously thought? Maybe it’s chills, those can cause- Oh. 
Catching a glimpse of the undeniably itchy look on Poe’s face, the answer is suddenly obvious. Almost ridiculous he didn’t catch on before, Poe was just doing it. Still, these are even quieter than before, each stifle perfectly silenced. Not even a brush of air escapes from his pinched nose. 
“Blessings, Poe-kun.” 
Given the horror that passes through Poe’s eyes, you’d have thought Ranpo stabbed him. And even so, the words seem to have that effect, his breath growing faint as he nearly knocks himself to the ground attempting to face Ranpo. 
“Wha- what?” Poe stammers, eyes beginning to show through his hair as the wind brushes a few strands from his rose coloured cheeks. Ranpo can’t help but chuckle at the sight, he can be quite adorable at times… 
“It’s a blessing,” even while teasing, Ranpo can’t help himself from providing the explanation, despite Poe clearly knowing already. “In western culture, people offer one when someone is suffering with sternutations.” 
“Y- yeah I know-”
“Seeing as you’re fluent in English, and originally from America, I thought it appropriate to partake in the culture you’d be more familiar with,” Ranpo lowers his voice, eyes meeting Poe’s in a gaze that almost feels too personal. There’s a slight water beginning to run down Poe’s cheeks, and Ranpo decides not to think too much into that, problems for another day. 
“Thank you, Ranpo-kun,” Poe begins, turning away for a minute with a hushed noise. 
Well that won’t do. “Speak up, I can’t understand you when you’re muttering. It’s like trying to interpretare Karl’s noises.” 
The flush deepens as the floor seems to grow in interest rapidly to Poe. “I- it just… sometimes… well uh so just… sometimes it gets hard to not be speaking in… my language. Especially when the words are already… a little fuzzy.” 
“From the fever,” Ranpo finishes, ignoring the pleas of ‘no’ and ‘I’m fine’ that burst almost as rapidly as the previous fits. There’s a beat of silence, Poe leaning back against Ranpo as his knees begin to shake again, Ranpo trying to ignore the way… holding him up feels, almost protective. 
“I guess we do speak in my language most of the time, don’t we?” 
Poe doesn’t meet his eye, instead ducking into his wrist with another stifle, this time it slips through his defenses. “eh’gnxtieww-!” 
Letting his voice blow warm air against Poe’s ear, Ranpo begins to speak again. His accent is flawed, and the words are rough around the edges, but the sentence is grammatically perfect English.
“Bless you, Edgar. Let’s get you home.”  
There’s a sharp inhale in reply, though if it’s from the English or another sneeze is anyone's guess. Pulling him closer, Ranpo continues back to the car, without a coat he’s starting to freeze out here, both detectives being sick isn’t gonna help anyone. 
A noise breaks the silence after a few minutes. It’s soft, Poe’s accent dulled by the familiar American tones. “Thank you, Ranpo.” 
~~~ Walls ~~~ 
As the car door closes, both detectives breathe a sigh of relief. As always, Ranpo’s foresight was excellent, leaving the car running so the backseat was warmed. Poe still shivers violently, Ranpo sighing as the shuddering devolves back into another silent fit. Each jerking motion is followed by a wince, his sinuses clearly upset at the abuse. 
Regardless, pressing the issue further is sure to lead to more denials, so Ranpo lets it go, however obvious the infliction may be. Almost insulting at this point to act like it’s not noticeable. 
“I called Kunikida to pick us up, since I can’t drive us home, and…” Ranpo leaves ‘you’re in no state’ unsaid. “Though I suspect he’ll be sending Tanizaki in his place. His schedule doesn’t allow for such early morning adventures.” 
“Genius as always, Ranpo-kun,” Poe replies, doubling over into his lap as the words bring another set of coughs along for the ride. Ranpo can’t help flinching at the noises, which… of course Poe noticed, and pulled away.
“Hey,” Ranpo says, softening his voice. “That doesn’t sound too good. Should I call Kunikida back and ask him to bring some Esutakku Eve Fine?” 
Poe chuckles lightly in response, rewarded with another harshly stifled sneeze for his efforts. “eh’gznnxch-! Despide livig here for years dnow, I’b still dot caughdt up with medicadtions.”  
The congestion barely hides the exhaustion starting to lace his words, and he continues to mumble something Ranpo only catches as ‘Quill’ and ‘brand names’. 
It wasn’t an answer for ‘should I call Kunikida’, but Ranpo easily deduces that at nearly six am, he wouldn’t be picking up anyways. As these deductions start to fade away, Ranpo feels a weight hit his shoulder. Eyes turn down to find Poe slumped against him. 
For a moment, a single moment, all his logic is void, and Ranpo finds himself panicking. Did Poe just faint? The fever was bad, but it shouldn’t have been passing out levels of bad- Maybe calling Kunikida is the right choice after all, or maybe Dazai, he’d actually answer, or mayb Atsu- 
The panicked rantings are cut off by congested snores starting to fill the silent air. Logic takes its seat back at the forefront of his mind as Ranpo feels his breathing slow to normal. He’s just sleeping. Given how sick he is, and the events of last night, that makes complete sense. 
