#queen undyne ending
wonderfull-star · 3 months
I noticed a rather interesting detail in Horrortale comic.
When the comic first started, some of the characters looked a “little” different. And no, it’s not just about the art style, I think.
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Big difference, don't you think? Previously, Papyrus was portrayed as simply out of his mind dummy under the guise of a terrifying monster. Later, he began to be portrayed as much more sane and now he looks and behaves far from being “just a dummy”. What if this is how Aliza saw him? And Papyrus looked much more scarier because she didn't trust him and was afraid of him(well it's clear why).
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Everything is more complicated with him. Since in Aliza’s vision Sans was no longer changing externally, but internally. I mean, unlike Papyrus, Aliza saw him as he “really” is (that is, the same way other monsters and his brother see him). But with the exception of his behavior. Flowey warned Aliza not to get too close to him, which she did. Of course, over time, she still managed to get to know him a little better. And if earlier she portrayed him as a crazy maniac from whom you should stay away, now she sees him as just as terribly hungry as the others, who can no longer restrain himself and secretly wants this madness to end. She understands him and therefore in the last parts of the comics she tried to help him and the rest of the monsters.
Drunk Bunny
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Probably the only one who has changed more than the others and, moreover, in reality and not in Aliza’s vision. If you look closely, before both of her eyes were “drunk”. Now one eye has become normal, meaning that she has begun to look at everything that is happening “more soberly.” Which is not surprising, after all, after Aliza stood up for the monsters from Snowdin, hope arose in her again..
Politics Bear
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It seems that he just became happier (in reality). In Aliza's vision, she imagined him as the same monster mad with hunger as the others. Previously, in her vision, his teeth were more crooked and his gaze was distraught. Now Aliza sees him even more “bright” than he really is (well, his teeth can’t be that straight?). The bear is happy now. It seems hope has arisen in his soul again..
Aliza really is quite a unique person. In fact, she has a surprising amount of determination. Even when she dies or is in the most hopeless situation at first glance, she always finds a way out. Now I'm really interested in what will happen next. Still, she had enough bravery and kindness to stand up for ALL the monsters in Snowdin, even despite the fact that many of them tried to cook her alive. Aliza is truly have very strong soul. I think that many other people would have fled Snowdin long ago in her place. I think that one of Aliza's goals is to make the monsters regain hope and at least some sanity. Simply put, at least somehow try to establish relationships with them and maybe even make friends. She was able to gain trust from the monsters at Snowdin and it looks like now it’s time for her to go to Waterfall.. And this will DEFINITELY not be easy. Considering WHO might live there.
Now I'm wondering if we'll ever see Gaster in Horrortale comic. 🤔
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chacochilla · 3 months
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@KComputrix for the mech and Alphys sprites
@SqueletonS1350 for the death sprites
@bacon_knight222 for the sprite of Sans
@BronznTelscopes for the sprite of Doge
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
i know theyre gone now, but... that doesnt mean what you used to have doesnt matter. its okay to mourn the past. you dont have to throw away everything you ever felt for anyone.
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ann-beth · 9 months
I need to ask, this is a question that pops up in my head every few months but not properly in words; (also I came into this fandom pretty late, the au's were already established - I should remember, my first UT fanfic i read was "Hand in Hand" and that was UTMV jumping lol)
If the Genocide (megalovania) fight wasn't a thing, if our punny boyo couldn't go super saiyan on us, who wouldve been the character we'd be this obsessed with? (Let's be real atleast half the au's I've seen are a direct nod to this fight)
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eldragon-x · 1 year
I need to replay Undertale. for Alphys and Mettaton.
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kriscommitscrimes · 4 months
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Hello! I've wanted to make this post for a WHILE now, since Kris is my favourite character ever, and I LOVE analyzing characters!!
Anyway before I start just remember that people consume media differently, and this is just what I've personally picked up on. You may interpret certain points I make differently to me, and that's ok! I'm just sharing MY analysis of Kris, at the end of the day, they're a character who has never spoken any dialogue that's visible to us, so their intentions behind certain things could be interpreted differently depending on who's consuming the media.
Kris will be EXCLUSIVELY referred to by they/them (they/them/themself specifically) pronouns throughout this post. If you refer to them as anything other than they/them while interacting with this post I'm gonna block you on the spot sorry.
ANALYSIS BELOW THE CUT BECAUSE IT'S LONG!!! TW there's probably some swearing I can't remember
By the way, I'm not including any screenshots because I. forgot to take them last time I played through Deltarune, but the next time that I do, I'm going to make like a revamped version of this post with screenshots. Sorry about that!!
Kris is their own, separate character from the player. This is a no-brainer if you've actually played through Deltarune and paid the slightest bit of attention to it. Kris is their own, separate character with a VERY distinct, interesting personality, who had a life before the events of Deltarune, and even still has control over some things that they say and do while in our control.
