#quran Translation
azkar95 · 11 months
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mdunis67 · 5 months
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zmkj · 1 year
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wetravellight · 11 months
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{No one disputes concerning the signs of Allah except those who disbelieve, so be not deceived by their [uninhibited] movement throughout the land.}
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humaid--art · 10 months
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"إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ يُحِبُّ ٱلتَّوَّٰبِينَ وَيُحِبُّ ٱلْمُتَطَهِّرِينَ"
Reference: [SURAH AL-BAQARAH | VERSE 222]
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bensalah96 · 2 years
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farisjax · 4 months
Why did the Quran call Maryam a.s( the mother of Esa a.s ) as the sister of Haroon if Haroon the brother of Musa a.s came 1000 years before Maryam a.s. Is this a mistake in the Qur'an as they claim ?
The Quran has no mistakes. It is the words of Allah and Allah claims to keep it safe from every alteration and falsehood.
So answering the above question. When Maryam a.s gave birth to Esa a.s. Many people came to her and said " Oh sister of Haroon, your father was not the man of evil, nor your mother was unchaste ". Because she gave birth to Esa a.s without any male intervention. So it was obvious people would doubt her because she wasn't married to anyone. It was one of the miracles of Allah and also a test for Mariam a.s. So understanding this. The sister of the Haroon term. Haroon here is not the brother of Musa a.s (whose name was also Haroon.) Maryam a.s actually had a brother called Haroon ( not Musa's brother). So you may ask now why did the Quran mention Haroon in this verse ? So answering that Maryam a.s was actually from the lineage of Haroon ( brother of Musa a.s ) and she also had a brother called haroon. So people reminded her of two things 1) being the sister of pious haroon 2) coming from the lineage of Haroon the brother of Musa . It is the Arabic way of reminding people of any relation or which tribe you belong to . For e.g Quran says "Aad , Pharaoh and the brothers of lut " because they were relatives / tribes of and not actual brothers. That's why the Quran used the term brothers in the above mentioned verse.
There is an instance where Prophet a.s was asked the same question by a companion who got confused because a Christian asked this question to him.
Mughira b. Shu'ba reported: When I came to Najran, they (the Christians of Najran) asked me: You read "O sister of Harun" (i. e. Hadrat Maryam) in the Qur'an, whereas Moses was born much before Jesus. When I came back to Allah's Messenger a.s I asked him about that, whereupon he said: The (people of the old age) used to give names (to their persons) after the names of Apostles and pious persons who had gone before them.
Reference: Sahih Muslim 2135. In-book reference: Book 38, Hadith 13.
So in brief it is not a mistake in the Qur'an but a way of including a big message in a short verse that's why it is unique and still nobody is able to alter the Quran to this date. Allah's help is sought.
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Do you have a favorite passage of the Quran?
i dont have favorite passages as much as i have favorite ayat (verses)
so, surely with hardship comes ease.
Surely with ˹that˺ hardship comes ˹more˺ ease
these two verses from 94:5-6 has helped me calm down more than you can imagine. i cant explain the calming effect that remembering these two has on me.
do not let their words grieve you.
as someone who got bullied, 10:65 helped a lot.
Allah is the Guardian of the believers—He brings them out of darkness and into light.
this is 2:257 and also rlly comforted me
then this one is kinda different:
and We have put a barrier before them and a barrier behind them, and have covered them up, so they are unable to see.
(side note: the "we" here is the royal we, just in case thats confusing lol)
this is a verse that protected muhammad pbuh from being killed when he was fleeing mecca, and it has protected me from my parents. whenever i notice my parents starting to get angry and i get scared, i just whisper this verse (but in arabic – this is the pronunciation if anyone at all wants it) and they always, always get distracted. either my brothers start fighting and my mom has to attend to them, or my dad gets a phone call from work, i swear it works (for me at least). its become my mantra atp <3
oh and theres one more; the entire surah (chapter) of ad-duha (the morning hours). this ones a long story
abt a year ago (back when i was at the lowest point of my life, sh'ing, having regular panic attacks at school) i dreamt of being in a cave, and there was an old man with a long white beard wearing a thobe next to me, but he was focused on something and mumbling to himself. i focused and i saw he was compiling the quran into a book, and i looked in front of me and i saw scattered pages of the quran. i started compiling it with him, but it kinda compiled itself and then flipped open to a random page, which was open to ad-duha
for reference, ad-duha is short, so this is what it looked like:
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its that big block in the middle, it fits comfortably on a single page with room for other chapters above and below.
so i told this dream to my moms friend whos good at interpreting dreams, and she told me to read the surah. so i did.
