#quincy zangetsu
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slightchanceofarin · 1 year ago
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it's cacao society day
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iamumbra195 · 2 years ago
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I needed to get the energy out of my system, now time to rant
His entrance is so cool and honestly I can't remember this scene in the anime, nor their being any mention of asauchi before tybw but apparently there was so that's cool
Also is this like a reference to 'The Blade is Me' chapter/volume whatever???
Also the fact that Shiro went from calling Ichigo partner to king... I'm crying
Anyways, Shiro really taught Ichigo all this shit and Ichigo never realized that Shiro was teaching him
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damn that hits right in the feels "If you opened your heart to him a little... he'd become even stronger" 'cause later on Ichigo starts hating Shiro and closes his heart to him, resulting in the whole Visored mess
Anyways this whole thing hits different when you know the truth :(
Chp. 111
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getsusun · 5 months ago
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Fast evening sketch, in celebration of finally Friday.
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cherieannabellelim · 2 years ago
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Bleach (Anime & Manga), Bleach Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: No Romantic Relationship(s), No pairings decided if any Characters: Kurosaki Ichigo, Hollow Ichigo | Zangetsu, Old Man Zangetsu | Quincy Zangetsu, Bleach Ensemble, Gotei 13 | 13 Court Guard Squads Ensemble (Bleach), Kurosaki Isshin, Kurosaki Yuzu, Kurosaki Karin, Inoue Orihime, Ishida Uryuu, Sado "Chad" Yasutora Additional Tags: BAMF Kurosaki Ichigo, Fullbringer Arc (Bleach), Thousand Year Blood War Arc (Bleach), Kurosaki Ichigo is a Shiba, Protective Kurosaki Ichigo, Kurosaki Ichigo Being Kurosaki Ichigo, Depowered Kurosaki Ichigo, I'm Bad At Tagging, Kurosaki Ichigo Does What Kurosaki Ichigo Wants, Mature Kurosaki Ichigo, Juhabach - Freeform, Fullbringers, no beta we die like everyone else, Parents As People, Action Have Consequences, Smart Kurosaki Ichigo, Ichigo Kurosaki is not a puppet Summary:
Kurosaki Ichigo, in an attempt to fill up the loneliness that comes with losing two-thirds of his soul, and being seemingly abandoned by everyone around him, takes up martial arts and kendo for nostalgia. He also meditates as a futile hope of ever finding his zanpakuto to greet him.
17 months after, when Ichigo is offered a chance to gain new powers, he jumps at the chance.
However, little did Ichigo know, this "Fullbring" has much heavier ties to his soul reaper and other...much more complicated heritage and obtaining it would awaken his TRUE powers, and would lead to much enlightment to how his soul is.
These two facts changes everything.
Ginjo and Ywhach had better watch out.
(In which the ties between how White being passed on from Masaki to Ichigo being like Fullbring leads to a much more mature Ichigo awakening his true zanpakuto when he awakens his Fullbring)
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distinguishedshoeduckdonut · 2 months ago
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My inner self taking a certification shot before Bleach...
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raredust · 7 months ago
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Now you may be seeing something right? FGT Ichigo looks kinda a lot like Yhwach.
Now we know Ichigo is a Quincy and all Quincy have Yhwach's blood running in their veins but only Ichigo looks like him to this extent when in his Final Getsuga Tensho.
Both have long dark hair.
Red crimson eyes.
And a handsome fac-
Ahem, I mean this leads me to believe that Ichigo may have been using his Quincy powers while in that state. Hey look, this is just a theory and Kubo may have just thought it's a cool design choice before the Yhwach twist and all but just let me have fun with this one okay!
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Now what is Final Getsuga Tensho specifically? Some believe it's Ichigo absorbing all of Zangetsu's powers but I disagree. I think FGT is more of a fusion between them. Getsuga Tensho is a technique using Zangetsu's powers and only Ichigo can call upon the technique, it cannot be used by Zangetsu without its wielder or Ichigo without his weapon. And my proof is this line by Ichigo:
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He is fighting with Zangetsu, not using him.
And there's also the fact that Zangetsu was literally fused to his hand.
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Now then that we established that, let's get to this point.
Final Getsuga Tensho is not just a final technique. It's also a combination of all of Ichigo's powers. Both Shinigami, Hollow and Quincy. And why is that?
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When Ichigo was fighting Zangetsu he was fighting both his Quincy (in Young lad Zangetsu) Hollow/Shinigami (In white Ichigo) in a fused state. And achieving FGT is him basically accepting both powers, and making himself a weapon for a short time, becoming Getsuga itself.