Gently lifting his arm, Ranpo watches Poe curl closer to his chest, a slight hum breaking free from his chapped lips. In this moment, this quiet peace, Ranpo finds himself bathing in the beauty radiating from the heat-kissed detective in his arms. 
As light peeks in through the glass, the warm colours wash over Poe’s delicate features, gliding across his fever-stained cheeks. A feeling starts to form in Ranpo’s mind, one that jumps down into his gut. All the deduction in the world wouldn’t be enough to pinpoint this feeling, and none was even tried. 
Ranpo feels his breath catch as Poe stirs, reaches a hand up, and stifles into his wrist. A slight wisp of air escapes, “en’chh-!” not as silent as before, yet still nothing at all like a real sneeze. As he curls back in, the snoring beginning anew, Ranpo finds himself grappling with a new fact. 
He wants to see Poe let them out.
Stifling even in his sleep, it’s just… it’s so controlled, and so careful, and so nervous, and- Ranpo just wants to see it set free. To watch Poe let it go, and completely open up. 
Careful not to wake him, feeling his heartbeat in his throat, Ranpo angles himself so Poe’s head is resting in his lap, and sets to work. He gently traces the bridge of Poe’s nose with his finger, pressing at the tip. He can feel it pulse at the touch, a quiver running through his nostrils that spreads down Ranpo’s entire body in response. 
Still, despite the irritation, it doesn’t seem to be enough. So, reaching into his pocket, Ranpo pulls out a tissue he’d left there days earlier. Unused, of course, though it wouldn’t stay that way for long. Despite knowing the procedure, he’d never performed the action before. 
Ranpo felt his hands tremble as he twisted a corner into a point, running it along his hand to test. It’s soft, leaving sensations not unlike a tickle along his skin. This should be ideal. Glancing over towards Poe, Ranpo finds his heartbeat speeding up, his breaths coming shallow and fast. 
His hand reaches down, sliding the tool into its intended target. He twirls it around a few times, dragging it up and down each inch of skin inside Poe’s nose. Ranpo watches how his face contorts with irritation. Noting what spots make his nostrils flare, and how if he drags it across certain areas Poe’s breath with catch. 
Using this to guide the instrument, Ranpo swirls it deeper, delight filling his lungs as a twitch runs through Poe’s body, spreading from his nose down through his back into his hands. Finally he gives the tissue a sharp twist, and Poe’s entire nose quivers in response. There, finally found the spot. 
Gently guiding it back and forth, eliciting breathy hums, Ranpo watches the sheen begin to form on the rims of Poe’s nostrils, the tip of his nose scrunching, lashes fluttering despite his eyes remaining closed. After what feels like a lifetime, there’s a final shaky inhale. 
“hh’ekshhhiee-!” The sneeze breaks free, unrestrained but soft. There’s a tired edge to it, the breathless sound matching the way Ranpo feels his vision beginning to swim. 
Conscious, but not quite awake, Poe manages to raise a hand to his face in time to catch the next batch. “hh’izzshhiew-! ah’kezzshhiee-! kzzehshhhiew-!” They’re a touch harsher, his voice starting to fill them out. 
Poe’s eyes drag open, just to slam shut again as his fingers begin to tighten around his nose. A sudden panic that he can’t quite explain fills Ranpo’s throat, his words starting to fall out rough and scattered. He grabs Poe’s wrist, light yet firm, and meets the confused gaze with a gentle one of his own.
“Don’t stifle them.” 
Gasping in response, Poe manages to nod, before ducking into his hands with the first real fit he’s had since Ranpo rescued him and this god-awful cold he’s brought with him. 
“aH’KZSHhhuew-! keh’ZSHHhhiew-! huh’kNZSHhiee-! ak’nzehhhieew-!” 
“Bless you, Poe-kun,” Ranpo murmurs, captivated by the display.
“Tha… thagk- hH’ENZShhiew-!” Poe manages to pause long enough to let out a sniffle, rubbing his nose frantically as his eyes cloud over again. “Oh, sguse mbe- ah’TNZSHhiehh-! hh’INGZShh’iew-!” 
Another blessing slips off Ranpo’s tongue, as naturally as breathing, despite the rarity of such customs in his world. Poe doesn’t seem to notice this one, too caught in the whirlwind of hitching and sneezing. His sinuses seem the type to ‘resent and remember’, not forgive and forget. 
“ah’tzshhuuee-! Oh Christ- ahhh… heH- knZESHhiew-! hh’eNGZSH’diew-! hH- guhhh…” Finally seeming to get a break, Poe turns to Ranpo, the tips of his ears starting to adopt that beautiful pink sheen.
Wiping the tears from his eyes, he speaks up, voice still holding that breathless sound that follows a sneeze. “Was there a purpose to that, Ranpo-kun?” 
For one of the first times that he can remember, in his entire life, Ranpo finds himself speechless. There’s no answer. There’s no logic to back this choice. It was just… a choice. And… there’s no regret, it felt like the right choice… feels like the right choice. 
Before he can stop it, he finds himself starting to speak. “I just… wanted to see you let it go.” 
Poe smiles, a gentle sort of look that brings Ranpo’s heartbeat right back into his throat. When Poe begins to speak again, that breathless sound is still there, this time matching the way his nose is shaking. “Well.. if- ihhh… if you wish it so, let it… lehhh… let it be.” 
