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lesbianholyspirit · 11 months ago
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I’m so gay for all of them but I also want to be them 🥲
I’m sure I missed some but oh well, I also haven’t played sekiro yet so idk about that game
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eghostsofdeadchildren · 8 months ago
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A happy family.
Chaos Witch Quelaag, Quelaag's Sister, Quelana of Izalith, and Bed of Chaos.
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folkdevilism · 2 years ago
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brightlydust · 2 years ago
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Daughters of Chaos: modern au
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v03 · 4 months ago
Man, why is Dark Souls so sad that it has me crying over a half-spider, half-human girlie 😞
Anyways, I'm watching Dark Souls lore videos again because my mind has decided to forget about half of the lore (ehem, Elden Ring's fault, ehem)
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alberichfanpage · 2 months ago
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I like this lady
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recursiverabbit · 4 months ago
(Obligatory reminder to myself that I have tumblr...) ANYWAY! I hadn't written a fanfic in years, and I especially had never posted a fic before this one... so of course, my debut had to be a 200k+ word Dark Souls lore retelling (with heavy doses of nkstein angst because of course). And as of today (Nov 3, 2024), A Flame's Consequence (AFC) has come to an end 💙
I've learned a lot while writing this, and there is SO much that I would improve if I were to rewrite this from scratch. Though considering this was my first fic (at least, my first public one), I think it turned out pretty alright :) I'll miss AFC dearly, but I'm also excited to work on new writing projects (both my current WIPs being Soulsborne)! 💙💙
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katyahina · 3 months ago
Dark Souls 1 faces references Part 5: Quelana, Jeremiah, Grana, Cut Content Character, Domhnall
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Brown hair and eyes, like Quelaag's, predictably! Except not so much, but we will get to it in a second!
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I like how strong his features get, tbh, especially visible in profile!
Unusual situation of Grana
Alright, so... As you remember, there is that hostile NPC in Lost Izalith that is wearing the same clothing as Quelana! Another Chaos Sister!
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( x ) 魔女の娘グラナ means 'Grana, the Witch's Daughter'! Not to be confused with Quelana's tag イザリスのクラーナ, which means 'Quelana of Izalith'!
However, turns out that this NPC's data is broken! Me and Rayan really could not understand what was going on at first! The very first time Rayan checked this character's data, it gave.... this:
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No other NPC uses this face either, it had to be deliberately modelled! On a character labelled as a Daughter of Chaos!
However, when Rayan checked the data of the very same NPC another day, it instead gave this result:
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Completely different AND distinct face, likewise not otherwise associated with any other NPC! And yet, according to Rayan, these two face data both had the exact same internal name tag and were literally put onto the same NPC! And turned out, the internal name for this character does match Grana's internal name!
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I was there when Rayan tried to reload the game to check this NPC again, and it, once more, gave the guy data! It was super confusing! According to Rayan though, the body is "female" model, it does have chest wraps, but the head keeps switching between the guy and the girl! It is not supposed to happen, apparently!
The only semblance of "progress" we got was that for final double check: Rayan first loaded Oscar's data (who is blond) and after loading Grana immediately after it gave the girl result, then loaded Crystal Warrior (who has brown hair) and when Grana was loaded immediately after, it gave the guy result. I suggested that which head loads responds to the hair color of what model was loaded last, not unlike how Darkmoon Soldiers simply copy the last face data that got loaded, but that was it..
I suppose by Occam's Razor, the girl one is "canon", especially considering the body is supposed to be "female" model.. As for the guy, I feel like it got to be cut content that yet still remains in the game's code! Can't know for sure, but can have some suggestions! For example:
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(This and other screenshots for internal names are from this ( x ) video) Notice how not only the internal name hints at it, but also Jeremiah's head under his "crown" looks awful lot like this thing and he also uses Chaos Pyromancy specifically and he is said to be a king!
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So, what if the prince is supposed to be that bearded guy, before he turned into that Parasitic Wall Hugger? Really looks awful lot like Jeremiah got affected by the same thing! I questioned whether Jeremiah might have been formerly a royal at Izalith, and @val-of-the-north suggested he could have been husband of Witch of Izalith, even! Could possibly explain why Grana is blonde, under assumption that brown hair and eyes is the typical feature for the sisters and Fair Lady is pale due to sickness; Jeremiah is blond! Could be his genetics, then!
On the other hand, maybe the bearded guy is remains of another cut interaction?
