#one of them and the possible-future-fave are older men .
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kaydeefalls · 7 months ago
Hiii! <3
3. In your opinion, what’s your best fic?
Oh noooo, not my self-ranking. Um. This changes at any given moment based on where my head's at, but let's go with lessons exquisitely crafted today. Still pleased with that one. And I do want to believe my writing has gotten comparatively stronger in the past few years, rather than digging up any of my older faves.
5. Is there any fic that makes you super happy to reread and remember you wrote that?
Honestly, lots of them! My primary audience as a writer is myself, and I've always been a rereader by nature - I've reread my favorite books often enough that I could probably rewrite them myself from scratch, and I revisit fics CONSTANTLY, including my own. The longer ones tend to be the ones I'm most proud of years later, I guess. Boden's Mate (X-Men) and The Rose of Jericho (Torchwood) particularly come to mind at the moment. But yeah.
7. What’s the fic you most want to continue (unfinished or no)?
I don't have any posted WIPs at the moment (huzzah!), so there's no one breathing down my neck for anything in particular right now. Just my own WIP folder in gdocs. Um, let's be honest, I've been toying with the idea of a sequel to The Conspirator's Gift for years now, and it's been coalescing more strongly in my head of late (I know the basic murder mystery and surrounding plot, including who dies, whodunnit and why, and who the other suspects are), so that's...a distinct possibility at some point. Not anytime in the immediate future, though, if only because it would be another longer fic, and those just plain take time.
(Fic ask meme!)
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carnival-core · 6 years ago
One thing before I do sleep ... I watched only four episodes of bungalo strayed django and already have a few characters I love Allot ... like “potential future self ship” kinda love allot , and there’s a character from s2 who I feel I’ll love a shit ton too . So like off to a good start
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remosdeerica · 3 years ago
Batshit AU Pt #2: The Grandkids
So I mentioned in the last post Batshit AU Pt. #1 that I cover Dick and Jason's kids but since I've been thinking (read: fantasizing) about the future of the Batfam I figured I'd just do a post with ALL the grandkids!
Just a heads up: this is a LONG post.
First we shall start with the Grayson's:
Mar'i and Jake (Jake is not my original name I've seen it pop up in other media- dunno if it's canon in any timeline but I'm going with it).
Mar'i Grayson: Mar'i is the biologically daughter of Dick Grayson and Koriand'r of Tamaran (aka Starfire). Kori is unknowingly pregnant after one last one-night-stand with Dick before going back to her home planet to take over as queen. Unfortunately, because of Kori's sister Komand'r (aka Blackfire) causing civil unrest to try and usurp the thorn from her, Tamaran becomes unsafe for Mar'i as she is Kori's only heir.
-Kor'i goes back to Earth with an infant Mar'i and begrudgingly hands her over to Dick so she can live with him and be safe from Blackfire.
-Kori of course visits while she can but has a lot of responsibilities on Tamaran. When Mar'i is older she is able to go back to Tamaran to visit her mother.
-A few years later when Dick and Barbra get married, Barbra officially adopts Mar'i. Seeing both Kor'i and Barbra as her mothers Mar'i decides so call Kori "Mama" and Barbra "Mom/Mommy".
Jake Grayson: don't have much of an exciting backstory for him. He was basically just an orphaned infant Dick and Barbra decided to adopt after his bio-parents had been murdered.
Now he have the Todd family:
Because I am a heartless monster I decided that since Roy died in the comics without any sign of Lian and Jason was pretty fucked up about it, I would have Jason adopt Lian because Roy wasn't round to take care of her. So this is basically what happened:
Lain Harper-Todd: 1 year or so after Roy's death, Jason is visited by Jade Nguyen (aka Cheshire) who is carrying an infant Lian. Jade explains that she hadn't realised she was pregnant with Roy's child until after he was already dead and since she is not ready to give up her life as an assassin she states that Lian is better off without her. She then asks Jason if he would be willing to take Lian in as Roy's former partner (read into that how you will).
-Jason agrees, and decides to hyphenate her last name Harper-Todd so that she will always have a piece of Roy with her even if he can't be there for her in person.
it's not that I don't think JayRoy is cute! It's just that I honestly I don't really picture Jason dating anyone in my mind and the thought of him being a single dad is just precious. I'm also allergic to OC's (of my own making) so I usually try to keep to characters that are at least canon in some timeline and Lian was the first to come to mind.
Also I'm a angst-hungry monster so...
Drake-Wayne/Dowd/McGinnis household:
Lol, this family has too many names.
I already went over Terry and Matthew McGinnis' backstory in Batshit AU Pt. #1 but if you are too lazy/ don't feel like reading it I'll try to make sure to cover the important details.
Terry & Matthew McGinnis: A few years down the road, Tim is the current Batman and married to Bernard Dowd (my new fave batship). One night on patrol he finds the boys hunkered down behind an garbage container and approaches them.
-Terry is extremely protective of his younger brother Matt and becomes immediately aggressive, swinging a baseball around and threatening Tim to leave them alone.
-Tim finds it admirable/endearing that Terry is willing to face Batman alone in order to protect his brother and tells him so. He then asks them where there parents and and Matt (trusting Batman) tells Tim that they were killed by the 'Bad Men' who are now looking for he and Tarry.
-Tim is worried for the boys safety and offers to take them to the Police, but Tarry only says that they already tried that and that there are spies in the GCPD who ratted them out to the 'Bad Men'.
-Tim figures out that the boys are in more danger then he first realized and takes them home with him in order to protect them.
-Tim eventually finds out about Project Batman Beyond, an experiment orchestrated by A.R.G.U.S. in order to create the perfect child to usurp the Cowl and give A.R.G.U.S and 'in' with the Justice League and the super-community as a whole. A part of this project is making sure the children are biologically Bruce Wayne's in order for them to also gain influence over Wayne Enterprises.
-Tim realizes that there is no real safe place that he can send the boys and after discussing it with his husband, Bernard, the two decide to adopt the boys.
I think this adoption story is one of my favourites. Especially because I find the idea of Bernard not at all being surprised by his husband brining home black-haired blue-eyes orphans, hilarious.
Bernard: I figured since you are now Batman it was only a matter of time.
Tim: >:(
Wayne-Kent situation:
DamiJon is one of my absolute favourite ships in existence. But since both boys are so young in canon my version of their future relationship truly is creature of my own design, I will explain them a little and then the kids. I'll be quick about it. Promise. (There is also a 2 part series I'm working on that goes into my version of events called "Jon and Damian" if anyone is interested. Jon's chapter is done but Damian's is still in the works).
Jon: he is the one that I really have to explain. I call my version of him "Dark-ish Jon" or 'dark ish jon' for the tags. For those of you who already know the deal (or don't really care) y'all can skip to the *** for the kids.
-basically Jon was kidnapped by Jon-El (Clark's Kryptonian Bio-dad) in order for Jor-El to mold Jon into the perfect weapon for his plan to conquer the universe. They have a machine that Jumps through various timelines so no one can find them, and Jon-El trains/tortures Jon for 2 years.
-Jon eventually discovers new powers that allow him to kill Jor-El and escape but he ends up spending the next several years trying to find his original timeline.
-He eventually meets the Legion of Superheroes that help him get home, but once he arrives home he realizes that for him it has been 7 years since he was kidnaped, but only 2 weeks for his family/friends.
-Because of this he and his family find it hard to adjust to the new situation and Jon ultimately decides to return to the Legion but visit occasionally.
Damian: Honestly I don't think I really have to explain much about Damian for y'all to get the kids but I do want you to know:
He has long hair
He has peirced ears
Possibly tattoos?
He's has more of a slim figure than Bruce's bulky one
He is a fashion icon and kinda has 'bitchy white girl' energy
Bacically he very pretty and looks a LOT like Thalia
And yeah. The two eventually reconcile after Jon is done moping in another timeline and they decide to retire from crime fighting and build a cottage/farm and live in peace.
Athanasia: So she is actually Bruce's bio-kid from the Injustice timeline. And for my AU she is still Bruce's biologically and she does recognize him as her father, but because she and Damian are 13/14 years apart and she knows him better she lives and defers to him as her caretaker. I shall explain:
-Athanasia was created by Thalia in a fit of madness after Damian's death. Because of what happened to Damian, and because Athanasia turned out to be a girl (and therefor Ra's would have no use for her), Thalia keeps the little girl locked away and a secret so that no one can harm her.
-Years pass and Athanasia has never seen the outside would. Eventually something happens (will depends on the Fic -because I will get around to writing this shit eventually) and Athanasia is given to Damian (the only other person Thalia ever told her about.)
-At this point Bruce is getting older and most of his current children already have their own kids, so both he and Damian agree that because Athanasia is mostly attached to Damian and doesn't really know who Bruce is outside of being her father, that she will live with he and Jon.
-Athanasia get's older and eventually meets another girl at her school named Carrie Kelley. The girls form a quick bond, Carrie's louder personality complementing Athanasia's more quiet one.
Carrie Kelley: being best friends with Athanasia leads to Carrie spending a lot of time over at her house. This allows Jon and Damian to get to know the girl and become quite fond of her.
-one night after a sleepover at Jon and Damian's house with some of their other friends, Carrie's father comes to the house drunk and carrying a shot gun. He accuses Jon and Damian of being pedophiles because of their sexual orientations and calls them a variety of homophobic slurs.
-It's his attempts at shooting Jon that leads to Carrie calling 911 and having her own father arrested.
-Because her mother had already left and Carrie only had her dad to take care of her, Jon and Damian offer her a place in their home and eventually adopt her along with Athanasia when the girls are teenagers.
So, yeah! That's it for now. I am absolutely obsesses with this AU. I just love the idea of Bruce deciding to take in Dick leading to him having an army of children and grandchildren so large that all family gatherings have to happen at the Manor because nowhere else is big enough.
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olderthannetfic · 5 years ago
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You’ve probably heard of that film version of The Magnificent Seven from a couple of years ago. Maybe you know it’s based on a film from 1960, which is itself a remake of Seven Samurai.
But if you’re like 99% of fandom or even that guy I know who worked on the 2016 version, you probably don’t know that there was also a TV series starring, among other people, Ron Perlman.
(This came up because said dude and I were working on another Western starring Ron Perlman. A sucky one though. Alas, I cannot pimp it.)
Mag7, as it is usually called in fandom, was quite the little slash fandom in its day, yet it is nearly forgotten by newer fans. The show aired for two seasons from 1998-2000.
It’s one of those shows I bought, sight unseen, so I could catch up on older fandoms. I ended up liking it more or less, but I don’t think canon has aged well. It’s too bloodless for the era it came out in while making a pretense at covering serious, dark shit. It has neither the standing sets of old Western TV nor the big budgets of the 2010s Western revival. It’s too white. The one black lead gets relegated to token status along with all Native characters. The treatment of women is laughable, from the Happy Hooker stuff (gah!) to the time they try to teach the tomboy to be more girly so she can get the young dude in the cast (ragescream!). It feels more in line with what I’d expect a Western to look like in 1988 than 1998, especially on the heels of the far more inventive The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. in 1993.
Fanlore says that Mag7 suffers because current fandom is not into Westerns, but my problem is that I am far too into Westerns, and this show is not a good one.
OTOH, there is a lot of material here to work with, and work with it fans did!
It’s a super interesting fandom for a fandom historian because of how intensely AU-infested it is. Maybe you’ve heard something about “ATF-verse”? That’s a Mag7 thing. It’s not just regular AUs: The fandom is full of these shared universes with established rules for writers who want to play in them.
The “Seven” are:
Chris Larabee: The black-clad, taciturn loner with... wait for it... a dead wife and child.
Vin Tanner: The soft-spoken woobie, sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit, who has spent time amongst the Indian tribes. (It is every bit as cringey as you think.) Fandom’s #1 fave, natch.
J.D. Dunne: Horrid little twerp with a terrible hat. I wanted to stab him every time he was on screen. x100 whenever he was interacting with a woman.
Buck Wilmington: Played by Dale Midkiff of Time Trax fame! (What? Everyone important, by which I mean me, loved Time Trax!) He is Chris’s old friend and polar opposite, a jolly, good-humored man raised by a prostitute mother. Ladies, including the working girls, love him. Also he gets fake dead more than once, so he’s clearly the BEST character, and fandom ought to have loved him the best too! >:( 
Josiah Sanchez: Ron Perlman plays a wacky preacher and ex-gunfighter. Is he haunted by his past? Does he make woo-woo philosophical proclamations about this? Does this show love its ubiquitous Western cliches? (Don’t answer that.)
Ezra Standish: If Vin is the quiet, soft-spoken woobie, Ezra is the woobie who hides his Tragic Pain under a mask of charm and cheer. He’s the one with the rapidfire con artist patter, the fancy suits, and the Southern accent. He has a complicated relationship with his con artist mother. His wardrobe is a thousand times prettier than anyone else’s, and he crossdresses at some point. Naturally, he is fandom’s other darling after Vin. Possibly the #1 darling in ATF-verse.
Nathan Jackson: Nathan is a former slave and a doctor. He has a girlfriend in the local Seminole village and not enough to do on the show.
Other characters include a sad widow for Chris to have sad dead partner angst at, the judge who sends them on missions, and, in the pilot, that guy who played Harper in Sharpe. The judge is played by Robert Vaughn, which I 100% did not realize until I was looking at wikipedia just now!
Anyway, standard Western hijinks happen. The mystery of Chris’s wife’s death is eventually solved as angstily as possible. Chris pretends to kill Buck as part of a ruse at one point, making them my ship of choice. (What?) J.D. and the local tomboy get set up by all the other characters, causing me to want to stab not only them but also myself in the eye.
