#queerphobe alert
jewish-vents · 5 months
I see a lot of posts making some very good breakdowns of antisemitism and talking about the burdens faced by Jews worldwide right now and they're amazing, but then they'll suddenly veer into islamophobia. Like they'll suddenly just tip sideways and be saying things which actively hurt Muslims. It's not fair and it's not just, and I know we're hurting but we cannot allow ourselves to turn against everyone. Islamophobia in our community does nothing to help, just as antisemitism in Muslim communities does nothing to help. I'm tired of wanting to engage and wanting to talk about the hardships I face in my life and instead hearing people shit talk my friends and their religion.
Agreed. Antisemitism is wrong, but so is islamophobia. I've met amazing Muslim people, part of my family is even Muslim. They're amazing. And even the portion of Muslim people who aren't great people (which, they exist just like they exist in every group, including in ours), they still don't deserve islamophobia because discriminating people for their religion is plain wrong. There are people that I don't think are great, but I won't be racist, queerphobic, or otherwise be unpleasant because of things that aren't moral faults. So yes, I understand we're all on high alert, but we don't like it when people are antisemitic, so let's not do that to others
Thank you for your input anon!
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tosteur-gluteal · 4 months
Slutty priest is homophobic (chaos ensues) - OMORI MLB AU x Priest!Nick au (French version)
This is a collaborative fic I've made with @theokusgallery! This does not contain any spoiler, and is in French (English version coming soon. Probably. maybe.) Trigger warnings! This fic contains queerphobic slurs, as Priest!Nick is very repressed. If this makes you uncomfortable, don't hesitate to avoid this post! With that out of the way, Bonne lecture!
Les carreaux de la Cathédrale se brisent en milles éclats. Ladybug, dans la hâte, ne remarqua pas la présence du prêtre: une alerte akuma avait été formulée trente minutes auparavant dans ce quartier, et selon le protocole, on avait fait évacuer les lieux pour la sécurité des citoyens. En l'occurrence, Ladybug avait décelé une activité suspecte au sein de la Cathédrale.
Le prêtre, caché sous les débris, regarda Ladybug depuis le sol. Il l'espionna alors que le jeune homme cherchait la source de la menace qui avait été formulée. Il attendit le bon moment pour sortir de sa cachette, l'attaquer, le tuer--
Et le moment vint.
Il sauta du sol, faisant tomber les débris autour de lui, et se lança vers Ladybug. Les ailes de chauve-souris qu'il avait dans le dos l'aidèrent à se propulser tandis que sa queue de démon s'agitait de bas en haut pour détourner les morceaux de vers qui auraient pu l'atteindre.
"Ce gosse, pensa Nick, il a le droit de faire ce qu'il veut, mais MOI…!"
Ladybug serrait les dents. Malgré son agilité, il éprouvait une grande difficulté à éviter les attaques du vilain. De plus, il lui fallait trouver un moment de répit pour communiquer son emplacement à son coéquipier.
"Très élégant, monsieur! Enfin bon, malheureusement, je ne pense pas qu'il soit approprié de porter ce genre de tenue en ce lieu sacré..!"
Ladybug sautait de pilier en pilier, forçant le vilain à lancer ses débris dessus.
"Oh pitié, rétorqua celui-ci, tout en ventilant son torse exposé de manière provocatrice; t'es très mal placé pour parler, travlo!"
Ladybug le regarda, interloqué, ne sachant quoi répondre, et Arsenic en profita pour tenter de lui asséner un coup de poing que Ladybug évita de justesse.
"Ladybug, tout va bien ?!"
Ladybug poussa un soupir de soulagement en entendant Catmint.
"C'est pas trop tôt ! Il t'en a fallu, du temps, qu'est-ce que tu faisais ?!"
"J'ai évacué tout le monde, répondit Catmint. C'est lui, l'akumatisé?"
"T'en vois souvent, des gens normaux avec des ailes, queues et cornes de démon, toi ?"
Catmint eut tout juste le temps d'éviter une attaque du "démon" avant que celui-ci ne fit volte-face et saisisse Ladybug par le col. Il plongea verse le sol, entraînant Ladybug avec lui, en le plaqua contre les dalles de l'église.
"Ça va, tu t'amuses bien à flirter avec ton pote, pédé?!"
Ladybug utilisait ses bras pour tenter d'échapper à la prise du vilain sur son cou.
"Tu m'as l'air…bien, bien frustré, mon gars-"
"Comment ne pas être frustré quand on voit que des gens de ton espèce se baladent librement, sans aucune crainte envers Dieu..!"
Avant qu'il puisse en rajouter une couche, Catmint libéra Ladybug de sa poigne d'un coup de pied bien visé.
"Combien de temps avant un Lucky Charm?" Catmint signait à Ladybug alors que tous deux s'étaient dispersés, en mouvement constant dans toute la Cathédrale.
"Cinq minutes. Gagne du temps."
Catmint hocha de la tête.
L'homme se releva, le regard fixé sur Ladybug. La haine dans ses yeux était claire, et Catmint décida de se lancer dans le combat plus intensément, puisque ce vilain semblait décidé à l'ignorer pour se concentrer sur Ladybug.
Il attrapa le bras d'Arsenic, et le jeta vers le mur de la cathédrale. Nick eut tout juste le temps de stopper son élan en utilisant ses ailes, mais avant qu'il ne puisse se jeter une fois de plus vers Ladybug, Catmint courut vers lui et saisit ses ailes pour l'immobiliser au sol.