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As far as the source material states, Ceaseless Discharge is the only brother amongst children of Witch of Izalith! I double checked ( x )! In his ring description, 愚かな彼は、それをすぐに落としてしまい (foolish man instantly dropped it (?)), 彼は seems to mean a he/masculine, or rather 'this (the one talked about in the sentence) man', and it is not just that English localisation thing where they default to a he in any uncertain situation!
We do meet Quelana long after her actual death, incorporeal, so like... what if we were meant to meet Ceaseless Discharge in the past or outside of time, from before he became a demon? The ring is human-sized, so he was just a normal humanoid once, too! And that guy data would be what he looked like? (Not my choice, personally; I'd think "tormented by lava at birth" should suggest more messed up look than literally just a guy, so I pick 'Izalith Prince' I guess)
These are just suggestions, but in any case, impressive how much the code for this NPC got broken, apparently! How- how did developers even DO this?
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Part 1: Oscar, Ricard, Solaire, Anastacia
Part 2: Reah, Petrus, Vince, Nico, Leeroy
Part 3: Pharis/Evlana, Americus, Forest Hunter (Cleric), Beatrice, Dusk
Part 4: Shiva, Shiva's Bodyguard, Forest Hunter (Sorcerer), Forest Hunter (Thief), Forest Hunter (Bandit)
Part 5: Quelana, Jeremiah, Grana, Cut Content Character, Domhnall (you are here)
Part 6: Darkmoon Knightess, Lautrec, Lautrec's Helper (Sealer), Lautrec's Helper (Warrior)
Part 7: Ingward, Kirk, Oswald, Havel, Tarkus
Part 8: Griggs, Logan, Rickert, Crystal Knight, Laurentius
Part 9: Patches, Siegmeyer, Sieglinde, Mildred, Crestfallen Knight, Crestfallen Merchant
* Shots of characters' faces datamined and provided by RayanTheMad on Twitter + rayanwasalsotaken on Discord!
* Twitter thread with the faces here: ( x )
* Data for characters Ciaran, Darkmoon Soldier (Balder) and Darkmoon Soldier (Berenike) doesn't exist and they simply copy the last face loaded, when there wasn't any loaded they use default placeholder data
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askfromsoftware · 6 months ago
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Oh! Hi!
You said you'd leave when both bells were ringing!
I will do that, but I just went back up...
Did you get to the church at the entrance Izalith? Have you seen who lives there?
Giant spider-witches!
One of them immediately attacked me as soon as I approached the bell tower. It was not easy to defeat her...
I found another one inside. But another one, a white one...
She looked sick and was blind. She was trying to say something, but I couldn't make out a word...
A pyromancer I met nearby said that she saved the locals from infection by absorbing it.
I was fascinated until I met the sister of these spiders.
I understand what I'm asking. I beg you, free their poor souls...
She asked to kill everyone.
E-excuse me... What?
I don't even know what to think about all this now... What do you say?
Go and kill.
Is it better to wait until the infection kills her? Or until her sister decides to kill her with her own hands?
Are you afraid to get your hands dirty with blood? Do you want me to kill her? Just show me the way.
No! Don't you dare!
What if there's a way to save her? Have you thought about it? You can't just give up so easily and choose the worst option!
As you wish. I don't care.
I believe that there are those who are simply doomed. Salvation for everyone?
Do you believe that yourself?
Draw especially for: Dark Souls & Bloodborne Ask | Canon & OC (VK)
The author of the comic - SirPest
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moonlight-eternal · 11 months ago
"You are all fools," Quelana says. "Gwyneth, Quelathi, you two have always been fools, though for different reasons. Quelaag, Gwyndolin, you're usually smarter than this. Come on, think it through!"
"I have thought as much as I need to," Gwyneth retorts, brash as ever. So little respect he has for anything but strength of arms, for which so little thought is ever needed. "If we succeed in this, then Father will have no need to sacrifice himself as he plans, for the First Flame will burn again without his kindling. That is reason enough."
"And if you fail?"
Quelaag opens her mouth to respond, but is cut off before she can speak by Gwyneth once more. "We shall not!"
On the other side of the room, Quelare puts her face in her hands and shakes her head. She turns away, but cannot bring herself to leave the room and stop listening.
"It is a wonderful and noble goal," Quelavere cuts in, trying to placate her older brother. "But I cannot feel confident in something so unprecedented. Tampering with a Lord Soul..."
Finally, Gwyndolin musters the courage to speak up. "Lord Souls are the closest thing known to the First Flame, born from it in those very first moments. I agree that the risk is significant, but the situation is becoming desperate. At the very least, we must do something. We must try."
