#quite hypnotic
chrisrin · 1 year
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alright all three are done now
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bleubeurre · 6 months
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pocket-watcher · 4 months
I’ve found myself way more susceptible to spirals recently.
It’s not a problem or anything, just thought I’d announce it.
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fox-guardian · 1 year
something i like to do when texting is that when i want someone to be so so serious or whatever i'll go "look me in my eyes" but since we're in a text conversation i add Two Eye Emojis so they have eyes to look into with utmost sincerity
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incomingalbatross · 8 months
"Prisoner of the Judoon" is good because it let Lis Sladen play Possessed Sarah again.
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marshmellowtea · 9 months
3 scary games 103 sent me down a molly moon rabbithole, and by that i mean i watched all of her tiktoks lmao
honestlyyyy, after actually watching her content, i'm even more disappointed in what we saw in the "excuse me, sir" demo. she genuinely seems to have a lot of creepy, interesting ideas that could be interesting to expand upon, and her content could be translated pretty easily into a full video game if approached right, but the story they chose to tell in the demo was just kind of.....boring. there wasn't much flavor or personality or, well, horror to it, which sucks cuz it seems like there's a lot of talent behind it. it is just a demo, though, so i really do hope that whatever comes out of it does live up to the quirky horror of her videos, this just.....didn't really feel like that based on my observations, lmao.
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the-observer-squip · 29 days
oh deer, maybe you should rest! get your mind off the rabbit thing? 🧸🏌️‍♀️ ❤️
I've BEEN resting. Something definitely knocked me out- don't exactly remember what, just a lot of pink- but it made me not just sleep but shut off from how hard I was "resting" from it.
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thiefofcrows · 2 months
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plotted starter for @feilien
      While the familiar sensation of a cold sweat still lingered, Kaz felt some relief after emptying the contents of his stomach like his body had demanded. Relief, at least, from the relentless nausea. Otherwise, relief was in short supply in every other aspect. He couldn't stop the tremors that rolled through him and the flashes, although mercifully slowing down, still bombarded his senses. After splashing cold water on his face, he again stiffly sank to the bathroom floor, resting his back against the cold wall.       
      Kaz drew his knees up and rested his elbows there, then leaned his head forward so that it rested in-between them. He dragged his hands through his hair and focused on trying to steady his shallow, shaking breathes. To his deep shame and embarrassment, he felt a tightening ache in his throat, the threat of tears building with every passing second. It sent a burst of anger and frustration through him and he had to swallow down the urge to scream, to break something, to throw punches until his knuckles bled. Violence and anger were easier than this ache, easier than tears.       
      This job had been an important one, he'd known that, and still the cold waters of Fifth Harbor had come to drown Kaz anyway, the rotting, bloated hands of corpses dragging him under by his throat. They'd set out to blind and silence those who reported Matt's movements back to his Grandfather, which would have given them a considerable advantage. Not to mention, it would have given Matt a great deal of relief — but Kaz had been badly thrown off guard when one of the men had gone for his throat with bare hands, bodily shoving him against a wall. He'd frozen there, struggling to breath, a cold sweat breaking out over his forehead. The memory of being nearly suffocated beneath corpses in varying states of decay fracturing him from reality.
      If Matt hadn't intervened, Kaz might've let the man strangle him until he was too weak to stop him, the thought making him cringe with humiliation. He'd known things could only go terribly wrong from there when he'd flinched away from Matt's touch, from his body being far too close. Matt had known, too, although his knowledge of why was severely limited. Kaz hadn't known how to do anything but push through and it had cost them dearly. He would need to formulate a new plan, which would be a more complicated one now that they lacked the element of surprise. Kaz couldn't think coherently about any that now, not while his mind and body were still flooding him with panic.
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      While the shaking was finally beginning to wane, shame and dread took its place. It washed over him in waves when he heard footsteps approaching — it couldn't be anyone other than Matt. The wounded thing inside him lurched, seeking to bite like a caged animal eyeing a well-meaning outstretched hand. His throat hurt and it wasn't only because of the bruises that would no doubt bloom over pale skin. All Kaz could think was that he couldn’t let Matt hear the threat of tears in his voice, couldn’t bear his pity, but … he knew that was nothing but old instinct, old terror, shrouding him like armor.
