#queenie loves to talk
queeniecamps · 1 month
Question: Where do you think the each of kids live outside of the summer/camp state and or country wise?
okay, so, the only two kids that I can think would live in a specific state is Nurf because the license plate he had that his mom made vaguely looks like it says California in the episode Culture Day, and Preston gives me New Yorker vibes
City/urban kids: Max knows his way around the city, Preston would absolutely be a new yorker, also maaaaybeee Nerris? Like, I can see them at least visiting the city frequintley with their dad for work reasons
Country/rural kids: Nikki, Tabii (I'm not doing the other scouts, but Tabii is ABSOLUTELY a trailer park princess you can NOTTTTT prove me otherwise.), Space Kid gives me the vibes of a kid who spends spring break at their meemaw's cottage, Nurf might live in a mobile home or trailer park, too
I feel like Ered has to move around a lot because of her parents work, and has lived basically everywhere around the world. Dolph, being a millitary kid, canonically also moves around a lot, stating he was born on a german millitary base on Parent's Day.
Suburbs: NEIL X2, parents are divorced but they both live in the suburbs, Space Kid would probably live in a more upper class suburbs because of his family. Harrison probably lives in the suburbs too, but, like, in a cul-de-sac outside of the woods.
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drzibs · 6 months
@go-go-gadget-autism did this first but now i wanna do it lol
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(i dont want canon to be real bc when mace and nikkie took pa coal away from gideon i felt my heart ripped from my chest and be set ablaze)
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i also wanted to do this for icebound so they are below the cut, to prevent a long post from getting longer lmao
Icebound Crew
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sugarsnappeases · 3 days
am i. am i hearing u right. scamandercest?? elaborate pls id love to know more
yes you are indeed hearing me right!!!!! and i would absolutely love to elaborate!!!!!
i think it's a classic case of 'the implications are there', particularly in the third fantastic beasts film. but i like to think that they grew up in a big kinda farm-style household out in the country. a small, cosy cottage with a lot of land surrounding it, just the two of them and their parents and an array of creatures. i like to think that newt spent a lot of time running around and crawling under bushes and wading through the pond looking for said creatures and theseus spent a lot of time running after him and teaching him how to climb trees safely and helping him w his various projects.
i think with their age gap. that theseus is very much an Older Brother, but also that newt has always had a lot of independence. like i think that when theseus goes to hogwarts, newt obvs misses him loads but he has his creatures and he isn't all that lonely even if he's mostly alone. but when newt goes to hogwarts (once theseus has already graduated), theseus HATES IT SO MUCH. SO SO MUCH. even if he's like. fully an adult now and starting his auror training and maybe moving out of the cottage, he always comes back and stays during newt's holidays. he can't stand being in that place when newt's not there but he equally can't stand not being there when newt IS there.
i also think, however, that the main incestuous stuff happens when they're much older. i talked a bit (blathered on somewhat derangedly) the other day about them and leta in the summer after newt and leta's graduation, having an awkward threesome. i think that's the first time anything like physically incestuous happens. and i've since learnt!! that newt actually did go into the ministry for a bit after hogwarts and jen and i were just saying that it was probs the calmest time of theseus' life. like he can have both the people he loves (newt&leta) close to him and safe and i think during this time they all basically live together in that cottage (idk what i want to happen to their parents... will have to ponder them more at some point) but there's a lot of kinda fumbling, not-really-a-relationship but they're all very much in love mess going on there. and they're happy. and it's easy but not forever bc in the end newt can't do it!!!!
he can't stand the bureaucracy of it all. he must be freeeeee. and he's always wanted to travelll and he gets this chance to write 'fantastic beasts' and he takes it and he goes and theseus is trying to hold onto himmm but he'd never try and stop him from going bc he wants newt happy as much as he wants him safe and near. so then there's the separation. and things are strained. and theseus wants him to come home so bad. and he and leta move out of the cottage too. and they get engaged. and newt is meant to be best man. and it's all very tense and they're all a little bit miserable. and then it (the incest) all Properly Kicks Off after leta dies. bc they have no one else left!!!!!!!!!
they have no one else left!!!!!! and theseus has given up on trying to get newt to join the ministry again but he's still determined to protect his younger brother and like. the third film. the entirety of the third film is craaaaazy actually. theseus literally follows newt everywhere and does whatever newt asks him to do, and it's not no-questions-asked bc he's asking questions the whole time but there's never any question about whether or not he would do it. pretty much the only time he's not trailing around after newt is when he gets fucking kidnapped. and then newt comes to SAVE HIM!!! and there's no question about that either. like obviously newt goes to save him. and they hold hands and jen and i screamed. anyway. it's obvious (to me) that they're basically living in each other's pockets. they're both slightly miserable and grieving but they're doing it together and they have each other and they love each other so much and they're sooooo brothers but they're also sooooooo fucking and it makes me insane!!!!!!!!!!