Oops. I’m supposed to be promoting Escapade, not starting fights about old tv shows. Anyway, I think the canon has some issues, but the fic... let me tell you, there are no words more likely to attract me to a fandom than “presumed dead”, and Mag7 fandom delivered, not only in the slash but in the gen. I have no idea, years later, where to find any of those fics or even which ones I read, but I remember there was self-indulgent melodrama and it was GREAT.
Sweet, sweet idfic, come to Mama!
I would link you to a vid, but as Fanlore hilariously confirms for me, there are like no good vids in this fandom. They did eventually release it on DVD, but the image quality is... uh... not great. Oh, wait, I did love this lulzy het vid about ladies being thirsty for Buck.
Actually, that’s a total lie. I have gone looking for Mag7 vids repeatedly for the Escapade dance party. Excavating my old spreadsheets, I see a bunch of interesting ones, like this slash vid of Nathan/Ezra. The Southern gentleman and the black guy are an obvious cliche teamup for Westerns, but the fandom rarely went there. This vid is great though! The only reason I’ve never played it is that no one at the con ships this.
Past Escapade panels include:
2001 - True pairings and permutations (Who are the "right" couples, and what other combinations are remotely possible? Video excerpts for newcomers.)
2003 - AUs! Crutch or creative lifeblood? (Are ATF stories a creative extension of the universe or a cop-out by folks too lazy to do their historical research?)
2004 - The Multiverse (Where canon is a formulaic retread of a remake of a classic, the critical mass of fan creativity has exploded in fascinating and bizarre ways. Often, richly textured parallel universes seem more attractive than stories based on the original source material. From conflict over "closed" AUs to creative in-breeding, what's really going on in the Mag 7 multiverse?) [HAH, EVEN YOU GUYS AGREE WITH ME.]
2005 - Where has the Old West gone? (Magnificent Seven has it all! Seven sexy men, horses, the old west, guns, adventure, right and wrong, you name it! So why isn't there more Old West fic? Why all the modem and future AUs? Where do we go from here?)
2006 - Cowboys- Real Life v. Fantasy (From Magnificent Seven to Brokeback Mountain, from John Wayne toughness to curtain fic. What's reel? What's fun? And how much reality do we want in our fun?)
2007 - Chris Larabee: Tragic Hero or Pig-Headed Bastard? (How worthy is Chris to lead the Seven? Does he lead them because he believes in protecting the weak an innocent, or because it strokes his ego? Does he truly value Buck's friendship and support? Vin's? Anyone's?)
2008 - M7: Need Topic! by Megan Kent [LOL]
2011 - Mag 7: Deader Than a Beaver Hat (They're gorgeous. They're archetypes. Lots of other fandoms have less to work with. So, what the hell?)
2012 - My Paring is OK. Your Pairing Sucks! (In a fandom famous for pairing wars, let's get it all out in the open and put it to bed. Come and defend your pairing of choice, and enjoy others doing the same. Inflatable lightsabers, laughter, and the ability not to take yourself seriously. All welcome.)
2013 - What holds the gang together? (The deal was simple: a dollar a day, plus room and board, for a month. And now they've been together *how* long? What holds these seven loners together over the long haul? All pairings, all points of view. Bring story recs to share.) [Duct tape. The answer is always duct tape.]
Mag7 on Fanlore (including links to many smaller archives)
Mag7 on AO3
Mag7 on FFN
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bigskydreaming · 5 years ago
All right, you have officially sold me on Bobby Drake. Where do I start reading?
Its a good question, lol! Honestly, it mostly just depends on how far back you want to go. I mean, he’s been around for sixty years, lol, so there’s a shit ton of appearances to wade through, and it depends on how familiar you are with the X-Men as a whole. 
If you’re not familiar with the X-Men or Marvel in general, this is actually a really good time to jump in with reading the current books without much prior knowledge. Just last year the X-books underwent a huge status quo shakeup in the two limited series House of X and Powers of X, that pretty much like....transformed their entire place in the Marvel Universe as a whole and gave them a whole new playing field that was all pretty clearly laid out within just those two series. So its a really good starting point to kinda catch up quick to where things stand now and then just branch out from there to whatever catches your interest. 
Bobby’s a main character in a book called Marauders currently, which is only on issue #6 or #7 right now, and the book is pretty central to the major happenings in the X-Men’s corner of the universe. Plus a lot of great characters in the rest of the cast - Storm, Bishop, Emma Frost, etc.
If you want to start from way far back and have a good long, consistent read, the original X-Factor (the first series, vol 1) is where I would go. I don’t think anyone really needs to read the original X-Men series from the 60s to get a handle on the characters or universe, and personally I’ve always found X-Factor a much better read using all the same characters except with the added bonus of no Xavier. As he is. The Worst. 
Between the original X-Men run and X-Factor’s debut, Bobby, Angel and Beast popped up on various other superteams, like Bobby and Angel were on the Champions together for a bit, and then the three of them were on a team called the Defenders for a while...if you can find old Defenders issues online (this would have been back in the 70s/early 80s), they’re worth checking out just for Bobby’s brief romance with a shapeshifting character named Cloud who he first met as a woman but later shifted into a man. And while they decided to just be friends at that point, given that this was the era of the Comics Code when gay relationships were��‘frowned upon,’ this was the earliest and most blatant gay-coding of Bobby, literal decades before he was made canon gay in the comics. Plus, they’re just pretty fun stories and Bobby and Cloud were super cute together.
But yeah, then X-Factor ran for a number of years without interruption, staying consistent with the same core cast of just the original five X-Men and the supporting characters they introduced in that series, like Rictor (another future famous gay X-character, just a wee punk teenager at the time, lol). It was pretty fun overall, IMO, should give anyone new to the Marvel U a pretty solid grasp of all the major players in it, and its where a lot of big names like Apocalypse made their debut. And of course, I think Bobby was well written throughout it. X-Factor was also where a couple of the things I mentioned in that post happened, like the storyline where Loki kidnapped Bobby to use his powers to make his army.
After that.....basically, the original X-Men left that title to rejoin the X-Men when Marvel relaunched the X-Men line with a brand new X-Men #1 in the early 90s....and at the same time, they kept the already existing Uncanny X-Men title going, which was around #280 at that time. 
Since they had such a huge cast of characters at that point, they split the X-Men into two fairly iconic lineups, the Blue and the Gold....the Blue team were the chronicled in the adjectiveless X-Men book, and featured Cyclops, Gambit, Psylocke, Beast, Wolverine, Rogue and others, while the Gold team were the main characters of the continuing Uncanny X-Men title from again, around #280 and onward. The Gold team was Bobby, Jean Grey, Colossus, Storm, Archangel, and then later Bishop as well, etc. 
This era was where a lot of the best Bobby stories took place, IMO. Very early after the Gold team was formed, Bobby had a mishap with Mikhail Rasputin, the older brother of Colossus, whose powers shifted Bobby into his organic ice form for the very first time, where he became living ice that he could control and shapeshift and heal, rather than just cover himself with ice. This was the beginning of them exploring the versatility of Bobby’s powers and what eventually led to them making him an omega level mutant, though even back in X-Factor they’d established that he was far more powerful than anyone had realized before that.
Then Uncanny X-Men #311 continued this and launched one of the most pivotal periods in Bobby’s development. An accident led to a comatose Emma Frost’s mind jumping into Bobby’s body and taking control, and she used his body and powers to seek revenge for the deaths of her own students, and in the process pushed his powers even further than anyone had thought possible. This is where he came to realize he could literally teleport by melting into any body of water and recreating himself anywhere else connected to that body of water, like traveling from one end of a river to another, or even across oceans instantly....as well as proving to him that he could literally get holes blown in his ice form and just fill them up with new ice and transform back into his flesh and blood self, none the worse for wear. 
This period also led to him showing up in Generation X a lot, where Emma became one of the teachers for that generation of young mutants, because during this time, Bobby and Emma like....clashed a lot, because Bobby had a lot of issues about her hijacking his body and then taking it on what was essentially a suicide run at the time, and was also resentful of her being instantly able to do things with his powers he hadn’t even conceived of with years of training with them, and Emma was....prickly at the best of times, back then even moreso than now, so she tended to taunt him with this and push his buttons by insinuating she knew more about him than he did himself, and she knew what really was holding him back all these years, etc, etc....but then they eventually formed a very unconventional but real rapport, and decades later, they still have this weird thing where they’d probably never admit to even liking each other, but they probably respect each other more than just about any other of their teammates combined. (Also, the Christian that Bobby is currently with in the comics is Emma’s older brother).
Back to Uncanny X-Men....to take his mind off of everything that the body-jacking by Emma had brought up for him, and because Rogue was having a lot of similar issues due to her new relationship with Gambit and the glimpse of various secrets of his that she’d gotten via her own powers....Bobby and Rogue decided to take a road trip together, that went on for about a dozen issues all in all, and are some of my all time favorite Bobby stories. This includes Uncanny #319, where they go visit Bobby’s parents together and Bobby tells off his dad in epic fashion (this was literally the first comic I ever read, and still one of my faves today, lol....also he made a giant ice palace off the coastline that was as big as a city and that has nothing to do with anything except for the fact that it was very pretty and very gay. Foreshadowing!)
Then there were a couple of big iconic crossover events that took over all the titles for awhile - the first was the alternate universe Age of Apocalypse event - and its worth tracking down and reading in its entirety, IMO. Definitely one of the most pivotal ‘events’ in Marvel history, but it was actually pretty good, too? LOL. And the Age of Apocalypse version of Bobby was pretty bad ass. (He returned in Rick Remender’s X-Force title about fifteen years later, but we don’t speak of Rick Remender or that return, for both are bad and wrong).
Then reality was restored, and the Onslaught crossover happened, and like.....really the only thing you need to know about that is its basically where the entire Marvel Universe teamed up to fight the evil brain baby slash hatechild of Professor X and Magneto. I’m just saying. Read it at your own peril. I’m not even saying its BAD, I’m just saying. Read it at your own peril.
Then in Uncanny X-Men #340.....that’s the issue where Bobby left the team for awhile to take care of his dad after he was almost killed at that hate rally I mentioned in one of my Bobby posts today, so I forget where the whole ‘going undercover in Graydon Creed’s campaign’ storyline started, but back up a bit from there and you’d be good to go. He and Sam (Cannonball) went undercover together and that was basically the start of the epic Bobby and Sam bromance slash subtextual romance that I still love to this day, too.
Then he was out of the books for awhile, off taking care of his dad, and didn’t really return until this big event called Operation: Zero Tolerance happened, wherein the government went after the X-Men directly and captured pretty much all their big guns, and Bobby came back to help and had to single-handedly rescue a bunch of random mutants from Sentinels and make an interim team with which to like, save the day themselves. O:ZT is actually a really good story for him, I really like how competent he was portrayed there, and also it was the introduction of Dr. CeCe Reyes, who is also a fave. She was also briefly a sorta/not sorta love interest for Bobby, that of course didn’t ultimately go anywhere. On account of, y’know. His Massive Gayness.
Then Bobby left the team again to go return to taking care of his dad, and also because certain writers hated him (though tbh, Bobby’s actually one of the longest running heroes in the Marvel U, as in....he’s spent the longest consecutive times active in various books/teams without taking breaks, compared to pretty much all other characters who aren’t Wolverine, Captain America or Spider-man. He was a constant presence in books pretty much from his creation up until the mid-90s, so like, he was due for some time-off. I GUESS. WHATEVER).
From this point, he didn’t return until a storyline called The Twelve. It was very bad, and very dumb, and you should not read it. Your brain cells will thank me later.
Then there was a miniseries called X-Men Forever - this you SHOULD read, as its where the term omega mutant was essentially coined for the first time in the way its been used ever since, and its where both Bobby and Jean found out they were omega level mutants for the first time. And Mystique and Toad and Juggernaut were also there because....idk, tbh. That was all very strange to me. But! Still! Worth a read!
Then came a veeeeery underrated Iceman solo miniseries of four issues, that is weird but also very worth tracking down as it was a great Bobby, very poignant and also kinda sad, but like. I’d highly recommend. Especially as it was pretty much the last good Bobby for awhile, with the exception of Joe Casey, who wrote a decent Bobby but a terrible Everyone Else.
Then we enter the Dark Ages of Bobby. Where everything is bad and all the writers are the worst.
First up is Chuck Austen. Bobby was a core member of his X-Men lineup, throughout his run. This is not a good reason to read Chuck Austen’s run. Do not read Chuck Austen’s run. You’re welcome.
Then there was Peter Milligan’s run. Peter Milligan’s run was not as bad as Austen’s run. This is not a good reason to read Peter Milligan’s run. Do not read Peter Milligan’s run. You’re welcome.
Then Mike Carey took over. You CAN read Mike Carey’s run. You probably even SHOULD read Mike Carey’s run. He is not perfect, but he liked Bobby and we like him for liking Bobby. His Bobby actually spoke in complete sentences and displayed more than one emotion per issue. And Supernovas is a pretty good arc and was actually where the Children of the Vault were first introduced, and they were just brought back in the most recent X-Men issue to be a recurring antagonist, so they’re like. Relevant and stuff.
And then there’s Messiah Complex, which is basically the Advent of Oh Hai, Everything’s About To Get Just Fucking AWFUL For Mutants From Here For the Next Ten Years Or So, and there’s like....blechness with Bobby and Mystique, which...I mean....all else aside, she’s Rogue’s MOM, but WHATEVER. Look, there were....plot reasons. Kinda. So. Whatever. Just blink rapidly and move on from that as quickly as you can.
