#queers for palestine is like saying chickens for KFC
lazykurocat · 6 months
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Queers for Palestine mad at me because I refuse to jump head first into the deep fryer with them. colonel Yahya Sanders wants to put you in his bucket fellow queers, don't listen to him.
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One thing I despise about liberal Zionists is their view of us queer/trans people who support Palestine as “chickens for KFC” based on Islamophobic and orientalist stereotypes. Meanwhile the only people on their side besides uwu jumblr queers are right wing trads and MAGA supporters. Tw for transphobia. Greater-than-the-sword, for example, like Prismatic-bell has a long history on this site and shows up in a lot of reblog chains. Here’s what they had to say about Leelah Alcorn’s death back in 2014 and they’ve only gotten worse in their transphobia since:
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This is why I say STFU to liberal jumblr Zionists who try to paint us as dumb for daring to have solidarity with Muslims and Arabs when the only people supporting them are those that would kick them to the curb for being queer. Their accusations of refugees being scammers sounds like it came from Reagan’s welfare queens BS. They can put pride flags and #BLM in their bio all they want but it doesn’t change the fact that their only supporters are racists, transphobes and fascists. So instead of attacking us for daring to associate with filthy brown people in their eyes, maybe clean out the trash in your own community first.
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germiyahu · 4 months
I don't find the whole "Chickens for KFC!" argument very convincing. Like, it's a pretty good barometer to indicate that the person you're talking to is on the right wing of politics lol. Like, pointing out that Hamas is homophobic will convince exactly zero Western antizionists.
Because they don't have to deal with Hamas' homophobic/transphobic violence. And I shouldn't even have to explain all the ways the average person will insulate themselves from facts or uncomfortable truths. Many insist this is just propaganda or will retort with "how do bombs save queer Palestinians?" or whatabout quite easily into instances of Israelis being homophobic, or Israel not being the world leader in queer rights. Throw out the babies with the bathwater! There is enough distance between the Western "activists" and these hypothetical victims of an anti-gay regime that it won't persuade them. They will not abandon a cause they believe to be righteous and necessary just because "Hamas aren't perfect uwu~" this has been well documented online from innumerable accounts.
It's also just pretty bratty and callous. Like yeah, use those queer Palestinians as nothing more than props against people who are just as removed from their oppression as you are, you're doing so great!
I think a better argument, is to argue against accusations of Pinkwashing. Focus on that. Because let's say the antizionists get their magic wish, and Israel is (forcefully) integrated into a Palestinian ethnostate from river to sea. What happens to the queer people living in former Israel? These people are not hypotheticals, they objectively exist and objectively do have more rights and freedoms than they would under Fatah and especially Hamas?
What happens to them? I see a lot of these people gleefully fantasize about a "substantial" portion of Zionists fleeing, but almost all of them concede that many Israelis would stay and even seem to want this (maybe just for appearances sake).
What is your plan then? This fits into a larger issue of "reincorporating" land given "back" to the "indigenous" population. Israel is (and in their minds will be "was" but whatever) a functioning society with unique laws and customs. What is the plan to respect those? Not just queer people, but women, Druze and other religious minorities, people of African descent. the list is pretty long. Actually for every xwashing they come up with, it's a credible question of how a landmaxxed Palestine would handle that issue?
Because I understand that to most of these people, appealing to Jewishness doesn't work, they believe wholeheartedly that Zionists are the new Nazis, they'll get what's coming to them. They do not care about history, they deny it outright. Antisemitism does not pull at their heartstrings. But what did gay people ever do to them? And this is pertinent because they are also queer people in the West advocating for a one state Palestine, even cheering on Hamas. Where is their solidarity with queer people around the world?
Like why punish gay (former) Israelis? Can you not at least agree that Hamas would not be a good governing body for the queer Israelis (Jewish and Arab) and the queer Palestinians who live in Israel as asylum seekers?
Or is ever facet of Israeli society going on the chopping block? Sorry but that's what you get for being a COLONIZER, hope you enjoyed not being persecuted for things that have nothing to do with being Arab, Jewish, Israeli, or Palestinian! Since we magically erased Israel we can magically deduce that there would be no resistance or sectarian violence coming from millions of people who are having everything about their way of life forcibly cast aside. Or maybe they'll only care after they get what they wish for and they can be the underdogs again. Zionist problem taken care of! Now let's immediately criticize the brand new Palestinian state! Who really knows, all I know is that their top priority is never voting for Democrats lol!
Whatever their ideas or plans, this is purely a fantasy. Not a single one of us can force Israel to fall, or force Hamas to stop being anti-queer fascists. All of this is firmly in the territory of fiction.
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Ah, Queers for Palestine. The alliance between the progressive left wingers and the Islamist supporters of "Palestine."
