#queen goodfey
mysticonsheadcanons · 4 months
Headcanon: Training Would Go A Lot Better, But Stopped, Now After Queen Goodfey is revived
We see in the first episode that Queen Goodfey is harsh on Arkayna, and Arkaya doesn't like training so hard. However, I think that the events of the series would change their attitudes towards training, but also stop it.
Queen Goodfey had a chance to see how Arkayna does take her role of Mysticon Drago Mage seriously, and realize that while she does have fun during training, she is willing to work hard. So, as long as Arkayna does what's required of the training exercise safely, she wouldn't care if she has fun with it, such as giving Izzie a griffin treat.
On the other hand, Arkayna learned the importance of the Mysticons, and what it truly means to protect the city. So, she would be more open to training, and while she would say when she finds things boring, would know that she's working towards something important. She also would see how Gawayne acted when the city is in danger, and be glad that she worked hard, instead of being jealous of Gawayne for not having to work as hard.
Despite all the positives that would happen with training, I don't think Queen Goodfey would handle training anymore, so this is a moot point. The skills for defending the realm would be under Mysticon training, which would be Malvaron's training. However, if Arkayna was struggling with a technique, and didn't want to go to Malvaron for some reason, Queen Goodfey would be willing to help.
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athyisms · 1 year
Why are all my faves associated with dragons in some way this can’t be healthy 😭 like Twilight, Bloom, Nyra and Dany, Raven, Arkayna, this has got to be some phenomenon
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memesticons · 5 years
Kidnapper: We have your child.
Queen Goodfey: Which one?
Kidnapper: The quiet one?
Queen Goodfey: Wrong. I have none of the sort.
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angel-blitz · 5 years
Some refs I found on google
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neopuff · 7 years
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Mysticons + Queen Goodfey
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beautymercurydragon · 5 years
Alrighty! For said ask game...... Chose between Arkayna Goodfey and Usagi Tsukino
KSJAKSKJSJKSAS THIS IS EVEN HARDER. They’re both great leaders, awesome friends, and I really can relate to both of them. But...
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Usagi for the win. (Don’t worry I still really, really, really love Arkayna, she’s right behind her on my fave characters list)
It’s almost impossible to not love her. She’s such a sweetheart, and while she may look all girly, fragile and delicate/feminine, she’s this badass warrior superhero who saves her town on a daily basis (with her four best friends of course lol). Not to mention, the fact she goes from an immature crybaby (sorry lol. I still love her to death tho) to a crime fighter and then a queen of the universe (still on s2. I’ve been spoiled and don’t mind however lmao) shows she has the literal best character arc to ever exist in magical girl anime. Lol. Not to mention, she’s just plain adorable and a lovable cinnamon roll. 11/10 would protect.
Thanks for the ask!
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lawfulcreative · 6 years
Top 5 family moments in Mysticons (Spoiler Alert)
It’s family day where I’m from, so I thought I would put my top 5 family moments.
5. Em’s dad telling Em that he’s proud of her. The happiness in Em’s eyes shows how much it means to her.
4. 3. Em’s mom allowing Em to be a mysticon. She knows that being a mysticon is important to her daughter.
3. Arkayna telling Zarya that she loves her in “The Dragon’s Rage”
2. Malvaron saying that he doesn’t hate Tazma in “Eternal Starshine of the Mage’s mind”.
1. Queen Goodfey reviving and reuniting with Arkayna and Zarya. It was a good payoff, as Arkayna was trying to revive her mom for most of the series, and Zarya finally got to meet her mom.
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A Few Thoughts on Fear the Spectral Hand
Such a good episode!  It’s been a while since we’ve had an episode that packed in so much in such a short time, and it was definitely welcome.
I can’t believe we finally saw Necrafa in her original form!  Piper’s reaction to finding out she had been an elf was perfect, btw. 
For a brief moment my greatfall-shipping heart fluttered when it looked like Gawayne and Proxima were finally having meeting (ignoring that they technically met while she was under the mask’s influence), but of course Gawayne has perfected the art of looking like he’s paying attention while not actually listening at all.  Twas not to be.  When Malvaron waved his hand, I thought for sure that they’d find out Gawayne had actually left behind a hologram and he wasn’t even there.
While I am always glad when Gawayne shows up, I wish he’d had something better to do in this one than just be an oblivious dancing fool.  He did at least get emotional over his dad again, and got to catch him at the end, so there’s that.
The biggest thing about this episode, of course, was the return of Dreadbane.  So sad that this is his last episode, since he had all the best lines, and him turning back to the good side was heartwarming.  And even with everything else that happened in this episode, we still got some sweet Dreadbane backstory before he had to go.  RIP General Reginald Bane, you will be missed.
And so the king and queen are finally deboned.  I’ll be honest with you, I really thought that they would be left bone at the end of the season, and be used as a sequel hook for the next.  But since we probably aren’t getting another season, I’m glad that their plot point was resolved.  And thus ends the reign of King Gawayne the Great.
I know that this probably won’t be addressed, but I would love to see Queen Goodfey’s reaction to hearing Nova Terron magically altered her memory and stole one of her newborn daughters. 
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mysticonsheadcanons · 6 months
Theory: If Queen Goodfey Wasn't Turned to Stone, Arkayna Wouldn't Befriend Zarya and Piper as Quickly.