Le vilain se débattit furieusement, criant vers Catmint, qui essayer tant bien que mal de garder le contrôle des ailes de l'homme.
"Allez, juste deux minutes de plus..!" pensa Catmint.
Arsenic se pencha violemment en avant, faisant voler Catmint, qui était derrière lui. Catmint se rattrapa et retomba sur ses pieds sans grande peine, s'élançant une fois de plus vers l'homme et lui portant un coup de poing dans le ventre qui repoussa le vilain. Arsenic attérit sur le sol, tenant son rosaire dans la main.
"C'est son rosaire…!"
"MAINTENANT !" cria Ladybug.
Catmint porta un coup de pied sur la main de l'homme qui tenait le rosaire. Celui-ci cria de douleur et lâcha le rosaire, laissant à Catmint le temps de le détruire.
L'akuma jaillit de la croix fendue; puis d'un saut contre le mur, il le captura en plein vol avec son yo-yo. Triomphant, il leva le poing dans les airs. "Je te libère du Mal!"
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your-queer-dad · 3 months
Hey dad. So. I hevn't felt the need to come here to vent for a while lol. But here we are
So. I dom't like the way my irl dad is raising us (me and my bros). I understand that I'm lucky and all, but I just feel really bothered by his behavior lately. For first he's an ableist, which really bothers me cause at this point I'd be surprised if I WASN'T neurodivergent, my lil bro probably is too and my lilest bro might too, and he (my irl dad) is neurodivergent himself (it always baffles me to see him talk badly of people with different disorders than him, mostly developmental disorders). Second, he's that "I don't care as long as I don't have to see it" type of queerphobe. He literally looked me in the eyes and said he thinks me being trans is just a phase and internet influence, and he (and my mom too, but she tends to just agree with him, and I tend to take time to get mad if the offense isn't direct) compared it to playing guitar and not liking it (spoiler alert: I did like it. The youtube classes just suck and I'd rather learn by myself. So even there he didn't get it right.). Third, he just can be an asshole sometimes. My lil bro cries often for lil things that run out of his control and decision making, and what does my dad do? Try to actually talk to him and find out what's wrong instead of repeatdly asking "what's fthe problem [lil bro's name]?"? No. He tells him "to man up, cause [he's] a man and will have to provide someday for his wife" amd shit like that. He also days thing I can't remember to my lilest bro that I know, although I don't remember, he told me too ("swallow the tears" is om example) and made me how I am (bad thing. I'm emotionally constipated, phisically unable of crying, feeling emotions significantly less intese than I used to, distrustful of literally everyone in my life except lil bro (kinda. There's some bagage there involving my mom amd him trying to come as queer and my mom accusing me of influencing him although I literally just told him about a lot of identities cause I was excited and reducing queerness to sex and more shit that I won't talk about right now), unable to tell people how I'm feeling and mostly emotionally unavaible for others and myself.) and I dom't want that. He deserves to be able to talk about his feelings. The worst part? He's dragging my bros down the ableist path (I'd talk to my lil bro but I'm afraid now cause of the aforementioned events with my mom, and my lilest bro is on the age where he asks everything to parents (another emotional bagage over my mom being explicitly intersexist after I mentioned it to him) so I dom't for my own sake) and my lilest bro down the transphobe path (he (bro) literally came up to be twice to say I'm "a girl who wants to be treated like a boy" (though that's how my mom told him (she's also an asshole)) and I promised to myself that I won't stay if it makes me feel bad, but it's hard. I'm really attached to my bros, specially to my lil bro (we really vibe to the point where I can imagine a future with only my besties (alterous) and him, having cutted out my whole family, but it's hard if he isn't there.), more than I am to my parents and I really don't wanna lose them, but I also don't wanna talk to them cause it makes me anxious of my parents making the same thing again, talk to me like their age means they inheritly know more about everything in the world than me, including my own sense of self and struggles (ex: I often have a hard keeping up with goals I set up cause I get "stuck" doing other things I was already doing, even tho I wanna do that. I wanna go learn a new chord on my guitar right now, but I couldn't make my body move, but my dad attributes it to lack of willpower.). I have more to say but weirdly I can't pinpoint it. I know there's something wrong, but don't really know what.
This was very long. Feel free to delete this if you'd rather.
Hey kiddo! I'm so sorry your parents are like that and you're having to deal with all of that, that's awful. If you ever need support or someone to talk to, I'm here 🫂🫂
- dad x
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cryptidpupper · 6 months
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rediscovered (read: remembered) tumblrs existence!! thought id do a quick re-introduction as my use for this account as changed.
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here we go! (will update)
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general introduction !!  ༘
my name is cody (call me feral! /nf) i am 16, my birthday is the 27th of september. i use he/him it/its pronouns + neos (they/them is okay as well) i am transmasc and spectrasexual, i struggle with labels but so far i am happy with these. (+ some xenogenders)
australian !
autistic, adhd, sad, mdd and arfid. (i am professionally diagnosed, am and have been medicated since i was 4yo and been going to talk-therapy for 8yrs)
this is my resource carrd it also links to my special interest & personal carrd :3 my prns page and thats about it. (my twt, disc, ao3, pin and spotify are in my carrd)
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  ࣪ ៹ specifics !!
BYI 𓂃★ ︵︵ ⧣₊˚﹒ b4 u interact . . .
i am white + christian (religion is personal for me) ︵︵ i use neoprns and identify with multiple xenogenders ︵︵ i (usually) need tone tags ︵︵ i talk about my interests *a lot* ︵︵ my social skills are poor ︵︵ if i dont respond, please know that its most likely due to my own mental health / stress !!
