stoicallyshi · 1 year
May 25th
To women like me, who believes in loving someone till losing them. It hit me today that I'm basically just rendering an image of a forever love or anything that keeps the sanity of forever to people but the process of growing out of love and compatibility crosses my head and I think I have had just a phase of everything that interested me for the time being. What after that? Do I go back sticking to the person or things I once held hearts for? The future terrors me on the part what if am only allowing myself to love someone because I want that and what after I'm destroying their trust and turning them into someone like me? The guilt is there entrenched in me, the backside of my mind is haunted with the truth that whatever I have done and whomsoever I have kept and let be gone from my life were all the choices made by me in my right senses. Or how could I live in the same world as them?
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frauschreiber · 4 years
As an artist no matter what: u r great. Others can‘t judge ur work if u make it with passion and love. Something like judgment shouldn’t exist with ART. No one knows ur past and walks with u on ur path, it’s u, only u. Know ur self worth and be proud of what u create. U r always enough, u improve in ur own speed and no one can relate ever.
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anything-gay-stuff · 4 years
So I met with some old friends today and we were talking about our childhood and then they were like you remember that girl who used to live down the street? that girl you were in love with and you were always following everywhere? And in that moment all memories of her and I came back to me and I knew I might still in love with her, my first and only crush, and I really don't know what to do . I'm sooo fucking gay and I'm a fucking mess. 😶😶😶 Please tell me what to dooooo.
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gaefampoets · 4 years
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Forest God by Oleg Vdovenko - Aki #tylerseptprompts #forestgod #olegvdovenko #art #questioningmyself #IdontknowwhoIam #amievenreallyhere #poems #poetryinstagram #poets #broken #poem #poet #queerpoets #poetryislife #queerpoets #poetryisnotdead #poetsociety https://www.instagram.com/p/CF2IKDMlGOm/?igshid=1h270shh96zi8
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endless-book · 8 years
the worst thing in life is when your father and your sister ask you if u like boys but u actually have a gf and cannot come out cause they will feel so disappointed and u end up crying 
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overdoseofanimation · 6 years
Am I lying to myself or...
For a few months now I’ve been feeling...different, romantically different I mean. I’m Asexual...but am I possibly...not just that? I’ve never dated any girls before but I have dated guys. But..sometimes I feel like I like a girl more than I should. What am I Then? Am I just pretending to think these things or am I denying that...maybe I like girls too?
Am I Ace? Or am I someone else I didn’t even think I was...? And if I am something else, would people believe me or accept me like that? I guess they would, but I’m too scared to say anything about it...will I ever come out to myself?
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babananiii · 6 years
  My love dies,
Grudges arise,
Used is the vibe
Why me Lord?
  Hungry and poor,
Angry and sour,
Uncertain and unsure,
Why me Father?
  Was I first born?
Was I screwed and torn,
Tooled and lined on,
Why me Oh! Lord?
  Blessed and cursed,
Gifted and talented,
Yet none favors me,
Why me Lord?
  Got on a wrong turn,
Pieces torn,
Wishes of the world own,
Why I live this Lord?
  Scream it so ungrateful,
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jugulate · 7 years
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🙄 @alyssaedwards_1 #alyssaedwards #alyssa #auntie #aunt #rupaul #rupaulsdragracememes #rupaulsdragrace #dragrace #dragracememes #thatsnotme #done #questioningmyself #wtfisgoingon #noidea #dragracekindaday #bigmood
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bonnie-clyde2020 · 5 years
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jshlrt-blog · 8 years
What if? What if I stayed by your side, and remained patient. What if I continued to wait? Will it be worth it? Even though you're pushing me away, what if I continued to talk to you, or even leave messages that you don't appreciate? I know you're happy, but, I just really want to be with you, even though I'm not your type. #QuestioningMyself
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trees--a · 6 years
I honestly do not know why my profile picture is a screenshot of a picture of a cup of coffee.
that’s 3 ofs btw
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jesselazy · 6 years
Wise men never take in count their own advice.
If they don’t, does that still make them wise? 
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Sometimes I like the rain and sometimes I hate it. And so, I start questioning myself.
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milkbxnes · 9 years
I'm very confused about myself, and I'm really just feeling like ending it. My family is counting on me to be this "person", but everything I'm doing, like the fact I like girls and that I want to be a guy is just "wrong" as they say. So I just don't know what to do here. My only brother and sister are labeled as these "failures" who didnt finish school/dropped out/ got pregnant or just got in trouble a lot, since I'm the last one they are expecting for me to be this "perfect child" Now I feel like I'm going to disappoint them for liking certain things. (No they don't know any of these things about me. I'm so scared that I feel the need to hide..) I know that's messed up, tell me about it...
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beckloid-blog · 9 years
So I live with my partner and I adore having him around, but I don't like getting deep in conversation about very personal issues. What does that make me?
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When do you say that enough is enough? After feeling ignored, under appreciated, and like you don't matter. Or do you just keep going because the person doing this to you is the person you can't seem to live without? You did it once but now that the person is in your life you've become attached and are afraid to let go. Honestly I don't know. I have a heart and so can't find a way to just let go. Especially when doing so would make me feel worse than I already do.
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