What's going on? Well, it seems like a bunch of Islamists, who are supporting the Palestinian cause, are not too happy about the LGBTQAYZWMNOP movement supporting them. Yes, you've heard of Chickens for KFC, this is now obviously Queers for Palestine.
Yes, we've got this Islamic preacher who's made a ranty video having a meltdown about the fact that the reason the Palestinian cause is losing is because they've got Gays for Palestine coming out to these protests and supporting them - how dare they - and apparently, God is not too happy about this. Let's go to the video.
"But there's going to be sins in protesting, you'll be sitting next to a guy who's going to go and penetrate and sodomize another guy tonight. And you're gonna, you're going to expect Allah to give you victory. Cause you're standing next to guy who's going to literally insert his genitals into another man's back passage."
"Another gentleman's back passage." That was brilliant. But it's not the only example we have for you guys, by the way.
Now, in case you didn't know there have been so many examples recently at these protests where every time there's one person from the progressive left and liberal side comes to the pro-Palestinian protest and anti-Israel rallies with the LGBTQ movement flag, the rainbow flag, and some of the protesters get really unhappy. They clash sometimes, the flag disappears.
We have another new example this is-- I don't know what the guy in the middle is doing with his right arm. It-- I think it's out of context in terms of the video being paused. I'm pretty sure this video is not from 1930s Germany.
Queers for Palestine meets Palestine. So, in this video we actually had the guy saying that-- to the woman, "why are you against me, in the free West in Europe? I literally had to escape our original country to come here because I was being attacked because I'm gay. And I still want to support my people back home from my new country in Europe..." -- I know there's a problem here -- "but why are you against me? You're the exact reason that I had to leave the Middle East."
And he has a point. The problem we have is that we have a toxic culture in the name of the progressive left that whether you are white or brown or purple or whatever you are, and they're going to be creating victimhood mentality. So whether you're born here or somewhere else, if you fall for that ideology of leftwing ideology, even though that guy literally left, escaped the Middle East because he knew that was chaotic, he still falls for the narrative of victimhood saying, yeah I'm going to go defend the Middle East even though I had to literally escape from it.
We told you they hate you. Now they're going to blame you.
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dizzymoods · 11 months
"Queers for Palestine? That's like Chickens for KFC!" I say in America which is being taken over by theocratic fascists who exported anti-gay legislation to Uganda because they couldn't do it so extremely here. But lo! The tides have turned and now they can and are. im so smart when i let my chickens out in the morning im surprised when the sun sets and they come home to roost!
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lazykurocat · 6 months
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lazykurocat · 6 months
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this isn't genocide this is war. this isn't ethnic cleansing when the population of Palestine has risen like fuck over the years and they still exist there, unlike how the Jews WERE ethnically cleansed from pretty much that entire area of the world except Israel. if Terrorists attacked you and your country would you want your government to stand there and do nothing while you get raped and murdered? no? then shut up! in Palestine people are killed for being queer, in Israel they aren't. I am on the moral high ground here and I know it. why are so many of you hellbent on supporting a place that would kill you? why can't you put yourself in the shoes of a queer person living in Palestine and realise that you wouldn't be safe there nor happy?? by demonising Israel you are supporting Hamas and the murder of queer people. fuck you. it takes a 5 second google search to find out the LGBT rights in Palestine and what happens to queer people there. stop it. if it were up to me I would ban all queers who are like this from any Pride event because you sold all your pride the moment you demonised Israel.
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lazykurocat · 6 months
That feel when you get some dumbass hamas defending "ooh but Aaron Bushnel's sacrifice~~ "self hating queer person on your post 😑 like I keep saying, us queers have a target on our backs and siding with Hamas won't ever remove it. They're also one of those all high and mighty freaks who think it's fine tell tell others they don't deserve to live... so yeah :DDDDD
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lazykurocat · 6 months
lol just got blocked by another fucking idiot Hamas kisser
@/asharestupid Fuck you! lol
go get informed you damn coward sick of y'all's shit! and don't come crawling back trying to get the last laugh or whatever that would be pathetic, NO your blog is NOT a safe space for LGBTQ+ Disabled or Neurodivergent people when you are supporting Hamas, who would happily kill you. Fuck you. you should be ashamed of yourself. you are not a punk when you praise Aaron Bushnell's suicide and call him sane... he was mentally ill and needed help. you are an awful excuse for a human being. I hope to fuck you're a child and will grow tf out of this insanity
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You are a disgusting freak and should be ashamed of yourself. get help for whatever tf is making behave like this.
tired of people who don't know what tf they're talking about telling me to do research, you are making Queer people as a whole look like we're all fucking insane, if we get our rights taken away that is on YOU PEOPLE!
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lazykurocat · 8 months
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