You can pretty safely jump ship at that point, because Divided We Stand is No, Second Coming is Ugh, and Schism is Why. And also there’s Age of X in there somewhere, which is to be avoided because Age of X basically just wanted to be Age of Apocalypse and its not Age of Apocalypse. Just like Age of X-Man is similarly not Age of Apocalypse, and even Age of Apocalypse 2.0 is not Age of Apocalypse. Stop trying to be Age of Apocalypse, everybody. NONE OF YOU ARE AGE OF APOCALYPSE.
You may have one (1) year of Marjorie M. Liu writing Astonishing X-Men, as a treat. She wrote a great Bobby, this was where the whole ‘freezing the whole Earth, whoopsie’ thing happened, and it was a great and very underrated story.
Then post Schism there’s stuff like Wolverine and the X-Men, where Bobby’s a main character after being lured to take Logan’s side in the Schism instead of Scott’s, with the promise of Being Relevant. ‘Twas a lie. Bobby ‘twas there, but hardly relevant. And Jason Aaron is not as good a writer as advertised, since he’s mostly the one doing the advertising and like.....dude should not trust his own hype. There’s weird and whimsical, and then there’s just plain WEIRD, and most of Wolverine and the X-Men is the latter, claiming to be the former, and like. You can’t trust anyone these days.
Then comes the Era of Bendis. Die, Era of Bendis, Die. 
Do not read the Era of Bendis. Do not speak of the Era of Bendis. If the Era of Bendis bursts into flames on the street next to you, look pointedly away, and trip anyone who runs up to try and douse the Era of Bendis with a bucket of water.
Just trust me. The Bendis, and then the Hopeless (that’s the name of the actual writer who took over on All New X-Men, but it pretty well sums up the feelings of Bobby fans on the matter too, ‘twas fate), and then the Bendis again....bad, bad, bad and also Superbad, but not the movie.
You will hear promises, siren songs, of a young, teenage time-displaced Bobby Drake having his first boyfriend, an Inhuman named Romeo. THIS IS A LIE. ITS A TRICK! A TRAP! DO NOT FALL FOR IT! 
Basically everything is blah blah blahful for awhile....until the Bobby solo series by Sina Grace, which gets a bad rap, but I maintain its worth the read. Like, I’m not going to call it my favorite take on him or anything like that, but its still good fun and a vastly more competent and compelling Bobby than anything Bendis ever eked out.
And that basically catches us up to the present, where we’re at with Marauders.
There you go! Umm....this was supposed to be just a brief list of arc titles to check out, but then I went and hyper-fixated like a BUFFOON, so....umm. Yeah! Have at it!
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eveninglottie · 5 years ago
write what you want regardless of the genders. it's better to spit the story out and then go back and revise then get hung up on whether or not every interaction or plot point could be part of an 800 word call-out tweet-longer that briefly trends on fanfic twitter. everyone comes at fiction from their own distinct background. you could write the most 'pure' romance ever, regardless of the genders, and it could still inadvertently trigger someone or raise concerns. comfort can be misleading.
so I don’t want you to think I’m disagreeing with you here, because you’re right. people spend way too much time thinking out the possible doomsday scenarios of what they might do instead of just doing it to see what happens. I am one of those people, for sure, it’s stopped me from doing pretty much everything I’ve ever wanted to do my whole life, so we’re on the same page here with both the concept of not worrying about what other people will think and also how no one holds the magic gatekeeping key which dictates what is problematic or not. every person is different and some things will upset people in a way that doesn’t upset you. that’s just a given. 
but I think that’s not really helpful when you’re trying to figure out your own motivations for doing something. 
like, yes, is a lot of this affected by how I think other people will react to things I create? of course. everything i do will be affected by how I think other people will react. that’s just how my brain works, and it’s my job to keep growing more confident in myself to counteract that (because the older you get you really do give less of a fuck and boy it’s so nice!!) what I was trying to bring up in that post was my own reasons for feeling more comfortable writing one thing than another. 
because I just think it’s fascinating and complicated and I’ve mentioned more than once to friends that it really just surprised me how freeing writing m/m has been vs m/f. it’s like my descent into sk was this moment of enlightenment when I realized “hey this is a hell of a lot easier to talk about when there are two boys involved!” like I realize that the majority of my writing the past two years has been on my own, and even though I can tell you’ve I’ve written well over 500k words and only posted maybe a fifth of that I can’t prove what I’m about to say so you’re just going to have to take my word for it, BUT I’ve included so much more discussion about sexuality and how characters express it and grow with it and figure out for themselves what they are. like it was never a thing I thought about a lot when I was writing my m/f fics (even tho all the women were still bi but that’s a whole other barrel of monkeys). it was never me sitting down and interrogating my choice for writing that pairing the way I did. I just did it. (I didn’t stop to consider the gender is what I mean, I thought about literally all the other things but gender and sexuality were not included in that) but now there’s a whole other sphere of characterization that I keep finding myself drawn to, and even without realizing it, it becomes a big part of how I write certain characters. (like deciding to write keith as demi while still being sexually and physically attracted to shiro has been really eye opening for me as someone on the asexual spectrum.)
because like, for example, I wrote a fem!bilbo fic, right? so clearly I was thinking about gender a bit, but most of that had to do with me having always reimagined that story (and lotr) with female protagonists. that’s what I did with a lot of childhood faves, actually, eragon, harry potter being two of the most prominent, and thinking about fem!bilbo and how that would change the story especially if she was in a relationship with thorin and the shire was maybe a bit more stifling for a woman, etc. - BUT that was one of those pairings that I’d never been drawn to when it was m/m. I couldn’t really get into it, and I was not a fan of the hobbit movies at all, honestly, and I tried, and it was only when I switched things around did that fic click for me, but I wonder a lot if I were to have come to hobbit fic later, after I’d gotten over my aversion to m/m (not in general, just me writing it, because reasons), would I have written it with bilbo as a boy? would I have been less likely to imagine bilbo as a woman? or was it a number of factors that led me to write that fic which really couldn’t have existed in any other incarnation, and would it have been a different fic entirely?
(the hp thing in particular is SO WEIRD to think about now because a lot of what I’ve been grappling with in my drarry fic is very male-centric? not like in a bad way, just thinking about the rivalry and bonds between boys and how boys look up to their male mentors and authority figures in very different ways than they do their female counterparts and also what does being interested in other boys do to one’s internalized and very misogynistic/homophobic ideas of Legacy and Family and Proper Gender Expression specifically when it comes to sex with other men like it’s Very Gendered in my head and it’s hard to separate that from what I used to be interested in which has expressed itself in other ways, specifically roslyn as chosen one in ascendant which I’ve said before was the result of a decade of rewriting those boy heroes as girls because I felt so connected to them and wanted girls to be every bit as important as boys, like I could draw a straight line from me writing bits and bobs of girl!harry as a fourteen year old and me writing roslyn in ascendant and wow I kind of want to punch myself in the face for how long I’ve rambled on about my own stuff but you know what no this is my tumblr and I get to obsessively and exhaustively talk about my own fictional worlds if I want to)
so it’s been a bit of a mindfuck trying to reconcile this shift in my own interests with the fact that I am a woman who identifies as largely asexual. and I think it’s important to sit down with yourself every once in a while and really look at the things you produce and do some self-examination. because I do wonder a lot if my comfort writing m/m now is because of this lack of pressure I normally feel when writing female characters or if it’s because I don’t have to interact with Me As Author so much when I write about boys because I am not a boy or if it’s because I feel a lot more comfortable identifying as queer when for the majority of my life I’d forced myself to be straight even though it didn’t feel right. 
then there’s the whole conversation about women writing m/m and how a lot of queer men feel they’re being fetishized or that their stories are being appropriated by women, in the same way that white people writing stories about people of color can be appropriative, men writing about women, straights writing about lgbtq+, cis people writing about trans or genderqueer people, et cetera with literally any minority being written by someone not from that minority, right? 
and I think it’s a bit reductive to say that it doesn’t matter. because it does matter. you’re right in saying that it matters to someone and I think the job of anyone who creates any kind of content is to think about that and be mindful that you don’t create in a vacuum. your art has power even if you don’t think it does, if you don’t want it to, and that’s something no one should take for granted.
now, I am not saying that certain people do not have the right to write certain stories. no one has the right to write anything, just as no one is forbidden from writing anything. and no one writing anything should be harassed for writing something that people perceive is out of their wheelhouse (because a lot of marginalizations are not visible! abuse, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, whether you’re neurotypical or not! and there’s no requirement that you make public your trauma/identity to provide cred! in fact it’s kind of horrific that anyone thinks this!) it’s a complicated dynamic but the more we talk about these things the easier it is when a marginalized person says, “hey this thing you wrote is kind of bad,” the writer can go “oh man I’m sorry, let me think about it and see what I did wrong so I can do better in the future” OR “oh wow I see what you mean, but this is important to me” and the reader can go “I respect your right to write what you want and in the future I’ll do more to shield myself from this kind of content” instead of Cancelling someone because they didn’t effectively prostrate themselves before the ultimate judges of problematic content, a bunch of randos on the internet.
I guess what I’m trying to say is, yes, I agree with you that it’s not necessary to worry about this stuff, and that a lot of it is energy wasted especially when you’re worrying about theoretical responses from people who read your stuff, but that’s not helpful to me, because I think that’s disregarding the fact that we live in a society with weird power dynamics that are constantly shifting. I think it’s my job as someone who is mentally capable of dealing with this kind of self-examination to push back on some of these things when I can. because if I didn’t challenge myself every once in a while, I wouldn’t grow as a person or a writer and if there was one mantra I would live my life by besides the assertion that I would be blissfully happy if I downloaded my consciousness into a robot body, it would be that You Have To Be Okay With Critique and It’s Good When People Call You Out In A Safe Setting, like everyone is a dick and an asshole and a Bad Person and pretending you’re not is the most useless battle you could ever fight. we contain multitudes and some of those tudes are downright ugly.
quick sidebar: I would not have been able to have this kind of conversation with myself four years ago, and something I have not even talked about is how my shift toward more m/m content began at the same time as I was getting used to getting medical treatment for my grab bag of mental illnesses, like it’s pretty obvious that I got into sk right about the time I settled into my meds so what does That even mean?? so many THINGS to consider!!
idk. I know when I write stuff like this people think I’m beating myself up over it, but I’m really not. I just like talking about it sometimes and this tumblr is where all my neuroses go to live forever more in the annals of this blue hell until I chicken out and delete them the next day. I guess I know that when I read other people talking about things I’ve also been thinking about, it’s nice to hear. and as this is something that is still new to me, fandom in general is still bonkers to a part of my brain because I came into it as an adult, the whole conversation (if there even is a conversation because there might not be but there’s one going on in my brain) about women writing m/m is interesting complicated and something I think about a lot. clearly without any real focus or conclusions to be drawn, because I dropped out of college and never learned how to make my point in a concise and understandable manner. 
anyway I hope you don’t read this as me arguing with you nonny, I just wanted to clarify what I mean in the original post
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darknpretty-blog · 6 years ago
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So someone's reached the main 5 oh oh! Their 50th birthday celebration! Not any major deal. fifty will be the healthy forty. And denial is the brand new mathematics! Anyway, it is one of the milestone birthdays, that somehow always seem to be much more funwe hostile, when was the final time you went to a surprise 48th Birthday Party?
Needless to say, you want to be right there with an unusual methods to help your birthday celebration star glow in the spotlight! So listed here are 50 amazing ideas for a 50th birthdaysome that will cost as little as 50 centssome which are a little more extravagantsome designed to just need your thoughtfulness and time. And that's a thing they'll like as much if not more!
Tell it such as it's. Write a listing of 50 reasons why they are the very best, then get it framed! Or even also include 50 photos as well as convert everything into a photo guide.
Stress-free birthday. Gift a 50 minute knead, manicure or facial foundation. Join them if you are able to pay for it!
Living is a roller coaster. Top for the amusement park with the birthday star, you, as well as three more friends as well as ride 10 different rides. Sure, the carousel is important.
Being lucky? one by one wrap fifty one dolars lottery tickets.
Have a sweet teeth? Buy fifty portions of special chocolates or candies from yesteryearor gift label fifty donut holes or even 50 of their favorite cookies! (Wrap in batches of five or 10 so they are able to freeze some for later!)
Let's assume cheesy. Make a fun 50-minute video clip of family and friends wishing them a happy day.
Couch-potato free. Get in concert once a week to walk one mile 1 day. It's a present which usually keeps on giving. (Take two weeks from out of 52 for vacations, etc!)
Talk about some teeth. Get together with family and friends and overflow the mailbox of theirs with 50 birthday cards!
Talk about a few laughs. Fill up their inbox with 50 distinct digital songs, video games and birthday wishes!
Try painting the city. Give them a $50 gift card to the fave restaurant of theirs, theater, club, etc. Not terribly original, we know, but generally appreciated! A word: Limo
Bingo! Imagine every one of the video games you can play using fifty penniestiddly winks, bingo, penny pitch, etcthen enjoy yourself enjoying them!
Might I help? Deliver 50 minutes of tutoring in a number of apps they do not know how to work with.
Tis safer to giveMake a summary of fifty simple ways you could potentially volunteer the time of yours, then go and help out together. Or donate $50 to the preferred charitable organization of theirs.
Kill the dollar. If saving $$isn't the thing of theirs, get them an investing for dummies book as well as give them $50 to get their first share of stock.
Cheers! Gift wrap a $50 can of wine with a note that it is an unique bottle to be provided with their another person special.
One reservoir excursion. Treat them to a whole day of situations which are inside a 50-mile radius of where they live. (A rise in the woods, a round of mini golf, lunch in the park, etc.)