Kris isn't actually a quiet person. Kris, in reality, is an overdramatic, sassy, talkative person who often draws attention to themself by scaring people (especially Noelle), and causing scenes. They CONSTANTLY play mean spirited pranks on Noelle or pressure her into things (I'm NOT talking about Snowgrave, I'll get to thar later), like shaking the ferris wheel carriage despite Noelle being scared of heights, and telling her that ICE-E is real and eats kids. They still do this during the events for Deltarune, like if you go against Noelle's wishes and pet the cheese, Kris strokes it like a cat, and if you give Noelle a healing item called a Choco Diamond, she says something along the lines of 'Umm, it's ok, Kris, I'll share', and both of them get healed. We don't choose for Kris to force Noelle to share, that's a decision they make. As for drawing attention to themself, the first thing that comes to mind is they falling to the ground and sulking when they're too short and weak to play Queen's arcade machine, or them barking at Noelle when she offers them a dog treat. They're loud and impulsive, shown when they eat the pie at the end of chapter one, repeatedly kicking the robot in the basement when nothing happens originally before the Sneo fight, eating all of the chocolate Undyne gives them to give to Alphys if you interact with the box, and screaming that they're normal if you call Toriel after watching her conversation with Alphys at the start of chapter two. Speaking of which...
Kris seems to have identity issues. This is one of the things here that everyone in the fandom is kind of already aware of, but this is a full character analysis, so it's still important to mention. Kris is the only human in Hometown, but desperately wants to be perceived as normal. They scream it at Toriel like I mentioned earlier, they wore a headband with red horns on it when they were little to look more like a boss monster, and they seem actively disgusting or even frightened by other humans. They also seem to be living in their brother's shadow a bit, which may be why they like drawing attention to themself. Everything I've said about their personality seems to be a little on the negative side so far, but everyone in Hometown knows their name, and seems to quite like them, so why is this? Well...
Kris is charming, well-spoken, and funny. They're a prankster known for pulling mean-spirited pranks on people, but even still characters like Noelle look back at those things fondly, and everyone in Hometown seems to like spending time with Kris. Kris' flirting abilities are pretty obvious, and are used to win over loads of Darkners, not to mention their ability to formulate a compelling speech on the spot, as shown during the first Queen battle when toasting to her. They easily win people over, especially if they like a person, I mean, they became best friends with their former bully in a DAY! A DAY!!! People seem to find them just genuinely fun to hang around, probably due to them just being a funny, charming, somewhat balls of the walls kinda person.
Kris is NOT evil or malicious. This is one of the most important points I've wanted to make on this post. I've seen the theory that Kris is evil because they don't actively do anything to prevent Snowgrave from happening tossed around and I'm here to say that that is actually fucking stupid sorry. Normally I HATE being mean about people's theories because, like I said, everyone consumes media differently, but that one is just genuinely terrible. I'd say it's WAY more likely that as Noelle gets strong, out control over Kris becomes stronger. Normally, when we choose an option to make Kris say or do something, they ELABORATE on that, which is confirmed by how characters interact with them. We just can't see them speaking to give the illusion that they're a blank slate, under our full control. But, during Snowgrave, they just say EXACTLY what you tell them to say. If you tell them to say 'We're something else', they just say 'We're something else'. If you tell them to say 'Proceed', they just say 'Proceed'. Sure, you could put this towards them not caring, but after Berdly is frozen and you reunite with Ralsei and Susie, both of them say that Kris looks HURT. And later on, they REFUSE to go and see Noelle in her room. The refuse to THINK about it. They're not happy with what happened. They didn't want to go around freezing people. But the one thing that Really stood out to me, was during the Snowgrave Spamton Neo fight. Near the end, you have the option to call Ralsei and Susie for help, which prompts the flavour text; 'Kris called for Susie and Ralsei... But nobody came'. After that, you have to call Noelle for help to finish the battle, which prompts the dialogue; 'You called for Noelle'. Spamton states that Kris could barely whisper her name. They're trying to stop you from calling for her. Those aren't their words. I think that kind of confirms that they didn't want Snowgrave to happen. Kris is just a funny teenager with identity issues, they're not evil. Sorry evil Kris fans.
Kris probably isn't the Roaring Knight. They're A knight, but not THE knight. So far, they don't REALLY have any motivation for opening the first two fountains that I'm aware of, and I doubt they knew they could open a fountain until Queen's speech at the end of Chapter 2. At the end of Chapter 2, however, they do seem to have a motivation to open a fountain. They (presumably) slash Toriel's tyres to stop her from leaving the house to go and get flour. They want her to see the Dark World. And if you choose the option to talk to Undyne about the Dark World, Kris explains it to her in FULL DETAIL, but she brushes it off as a joke. Toriel finding her tyres slashed leads her to call the guards, and Kris leaves the door of the house wide open. They want Undyne to see the Dark World, I don't know WHY, but they do for some reason. But I REALLY doubt they're the Roaring Knight, they just don't have the motivation, and if it is them, it would be really weird for Toby to reveal that so early. I really doubt that kid wants to bring on the end of the world.
That's all I have for now!! Expect a more fleshed out version of this next time I play Deltarune with screenshots and such, though I may wait until chapter 3 and 4 come out! Thanks for reading!
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ppndos · 1 month
Why Papyrus is even in Undertale
And no, I'm not saying that he's not important. In fact, he's one of the most important plot devices. But why Papyrus ?
List of stuff Papyrus did for the plot :
Helped Frisk befriend Undyne
Gathered everyone in the Pacifist ending
Worldbuilding (phonecalls)
Characters' personalisation (phonecalls)
Told Frisk to go to the True Lab (phonecalls)
Basically the reason we were able to get the Pacifist ending
Quite a lot, but it all could be easily done by the others.
Befriending Undyne? Alphys. Being manipulated by Flowey? Monster kid. Info dumping on the phone? Sans.
Even among the main characters he seems a bit off.
Toriel is the caretaker of the ruins and former queen. Sans is the royal judge. Undyne is the capitan of the royal guard. Alphys is the royal scientist. Mettaton is the biggest star of the underground. Asgore is the king. Asriel (flowey) is the prince.
