#an ode to one of my fav characters from anything - one miss angela orosco
queenofbaws · 5 months
You know what I haven't sent you in a while? A lyric prompt. So here's something special from me to you to do whatever you want with 💖
'Tonight, I leave it all behind
I burn it down
The pain, the tears, the ties that bind
I light 'em up
I breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out
Ashes of my past
I'll smoke 'em like a cigarette'
Getting off the bus had been a journey of its own - shaking legs, trembling hands, a tightness in her throat that made it feel as though she were trying to breathe through a straw - but as its doors shut behind her and its cold, fat body huffed and chuffed and disappeared, the overlook grew silent, grew frightfully calm, and Angela knew she still had a very, very long way to go.
Was this the way they'd come before? It'd been such a long time now that she couldn't remember; the gravel scraping under her sneakers seemed familiar, the sight of the lake did not. Without the sounds of yelling, of arguing, of whispered threats...without her father's hands heavy in her periphery...maybe this wasn't the right place after all, maybe this wasn't the place that Mama had meant, maybe -
She forced herself to stop, to breathe, and when her lungs burned with smoke and ash and the unmistakable stench of burning hair, she knew.
This was the right place after all: This was where she'd meet them again, kill them again, and if they didn't stay dead this time around, well...maybe she could, at least.
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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