this surah came down on the prophet pbuh in a low point in his life when he thought he was abandoned by god bc he hadnt received any messages from the angel gabriel in over six months. in this short 11-verse chapter, here are a few of the verses:
Your Lord has not abandoned you, nor has He become hateful ˹of you˺. (verse 3)
And the next life is certainly far better for you than this one. (verse 4)
And ˹surely˺ your Lord will give so much to you that you will be pleased. (verse 5)
Did He not find you unguided then guided you? (verse 7)
i cannot explain the feeling i got when i read these verses. i cannot properly formulate into words the effect that reading this had on me.
keep in mind, this surah is taught to us as children bc its short. ages 8 and below. i had memorized this long ago but i never really focused on the words? cause its classical arabic, which is largely different from my dialect of arabic, so mostly i know the words but not their meanings iykwim. like i know the word "qala" but i dont know what it means.
so i dont think it was my mind grasping for things of comfort in order to make me feel better; i didnt know that this surah was meant to be reassuring until after the dream.
to this day, i read it whenever i feel kinda low<3
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The Qur'an is the final revelation sent by God, as guidance to mankind. God sent down His message, either by way of Gabriel, or through direct inspiration to the Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace). The Quran consists of only that which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, sent down in stages, for a period of twenty-three years.
At every stage, the revelation was immediately recorded in writing, or committed to memory, by the Our Prophet's companions. Today, all Muslims wherever they are, read the same Quran. (In our day, the Qur'an of Uthman, the third Caliph, is displayed in Topkapi Museum, Istanbul.) Evidence that the Qur'an is from God is the total absence of any sort of contradiction in the Qur'an.
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quran-translation · 2 months
Сураи Фил Ayah: 1 أَلَمۡ تَرَ كَيۡفَ فَعَلَ رَبُّكَ بِأَصۡحَٰبِ ٱلۡفِيلِ 1. Эй Паёмбар, оё надонистӣ, ки Парвардигорат бо Асҳоби Фил[3115] чӣ кард? Онҳое, ки мехостанд, ки хонаи Каъбаро вайрон кунанд. [3115] Абраҳаи ҳабашӣ ва аскаронаш Arabic explanations of the Qur’an: Ayah: 2 أَلَمۡ يَجۡعَلۡ كَيۡدَهُمۡ فِي تَضۡلِيلٖ 2. Оё макрашонро ботил насохт? Ayah: 3 وَأَرۡسَلَ عَلَيۡهِمۡ طَيۡرًا أَبَابِيلَ 3. Ва бар сари онҳо паррандагони гурӯҳ-гурӯҳ фиристод, Ayah: 4 تَرۡمِيهِم بِحِجَارَةٖ مِّن سِجِّيلٖ 4. то онҳоро бо сиҷҷил[3116] сангборон карданд. [3116] Санггил Ayah: 5 فَجَعَلَهُمۡ كَعَصۡفٖ مَّأۡكُولِۭ 5. Пас, ононро чун коҳи хӯрдашуда гардонид. ---- Башҡортса Korana,Al Fil,الفيل‎,Chechen Quran,Quran translation in Chechen,Explanation of Quran in Ch ----- Quran, Al Quran, Al-quran, The Quran, Al Quran Translation, Quran Translations, Translation of Quran, Translation of al Quran, Translations of Quran, Quran translation in various language, Quran Translation in many language, Quran Translations in worlds language, Quran translation in multiple language, Al Quran Translation in all languages, Translation of Quran in various language, Translation of Quran in many language, Translation of Quran in worlds language, Translation of Quran in multiple language, Translation of Quran in all languages, Quran for kids, Quran recitation really beautiful, Emotional recitation, Recitation, Quran recitation, Holy Quran greatest signs, The most beautiful Quran recitation, Quran burned, Al Quran karim, Quran Majid, Soothing,calm,sleep music,motivation,healing