And Papyrus is… just some guy.
He could easily be a secondary character like Napstablook. Especially considering his lack of backstory, no character development and a skippable battle in which you can't even die.
But instead he has the biggest amount of words in the game, huge impact on the characters in all of the endings, very detaled hangout/date and a PERSONAL Q&A (also the entire Underale Q&A was centered around him).
What about Deltarune
Papyrus didn't show up in DR yet, but I can feel with my GUTS that he'll be important.
We all know that DR was in Toby's brain even before Undertale, and also we know that Bonetrousle was meant for DR.
Based on some theories about ch3, we can assume that the characters from UT actually might play some big roles in DR.
So… you can tell what I'm trying to say here, right? What if the reason why Papyrus is so important in the game AND in a lot of additional stuff is because he's going to play some role in DR and even have a character arc or be shown from unusual side.
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And this “busy” is hunting me 24/7. Too suspicious.
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northstarscowboyhat · 2 months
How would Clover react to a post-neutral run with Asgore dead and the 5 human souls gone. Would Clover reveal themself to a pro-human Underground with Toriel as Queen. Would they sacrifice their soul to dispel the pro-war, anti-human doctrine created by a Queen Undyne?
Excellent questions! The 5 human souls are still on Clover's mind, even after they've made their decision to live in the Underground. It's part of why they feel so obligated to watch after Frisk and try to steer them onto the correct path. Knowing that Frisk is now gone along with the 5 souls, along with the knowledge that they might've killed some Monsters on their way? Clover would be devastated. It'd be a massive point of guilt for them.
The ending with Toriel taking up the throne would probably be the best Neutral ending possible for Clover. It would definitely take their family a while of discussing what to do about the queen's new policies on humans (Ceroba in particular is pretty suspicious of the royal family in general) but eventually, Clover would reveal themselves. Toriel would feel pretty emotional that one of the children in her care survived in the Underground, and would decree that the Underground is open and welcome to Clover. Obviously a few Monsters like Undyne would be disgusted and hold a massive grudge against Clover, but there's not much she can do with the Royal Guard being disbanded. Not a perfect ending; it's unlikely that Monsters will ever get back to the surface and Clover has to deal with the emotional guilt and baggage of that, on top of what happened to the human souls and Frisk. Not a perfect ending, but they would at least not be living in secrecy with the risk of being killed if discovered.
The ending with Undyne would definitely be.... less than ideal. Now, with a larger focus on hunting down humans in the Underground, places become a lot less safe for Clover. They'd probably have to hide away in the Wild East area for good, because it's one of the few places left that doesn't have a Royal Guard stationed there. Starlo would probably have to stop letting tourists in, for fear of someone spotting Clover and reporting them. Definitely not a good ending by any means. Clover would conversely be quite bitter in this ending, feeling cheated out of what little freedom they had. If they were ever tempted to give up their soul in order for Undyne to free Monsterkind, it would definitely be done with less willingness and determination than other times. Probably a case of "I'm doing this for my family, not for you".
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itsmebeff · 1 month
Agrotale introduction thread and summary!!
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Agrotale is an AU based on the Queen Alphys neutral ending from Undertale where- as inferred by the title- Alphys becomes Queen. To get this ending you need to abandon a regular No Mercy route in Hotland, leaving Toriel, Papyrus, Undyne, Mettaton, and Asgore dead. Sans and Alphys are the only main characters who remain. The name comes from the idea that the main human is a gardener, and they help with agriculture after the CORE malfunctions!!
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sprites so far!!
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Each character encountered in each area:
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Everett, the fallen human, falls into the ruins and is met by Muffet, who acts as their guide. Muffet was banished to the ruins after her actions during the previous humans rampage led to countless more deaths, as well as the fact that she threatened to cannabalize the Queen on multiple occasions. Sans is also first encountered in the ruins, but he just gives Everett a warning for what's to come.
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After leaving the ruins, Everett is greeted by Dess and her sister Noelle, who are unaware that Everett is a human. They also later meet Carol Holiday, their mother. Carol is the Royal Advisor for Alphys in this world. Muffet is seen in Snowdin in a disguise after sneaking out of the ruins. Other notable characters like Grillby and Sans (again) are encountered here as well. Snowdin is much more crowded and large due to the influx of people moving in from the capital, which serves as a juxtaposition to the empty and discarded Ruins that came just before it.
Once entering Waterfall, Everett is stopped by Monster Teen, a Royal Guard member, who was given orders to carefully escort Everett to the CORE. They fail after their nerves get to them, and Everett continues on. Everett finds out that Dess is the head of the Royal Guard after Dess was given false orders by Monster Teen to fight Everett, but she refuses and joins their party. They eventually end up by the trash dump where they encounter Mad Mew Mew, who was killed by the previous human and brought herself back to life out of spite. Other notable characters met in Waterfall are Napstablook and Gerson.
In Hotland, Catti and Jockington appear to attempt to capture Everett to impress Alphys, who wasn't paying attention at all. Jockington is a member of the Royal Guard, however Catti is not. She just follows him around everywhere. Everett escapes and takes the elevator to a new town that was built in Hotland, and this is where Catty and Bratty now live.
The CORE: First Queen Alphys encounter, final Sans encounter.
Last Corridor: The Final Choice
And that's it for now!! :P there will be more to come eventually..