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hairtusk · 1 month
okay back at the hotel and somewhat calmer. if you were at the pj harvey show tonight in halifax and you spoke a single word while she was singing. count your fucking days.
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theycallmequeenie · 1 year
Angel Reyes x Y/N
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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Part Four:
A/N: Again, I just want to say that I am not Latinx and am completely winging this and in no way trying to disrespect anyone or anything in the Latinx culture. If I do get something wrong, please tell me and I will fix it right away. Now onto the next part of the story…
Things you should know about this part: Y/E/C = Your eye color. Also, we are pretending that bishop didn’t have a kid that he lost previously. Strong langue is used just a heads up on that.
That night Angel met his brothers in Templo and briefed them all on Y/N’s condition and what she and his pop’s had told them about what had happened and Coco and Gilly both agreed that they would start the recon work to try and find the guy that almost killed Y/N.
Bishop was at the head of the table and was clearly still angry that they had almost lost someone he had viewed as a daughter. This whole situation made him feel a level of fear he hadn’t in a long time. A fear he had thought he had buried. His life he had to bury all any and all emotions besides anger to survive in that world. This dredged all those emotions to the surface, and he was having a hard time concealing them and everyone was starting to notice. Bishop decided to end the gathering at this point and slammed the gavel adjourning them, asking Angel to stay behind for a talk.
Agreeing angel move closer to his Presidente speaking first, “Bish, I know this situation is bad, but she told me to come back here ant update you guys. She knew everyone would be worried about her and that I should be here because all she was going to be doing was sleeping. I did stay until she drifted off again…”
Angel had finally paused to take a breath when Bishop finally spoke up, “She told you to be here right? So, you are finally going to listen to her then?! We almost lost that girl! You understand that right?! That perfect, amazing, wonderful, Y/E/C eyed girl almost died thinking you stopped loving her and that she wasn’t welcome in this clubhouse. Or around her found family because of your bullshit! That changes now, understand?!”
Bishop was yelling at this point and Angel couldn’t blame him. He knew how awful he had been because of his jealousy, and he knew everyone knew that was what drove Y/N away. “Bish I never meant to push her away like that, I was afraid one of the guys or even you would take her from me. She was getting so close with everyone…” Angel was beating himself up over it now. He knew how ridiculous he was being then and how ridiculous he sounded now.
Bishop took this as his opportunity to really lay into Angel because he was so blinded by jealousy his couldn’t see the way things really were between everyone and Y/N, “You stupid son of a bitch! You’re seriously going to try that shit with me? You know how she looks at the rest of us? Like brothers! And they all love her like a little sister. And hell, she’s like a daughter to me.’’
Bishop slammed his fist on the table instead of into Angel’s face like he desperately wanted to, he was frustrated at the entire mess they were in. He sighed and tried to calm himself. Standing, he looked to Angel, “Now I’m going to go and sit with our girl so that she isn’t in that hospital room by herself. You go have your fun with the guys.”
With that he stomped out past Angel and out to his bike, starting it up and speeding off to Y/N’s bedside. Angel walked out of Templo and looked at the guys, who were all looking at him with an expression of ‘you screwed up big and every word Bishop said was right.’ No one needed to actually say it; however, it hung in the air like cigarette smoke.
Bishop arrived at the hospital and after some bribery, he made his way into Y/N’s room sitting down in the chair that Angel had previously occupied. He sat next to her and held her hand gently. He watched her happy that she was on the upswing and that, after quite a bit of healing and down time, she would be okay. He stayed all night, awake, and watching her ready to jump and run for a nurse at any sign of movement or distress. He couldn’t help the smile and tears that pricked his dark eyes when she opened hers and offered him a weak smile and greeted him with a soft ‘Hey you”.
