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campy-mccampface · 4 months ago
Bus Pass: Chef Heimlich McMuesli
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Why are you like this.
Name: Heimlich McMuesli
Age: Early Fifties
Residence: His camping edition Volkswagen Bus
Origin: California, USA
Occupation: Chef, also grows fruits and veggies for farmers’ markets on the side
Orientation: Pansexual
Significant other(s): None, but several free love associates
Heimlich McMuesli is the resident cook at Camp Kidney. He’s a self-proclaimed vegetarian and his tendency to push this onto the scouts makes him unpopular at meal times. That said, he seems genuinely to care for them and only wants his idea of what’s best for them, (for better or worse.) He also doubles as a guidance counselor to them, utilizing New Age child therapist techniques and going to admirable pains to help campers such as Edward and Gretchen find peace. Per his own admission, he was an angry child and wants to put that behind him. He is however still short on patience at times, holier than thou, and very judgmental.
Biography: Canon and Headcanon
Heimlich was born to veteran hippie parents in California, not far from Prickly Pines. They ran a little farm and also sold art, clothing and handicrafts for income. He was an only child and thus was kept very busy by his parents helping them with their work. This lack of free time and constant delegation of chores made him very sour for a few years, but he mellowed out and quickly became a little clone of his parents, fully embracing hippie life and abstention from meat by the time he entered middle school.
As an adult, Heimlich began backpacking more often, especially in Peru, and his means of transport, a Volkswagen Bus fitted for camping, became his steadiest home. His parents passed away back in the States while he was away, (though he had been regularly in touch and visited plenty,) and he was for a while very aggrieved, but recovered. Still, the old McMuesli Farm made him mournful just thinking about it, and he was increasingly interested in his own mobility. He sold the farm shortly after inheriting it and didn’t look back. Heimlich took several odd jobs as he went up and down the country, never staying rooted in one place but making many, many friends, (and free lovers too.)
His travels brought him back where he started in California, and his newest gig was the chef for a summer camp belonging to the Bean Scouts of America. His ideas of sustenance were… very untraditional for a crowd used to canned pork and beans, but no one else was applying for the job, especially due to its pittance salary. McMuesli, who was frugal, adept at self-support and needed no room and board, was able to make it work, and so he was hired (with much grumbling and mockery, to his face) by Scoutmaster Lumpus.
By the time of the show, McMuesli has been the camp cook for five years or so. This is far and away the longest he’s stayed in a single place since the sale of his parents’ farm, and although he has yet to say so aloud, he probably plans to stay even longer. The Bean Scouts of America, who are chronically cash-strapped, are now his biggest backers; any replacement would surely want a raise. This newfound sense of tenure-esque invincibility has affected Heimlich profoundly; whereas before he would serve meat at least three times a week in return for… being allowed to complain, he’s completely remade the food curriculum to what he sees as fit. He also has a megalomanic penchant for confiscating junk food contraband, complete with security CCTV and a bank vault. He’s… a character.
Not long after his arrival, McMuesli started his “Temper Tee-Pee” program. Slinkman, who we’ve seen is chronically overstretched, no doubt was thrilled at the prospect of some of his counseling duties being shouldered. He and McMuesli generally get along well, though the former can find Heimlich grating in his worst moments. McMuesli tried once to confiscate Slinkman’s usual diet soda, and only once. I won’t go into detail, but if you watch Slinkman “go ballistic” in “Slugfest” it was more or less a repeat. After which, Slinkman’s necessary daily caffeine was left unmolested and the two agreed never to speak of it again. (Where was I? Oh yeah, the tee-pee.)
The Temper Tee-Pee program, if you haven’t seen the eponymous episode, is basically a child therapy program run by McMuesli. Campers who have outbursts are issued “temper tickets” and join McMuesli in a bespangled, hippie-dippie little tent that reeks of incense, is full of Native American paraphenalia that comes off as a bit tacky in retrospect depending on McMuesli’s heritage, and has beanbag chairs that suck you in like quicksand. (No, it’s not considered a punishment. Officially.) Here, Heimlich does… pretty admirable work of trying to understand campers’ pain and resolving it. His methods are unconventional, (“and he smells it, too,” says the little Edward voice in my head,) but they work and aren’t patronizing to a scout. (Granted, Edward and Gretchen found the peace he wanted them to find by fantasizing about running him down with a roadroller, but the end justified the means: they chilled out and learned to vibe.)
Again, though, he’s not a pillar of nirvana himself. While trying to teach the Jelly trio how to make tofu frankfurters, he leaves in a huff to backpack in Peru, and leaves the whole camp chefless. This would be unacceptable anywhere else, but as has been said, McMuesli’s just that untouchable. Another occasion sees him get VERY worked up and out of line when the Jellies insinuate eating broccoli is like cutting down trees. And, when Scoutmaster Lumpus reminds him he’s trying to gain weight, McMuesli flees in hysterics, exclaiming that the moose is “not of this world.”