"Everyone is depending on us, whether they know it or not," Quelathi adds.
Quelana sighs. "I understand that," she says carefully. "But there is a difference between controlled experimentation and wanton tinkering. Quelaag, I know it was not your idea, but you were the first to voice support and unlike Gwyneth you actually live here in Izalith, so... Could you not have asked Mother at any point before now, for permission to study the Lord Soul? Could you not have invited her to the discussion alongside us all?"
Quelaag shuffles her feet, and hesitates. "I– yes. I could have." She glances to her brother, then back. "He said it would be better not to involve her."
"Mother might put a stop to the plan," Gwyneth asserts. "She has no love for Father, this has been plainly known for centuries. Ever since she built this wretched place so far away, so deep beneath the earth as if to hide from the sunlight itself!"
Immediately, flames appear in the hands of several of the witch-sisters. Quelare stalks over to rejoin the group at last, tilting her head upward to meet Gwyneth's eyes. "Need we remind you that you are guests here, dear brothers? If you desire sunlight, then run along and bask in the rays above, and let those of us with more sense devise a plan."
She strikes her palm toward Gwyneth's chest, and in a display of great control, extinguishes the ball of flame just a fraction of a second before contact.
Gwyndolin looks down and pulls her traveling cloak tighter around her shoulders.
"Ah! Right, my apologies," Quelare says as her gaze passes over the youngest sibling. "You, singular brother and yet another sister, are guests in Izalith." To Gwyndolin alone, quieter: "If you want to fit in with the girls, we really must get you a proper black dress."
"If we could return to the topic at hand," Quelana emphasizes, glaring at each gathered sibling in turn. "That side of the room want to do something very rash, without any prior testing to learn the limits and the capabilities of what they would tamper with, and it could save the world or it could... well, we don't know what could happen if they fail, because they've done no testing. Meanwhile, on this side of the room, we have the level-headed people."
"You mean the people too scared to try to help," Quelaag tells her at once.
Quelavere inserts herself physically between the two, addressing the younger sister. "She means the people who favor caution, but not abandonment of the goal. I for one would love for Gwyneth's idea to succeed! But I cannot bring myself to participate, not if you go ahead with it right now."
"I will observe," the previously silent Quelaca finally speaks up. "But at the first sign of trouble, I will seek out Mother and inform her of the proceedings with her stolen Lord Soul."
"I too will watch from a safe distance," Quelavere says. "But I know such science is beyond my skill."
"I suspect it may be beyond any of us," Gwyndolin says quietly, but not quite soft enough to be unheard. "But I stand by my brother in this, even if in so little else. I cannot watch the world fade and do nothing. For all I wish to escape Father's watchful, controlling eye, I cannot allow his death to be without purpose."
Quelana looks around the group, and finds that the opposition is solidly outnumbered by those in favor and those abstaining. She sighs again, exasperated, and relents as much as she is able. "I'm not going near whatever you idiots cook up," she declares. "And when you fail to produce another First Flame, come back to me then and I can try, once again, to teach you the importance of using science in your magic."
"Quelana, please," her sister Quelathi begs. The youngest of those in Izalith, senior only to Gwyndolin, she has long since mastered the art of wide puppy eyes. "Mother's Lord Soul is the soul of Life. What better catalyst could there be, to create a Flame that rekindles our world's existence? How could it possibly lead to anything else?"
Quelana, ever the pragmatist, only frowns. "I would like to think you all are correct. I would like to have that hope, that something other than a direct linking of soul energy to the First Flame could suffice. I want you to know I am not opposed to the goal, or even the method! What is anathema to me is the recklessness. The risk. It is the fact that you are doing this without knowing that it will work."
"Then tell us," Gwyndolin asks her. "You are the closest thing we have to an expert on the mechanics of flame sorcery. Mother may have more raw power, Quelare may have more precise control, but you know how it works. Tell us, if we do this... what is the worst that could happen?"
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minespatchart · 1 year ago
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Since I finished a video, more fumo duos. This time with Bed of Chaos and Quelana of Izalith.
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fightthesun · 2 years ago
writing a darksouls fanfic that is so not related to darksouls its basically oc. anyway im still writing it.
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crusaderananas · 7 months ago
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ghoulalagoon · 1 year ago
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Quelana of Izalith on a smoke break
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katyspersonal · 4 months ago
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alberichfanpage · 1 month ago
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I would do anything for an evil(?) witch.
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