eve-baxter · 5 years
“Hey, has anyone seen my backpack?” Oliver asked. The words were regretted the moment he so absentmindedly uttered them, as they came with the immediate memory of the contraband contained inside.
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Eve raised an eyebrow at the voice. Interesting thing to just say it out loud and not just keep looking for it themselves but maybe that was just her. But maybe he was where he last saw it. Instead she walked over to him. “Hmm, what does it look like?”
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eve-baxter · 5 years
“This?” Cass gestured to her bloody nose, sitting back on the bench she’d taken a seat on. She needed to start carrying tissues in her bag. “Oh, it’s nothing. That’s what I get for going easy when some guy wants to spar at the gym. Don’t suppose you have a tissue on you?”
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Eve had stopped when she noticed the other woman. She remembered having to take care of her own nose bleeds years ago. Trying to hide them from her parents. They weren’t good memories.  “Oh, yeah. Of course. Though I recommend  leaning forward and not back? Otherwise you’re swallowing a lot of blood. It’ll fuck up your stomach.” She rummaged through her bag and pulled out a pack of tissues.
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eve-baxter · 5 years
There was no awkward tension lingering between them. If anything it felt easy being around Eve again. It was like they had fallen into old times. Knowing that Eve was back made Wally hopeful that they could be in each other’s lives again. He had missed her companionship. She was his oldest friend. She had been by his side when he was at his lowest and vice versa. Their friendship was one that couldn’t just be scrubbed away because of a breakup. “I know it won’t,” Wally said with a small laugh, it’s just that he hasn’t actually talked about what had happened in his life recently with anyone aloud. Wally listened intently to Eve’s words. He hung onto every word. His smile faltering at her words. He understand completely where she was coming from. He commended her on her strength to be her own person. He knew her parents - it was probably a hard choice to settle on. Eve had always been the stronger of the two. “Wow…” he said, reaching out to touch her hand gingerly. “You’re here and I’m very glad that you are. I can only imagine how hard it was but you did it and that took a lot of strength, you know, to realize you weren’t happy. I think this is the best place for you to figure out what you want to be and finally get to be what you’ve always wanted to be. Not what your parents want or anyone else just you.” He smiled, taking a deep breath as he began. “Well, you know when I moved here I met someone. We got married fast and Josh happened just as fast. We got divorced a year ago. We weren’t working out and I really knew we weren’t working when I found him in bed with someone else.” he paused, biting his lip. It was the first time he allowed himself to process that. “He hasn’t seen Josh since the divorce and as bad as it sounds I’m glad hasn’t tried to. Josh doesn’t deserve someone who’s not going to be a constant in his life. I’ve been working at Mama Ode’s cafe down the street and trying to get my acting career off the ground. I’ve gotten a few auditions here and there but nothing’s stuck yet.” he shrugged, playing with his coffee as he debated on telling Eve the newest development in his life. They were friends. he could tell her, right? “I recently started hanging out with someone. His name is Jim. We’re not dating or anything but he’s pretty cool. So. That’s about it that’s happened to me. At least the big things.”
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When he reached out to touch her hand, she reminded herself that his was just Wally. He would never do something that would purposely hurt her. So she turned her hand to gently hold onto his. Eve sat and listened to him speak. It was something she could honestly do for hours. Just listen to him going on about whatever he wanted to. She could remember the way his face lit up when he would talk about something that he loved, or something that had caught his interest. Though this was a very different situation than both of those things, it didn’t change her feelings. She bit her lip as she felt her eyes water at his words, though she was going to make sure she didn’t cry. Not now. Just because he had said some kind things to her. She wasn’t that soft. At least she didn’t want him to see her that way. When was the last time someone had said something like that to her? If she was being honest, it was probably him, all those years ago. “I’m glad. I’m glad I’m here. That you’re here. It’s going to make things much better. At least I’ll have one friend.” She laughed, it was a little watery and sad but one of the truest ones she’d had in a long while. As he told his own story she gave his hand a gentle squeeze. “I’m sorry that happened to you Wally. And I’m sorry again that I wasn’t there for you. I know you probably have other friends but I promise I’ll be there for you now.” She paused for a second before quietly adding, “If you want me to be of course.” Eve smiled at him as he talked about his new friend. Did it hurt her heart to hear it? Yes. But she was a big girl. She would be there for her friend and support him in everything he did. “That’s great Wally. You deserve someone who makes you happy. I’m glad to hear that you’re opening up to other people.”