Heck we talked about his design resembling Yhwach why not talk about how his design resembles a Hollow in how the mask wraps around half of his face with little teeth and how the black spirit energy is like his Tensa Zangetsu's Getsuga Tensho (shinigami power) only strengthening my thought about it not just being a final technique/attack but a fusion of all of his powers, both mastered and latent (which is why Ishinn had Ichigo do it, not him. His wouldn't probably match Aizen)
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And the nail in the coffin is what Aizen says here.
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Aizen here is beyond Quincy, Shinigamis, Hollows and humans, no one can stand up to him. He's on a higher plane than all beings except Ichigo. Who overpowered him with ease, who's on a higher plane than he is.
There's only one being that can be on a higher plane than the Quincy,Hollows,Shinigami:
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Yhwach, the Quincy King, the Almighty. He's the only one who could over power aizen that much and without even trying.
Now I am not saying that Ichigo is somehow using the Almighty powers, that's stupid. I am saying that he was using his Quincy powers which are from Yhwach himself. Fusing it with his other abilities to make Aizen look like a joke.
And even then, FGT is probably just an imperfect version of Ichigo's final form he used against Yhwach. Because FGT is used when Ichigo didn't fully realize and unlock his Quincy powers/Blood. And that it's a one shot weapon where he can use it only once and lose all his powers after whereas his final form where he realizes and mastered all of his powers he uses to its fullest potential and doesn't just disappear.
And that it looked like how Zangetsu looks like when he was fighting him for the Final Getsuga Tensho.
And all of this leads me to believe that Ichigo was using his Quincy powers there and that's how he overpowered Aizen that easily, especially in base.
TL;DR FGT is just an imperfect Final form that Ichigo uses against Yhwach in chapter 676.
Good night or Good morning 👍.
NaruHina 4ever
Petition to call Tensa Zangetsu YoungMan Zangetsu.
But remember. That's just a theory, a game theory. Thanks for watching.
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phoenixcatch7 · 10 days ago
Question: Ichigo was using a quincy based power disguised as his zanpakuto all the way up until tybw, right. And quincy power works very differently when it comes to souls.
He was konsoing them, right? It was still cleansing them and sending them on to soul society, right?? That is how it happened???
He didn't accidentally dissolve the souls of a bunch of innocents while thinking he was righteously saving them, right?!
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bleach-smashorpass · 11 months ago
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zurakuraworks · 1 year ago
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/The DeathBerry/
Date finished: 14/01/2024
Follow me on:
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the-many-eyed-king · 12 days ago
A discourse of Alucard of Hellsing and Yhwach of Bleach - Main Post
"If I had a nickel for every time I feel for a black-haired, mustached man with powers of many eyes, I'd have two nickels-- which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. Right?"
This quote is my description...let me explain....this contains spoilers....
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Also, thank you @toxictaicho via this post.
It bloody started this blog...
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This is Yhwach...with his two variants.
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...this is his ability called the Almighty, okay?
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And this is Alucard....with his three variants...
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...this is his two ability, okay?
#1: Control Art Restriction System
Main article: Control Art Restriction System
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Alucard releasing restriction to Level One
Being too powerful to be left on his own, his power is restricted by the "Control Art Restriction System 《拘束制御術式, Kōsoku Seigyo Jutsushiki》" which has to be accessed by the approval of "Cromwell 《クロムウェル, Kuromuweru》." There are shown to be four levels of restriction and corresponding states, with lower numbers meaning greater levels of power. Alucard can release his power up to Level One by himself, but he needs his master's approval to release his final state—Level Zero, the lowest level, allowing him full access to his most devastating powers. His gloves, which are engraved with the Hellsing seal, are the mechanism and the source of Hellsing's control over him. The psalm "The Bird of Hermes is my name/Eating my wings to make me tame" etched on his coffin is his pledge of loyalty to serve the Hellsing family after his capture. So not only does his coffin serve as his resting place, but it also serves as the promise and contract he made to the Hellsing family. - via Hellsing Wiki
#2 Familiar Control
"Alucard can summon forth anyone's soul he had completely taken over at will. During the battle of London, Alucard released Level Zero, his final restraint, and unleashed all souls that he possessed to roam freely, wiping out the entire Ninth Crusade and almost all of the Last Battalion. He had thousands, if not millions, of familiars, including Tubalcain and Rip Van themselves, culminating and expanding to over three million during the climax. In the end, all of them had been slain, save for one" - via Hellsing Wiki
#2.5 Baskerville
At some point, Alucard defeated and consumed the hound of Baskerville, a demonic black dog. The form and shape in which the hound appeared varied, as it manifested sometimes huge or tiny, bulky or thin. Nonetheless, the hound possessed powerful destructive capabilities. However, Baskerville was swiftly killed by Walter; the control ratio changed, and Luke Valentine emerged from the hound's corpse. - via Hellsing Wiki
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So you see the similarity between them, right?