“Are you su-”
“hH’GNZSHhhiew-!” Through his hands, Poe manages to shoot Ranpo an awkward smile. “I dohh… hNZSHhh’diew-! I don’t think I cou… could…. ak’tnESHhziew-! Could stop even if… even…” 
He trails off, staring at the roof of the car as his tongue starts to press through his lips. Shallow little breaths sound from his lungs, each one seeming to leave him itchy, but not quite over the edge. Ranpo reaches over and taps his nose, before realizing… why? That wasn’t thought through, there was no reason behind that, but… 
Poe lets out a faint moan of relief, raising his hands back to his face. “Thankyou- eH’TIEZZSHH’iee-! ingzshhhiee-! ah’kntzsshuu-!” 
“Bless you again. Are-” Ranpo’s cut off by a yelp, nearly jumping out of his skin as a knock on the window has Poe bashing his head on the roof. They both stare towards the source of the noise, jumping again as the front door of the car opens, and Tanizaki climbs into the driver's seat. 
“Whoops, didn’t mean to scare you there. Sorry for the wait, Kunikida-san didn’t give me a lot of warning, and I didn’t want to wake Naomi so I had to be careful sneaking out,” Tanizaki offers, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck as matching glares are pointed his way. “I guess I could have given you a little heads up before just knocking on the window…!” 
“Maybe a little, yeah,” Ranpo replies, an edge to his voice that he can’t quite place. Why is it there…? At least, until Poe sniffles against his wrist, the fit clearly not over. Oh… that’s why. 
“Oh, are you feeling okay?” Tanizaki asks, beginning to start the car. Poe can’t reply, breath stolen by the overwhelming itch that’s not quite ready to let him go. 
“hh’kNXGT-! ek’gZNT’chh-! hehh- hH’EZNCHH-!” The stifles are punctuated by harsh gasps, and light moans as each seems to only send the tickle deeper into his sinuses.
Tanizaki opens his mouth to respond, but is quickly cut off as Poe lets out a whine, and the sneezes begin to burst forth, too desperate to be suppressed. “ek’ZIESHHiee-! hh’ENGKZSHh’diuew-! ah’TIEZSHhuu-!” 
Poe gasps in between, struggling to get a sentence out as the blush deepens against his pale skin. “I’b- eh’tkzshhiew-! I’b sorry- hH’ENZSHhhiew-!” 
Feeling the burning sensation starting to bubble up again, Ranpo bites his tongue, instead pulling Poe into his chest, hiding him from Tanizaki’s line of sight. With a smirk, and barely contained irritation, he offers, “Please drive us home. Poe-kun needs to get to bed.”
“Got it,” Tanizaki replies, the sincerity in his voice starting to dull the simmering feeling in Ranpo’s gut. “Hope you feel better soon!” 
Poe manages to stall the coughing long enough to get out a weak “Thangs, eh’ktzshhieu-!” ducking back into Ranpo’s chest. 
At a calculated volume, one only Poe will hear, Ranpo speaks up with one last English phrase. “Bless you, Ed. I will care for you.” 
With a slight hum, Poe lets his eyes shut once more, the whirr of the car and the soft touch of Ranpo’s embrace guiding him back into a much needed sleep. 
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goodlucksnez · 2 years ago
TW: coughing, sneezing (duh) noseblowing, hitching. General police/detective talk
Summery: After recent events some crimes catch the eye of the armed detective agency when murders begin to increase they send out their best detective Ran//po with his superior ku//nikida. However will the little guy be up for it he seems a little under the weather, or will be fall short of everyone expectations.
hi y'all i wrote this before i went into the psy ward but finally got around to re-recording this today. Basically I wanted to torture ra//npo because he is voiced by one of my favorite voice actors and he is a little cinnamon bun so I made this. I had the officers voiced by the lovely @onetrickponi
I love this show B/SD has giving me brain rot. Sadly theses are not my favorite characters aku is my favorite and will always be
(also because i am edging the villain in this wears a plague doctor mask)
hope this is good enjoy <3
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year ago
so, kyotag, your super honest opinion about bsd characters please (aka, who is your fave and who is your least fave. i promise, i am not trying to get you 'cancelled', i am just curious!) 🎤
Ever since I've gotten this ask I've been trembling, I don't think I can ever give bsd honest opinions for the sake of my own future mental sanity LMAO. The upside is, I can talk plenty of the characters I like!!
My favourite character is Kenji! For real, ahah. I'm just always drawn to characters that are just... Good. little guys only trying to do their best and be kind. I suppose there's also a factor of “that's who I want to be” that makes me like them in particular. I don't like the direction they went for Kenji's character in chapter 100.5, but really? I wasn't particularly let down by it either, like it's so fundamentally coherent with the worldview bsd expresses, if anything it was chapter 13 that was out of the scheme. I'm a professional canon ignorer at this point and I'll keep doing just that ahah.
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↑ Saw this scene for the first time in the anime, went “Slay! Communist king!”, and he's been my favourite ever since lol.