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popatochisssp · 3 months
Would papy end up telling his s/o about what happened underground? I know slate would but was curious if papy would?
At least to an extent, yes, but definitely not right away.
As much as Papy (Horrortale Papyrus) would want to respect his s/o’s right to make an informed decision about him…and his brother…a lot hinges on a certain version of how monsterkind handled the aftermath of the Famine being the only version in circulation.
The public story is that as queen, Undyne killed the ten necessary humans to break the barrier and then very promptly and responsibly confessed to it all and turned herself in to face the humans’ justice—very reasonable and respectable, went a long way towards getting monsters a warm welcome on the Surface in spite of having actually…you know, eaten humans.
It was to survive, and they didn’t kill anymore than they had to, and the one who did it volunteered to go to jail and everything!
That narrative kind of falls apart if it gets spread around that Undyne only killed three of ten, and ruined their souls in a grief-stricken rage so they couldn’t even be used for barrier-breaking, and the guy who killed the other seven is just sort of putzing about, free and clear.
So! Yes! Papy is inclined to keep that info close to the chest, lest there be any major diplomatic incidents or catastrophic worsening of public (human) opinion on monsters.
He’d be pretty upfront about the fact that he, personally, did the majority of the human-butchering and—if asked—share more generally what things were like before, during, after the Famine.
He doesn’t especially like remembering it, but he’d even freely talk about what human meat tasted like.
He’s an open book!
…but the part where it was his brother who did the lion’s share of human-killing, that he’s going to keep to himself for awhile. At least until his relationship with his s/o gets serious enough for him to be able to gauge how safe that information is with them.
Honesty is important in any relationship, but when all of your species’ continued peace and your brother’s un-incarcerated status is at stake, some manner of cautious secrecy may be required.
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utdrmv-confession-box · 2 months
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Transcript: The genocide route and pacifist route are cool but I love the Neutral routes and they need to be more talked about
Frisk doesn't pick up the phone. So what happened? Did they die because of the barrier? Is Frisk also stuck because they didn't have a monster soul to cross the barrier? If they did get out, why aren't they answering the phone (if it's pacifist without the Alphys date or smth similar)? Does the phone not work anymore due to the barrier blocking the connection?
We aren't even covering the other routes in Neutral. Queen Toriel is most known, and Queen Undyne is also popular (mostly from Horrortale). But what about King Papyrus? The no king ending? President Annoying dog? Queen Alphys? King Mettaton?
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Knight Alphys Master Theory
I acknowledge the popularity of and evidence for Knight Alvin and Knight Papyrus. But let's put them aside for a few moments.
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Full lengthy of the theory will be kept below the cut, as it gets quite long, but have a quick banner.
The True and Neo Chaos
Let's begin with something interesting. There have been a couple of words showing themselves as fairly prominent amongst the Secret Bosses, that people have picked up on: those words being Neo and Chaos. Jevil references both, with his endlessly spouting about Chaos, and his including 'Neo' into a few of his attack names. Spamton also refers to his new body as 'Neo'. But the secret bosses are not the only area in the Dark World where these things are mentioned.
Spade King is, so far, the most ardent supporter of the Knight, and is incredibly excited by the concept of spreading darkness across the Light World. His battle theme is entitled 'Chaos King'. Queen also gets in on the fun--she talks a lot about a Neo Fountain, and explains how Determination, a trait found in all Lightners, is a vital component in the creation of both a Dark Fountain and a Neo Dark Fountain.
So, with King being the only one confirmed to have met, spoken with, and even received help from the Knight, and Queen having witnessed them make a fountain, it seems 'Chaos' and 'Neo' might be very important terms where the Knight is concerned, and that the Knight will also be linked with Determination.
You know who's linked with all three of these things in Undertale? Alphys.
"But Glass!" my hypothetical audience says in confusion. "That makes no sense! Alphys did the DT experiments, sure, but she's hardly particularly determined. And concepts of 'Neo' and 'Chaos' don't come up in Undertale at all, let alone in connection with Alphys of all people! Really if anyone was dt-connected and likely to show up in Deltarune, wouldn't it be Sans or Chara--"
Au contraire, dearest darling readers! As we all know, the term 'Neo' does show up once in Undertale, with a very blatant connection to Alphys!
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As we all know, Mettaton Neo is Mettaton's original body, created by Alphys to allegedly be a human eradication robot, which the ghost Mettaton inhabits and fuses with. It's meant to be his 'ideal body', even if he doesn't really want to kill humans.
However, Mettaton Neo has links with a few other monsters, besides Alphys... Who also have interesting links with Alphys.
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Now, if you'll notice, all three of these monsters have some interesting similarities.
All three have a normal form, and a significantly more powerful form you fight under special circumstances. Undyne, Mettaton, and Flowey all talk about protecting or killing both humans and monsters--and both Undyne and Flowey(before the Photoshop Flowey boss fight) use the words 'Humans. Monsters. Everyone,' before their respective fights. Undyne feels the powers of 'everyone's hearts beating as one,' and Asriel mentions something similar before using everyone's souls to break the Barrier.
Those are some similarities in terms of circumstances. But they also have a lot of similarities in terms of appearance. All have a prominent heart icon in their chest, huge shoulder spikes, and inverted sclera. Undyne and Mettaton very prominently have something weird going on with one eye. Mettaton and Asriel have very big and flashing wings, while Undyne and Asriel have big white gloves with more heart markings.
These three also have another, more subtle connection: all of them are connected to Alphys in some way, be it major or minor.