He was grinning ear to ear and wiping the corners of his eyes as he spoke to her, “Hey Sweetheart. You scared the hell out of us.” He spoke quietly and brushed the hair out of her eyes. He was so stern and stoic all the time around everyone but her. With Y/n he could be real instead of the hardened soul he had become from years of the club and club business.
She smiled sadly back and apologized to him, “I’m sorry Bishop. But thank goodness for Coco. The nurses say if it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t still be on this side of the dirt. Sure, am glad he’s got the training he has.”
Bishop nodded in agreement to Y/n’s words. He knew all too well if they hadn’t had Coco there, she’d be gone. A thought he did his best to shake out of his head. He gave a dry laugh, “Yeah, that’s a phrase uttered frequently…” He trailed off knowing she never cared for the way he’d harass Coco and the guys, and he didn’t want to upset her, not now.
After giving him a look noticing him trail off, she squeezed his hand, “They are moving me to a regular room today, if all goes to plan that is…” Y/n now trialed off knowing all too well that things could change in a heartbeat.
Bishop knew it too. He did his best to deflect and keep the subject light. He didn’t want her stressing over too much. Before he could change the subject though Y/n spoke again.
“Bishop, any word on who did this yet? I know it’s a little soon but…’’ She looked slightly hopeful that her boys had come through but when Bishop shook his head her heart sank slightly. He did tell her that Coco and Gilly were on it. This made her feel better knowing that those two wouldn’t sleep until they had found the shooter.
A nurse had come into the room and started taking Y/n’s vitals and doing other things that needed done asking what the relation was to the man in the room and Bishop spoke up before Y/n could saying that she was his daughter. Which caused Y/n to cry because that was something that had never been discussed between them it was just assumed that was the dynamic they had.
Y/n had never had a dad in her life, she barely had a mom. She had thought that Phillipe would be the only one to end up becoming a ‘bonus dad’ to her but Bishop also ended up in that role and to hear him say that proudly to the nurse was something she hadn’t expected from him.
The nurse started checking information and begave to try to question his statement only for Y/n to shut her down with a simple “I was adopted, and it was decided I was to keep my last name.” This seemed to satisfy the nurse and the subject was promptly dropped. The nurse said that the doctor would be in shortly to make the decision about moving her to a regular room.
The doctor came into the room about twenty minutes after the nurse had left and checked Y/n over and informed her that she was indeed well enough to be moved to a regular room and would most likely be sent home in another day or so but wouldn’t be able to be by herself for at least a week after.
Bishop told the doctor not to be worried about that, she would be with at least one person around the clock between his club and her boyfriend father she wasn’t being left out of anyone’s sight for quite some time. Most likely well beyond that week, which prompted both the doctor and Bishop to chuckle.
As the doctor started going over the things that would be necessary after she was sent home Bishop’s phone rang and he excused himself to take the call. Once he returned the Doctor finished up his speech and left. Bishop looked at Y/n and she knew.
Bishop spoke in s deadly serious tone, “That was Coco, they found him. Now here is the tricky part, who do you want to stay here with you while the rest of us go take care of this piece of shit?”
To Be Continued…
Part Five
@ xnarca @withmyteeth
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hellishgayliath · 1 year
my babies ( some of these are alil outdated, i should prolly get some more clearer pics next i visit my mom)
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mufasa(chunky boi, he feels so dang heavy when you pick him up)
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and queenie/ cleo
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chiimeramanticore · 2 months
do you have a favorite character or a favorite relationship to write in potb ?