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eve-baxter · 5 years
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All the other ones never stayed too long. Just a hit and run, leading me along. Don't tell me you're different, it all sounds the same. Probably shouldn't listen. Probably shouldn't stay. I hate the feeling of falling. Feeling of falling. I can't keep bleeding, I'm sorry. I'll take the blame if you want me, ‘cause I hate the feeling of falling in love.
full name: Genevieve Noelle Baxter
age: Twenty-Four
gender: Female
hometown: Los Angeles, CA
occupation: Student
sexual orientation: Bisexual
spoken languages: English & Chinese
abilities: Flight, Healing & Electric field
father: Charlie Baxter, head police chief officer of the LAPD
mother: Claire Baxter, former ER nurse retired to be a stay-at home mother
significant other: n/a
children: n/a
pets: n/a
friends: Wally Axiom, even with the time they’ve spent apart and the fact that they’re exes doesn’t change the fact that she cares about him a lot. She still considers him her best friend, though she knows she’s missed a lot in his life so far.
eye color: Dark Brown
hair color: Dark Brown / Black
hair style: Long and straight. Always very neat.
height: 5′5″
body build:  Slim but she’s fit, she used to take aikido classes
notable physical traits / distinguishing marks / attributes:  She has a tattoo of the outline of a dove on the inside of her left wrist. It’s still pretty new. To remind her that she is free
enneagram: Eight, The Challenger
temperament: Melancholic
phobias/fears: being powerless, being restrained
mental disorders(s): none
when was this diagnosed?: n/a
goals: figure out what to do with her life, try to make friends, just live her life her way
likes: Order, Reading, Action movies, Coffee, running, autumn, warm nights
dislikes: being forced to do things, being ignored, someone thinking they know better than her, people talking down to her.
traits: intelligent, dedicated, caring, destructive, stubborn, temperamental
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eve-baxter · 5 years
“Oh my gosh, really? Yes, I’m Emily, hi!” The mounting frustration was quickly replaced with a bouncy excitement. She wouldn’t admit it, but she had been getting close to giving up. Despite that, a bright smile warmed her face. “This is mighty excitin’, I love meetin’ new people. How’re you doin’? Enjoyin’ the party? You look lovely, by the way. Very on theme.”
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“I wouldn’t have said so otherwise.” He laughed, the smirk still on his face. She was certainly, a lot. Seemingly easy to read as well. “I can’t say I share the excitement, but it’s definitely an interesting idea. I’m having as much fun as I can and am trying not to get myself kicked out. My mother would kill me. Uh, thanks. Your outfit fits well too.”
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eve-baxter · 5 years
“I know but I thought the piece of paper would be a nice touch.” Wally smiled, happily giving Eve a hug back. “Eve without her planner? A disaster just waiting to happen.” he teased. “What’s got you so busy lately, huh? What’s going on in your world and why is it a nightmare,” he asked, a small smile following. “It’s great to see you as well.”
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“Yes. Maybe so. You always liked your dramatics.” Eve laughed and playfully rolled her eyes. “You joke but I’m serious. Trying to keep track of everything isn’t easy. I’ve been getting so many phone calls and I’m using a notepad like some kind of heathen.” She sighed, but there was still a smile on her face. “Party planning. It’s sort of my job. Weddings, funerals, all of that. It’s a lot but it keeps me busy. You look very handsome today.”
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eve-baxter · 5 years
“Excuse me, are you Griff? Or know who they are? Because I’ve been lookin’ for darn near 15 minutes and I ain’t any closer to figuring that out.”
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Griff hadn’t made it particularly easy for the girl, though he hadn’t made it harder either. When he was handed the note with the name on it, he hadn’t even tried to look. If she cared enough, she’d find him. And look, it worked. “Well then you can stop looking.” A slow and easy grin curled across his face. “You must be Emily.”
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eve-baxter · 5 years
( @eve-baxter​ )
“I know we weren’t exactly paired up but I thought i’d still drop by and say hello.” wally said, offering a warm smile. “It’s been a while. You look beautiful as always.”
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“You know you’re always welcome to come say hello to me.” Eve smiled and moved to give her old friend a hug. “Everything has just gotten so busy. I’ve lost track of time. Plus I lost my planner and things after that have been a nightmare. I’m glad to see you though.”
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eve-baxter · 5 years
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griff, you’ve been partnered with emily. find them before the clock strikes 12 !
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eve-baxter · 5 years
Sawyer wasn’t exactly the type to regularly seek out conflict. He would with his sister, of course, but fighting with Cat was normal and they never looked to hurt each other… too badly. While he could get himself into some mischief, it was not near enough as Cat, and not anything so violent most of the time. Which is why he wasn’t exactly looking to engage when he accidentally bumped into Griffin, but it seemed a muttered apology wouldn’t be enough. “Woah, relax,” he replied, holding up his hands. “It was an accident.”
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Griff sighed and ran a hand through his hair, revealing a slight bruising along his eyebrow. He raised an eyebrow and uncrossed his arms with a smirk. “I’m relaxed. I just don’t like being stepped on.” A smirk grew across his face. He could take this kid easy, if he wanted to. “Sure it was. Let’s go with that.”