Just what the heck does that suggest? Opt to discover fifty new words if you gather (over time, of course!) For fun, keep paperwork and find out who remembers probably the most fresh phrases!
Sorry, I am not really a mind reader. Gift a 50 minute psychic readingmake the own predictions of yours ahead of time and then check notes in the future!
I am here for you. Promise one another a number of 50-minute soulful conversations sans texting, email-checking, phone answering, twittering, etc.
I will never forget Paris. Share with each other a list of 50 men and women, places, things that made you who you are today.
2 left legs. Gift item a 50-minute swing dance lesson. Gift item 1 for you as wellyou deserve a little fun, too!
LOL! Spend 50 minutes with each other doing a thing you both dislike (laundry, grocery shopping, etc.), but do it in a different manner (blindfolded, in heels) for making it funny and ridiculous.
The Big 5 0. Invest the day together going around city taking photographs of clues, billboards, etc. with the number 50 within them. If you cannot find lots of, perform the 5 as well as the 0 separately and develop a collage!
Flashback! Throw a retro gathering commemorating the 50-year-old's birth year-complete with music, hair styles and clothing from that particular era.
Attack which! Get a group in concert, go bowling and find out who can mark under 50 while not spreading gutter balls.
That is a lot of hot air! Get a 50-balloon bouquet and tie it to their wrist.
Yeah, that as well. Make a 50 is nothing to Snicker at indication and put it in a bowl of bite sized Snickers bars!
For Her: Add a cannot trust you're flippin' 50! label to a pair of interesting flip-flop sandals.
For Him: Create an It is (Name's) 50th Birthday! Tie one on! Have a bunch of older connections in a bowl and in addition have everybody who use 1 for a team picture!
Money Does not Grow on Trees. Effectively, perhaps it doesA money tree is a fun strategy to present fifty dolars money!
Still Hot at fifty. Gift basket filled with hot sauces and spices perfect for a great cook or grill-master.
A Box-o-Balloons. Put notes or maybe cash inside fifty inflated balloons then seal them in a label. A lightweight present to provide and / or drive (ground delivery).
Really? Gift item a 1-year membership to AARP!
A Farewell to Youth. Throw a party by having an RIP tombstone cake, fifty black balloons, etc., as well as advise navy outfit.
Just how many techniques are you able to say fifty? Finish off the sentence Turning 50ġ with items in a gift basket. Example: ȡis nuts! (peanuts); ȡstinks. (air freshener); ȡis merely peachy! (schnapps).
Might the force be with you. Have the team think of fifty lines from favorite movies and also see how many they are able to drop into the chat at the birthday party of theirs.
Hmmmthat's puzzling. Get a jigsaw puzzle with 50 parts. Or create one by lowering a big greeting card into puzzle shapes, placing in an envelope and mailing with your best wishes! You can also order a personalized New York Times puzzle with the real front page of their birthdate!
Call me moneybags. Offer the birthday star $20.50in fifty quarters, 50 nickels, 50 dimes as well as fifty pennies. Naturally you are able to make that $70.50 by bring 50 singles, also!
Red-colored alert! Reddish alert! Create a 50th Birthday Emergency Kit and also include whatever you think is suited for any birthday celebration owner (aspirin, noisemakers, adult diapers, etc.)
Something Old. Something Gold. It is their personal 50th anniversarygive them something in vintage gold or something wrapped in gold.
M-m-m-m beneficial. Purchase 50 MY M&M'S Party Packs of personalized candies complete with pics and words and phrases!
An evening meal is Served. Arrange a progressive 50th birthday dinner party, with each host/hostess serving a thing that was to the entire year the birthday celebration star was born. Dress correctly!
Who stated that? Make a book of fifty quotations on birthdays and also ageing, ranging from enjoyable to inspirational.
Suits me to a T. Purchase a custom T-shirt with some enjoyable copy on it. Example: Looks twenty two, Feels eighteen, Acts 10that can make me fifty! Or Does the shirt make me appear fifty? Check out online for some other creative ideas!
Better YetOrder customized t-shirts for the whole gang that feature a picture of the birthday celebration star and also a personalized email about converting fifty! Wear them at a party, out to a birthday dinner or even to a favorite watering hole.
Lots of memories. Take fifty downloadable pictures & fill them into an electronic photo frame.
Checking between the collections. Present them along with the publication, fifty Things to do When you Turn fifty: fifty Experts about the subject of Turning 50. It's a wonderful assortment of thoughts from people as Garrison Keillor, Suze Orman, Erica Jong, along with a lot more. Well, 47 additional, to be exact!
Did another person say party? Throw a themed gathering such as a South of the Border fling with invitations for any Nacho Average 50-year older. Fulfill Mexican food, hang a few piatas, etc. Some other themes could possibly consist of tropical-Life's a beach and afterward you switch 50! etc.
A treasury of your time. A number of days before the big working day, have friends and also family members every produce a scrapbook page which has favorite accounts, cards, mementos, photos, and more. Take all of the pages in unison and make a really special recollection album.
It all offers up. Do most of the things on this list. We're sure it will guarantee a lifetime of enjoyable as well as relationship!
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surveysonfleek · 7 years ago
Is popularity a social disease? if it matters that much to you, then yes, it’s a social disease. Would you want to be a hippie? not really. i respect the lifestyle and culture, i’m just not into it. In college, were you ever given exams with extremely broad and deep questions such as, ‘Why?’ or 'What is truth?’ it wasn’t a ‘what is the truth?’ type situation, it was more about what our opinion on the topic was. Have you knowingly destroyed an endangered plant or animal? nope. Did your parents bronze your first pair of baby shoes? i don’t think so... i’d know if it still existed if they did.
Do you check for a train when crossing tracks in your car even though the arms aren’t down? there aren’t many train crossings in my city tbh. i’ve never actually crossed one after all these years of driving. Is there gossip going around about you right now? i don’t think so. i live a pretty drama free life these days. How many comic strips do you read daily: none. If you were hiding from a burglar, would you hide in the closet or under the bed? under the bed i think. What do you most commonly use milk for: drinking or cooking? cooking. Who should provide the condoms in a relationship: the man or the woman? both should be responsible but the man should definitely always have some. imagine being the woman and always having to provide that? Are you ever afraid that people hate you and they’re just acting like they don’t? haha it’s definitely happened before. When you’re crossing the street with other people, do you ever feel a need to get to the other side first? nope. i just walk in the clearest path possible. Should people be able to go to college without a high school diploma if they score high enough on entrance tests? i mean, i think so. everyone has a right to an education. i don’t think entrance tests would be that easy either. Would you be embarrassed if people could hear you talking to your pets? haha no. If elephants were bred to a smaller size and sold as house pets, would you want one? it’d be a cool idea but probably not. Do you refer to people as 'dude’? no. Do you remember the last time you wrote a 'snail mail’ letter? haha nope. i’m assuming it would’ve been a greeting card though. Do you think beards/mustaches make men look older than they actually are? not particularly. Are you usually the one to initiate sex with your significant other? my boyfriend and i are pretty equal in this situation. When you’re having trouble burping when you feel like you need to, does patting yourself on the chest seem to help? haha no. i just do it. Do you have your wallet with you right now? yes. If it ever came down to a final battle between good and evil and you knew that evil was going to win, who would you fight for? i’d stay away as far from this battle as possible. i hate getting involved in conflict. Do you feel guilty when you borrow money from your parents? haha yes. Do you constantly have times where you have no money and then earn a lot of money and you don’t know what to do with it? no. my money always goes to bills etc. Do you always see yourself as the protagonist in the story of your life? of course. it’s my life. Can you drive by a car accident without staring? yes. i’ll have a quick glance but this shit causes soooo much traffic, even on the lanes going the opposite way. it drives me nuts. Do you find it a challenge to congratulate your opponent who just beat you in a game or competition? haha yes. Do you think that no matter how cold or heartless someone seems there is always at least one thing in the world that they love? yes, definitely. im sure 99.9% of people have a soft spot for something/someone. Who is worse: Someone who doesn’t repay a loan or someone that steals your CDs? someone who doesn’t repay a loan because i don’t own any cds haha. Why do you think so many homosexual men still go without condoms: because they don’t know of the dangers, or because they don’t care? both tbh. When you think about morality, do you think more in terms of good/bad people, or good/bad actions? actions. Which of these female comedians is funnier: Ellen Degeneres or Margaret Cho? i haven’t seen much of magaret cho’s stuff so i’ll just say ellen. Are you scared of dying alone? yes. dying in general. Are you most comfortable being treated by a doctor of the same sex as you? of course. Do you take daily walks? nope. i mean i walk everyday but i not like for exercise. Are there some slang terms you refuse to use? i hate the slang ‘litty’ lol. so cringy. Do you have a favorite pen that you use all the time? haha no. i have ones that i prefer writing with but i don’t have one fave. Have you ever changed an adult’s diaper? no. Do you think it’s dangerous or a good thing when two very depressed people start to date each other? dangerous. it’ll either go one of two ways. down a spiral of negativity if they’re feeding off each other’s problems or positive if they find true happiness within each other.
Do you know a game that is very stupid, yet very addicting? most iphone games haha. i’m totally guilty on this. Do you plan on having your children Christened/Baptised? probably.  Would regularly seeing videos of you interacting with people significantly improve your overall human effectiveness? that’d be cool. i think it’d work lol. Have you ever misspelled 'misspell’? i haven’t ever had to use it much. Have you ever stayed up for more than 24 hours to study for an exam? nope. Have you ever been in the back of a moving truck? yes haha. When you were young, did you know some pop stars were gay? probably. Do you have control over how much peace there is in your mind? sure. If you got a backstage pass at a concert, would you feel better than everyone else? um, yes duh.  Is your microwave any other color besides white? it’s black. Would you prefer a bagel or an entire breakfast in the morning? i’d prefer the bagel as long as there’s cream cheese. Do you think that couples that elope have a better chance of staying together? every couple is different. i’m not one to make a call on this. Do you know of a frozen dinner that tastes good? ugh, not at all. i hate them. Will public restrooms no longer be separated by gender in the near future? probably. If you do not eat red meat but eat fish are you a vegetarian? isn’t that a pescatarian? When you discard a piece of paper, which of the following are you more likely to do: rip it apart in pieces or crumple it? i’ve done both. if it’s a confidential document i’ll rip it up. Do you wear your pants and shorts above or below your waist line? above usually. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a sex change operation? yes. i’m assuming it’d be a mentally and physically draining experience. as long as they’re happy though. Do you call margarine 'butter,’ even though you know the difference? haha nope, i’ll call it margarine. Do you bathe less when you are depressed? yes. Should the ASPCA and RSPCA ban the practice of kidney transplants in cats, since cats can’t give consent for the surgery? i have no knowledge on this. Would you ever drink from a bowl or cup made out of human bones? probably not. just a creepy feeling. Does your car normally smell good? i guess so. i’m obsessed with air fresheners. Do you think 9/11 will be the worst thing you will see in your life? i mean it’s up there as one of the most memorable news stories of my childhood. but since i wasn’t there in person, i’m sure there could be worse things i experience personally throughout my life. Do you tend to do more research for school or papers at the library or on the internet? internet. Do you have an outfit you wear that makes you feel like a star? haha no. i’m yet to find the perfect outfit. You are working at McDonald’s frying meat. Your manager is being a jerk and you are ticked. A customer comes in and orders a 20-piece box of nuggets. Out of anger towards your manager, would you pack 20 or more, or 19 or less in that box? 20 or more. the customer didn’t do anything, why should they suffer? Once you’ve made up your mind about the kind of person someone is, can anything they say or do change it? yeah, it’s possible. Is there a single person whose whole existence you might be interested in studying? not seriously. a quick google search will do lol. Do you think that cuddling with a member of the opposite sex, with no intention of sexual relations, is cheating? i think it’s odd. why would you be cuddling someone that wasn’t your significant other in the first place?  