Although, if we count in Beast, then my favourite character overall must be Beast Atsushi. I mean, have you seen him... Most fucked up guy ever. He went through unimaginable trauma and he still kept being so soft at his core. He just wants to live but everyone is making it so hard for him. He cares for Kyouka so much and he cares for Dazai so much and (to me) he cares for Akutagawa so much like little traumatized boy how did you manage to save all that love in you despite the Horrors. I can't put in words how much I love him but really he's the only character I can say I really sympathize with, like, I want good things to happen to him. I want him to spend the rest of his life coddled and adored.
I love all the female characters <3 I ADORE Kyouka, I think among the other female characters she's the most multilayered and complex character with a structured and compelling story arc. I think she's seriously nice, I really love this stark contrast between her sharp, cynical side and her side that is so sweet and kind and so utterly 14 y/o, and I love how these two sides aren't really in conflict but just come to be together and make her so authentically Kyouka. She's so dear to me. Also, she's the only female character who can compete with the s.kk / ss.kk four for the role of main character, so like, I'm rooting for her ahah.
I adore Yosano for self-explanatory reasons lmao. The chapters of her backstory may not be my absolute favourites for a mere matter of personal taste but I definitely think they make for the best written chapters in the whole manga. I really like how sensitive she is of others' suffering, I think she's amazing– I think her compassion is truly amazing. I want to read more stories of unapologetically compassionate characters. I also generally really really love “older sister” kind of characters!!
I love Kouyou with all I've got. I'm sorry, I genuinely think her story was this good on mistake, but still. I think her backstory makes her genuinely intriguing, I think she's extremely cool and powerful and a joy to see in action, I think toxic mother / daughter relationships are super fun to explore, I think she deserves so much more spotlight and should be back as soon as possible.
I love Mitchell lmao. Like I know it may not look like it but I truly think about her 24/7. I just love women that are kinda silly and over the top. She's got like four lines and every single one is a gem and I adore all of them. She's got those big evident flaws and they make her so human and likeable!!! She's my best friend. Not to mention how loyal she is and how much she cares about her family, I really like those traits of her. Oh, and gowns! I love love love gowns.
Okay but seriously I love all female characters. I didn't like Lucy in particular at the start but she's really grown on me and now I adore her with everything. Wells is spectacular and I need her back as soon as possible. Every woman I didn't mention, from Higuchi to Egawa, believe me I love with all my heart.
I went off a tangent I'm so sorry </3 I know you asked for one character, but how can I not mention the others??? It's just been so long for me in the fandom now and I just can't but grow attached. And I've got so much untapped love for women I never get to talk about on my silly blog that focuses on two men. Following up the list, would be Akutagawa. And I don't want to talk about him because I suppose there's no need to after having made one trillion posts about him but also can I just say? I like him for the same exact reasons I like Kenji. She's just a guy trying to be good. The difference is that he sucks so bad at it, and it makes him SO fun to explore as a character. I really have so much fun playing with him. Then would be Tachihara, Jouno...
... ........................ For the characters I like least, I suppose, R/anpo. I'm so sorry peoples. In R/anpo's case, it's just... Why do you have to be so mean and disrespectful all the time. Seriously, dude. Why is he always treating others as less than he is. I'm sorry, I really am, but I just can't help but find it displeasant? Like it takes zero energy to treat other people with common human decency, c'mon dude. At least Akutagawa is trying to do better, but everyone treats R/anpo like he's entitled to be a jerk? Idk man.
K/unikida. In his case, I Do Get why he's the way that he is (and genuinely can relate to him to an extent), it's just... For the way I am, I consider to try and forcibly impose your own ideals on other people to be about the most insulting thing you can do. And he does that a lot, with Atsushi and Dazai and everyone else. He also has this whole forced lack of empathy thing going on like... I get why he does that, and I get what he went through that made him like he is, but that doesn't change the fact you're kinda being a dick to everyone all the time dude. Please get some therapy.
That doesn't mean there aren't moments when I've genuinely liked them both and found them seriously cool!!!! I still think K/unikida is an interesting character and I genuinely get why people like him. I love the helicopter scene, I remember when I was reading the manga for the first time, when he said “no one ruins my schedule”, I was like, whaa, I was completely in awe. For R/anpo too, the Untold Origins arc from what I could see from the anime was really nice, and I also highly enjoy that one scene of his in chapter 81, the “To tell the truth, I had absolutely no assurance they'd believe me”.
Thank you for the ask Nyusa!! I hope you could find this at least a little bit interesting (?). If anything, now you know a little more about me, ahah. Also not talking about Dazai this time because really I can't be here the whole day.
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heartthrummed-a · 3 years ago
what if i just brought back a bunch of my old bsd muses since i’m apparently in that mood
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carnival-core · 6 years ago
One thing before I do sleep ... I watched only four episodes of bungalo strayed django and already have a few characters I love Allot ... like “potential future self ship” kinda love allot , and there’s a character from s2 who I feel I’ll love a shit ton too . So like off to a good start
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tipsyslay-moved · 3 years ago
I think I will write an essay on r/anpo being obviously autistic coded and how angry I feel towards the treatment he's given from the readers because of it. also putting that slash there so people will stop finding my posts.
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tiffycat · 4 years ago
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Ranpoe week day 1 - Library/Seasons
You have to dress appropriately for the seasons
(Based off a scene from Delta Airlines (Because Life Is A Nightmare) )
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r-anpo · 4 years ago
W3LC0ME ‎ •᷄ࡇ•᷅ ?!?