frequency,best music,peaceful,heart,Digital Bangla Hadith Team DBHT,Abdul Aziz Al Turkey ---------- Al-Fatihah,سورة الفاتحة,Al-Baqrah,سورة البقرة,Aal-e-Imranسورة آل عمران,An-Nisaسورة النساء,Al-Maidah,سورة المائدة,Al-Anam,سورة الأنعام,Al-Aaraf,سورة الأعراف,Al-Anfal,سورة الأنفال,At-Taubah,سورة التوبة,Yunus,سورة يونس,Hud,سورة هود,Yusuf,سورة يوسف,Ar Ar-Ra’d,سورة الرعد,Ibrahim,سورة ابراهيم,Al-Hijr,سورة الحجر,An-Nahl,سورة النحل,Al-Isra,سورة الإسراء,Al-Kahf,سورة الكهف,Mariyam,سورة مريم,At-Tahaa,سورة طه,Al-Ambiya,سورة الأنبياء,Al-Hajj,سورة الحج,Al-Mu’minun,سورة المؤمنون,An-Noor,سورة النور,Al-Furqan,سورة الفرقان,Ash-Shu’ara,سورة الشعراء,An-Naml,سورة النمل,Al-Qasas,سورة القصص,Al-Ankabut,سورة العنكبوت,Ar-Rum,سورة الروم,Luqman,سورة لقمان,As-Sajda,سورة السجدة,Al-Ahzab,سورة الأحزاب,Saba,سورة سبإ,Fatir,سورة فاطر,Yasin,سورة يس,As-Saaffat,سورة الصافات,Saad,سورة ص,Az-Zumar,سورة الزمر,Al-Ghafir,سورة غافر,Fussilat,سورة فصلت,Ash-Shuraa,سورة الشورى,Az-Zukhruf,سورة الزخرف,Ad-Dukhan,سورة الدخان,Al-Jathiya,سورة الجاثية,Al-Ahqaf,سورة الأحقاف,Muhammad,سورة محمد,Al-Fatah,سورة الفتح,Al-Hujurat,سورة الحجرات,Qaf,سورة ق,Adh-Dhariyat,سورة الذاريات,At-Tur,سورة الطور,An-Najm,سورة النجم,Al-Qamar,سورة القمر,Ar-Rahman,سورة الرحمن,Al-Waqi’ah,سورة الواقعة,Al-Hadid,سورة الحديد,Al-Mujadila,سورة المجادلة,Al-Hashr,سورة الحشر,Al-Mumtahanah,سورة الممتحنة,As-Saf,سورة الصف,Al-Jumu’ah,سورة الجمعة,Al-Munafiqun,سورة المنافقون,At-Taghabun,سورة التغابن,At-Talaq,سورة الطلاق,At-Tahrimسورة التحريم,Al-Mulk,سورة الملك,Al-Qalam,سورة القلم,Al-Haqqah,سورة الحاقة,Al-Ma’arij,سورة المعارج,Nuh,سورة نوح,Al-Jinn,سورة الجن,Al-Muzzammil,سورة المزمل,Al-Muddaththir,سورة المدثر,Al-Qiyamah,سورة القيامة,Al-Insan,سورة الانسان,Al-Mursalat,سورة المرسلات,An-Naba,سورة النبإ,An-Nazi’at,سورة النازعات,Surah ‘Abasa,سورة عبس,At-Takwir,سورة التكوير,Al-Infitar,سورة الإنفطار,Al-Mutaffifin,سورة المطففين,Al-Inshiqaq,سورة الإنشقاق,Al-Buruj,سورة البروج,At-Tariq,سورة الطارق,Al-Ala,سورة الأعلى,Al-Ghashiyah,سورة الغاشية,Al-Fajr,سورة الفجر,Al-Balad,سورة البلد,Ash-Shams,سورة الشمس,Al-Layl,سورة الليل,Ad-Dhuha,سورة الضحى,Ash-Sharh,سورة الشرح,At-Tin,سورة التين,Al-Alaq,سورة العلق,Al-Qadr,سورة القدر,Al-Bayyina,سورة البينة,Az-Zalzalah,سورة الزلزلة,Al-Adiyat,سورة العاديات,Al-Qaria,سورة القارعة,At-Takathur,سورة التكاثر,Al-Asr,سورة العصر,Al-Humazah,سورة الهمزة,Al-Fil,سورة الفيل,Quraysh,سورة قريش,Al-Ma’un,سورة الماعون,Al-Kawthar,سورة الكوثر,Al-Kafirun,سورة الكافرون,An-Nasr,سورة النصر,Al-Masad,سورة المسد,Al-Ikhlas,سورة الإخلاص,Al-Falaq,سورة الفلق,An-Nas,سورة الناس Afar Quran,Albanian
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b-lessings · 2 years
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يس 🤍
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azkar95 · 1 year
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{Allah knows, but you do not know}.
meaning: He has better knowledge than you of how things will turn out to be in the end ...
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mdunis67 · 25 days
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zmkj · 8 months
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bookstribepost · 1 year
Promises from Allah✨️
"So remember me, I will remember you." (2:152)
"If you are grateful, I will surely increase you in favor." (14:7)
"Call upon me, I will respond to you." (40:70)
"And Allah will not punish them, while they seek forgiveness." (8:33)
"Verily Allah will defend (from ill) those who believe" (22:38)
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humaid--art · 10 months
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"ٱهْدِنَا ٱلصِّرَٰطَ ٱلْمُسْتَقِيمَ"
Reference: [SURAH AL-FATIHAH (1:6)]
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