Which would you be willing to give up the internet for: world peace or immortality? world peace. i cbf being immortal if it means i can never go on the internet anymore. Are you a redneck? no. Do you think by 2050 there will be flying cars? i wouldn’t be surprised. Should politicians be allowed to have a private life? sure. Do you avoid going over to other people’s houses because it makes you feel uncomfortable or out of place? omg yes. i don’t mind it but i always feel so awkward. i’m just so comfortable in my own home, i’d prefer my friends coming over instead. If someone you don’t know too well puts you in the buddy list of his or her profile, would you be suspicious, or would it be OK that he or she did that? depends who it is. Do you have a trash can in every room of your home? most rooms. Who said “I love you” first: you, or your partner? me lol. Do you ever lay down and watch a movie, only to fall asleep in the very beginning and wake up when the movie is over? all the damn time. Do you say 'thank you’ before leaving a store, even though you may not have purchased anything? if someone’s helped me out, then yes definitely. Would you approve if your significant other wanted to have a nude painting done? sure. lol. If there were nine guilty people and one innocent, and they all had to be together, would you put them all in jail or set them all free? depends on the crime. Is your pet also your best friend? of course :) When the toilet backs up, do you call someone to fix it or do you do it yourself? i try to fix it myself. then i pass it on to my parents and then plumber if need be. Have you ever recited a love poem to your significant other? nope. Would you rather be 'all head and no heart’ or 'all heart and no head’? i’d rather be all heart and no head even though i’m probably the opposite. Are your teeth discolored? slightly. When you were a child, did you make or buy your Halloween costumes? mostly make thanks to my mum. Have you ever seen a movie and liked it but upon further viewing come to like it a lot less? nope. If your father was a minister, would you want him to preside over your wedding ceremony? nope. i’d want him to be my father on my special day, not as a minister. Would you prefer to watch porn or a really good comedy? comedy. How long did your longest phone conversation ever last? over 24 hours but technically it was on skype. Do you put your initials on everything you own? no. Do you like or dislike people based on who else likes or dislikes them? no. even with a bad rep, i’d figure them out on my own. Do you have a friend who you hang out with only when there is nothing else to do? haha no, that’s mean. Which is harder: calculus or trigonometry? i hate them both. Do you often find yourself correcting your parents? when it comes to technology...always. If you could stop aging at a certain age, do you know what that age would be? 25ish. Do you more often eat off of real plates or paper plates? real plates. Have you ever had tape over your mouth? i tried it out myself as a kid. haha. If you encountered someone you totally didn’t know and he or she seemed to tell you the solutions to your uniquely specific problems without having been told what they were, would you be more thankful or freaked out? i’d freak out. i’m skeptical about everything. Would you rather eat a raw egg or a scoop of raw hamburger? omg neither. Do shy kids tend to grow up to be freaks? whaaat? not at all. When you put on a shirt, do you button up or down? i button down. Do you scent your letters when you write to a special someone? haha yes, i did it years ago. Is punk influenced more by music or attitude? music. actually idk. Did you ever start a thread that got at least 40 posts? yes. Can you recall the ending of the last story you read? nope. Have you ever had your head stuck in an unusual place? no. Do you have any weird or funny local slang? haha yes. chat, ceebs etc. When you come online, is there always one person you look for? back in the msn days, yes. not anymore. Do lava lamps make you sick looking at them? i never had one, so no. i find them fascinating still. Will Hollywood ever run out of ideas for movies? they’ve already run out. i feel like everything is a remake of something these days. Does P. Diddy telling everyone that he is the new Frank Sinatra make you want to roll your eyes? haha he could not be serious. Do you think the state of the global environment will be better or worse in 50 years? wors. Do you eat dinner in the dining room or in the living room? both. Which Mike Judge cartoon do you prefer: Beavis and Butthead or King of the Hill? neither. never watched them. Have you ever fallen off your chair in public? no. When sleeping, do you face the doorway or have your back to it? face it. Do you find poetry that expresses pain and suffering to be more intriguing than other types? i hate poetry. Do you only pretend looks don’t matter because you’re ugly yourself? haha i don’t pretend. looks matter to an extent. Do you find limericks to be funny and clever or annoying? funny when i was a kid. Do you think you’d be capable of representing yourself in court rather than hiring an attorney to do it for you? no. When you flirt with someone, is it obvious or more subtle? awkward if anything. Which character do you think weighs more: Jabba the Hutt or Fat Bastard? idk lol. Do you think couples break up mainly because of differences they can’t resolve or because they have found someone new? it’s possible to simply fall out of love without having someone else in the picture. Do you reread things that are written well? yes. What hurts more: getting poked in the eye or biting your tongue? poked in the eye. Do you prefer merry-go-rounds or ferris wheels? ferris wheels. better views. Which do you prefer: original or flavored Tootsie Rolls? original. If you had three children, would you rather have two boys and a girl, or two girls and a boy? two girls and a boy. Is having a threesome basically approved cheating? if it’s approved, it’s not cheating. Is it a turn off to you if the woman has a deep, manly voice or if the man has a high, pre-pubescent voice? no. Have you copied (or “ripped”) your entire CD collection onto your computer? yep lol. Do you have buns of steel? i wish! Did you use floaties on your arms when you were learning to swim? yep. Did your first ever snog involve French kissing? no. there was a lot of pecking involved first. Do you know a person who is physically unattractive and yet a flirt? haha yes. Are there a lot of programs on your computer that you don’t know how to use? yep. like half of the adobe cs. Do you live in an uncomfortable environment, such as where you feel you cannot be yourself? nope. If you had discovered a body on the side of the road would you see if it was still alive? i’d be scared shitless but i would and call emergency. Does punishing everyone for the actions of the few get us closer to utopia? hell no. Can you finish an entire 2-liter bottle of soda by yourself in a single sitting? no way. i’d feel like shit. Have your parents ever forbidden you to play a certain type of music in their house? nope. Since you reached dating age, have you been single for more than three years? nope haha. i’ve been taken for most of my dating life. When buying shampoo or soap, do you choose one because of what they put in it, or because you like the smell? i buy based on what they’re supposed to do to my hair. Have you ever had writer’s block? never really had to write since uni, so no.
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wanderingthroughwickford · 8 years ago
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Thank you! My responses are super long (especially for M asdflkasdfjkasdf) so most of them will be under a cut.
A – How did you come up with the title to [insert fic]?
Since no fic was specified, I think I’ll just go back through some of the ones I’ve got up on FFN. Most of them are pretty self-explanatory, to be honest. ‘Eternity’ is so named because Myrtle is stuck at Hogwarts, in her teenage form and mindset, for, well, eternity. ‘And Then There Was One’ (a probably discontinued Hunger Games/Nancy Drew crossover) is also fairly obvious; it’s the Hunger Games so it’s inevitably going to come down to one person, and I also couldn’t resist shoehorning in a completely unnecessary reference to And Then There Were None since it’s also based off a mystery series. ‘Unstained’ refers to Wiress’ promise in the game to not ‘stain’ herself by committing murder in the games, and if I ever write its sequels they’ll follow the ‘Un’ formula – I’ve always intended the final fic in the prospective trilogy to be called ‘Unchained,’ but we’ll see if I ever get there.
I think the one that actually gave me the most trouble coming up with a title was ‘Goodbye,’ a Pirates of the Caribbean one-shot I wrote way back in 2009. I couldn’t seem to come up with a clever enough title for the fic, until I asked my mom for help and she suggested simply ‘Goodbye.’ I decided that in this case, less was more, and so the title stuck.
C – What character do you identify with most?
The ones that I’ve written for, I guess this means? I suppose I’ll have to go with Myrtle and Wiress. Although they definitely both have more tragic lives than I do, I still put a lot of myself into them – I outright headcanon Wiress as having Asperger’s Syndrome and being uninterested in romance, so I find her quite easy to write in that way, and a lot of her moralistic, somewhat self-righteous attitude at the beginning of Unstained (which she’ll eventually grow out of, fortunately) draws a lot from how I now see myself as having acted as a young teenager. Her somewhat morbid obsession with past Hunger Games and their victims has roots in my own (sometimes borderline depressing) fascination with shipwrecks such as the Titanic and Lusitania. 
Myrtle I headcanon with some sort of unspecified mental illness, or at least deep insecurities and oversensitivity, and having trouble making and keeping friends. Her friendship with Murcia draws on some of the tentative friendships I had with girls in older grades, and – though this didn’t come through in the story for various reasons that would take a whole other ask to explain, and which I’m not entirely satisfied with but anyway – I definitely see Myrtle as having had a complicated crush on her, but never fully recognizing or accepting it for what it was because she wasn’t raised in a time or a society where girls loving other girls was normalized. Which, again, big part of my teenage years. Plus, the social awkwardness, introversion, and anxiety that both girls have is something I definitely relate to in general.
F – Care to share a favourite hurt/comfort fic?
Oh boy, that’s a tall order as there are so many, but the two that jump to mind immediately are Intersection by yadon/Copernicus Jones/Jake-Marshall and Pity the Child by Tanglepelt/Bookworm555. Intersection holds a very special place in my heart as it was written by my friend Leanne, featuring one of her favorite Ace Attorney characters, Jake Marshall, interacting with my OC Denise Swallow. Pity the Child was written by my friend Becca and involves two more of my faves – America and Latvia from Hetalia – having heartwarming interactions. Both are very good fics.
M – Got any premises on the back burner that you’d like to share?
It’d be easier to list fics I’ve actually completed than fics that are in various stages of planning
But if you insist
(This is the super LONG part and gets a little emotional towards the end) 
The fic that I’d most like to complete within the foreseeable future is ‘Unstained,’ my story about Wiress’ Hunger Games. I’d say it’s about half-finished now, and I haven’t updated it in almost 4 years. That might change in the future; I’d like to get at least a few more chapters done this summer, but I don’t think it’s humanly possible to get it finished before I leave for Ontario, and then I’ll be so busy for a solid year that I doubt I’ll be able to write anything. And that’s not even counting the two prospective sequels I’d like to write. But even finishing this fic would be a major life accomplishment for me, as it’s one of those that I’m proudest of.
Then I have at least three fics about my Ace Attorney OC, Denise Swallow, which I’d like to write, though they’ll probably all be one-shots. Two of them are partially written, one isn’t even started yet. One of them would be a brief overview of the few times she met Dahlia Hawthorne, the infamous culprit who ended up murdering her brother. Another one, the longest and weightiest of the three, would involve her meeting Phoenix Wright and Maya Fey, who channels the spirit of her brother so that she can properly say good-bye. The last one would involve her meeting up with Dahlia’s sister, Iris, and coming to some sort of closure there.
A lot of my fic-writing is taking a backseat to a much more personal fic-universe-of-sorts that I’m working on, involving practically all of my favorite fandoms thrown together into an incredibly complicated storyline. It’s completely self-indulgent and not something I’d really want to share a lot about here, but one of the major plotlines I’m constructing in it would involve a villain-to-anti-hero redemption arc for Lucy Bauer from Agents of Shield. I’ll admit that I have toyed, very briefly, with the idea of converting this into proper FanFiction if and when I ever complete it, but that’s honestly very unlikely because 1) I’d have to remove it from its crossover context, 2) I’d have to insert it into either AoS season 5 canon, which hasn’t even been filmed yet, or an alternate version of season 5, and 3) it seems completely implausible within the story’s canon. Plus, there’s the inevitable ‘no one would read it’ problem. 
In the past couple months I’ve considered writing an And Then There Were None Hunger Games AU, as well as a brief oneshot about Soldier Island being haunted by the ghosts of the ATTWN victims, but I’m very unlikely to do anything with those. There’s still my Nancy Drew Hunger Games AU left unfinished, but if I get back to that, it’ll be entirely as a way to blow off steam, rather than to try and write anything especially good. Just today I was attacked by the idea of writing a Lord of the Rings fic about Aragorn returning Boromir’s arm braces to Faramir and telling him how his brother died, but again, just a passing fancy that I’m very unlikely to write.
And that’s just the tip of it. There are so many FanFiction ideas I’ve considered writing and abandoned. The 8 fics I have up on FFN are the few lucky ideas that actually came to fruition, even though a good deal of them are unfinished as well. I’m honestly amazed that I was even able to finish ‘Eternity,’ or get as far as I have on ‘Unstained.’ I have an X-Men Evolution fic up that was originally supposed to be a multichap of 10-15 chapters, and it hasn’t been updated since 2011. When I was in high school I planned out a whole series of Pirates of the Caribbean fics chronicling James Norrington’s life, from childhood until his death, but I only ever got the first chapter of one written and never posted it. (Partially because I sort of balked at the HUGE amount of research I’d planned to do on 18th-century naval life for that fic). I’d like to go back to this one idea I had for a Hetalia fic, a series of one-shots about times in which the characters have wished they were humans rather than nations, but again, research would be necessary and it’s so draining.
That’s the problem. I love thinking up ideas and planning stories and having them finished, but at the end of the day, the act of writing itself is such a chore for me. And I hate that. I wish I could write effortlessly, like I used to as a kid, but I haven’t been able to do so since I was 12 or so. Which, coincidentally, is the time my depression started to majorly set in. I don’t know if the two are connected, but I can’t help but wonder if mental illness robbed me of a pastime that I dearly loved, and of countless fics I could have written by now.
(I know this is long and cheesy and overemotional, but cut me some slack, it’s almost 1 am) 
O – How do you begin a story – with the plot, or the characters?
You know, this is strange, because when I first saw this question I thought, of course I start with the plot, who would just say “I want to write a story about [character]” without even having any idea of what the plot would be yet? And then I realized that that’s exactly what I do – start with a character I want to write about and come up with a plot based off that. In fact, most of my stories aren’t even plot-driven much as just general looks into the lives of certain characters.
Y – A character you want to protect
Hah, it seems like the characters I want to protect and the characters I end up putting through torture are exactly the same. The two that jump to mind right away are – my sun and my stars and everything, the one and only APH Latvia, and my precious ghostly daughter, Myrtle Warren (Moaning Myrtle). And yet I endlessly read fics in which the former, and wrote a fic in which the latter, suffers. Whoops.
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seyaryminamoto · 8 years ago
While I agree that I would've loved to see Zuko and Azula get along more, and I still do want that, but honestly, I don't think that anyone will disagree that Azula's behavior was far worse when she got older. This isn't me ripping on her, because I really do love her, but Ozai corrupted almost any good that she had in her. At that point in time, I agreed with Iroh. She needed to go down. I still have some hope for her redemption, but she was a danger, and needed to be stopped at that time.
… Actually, I think literally everyone I know disagrees? o_O
I mean, it’s 11-year-old Azula who celebrates Zuko getting burned (for whatever her reasons, it’s very debated, as you might know). 14-year-old Azula doesn’t thrive in Zuko’s pain until her breakdown, which I THINK everyone acknowledges as her not-normal status, where she basically wants revenge for Zuko “stealing” everything she thought was rightfully hers. So, in regards of “basking in suffering”? There’s literally no solid evidence for it when she’s older, which is why everyone uses the Agni Kai as evidence to call her a sadist and then have no other examples for it. Azula has lots of chances to put people through worlds of pain if she feels like it, but she never takes them. Even after taking Zuko captive in the Crossroads of Destiny, she inflicts ZERO damage on him. So? Is she really worse at 14 than she was at 11?
