#quinlan/obi wan
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secretly-a-trekkie · 2 months ago
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some of my fav space wizards 💗💗💗
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twinterrors29 · 4 months ago
when Qui-Gon publicly dropped Obi-Wan like a hot potato in favor of throwing his full weight into his bid to train Anakin, recently-Knighted Quinlan Vos decided that he had the opportunity to be the funniest motherfucker imaginable (and earn both his friend's eternal debt and ire in one move):
he claimed Obi-Wan Kenobi as his first Padawan
Obi-Wan, while definitely pissed with his friend's 'parenting,' quickly gets behind the idea of using this to spite Qui-Gon as much as possible
the Vos-Kenobi pair immediately set out to break every single one of Jinn's records as pettily as possible, and even managed to earn Quinlan the title of 'youngest Master' when Obi-Wan was Knighted only a few months later when the Council realized what was going on and tried to cut them off by just Knighting Kenobi already
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jarenka · 29 days ago
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When your padawan has daddy issues, because Force happens to be his deadbeat dad.
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sabellart · 1 year ago
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he was the cool uncle
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inspired by this post^
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skeletons-eat · 6 months ago
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Unfinished WIP I won't finish;P
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astheforcewillsit · 5 months ago
thinking of the Jedi's self sufficiency , and specifically about how they sew their own clothes. And I have ideas floating in my head of Anakin using Padme's dress patterns to sew something for Sister, or during the war Obi-Wan making clothes for Cody when he's on shore leave.
Quinlan sewing fox toys for Fox.
Ahsoka's dresses making more sense as she gets older because she made them herself. And as ridiculous as it was, a tube top & skirt was the easiest combo a 14 year old could make.
(In a happier world, thinking about the Jedi teaching their clones how to sew after the war, because while the clones can sew it wasn't for aesthetic purposes. Just for survival. The Kaminoans never really taught them how.
And when the clones are eventually do make their own money, and are granted their rights, refusing gifts from the Jedi when they can and actually buying their work. Because it's good fucking work.)
Imagining hours where the Jedi will sit in silence and just sew and embroidery their work. Sew together, alone.
Sew blankets, sew clothes, sew dolls, sew every and anything. Embroidery when they're done.
Teach sewing as stress relief. Teach their troopers sewing as stress relief. Do it themselves.
And years after the Fall of the Jedi, their embroidery and clothing being put in museums, respected. years of handmade and handsewn art and clothing displayed for all to see.
"Jedi Cloak by Jedi Master Shaak-Ti" "Obi-Wan Kenobi's thimble" "Stuffed Animal for a youngling by Yoda" "Mace Windu's portable sewing kit" "Gift to a trooper by Plo Koon"
etc, things that make me sad
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 2 months ago
Shout out to whoever looked at Quinlan Vos and thought 'what if Obi Wan had a friend who was way cooler and hotter than him and loved annoying the shit out of him?' and also 'what if he had an apprentice who was way cooler and hotter than Anakin?' Thank u for your service
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galactic-rhea · 2 days ago
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started doodling this while working on coursework nkjnjf
[tip jar!]
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maran-foxes · 5 months ago
yknow how Obi-wan and Quinlan are really close friends and that probably means Aayla and Anakin have a weird sibling/cousin relationship. and that make way for some really funny stuff.
for example, the jedi got to pick battalion colors at the beginning of the war, and Aayla's blue right? so she's like, "hm, it'd be fun if i matched with my men right?", and she goes the next morning and find out that Anakin, the little shit, has already taken blue. He doesn't even like blue.
and thats my little headcanon about how the 501st ended up being painted blue.
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raphaerolo · 10 months ago
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This is what happened, right?
Additionally (because obi-wan is just too babygirl for only one person in the entire galaxy to call him such), some alternate options:
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renif · 7 months ago
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"Obi?" // part of an au
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brightsunsmeanshello · 10 months ago
If Jedi had TikTok
So I was imagining a TikTok trend that would basically just be the Jedi/Padawans looking all presentable and perfectly Jedi perfect ™ saying “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” and then immediately cutting to whatever chaos they are currently engaged in, for example:
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Qui Gon says, immediately before being shown adopting another ‘pathetic life form’ that may will cause them trouble later
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Obi Wan says, before decapitating a battle droid behind him without even looking at it
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Anakin says, as he replaces all of Windu’s regular caff with decaf
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Ashoka says, as she helps Fives and Hardcase balance a bucket of glitter above Rex’s doorway
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Plo says, as he forces encourages C3-PO to tell Wolffe his latest tales of woe™ and R2 drama
• “Jedi, we are; keepers of the peace, our responsibility is.” Yoda says, before telling several younglings that if they keep copying the Temple Guards they’ll freeze and get stuck that way
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Quinlan says, then just… you know, exists how he does
• “We’re Jedi, we’re impartial peacekeepers” Plo Koon says, sprinkling ‘How to Unionize’ pamphlets around the barracks like confetti
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Obi Wan says, before arguing politely engaging with every political figure in the room just for the heck of it
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Leia says, before teasing the man breaking her out of a literal cell in the middle of space about his height
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Luke says, before replacing Han’s hair gel with glue
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Kanan says, calmly to the camera, before proceeding to promptly turn around and scream “SHUT THE KRIFF UP I SWEAR TO FORCE I WILL MURDER YOU ALL IF YOU DONT GO TO SLEEP RIGHT NOW”
• “We’re Jedi, we’re peacekeepers” Ezra says, as he sprints away from Zeb who is quite suddenly and mysteriously COVERED in hair dye (thanks, Sabine!)