He’s something else. But then again, so’s everyone in this show.
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"Do you think somebody could hear us?..."
"For fucking sure you rascal fuckers"
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pseudonymjones · 2 years ago
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egophiliac · 1 year ago
Do you know when in the timeline the Phantom Bride story takes place? ( I love your comics btw)
thank you! :D :D :D
the events tend to be deliberately ambiguous about when they're set, probably so it's easier to schedule them, and to accommodate players who might be at different points in the main story. though I think you have to have finished episode 2 in order to play events, so most of them are kind of...in this nebulous chronological space of somewhere post-episode 2?
that said, the more recent events (I think starting with Fairy Gala IF) have been set after episode 6, since they have Ortho as a student and in his college gear. so there is a bit of a split there that Ghost Marriage/Phantom Bride falls into!
so basically...somewhere between episodes 2 and 6, and that's about as far as I think it can be nailed down! beyond that, whenever your heart tells you is right. 💙
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captn3 · 6 months ago
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fairly odd parents still infecting my brain have a redraw
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og screenshot ^ im already working on stuff with backgrounds i dont need to make even more
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a-loose-collection-of-ants · 9 months ago
Happy pride month, holy shit
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astrodances · 9 months ago
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As the cabin came into view again, Goldie couldn’t stop thinking about how this had to be the coldest night they’d had in weeks and her feathers were turning into little icicles. With the small amount of sunlight left, she could see her breath on every exhale. It was so cold she was getting exhausted much faster than she should’ve and Goldie knew she’d be sick in the morning...if she made it there at all.
May I present...the Ice Queen of Dawson. ❄️
This has been a long time coming, but I finally finished this set of three drawings last week that I've been wanting to draw for the longest time for @lettheladylead's running in circles (the above drawing specifically comes from chapter 4 - it's the exact moment that Goldie sees the cabin again on the way back from trying to get back to Dawson). (Will also say that these are a very happy belated birthday gift to you! :D)
There were a few moments from the Klondike chapters that weren't necessarily major story moments, but the descriptions of them (and especially of the environments/lighting) caught my eye and my heart, and made me want to highlight the beauty of the Klondike, and so here we are.
For this scene in particular, her walk back to the cabin, I got a very vivid image of it while reading it, a sort of tragic twist on a "winter wonderland" and on Goldie looking all icy-pretty, and the angst of the Ice Queen naturally came in to play.
Will post the other two drawings over the next two days - up next: a king in the morning light.
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alterigo06 · 2 years ago
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Late to the party as always 🫡 but happy Kagerou Day, everyone 🫡
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campy-mccampface · 3 months ago
On the Fly Headcanons #3
—Nurse Leslie only became a nurse because it’s a tradition in his family to enter the medical field. His real passions are cars and writing. He and Slinkman bond over the former.
—Patsy dyes her hair pink; she’s a natural blonde.
—Even though Lumpus and Jane marry, they still live separately as before during summers while they’re still working. A lot of the campers keep forgetting they’re married (my reasoning is the show kind of did too🤭) and that reeeeeally makes Lumpus mad lol.
—Lumpus’ parents are still alive, even though they’re pushing 100. They’re frail but have all their marbles. Lumpus… stopped thinking about them once he was 60ish. When he received a phone call from his mother asking why they weren’t invited to his wedding, Lumpus thought it was a prank call and almost hung up. And that’s how he reconnects with them.
—No-neck’s real name is Jacques. He started going by No-neck because the campers kept mispronouncing it.
—Pothole McPucker died, …like, the same summer he and Jane almost married. (Bozo.)
—Manfred the ex-Navy turtle is still alive.
—Edward’s mom, Susan, bakes a mean lasagna and this is his favorite food. (Cue Ping Pong calling him Garfield.)
—Mort the pelican is Camp Kidney’s archery champion.
—Gordon the bear is petrified of caves. (It’s the stalactites.)
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liorlen · 10 months ago
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Some illustrations I made for a module as interpretations of some passages from the Welsh poem 'Preiddeu Annwn'
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demontisms · 4 months ago
if they were not IN an episode but WORKED ON an episode, please select the option closest to your answer.
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cheddar-baby · 1 year ago
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Stargazing Lovers
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extra... made it my pfp...
kinda blurry...
it's okay...
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5tupidusrnam3 · 10 months ago
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Reference sheet thingys for the characters who are gonna be in my short comic!!
I’m not sure what to do to promote it since this is a casual thing but I’m gonna post sneak peeks when I’m working on it!!
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st7arlight · 1 year ago
I saw you were asking for red valley holiday art requests so I was wondering, maybe warren and gordon in matching holiday sweaters? I feel like gordon would ask warren to wear it and he didn't have it in his heart to say no lmao
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this is a bit late but here you go!
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kitwasheree · 1 year ago
habitual sleeplessness; inability to sleep.
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Reference :
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