Throughout Book 2 she tries to capture Zuko and Iroh, never kill them. Back when she was 9, she was amused by the idea of Zuko getting adopted by an Earth Kingdom family while at 14 she’s offering him the chance to come home. I’d think there’s a difference, and not quite a negative one. Even if “the redemption she offered was not for him”, it’s still Azula giving Zuko a chance to return to his family and homeland, as fucked-up a family as it may be, instead of thinking it’s hella fun for Zuko to live like a peasant and be cut off from his family and everything he knows. Again, I don’t see how she’s worse at 14.
Though I’ll say, just in case, that if you’re one of those people who think she could see the future and somehow predicted that Aang wouldn’t die because Katara had magic water (for the billionth time, she had no realistic way of knowing this, and this is the only reason why she could have suspected Aang would survive because it’s the only reason why Zuko suspected it in the first place), if you think that she planned everything ahead long before the turtle-duck pond scene, then I don’t think we’ll see eye to eye in many regards, if any at all…
If you’re also thinking about how she burns Iroh in The Chase, as most her actions in Books 2 and 3, she was doing it for a purpose. She needed to escape, Iroh’s the one that got distracted. If anyone else had been distracted instead, she would have gone for them instead, I’m sure of it.
Iroh escaped violently too back in Book 1 from a group of Earth Kingdom soldiers who had rightfully taken him prisoner when he had his guard down. I don’t see the difference between either situation. If Iroh and Zuko get to team up, burn and crush five Earth Kingdom men (who may just have had good reasons to despise Iroh for his siege to Ba Sing Se, just like Iroh and Zuko had good reasons to run away from Azula), why the heck is it such a horrible crime when Azula did it? Is it because she did it to a named, beloved character but when Iroh did it, it was to a random Earth Kingdom soldier?
Just to remind you, since this is an old episode people tend to forget, at one point Iroh even set up a trap so a soldier would “tighten his shackles”, overheated his left shackle and burned the guy’s hand, AND KEPT HIS HAND PRESSED TO THE SHACKLE, BTW, to make sure he got burned! Afterwards, shoots a lot of fire at an ostrich horse so he can cause a distraction and escape, but he fails anyways and that’s when the soldiers decide he’s too dangerous as he is. Now, how is his course of action any different from what Azula did to him and to the Gaang? How aren’t we having discussions on how awful Iroh’s actions are, but this is ALWAYS an argument people bring up to say Azula is awful…?
My opinion? We should start measuring characters with the same scale, same measure tape. If this is something we forgive of Iroh’s, then it makes no sense for it to be something we can’t forgive of Azula’s. All it really means is people are less willing to forgive her than they are to forgive him.
After all this evidence, I don’t think she got any worse with age, nor do I think that at 14 she’s a worse person than a lot of people the Gaang met. I mean, I really don’t know where you’re getting that idea about her being worse when she’s older… I mean, what, she’s better at manipulation? She’s more efficient about the things she does? She’s more goal-oriented? 9yo Azula literally talks about her grandfather and uncle dying as casually as can be, I see no such behavior in 14yo Azula until her breakdown, which is the only point where she starts wanting Zuko dead (given how frustrated Zuko is when Azula doesn’t plummet to death, though, I don’t think she’s the only one who wanted to be an only child).
Long story short, Anon, I see no excuse for Iroh’s comment. Especially when you see him dismissing and treating Azula as less important than Zuko from as early as in picking out presents for his niece and nephew. I see no excuse for Iroh trying to spare his own potentially conflicted feelings when it comes to fighting his own brother, who is WORSE than Azula, while having groomed Zuko perfectly into being ready to fight his sister 24/7. 
She was a hazard and needs to be stopped is an argument I’ve seen used countless times to justify Iroh and Zuko being merciless towards her, btw. May I remind you, though… both Zuko and Iroh end up as her prisoners at different points in time. Then she takes them home, mission accomplished. That’s it. That’s what she did to them at the time. That’s what her threat amounted to. Zuko goes unharmed altogether. Iroh gets treated worse by the creep-ass Warden than he does by Azula. So, she was a hazard? She was a problem? She needed to be stopped? Uh, let me translate that: she was their foil, she was on a mission that they needed to keep her from fulfilling. Just as Azula was a danger to them, Zuko was a danger to Aang in Book 1 (and still part of Book 2). Why doesn’t anyone ever claim he needs to be stopped, that he’s a menace, that he’s a terrible person for all that? It doesn’t happen in-story, ever. When Katara is being super distrustful of him in Book 3, she’s framed as in the wrong about him and takes aaaaaaaaaaall of it back before long. So, why the double standard? Is it because Zuko’s not as effective as his sister? Because his persistence is apparently a good trait, but in Azula it’s the mark of evil?
Really, stop to look at Azula’s POV for a while. Watch the show from where she’s standing. Literally, her every action from Book 2 to 3 (until her breakdown) has a reason, she doesn’t do anything for free. Even her threat to Ty Lee, horrible as it was, came from her deciding to change her tactics and settling on Ty Lee and Mai as her new companions. It proves she’s not going to stop at anything, yes, but she had a purpose. Ty Lee would have stayed happy, unthreatened, in her circus, if only Ozai didn’t tell Azula to find and bring Iroh and Zuko home. It’s because of her mission that Azula drags her out of there. EVERYTHING she does is because of the mission in Book 2. By Book 3, it’s about keeping the Fire Nation on top, and about defeating the threats against it. She literally lets the Gaang get away when she could have chased after them on that blimp she was on at the end of the episode, maybe attacked them from it (especially since Appa was carrying too many people and wouldn’t fly too far like that). She chooses not to, because the battle is over. She won. Why would she need to do anything else? 
Also, literally none of the adults who were taken prisoners look harmed, so the Fire Nation didn’t treat them poorly. Hell, Hakoda is HEALED from his injury when we see him again in the Boiling Rock. Sooooo, how damn horrible it is to lose against Azula, isn’t it? Who has EVER seen a more dangerous villain?!?!?! I mean, ffs, let’s be objective here, shall we? Zhao was way worse to Zuko and to his prisoners than Azula was. Long Feng was a literal brainwasher. By violence measurements and cruelty, she’s a n00b compared to them.
Long story short, if the problem is Azula is too effective a villain without that much violence, and that’s why she has to stop, well, it ain’t her fault her enemies aren’t as competent as she is. I don’t see how she’s morally worse than anyone else they fought, tbh she’s not, because she does offer Zuko kindness plenty of times. Yet she gets treated like the biggest problem ever by the characters and fandom alike.
And really, I think we both got extremely sidetracked from the point of the post that caused you to send this ask. Point is, Iroh doesn’t want Zuko and Azula getting along. Iroh doesn’t ever consider that maybe he can guide Azula into a better path if it was possible with Zuko. Iroh doesn’t ever think that maybe he can help her get out of Ozai’s influence. To him, she’s a lost case, and worse than that, she’s barely family (NEVER does he refer to her as such). To him, she’s the biggest rival he ever faces in the show because, as the show proved, Azula can make Zuko drift away from him. So, Mr. Nice Wise Guy never tried to get along with his niece and basically marked her as unforgivable for as long as she was a threat to his influence on Zuko. Ursa was a nasty mother to Azula and we literally have no proof of her loving Azula, but she didn’t want her children to be enemies. Ozai and Iroh literally turn Azula and Zuko against each other. Can we just accept that Iroh isn’t all that blameless? Why do we need to excuse him and pretend he had every right to behave like this 14yo girl was Vaatu incarnate when the show itself proves she’s NOT?
Seriously though. Iroh is not perfect. What’s so hard about admitting this? Why can’t we accept that he’s not all wisdom? That he never tried to help Azula? That he never wanted Zuko and Azula to get along? That he literally was counting on breaking Zuko away from his other relatives so he’d come to him, and him alone? I’m not saying that Azula and Ozai were good influences on Zuko, because they weren’t, but Zuko used to care about his father. He used to think he should get along with his sister. 
Wouldn’t it be EXTRA meaningful if Zuko had still felt that it was somehow wrong to fight his family, even though he knew it was the only thing he could do, instead of being murder-happy towards Aang while telling him his father HAD TO DIE? Wouldn’t it be better if Iroh had actually tried to reach Azula, but she just swatted him off because she’s not interested in what he’s selling? Wouldn’t it mean something huge for his character if Zuko’s attempt to reconnect with the good in his family had actually meant reconnecting his family to GOODNESS, instead of just worrying about his personal needs during The Search, WHICH IS ALL HE DID???
No. Instead, we get both Zuko and Iroh concluding that their respective siblings need to be ended. If you find nothing worth complaining about in those regards, that’s your problem, but I don’t have to like it. And I don’t have to think they’re heroic or right to think the way they do. Azula is no angel, neither are they. Zuko would be a far more moving character for me if he actually had shown he gave a damn about his sister, but he NEVER DID. 
Because really, every single time you see those asks going around? It’s “Do you guys REALLY think Azula cared about Zuko?” Ask yourself if Big Brother Zuzu cared about Azula instead, for a change. And FYI, if you conclude that he didn’t love her at all, that doesn’t mean you can’t love him. You can. Just, be aware of the fact that he’s no beacon of perfect goodness, that he’s got a lot of areas to improve on, and just like him, Iroh does. I find it beyond unfair that a man who literally redeemed himself at well past 50 years of age decided that his teenage niece is beyond saving. 
So, anon, be objective, don’t look at things from Iroh’s POV but from a neutral one, by understanding everyone’s motivations, and tell me that Iroh wouldn’t look like a way better human being if he just gave a shit about the family members he’s estranged from, while they don’t care about him at all. Literally, it’d be the perfect way to show why Iroh is the morally correct one. You want me to tell you the hard truth as to why this is so hard to accept for most fans? It’s only because of how morally incorrect his behavior is that people keep refusing to admit Iroh was wrong in how he handled Azula and her relationship with Zuko.
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weekendwarriorblog · 6 years ago
ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL: Ed’s Very Important Thoughts on the Robert Rodriguez Anime Adaptation
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Before we get into my thoughts on the newest James Cameron-Jon Landau-Robert Rodriguez jam, let’s talk about science fiction. It’s a genre that has worked so well in novel form, as well as in comics and animation, but not always so much when it comes to live action films. You might wonder why that is, and it’s fairly simple: perception. A filmmaker’s vision of a futuristic world may or may not connect with how the viewer sees that world, especially when it comes to science fiction movie adapted from other forms.
That may be why you can watch a movie like Stanley Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange (one of my lifelong personal faves) and accept the characters talking using strange, foreign slang (taken straight from the book, mind you) or enjoy the craziness of Luc Besson’s Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets, while possibly not be in tune with visions of the future like those in Mortal Engines, Divergent, The Giver or any number of other future worlds.
That brings us to Alita: Battle Angel, a decades-long obsession of filmmaker James Cameron to adapt the popular Yukito Kishiro manga into a movie, although he is already well-entombed in making the next 500 Avatar movies, so he handed the directorial reigns to the equally able Robert Rodriguez.
If I’ve ever read any of the Battle Angel Alita manga, I don’t remember very much about it other than that it involved a cyborg girl who was REALLY good at fighting. Because of that, I probably wouldn’t know how well the film captures the story, characters or the environment. Even so, it’s not like there’s a ton of Manga adaptations to compare this to either, other than the disastrous Ghost in the Shell from a few years back and other ones that are equally bad.
Let’s see how much of the plot of this one I can share without making you just want to shut your mind off, as I nearly did while trying to endure this:
The movie takes place in the 26thCentury, 300 years after “The Fall,” a war that has created a post-apocalyptic world divided into two places – the Earth-based Iron City and the enormous city of Zalem, floating high overhead.  A girl’s head falls from the latter down to a junkyard in Iron City where it’s found by Christoph Waltz’s Doctor Dyson Ido, a cybernetics expert who gives the girl a cyborg body he created for his late disabled daughter Alita. He gives the cyborg the name Alita (Rosa Salazar) and having no memory of her past, she looks at Iron City with a sense of wonder, especially when she meets the handsome Hugo (Keann Johnson), and they begin to bond. As others discover Alita’s existence, most notably the evil Vector (Mahershala Ali), she finds herself using her new skills and cyborg body to protect Hugo and Doctor Ido.
Obviously, there’s a lot more to the plot in terms of characters, and I couldn’t tell you which of them comes directly from the comics and which are made to look cool for the movie, but it’s surprisingly not too complicated a plot once you know all the players.
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Christoph Waltz is surprisingly decent playing a kinder and gentler father figure, a bit like Geppetto to Alita’s Pinocchio, though he does get into the action, as he’s also a “Hunter-Warrior.” Mahershala Ali, on the other hand, gives such a stiff performance you may wonder if this movie will be his Norbit, the bad paying gig an Oscar-winning actor takes that comes out in the middle of awards season.  (Then again, Jennifer Connolly is also pretty bad in this, and she’s also an Oscar winner.)
On top of that, Alita features another ridiculous performance by Ed Skrein, who I’m shocked still gets work despite being the worst aspect of Deadpool. He plays Zapan, the top Hunter-Warrior, a group of bounty hunters who seem to go after those who kill cyborgs for parts, whether they be human or cyborg themselves. You see, in Iron City, cyborg parts are a commodity with everyone clamoring for the best upgrades. Furthermore, everyone in Iron City has an exceedingly silly name to the point where when you’re introduced to the Hunter-Warriors “Screwhead” and “Dogmaster,” it’s almost impossible not to break out laughing.
Also big on this world is a sport called “Motorball.” Now if you were to ask me, “What sport is so popular in America that you can see it surviving until the 26thCentury?, I might tell you “baseball” or “football” or even “professional wrestling” – I would never have said, “roller derby.”  That’s exactly what Motorball is, a form of futuristic roller derby involving cyborgs that the people of Iron City just eat up. Of course, Alita eventually joins up and is immediately targeted by the other cyborgs playing.
