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Candle wax & Polaroids
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credits: @dariokhoroshavina @queseraseraa @taylorswift
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alanianatkinson · 10 months ago
The post shares excitement for the upcoming weekend and promotes an event featuring the Batik Influencer and the Hatted Writer, offering new designs and pre-loved items. The Hatted Writer is also working on a manuscript for his first book. Looks forward..
Gonna be a good time Yay! It’s the weekend again! Actually… – I don’t like to use this word as I have learnt the meaning behind it. It means, “the truth is” or “honestly” or “to tell you the truth”. There I go , slicing through the English language. So, when you hear people use one of these terms, phrases or words…you begin to question, “Does this mean they weren’t telling the truth before…
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irisnawer · 2 years ago
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Cute small pieces for Donna✨ . . . . . . #blackink #tattoo #ink #blackwork #tattoos #blacktattoo #tattoodesign #blxckink #tattooartist #blackandwhite #fineline #minimalisttattoos #femininetattoos #armtattoo #kanji #dragon #venus #queserasera #scripttattoo #irishtattoo #irishink #ink_ireland #corkcity #theinkcollective #wearetattuba (at Cork) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpdRA1Rq-uH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nyantria · 7 months ago
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(元の動画は 2023 年 2 月 27 日配信)
[字幕動画] イェルネヤ・トムシッチ (その 2): 分子生物学者が語る PCR 検査の問題点 – 字幕 by queserasera.cc
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projectdemarco · 2 years ago
Individualism + Destiny = 'Que Sera, Sera' Embrace Your Path!
#projectdemarco #marcoverse #collagesrilanka #marcosrilanka #marco
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aidagon · 1 year ago
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木村カエラさんの新曲「ケセラセラ」が12月13日(水) 配信リリースされました。 會田茂一がギター演奏で参加しています。
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c0untrybabyy · 5 years ago
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⁣ Every once in a while, there’s a call that just gets to ya. It seems like everything goes wrong, no one is cooperating, and no one is listening. ⁣ ⁣ Don’t get me wrong the communications between myself, my partner, and supervisor are great and we are all on the same page. But everyone else is a challenge. ⁣ ⁣ We do everything we can, and sometimes it feels as though we’ve done nothing. ⁣ ⁣ Today I felt defeated. That’s all there is too it, and it’s a shitty feeling. Happens sometimes 🤷🏼‍♀️ But this one is sticking with me a little longer. ⁣ ⁣ Times like these I’m grateful for my work family and girlfriends especially who are there to discuss and remind me that I did my job and that’s all I can do. ⁣ ⁣ Thank you to you all (you know who you are) for being there, my hype squad 💜⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #paramedic #blondemedic #mediclife #medic #paramediclife #blondemediclife #frustrated #ems #blondie #blondelife #partofthejob #defeated #real #stillloveit #fitmedic #keepgoing #goodvibes #positivevibes #toughnight #queserasera https://www.instagram.com/p/CBLotOmJBne/?igshid=18i989nyahbs0
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o-quesera-sera · 8 months ago
Encontrei hoje antigas notas
Esquiços que não saíram do papel
O tempo passa, as memórias permanecem
Guardo-as então, num até breve
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alyssaruffin · 5 years ago
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She stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away, she adjusted her sails. -Elizabeth Edwards. . . . . . #breathe #everythingwillbeok #everythinghappensforareason #staystrong #whatsmeanttobewillbe #queserasera (at Bismarck, North Dakota) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9PqL3BprgD/?igshid=638mwh1kwv23
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auroracarragal · 5 years ago
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Un nuevo proyecto supone un trabajo previo que me encanta, con mis rotus de colores, las ideas que se amontonan en la cabeza, la búsqueda de la mejor manera para darle vida... Y con unas terribles ganas de ponernos en acción con @ojodemuneca @deborah_doyourecall @lolamanzanaresactriz y @espinosa.elisa ¡Va a ser muuuy divertido! Y el resultado aún mejor 💜💜💜💜 ¡Próximamente! #DireccionEscenica #DirectoraDeActrices #NuevoProyecto #Cabaret #ProyectosInteresantes #QueSeraSera #Teatro https://www.instagram.com/p/B4PudP5ifN8Vn5A5ryGqQRY-sZ3SIecnh5eLVo0/?igshid=10mb4msvbwvq2
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johnnyslittleanimalblog · 6 years ago
A dog wags its tail with its heart * explore * by Cees
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projectdemarco · 2 years ago
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Individualism + Destiny = 'Que Sera, Sera' Embrace Your Path!
#projectdemarco #marcoverse #collagesrilanka #marcosrilanka #marco
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tam-i-lina · 6 years ago
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I have a loss for words; for there are none that can describe how I am feeling at this moment. To no longer have doris day in our lives is so tragic, but i know she lives on in my love of her music, her movies, her tv shows, the love she had for her animals. Even though i cry and cry Now I can cherish her every time I watch Calamity Jane and all the other things that make me smile when I see her in them. you are forever my icon!!!Que Sera Sera #dorisday #queserasera #romanceonthehighseas #teafortwo #aprilinparis #calamityjane #lovemeorleave #pleasedonteatthedaisies #pillowtalk #thethrillofitall #midnightlace #thattouchofmink #withsixyougeteggroll #thedorisdayshow #clarabixby #eunice THANKSFORALLTHELAUGHS #yogaposer13 #thebronzeyogi https://www.instagram.com/thebronzeyogi/p/BxantK5Fhgm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=t254ln1yt5xw
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charliejrogers · 6 years ago
Just Moving Pictures
Real life is not reel life -
No somewhere over the rainbow.
Whatever will be, will be.
Globe-trotting adventures;
Enchantment under the Sea;
Car chases and bank heists;
A far away Galaxy.
They’re what we love about movies
And want our lives to be –
Except most wouldn’t want the danger
That is ever present on screen
Though shown in technicolor
Their world’s still black and white.
And it’s this simplicity
That brings us great delight
But given scripted fortune
Or random act of hate,
There’s comfort in knowing
No white Guy’s producing your fate.
Wanting life to be a film
Has nothing to do with fantasy.
The question’s more, “Does all this really matter,
If it’s not for all to see?”
The Titanic’s ruin gained meaning
And so the 300’s fall.
How many more know Schindler? Brockovitch? Rwanda?
That guy from Moneyball?
These are false equivalences, yes,
But audiences don’t care.
They’ll cry as much for Bambi
As a teenager losing hair.
All filmed death is art
Never unplanned, unseen, ungrieved.
There’s always hair, makeup, and lights -
A one-last-word-before-they-leave
But real death is not reel death.
Somewhere, over the rainbow, whatever will be, will be.
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divination-ritual · 6 years ago
.. my #mother sang this to me when I was a kid ... #RIPDorisDay #queserasera #🎶 #icon #legend 💗#moviestar #memories #RockHudson #DorisDay 🙏🏽 #childhoodmemories #singer #actress #TV #instagay 🎬 #mom https://www.instagram.com/p/BxZ4WLnAkzG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=125ix3c4dxkvj
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blendabout · 6 years ago
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I only meant to put them in for a couple more minutes. Now they're dark photography. 🥕🔥💨 • • • • #burntfood #darkphotography #queserasera #veggies #goboom #ididthis #foodgoboom #foodphotography #foodphoto #foodfail #cookingfail #bayareafoodie #donteatthis #asblackasmyheart https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt-LAEelub3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dm676es2ym7d
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