aplang2023raniamin · 1 year
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oriye · 10 months
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TEXT: Eph. 2:1-3
KEY VERSE: "Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee. Except a man be born of water and of the
Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. John 3:5
The Bible says when we were óf the world we lived in disobedience, we lived according to the prince and
power of the air, we live in fornication, hatred, stealing, quarrelling, fighting, masturbation,
We make our hairs styles as the world dictates to us, we made fashion hairdos, we wore
trousers as women, we wore Jewries, make-ups and put on transparent, skimpy and tight clothing that
exposes our bodies to seduce others and we didn't mind because we were walking according to the course
of the world.
These ungodly fashion and dresses are designed by Satan for his children, the children of
disobedience. But now that you are born-again you have to turn away from these worldly fashions to
godly way of dressing.
The new birth comes with some evidence, and some fruit. In the new birth your life will change from how
you used to be, you will stop going to some of the places you used to go to, you will stop the dresses or
clothes you used to wear that exposes or advertises your body and makes you live a proud life style, your
behaviour and character you used to manifest will be transformed. The evidence is both internal, within
your heart and external, in your appearance; that is the repentance of both your internal and external sins.
To be born again means total repentance, turning around from sin and self-pleasing lifestyle unto holy
living. 1John3:5-6
Sin is of the devil, and anyone who lives in sin has submitted himself to the leadership and control of the
devil, any man who sins, carries a load that belongs to Satan and with that load on him he cannot be
admitted into God's Kingdom.
The Bible says "Jesus answered them, Verily. verily, I say unto you.
Whosoever commits sin is the servant of sin." John 8:34
Jesus Christ came to take away the load of sin from man and to destroy its works and effects in us.
1 John3:8
Therefore, do not give yourself to any form of sin, do not go back to your old lifestyle of worldliness and
artificial fashions, drinking alcohol, smoking, fornications, Iying, cheating, masturbation, insincerity.
disobedience etc. again. Rom. 6: 12-13
Some of the evidences of the new birth are if you are born again:
1. You will stop living a sinful life.
2. You will destroy every link or connection to sin.
3. You will start doing your restitutions
4. You will
cut away from every friendship with the world and every worldliness.
5. You will have increased love
for God and the things of God.
Question 1: Can a Christian sister wear Trousers? Deut. 22:5
Question 2: Can a Christian still be a Christian if she paint or bleach in moderation? 2 Kings 9:22, 30-37
Question3: What is the acceptable Christian dressing? 1 Peter 3:1-6; 1 Tim. 2:9-10; Ex. 20:26.
Question 4: Can a Christian couple watch Pornographic film? Ex. 20: 26; Matt.5:28
Question 5: Can my dressing take me to hell? Zeph. 1:8, Pro.7: 10
Question 6: How will my dressing take me to hell? Matt. 5: 28; Matt. 18: 6-9; Rom. 14:13
Question 6: What are the evidences of a truly born again Christian?
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phantomtutor · 2 years
Explain how the readings affect Human Services Professionals? Format for all reflective essays include:12pt fontAPA style with article references2 page maximumTimes New RomanDouble spacedQuestion 1: What have you learned from the readings?Question 2:How do the readings affect Human Services Professionals?Question3: What are two major points of each of the readings? The links to one of the readings is provided below; the second reading have been uploaded.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK232126/ Post navigation
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beelzebuddy · 6 years
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Things I wish I could say to half the people I work with... #unpopularopinion #politics #imnotpolitical #transgender #question3 #transrights #transrightsarehumanrights #transgenderrights # https://www.instagram.com/p/BppomPdlr9g/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ad0b3994dx6g
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nattaphum · 2 years
Question3. you both like vintage clothes, do you exchange clothes or accessories? if you could describe each other with a piece of vintage clothing, what would it be?
apo: we’ve shared one day at a filming at work, p’mile took so many watches and i asked to borrow it, but actually i wanted to take it away
mile: i forgot to count them, lemme go back and check
apo: but other stuff, it’s just directly given/taken, like shoes…
what would p’mile be? he’d be a pair of cowboy boots. very cool. when i see boots, i feel passion.
mile: i thought you were going to say the bottom of the shoe was shiny like my skin
apo: very handsome
mile: thank you. just like he just said, he’s given me boots. we like going vintage shopping together. we know each other’s taste, we like similar stuff. what vintage clothes would i say he is like? like vintage toys. whenever i see toys with limited amount i think of apo. very interesting and active vibes. a little loud, but not like the “ah!” feel. it’s hard to explain, there should be pictures in the magazine :)
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lorei-writes · 3 years
Hello, friends!
I have a few questions to ask and announcements to make, although quite frankly, it is mostly me testing interest for certain things. 
To start with announcements - perhaps we should go first with the least pleasant one, haha.
I realised that taking 10 Match-Up requests at a time is too much for me. I do not enjoy creating a waiting-line of work for myself, so after this round is concluded, I decided to cut down the number of slots to 5. Depending on how the fourth mini-round of match-ups go, I may take a little break after it’s done - from match-ups that is. I am not sure yet, as writing the first five was always a blast, haha.