DNI 𓂃★ ⸝⸝ ⧣₊˚﹒ do not interact if you. . .
are transphobic, homophobic, queerphobic, ableist, racist, antisemitic, sexist, pro life, anti-vax, etc.  ⸝⸝ force beliefs/opinions onto others  ⸝⸝ disrespect agere, petre, any religion, zodiacs, etc  ⸝⸝ talk over / for minorities  ⸝⸝ make fun of someone for having 'basic' interests / 'niche' interests  ⸝⸝ belittle someone based on their interests  ⸝⸝ victim blame ⸝⸝ dont like my interests
╰➤ Other ° . ıllılı . ꒷꒦
ꔛ ۫ i separate art from the artist, however this only works to an extent ☆
𖥦 if i say something insensitive or speak on a topic i am not knowledgeable on, please feel free to educate me or alert me.ヽ♥︎
꒰୨୧◞ i love to share my headcanons ! and general thoughts/theories ! however i dont enjoy seeing negative attention towards my special interests 。
⤷ i am sensitive ◍
☆ જ⁀➴ my favourite aesthetics include yamikawaii, gurokawaii, feralcore, cryptidcore, chaotic academia, puppycore and more!
リ﹒Ꮺ i might post and reblog a bit too much — ♡﹒;
✚⠀i age regress ! usually not willingly, i do so after meltdowns⠀❜⠀⠀
﹕i draw, write & read fanfiction, scrapbook, talk to my friends and i am homeschooled! ≛ ・
. .╭┈ ᐟᐟ☆🗒️💭 QnA .ᐟ ╰୧
 ──★ ˙ ̟  lets go  .ᐟ .ᐟ
. .┇ ◟ ✰ ⋮ why am i blocked ? : 
 ──★ ⇨ ˙ ̟   multiple reasons, but most are simply for my own peace of mind.
. .┇ ◟ ✭ what will you post?┆
 ──★ ⇨ ˙ ̟  i'll be reblogging things related to my special interests, pixels/resources/graphics, things i find funny, things i find interesting, and more ! the stuff i'll post will be thoughts, headcanons, maybe some art, my own pixel collection, rants, etc. while practising coding, this will be my lil online journal of sorts. ('cause i wanna make my own website !)  
. .┇ ◟ ∿ what sort of suggestions do you take? :
 ──★ ⇨ ˙ ̟   i make pngs, banners, and am trying to start making more gifs, pixels and graphics. i doodle occasionally too ! once i post that i'll link examples here
. .┇ ◟ ↳ AR level ?:
 ──★ ⇨ ˙ ̟   50, but i have a bunch of xp 'cause i get too nervous when levels get too high >_<
. .┇ ◟ ‧₊˚ ┊genshin uid? : 
 ──★ ⇨ ˙ ̟   i am on the asian server and my uid is 852754946 :D (my current pfp is childe)
. .┇ ◟  ₊˚ ‧ current 5stars ? ₊ ๑
 ──★ ⇨ ˙ ̟   12 ! kazuha, tighnari, cyno, neuvillette, childe, albedo, xiao, venti, jean, wriothesley, yoimiya and dehya ! (pls come home alhaitham)
. .┇ ◟ ૮Ꮚ  . ₊ ⋆
 ──★ ⇨ ˙ ̟   
. .┇ ◟
 ──★ ⇨ ˙ ̟   
. .┇ ◟
 ──★ ⇨ ˙ ̟   
. .┇ ◟
 ──★ ⇨ ˙ ̟   
. .╰ ┈ ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
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special interests & hyper-fixations ᯓ★
HISTORY ★ .ᐟ History .ᐟ English Monarchs .ᐟ Russian Tsar .ᐟ Ancient Medicine .ᐟ Egypt .ᐟ Boudica and much more .ᐟ The history of Psychology .ᐟ Sigmund Freud, and others .ᐟ WWII .ᐟ All of it .ᐟ
MEDIA ★ .ᐟ Haikyuu!! .ᐟ Yuri!!! on Ice .ᐟ Sk8 the Infinity .ᐟ Boku No Hero Academia .ᐟ Manhwa, Manhua, Manga .ᐟ Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba .ᐟ Bungou Stray Dogs .ᐟ Genshin Impact .ᐟ Hazbin Hotel .ᐟ
MISC ★ .ᐟ Random Facts (literally anything) .ᐟ SFX Makeup .ᐟ F.R.I.E.N.D.S. .ᐟ Big Bang Theory .ᐟ Poetry and Literature .ᐟ Etymology .ᐟ Sharks .ᐟ Podcasts .ᐟ Mäneskin .ᐟ Linguistics and Language .ᐟ Junji Ito .ᐟ
OTHERS ★ .ᐟ Bones .ᐟ Teeth .ᐟ Organs .ᐟ Aesthetics .ᐟ Coding .ᐟ Genshin VAs .ᐟ
SCIENCE/BIO ★ .ᐟ Medicine/Paramedicine/Surgery .ᐟ Psychology/Mental Illness/Disorders .ᐟ Tourettes .ᐟ ASD .ᐟ DID .ᐟ PTSD .ᐟ ADHD .ᐟ Schizophrenia .ᐟ Bipolar Disorder .ᐟ OCD .ᐟ BPD .ᐟ PANDAS .ᐟ Tuberculosis .ᐟ Typhoid .ᐟ Bubonic Plague and others .ᐟ Medical Mysteries .ᐟ Human Behaviour .ᐟ Autoimmune Disorders .ᐟ Lobotomies .ᐟ Pharmacology .ᐟ
TRUE CRIME ★ .ᐟ True Crime .ᐟ Missing Persons .ᐟ Murder .ᐟ Serial Killers .ᐟ Medical Murders .ᐟ Israel Keyes .ᐟ Charlie Brandt .ᐟ Dellen Millard .ᐟ Ed Kemper .ᐟ Rodney Alcala .ᐟ Herb Baumeister .ᐟ Robert William Pickton .ᐟ The "Lonely Hearts" Killers .ᐟ Dexter Killer .ᐟ Bathtub Killer .ᐟ Lipstick Killer and others .ᐟ
UNKNOWN ★ .ᐟ The Supernatural/Ghosts/Aliens .ᐟ Mothman .ᐟ Spring Heeled Jack .ᐟ Chupacabra .ᐟ Jack the K!ller .ᐟ Van Gough .ᐟ BigFoot .ᐟ Rasputin .ᐟ The Dyatlov Pass .ᐟ Reykjavik Confessions .ᐟ Other Unsolved Mysteries .ᐟ Cryptids in general .ᐟ Urban Legends .ᐟ Mythology .ᐟ Religion .ᐟ Cryptozoology .ᐟ
YOUTUBERZ ★ .ᐟ Kurtis Conner .ᐟ Drew Gooden .ᐟ Danny Gonzalez .ᐟ Moriah Elizabeth .ᐟ penguinz0 .ᐟ Primink .ᐟ Sam O'Nella .ᐟ Buzzfeed Unsolved .ᐟ