Mettaton Neo's body was built by Alphys. Undyne convinced Alphys not to commit suicide, and thought Alphys has many crushes, she's the crush who needs to reciprocate Alphys' feelings for Frisk to learn more about the Amalgamates, Flowey, and the Tapes, opening the way for Flowey's master plan and the True Pacifist Ending. And of course, Asriel was revived by Alphys, and she's the only one who realizes how bad things are about to get when Papyrus mentions a 'little flower' told him to gather everyone.
Wrapping this all up, while Mettaton's name in this form mentions Neo (with his theme also mentioning it), and Undyne and Asriel are blatantly linked to Determination, Asriel also has a very interesting hint at things: a number of his attacks use the word 'chaos' in their names. Notably Chaos Saber and Chaos Buster. He also has a strong connection to 'Hopes and Dreams', which both are mentioned occasionally in Deltarune, where the unique item 'Last Dream' is mentioned as being 'The goal of Determination'--and Gerson's memorial bench in Deltarune, as well as Alvin's dialogue, implies a connection between dreams and stories, which are also linked to darkness and dark worlds...
So, we have a big, nebulous connection between Neo, 'everyone's hearts beating as one', Chaos, Dreams, Darkness, stories, Determination, and maybe Alphys. What about it? What makes you so sure this really does make Alphys the Knight?
Oh, sweet reader. I'm nowhere near done yet.
Alternate Universes
Hey, you know who the only character in Undertale to canonically mention alternate universes is?
"Don't be silly, Glass, it's only the most popular theory for the person who interrupts the Goner Survey--Chara!"
Nope! Well, maybe. It's not impossible, but I'm not sure that that was really intended to be the reading of that line. Chara in concerned with efficiency, and there is no efficiency in doing the same thing over and over and over. Chara's Post-No Mercy monologue is a mirror of Flowey's Post-Pacifist monologue. In my opinion, Chara's 'let us erase this pointless world and move on to the next' is their equivalent to Flowey's 'let Frisk live their life' and Asriel's 'don't you have anything better to do?' Many take this line as meaning you should move on to a new timeline or to Deltarune, but I take it as you should play another game. ANY game.
But curiously, one person who specifically talks about alternate UNIVERSES, and not just 'other timelines' like Sans, is quite often overlooked.
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Sans has done research on timelines, but has very little concrete information about them, to the point he mistakenly attributes Flowey's resets to a murderous Frisk. He also may or may not be from a different universe, but has yet to outright confirm this. Alphys has, allegedly, done actual research on Alternate Universes, and feels confident in asserting that they exist, and daydreaming that someone in one of them watches over her, and is cute and interesting, and she has a crush on this person.
Alphys can be just as meta as Flowey and Sans when the proper opportunity presents itself.
Gerson and Gaster
Gerson and Gaster have a bizarre relationship, which I won't get into right now. Suffice to say, though, people have certainly picked up that Gerson sort of fills UT Gaster's 'role' in Deltarune, being a recently passed away and highly admired mentor figure, who leaves big shoes for Alphys to fill.
Yes, Alphys, specifically. In Undertale, Alphys is noted as someone Asgore hired to replace Gaster, and one Gaster Follower notes that she has 'big shoes to fill'. It is also wondered if Alphys will meet the same fate as Gaster. Meanwhile, mirroring this, in Deltarune, Toriel recommends Alphys to replace Gerson as a teacher, and she still seems pretty anxious about living up to Toriel's expectations, going so far as to lie about how 'normal' Kris is doing in class. (While Kris silently stares at Alphys, a trash sphere perched upon their head.)
This point of Alphys in Deltarune being a teacher leads perfectly into...
Alphys Frequents Where the Knight Has Been
One of the biggest arguments against Kris being the Knight is focusing heavily on timelines, and how unlikely it is Kris would be able to be at the Library to create a Dark Fountain at the proper time, as it's implied that Noelle and Berdly had their books and notes out on a desk when the Dark Fountain was created, rather than them walking into a pre-existing Dark Fountain. @vgfm's wonderful Knight Alvin theory also relies somewhat on Alvin theoretically being familiar with both the School and the Library, due to his father previously working at the school(and himself possibly attending as a child) and Berdly mentioning a 'Ms Boom' working at the library.
But there's someone who we know, without a shadow of a doubt, certainly frequents BOTH these places. Alphys.
For the school...of COURSE Alphys can roam around the school without any suspicion! She's a teacher! It's even likely that she's the one who locked the door on Kris and Susie, back in Chapter 1. It would be trivial for her to tell the class that Susie and Kris have been gone an awful long time and that she's going to go check on them, only to panic and lock the door on them later, and tell the class she couldn't find them. It's also known that she regulars visits the Library, as a review of MMKC II all but stated to be left by her can be found and read. Additionally, Alphys is also the very first to mention the internet outage...
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Interestingly, that review is something that gets analyzed a lot, too. Some think MMKC I is meant to represent Undertale and MMKC II is meant to represent Deltarune. Some think it represents Frisk and Kris, respectively, or even UT Papyrus and DR Papyrus.
Personally, I wonder if Deltarune Alphys preferring much darker and more complicated fiction is reflected by her being a darker and more antagonistic fiction in this game, rather than an ultimately mislead scientist who made a mistake, but learns to improve herself with the support of her friends...
Dr. Andonuts...?