As silly as the film sometimes seems, everything is always delivered so seriously it’s hard to enjoy, and the cast in general is so lacking in the type of charm or personality that can make anyone other than Alita herself stand-out. If you think about some of cornier sci-fi movies like Total Recall or Robocop, what made them work is that you had charming or solid leads like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Peter Weller, and Rosa Salazar’s bright charm and big smile only goes so far. I also will freely admit watching a character with giant exaggerated eyes can be unnerving for at least the first hour. (I couldn’t decide which was creepier: Alita or the lady-dolls from Robert Zemeckis’ Welcome to Marwen.) Things get even skeevier when Alita’s body is replaced with that of an older woman and both her “maker/father” and Hugo make creepy comments about how much better she looks. Talk about a movie sending mixed messages when you have this powerful female character but the men around her still only admire her for physical attributes.
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I don’t want to completely trash everything about Alita, because one place it excels is in the overall look of the movie (especially captivating in 3D) as well as in the action setpieces which are generally exciting and enjoyable despite the terrible dialogue that accompanies most of it. If you just want to watch cool stuff, there’s plenty of that as the film’s visuals are as impressive as anything in Blade Runner 2049 or other CG-heavy films. There’s no question Rodriguez and Cameron are masters at creating fully CG worlds populated entirely by CG characters and still making them easy to connect with.
That said, the weak writing and dialogue rarely help matters, leaving it relying heavily on the score by Thomas Holkenborg (aka Junkie XL) to inform the viewer how they should be feeling. As with Mortal Engines, you may wish there was a better movie to accompany his score, but even that seems to be far more earnest than necessary.
Even if the original manga was created way back in 1990, Alita winds up feeling derivative and filled with every cliché imaginable since it probably has inspired so many copycats. (I’m talking to you Elysium.)
As great as Alita might look, make no mistake that this is a very bad movie. I’m not even sure diehard fans of the Manga will be able to tolerate its constant stream of stoic silliness.
Rating: 5/10
0 notes
doomedgeomorph · 6 years ago
(SAOIRSE RONAN, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER ) — ✧ that looks like LYKKE NIELSEN! they’re the NINETEEN ( THIRTY-SEVEN ) year old , known as PETRA. i hear they’re COURAGEOUS  & TACTICAL, but tend to be DISTRUSTFUL & PESSIMISTIC. She is a STUDENT ( catching up on high school ) at paragon.
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tw: sexual harassment, tw: pedophilia mention ( sorta ? i wanted to make sure tho ? I didn’t go into detail ), tw: verbal abuse mention
Also a bit long cuz she’s obscure so I wanted detail :D
Okie so here is my fave X-Men of all time, don’t ask why IDK I just have always liked her.
Petra is the daughter of two Danish immigrants. She had an older brother who was also born in Denmark, but she was the first family member born in America ( she had no canon name so I picked one). He family was killed in a landslide when she was 11 while they were out hiking and for reasons at the time that even she did not know she escaped unscathed despite being in the middle of it.
She was placed in foster care where she bounced around a bit til a family kept her. If you could call it a family. She and five other foster kids all lived in the same room and it became abundant;y clear that the couple was only taking in kids for the support money. The woman was emotionally unavailable and verbally abusive and the man had a tendency to give her and the other girls unwanted attention.
When she was 16 her foster father brought her and a couple of the other kids out on a picnic where he tried to touch her inappropriately. She panicked and he ended up waist deep in a sinkhole that appeared out of nowhere. This i the moment she discovered she was a mutant. She fled from the scene amid her foster father shouting slurs at her for being a mutant.
For the next couple years she would live by her wits and learn to use her powers as an aide, finding she could mold and move any earth based material at will ( ie, dirt, glass, stone, lava, sand, etc. ) and could ‘airsurf’ on a board made from any earth material helped in part by her mild aerokinesis. She also found she could create diamonds from coal, a trick that would help her pay to get off the streets but would also eventually get her arrested.
After her arrest she was taken in by Moira McTaggert and went to live with her and three other teens:  Armando Muñoz ( aka Darwin ), Gabriel Summers ( aka Vulcan ) & Suzanne Chan ( aka Sway ). In the care of Moira, Petra would feel herself for the first time in a while and would become close friends with the other kids. 
One day Xavier would turn up and try to convince Moira to allow the teens to go on a near suicide mission to rescue the real X-Men from the clutches of a sentient mutant island, Krakoa. She refused so he manipulated her telepathically into releasing the teens to his custody then he falsely implanted memories of training and being x-men into the minds of Petra and her friends. Despite their best efforts they failed to save anyone but Cyclops whom they managed to return to the x-jet in a state of semi consciousness before the island killed them.
Humiliated by the tragedy, X wiped all memories of the teens from everyone’s minds, effectively making it as though they never had existed. 
In this version, she and Sway accidentally combined their powers to create a time capsule of sorts where the two managed to stay in a state of suspended animation for almost 2 decades before being found.
TL;DR:  Petra is an orphaned Geomorph stuck out of her time in a world she doesn’t know. Trust issues abound but she has a certain fondness for any non-telepathic mutants and/or anyone taken care of by Moira or betrayed by Xaivier. ( she distrusts telepaths by default, but as long as ur name ain’t Charles Xavier she’s willing to give u a chance )
Wanted Types of Connections:
I’d love anyone who may have known her as a teen, especially seeing she’s still stuck as one and being a friendly face through her navigating the change in times
SWAY. PLZ BRING SWAY ! Suzanne is a time manipulator, able to freeze time around objects or people and to replay past ( and possibly future ) scenarios and events. Her parents were from Hong Kong, so if you wanna play her ( i’d love u forever ) plz keep this in mind while choosing a fc. She should be around 19 in appearance though due to the time capsule she’d be mid thirties.
On that note DARWIN ! In the comics he used his reactive evolution power to meld with Vulcan who had something something i don’t remember that made it so they survived, so he is alive and probably older than them in appearance. He is Afro-Hispanic !
A big Xavier fanboy for her to butt heads with. She hates Xavier with a passion for what he did to her and her friends.
Literally any type of brotp, friendship, enimies, frenemies etc connection I love em all
A tutor would be great so she can catch up on high school level stuff since she was on the street for most of that age.
0 notes
bvnsl-blog · 8 years ago
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An update has been published on http://www.bvnsl.com/opportunities-for-bloggers-vloggers/
Opportunities for Bloggers & Vloggers
Designers and events looking for bloggers and/or vloggers must fill out the form found HERE to be included in this list.
Event Envee
Interested In: Bloggers & Vloggers
Applications Close: April 30th
Blogger Requirements: Once you are accepted, it is mandatory to be in Event Envee group while actively blogging our events. You will be sent a NC and group invite upon acceptance. MAX 2 people, including yourself.Only bloggers with GOOD quality pictures will be accepted.
Must be active within the month and be active weekly.
We ask that you make 2 blog posts/week during the event (total of 6 for the duration) and 2 posts before the event starts. However, there is no limit on how much you can post.
*****Please be sure you cover AT LEAST 2 sponsors during your posts.
Designers who want to provide bloggers with designs will send out packs in the Event Envee group.
You are required to send a group notice with your post links and post photos on the group flickr and to the facebook page.
We will be doing more events in the future and will be inviting bloggers back that complete the above requirements.
All social media coverage info will be released to be used in advertising by all bloggers/designers.
If you do not post the required amount, or do not send a notice in group, you will lose your group tag and not receive notices with designer blogger packs and not be covering an event. PLEASE make your NC full perm so she can include it on the blogger report.
You will be required at the end of the event to complete a blogger report, if you fail to provide the report by the required date, you will be ejected from the group and will never be able to blog in our events again.
For questions, please contact: Bella Zenovka Moranni Ivanovic (izabelivanovic)
Apply Now by Clicking Here
Women Only Hunt 3
Interested In: Bloggers Only
Applications Close: May 20th
Blogger Requirements: This event is for women only. No male bloggers will be accepted. Only bloggers with good quality pictures will be accepted. Your blog must be active for at least 3 months and be updated weekly. No blog with AUTO-PLAY music/video will be accepted. It is mandatory to be in the Women Only team group until the end of the event. Each blogger has to publish at least one post BEFORE the event starts (see important dates). All bloggers related pictures MUST be posted in the Women Only Flickr event group & include a direct blog post link. Bloggers with no Flickr account cannot be accepted. Bloggers MUST publish a minimum of 4 posts, no exceptions. Bloggers must complete the bloggers report by the last day of the hunt. Do not contact us. We will contact you ONLY if you are accepted.
Event Description: The Women Only Hunt (WOH) is back for its 3rd edition! Featuring your favorite designers in a grid wide hunt, you are guaranteed to have fun in the sun and bag yourself some amazing summer themed goodies! Grab your friends, your sunglasses and hunt for the hidden coconut.
For questions, please contact: Taylalouise Resident
Apply Now by Clicking Here
Interested In: Bloggers
Applications Close: April 15
Blogger Requirements: — I ask that you blog at least every other release. This will likely be an average of 2 posts per month. These posts must be showcasing hive items, making them the focus of the photo. Event releases need to be blogged prior to or within the first few days of the event start date.– Links on your blog/flickr must be to the mainstore. If the item is at an event, the link for the event must be separate from the usual store link. (Both will be given to you with each release)
— I will be verifying blogger posts through flickr, so please be sure to add accordingly (by tagging me and/or putting in the hive flickr group).
For questions, please contact: TheHiveStore Resident
Apply Now by Clicking Here
Interested In: Bloggers
Applications Close: April 15
Blogger Requirements: Good picture quality – Must blog furniture mainly – Must be able to blog at least 5 Kalopsia items (old or new) per month and must be fairly prominent in the photo – having 300+ views on your pictures. Having a Flickr account is mandatory, having a blog is not necessary.
For questions, please contact: No Contact Info Provided
Apply Now by Clicking Here
The Forge
Interested In: Bloggers
Applications Close: No Close Date Posted
Blogger Requirements: 1. Blog must be 6 months or older.2. Active Blogging with high quality pictures. (if you will need to be absent for a long period of time without blogging, you will need to let us know.)
3. Minimum of (2) posts per month with newly released items. A good rule of thumb is possibly one new post per event. While we love seeing older things blogged they will not count towards monthly requirement.
4. Items must be properly tagged and added to the forge flickr group. example: Shoes- [The Forge] Ultra-rare cool hooker boots @ Event Name here, urls added are awesome as well.
5. You will need a group space
6. If selected will need to have the Forge Logo and landmark somewhere on your blog.
Blogs/Flickr will be monitored on a regular basis. Failure to meet requirements for a period of time will result in removal.
For questions, please contact: Catheryne Darkfury
Apply Now by Clicking Here
Le Fil Casse
Interested In: Bloggers
Applications Close :Closing date isn’t posted
Blogger Requirements: • Flickr must be active for at least six concurrent months with no long gaps or periods of absence. • Must have at least 1,500 followers and 1,000 views per picture on average. • Must post complete and accurate credits including event names and slurls. • Pictures must be of high-quality with limited processing on featured LFC items. • Minimum of 2 posts per month. Older items do not count towards this requirement.
For questions, please contact: No Contact Information Posted
Apply Now by Clicking Here
Interested In: Blogger
Applications Close: April 25th
Blogger Requirements: Information Posted in Blogtex System
For questions, please contact: UPDATE BASED ON SEARCH CRITERIA
Apply Now by Clicking Here
Interested In: Bloggers
Applications Close: April 15, 2017
Blogger Requirements: Interested bloggers, please submit a new image of yourself wearing Belleza items that have been released in the last six months. Male bloggers may submit a photo wearing one of the Belleza skins. For more information on releases, see this link: https://bellezaskin.wordpress.com/. Images should be added to the Belleza Blogger Group here: https://www.flickr.com/groups/3286971@N25/. Bloggers who are invited to blog will receive a notecard and a group invite in-world. The Belleza team will not be replying to all applications. Please watch social media for information as to when group invitations have gone out
Store Description: Belleza is a quality creator of skins, shapes, cosmetics, and mesh body accessories for men and women.
For questions, please contact:
Apply Now by Clicking Here
e l i a v a h ღ ~
Interested In: Bloggers
Applications Close: April 20, 2017
Blogger Requirements: 1. Must have been blogging for at least 5 months and have a decent amount of views/faves/likes. 2. Please send your blog stats if you blog off of Flickr. You must have a Flickr account to add your photos to our Flickr group. 3. Currently must blog once per month, but this could change as the brand grows. 4. You will need one group space for the in-world group. 5. Must add your post to our flickr group and use correct Inworld LMs and Event LMs. ( https://www.flickr.com/groups/3452279@N20/ ) 6. Type “popoto” in the section where it says “Do you agree to follow the rules?” to show you read the rules! 7. Please send your blog post(s) in a note-card at the end of each month to the blogger manager: iwiked 8. If you are going to be on hiatus for a long period of time, please contact iwiked through notecard 9. Breaking these rules multiple times will result in being removed from the blogger group. 9. Most important rule: Be creative and have FUN.
Store Description: Mesh clothing, accessories, shoes, and more for Maitreya, Belleza, and Slink. The store owner is currently focusing on Maitreya and advises that bloggers at least have a Maitreya body. The store would eventually like to expand to include other types of mesh content, including hair, cosmetics, etc.
For questions, please contact: iwiked or EliavahAzaleia
Apply Now by Clicking Here
Interested In: Both Bloggers and Vloggers
Applications Close: April 15, 2017
Blogger Requirements: 1) Must use a mesh body. 2) Posts must be shared a minimum of 50 times, 3) Justice needs to be listed on your blog with a logo image and link, 4) Two posts required per month, 5) Credits to Justice items are mandatory.