SONGS ✮ 🎧 [▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။|။၊|• 0:10]
⤷ "BABY SAID" Måneskin
⤷ "Girl Anachronism" The Dresden Dolls
⤷ Måneskin
⤷ Will Wood
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ᶻ﹕→ .kins !
⟡ ⁺◟biggest kin . . . ꜜ (they're literally me /nsrs)
kaveh ໑ tobio kageyama ໑ edogawa ranpo ໑ tighnari ໑
⁺◟mid kin . . . ꜜ (similar in trauma, general character, likes/dislikes, humour, etc)
osamu dazai ໑ alhaitham ໑
⁺◟least kin . . . ꜜ (only one or two aspects.)
akutugawa ryunosuke ໑
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intersectionalpraxis · 8 months
I am not going to give energy to accounts like the two that have been in my messages over the past few weeks, but I really need to be clear about something.
Whenever I re-post content from X/Twitter, A LOT of what I see being re-posted is from accounts I follow or if they appear on my FYP that is a result of what I have been engaging with. If I 'miss' any of the bigots that are on my algorithm, whose histories I am unaware of -that is always on me -but to harass me for it because I haven't delved deep into their past content is unfair -and I mean that as objectively as possible, not to excuse it.
I used to be the most active on tiktok (over a year's worth of engagement) -so I can tell you right away what accounts to look out for and who is problematic, and I am not try to deflect very real conversations about what is going on -how these 'social justice' accounts for Palestine right now that appear to be safe aren't, but I'm only human too and I sometimes make mistakes about a handful of accounts I just didn't know were red flags, and for this one particular person to re-post most of my posts here, saying I'm uncritical and I'm just grabbing from random posts, despite a lot of the research and writing I do here -even when I make mistakes, I am still doing my best to keep folks informed and updated on many world issues (although of course I'm not special, and I can always do more/improve).
I would NEVER knowingly platform transphobes, racists, covid deniers, misogynists, queerphobes -bigoted people on my TL here. It's not even an issue of me not being chronically online on X, but so many people are re-posting their content that I don't even think they know very well or haven't been exposed to it earlier, like I haven't (I also see MANY trusted creators and activists following them and it's just frustrating that it's not widely known). I'm always learning and unlearning, and so many of us are. And when we know we do better -but to harass me on your page without directly messaging me at first, but when you do and I check out your page and I don't even need to scroll several times to see things that are borderline zionist-like reactions to my posts...(also, post-edit me -they were unfairly being critical of Bisan and her reporting... I just... anyway).
I'm solely responsible for what I put on my page, and for the next while I'm just going to do some research into X for a bit. Of course I'll be present here, and re-blog important posts on updates I see, but I just need to take some time. Thank you always to the people who send me messages alerting me to the people who do slip through my radar, I appreciate your patience with me.
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
So as far as beach episodes go: P4G > P3P > P5R
this one was a snoozefest, so let's touch on the important bits that stand out and then talk about Beige Boy and Solid Snake.
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One, I have fully turned against Ryuji on the basis of his frequent and repeated disregard for Morgana as a part of the team and frankly as a full person. I am getting really teed the fuck off because for the last five hours or so of gametime, I have been watching Mona get more and more anxious about his place and about whether anyone on the team cares about him and his journey to the heart of Mementos
and at every fucking opportunity, Ryuji basically reinforces to Morgana yeah, you're not really one of the guys, you're not really part of the team, you're the mascot.
If I had agency in the world of this game, I would take Ryuji aside for a Fucking Discussion about this, because the fuse is lit and I am certain we are headed for a rift between Morgana and the team,a nd you know what? I'm on Morgana's side. He should be pissed, he should be hurt, because I'm hurt on his behalf just watching this unfold.