## t𖦹_
r-anpo ‹𝟹
ᵒᵐᵍ ¡¿
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(꜆˶ᵔᵕᵔ˶)꜆  WH4T 1 M4K3 !!! 🗑 pinterest!!
★ anime icons, locs + users
☆ maybe layouts + wallpapers
★ a lil kpop :>
(꜆˶ᵔᵕᵔ˶)꜆  SUM RUL3S !!! 🗑
☆ eng only !! [ gmt ]
★ specific reqs pls ! ignoring all
that are vague >:|
☆ i do most anime ^_^
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BSD Hogwarts AU
All over the world, there are growing numbers of witches and wizards with very strange abilities, even by the Wizarding World’s standards. To help these ability users, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has started an exchange program to help these students gain control and understanding over their powers.
This is basically just a Bungou Stray Dogs Hogwarts AU that I thought of while I was bored (lockdown has been doing that to us all lol). I’m going to be making a series of posts for the characters with their lives in this Hogwarts AU.
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waterfallofspace · 2 years ago
Could you do 72 for r/anpo and p/oe with p/oe as the sick one
Thank you for the ask~~ I can indeed!! First time attempting them, so hopefully it's enjoyable~! (also gotta give credit to onetrickponi for her incredible idea of Karl's tail inducing sneezes from a wav she did that I've absolutely used here, hope that's alright~) 1.9k words, prompt 72, story under cut! 72. Person A hasn’t been sleeping due to work, and they of course get sick. Despite Person B’s wishes, Person A continues to sneak out of bed and stay up late to get more work done, and Person B is not happy. (Slight warning for anxiety and high fevers, just in case anyone doesn't like those!)
The faint light coming in through the window is more than enough for Poe to work with. Pen scratching against paper. Bathing in the moonlight. This has always been his favourite way to compose a novel. Something about the way the light feels soft, and the motions of your hand as you form words, it just feels right.
A drop of sweat makes its journey across his forehead, lunging for the paper until he catches it in his sleeve. ‘The fever is probably getting worse…’ His thoughts are cloudy, but somehow it’s making the words even easier to grasp. As if they’re practically begging to flow onto the page, climbing from his mind down into his pen. 
The noise drags Poe out of the daze, tearing the paper as he manages to drag his eyes up to greet the source. The source in question is wearing a scowl and leaning against the doorframe, eyes shadowed by the hat drooping over his face.
“R- Ranpo… I was- eh’kschh’ieew-! Sorry- I was just, uh- hh’ekzzziew-tezzshh’iew-! Sorry- just w- working on… something…” 
“What you should be doing is coming back to bed. I don’t even need to use deduction to see that you’re sick.”
“No, no, I’m quite alright. I’m simpl- simply… heH’keDZZshh’iew-! Sorr-”
“On top of that, I’m pretty sure I remember you promising to sleep tonight. Something about how you  haven’t slept in three days, if I’m not mistaken. Which I never am.” 
“I’m absolutely fine, I just need to- uhh’dEZZhhh’ieew-! finish a few more chapters and my latest masterpiece will be completed! It will astound you, you won- won’t… notagain- uh’gzzsshh’iew-! eh’kNGzsshhieew-! Sorry…” 
Ranpo tilts his head, emerald green eyes revealing themselves. It’s all Poe can do to keep himself from blushing. ‘It seems no matter how many times I see them, I’m never prepared… I wonder if he… feels the same about mi- no. Focus, gotta convince him I can still wri-’ The thought is cut off by Ranpo’s boot tapping against the hardwood floor. 
“What I will or won’t do is irrelevant. You aren’t able to complete a full sentence without sneezing.”
“That’s nohuHh-! not true. See? I executed that sentence to perfection without int- interuHH-! huH’KnGT’shiew-!”
“Without interruption?”
“eNGt-! ih’dknzzt-! Sorry… Correct, Ranpo. As usual.” 
The words are laced with jealousy, but they can both hear the admiration simmering just before the surface, waiting for a chance to be expressed. Ranpo seems content to accept the praise without acknowledgment, focusing on the task at hand. ‘Just like a true detective. Not sidetracked by mere personal matters. I was never able to match that determination…’ 
“You’ve been falling into the same pattern for weeks, staying up until you pass out, sleeping for a full day, then repeating. We’re both smart enough to know schedules like that lead to illness.” 
“I’m.. smart enough..?” 
Ranpo lets the hat dip back over his eyes, his face returning to neutral. His hand extends, Karl chittering from atop his shoulders.
“Back to bed now and I’ll let you off with a warning.”
“Besides, I’m tired, and Karl won’t let me sleep unless you come too.”
Said raccoon chitters again, crawling from Ranpo’s arm to Poe’s shoulders. ‘Two against one, this is hardly fair…’ Poe protests, oblivious to the lack of noise from his mouth as the thought stalls itself in his head. Despite this, as Ranpo’s hand brushes his own, he can feel every ounce of resolve draining from his body.
“Okay, Ranpo, you win. Again.”  
Confirmation of success seems to be all Ranpo was looking for, as he turns and walks down the hall. As if there was a string tying them together, Poe finds himself unable to resist the urge to follow. It’s not until he’s laying in bed next to Ranpo does the fever finally bring out the sleep hiding behind his eyes. Muffling a sneeze with his pillow, Poe starts to pull himself from the sheets.