      Matt did not deserve to be met as if he intended harm and Kaz desperately tried to remember that.
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spyderslut · 2 months
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HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM it means nothing, im sure.
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britneyshakespeare · 6 months
i found my old yo-yo the other day, like my very first yo-yo that i learned how to yo-yo proficiently with. a green duncan butterfly yo-yo i got for christmas in 2006. it still glides like a dream which is a miracle not just bc of its age but i never replaced the string. and after finding it and using it again it just brought me back to how entrancing it is, the rhythmic comfort of the string and the toy going up and down, the regular wrist motion. it's hypnotic. that's also how it feels after awhile of spamming one person with dozens of boops with my laptop mouse.
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jojotier · 1 year
Started annihilation and i cannot stress this enough but that is not how hypnotism works
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fungi-maestro · 2 years
I still can't fathom how Vic has had three love interests for over 50 years he has existed. He's so weird he should not be fucking.
LMAO? You're right, honestly. He is so weird. I think he's full of red flags, personally, and yet somehow people keep falling for his strange demeanor and weird behavior...... Maybe there's hope for us all.
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glittertrail · 2 years
sandra!!!! tell me a fact about your favorite queen!! it can be anything—an observation, something they said on an interview, or even just that they’re your favorite. (the more obscure, the better!!! and you can do as many facts and as many queens as you want, i love hearing about this stuff)
hi gi my darling! 💖 as the resident annoying dres content peddler (although i sworn off translation duties since june) i am ofc going to talk about drag race spain (specifically marina bc i am what? predictable!), under the cut for those who don't feel like reading my chatter
they worked as a creative/director before drag race and they've always been into cinema, the most interesting for me of their filmography as a writer and director are this ad for the catalan cinema academy gaudí awards named 'estimen-nos' in which they also act alongside ariadna gil (you might recognize her from pan's labyrinth if you have seen it, she's one of my favorites) and this music video for maria arnal & marcel bagés named ‘fiera de mí' (it's a really good song too)
they're also part of this movie from 2021 with la prohibida and samantha hudson (which means nothing to people outside of spain i'm aware but they are literally lgbt legends) named cut! directed by marc ferrer; it's a metafiction pseudo giallo queer film and the campiest thing I've watched in a long while, and I do mean camp, nobody eats shit, but john waters would approve.
marina as a persona started when they moved to paris after uni when they were 25ish, they found cross dressing as an every day 'i just feel like wearing this today' gender expression thing before they decided to turn it into an act, the distinction between marina as a performer and just their every day person is almost non existent as consequence which i find fascinating bc those are always my favorite performers
the song they wrote for the dres2 talent show has a story behind that i talked about before here in which they were fined by the police for "public indecency" for protesting wearing femenine underwear in public
they don't really do pronouns which is a bit interesting for linguist purposes (and i'm a language nerd so ofc i love this), spanish lgbt speakers usual go to is to default to she when in confidence (we talk about our other lgbt friends as she usually unless ofc that is a no-no but i can't make an assumption about catalan) and marina is very much a she but they don't really do pronouns if they can avoid it (ofc for theatric purposes saying 'my gender is nb goddess' when asked sounds a lot better lol much more show ready) they are very careful structuring sentences, makes you feel like everything said has a purpose (they also talk like a literature professor lmao)
they've always been very vocal about their nb identity and educating people, there's a decent number of talks and interviews (mostly in catalan which again as a nerd and as someone that lives somewhere between fem/nb in terms of gender identity, makes me very happy, but makes sharing my brainrot a little harder unless other people are ready for me to also go into super detailed info dump mode)
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zephyrfryz · 5 months
Let's hope my english teacher is for the gays cause I just drew a lesbian couple for an assignment because I can and I did.
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bicepvein · 6 months
started drinking early today (had a premiere yesterday but we couldnt celebrate in the evening so we decided to do so after the clean up this morning its fine) which means i am QUITE tipsy (pleasantly) and FOR ONCE really in the mood to go to the gay club my friend doesnt usually like to attend HOWEVER i AM sick so i AM fighting my impulses not to go make everyone in the club get sick. but i will say i deserve pity points for this
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kakusboyfriend · 10 months
Max and Krait sniff sniff sniffing each other and recognizing one another as a harmless guy whose life was ruined by an accident and being provoked until he lashed out and hurt someone in self defense
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