#quintin kalowski
reydoll · 3 months
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Desmond, before working at Blakk Industries, was a researcher at the Slugterra Institute of Technology. I thought a friendship between him and Quintin would be cool. They'd meet again when Dr. Blakk hired Quintin after his attempt to take over the SIT.
I wish I had actual interactions drawn, but I do not. This was me trying to figure out what the uniform looked like. There aren't any clear photos so I had to go through the episode myself. Turns out Katherine and Tobias, despite looking like they're wearing the same uniform, are not actually wearing the same uniform.
Check it out.
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My interpretation of the uniform is mostly based on Katherine's, with the main difference being the back, where I added more details to replicate Tobias's uniform (though, it is still different).
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true-autistic-tales · 10 months
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shut the frick up or ill shoot you with my pokemon
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Quintin: The end is inevitable, Eli Shane. Your slugs are headed for extinction.
Eli: Maybe so. But not today.
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You rely too much on technology.
Eli to Sergeant Slug, Quintin and/or the Game Master
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After Quintin defeats Eli in their first three duels:
Quintin: Nice try, Shane. Oh and by the way, a slug is not cool, it's gross.
Eli: Don't be dissing the slugs.
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You're an abomination! Nothing more than a step on my path! You freakish little monster!
Quintin to the slugs
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That would be SO cool if it wasn't the last thing we were ever gonna see.
Kord after Quintin comes in with his Mecha Mech
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When Quintin proposes his Roboslug experiment:
Tobias: I am saying no to this experiment.
Quintin: Yeah, I got that after the part where you said no seven times in a row.
Katherine: I find that you don’t pay attention to the first six.
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Let's build your science fair project.
Dr. Blakk to Quintin
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But how could it be? My computations were precise, rigorous, and painstaking.
Quintin when Eli manages to defeat him
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Curse my avid inventing.
Quintin after Dr. Blakk does not thank him for his invention of the Titan
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You dimwitted creation of science!
Dr. Blakk or Quintin to anyone they think as pathetic
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Hey, being a genius is my thing.
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This is EMBARASSING! Wholly inconsiderate, bone-head, irresponsible, rude, unprofessional! That's what this is!
Quintin after waiting too long for Eli Shane to show up
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I can cancel my therapy!
Quintin when he realizes that he has overcome his fear of slugs
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Don't ever apologize for being the smartest one in the room.
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