Fucking Ryuji, you are the bottom barrel of the Token Best Friends. Yosuke would never do me like this*. And if Junpei were here, he'd be Morgana's BFF, are you kidding.
(* in fact yosuke did the Literal Opposite and adopted the 'mascot character' lmao fuck you ryuji)
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Yusuke is the fucking load-bearing column holding this game up, i swear to god. I have never understood the Moronsexual joke until right now. I imagine Reverie is like "I have to marry him, he'd be fucking hopeless without me???? it's just the right thing to DO"
Alas, Atlus hates me.
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Futaba trying to grab the lobsters while Yusuke holds them out of her reach is the best rigging and animation this game has given us thus far.
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Futaba picks her name, Oracle. And she is explicitly here to learn more about her mother's research, less to save people. Which is respectable and she's very up front about it.
THAT'S THE BEACH TRIP. like this one just was..... ugh. it had the weird queerphobic stuff again and it pulled the "the boys try to pull girls and fail" gag again but this time with ZERO charm at all. I remember that scene in P4G with Kanji, Yosuke, and Reverie was one of my favorites because it was genuinely really funny. This had nothing.
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blah blah blah evil evil evil blah blah blah
i have at this point accepted that Persona just sucks at foreshadowing the Big Bad of their games and P3 was a fluke. interested to see how P2 does when I eventually play it.
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oh shit this game caught some of the Sony Hot Sad Dads disease, huh? Iwai has a dweeby looking son named Kaoru and he's ex-yakuza.
Do I like Iwai or do i just miss MGS2 Solid Snake? Who could say.
Also his shop theme tune fucks severely, it sounds like SMT4.
Anyway, after that we're having very domestic funtime at the cafe when
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oh shit Beige Alert
Futaba immediately hides behind Reverie because she got Vibe Radar. Vibedar, if you will.
I feel like when Akechi enters your vicinity, your phone should get one of those emergency PSAs. Like when a tornado touches down in your county.
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Okay so. /points. Eyes closed.
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The fuck is happening here. Like, bruh, you showed up and immediately mentioned the lady who threatened Sojiro's custody of his daughter, and now you are looking like a wounded puppy because it turned the atmosphere frosty.
You did that, homeboy, that was you. I know you are astute enough to know that.
He sadly drinks his coffee and reveals his backstory: he was raised by a single mom who died soon after, then got stuck in the foster care system for a while.
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THAT FAKEASS SMILE AGAIN. See, this is why I know he stirred up the hostile energy on his arrival on purpose, he is extremely good at tone and social cues, enough so that he can use or not use them to his advantage.
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I would tell Reverie to install a deadbolt on his door but he doesn't have a door lmao this is going to be great
I keep saying this but: Bryan Fuller vibes. My god, Bryan Fuller vibes.
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Futaba realizes she missed the fireworks festival so she runs out to get some small fireworks, and Morgana goes with her to make sure she's okay.
Morgana is the fucking best. He really gives a shit and puts himself out there for people and I just want him to be appreciated dammit!
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This is Reverie's family now, yep. See that gurl? She is his sister. See that old man? That's his dad. Yep!
Also Sojiro doesn't even know Morgana is a person and treats him better than Ryuji.
yeah this is me going full kill bill sirens on Ryuji, sorry. i will slam dunk him into a fucking dumpster, i'm so angry with him for his MANY MANY fuck ups and, specifically, how he doesn't seem to learn or grow from any of them.
I think that's my beef with him. Like, P3P, Junpei did multiple big fuck ups, but he both apologized explicitly for them and also learned from them and became a better person for it. He was my ultimate ride or die. I romanced Akihiko but my true love was my broship with Junpei.
Yosuke also fucked up a lot and even went full Joker Mode once, but he also experienced one of the longest arcs of character growth in the game. I remember when I started to like him after being tepid on him for the first third of the game and how annoyed I was that he was growing as a person!!!! But he wound up being a fave.
I need Ryuji to get his shit together and start growing tf up bc I am real sick of his self-important bullshit and how he steps on Morgana's feelings. I am hoping whatever the upcoming blow-up with Morgana is leads him to wake tf up, but also I'm not holding my breath.
At least I have Ann and Yusuke.