Which are...
Black hair.
Many eyes on their abilities.
Now add this...
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Count Form
Alucard is also capable of appearing as he did during his reign as Vlad Dracula in a form referred to as "Count Version 《伯爵Ver., Hakushaku Version》" in the guidebook. In this form, his general stature is unchanged, save for being perhaps slightly bulkier. His face appears to age from that of a young adult to that of the middle-aged man that he was when he died, and he grows a short, full beard and mustache. His hair also increases in length to his mid-back and becomes wild and unkempt. His attire changes from his usual suit to a full set of gunmetal grey plate armour and a tattered black cape with red inlay and a high collar, closed in by a rope (chains in its initial appearance). He acquires a broadsword, which hangs from one of three belts at his waist. He also appears more reserved and stoic.
- via Hellsing Wiki
Which are...
The mustache.
You kind of who he is....because yes, this is Vlad the Impaler.
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Just extra links:
Yhwach via TvTropes:
Emperor Yhwach
"Conflict is always such a bitter affair."
Species: Quincy
Weapon: Curved sword
Schrift: A - The Almighty
Voiced by: Takayuki Sugo (JP), Richard Epcar (EN)
The Emperor, The King and progenitor of all Quincies. Born over 1,200 years ago.
Ax-Crazy: It is very obvious from the moment we first see him that Yhwach is an immensly dangerous and homicidal individual, with an instinct for killing that is rivaled only by few. For starters, his introductory scene features him blasting off his subordinate's arm just to get his attention. His penchant for wanton brutality is incredibly disturbing, whether it's lobbing limbs across the room or obliterating corpses to make sure they're dead. He will kill even his own men if he can benefit from it, or even just because he can. His cool, calm smile at the sight of his carnage truly compounds that something is quite wrong with this man. While he keeps it hidden most of the time, this aspect of his personality becomes more evident the closer he comes to his goals.
Berserk Button: Yhwach seems very averse to someone telling him about what'll happen in the future, as Eibern fatally discovers when Yhwach asks if the Arrancar is a "prophet." Given the initial loss of the Almighty, it makes sense how he dislikes others treading in what he considers his domain.
Blood Knight: Despite claiming to be a lover of peace, the man literally thrives on warfare and violence. When the Soul Reapers end up getting their Bankai back (besides Zanka no Tachi), Yhwach simply... smiles. It quickly turns into a wide, maniacal grin. Not only did he expect them to regain their Bankai, he was looking forward to it. During his second battle with Ichigo, he could've immediately defeated him using The Almighty, but chose not to because he wanted to personally enjoy the fight for as much as he could, seeing it as some twisted form of "father-son bonding time".
Dark Is Evil: The Quincy have a preference towards cladding themselves in all white. Yhwach stands out among his men due to being the only Quincy who wears dark clothing; in particular, a dark maroon cloak which he wears over his white uniform. It makes him look like he's permanently enclosed in shadow. It is also very fitting with his dark, ruthless nature as a being who thrives on violence and death to prolong his own life. He commits a brutal slaughter on Seireitei with many Soul Reapers, including Captain-Commander Yamamoto, losing their lives. He cares for his men not as people, but rather as fuel sources to extend his life when their use inevitably expires. It's strongly implied that the reason the Quincies' war with the Shinigami is solely his doing, rather than it being a natural thing for the two sides to do. After absorbing Mimihagi and the Soul King, his body becomes shrouded in darkness that oozes around him, and he forgoes all of the Quincy's "holy" attacks in favor of mauling his opponents with globs of dark energy, his form resembling a multi-eyed shadow draped over the form of a man. In the final battle of the series, he is bisected by Ichigo, but uses The Almighty to revive himself as a living mass of darkness that attempts to swallow all of Seireitei in dark Reiatsu.
Even Evil Has Standards: He's an absolute bastard, but even he's baffled and angered by Ichibē's acts.
Eyes Do Not Belong There: Upon completing the absorption of the Soul King, and the Mimihagi the Soul King's Right Hand, his body, and the ground around him, becomes warped by shadow. The top half of his head no longer details either human eyes or even a forehead. Instead, giant malformed eyes of varying sizes cover his face. Eyes also appear across his shoulders and neck. Wherever the shadow touches his body, eyes appear. They even seem to be forming across the ground that is intimately connected to his body via the shadows.