Store Description: JUSTICE is a Original Mesh Store, with ladies clothing for popular mesh bodies, our style is sexy, trendy and casual clothing.
Apply Now by Clicking Here
Love Hair
Interested In: Bloggers
Applications Close: April 12, 2017 (Based on one week from post on BVN. Actual closing date of applications could not be found.)
Blogger Requirements: Store is using the Blogotex System. All you have to do is visit Love Mainstore and click on the Access point sign. Old bloggers must reapply.
Store Description: Quality original mesh hair and accessories.
For questions, please contact: See application for more information.
Apply Now by Clicking Here
RFL Castle, Home, and Garden Contest
Interested In: Bloggers
Applications Close: April 17, 2017 (Based on one week from post on BVN. Actual closing date of applications could not be found.)
Blogger Requirements: – Your Blog must be more than 6 months old & Active Flickr Account. – We requirement minimum 3 posts for the event (June 3 – June 24). You are encouraged to include multiple items for each post and cover at least one hunt item if possible. – You MUST be able to submit your first post during the first week of the event. The rest before the cycle ends. – Have High Quality Photos, with clear/close-up shots of small items like accessories, home decor, shoes etc. – A Group slot available for receiving Blogger packs & all communications.
Event Description: Quoted from the application: “The 4th Annual Castle, Home and Garden Contest in support of Relay For Life of Second Life, June 3-June 24, 2017. Covering 15 sims of designer builds, merchants and entertainment. For more information about the event, please visit our website at: http://www.chgrfl.org/ **This is a charity event benefiting Relay for Life of Second Life. The more posts and coverage the more RFL benefits. We have some requirements to ensure bloggers are active but please remember this is a group effort. There are loads of mini events included as part of the event as a whole, auctions, raffles, entertainment, a hunt and much more. Any additional coverage is greatly appreciated to benefit this worthy cause.This is a unique event which covers 15 unique themed sims. This allows for photo ops at the sims and of the builds being created as part of the event. We have a wonderful group of volunteers who make this event possible and hope to see you join our efforts!”
For questions, please contact: PorcelainPeach
Apply Now by Clicking Here
Tres Chic
Interested In: Bloggers
Applications Close: April 12, 2017
Blogger Requirements: You must blog MINIMUM 4 POSTS PER MONTH per your agreement when you applied to be a blogger for Tres Chic. Make sure all the items are visible in your posts and that you mention the designers. High quality pictures only! Make sure they are not dark so we can actually see the items. Tag the Tres Chic Flickr group! Tag the designers. You must post at least 60% of the designers! Not always the same. All your posts must be made from the 13th of the month till 30th of every month. All photos must be submitted to our flickr group https://www.flickr.com/groups/tres_chic/ The event will be tagged on Flickr as TresChic, one word. At the end of every month you need to fill the form again, filling it with links of every post you have made for the round!.
Event Description: Tres Chic is a monthly event in Second Life where some of the best designers on the grid will present their latest and greatest fashion, accessories, and decor.
For questions, please contact: nikidemonix
Apply Now by Clicking Here
0 notes
bvnsl-blog · 8 years ago
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An update has been published on http://www.bvnsl.com/opportunities-for-bloggers-vloggers/
Opportunities for Bloggers & Vloggers
Designers and events looking for bloggers and/or vloggers must fill out the form found HERE to be included in this list.
        Event Envee
    Interested In: Bloggers & Vloggers
  Applications Close: April 30th
  Blogger Requirements: Once you are accepted, it is mandatory to be in Event Envee group while actively blogging our events. You will be sent a NC and group invite upon acceptance. MAX 2 people, including yourself.
Only bloggers with GOOD quality pictures will be accepted.
Must be active within the month and be active weekly.
We ask that you make 2 blog posts/week during the event (total of 6 for the duration) and 2 posts before the event starts. However, there is no limit on how much you can post.
*****Please be sure you cover AT LEAST 2 sponsors during your posts.
Designers who want to provide bloggers with designs will send out packs in the Event Envee group.
You are required to send a group notice with your post links and post photos on the group flickr and to the facebook page.
We will be doing more events in the future and will be inviting bloggers back that complete the above requirements.
All social media coverage info will be released to be used in advertising by all bloggers/designers.
If you do not post the required amount, or do not send a notice in group, you will lose your group tag and not receive notices with designer blogger packs and not be covering an event. PLEASE make your NC full perm so she can include it on the blogger report.
You will be required at the end of the event to complete a blogger report, if you fail to provide the report by the required date, you will be ejected from the group and will never be able to blog in our events again.
  For questions, please contact: Bella Zenovka Moranni Ivanovic (izabelivanovic)
Apply Now by Clicking Here
                  Women Only Hunt 3
    Interested In: Bloggers Only
  Applications Close: May 20th
  Blogger Requirements: This event is for women only. No male bloggers will be accepted. Only bloggers with good quality pictures will be accepted. Your blog must be active for at least 3 months and be updated weekly. No blog with AUTO-PLAY music/video will be accepted. It is mandatory to be in the Women Only team group until the end of the event. Each blogger has to publish at least one post BEFORE the event starts (see important dates). All bloggers related pictures MUST be posted in the Women Only Flickr event group & include a direct blog post link. Bloggers with no Flickr account cannot be accepted. Bloggers MUST publish a minimum of 4 posts, no exceptions. Bloggers must complete the bloggers report by the last day of the hunt. Do not contact us. We will contact you ONLY if you are accepted.
  Event Description: The Women Only Hunt (WOH) is back for its 3rd edition! Featuring your favorite designers in a grid wide hunt, you are guaranteed to have fun in the sun and bag yourself some amazing summer themed goodies! Grab your friends, your sunglasses and hunt for the hidden coconut.
  For questions, please contact: Taylalouise Resident
Apply Now by Clicking Here
Interested In: Bloggers
Applications Close: April 15
Blogger Requirements: — I ask that you blog at least every other release. This will likely be an average of 2 posts per month. These posts must be showcasing hive items, making them the focus of the photo. Event releases need to be blogged prior to or within the first few days of the event start date.
— Links on your blog/flickr must be to the mainstore. If the item is at an event, the link for the event must be separate from the usual store link. (Both will be given to you with each release)
— I will be verifying blogger posts through flickr, so please be sure to add accordingly (by tagging me and/or putting in the hive flickr group).
For questions, please contact: TheHiveStore Resident
Apply Now by Clicking Here
Interested In: Bloggers
Applications Close: April 15
Blogger Requirements: Good picture quality – Must blog furniture mainly – Must be able to blog at least 5 Kalopsia items (old or new) per month and must be fairly prominent in the photo – having 300+ views on your pictures. Having a Flickr account is mandatory, having a blog is not necessary.
For questions, please contact: No Contact Info Provided
Apply Now by Clicking Here
The Forge
Interested In: Bloggers
Applications Close: No Close Date Posted
Blogger Requirements: 1. Blog must be 6 months or older.
2. Active Blogging with high quality pictures. (if you will need to be absent for a long period of time without blogging, you will need to let us know.)
3. Minimum of (2) posts per month with newly released items. A good rule of thumb is possibly one new post per event. While we love seeing older things blogged they will not count towards monthly requirement.
4. Items must be properly tagged and added to the forge flickr group. example: Shoes- [The Forge] Ultra-rare cool hooker boots @ Event Name here, urls added are awesome as well.
5. You will need a group space
6. If selected will need to have the Forge Logo and landmark somewhere on your blog.
Blogs/Flickr will be monitored on a regular basis. Failure to meet requirements for a period of time will result in removal.
For questions, please contact: Catheryne Darkfury
Apply Now by Clicking Here
Le Fil Casse
Interested In: Bloggers
Applications Close :Closing date isn’t posted
Blogger Requirements: • Flickr must be active for at least six concurrent months with no long gaps or periods of absence. • Must have at least 1,500 followers and 1,000 views per picture on average. • Must post complete and accurate credits including event names and slurls. • Pictures must be of high-quality with limited processing on featured LFC items. • Minimum of 2 posts per month. Older items do not count towards this requirement.
For questions, please contact: No Contact Information Posted
Apply Now by Clicking Here
Interested In: Blogger
Applications Close: April 25th
Blogger Requirements: Information Posted in Blogtex System
For questions, please contact: UPDATE BASED ON SEARCH CRITERIA
Apply Now by Clicking Here
Interested In: Bloggers
Applications Close: April 15, 2017
Blogger Requirements: Interested bloggers, please submit a new image of yourself wearing Belleza items that have been released in the last six months. Male bloggers may submit a photo wearing one of the Belleza skins. For more information on releases, see this link: https://bellezaskin.wordpress.com/. Images should be added to the Belleza Blogger Group here: https://www.flickr.com/groups/3286971@N25/. Bloggers who are invited to blog will receive a notecard and a group invite in-world. The Belleza team will not be replying to all applications. Please watch social media for information as to when group invitations have gone out
Store Description: Belleza is a quality creator of skins, shapes, cosmetics, and mesh body accessories for men and women.
For questions, please contact:
Apply Now by Clicking Here
e l i a v a h ღ ~
Interested In: Bloggers
Applications Close: April 20, 2017
Blogger Requirements: 1. Must have been blogging for at least 5 months and have a decent amount of views/faves/likes. 2. Please send your blog stats if you blog off of Flickr. You must have a Flickr account to add your photos to our Flickr group. 3. Currently must blog once per month, but this could change as the brand grows. 4. You will need one group space for the in-world group. 5. Must add your post to our flickr group and use correct Inworld LMs and Event LMs. ( https://www.flickr.com/groups/3452279@N20/ ) 6. Type “popoto” in the section where it says “Do you agree to follow the rules?” to show you read the rules! 7. Please send your blog post(s) in a note-card at the end of each month to the blogger manager: iwiked 8. If you are going to be on hiatus for a long period of time, please contact iwiked through notecard 9. Breaking these rules multiple times will result in being removed from the blogger group. 9. Most important rule: Be creative and have FUN.
Store Description: Mesh clothing, accessories, shoes, and more for Maitreya, Belleza, and Slink. The store owner is currently focusing on Maitreya and advises that bloggers at least have a Maitreya body. The store would eventually like to expand to include other types of mesh content, including hair, cosmetics, etc.
For questions, please contact: iwiked or EliavahAzaleia
Apply Now by Clicking Here
Interested In: Both Bloggers and Vloggers
Applications Close: April 15, 2017
Blogger Requirements: 1) Must use a mesh body. 2) Posts must be shared a minimum of 50 times, 3) Justice needs to be listed on your blog with a logo image and link, 4) Two posts required per month, 5) Credits to Justice items are mandatory.
Store Description: JUSTICE is a Original Mesh Store, with ladies clothing for popular mesh bodies, our style is sexy, trendy and casual clothing.
Apply Now by Clicking Here
Love Hair
Interested In: Bloggers
Applications Close: April 12, 2017 (Based on one week from post on BVN. Actual closing date of applications could not be found.)
Blogger Requirements: Store is using the Blogotex System. All you have to do is visit Love Mainstore and click on the Access point sign. Old bloggers must reapply.
Store Description: Quality original mesh hair and accessories.
For questions, please contact: See application for more information.
Apply Now by Clicking Here
RFL Castle, Home, and Garden Contest
Interested In: Bloggers
Applications Close: April 17, 2017 (Based on one week from post on BVN. Actual closing date of applications could not be found.)
Blogger Requirements: – Your Blog must be more than 6 months old & Active Flickr Account. – We requirement minimum 3 posts for the event (June 3 – June 24). You are encouraged to include multiple items for each post and cover at least one hunt item if possible. – You MUST be able to submit your first post during the first week of the event. The rest before the cycle ends. – Have High Quality Photos, with clear/close-up shots of small items like accessories, home decor, shoes etc. – A Group slot available for receiving Blogger packs & all communications.
Event Description: Quoted from the application: “The 4th Annual Castle, Home and Garden Contest in support of Relay For Life of Second Life, June 3-June 24, 2017. Covering 15 sims of designer builds, merchants and entertainment. For more information about the event, please visit our website at: http://www.chgrfl.org/ **This is a charity event benefiting Relay for Life of Second Life. The more posts and coverage the more RFL benefits. We have some requirements to ensure bloggers are active but please remember this is a group effort. There are loads of mini events included as part of the event as a whole, auctions, raffles, entertainment, a hunt and much more. Any additional coverage is greatly appreciated to benefit this worthy cause.This is a unique event which covers 15 unique themed sims. This allows for photo ops at the sims and of the builds being created as part of the event. We have a wonderful group of volunteers who make this event possible and hope to see you join our efforts!”
For questions, please contact: PorcelainPeach
Apply Now by Clicking Here
Tres Chic
Interested In: Bloggers
Applications Close: April 12, 2017
Blogger Requirements: You must blog MINIMUM 4 POSTS PER MONTH per your agreement when you applied to be a blogger for Tres Chic. Make sure all the items are visible in your posts and that you mention the designers. High quality pictures only! Make sure they are not dark so we can actually see the items. Tag the Tres Chic Flickr group! Tag the designers. You must post at least 60% of the designers! Not always the same. All your posts must be made from the 13th of the month till 30th of every month. All photos must be submitted to our flickr group https://www.flickr.com/groups/tres_chic/ The event will be tagged on Flickr as TresChic, one word. At the end of every month you need to fill the form again, filling it with links of every post you have made for the round!.
Event Description: Tres Chic is a monthly event in Second Life where some of the best designers on the grid will present their latest and greatest fashion, accessories, and decor.
For questions, please contact: nikidemonix
Apply Now by Clicking Here
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