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eve-baxter · 5 years
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Event ! New Years Eve Party - Griffin Baxter
“Demento's laugh is wildflowers and bourbon on an autumns day just before winter comes to take it all away.”    ―     Ilse V. Rensburg,  Sleight of Hand    
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eve-baxter · 5 years
“Mmm,” he hummed, doing a more clinical look over. The guy didn’t seem too badly hurt, which was good. “Oh, just a little. I’ve seen worse,” Apollo smiled. He’d spent a lot of time around people who got into fights. That’s what growing up around guards-in-training had gotten him. That wasn’t even mentioning his mother, who, in his opinion, had too many scars. “We’ll see. C’mon.” He grabbed his arm - didn’t want to risk making things worse if he’d messed up his hands. Knuckles were probably bruised, at the very least. Also, hand-holding was a little much considering they’d just met. “So, did you win?” He asked with a smirk, pulling the guy along as he made his way outside.
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Griff chuckled and shook his head. “I’ve certainly been in worse.” He touched the edge of his lip and a bit of blood came away with his fingers. Must have cracked open again. Though he was grumpy about having someone looking over him, he knew if he came back home and his mother saw him, he’d have some explaining to do. Not like he was going to have to answer to her anyway. She was quite perceptive. “I’ve been told that I’m a lovely patient.” He was surprised when he felt fingers wrap around his arm. Griff thought he was just gonna follow him. Did he expect him to run off on him? He didn’t think he could stop him if he wanted to but he didn’t want to. Griffin laughed and smirked right back at him. “Of course I did. I wouldn’t still be at the party if I hadn’t. I usually go until I can’t move. Or they can’t move.”
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eve-baxter · 5 years
Apollo wasn’t much of a party guy, if he was honest. Not this kind of party guy, at least. Now, slumber parties he could get behind. Next time he wanted to get out, he’d just find a Fitzherbert to hang with. That’s about what he was thinking when he tried moving past someone to get some food. He didn’t mind being bumped into much, but he did mind the guy being a jerk about it. Apollo levelled him with an unimpressed look. “Well now I’m trying to see if you have a concussion, actually, since your coordination leaves something to be desired,” he replied after a long moment, only half serious. He narrowed his eyes slightly, actually taking in the guy’s face. So this is what had happened with that fight. “For real, are you, like…good? I’ve got some stuff to clean up in my car if you’re not going to be a jerk about it.”
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Griff sighed and almost rolled his eyes but quickly closed them instead. It was rude. Actually he was being rude and he realized it but he was never good at apologies. So he decided to relax some but just gloss over his rudeness. Was it the right thing to do, probably not but he didn’t really care too much. He let his eyes flutter back open after listening to the other speak. “Huh, I didn’t even think about that.” It was hard to tell if it was his dry sense of humor, sarcasm, or if he was being serious. Though the hint of a smirk leaned towards joking. “What, is there still blood on my face?” It did sting a bit as he moved his cheek and he hadn’t really looked at his face after, just casually wiped most of it off. “But, uh yeah. Sure. Swear I won’t be a jerk.” Griff stretched, feeling his muscles tense, still sore after everything.
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eve-baxter · 5 years
Andi wasn’t big on parties. They were too loud, messy and she wasn’t for people making an embarrassing spectacle out of themselves. yet here she was being dragged to them. you would think holiday parties would be more serene seeing as though it was during the season of giving, cheer and all that commercialized bullshit. That wasn’t the case. The party was anything but holly jolly. She was trying to make her way out to get some fresh air when she accidentally bumped into someone. She would have apologized but she decided not to after the guy’s reaction. Her parents wouldn’t have been too happy to know their daughter wasn’t throwing out kindness like confetti but then again she wasn’t circe or allison. “No i’m watching the dick head in front of me. Are you sure it wasn’t you stumbling about with that black eye?” she asked. “You look like shit.”
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Griff just snorted and smirked at the girl in front of him. She certainly had herself all wound up. It was actually funny to see her reaction. But then she had to take a dig at him and it wiped the smirk off of his face. He hadn’t thought that his black eye wasn’t all that bad. He had had much worse before. “Not doin’ a good job of that now are you?” He scoffed. “Not to be that guy but you should see the other guy.” He let his anger recede a little. He didn’t fight with girls. He was pretty sure his mom would kill him. “Most people think it looks badass.”
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eve-baxter · 5 years
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eve-baxter · 5 years
It had been a while since Griffin had gotten into a fight and he was actually pretty proud of himself. Then again, he also hadn’t gone to a lot of parties recently. So maybe he shouldn’t be that proud. Lost in his own thoughts is when he felt a bump from someone else. Without looking he barked out a, “What? You watching your own feet or somethin’?”
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eve-baxter · 5 years
“Well, I hope someone is going to have a fun party for Chirstmas.” Bowie drawls, as he looks around, “have you heard anything happening the day before, or even after?”
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“There’s always one. You just have to know where to look.” Griff shrugged, a grin starting on his face. “I mean the weekend is probably more likely. A lot of places just don’t want to open on Christmas. People like to complain, you know?”
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