Freudian Excuse: Somewhat in contrast to Aizen, and piece-mealed through the story, but Yhwach does have some reasons as to the way he is despite his horrific deeds. The very last chapter reveals that his ultimate motive was to destroy the current life and death cycle and create a new world where people don't have to live in fear of death, which the anime later expands on; for all of his power in absorbing the souls of other Quincy, said power also comes with the fear of death, which resonates within Yhwach. Learning that the Soul Reapers, led by Ichibei Hyousube, were deliberately responsible for a system that was powered by the man he considers his father, further increased his hatred for the cosmic state of the world and cemented his desire to destroy it. - While implied in Can't Fear Your Own World and We Do Knot Always Love You, Episode 28 of the Thousand Year Blood War reveals that yes, Yhwach always intended a Mercy Kill to the Soul King, partly out of grief for his pitiable state. In fact, not only was he reincarnated into a disabled, feeble, invalid baby (with no other sense but touch), he witnessed his father be willingly sacrificed against his wishes in his youth, when the Soul King performed Irazusando and separated the three worlds eons ago.
Knight Templar: Many millennium prior to the start of the series, the Five Noble Houses committed the Original Sin by creating the Soul King which separated life from death. Yhwach's ultimate goal is to end the Soul King, undo the Original Sin of Soul Society and create a deathless, stagnant world without fear and suffering. How does he intend to do this? By destroying the world and causing enough conflict, so that he will be powerful enough to execute his plans. Yhwach cares nothing for those he kills and destroys along the way, also being fanatically devoted to his own divinity while purging Quincies he deems 'impure' in his quest.
Manly Facial Hair: Following his reawakening from a thousand years of slumber, Yhwach quickly mounts an army to utterly defeat Soul Society, kill Yamamoto through clever deception; Ichigo's massive attack power only shreds a piece of his sleeve, right before Yhwach slams Ichigo down with relative ease. His mustache was impressive enough in the beginning, but as each subsequent appearance leads to darker events and brings him closer to the Soul King, the mustache increases in size and thickness accordingly.
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Meaningful Name: Also bordering on Names to Run Away from Really Fast, not only does he appropriate the Judeo-Christian God's name, but in German, Yhwach is a portmanteau of YHVH and Vach, which means "God Is Awake" or "The Awaking God", tying to his omniscient Schrift, the Almighty.
"Not So Different" Remark: He claims Yamamoto, in his younger days, was every bit the ruthless, merciless monster that Yamamoto's accusing him of being. Unohana, who was one of the original captains that Yhwach calls "thugs" discusses with Zaraki how people like her are criminals who were captains instead of prisoners because of their strength. Multiple characters point out just how much Ichigo's impact on Soul Society has softened and changed the old man. Yhwach claims that softening is what allows him to kill Yamamoto; after defeating the Quincies a thousand years ago, the Soul Reapers won the peace: peace gave the Soul Reapers something to fear losing, and so Yamamoto began to soften.
Really 700 Years Old: Although he looks like someone in his forties or fifties, he was alive a thousand years ago, where he looked like a man in his thirties. His exact age is unknown, but he is known to be at least twelve hundred years old (given he was more than two hundred years old before the initial invasion of Soul Society a millennium ago).
Slasher Smile: He flashes a somewhat sedate version when saying farewell to Yamamoto. However, with Ichigo, he doesn't hold back the smile.
The Sociopath: Yhwach is an incredibly ruthless and brutal psychopath who Yamamoto states has no compassion for anyone, not even his own men. Yhwach will not let anyone stand in his way and will cross as many lines as he feels is necessary to accomplish his goals without hesitation. Six years prior to the start of the series, Yhwach strengthens himself by using Auswählen, taking the powers of any Quincies he deemed "impure" or "unnecessary", including children, resulting in their deaths, showing no remorse for this act. Yhwach is also quite prone to violence, lopping off the arm of an Arrancar just to get his attention, and kills several Soul Reapers, Arrancar and Quincies alike in a calm and serene manner. When performing Auswählen for a second time on the Sternritter he left behind in Seireitei to revive the Schutzstaffel, Liltotto demands to know what the Sternritter were to him, and Yhwach replies that they are comrades helping him. Yhwach sees nothing wrong with sacrificing his own soldiers to empower himself, and expresses confusion at Ichigo's anger at the death of his mother, who was a victim of the first Auswählen, because in Yhwach's point of view, there is no greater honor than empowering him. He's also quite self-centered, outright stating that everything in the world exists for his taking, and can be pretty sadistic at times.