As for nicer things, Trials and Tribulations of an Unconsenting Time-Traveller will be back on track soon, possibly even next week. I thought about it for a moment and I think we are ready for the first choice with major influence over the plot, so... I suppose, be careful of what you wish for, haha? It does not narrow it down to a single suitor (or two rivals) just yet, but it may make relationships with certain characters nearly irreparable in the long run - you will not see the results of your vote immediately. An additional choice may appear as well, although that is not decided yet. I hope I haven’t lost your attention with this series and that the hiatus wasn’t too long, haha.
Talking about past plans, I still have three fic requests in my inbox. Generally, I plan to work in one request - one thing I want to write (fandom or not) system.
Whew, now that’s out of the way, I have a couple questions to you. [Future Events and Such]
I have noticed a general drop in interest in regards to requests. I don’t know why it is a case, but oh well, I could only guess and that is not doing any good. Instead, I wanted to ask you whether you’d be interested in any of the ideas I have for the upcoming months. Because... You know, it is a tiny bit disheartening to get no reply (and I am anxious that it will happen, haha) ^^” I still intend to write the things I want to write for myself, but I also want to give something to the community.
So, my first idea was to reblog some of my Prompt Lists and just write those - that would be Fluff Prompt List , Angst Prompt List &  Awkward Sex Moments Prompt List. I think I would limit the requests to 5 per lists (no limits per person, though) and re-reblog the list if any new slots appear.  The characters available for that would be the ones I generally write for, present in my Request/Suggestion Guidelines.
Question1: Would you be interested in any of those? Can you say which list?
My second idea was to start if off on a less demanding note, with Alphabet Prompts. I already wrote prompts for Smut Alphabet (which is open, btw), but I was wondering... Would you be interested in seeing Fluffabet too? Perhaps some more so theme oriented set? I was considering putting together a Summer/Vacation Alphabet, Family AU and/or Modern AU set.
Question2: Would you be interested in any of those sets of prompts? If so, which one(s)? Should I consider some other themes?
And lastly, my third idea was the Song Event revival. The general idea of that event was that you drop me a song title + artist and I write a short fic (generally 150-300 words, although I did hit 500-ish once or so) inspired by it, with the character it brought to my mind. It’s a bit of a luck game, I suppose, haha. Fandoms would be IkeSen, IkeVamp and OM - oh, and since most of those are short, characters from outside my Guidelines could appear too.
Question3: Would you be interested in the revival of the event?
Whew, that’s about it, I suppose. Ahh, the post turned out so looong, haha. Oh well, I hope you lasted up to this point, haha.
Keep warm,
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apod · 5 years
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2019 July 1
The Big Corona Image Credit & Copyright: P. Horálek, Z. Hoder, M. Druckmüller, P. Aniol, S. Habbal / Solar Wind Sherpas
Explanation: Most photographs don't adequately portray the magnificence of the Sun's corona. Seeing the corona first-hand during a total solar eclipse is unparalleled. The human eye can adapt to see coronal features and extent that average cameras usually cannot. Welcome, however, to the digital age. The featured central image digitally combined short and long exposures that were processed to highlight faint and extended features in the corona of the total solar eclipse that occurred in August of 2017. Clearly visible are intricate layers and glowing caustics of an ever changing mixture of hot gas and magnetic fields in the Sun's corona. Looping prominences appear bright pink just past the Sun's limb. Faint details on the night side of the New Moon can even be made out, illuminated by sunlight reflected from the dayside of the Full Earth. Images taken seconds before and after the total eclipse show glimpses of the background Sun known as Baily's Beads and Diamond Ring. Tomorrow, a new total solar eclipse will be visible from parts of South America.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap190701.html
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yandere-daydreams · 6 years
Question1: Who do you think between Dabi(BNHA) or Zen(MM) would be more possessive of their darling Question2: If you had to put yourself in a category of darling and Yandree, which categories would you put yourself in? Question3: Do you only answer anonymous asks because I sent a public ask a few months ago and I never saw it get answered
1) Dabi, without a doubt. I kinda see Zen as more of a ‘jealous obsessive’, one who’ll stop you from talking to other people, but only because he’s afraid of seeing you love someone else more than you love him. Dabi, on the other hand, thinks of you as his. Someone that belongs to him, can’t exist without him. It’s a subtle difference in execution, but two very distinctive ideologies.
2) I’d probably be a Manipulative Darling. I don’t really feel ‘attachments’ that strongly, I’m pretty good at distancing myself from a situation, and I can learn how to de-escalate a situation with a little time, so I feel like I’d be able to handle a Yandere pretty well. Failing that, being a Defiant Darling would be pretty lit. 
3) I answer anonymous and public asks, but I don’t answer every ask I get. If I don’t have anything to say about an ask, don’t feel comfortable answering it, or just… can’t write anything for that ask, I’ll usually just delete it and move on. Sorry, mate. 