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opinated-user · 2 years
new sankaku accounts discovered: SpiritusKhayyamAliana
the link where you can find the google drives with the screenshots, both censored and uncensored, with the pertinent warning of the content can be found here:
(the post got marked as mature so you'll have to be older to agree to see it. but even older people should listen to the warnings. don't let curiosity get the best of you. keep yourselves safe.) in the past i have gotten alert about this account but i dismissed it as a potential troll, just like the anon originally did. my biggest reason for it was that the accounts have been pretty recently created and that messages made notice that it used a feature to recieve a constant flow of content coming from specific tags. a feature like that sounded to me like someone trying to inflate the number of an account to try to make it seem more legitimate. the anon who gave the alert has their own reasoning to think this is LO's account and i agree it sounds suspcious, mostly because of that feature and because this accounts was different to any others in the sense that they actually left comments. just 20+ comments, not that many for someone who was only making them to try to smear someone else, does it? but enough to be of an user who regularly used the site and wanted to have an active participation on it. the comments themselves are bad, but if you were someone getting out of your way to try to smear someone else... they're pretty tame for that. they don't stand out as particularly offensive, they sound like the average kind of user who would like that kind of content. this same user just dissapeared from their account for three months, around the time EOT started making her videos looking into the past history of LO. this have some connection, it might have not, but it's still weird that a recently made account that was so active and invested on the site suddenly dissapeared. just like it happened with the original accounts, we can't say for absolute certain these are LO's and since those accounts have dissapeared we can't prove it either. we only have suspicions and strong coincidences that seems to indicate her involvement, plus the whole past history of LO that makes it beliveable at the very least. if you believed that the first accounts were LO's then there's no reason why these couldn't be LO as well. this is not the only other new account i have been messaged about either, this is just the only one that got something else going on. the other account is ElethynAscentia, that reached 461 favourited images between fanart of TOH and star wars. this account recently has been "deactivated" on their profile and as far i know, nobody else has talked about it. i'm not linking it directly to keep this post on the main tags, but anyone can search for it on sankaku or i can give them the link i was send to on another ask. i don't know if it's LO's and i don't have that much of a reason to believe it, but the first one was so reprehensible and disgusting already that... if it isn't or is LO it doesn't matter anymore. she can't go any lower that supporting the works she did on those old accounts. this new account doesn't change or add anything to what we didn't already know about her. if isn't her, then it isn't hers. but if if is and LO feels even just a little bit that she can't keep being a creep without any accountability, then it's worth to spread out. LO is a creep. LO is a dangerous amoral predator. that is the only reason we care about these accounts being possibly tied to her.
Edit: Brittany recieved a time ago an ask about ElethynAscentia before and i forgot about it. either way it still had less weight behind it's possible owner than the spiritus one.
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ghostiboos · 1 year
Gay Gay Homosexual Title
(wordcount: 642)
Lol the whole “Gays can’t reproduce so they recruit” thing is such blatant projection lmao
Queer people keep saying it: being queer isn’t a choice, it’s just a naturally occurring variation (like eye color). You cannot recruit people into having a different natural eye color lol
Being religious, on the other hand, is a choice — you can be born and raised in a religious family but you can’t be born believing in that religion; you have to choose to follow that religion. Religion isn’t “natural,” it’s a lifestyle choice.
So it’s no wonder they keep accusing us of trying to influence children into “choosing” things — that’s literally how religion survives.
But like, we’ve already made our stance clear that being queer occurs naturally? So how could it possibly make sense that we’re trying to convince people to change things about themselves when we are the ones actively arguing that those things cannot be changed by external forces? Lol literally why would we do that?
If anything, Christians cannot biologically reproduce, so they have to recruit lol
And that’s not me saying they’re doing it with malicious intent — it’s obviously just them saying things they believe are true and wanting to share that with their kids, which is fine, but like. Aren’t they the ones who keep saying “kids are too young to make informed decisions, so it’s unethical to influence their minds and force them to make big choices”? If they actually believed that, then they wouldn’t actively punish and legislate against kids who don’t submit to their influence and lifestyle choices.
I’ve found that the main difference between how queerphobic caregivers interact with children and how queer-friendly caregivers interact with children is that queerphobic caregivers tend to be the ones a lot more adamant about influencing kids into a specific lifestyle.
Queer-friendly caregivers tend to make sure kids don’t feel pressured to hate themself or change themself in any way, but instead try to make sure the kid has access to any helpful and age-appropriate resources they might need to understand their experiences in the way that will be the least damaging to their developing autonomy. The only exception to this I can really think of is that a queer-friendly caregiver will usually filter out sources that are needlessly cruel, both to avoid subjecting the kid to insults and accusations from strangers, and also to avoid modeling cruel behavior for the kid.
I’ve never met a queer caregiver who was disappointed or upset with a kid for not being queer, because spoiler alert: the goal isn’t to convert, it’s to support and love the kid no matter who they end up being or loving. To a queer-friendly caregiver, their kid turning out queer or not-queer is generally viewed with the same level of ethical importance as the kid’s height.
But queerphobic caregivers tend to view queerness as another religion (aka: a lifestyle choice, because that’s what a religion is).
Queerphobic caregivers tend to make it very clear to kids that there is only one acceptable type of person, and if a kid is any of the unacceptable things, then there is something “wrong” with them. In order to feel less like they’re pressuring kids into certain beliefs and practices, they will often cultivate an isolated environment for the kid, and, where queer-friendly caregivers usually try to provide a variety of resources and information, a queerphobic caregiver will often severely limit the resources and information their kid can access so that all sources seem to align with a single set of opinions: their own, which have now been equivocated to fact by omission.
Both parties usually share their own opinions with their kids, but only one of them is known for restricting all access to and knowledge of the outside world. So who’s really manipulating the kids here lol
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pblumpkins · 11 months
hi chat is funny time
SO some of you might remember the Roblox (yes we're going there) group 'True Colors' which was a support / hangout group for queer roblox players. A lot of the players were closeted and did really need a space to be queer. Or at the very least be able to say they were queer. (This was important because for trans Roblox players, having an avatar that slightly aligned with your true gender could be seen as suspicious to family members, so if you did do that it'd usually have to be a character from a media. and with modern day Roblox, your nickname usually would have to be set to a name that aligns with the gender you're pretending to be. So having a space where you could be called the right name and pronouns was important for trans kids on Roblox.)
'True Colors' has been around for a LONG time. It's not a new group by any margin and a lot of old, inactive accounts that belonged to queer kids are in that group. I know my ex-boyfriend's account is. And Roblox groups, for those who are unaware, function like forums. So people did make friends on there, friends that did matter to them *a lot* and that went from online to irl friends for people who are now adults.