Villainous Breakdown: During his final fight with Ichigo, Yhwach starts to lose his calm composure, showing signs of stress and rage as he begins to experience unexpected events that he had not foreseen, not helped by Aizen being a thorn he can't seem to get rid of at first. Never having been able to understand Uryu's abilities, he begins to scream when Uryu's arrow temporarily disables his powers. It goes into full-swing when he realizes Haschwalth had disguised one of his future visions as a nightmare, ensuring that the one vision Yhwach did receive was ignored as a dream.
While Alucard via TvTropes:
Extremely powerful, to the point where it's more accurate to categorize him as a force of nature rather than a "being", Alucard is a vampire who is well over 400 years old.
"It takes a man to kill a monster."
Voiced by: Joji Nakata (JP), Crispin Freeman (EN), Eric Peter (FR), Tasio Alonso (SP)
Voiced by: Joji Nakata (JP), Crispin Freeman (EN), Antoine Tomé (FR)
Anti-Hero: A psychopathic Blood Knight who lives to fight and kill, Alucard is at least pro-humanity and will fight off the greater threat of Millennium.
Ax-Crazy: Alucard relishes not only the chance for a good fight but also displays disturbing fixation with the actual act of killing people, as emphasized by his maniacal Slasher Smiles and cackling.
Berserk Button: Insulting Integra will result in a rather homicidal moment or two.
Blood Knight: He just loves to fight all kind of enemies. The harder it is, the more fun it'll be. Alucard looks positively ecstatic every time Anderson shows up, and ripping apart enemies always puts him a good mood. Alucard: Neither of us could ever back down in front of an enemy. Come on then, Judas Priest!
Dark Is Not Evil: He functions as this through his loyalty to the Hellsing Organization and his willingness to fight beings even more evil than him.
Even Evil Has Standards: He tells a pair of teenage vampires that the way they kill innocent people for no reason just shows how pathetic and disgusting they actually are, and that's the reason why they should be wasted. - Alucard believes that only a human can defeat him, which is why he considers Anderson to be his greatest rival. Thus, when Anderson uses Helena's Nail to give himself a boost that he feels is necessary to defeat Alucard, not only is Alucard pissed, he's saddened to the point of crying. - He also has no respect whatsoever for traitors. And makes that displeasure known during his battle with a vampirized Walter. - While somewhat downplayed compared to the other examples, Alucard doesn't think very highly of Nazis, either. While reminiscing of their World War II days with Walter, Alucard took special glee in killing every Nazi he could find. The only exception is The Major, whose unbridled and absolute commitment to over-the-top batshit insanity Alucard finds impressive.
Extra Eyes: Alucard develops tons of these during transformations.
Eyes Do Not Belong There: Eyes do not go in the chest! Or in shadowy tentacles! Or... any way Alucard uses them, really.
Freudian Excuse: When Alucard was a human child, his father sold him off as a political hostage to the Ottoman court, where he suffered sexual abuse. It's all but outright stated that taking revenge for this is what jumpstarted the dark path he chose to walk down in life.
Historical Beauty Upgrade: The real-life Vlad III Tepes was not a pretty man. In here, not so much — he's downright swagger. Justified with A Form You Are Comfortable With. Even in the original "Dracula" novel, he was described as creepy-looking even when more youthful. While he could shapeshift into a more attractive form, he didn't do it often. In this, he's always portrayed as being quite handsome, even in flashbacks.
Historical Villain Upgrade: Vlad Tepes III was not what anyone would call The Good King, but he wasn't an Eldritch Abomination who'd consumed the souls of hundreds of thousands of people.
Knight Templar: He used to be one, a long time ago.
Manly Facial Hair: When Alucard releases all the restraints, he actually looks somewhat like Vlad Tepes, including the moustache. It's not quite as impressive as the one in the famous portrait, but it would be much harder to take him seriously if it was.
"Not So Different" Remark: Alucard admits he and the Major are alike in Volume 4 as "incorrigible warmongers." "We ruin the countries we govern and the people in our care. We slaughter our enemies and sacrifice all our allies. We'll keep killing until there is nothing left but to destroy ourselves. It will never be enough. We are incorrigible warmongers, aren't we, Major?" - But unlike the Major, Alucard shows genuine remorse and tears up when he recalls what he lost in past battles. His comparison with Anderson in Volume 9 is more accurate.
Slasher Smile: Full of fangs. He doesn't smile in his true Dracula form, though.
Sociopathic Hero: Alucard was already a bloodthirsty monster before he became a vampire. The vampire thing just made him worse, though Integra and the Hellsing Organization thankfully make sure he's pointed at the right targets.
Villainous Breakdown: Oh, he doesn't suffer one. He causes them. Until Anderson's death. That said, it was much more of a Tear Jerker moment than anything, but regardless, he still did break down in tears. Hell, Alucard even gave him a genuine smile and respectful "Amen" right after he passed away.