One of Toby Fox's earliest games, as some of us know, is the Earthbound Halloween Hack. It is effectively a 'bad ending' of the game Earthbound, which heavily inspired Undertale later on. It explores some similar themes as his other games, albeit in a more clumsy and edgy way, because he was much younger when he made it. @under-lore has also made some interesting analyses regarding how Halloween Hack and Deltarune's alternative routes are handled, and what this might mean for Deltarune having only 'one ending'. It's got a few other similarities, too: like how much its protagonist, Varik, looks like an earlier version of Kris with a different color palette.
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Knight in a modern setting, shadowed eyes, neutral expression...hm.
Oh, I've talked a little about Halloween Hack and Deltarune, but I haven't told you what Halloween Hack's actually ABOUT, have you? Well, it's pretty interesting. So, in the original Earthbound game, the character Dr Andonuts, who is a short and eccentric scientist type with an estranged relationship with his son, puts the hero, his son, and their friends into robot bodies so they can go to a different planet to defeat the big bad, at the cost of never being able to return, right? And in the original story, a miracle happens and they do somehow return home?
Well, in the Halloween Hack, that doesn't actually happen. Tormented with grief at having effectively killed his son and said son's friends, Dr Andonuts locks himself away in his lab, and Varik is sent to go find him, accidentally learning about his past and secrets on the way, and as he does Varik realizes that Andonuts is a heavily closeted queer man who struggled to suppress that side of himself--hey wait a second, why does this sound so much like a character Toby's written...more...recently... In a game that isn't Deltarune...
So, I've done my best to bring up and organize a lot of evidence for Alphys being the Knight, both in terms of things actually present in UTDR, and in terms of parallels to other games Toby's worked on. In this section, I'm going to talk a little about my own feelings regarding this twist, how great I think it could be, and what it means for me.
Alphys and Toriel are, in my opinion, the two most overlooked characters in all of Undertale. While the lion's share of the attention goes to Sans, a lot of attention is devoted to Gaster, Papyrus, and sometimes Undyne, Grillby, and Muffet too. Not only do Toriel and Alphys often get overlooked, it feels like everyone significantly downplays Alphys' achievements, too. This video by @megaderping goes into a lot of detail about the ways Alphys is overlooked, and the really interesting facets about her character.
First of all, I think it would be really cool if Alphys' character were brought into the spotlight in this way. I think her being the Knight also explore and expands upon important facets of her character initially introduced in her Undertale appearance, where she indulges in escapism by pretending to be a human's ally, and ends up projecting onto Frisk.
Second of all, I just...feel like there so much potential for really touching scenes between her and Kris?
I don't think the secret bosses are the way they are because they met the Knight. But they do have a recurring theme everyone has caught onto by now: all of them are trash. All are based on items often discarded. First a Joker Card, which is rarely used in play. Next Spam Email, which is universally disliked and never read. And Mike is commonly thought to be a Microphone, possibly using a pun based off 'video killed the radio star'. I've also theorized that Roulxs Kaard, based off a Rules Card, might disappear halfway through Deltarune to become a Secret Boss in a future Dark World.
Alphys has something in common with these Secret Bosses. She thinks she's trash. And Kris also seems to a very low sense of self-esteem too. Spamton projects heavily onto them, and Kris is more shaken by watching Spamton's defeat than anything else. Several players have likened Kris removing their soul as feeling like an analogy to self-harm, it's been theorized that Kris is depressed and suffers dysphoria, and while Kris being an enemy we fight in some route in a popular theory, personally I feel that such a fight coming to pass will mean Kris is making a suicide attempt. Furthermore, Kris has formed an incredibly strong bond with a brash and excitable rulebreaker--much like the bond formed between Alphys and Undyne.
I just think there's a lot of really sweet potential for a future scene. One where, instead of the Knight being a villain Kris needs to kill, as in a classical fairy tale...the Knight sees herself reflected in Kris, and chooses to stop. Chooses to instead talk to Kris about how hard it all is. About how sometimes you feel like trash, and just want to throw yourself away. About how you're always living in some genius', some mentor's, some golden child's shadow. And you love them, and you miss them so much, but you can never be anyone else, aside from who you are in relation to them. About not feeling comfortable in your own body, about feeling awful and needing to watch as people grieve and you KNOW what happened to their lost loved one, but if you tell the truth you have to fear they'd hate you.
I just. Have a lot of feelings about Alphys and Kris bonding and helping each other. About two Knights seeing themselves reflected in the other. We don't have that with Alvin. We don't know enough about Papyrus to know if we'll have it with him. We sure as hell can't get that with Kris being the singular Knight.
So, what's up with Castle Town Fountain?
Okay, I lied. I also believe in Knight Alvin.
Specifically, I believe that Alvin will be a red herring, and it will later be revealed that he was the one who (possibly using his father's hammer) opened the Castle Town Fountain.
Fountains reflect the will of their creator. And the difference between Castle Town and every other fountain(as reflected in the difference between Ralsei and every other Darkner) makes me think that Castle Town Fountain either appeared naturally, or was created by a third Knight: Father Alvin.
It's not just the fact that he's related to Gerson that makes me think Father Alvin created the Castle Town Fountain, specifically. I feel I actually also have some small, but interesting, pieces of proof that Ralsei might be, instead of 'Kris' idealized self' or 'Kris' monstersona' or 'Kris' idealized vision of Asriel'... Father Alvin's idealized vision of Asriel.
Think about how Alvin has talked about Asriel:
-Father Alvin mentions Asriel was in the choir. Ralsei prominently sings lullabies to put enemies to sleep.