Hell, a lot of members in that group *are* adults now. That's how long it's been around.
HOWEVER, recently, like a month or year ago, something BIG changed.
People who were in the group woke up to a pretty nasty notification on their accounts that was alerting them that the name of 'True Colors' had been changed, now being named 'True Colors in Christ.'
For a lot of people they'd click on the group and at first assume there's been a hacking. Changing queer online groups to be all about Christianity wasn't new at all. Trolls would spam the boards with COMPLETELY random Bible verses, like, COMPLETELY random. Not just the usual ones queerphobes quote. Just random shit.
BUT here's the thing, it *wasn't* hacked. Admins and the owner herself confirmed that this was a deliberate decision made by the owner, VeganEmpress.
Now, Vegan had slowly changed during the groups lifetime. She had gone from queer-accepting to only tolerating queer people to barely tolerating them at all.
She had, at one point, identified as a queer woman. But she had these two friends who, somehow, managed to convince her she was straight. Now I'm not sure if she actually is straight but their involvement says otherwise.
Those two friends both were EXTREMELY Christian and got her DEEP into Christianity. And they were the hateful type of Christian. At some point she gave ownership to someone else and said that she would keep the group as being about pride, she just wouldn't be the owner anymore.
But then at some point AGAIN those friends got her to change the group to be about Christianity and had a lot of control. It became VERY tolerant of queerphobic Christians and queerphobic beliefs, making a lot of queer people have to leave the group.
It was pretty shocking for everyone from the outside, as Vegan had said over and over again that she wouldn't change the group or put her own beliefs into the group.
So a lot of former members are very obviously upset with Vegan. She had sold merchandise that had queer flags on it, and it felt like to a lot of people she had just profited off of people she didn't support at all. True Colors *was* their safe space and it had been turned into just a bigoted echo chamber.
Now here's the thing... On the surface, the group states it's accepting of queer people. That they're allowed to be in the group and participate on the meetings the group holds on Sundays. Despite that the mods and group as a community hold the opposite sentiment.
former members aren't banned and can still join the group and the expirences the group owns.
Idk how to segueway into this, but a lot of members have a plan to take back the group and restore it to its final state.
The plan is called "Project Color" or "Reclaim Our Safe Haven" because duh
The basic idea it has is that Roblox players will enter the games on Sundays and act like the group never changed. As in, standing around the map and just talking about gay shit. No raiding spamming messages, just group conversations about queer topics.
Which means yes, the plan is to stand in the church and talk about the bicon that is Kit Connor or queer shit you personally made. Including books, arts, series, basically anything queer that you yourself have created.
Dew it. You know you want to.
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caffeineandsociety · 4 months
What I'm saying, what I'm ALWAYS saying, is that yes, feminism IS important, but its language and aesthetics have a long history of being twisted and used for regressive, racist, ableist, queerphobic, xenophobic, classist, and sure enough even super fucking openly misogynistic ends.
I am begging people to be more alert to when that's happening. It doesn't begin and end at open terfism.
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cydonian-mystery · 3 years
So amendoze (formerly localdoubt and nerevar-shid-and-fard) is a queerphobe. How disappointing.
Seriously though, this fucking cancer of terf ideology disguised as "more woke than thou" whataboutism and gaslighting is spreading out of control on this godforsaken site and I'm so sick and tired of it.
It doesn't make me feel safe continuing to be here.
Because it's like... every fucking time, it's someone I've followed for years without issue to just out of nowhere repeat the same fucking ancient, tired arguments against us queer identifying people and why our identity is the ultimate evil, no good, very bad word.
I don't even engage with this bullshit anymore, because it's been debunked 50,000,000,000,000+ times by people way smarter than me, like AE Dooland and vaspider.
It isn't new anymore. It isn't novel. It's fucking tiresome. I'm beyond defending my goddamn identity.
I'm queer. Fuck off and die mad about it.
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multifandomsoup · 2 years
Racists, queerphobes, misogynists, MAPs, ableist, pro shippers, NSFW blogs
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Hey yall! Welcome to my blog!
I'm Tally/Spinach/Soup/Adami (but mainly Tally)
18 y.o ;-;
The tranniest faggot around town
I'm enthusiastic about frogs, snails (biology in general, especially marine biology ❤) and cartoons
I curse A LOT. I try my best to tag triggers and such. I reblog bugs and other creechurs so beware. This blog aint really nsfw but i do reblog content meant for mature audience sometimes (NEVER explicit nsfw but beware)
Side blog is @tallys-sensory-heaven
Married to @skeletorishot
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Hit my dm's or my ask box if you wanna talk
I hope you have a good day :)
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discoveringsandra · 3 years
Characters I project my transness on: Shrek's Fiona
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A subversion af the damsel in distress trope, Fiona isn't an ordinary princess. She burps, kicks ass and is generally disappointed by actual princes.
In the first movie, she transformed into an ogre by night. She saw this as a curse until she learned to love both another ogre and this side of herself. Even if she hasn't always looked like an ogre, she ends up renouncing to normative beauty and living as one.
Then, she spends the second film trying to convince her parents to love both her husband and her identity, while his father tries to get her to fit into the fairy tale princess role she was meant to have. It turns out her father was just preventing her from risking his own position as human-looking king, since marrying her with a prince was part of the deal he made with a fairy when he was a toad (I can't blame him for wanting to make Julie Andrews his queen, though).