“heh’mmMDZShh’oo-! Sorry… I’ll sleep on the couch-”
“No way. It’s your house after all, I’m just staying over. Besides, Karl will leave too, and I want my cuddle time with him.” 
Poe lets a whimper break free as Ranpo’s arms seem to crush the life out of his dear friend, ‘Though strangely, Karl seems to have no problems with this arrangement.’ Instead of fighting, Karl’s snuggling deeper into Ranpo’s chest, breathy snores starting to pour out of both of them. Feeling sleep start dragging his eyelids shut, Poe’s own breath soon evens out, joining the ensemble with a congested tone of his own. 
The air seems to burn as it infiltrates his lungs with each inhale. Poe leans against the wall, legs growing heavier with each step, but determination pulls him through. ‘That dream… it was perfect… I know what the novel needs… I know what will- will finally impress Ranpo…’ It hadn’t been more than a handful of hours later that sleep had relinquished its grasp of him, being replaced by a feverish mania as plotlines and characters seem to beat against his skull from the inside. This is why he sits at his desk again, even the moonlight dulled as the clouds gather outside his window. 
Pen glides across the paper once more, each word leaving a deeper taste in Poe’s mouth. Ink mixes with sweat as his hands begin to shake. Only half aware of the world, Poe finds himself unable to process the sweat lining his brow being anything other than a hindrance to the plotlines swimming through his mind. Each word on the page seems to dip further into illegibility, moving away from writing and closer to drawings, mindless scribbles as his vision fades along with them.
“What do you think you’re doing?” 
“I have… I have to write this… it’s- hh’deZZshhh’iuh-! my best work… my best work ever… it’ll be unsolvable!” 
Ranpo’s breath is warm against his neck as the detective leans over to catch a glance of the paper. Poe finds his hands stalling at the sensation, even one extra stimuli sending his brain careening into overdrive, deeper into the fevered abyss, unable to stop thinking, but equally unable to start writing again.
“More like unreadable. Poe, even I can barely decipher what words you’ve written here.”
“It’s messy, but it’s some of the best writing I’ve ever done. I s- see… hH’gndjsshh’aa-! Sorry- I see the world so clearly, it’s almost as if I’m the one transported into it. eh’dnTZShh’oo-! Sorry. No one will be able to crack the mystery, not even you!” 
A cool wave washes across Poe’s face, a moan pulling free from his lips as Ranpo’s hand finds what it was looking for on his forehead.
“That’s the fever talking. You need to sleep.”
“hH’INkgt-! djZnnGt-! ehhA’knDt’uhh-! huH’AnGXt-!”
“Bless you, don’t do that. You’re only gonna-” 
“hehHh-! dnjSZHh’oo-! S- Sorry… haiHH-! eHSHh’aa-! hH’InkGtzz’iuh-!” 
“Bless you again, Poe.”
“Th- hh’knzshhh’oo-! kezzshh-tezsshhh’oo-! Thank you. S- sorry…” 
The apology melts into a cough, whistling notes sounding out between each breath, only broken up by the sound of pen against paper as he attempts to continue this chapter. Each word is violent, looking as if the person forming them had never written before, lines uneven and frantic as the cough brings tremors through his fingers.
“You don’t sound good.”
“I’m f- fine… I need to finish… need to finish this chapter…” 
“I apologize for the methods I must resort to.”
The words fall on deaf ears, Poe’s brain being submerged into feverish concentration once more. He doesn’t notice Ranpo turning away and whispering something to the raccoon perching atop his shoulders. Nor does he notice Karl climbing up his back until a soft paw steps against his hand, pen cracking on the paper.
“Karl? What are yo- GuuHhH-!” 
A single swish of fluff against his face is enough to break Poe out of his trance, buzzing starting to spread up to his ears as the tickle surges. Ranpo’s arm intertwines with his, Karl climbing back onto his shoulder as he pulls the writer up. Poe attempts to aim away from either of them with the fit he cannot seem to subdue.
“hh’DjZshh’oo-! aiYZShh’aa-! hH’KEZzshh’oo-!”
“Bless you.”
“C- can’t- dnGt’Zzshh’oo-! hehHh-! hH’INZSHhoo-!”
“I know. Bless you.” 
Poe feels something soft being pressed against his face, his body sinking into the bed as he’s sat down. ‘What’s pr- pressing on my fa- face… I need to… I’m- I can’t..’ 
“Wh- hAH-! What? hH’iNgT-! kndZnt-!”
“Blow your nose, Poe. It won’t end until you do. I’ve got you, just blow.”
Doing as he’s told, Poe feels the fever swell against his cheeks, moving up into his ears. ‘Or maybe that’s not the fever… am I blushing..? I can’t… I can’t tell…’ His voice is drowned out, even in his own head, a deep fog overtaking his conscious thought. 
“I’m s- sorry Ranpo…” 
A soft hand brushes against his face, Poe practically melting into the touch as his hair is swept away. His vision clears, for more reason than one, as Ranpo’s eyes stare back into his. This exchange only lasts for a minute, but it starts to play on repeat in Poe’s mind as Ranpo rests his forehead against Poe’s, voice barely above a whisper.