-We also know his view of Asriel is incredibly kind, sweet, naive, and is at times driven by guilt. Possibly something of a pushover. He imparts an anecdote where Asriel confessed something mean he had done in a video game out of curiosity, and confessed for Kris when they repeated the act to troll him...despite Father Alvin saying their religion has no concept of sin.
-Likewise, Ralsei is incredibly kind and sweet, perhaps to the point of naivety. He's so intent on pleasing Kris and doing as they say that he actually apologizes when Susie forces him to learn R-Actions, and has an incredibly powerful sense of right and wrong, repeatedly encouraging Kris to be kind and pacify enemies, even if he won't stop them from attacking Darkners.
It's not much evidence, but I do think Father Alvin being Ralsei's creator has some small potential.
I hope this theory has been, if nothing else, entertaining to read! I don't fault anyone else for still sticking with Alvin or Papyrus as Knight Candidates, I would honestly be happy to see either theory confirmed, and even if Alphys turns out to be the Knight, I'd love to see both given larger roles later on. But I'd like to throw some female candidates for Knight into the ring--and while Mayor Holiday and Dess have both been speculated, we just know so little about each of them right now. And as I said, I think Alphys is perfectly primed to further expand and explore themes Deltarune is already exploring a lot.
I would really love to see more discussion, and perhaps even fanart, based around Knight Alphys, though! Whether or not in turns out to be correct, I think it really adds to some overlooked aspects of Deltarune, such as the powers of Neo and Chaos, and perhaps Alphys' connection to Asriel!
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You know how all skeletons technically have a tailbone? What if skeleton's toddler just randomly grab it while his dad is talking with someone?
Undertale Sans - He's chill, simply squirming to get the kid to let go. The tailbone is actually very sensitive for skeletons and he would greatly appreciate them stopping to shake it like a coconut. Sans grabs their hand and gives them short black eye sockets to shoo them away. It's effective. No one likes Sans' black sockets.
Undertale Papyrus - His voice suddenly turns very high-pitched as he jumps in surprise. He turns around and asks his kid to please not do that. The kid thought his voice was hilarious though and just waited for his dad to look away to do it again. Papyrus is getting so teased by Undyne the rest of the week.
Underswap Sans - He instinctively slaps whatever is touching THERE and realizes only after it is actually his toddler, who's now crying on the floor. Well great. Blue panics, trying to get them to calm down before they go snitch to his S/O.
Underswap Papyrus - He jumps in surprise, trips on a random lego, and then faceplants into the floor in front of a very confused Undyne. His toddler bursts into laughter and climbs on his back, asking him to do it again. Honey stays on the floor. Maybe it will absorb him or something. He's so embarrassed right now.
Underfell Sans - "ya cutting your bullshit right now or i'll do it to you to see how fun it is." That's for sure have no effect on his child who immediately grabs his tailbone again :D S/O enters the room to find his child screaming and trashing in the air while Red holds them above the ground by the tailbone, asking them how it feels now. Red then notices his S/O and very slowly puts the child back on the floor. Uh oh. He's in trouble, isn't he?
Underfell Papyrus - He throws Doomfanger in the air in surprise. The cat panics and jumps at Undyne's face, all claws out. While Undyne is struggling for her life, Edge turns around and starts to lecture his child about grabbing people's tailbone. You don't do that or people get hurt! Look at that, Aunt Undyne is getting absolutely destroyed by your fault! That doesn't mean Edge is going to help her though.
Horrortale Sans - He actually fell on his tailbone a lot when he had to learn how to walk again after Undyne exploded his head, so he has no sensitivity whatsoever in this part. He's actually surprised when Toriel says they're kid is pulling his tailbone. He blinks at them for a few seconds, then just shrugs. They seem to have fun.
Horrortale Papyrus - He randomly screams in the middle of his sentence and drags his kid by the arm in front of him. Better. Now stay where he can see you. He doesn't trust his child behind him ever again lol. He would prefer them not to try to hang to his tailbone as they are easy and it would hurt his back.
Swapfell Sans - He hisses and jumps so high he actually ends up on the top of the couch. He then blushes furiously as the Queen stares at him in complete disbelief. Oops. Yeah, maybe it was not a good moment to do that. He was surprised. S/O comes to his rescue and drags the child out of the room to prevent other diplomatic accidents.
Swapfell Papyrus - It's one of his ticklish weak points. He's trying really hard to keep a straight face, but eventually, he starts to laugh uncontrollably, trying to make his kid let go. His brother is staring at him, very concerned about him at the moment, wondering what just happened. Rus can't even explain. He's out of breath, trying to recover. Nox can't see the child so... He's concerned.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He suddenly straightens, twitching as he struggles to keep a straight face. He asks for the Queen to excuse him for a minute, then turns around, grabs his kid, throws him in the closet, and closes the door. Dad needs a moment to recover. Toriel is that close to calling social services honestly.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He yelps in the middle of the conversation, then flushes as both his brother and Alphys are now staring at him in complete silence. Wine asks if he's fine, he just nods eagerly, then runs out of the room, his kid still holding his tailbone firmly and refusing to let go. He's going to ask help to his S/O.