Anti-Hero: A psychopathic Blood Knight who lives to fight and kill, Alucard is at least pro-humanity and will fight off the greater threat of Millennium.
Ax-Crazy: Alucard relishes not only the chance for a good fight but also displays disturbing fixation with the actual act of killing people, as emphasized by his maniacal Slasher Smiles and cackling.
Berserk Button: Insulting Integra will result in a rather homicidal moment or two.
Blood Knight: He just loves to fight all kind of enemies. The harder it is, the more fun it'll be. Alucard looks positively ecstatic every time Anderson shows up, and ripping apart enemies always puts him a good mood. Alucard: Neither of us could ever back down in front of an enemy. Come on then, Judas Priest!
Dark Is Not Evil: He functions as this through his loyalty to the Hellsing Organization and his willingness to fight beings even more evil than him.
Even Evil Has Standards: He tells a pair of teenage vampires that the way they kill innocent people for no reason just shows how pathetic and disgusting they actually are, and that's the reason why they should be wasted. - Alucard believes that only a human can defeat him, which is why he considers Anderson to be his greatest rival. Thus, when Anderson uses Helena's Nail to give himself a boost that he feels is necessary to defeat Alucard, not only is Alucard pissed, he's saddened to the point of crying. - He also has no respect whatsoever for traitors. And makes that displeasure known during his battle with a vampirized Walter. - While somewhat downplayed compared to the other examples, Alucard doesn't think very highly of Nazis, either. While reminiscing of their World War II days with Walter, Alucard took special glee in killing every Nazi he could find. The only exception is The Major, whose unbridled and absolute commitment to over-the-top batshit insanity Alucard finds impressive.
Extra Eyes: Alucard develops tons of these during transformations.
Eyes Do Not Belong There: Eyes do not go in the chest! Or in shadowy tentacles! Or... any way Alucard uses them, really.
Freudian Excuse: When Alucard was a human child, his father sold him off as a political hostage to the Ottoman court, where he suffered sexual abuse. It's all but outright stated that taking revenge for this is what jumpstarted the dark path he chose to walk down in life.
Historical Beauty Upgrade: The real-life Vlad III Tepes was not a pretty man. In here, not so much — he's downright swagger. Justified with A Form You Are Comfortable With. Even in the original "Dracula" novel, he was described as creepy-looking even when more youthful. While he could shapeshift into a more attractive form, he didn't do it often. In this, he's always portrayed as being quite handsome, even in flashbacks.
Historical Villain Upgrade: Vlad Tepes III was not what anyone would call The Good King, but he wasn't an Eldritch Abomination who'd consumed the souls of hundreds of thousands of people.
Knight Templar: He used to be one, a long time ago.
Manly Facial Hair: When Alucard releases all the restraints, he actually looks somewhat like Vlad Tepes, including the moustache. It's not quite as impressive as the one in the famous portrait, but it would be much harder to take him seriously if it was.
"Not So Different" Remark: Alucard admits he and the Major are alike in Volume 4 as "incorrigible warmongers." "We ruin the countries we govern and the people in our care. We slaughter our enemies and sacrifice all our allies. We'll keep killing until there is nothing left but to destroy ourselves. It will never be enough. We are incorrigible warmongers, aren't we, Major?" - But unlike the Major, Alucard shows genuine remorse and tears up when he recalls what he lost in past battles. His comparison with Anderson in Volume 9 is more accurate.
Slasher Smile: Full of fangs. He doesn't smile in his true Dracula form, though.
Sociopathic Hero: Alucard was already a bloodthirsty monster before he became a vampire. The vampire thing just made him worse, though Integra and the Hellsing Organization thankfully make sure he's pointed at the right targets.
Villainous Breakdown: Oh, he doesn't suffer one. He causes them. Until Anderson's death. That said, it was much more of a Tear Jerker moment than anything, but regardless, he still did break down in tears. Hell, Alucard even gave him a genuine smile and respectful "Amen" right after he passed away.
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You can see they have similar tropes so...
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Also this post...
Alucard VS Yhwach
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Note from link:
Pre-Schrödinger Alucard VS Yhwach Strongest Key (Very evident outcome just curious to see how it plays out)
Both in character
Post-Schrödinger Alucard VS Yhwach (should I equalize speed here?)
Also in character
Also this post...
Was Anyone Reminded of Hellsing in that Last Panel?
In the final page of this chapter, Ywach was surrounded by a mass of swirling darkness, with countless eyes in various places. That image reminded me of Alucard from Hellsing, who often would disvvole his body into darkness with countless eyes.