“I’ll read the book the instant you finish it. I promise. But only if you’re not sick while writing it.” 
“B- but…” 
“You want to be able to give me your best, right? Don’t I deserve that?”
“Of course y- hH’dzzshh’oo-! you do-”
“Being sick is not your best. Let me take care of you, once you’re better, you can write it.”
Waves of emotion seem inclined to suck Poe into their current, he’s barely able to keep his head above their waters. Guilt and anxiety claw at his legs, pulling him into the ground. And yet, something softer frees him, a wave of pride and love bringing air back to his battered lungs. ‘He thinks I have a best… something he wants to see… and… he wants to take care of me.’ 
“Besides, no one will be able to read it if you keep writing like that. It looks like you were driving consistently through potholes while attempting to transcribe a conversation from a language you don’t speak.”
“W- well that’s not very kind… but it was quite visual.”
Ranpo laughs, giving Karl’s head some scratches as he drapes himself across the bed next to Poe, raising an eyebrow as he tosses out- 
“Maybe I should write the book instead.” 
Poe freezes, eyes peeking out from the curtain of hair as they widen. Terror infiltrates his dazed mind, fighting against the urge to give Ranpo whatever he desires, a war neither side can win. The battle, however, is quickly cut short as Ranpo places his hand on Poe’s arm, a gentle touch that quiets all voices but his.
“It was a joke, Poe. Now, let’s get you back to sleep. I need my rest, and you’re keeping me up.”
“Alright, Ranpo. Th- thank you.”
“No need for thanks! But~ there is need for rewards. You owe me at least some chocolates. And some lollies. Oh- and more of those gummy sushi things you ordered internationally, those were good… Oh! And-” 
A smile spreads across Poe’s face as Ranpo goes on, the haze in his mind starting to gently overtake the last piece of his consciousness as the sheets beneath him start to encase him in their soft embrace, matched only by Ranpo’s softer touch against his arm. Poe manages to get out one last sentence before sleep wins out. 
“Whatever you want…” 
“I’m holding you to that!” 
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goodlucksnez · 2 years ago
Happy birthday d/azai! Literally did not know it was his birthday until noon today so I quickly made this wav with no script so sorry I know it is short but also dumb I had no ideas!
Please go check out others birthday snz content from poni and may! they are way better then me!!!!
Happy birthday to the trash man! lol
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unstoppablelove · 6 years ago
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Ranpo Edogawa || S3E9
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kuroosukii · 6 years ago
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Edogawa Ranpo
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antoine-roquentin · 6 years ago
The magical power of “You’re fine just the way you are”
I have been asked directly by a few people before now if I was the model for Kaworu. Where did that information come from? I was completely uninvolved [in Kaworu’s creation] as one of the principals. Kaworu is very good-looking, so if I said I was his model I imagine I would recieve complaints from his fans.
However, it’s not the case that I have no idea at all [what the speculation might refer to]. During the period when Evangelion was still in its preparatory stages, I was in very close contact with Anno-san. At that time, the staff of Sailor Moon went on a company trip to an onsen, and Anno-san was also among our members. [1] The two of us ended up talking the whole night. Even after everyone else had collapsed we went on and on, drinking sake and talking, sitting side by side in an open air bath and talking.
So, I think the conversation we had that night had perhaps the same flavor as the exchange between Kaworu and Shinji. I also felt this way when I saw episode 24 for myself. Well, the situation with the bath was the same; that’s easy enough to understand.
But, it seems there are rumors – I’m not really sure – that the line of dialogue, “You are worthy of love,” was something I said to Anno-san, and so on (laughs). I don’t think it was a case where I was Kaworu and Anno-san was Shinji. Only, if I had to say which [is which], Anno-san seems to say more Kaworu-esque cynical things, right?
So, I remember telling [Anno] a story about the time of my adolescence. When I was 14 or 15 years old, I was truly in despair, thinking my life prospects were very bleak. With tests and such things, I had the feeling that I was not permitted even a slight failure. Today it seems like even failures receive attention, or that there is freedom to be “dame,” but at that time it seemed that you would have no future after failing even once. Up until the 70s there was the anpo toso [2], but when that ended, an atmosphere – “ah, as we suspected, you can’t revolutionize the world” – began to spread.
So, I thought that I would be dead before I was twenty years old, and any life I lived beyond that would be a kind of omake – that was the story I told [to Anno]. Probably, just the fact that I was able to tell that story was of value to both of us.
Beyond that, Anno-san loved Sailor Moon and told me he wanted to make a similarly enjoyable work. [3] I wonder if an aftershock had occured when this consciousness that was moving towards the pursuit of realism – a science fiction-like world setting, the details of machines, and so on – came into contact with a work like Sailor Moon.
Maybe that was a period where something like the pleasure of an ordinarily enjoyable anime seemed novel to Anno-san. My own impression of Anno-san is a feeling like he’s not human. He’s big, hunches over, and seems to resemble an Evangelion. [For example,] often he’s had a utility knife, and cried out “Yah!” as he slid the blade out (laughs).