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nuyoucare · 6 years
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#👍🏼 Who is #viting #yeson3 #question3 #we #are #sienla3 #deragulate #nevada #elctricity (at Paradise, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnrkE1TBKB3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=tjhwnz84usih
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briantaylor709-blog · 6 years
#Music #song #donystopbelieving #jounery #questiontime #Questionbox #Poll #question3 #newquestion (at Southend-on-Sea)
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beelzebuddy · 6 years
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Commuters arriving at my hometown train station were met with this smiling face and a “Hope you have a great evening! Stay warm!” Got lots of smiles, thumbs up, and thank-yous in return. Gave me a little bit more faith in my fellow Massholes for tomorrow. . Everyone, please please please get out and vote tomorrow!!! For justice, for decency, for love; please take a stand for America tomorrow. #vote #votevotevote #getoutandvote #midtermelections #massachusetts #question3 #transrightsarehumanrights #poster #politicalpost #politicalposter #genderneutral #nonbinary #nonbinarypride https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp0ZXJplMG-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fb7vr4oh61ts
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elliewithcellie · 6 years
Hi ellie! I really love your writing, it’s all real awesome! How are you? Are you okay? I haven’t seen you post anything new... is it because your blog has been flagged? I’m so sorry for all the questions !
Hi anon!
First off, I would like to say how much this means to me. I am shocked to see that my absence has actually been noticed! Thank you for reaching out. And don’t apologize for all the questions! I’m so happy right now:)
Question1: At this exact moment, I'm doing ok. I am currently eating a slice of Yule log so I am satisfied.
Question2: As far as being ok, hehe that’s a funny question to answer honestly to someone that I can’t actually see. It’s been a really hard few months, but I think I am finally coming out on the other side.
Question3: And that has to go into the last question. No I wasn’t flagged. I would be alarmed if it was since I don’t think my writing style/content it flaggable. I guess I kind of abandoned my page for a while because I was too distracted with the things going on in my life. There was no more time for scrolling through reblogs let alone writing a one shot. I’m not quite sure when I will be back with a new story or things like that, but when I'm back in the groove of how my life should be going I will be back at it. I love writing. I think I'm decent enough, and I don’t want to let go of the joy I get from finishing a story. I just need to get myself together before I jump back in.
I hope you understand. Thanks again for reaching out. It makes me feel really special and inspired to continue working on my ideas. I appreciate you!
- Ellie :)
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thank you all for waiting but i think enough time has passed to gather the answers  question 1:  should we post official songs on this tumblr? answer: yes (80%) so from now on i will be posting official music to the au here  question 2:  do you want more special character asks (like when flowey took a few asks)? answer: yes (96%) i like this idea and wanted to do more of it anyways but the problem was how i would hide the sprites. flowey was easy to hide but other spites might not be as easy and may not look as good so i was thinking maybe colored text for some of the characters. either way i will be doing more of these now. question3: should we create a sensetale subreddit? answer: yes (75%)  again something i wanted to do for a while but i wasn’t sure if everyone would want a subreddit for this. i’ll make the subreddit eventually and i’ll post it here when i get to doing that  question4:  would you like to help out with sensetale? answer: yes (65%)
pretty split but not the point, i know some people just want to read the comic and that’s fine this was just to see if anyone would want to help out at all and since there are people who want to help out. here is how you can: join team sense and help out in whatever way you can: .this includes music, sprites, maybe even help with dialogue or just suggestions on how you think things should look or sound  of course you will have to prove you can help out first like show off your art, music, ect. if you would like to help out but don’t want to join team sense: .make music and send them to me and if i like it i will make it official .make suggestions    .share the comic to other people or just reblog the comics when they come out  and  whether or not you want to join team sense you can contact me on discord:  thetruedimentio#7503 (also little side note the main spriter of sense is sick so comics are going to be slowing down just a bit until they get better) 
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zahraali1997-blog · 6 years
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Hi my dear student’s .
 How are you? I hope you all doing well.
please read this passage clearly and answer the question :
1-What does the word (he) in line 3 refer to :_______________.
2-What does the word (it) in line 17 refer to:_______________.
Give a reason for the following sentence:
1-Why Abn Battuta was famous around the world ? 
Find the opposite of “rich”: _________.
Choose the appropriate main idea for the text :
1-A great explorer .
2-A famous man in the world.
3-Was an amazing traveler.
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classfluent · 3 years
Arihant Class 12 Physical Education CBSE term 2 book pdf download in free
Arihant Class 12 Physical Education CBSE term 2 book pdf download in free
Book Features: Complete Theory in each Chapter covering all topics Case-Based, Short and Long Answer Type Question in each chapterCoverage of NCERT, NCERT Examplar & Board Exams’ QuestionsComplete and Detailed explanations for each question3 Practice papers based on the entire Term II Syllabus. Arihant Class 12 Physical Education CBSE term 2 book pdf download Arihant Class 12 Physical…
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