I wonder if Kubo is taking inspiration from Hellsing in this instance (as a side note, I believed that Joji Nakata, the voice actor for Alucard, would have been perfect for Ywach before it was revealed that Yhwach and Zangetsu are the same person)? What does everyone say about this? Were you reminded of Hellsing in that last panel?
with someone remarking:
multiple similarities between Yhwach and Alucard.
- Yhwach resembles Vladcard
- Yhwach absorbing others to extend his own life is similar to how Alucard takes in souls from blood to extend his.
Side note: Zangestu is part of the main character's powers.
The old man whom Ichigo Kurosaki acknowledged as Zangetsu (斬月) is the manifested spirit of Ichigo Kurosaki's Quincy powers that can be found inside Ichigo's inner world. As noted by Ōetsu Nimaiya, Zangetsu heavily resembles Yhwach's appearance from 1,000 years ago; similarly, Tensa Zangetsu looks like Yhwach when he was in his teenage years. - via Bleach Fandom wiki
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Last but not least for the fun of it... some anime raps and other videos on each character:
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slightchanceofarin · 2 years ago
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doom & gloom
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iamumbra195 · 2 years ago
oh my god, I'm sobbing. This is the most beautifully written thing that puts everything about Ichigo and Zangetsu (both of them) into perspective in the most heart wrenching way possible
In like 13k words. It’s amazing please read it
Awakening By EyesOverEons
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yulinalmighty · 25 days ago
Chapters: 8/? Fandom: Bleach (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Hollow Ichigo | Zangetsu & Kurosaki Ichigo & Old Man Zangetsu | Quincy Zangetsu, Hollow Ichigo | Zangetsu & Kurosaki Ichigo, Kurosaki Ichigo & Old Man Zangetsu | Quincy Zangetsu, Aizen Sousuke & Kurosaki Ichigo, Juhabach | Yhwach & Kurosaki Ichigo Characters: Kurosaki Ichigo, Hollow Ichigo | Zangetsu, Old Man Zangetsu | Quincy Zangetsu, Tensa Zangetsu, Ishida Ryuuken, Ishida Uryuu, Juhabach | Yhwach, Various Quincy Characters (Bleach), Aizen Sousuke, Kurosaki Karin, Kurosaki Yuzu, Kurosaki Isshin, Sternritter Ensemble (Bleach), Espada Ensemble (Bleach), Various Shinigami Characters (Bleach), Various Fullbringer Characters (Bleach), Various Hollow Characters (Bleach), Urahara Kisuke, Shihouin Yoruichi, Azashiro Kenpachi, Yamamoto Genryuusai, Ulquiorra Cifer, Grimmjow Jaegerjaques Additional Tags: Emotional Manipulation, Possessive Behavior, Time Travel, Quincy Kurosaki Ichigo, BAMF Kurosaki Ichigo, Vasto Lorde Kurosaki Ichigo, Quincy (Bleach), Hollows (Bleach), Shinigami/Zanpakutou Bond, Shinigami (Bleach), Fullbringer Kurosaki Ichigo, Misunderstandings, Canon-Typical Violence, Espada (Bleach), Gotei 13 | 13 Court Guard Squads (Bleach), Arrancar (Bleach), Action/Adventure, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Psychological Trauma Summary:
And time passes...
Ichigo... Did you know I actually could ride horses.
And time keeps passing...
Ichigo did you know I wanted a greener pasture to decorate your inner world...
And a long time passed by...
As despair engulfing my mind softly and gently lulling me in cold empty comfort.
As I've realized that I can't...
I can't stand to live a life without you in it.
Rest... The despair said.
Sleep... The despair prodded.
But I won't falter.
Not here.
Not now.
Ichigo did you remember what I said to you when you fought Urahara Kisuke in his underground basement?
Cast off your fear and look forward. Move forward and never stop. Retreat and you'll age. Hesitate and you'll die.
So I've said back then.
I decided to move backward.
Yes , I decided to do what you would've called Time Travel.
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countesswilsy · 1 year ago
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the-narwhals-awaken · 1 month ago
Bloody Hearts Bingo Day 23
Prompt: Whump, Real Love | This love is difficult, but it's real; don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess
Kisuke blinked, pausing in the middle of helping himself to yet another of Orihime-chan's (they'd finally worn him down on first names, arguing that if he'd been elbow-deep in their abdominal cavities, he could use their names) plates of snacks. Despite their unique construction, they were good- and, more to the point, nobody else outside of their little huddle save for Arisawa-san and the Kurosaki twins would ever steal them.