He’s ordered to come back by his father, he’s slapped by Ayanami, he’s called stupid by Asuka, he’s yelled at to straighten up by Misato… Shinji doesn’t recieve much affirmation from others. I think, in this situation, the only one who tells him that he’s fine just the way he is is Kaworu. “You don’t have to try to so hard.”
Perhaps because of that, after Kaworu appeared, the girls who had been watching Eva and who found it interesting but didn’t feel the kind of enthusiasm that the boys felt about it were able to finally connect emotionally with Shinji. Perhaps because of that everyone loves Kaworu. Hm? Have I ever said to anyone, “you’re fine just the way you are”? Isn’t that something I’m always saying?
[1] Evangelion director Hideaki Anno participated as a staff member. Among other things, he directed the bank transformation sequences of Uranus and Neptune in Sailor Moon S, and worked on the genga of episode 103 of Sailor Moon S and of the Ikuhara-directed series Sailor Moon R.
[2] The term anpo (or ampo) toso refers to the widespread protest movement against the U.S.-Japan security treaty, which led to massive demonstrations in 1960 and 1970 (against the signing of the 1960 treaty and its renewal in 1970).
[3] Among other things, the appointment (as Misato) of Kotono Mitsuishi, the voice actress of Sailor Moon’s protagonist Usagi Tsukino, and the appointment (as Shinji) of Megumi Ogata, who had voiced a young boy in R, give an indication of Anno’s strong respect [for the series].
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invcin-blog · 6 years ago
baby anon is here to leave two babies for each muse! Have fun with the babies!
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      ❝ Hey G, for you. ❞ He leaves the babies to the skeleton and disappears.
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     ❝ — That was fast, damn Kurai. ❞ Now G has 4 babies.
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       ❝ … Humanity can be so interesting but… How they grow? Should I shower them with water and like this they will be adults at the moment? ❞
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         ❝ I think they grow with milk. Try to shower them with milk. ❞
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        ❝ Guys what are you two saying, give me them, I’ll take care of them. ❞
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        ❝ … I don’t like them. I prefer cats. And dolls. ❞
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       ❝ …………. Let me help you Allen. ❞
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         ❝ I’m going to sell them.❞ Whispers.
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   Ranpo is just sitting there, with a baby on his lap and other on his head, drinking a juice.
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      ❝ Where’s Axel ?! ❞
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       ❝ WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!!?! I’M MURDERIN’ ‘EM!! I’M DOIN’ THAT!! ❞
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       ❝ Calm down, give me them and go to sleep somewhere. ❞
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organisationskoval · 2 years ago
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363) Ryukyu independence movement, Ruch niepodległościowy Ryukyu (琉球独立運動, Ryūkyū Dokuritsu Undō) lub Republic of the Ryukyus, Republika Ryukyu (japoński: 琉球共和国, Kyūjitai: 琉球共和國, Hepburn: Ryūkyū Kyōwakoku) - ruch polityczny opowiadający się za niepodległością wyspy Ryukyu (ang. do Okinawy po największej wyspie) z Japonii. Obecna manifestacja polityczna ruchu pojawiła się w 1945 roku, po zakończeniu wojny na Pacyfiku. Niektórzy mieszkańcy Ryukyuan czuli, gdy rozpoczęła się okupacja aliantów (USMGRI 1945–1950), że Ryukyu powinni w końcu stać się niezależnym państwem, zamiast wracać do Japonii. Jednak wyspy zostały zwrócone Japonii w dniu 15 maja 1972 r. jako prefektura Okinawa, zgodnie z umową rewersyjną z Okinawy z 1971 r. Podpisany w 1952 r. amerykańsko-japoński traktat bezpieczeństwa (ANPO) przewiduje kontynuację amerykańskiej obecności wojskowej w Japonii, a Stany Zjednoczone nadal utrzymują silną obecność wojskową na wyspie Okinawa. To przygotowało grunt pod odnowiony aktywizm polityczny na rzecz niepodległości Ryukyuan. Ruch niepodległościowy Ryukyu utrzymuje, że zarówno inwazja Domeny Satsuma w 1609 roku, jak i budowa prefektury Okinawa przez Meiji jako kolonialne aneksje Królestwa Riukiu. Jest bardzo krytyczny wobec nadużyć ludu i terytorium Ryukyuan, zarówno w przeszłości, jak i obecnie (takich jak wykorzystywanie ziemi Okinawy do umieszczania dużych amerykańskich baz wojskowych). Okinawa obejmuje tylko 0,6% całego terytorium Japonii, jednak 75% wszystkich sił zbrojnych Stanów Zjednoczonych stacjonuje w obiektach amerykańskich, które zajmują 10,4% prefektury Okinawa, czyli 18,8-20% wyspy Okinawa. Personel wojskowy USA był zamieszany w wiele przestępstw popełnionych na Okinawie na przestrzeni lat, z których jednymi z najbardziej znanych był incydent gwałtu na Okinawie w 1995 r. i incydent z napaścią Michaela Browna na Okinawie. Ciągła obecność wojska USA pozostaje źródłem niezgody, zwłaszcza przeciwko stacji lotniczej Futenma. Siły zbrojne USA nie spełniły złożonej w 1996 roku obietnicy ograniczenia swojej obecności. Niezależni podkreślają również wpływ na środowisko amerykańskich baz zaakceptowanych przez Tokio.
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