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sapphicsparkles · 3 months ago
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Happy birthday @treescape 💚
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stealingpotatoes · 9 months ago
Hey! What do you think of the Cal Kestis being Obitine's secret lovechild AU? I would never want it to be canon, but it is fun to think about. I can just imagine Bo-Katan visiting Cal and just being like...
Bo-Katan: Are you Cal Kestis?
Cal: Yes...?
Bo-Katan: Well it turns out you are the secret heir to the throne of Mandalore...
*cue Din trying to shove the darksaber into Cal's hands*
counterpoint, just hear me out for a second
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sleepdeprivedartboi · 7 months ago
One thing I appreciate star wars for always showing consistently is that 95% of all Jedi can't help but be good.
Like this isn't a matter of just being a good person or being trained to be a good person. They literally cannot help but be compassionate and caring. Even when they are doing wrong things, like in acolyte, it is still out of good intentions. It was a huge misunderstanding of course, but they just want everything to be good, which is an unrealistic goal and sometimes that results in bad things because of point of views.
But I can appreciate the fact that not a single fucking Jedi in the entirety of star wars wasn't good when presented with the opportunity. (Pong krell does not count and he can suck my dick) They simply couldn't help it, as the grand inquisitor says in Kenobi. The smart thing would be to not be involved, but even when they are being ACTIVELY HUNTED, They cannot stop themselves from butting in and helping others. Obi wan tried , but ended up helping, Cal tried to hide, ended up exposing himself to save someone, Ezra and Kanan, Ahsoka, Quinlan voss, and these are just the main people , who knows how many other survivors tried to help and ended up sacrificing themselves just so like 3-4 innocents could live. They didn't do anything on a grand scale, but those little acts of kindness probably helped hope from dying out completely.
The Jedi are the literal embodiment of hope and goodness and I fucking love that. Despite everything, and all the defamation palpatine did, the people still considered Jedi good.
Like you know shit is bad when even the criminals are like "the empire is had for business, the Jedi were better"
And i appreciate it. The galaxy is a harsh place, and so is the real world. So it's wonderful seeing a faction that is just good. Sure they made mistakes with Anakin and some other times but like that's upto the people imo, not them as a whole. Where there is pong krell, there is also mace windu, there is also obi wan and Yoda .
And I appreciate them for showing this consistently. Do they make mistakes, yes everyone does. But they were completely finessed by palpatine into losing their way and they STILL managed to do their best.
I am a proud Jedi sympathiser and will probably be executed for that in the empire.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 month ago
Okay so we have like. An unusually high ratio of royalty/nobility among the Jedi. Dooku, Quinlan, Oppo, you can sort of count Adi or Xanatos or Bruck, etc. Lots of Jedi 'just happen' to come from royal, noble, or incredibly wealthy/powerful families.
So from this I want to posit four things:
If a royal family has a Force-Sensitive child, and hasn't had one in generations, they may think that sending that child to the Jedi would be a little like sending a child to join the Catholic Church in the middle ages: you get to influence the political choices of the highest religious power in Europe the Galactic Republic Government. (That said, Dooku was sent to the Jedi because his parents didn't want him and ||left him to die of exposure, basically, so that if the Jedi arrived too late they'd be picking up a baby corpse|| because they were so disdainful of Force-Sensitive individuals, and Quinlan wasn't sent to the Jedi so much as he escaped to them.)
They are all incredibly wrong about this, and royals raised as Jedi generally do not give any more of a shit about their home planets than any other planet. They care, of course, but they are not attached, because they are Jedi. Xanatos was an exception (afaik his dad sent him to the Jedi because he wanted to do the Catholic thing? and then Xanatos lost his mind). (Don't correct me on this, it's not really important if it was actually intended or not.)
This is achieved by way of Jedi from royal backgrounds having a mandatory high-level political class on how to handle royal court politics and general intrigue. It's not exclusive to the royal kids, but it is a prerequisite for them. They usually end up doing their home planets as case studies for capstone projects, in part because
Sometimes the planets try to call their errant royals back. It might be because the planet is struggling and genuinely running out of heirs/needs a change in leadership (Serreno) and it might be because it was the plan all along, but on the off chance that the Jedi decides they HAVE to leave the Order and take up a throne to keep an entire planet from kind of imploding on itself... that royal Jedi has to be ready to play the game. OR if they don't actually think they're REALLY needed there, they have to be trained on how to go, and be polite/avoid getting trapped/play the game until they can get the hell out of there, while also installing that cousin that nobody thought was strong enough but DOES understand how to run the treasury as the new king.
I'm just imagining this like. Very specific set of classes that are open to any Jedi that's taken the necessary prereqs, but is mandatory for people like Quinlan and Dooku and Oppo.
This was inspired by a post of mine that's getting circulated regarding QuinObi stuff and my thoughts about how Quinlan might have needed preventative training in case of political upheavals trying to pull him back to his home planet. I want to mess with the Politics Classes that Quinlan is taking because he has to and Obi-Wan is taking because Qui-Gon said he should.
Qui-Gon: You should take this class because I'm training you up as a negotiator and diplomat, and you will need it to interact with people when brokering trade deals or peace treaties. Tholme: You are taking this class because your aunt is insane and you have to be ready in case she tries to pull you back into the bullshit.
And as @firebirdeternal offered:
Quinlan: God this is the worst. So boring. At least Obi-Wan is stuck here too. Obi-wan: This is fascinating wow, I can't believe I almost didn't get to attend, Quinlan is so lucky he's automatically in these classes.
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