They were sprawled in a pile of blankets and pillows and futons, quietly chatting as some movie Kisuke wasn't quite sure about played in the background. It had been entirely natural to join them, to settle sprawled as incense in the corner settled the scent of the room and the working day came to an end. It hadn't even been the first time Kisuke had joined his lab rats for a comfortable evening- he'd brought his good weed brownies and they'd gotten high before, but it was just as likely for them to talk or watch movies till they were asleep, all genuinely relaxed and safe.
He was part of their group. They wanted him here- he didn't join them every night, but he'd been invited frequently. They relaxed around him even outside of the lab, falling asleep on him and teasing without a hint of fear. He'd known that they were his, but it seemed that he was theirs- not just the guiding hand to release them on his foes, not just a blade in the lab or a whisper in the dark, but a shoulder to lean on and somebody whose tastes in music they relentlessly mocked even as the playlists that filled their background included his favorites.
It didn't make sense. Kisuke was vaguely aware that he was shaking, that his breathing wasn't quite working like it should, but he was more concerned with figuring out when, exactly, his lab rats had decided that he was theirs, and why he hadn't noticed earlier. For fuck's sake, he'd let himself get far too baked for anyone he didn't trust implicitly, and apparently he'd grown that list by four (tripling it, if one limited it to physical beings instead of spirits) without realizing it or consciously registering that fact. He was an assassin! He had to be better than this- Aizen would have taken advantage of the opening Kisuke would have unintentionally given him, let alone his brother or the people who helped raise them both.
There were hands on him. It was only the fact that Benihime wasn't on him that kept him from removing them (Benihime was on a weapons rack next to Zangetsu, the pair* seeming to get along well enough that Kisuke was keeping a wary eye on what Benihime made next) and the way they didn't restrain him, just pressed down firmly enough that he couldn't ignore them. There was a layer of reiatsu clinging around him, gentle and cool and calm, and a voice saying something he couldn't quite make out, steady and gentle.
Slowly, Kisuke managed to get his breathing back under control. At some point when he hadn't been paying attention (too busy with what he was realizing was a panic attack, which was just lovely), he'd been moved to the middle of their little huddle. The treat was gone from his hand, but there was a little plate in his lap, full of sweet things and his favorite of the various nibbles. Chad passed him a cup of water, which he drained gratefully- panic was shit and he hated it and he never wanted to do it again.
"-boshi, Getaboshi, c'mon, you're safe, we're here, Getaboshi, we've got you," Ichigo was talking, voice steady but a hint of panic hiding beneath it. Kisuke managed to grab onto one of the hands on him, squeezing probably tighter than he should have, but that was so low on his list of concerns it fundamentally didn't exist. Immediately, the huddle shifted- Ichigo cut himself off, and Kisuke found himself with a mouth full of nibbles and bundled up snugly enough that he doubted he'd be able to get free easily. None of his ratlings seemed willing to move from where they were huddled around him, and he could taste the residue of one of Orihime's shields at the edge of his senses.
"'M fine," he managed to wheeze out, wiggling till he had a bit more room around his ribs. It was clear that none of the others believed him, but Kisuke was, while not nearly at the level of his brother, capable of managing a conversation. "I ever tell you about my family?"
The diversion worked. Kisuke kept it sparse- the nature of his father and his birth, his brother, the suspected purpose of his birth, and his brother's binding and subsequent descent into madness. He hinted at more- his brother's reasoning, his mother, his uncles (and aunt, though he had no idea if she would claim him), what they'd thought of his purpose and duty, his father's present state and what might happen should Aizen or his brother succeed in their goals- but he left most of it vague. The rest could wait- tactical briefings, strategy meetings, organizing what to tell and what to hint at and what to hide. Right now, he would repay trust with trust.
"Right, do you want to kill your dad?" Ichigo asked, blunt as ever.
"When you decide that you want him dead, do you want help with that?" Uryuu asked, blinking up at him. "Because if you just don't want to do it yourself, we will absolutely kill your dad for you."
"Only if you want it!" Orihime exclaimed. "And you'd have to give up your right to first-dibs."
Kisuke blinked. "What?"
"It's the Patricide Rules," Chad explained, like this was all perfectly normal. "For bad dads, their kids get first dibs on killing them- if the first attempt fails, then it's open season, but the blood relatives get to decide when to start trying to kill them. It's our compromise- we'll keep planning regardless, they're shit, but we wait till kin decides it's too far."
Kisuke found himself laughing. It was ridiculous- and yet it made perfect sense for his ratlings. "Yes, I will have them dead." That would be- though Kisuke put little stock in fate, he knew that all things ended, and he would ensure that his kin could rest. He had help now. It would be so.
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