This film has many queer experience parallels, with both Fiona's parents and Far Far Away's elitist society being outraged by her life choices, as well as the father projecting his own anxieties about fitting in this society on to his daughter. I would say that there are a couple of kind of queerphobic jokes, one about the Big Bad Wolf being gender-confused (which is more or less okay since it comes from the main villain) and a really weird one on pinocchio wearing women's underwear (which is not okay since he is a child and they are mockingly confronting him on this to use his elongated nose).
Going back to our favourite ogre princess, the plot of the third movie has her staying back home while Shrek goes to find a heir for the kingdom's throne and overcome his parenthood anxiety. However, the Charming Prince she was supposed to marry on the second movie comes back and takes the kingdom during her baby shower. We get to see her starting a princesses' escape and fight evil goons while being pregnant, but I think se was kind of separated from the main plot so Shrek could come to her rescue again at the end, which is why this is the least interesting movie in the franchise.
The fourth movie does the "Its a Wonderful Life" thing where an unsatisfied Shrek goes to an alternate reality in which he has never been born. The version of Fiona we see there is a warrior, the leader of the ogre resistance to Rumpelstilskin tyrannical rule. She rescued herself from the tower she was locked in in the first film and it's implied she still becomes human by day and does some reconnaisance, but she is fully accepted among the ogres. Although she's got her own revolution going on, her whole arc is learning to trust Shrek so he can learn to not give her for granted once he comes back to his reality, which kind of undermines the whole revolutionary leader thing.
Still, drawing my own transgender parallel, the difference between this two realities in how ogres are treated can be seen as the difference in how real world countries treat the LGBTQ+ community. Main timeline Shrek and Fiona are more or less respected because they had a chance to fight for their rights as well as the privilege given to Fiona for being a princess. Resistance leader Fiona never had a chance to convince her powerful parents to respect her identity as an ogre because they lost their kingdom to Rumpelstilskin, who then started hunting down ogres, forcing them into hiding away from the rest of society. That's the present many queer people around the world have to live, the past those who live free can't forget and the possible future we'll never stop fearing.
This took a pretty dark turn so let's ask ourselves "what if Fiona was actually trans?" Well, if Fiona was a transgender male ogre, the plot would be essentially the same except the pregnancy in the third movie would be replaced by an adoption waiting list and the transformation in the second movie would be a metaphor for detransitioning out of family pressure. Also, male ogre Fiona (Finn?) would wear lumberjack shirts and his alternate reality version would cosplay Braveheart.
If Fiona was a transgender female ogre, though, the plot would be radically different. I think she would still dress as a princess when she was in human male form and there would be jokes similars to those on the Ugly Stepsister (oh, I forgot about her and her deep voice, she's "ugly" because she's got masculine traits, so funny 😒) but with some sort of catharsis once she becomes permanently an ogress. I guess Farquad would be extra rude to her but she would still think she had to marry him to break the curse, then Shrek confesses her love, enter the dragon and I'm a believer. I guess Prince Charming would still try to marry a remasculinized Fiona in the second film (come on, he's a queer coded villain) and, for sure, the king would still try to fool her to do it. The third and fourth movie wouldn't change much, as Fiona's past human form is irrelevant in the third and she never appears in human form in the fourth. Maybe her daylight human male form would be a more obvious parallel of how trans women have to go on boymode to survive.
To finish this already too long tirade, I just want to add that the idea of Fiona's true form seems to be fluid. Had the hero of the story been a human peasant, she would probably still stay a pretty normative princess, even if he accepted her as an ogre, like a gender reversed Beauty and the Beast. I love that they didn't go for that ending.
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anarchopuppy · 4 years
Even if queerphobic straights were even remotely willing to pretend to be queer and hang around queer people in order to “steal” like, free condoms or little plastic rainbow flags or whatever it is you’re so worried about (spoiler alert: no, that isn’t a thing), you realize inclusionists wouldn’t be the cause of that right
You see, there’s this thing called “lying”
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neoprawnouns · 3 years
~New Blog Alert~
Hullo, I’m Emri and this is a side blog where I’ll make both new neopronouns and compile themed lists!! I use she/her, Cy/cyb/cybs, and gli/gli/glits pronouns at the moment.
MAPs/NOMAPs* all queerphobes, including a-spec exclusionists, transphobes, biphobes, panphobes, anti-mogai/microlabels etc.
discourse focused/centered blogs* blogs with minors in their DNI/NSFW blogs* supporters of Autism Speaks
People who are against neopronouns (including fae/faer)
(that boost/tag-other-relevent-big-blogs thing people do. Sorry if you didn't want a tag + please feel free to ignore!!)
@neopronoun-user-culture-is @neopronounsmybelovaed @nounself-culture-is @pronounfluid-culture-is @neopronouns
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posi-pan · 3 years
Still cryin over this person I saw in the pansexual tag who was all "idk what [pan] flag to use anymore because people are too busy yellin at each other instead of havin an actual conversation and I'm just really confused on what flag to use because of [x, y, z reasons] ://"
Spoiler alert bro I know the PERFECT flag for you and it's just as gross and wrong as your opinions!!
lmao where are people too busy yelling to have a conversation? the only people yelling and refusing to listen are exclusionists who started this whole fucking thing????
also i love when a situation is very clearly people who did nothing wrong and are trying to educate folks on one side and queerphobes attacking folks and spreading lies/hate on the other side, and randoms will be like "i don't know who to believe because both side are contributing to the issue :/"
but yeah that last thing you said...........exactly.
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