the obvious answer here is dook and beach bear lol . i think they're both endlessly fascinating characters and I've been enjoying writing them slowly getting close enough to each other for them to finally mesh. close second place is beach bear and queenie's relationship, which is really highlighted between chapters 7-14 so if you're only following the fic via tumblr you're in for a treat lol. i really like writing a dynamic where they both hate each other and yet both care very deeply about each other. they're constantly annoyed by each other's existence lol and they both overstep the line at times but when it comes down to it neither of them actually want the other out of their life despite it all. i think the fact they both go too far w each other at times is part of why they both still care about each other– getting hurt by someone you love can be a backwards reminder you love them, just from it hurting so bad. they don't really have a healthy relationship but that's what makes me so interested in them, more room for drama lmao
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you know, between The Silt Verses and Downfall this has been a great week for "what if you found a brother and he frickin' sucked and you couldn't stop loving him anyway"
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queenofbaws · 5 months
You know what I haven't sent you in a while? A lyric prompt. So here's something special from me to you to do whatever you want with 💖
'Tonight, I leave it all behind
I burn it down
The pain, the tears, the ties that bind
I light 'em up
I breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out
Ashes of my past
I'll smoke 'em like a cigarette'
Getting off the bus had been a journey of its own - shaking legs, trembling hands, a tightness in her throat that made it feel as though she were trying to breathe through a straw - but as its doors shut behind her and its cold, fat body huffed and chuffed and disappeared, the overlook grew silent, grew frightfully calm, and Angela knew she still had a very, very long way to go.
Was this the way they'd come before? It'd been such a long time now that she couldn't remember; the gravel scraping under her sneakers seemed familiar, the sight of the lake did not. Without the sounds of yelling, of arguing, of whispered threats...without her father's hands heavy in her periphery...maybe this wasn't the right place after all, maybe this wasn't the place that Mama had meant, maybe -
She forced herself to stop, to breathe, and when her lungs burned with smoke and ash and the unmistakable stench of burning hair, she knew.
This was the right place after all: This was where she'd meet them again, kill them again, and if they didn't stay dead this time around, well...maybe she could, at least.
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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ruerock · 1 year
🧸 !
#some small update bc i havent talked in the tags for a while!!#i got a ricecooker for my birthday!!! :D#and a haircut!#and im gonna be dyeing my hair blue!#my wardrobe does not match blue in the slightest#im gonna have to improvise#thank god browns go with everything#i ordered a queenie keychain and it came out nicely!#now that i know its good i can start thinking of the barbie ones#ill probably post the chibis i made first and then announce them as keychains#i might sell them on ko-fi at first and if theyre selling i might even consider making my own website? ;w;#like store website#would be a small dream come true#do you guys vibe with kofi? i heard its easy to purchase from there and stuff#i plan on some color theory oc merch too <3#im drinking tea right now#ive been watching shadow and bone and the amount of love i have for inej. unmeasurable#oh and i saw shazam 2 but its not better than 1 in my opinion )):#i was really counting on um. seeing billy LMAO#like out of shazam form#and he was there for like 4 scenes for a few seconds literally heartbreak#it was fun other than this but i doo have some scenes that i wish they just did differently#im curious what did others think? i heard it was better than 1 thats why i think my expectactions were so high#guys i hate being a hater!!! i always want to see my favorite things do well#i feel so bad having criticism about stuff not even funny!!!!!#also next adopt batch coming soon#mushroom theme!!!! <3#also ive been playing so much dreamlight valley#115 hours in this game already how does he do it#i still have dream drop distance to finish like me @ me PLEASE
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queeniecamps · 8 months
Waiting for my apple pen to charge so I can draw more Gwenvid
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hooned · 5 months
where are my scream girlies at ???
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rewritingcanon · 1 year
whoever says queenie or the scamander brothers or jude law dumbledore are the prettiest mfs in fbawtft is WRONG its eulalie
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hanzajesthanza · 2 years
regis and his ex-girlfriend is. i’ve never known a fictional pairing to cause me such deep emotions and such intense pain, despite the fact that i don’t like them together and i actually think they should stay separated. truly the doomed romance, tragic pairing, divorcees of a lifetime or two. every time i think about them i am clenching my teeth, digging into my skin with my fingernails, pulling my hair, sobbing,
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gunpowder-tim · 1 year
🍉: Does your OC have a particular piece of jewellery that they always wear or refuse to part with?
okay so ro always wears this gold necklace thingy that is kind of like a choker/collar sorta and i have not yet assigned it any emotional significance but it will have some (in a wonderfully bittersweet way bc i have decided im going to be sooo mean to ro <333)
🍩: What's a crime your OC is most likely to commit? What's a crime they're most likely to get arrested for?
queenie would probably get arrested for like breaking and entering and also she steals a lot of things all the time bc what else are they supposed to use to make little gadgets and things!!!
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lupinedreaming · 1 year
Aliens sure is a feast of a movie when you’re a monster fricker AND a robot/android fricker
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