#💜max dillon
kakusboyfriend · 10 months
Max and Krait sniff sniff sniffing each other and recognizing one another as a harmless guy whose life was ruined by an accident and being provoked until he lashed out and hurt someone in self defense
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emilynightshade89 · 3 years
Lunch Break!
Aunt May takes a notepad and goes around Happy's apartment asking Peter and the villains what they want to eat that afternoon.
Norman looks up from over Peter's shoulder where they're still figuring out Otto's inhibitor chip and simply shrugs and says he's up for anything really he's just hungry and appreciates May asking. He doesn't remember when he ate last before arriving at F.E.A.S.T.
Peter says he's up for some pizza. He and Osborn both say "thank yous" as May takes notes.
Otto is still crabby but he mutters something about a burger with no onions.
When May reaches the living room Max asks for a Sub sandwich with some chips. Flint Marko admits that he thinks he doesn't eat. Can he eat? Perhaps. He says to May he doesn't mind something with fries to try and if he can't then Norman could have it.
May tells Peter she'll be back in at least 30 min and he says he'll be fine. When she reaches out of the apartment building and gets to the F.E.A.S.T. truck she takes a second to knock on the little window and ask Dr. Conners if he wants anything while they're driving around. He politely declines but while May picks up orders he taps the window and asks if she could stop by the grocery store and grab something.
When they get back, May calls Peter and asks for a hand. Norman offers to help and he heads downstairs to help May bring everyone their lunch.
Everyone eats. Much to Flint's surprise he can eat too, Peter release Otto for a bit so he get a bite, May grabs a slice of pizza while Norman does the same but soon enough he's going around and sneaking little pieces of the other's food. Dr. Conners is still in the truck content with his salad bowl and fruit.
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forceway · 7 years
A2 with Max Dillon? Pre-accident and all that. 💜
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Max, my dude, don’t get into fights. Plz.
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