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carlyraejepsans · 3 months
You know how toriel recognizes Papyrus in the pacifist ending because of how often sans talks about him? In the neutral exiled queen ending where sans goes to live with her and papyrus has been killed, do you think she would put two and two together eventually? Sans would never tell her, but I think she'd realize why he doesn't tslk about his brother anymore :( also parallel between sans telling Papyrus everyone's on vacation and sans keeping it a secret from toriel that you killed Papyrus keeps me up at night.
i think sans' best bet in that scenario would be to lie by omission. he's told her a lot about his brother while they were door pals, so she must also know about his aspirations for the royal guard. if he plays his cards right he can sort of imply that papyrus got swept up in undyne's expansion of the Guard. maybe he pretends to leave to visit snowdin sometimes, or maybe he doesn't pretend (he just hangs out at the forest's perimeter by himself. i don't think he ever talks to anyone from the town again in this ending) in order to keep up the misunderstanding.
i don't know how long they'd last like that. not if toriel leaves for the librarby one day to give back some books and take out some others. not if she runs into undyne all the while.
after that?
...oh boy.
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livingbrother · 4 months
Fertility Goddess Form Redesigns
TW: Body horror, blood, wounds, pregnancy
I think it's no secret that I absolutely HATED how the FGs looked at the end of the comic, they just didn't look ethereal or like goddesses, like, at all. They just looked like they were voguing in trash ass dresses. So. I took matters into my own hands.
I made the FGs menacing. And voguing. If Rachel wanted them voguing, then my god I will deliver the actually voguing.
Persphone, Queen of the Underworld
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I wanted her to look like the Underworld somewhat corrupted her, her hair is made of vines, and I made sure not to give her those fuckin red eyes. She was based off the Bed of Chaos from Dark Souls 1. In this version, she's not an FG, she was simply corrupted by their power.
Mater Hera
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I'm gonna be completely real with you. I had no idea what the hell to do with Hera, but anywho, she was based off of Kos (Bloodborne), Mergo's Wet Nurse (Bloodborne), and Sylvian (Fear and Hunger). Hera's thing is that she's also the goddess of women and childbirth, so I gave her two sets of breasts, I would have given her more, but it would have ruined the look I was going for. I gave her the colors of a peacock because I needed a color scheme and the peacock fit her well. I wanted her to be menacing.
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I also had no idea what I was doing with Metis, she was another hard redesign to do. I made her look fishy because I have no idea what Rachel was smoking when she gave Metis wings and an "indigenous" look. I gave her a third eye because she's enlightened and wise. She was based on Micolash (Bloodborne), Nosramos (Funger), Valtiel (Funger), and Undyne (Undertale).
Rhea the Tormented
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Rhea came out exactly how I wanted. I wanted her to look like a tormented goddess, her husband is Kronos, after all. Since Rhea's a mother goddess and her domain is flow, flowing of milk, birth waters, and menstrual blood. I leaned into the blood part because objectively, blood is distressing to see all over someone or something, her skin is white to contrast the red, but it's also like milk. She's based on Lady Maria (Bloodborne), Blood Starved Beast (Bloodborne), and Dysmorphia (Funger).
Gaia, Blood of a God
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Fun fact, this is the first time I've ever drawn a pregnancy belly. I wanted to keep this piece calm and sad because she's showing you the horrors Ouranos caused her. She's an example of the horrors men can cause towards women's bodies. What others with vile intent can do. What a society that hates you can do. She's a victim who wants peace. She was based on Queen Yharnam from Bloodborne.
Thank you for reading and/or looking at my art! It is very appreciated! If you liked this, please do not hesitate to like or reblog, as those things help me grow and spread my art!
You'll get a cookie for guessing the Jojo poses each lady is pulling.
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renmarrr · 9 months
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Draft conc. Outerfell as I see it.
This au reminds of star wars, palettes are mostly black and white, additional colours are mostly cold. 
Time: 230X is present. Chara’s arrival was approximately 100 years ago. 
Monsters are trapped on asteroid belt, and they require seven human souls to power their technology that will trap those few planets and Earth. That will let them gain control over them and return home by conquering humanity. Other planets have tiny cities, but they won’t be able to help Earth and they must be took over later. 
Frisk crushes there accidentally on their way to new school’s campus, local invisible fields of asteroids messed up transport’s systems. Frisk needs to fix it to get back home (there is no point in heading to new school). 
They can befriend monsters and stay/depart home with message that monsters aren’t need to be sealed anymore (pacifist, the hardest route) (no future invasion). 
They can sneakingly fix the transport and flee (less hard but much shorter route) (future invasion will happen). 
They can approach monsters commonly, without befriending, try to fight back (Frisk can’t kill but can beat lesser monsters, they are forced to lose money and flee like in deltarune) and flee home with Flowey’s help (neutral, bring future invasion closer). 
Asgore is a fearsome king of the belt. Toriel rejected her role as a queen and lives in local Ruins, still checking her devices and waiting for previous children to message her. Gerson teaches kids how to fight. Undyne is a captain of the royal space guard. Papyrus is lieutenant but is almost like a second captain. Sans and Alphys are scientists. MTT is AI that controls tech like a central operating system. He does his job perfectly and obediently but can become upset and sad if you remind him of his dreams of becoming a star. In the end of pacifist route he gets the body he likes and he performs.
Chara purposefully arrived there. Asriel insisted on leaving them alive (so his parents wouldn’t kill the kid) and took care of them. They came up with a plan: Asriel must absorb the human soul to be able to break the seal. But that wasn’t enough. Parents warned him that he need more souls than one. He was determined and reckless to find more. In those times, the belt was secured, he took off and destroyed half of ships but was attacked and forced to give up and leave. He died and later by Alphys’s help became a star-like flower. 
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