I have a theory that, if Queen Goodfey wasn't turned into a statue, she would try to prevent Arkayna from befriending the Undercity girls. Note that, while I think Queen Goodfey trusts all the Mysticons now, this is solely what would happen if Queen Goodfey was never a statue.
While we don't know Queen Goodfey's view on the Undercity, we know that not much was done to help the kids who live there. To me, this suggests that Queen Goodfey may not think the undercity needs help, maybe deciding anyone who lives there made the choices that put them there. And even if Queen Goodfey didn't have any hard feelings about the Undercity, Zarya and Piper would still try to steal the Dragon Disk, making them untrustworthy.
I imagine Queen Goodfey would know about the Mysticons. Even if she didn't directly witness the girls becoming Mysticons, she may review security footage to strengthen security against Dreadbane. I think that she would accept that her daughter has to work with Zarya and Piper, but discourage anything that wasn't Mysticon-related.
I also think the four of them wouldn't live together if Queen Goodfey was never turned to stone. She would insist on Arkayna staying at the castle and would be more than happy to allow Em to stay, but would insist that Zarya and Piper live somewhere else. This would make them not live in the stronghold together, giving them less opportunity to bond.
If this did happen, I think that Em, then later Arkayna, would bond with Zarya and Piper, and they would eventually get the strong friendship we see in the show. Queen Goodfey initially wouldn't be happy with this, but later warm up to Zarya and Piper, allowing the friendship to bloom and eventually letting them live in the palace.
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mysticonsheadcanons · 2 years
Why Queen Goodfey Wasn't the Best Mom
When I made my character tier list for Mysticons, I didn't expect myself to rate Queen Goodfey as low as I did. It wasn't until I was thinking of her actions in the show, particularly how she treated Arkayna (though that's not the only reason), that made me decide that she may not have been the best mom or ruler.
The first reason is the fact that children were seen struggling in the undercity. It's hard for me to imagine that a good ruler wouldn't know what was happening down there, so I don't see how that could happen for as long as it did. I don't think that Queen Goodfey purposely didn't consider the kids in the undercity, but rather ignored the undercity, and wasn't aware of all the problems it had. So, due to the shape of the undercity, namely the fact that there are several kids struggling for food, I wish Queen Goodfey was a little more attentive.
The second reason is how Queen Goodfey handled training. Arkayna wasn't doing anything particularly wrong during training (she seemed to be doing quite well), but her mom didn't like it just because she was having fun with it instead of taking the training seriously. This is in stark contrast to Gawayne, who was glyphing while flying his griffin. And when Gawayne caused Arkayna to fall, Queen Goodfey acted as though Arkayna was at least partly responsible. And while I don't blame her for being annoyed at Arkayna for mimicking Queen Goodfey during her Mysticon speech (I found Arkayna doing that slightly rude) Queen Goodfey making Arkayna feel like she wouldn't protect the dragon disk based on that day's training, which involved Arkayna having fun while doing her exercises, being knocked off her griffin, and standing up for a friend.
The third reason was in the last episode, when she was so excited to have Zarya back that she forgot to give much attention to Arkayna. While I can understand most of it, I think that Queen Goodfey should have been more patient instead of scolding Arkayna once she saw how her daughter was acting. Also, when she apoligized to Arkayna at the end, she brought Zarya into the apology to by saying she loves both of them and hugging the two of them. While Arkayna seemed to accept the apology, it was still a time when something that should have been a one-on-one time included someone else. And as Arkayna saw Queen Goodfey turned to bone, she should have thought about how hard it must have been for Arkayna.
This isn't to say that Queen Goodfey doesn't have her good points, and wouldn't be a good mother figure. I can see this experience changing her, as she saw how Arkayna was ready to protect the Dragon Disk, despite her acting like the teenager she is. And my personal headcanon is that she allows the Mysticons to roam around the palace, and sometimes gives motherly advice to all of them. However, she is not the ideal motherly character.
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mysticonsheadcanons · 2 months
I think I got all of the parents, but it is possble I'm missing some. I will only be counting parents that were seen and had at least one voiced line. I didn't know if I should count Proxima, as she isn't really a mother to the Vexicons but played that role, but I'm adding her on the poll anyway (besides, the wikia but the vexicons as "daughters", so that counts for something).
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Can you do a Captain Kaos and Queen Goodfey episode?
Note: Sorry if this isn't exactly what you're looking for.
It's the middle of the night in the palace, and Queen Goodfey is alerted to an intruder in the palace. She sees Captain Kaos and asks who he is. Captain Kaos says that he's there for the princess, and a fight ensues. While they do chase Captain Kaos away, Queen Goodfey is shaken up knowing that one of her daughters were targeted, but doesn't know which one or why. She calls the Mysticons.
Queen Goodfey meets with the Mysticons and tells them everything that happens. When she describes Captain Kaos, Arkayna is about to say something, but Zarya inturrupts her, saying that she doesn't know him, but she will get to the bottom of it, and leaves. Queen Goodfey asks Arkayna if she knows what's going on, and Arkayna hesitates before Piper tells Arkayna that they should follow Zarya. Arkayna leaves with Em and Piper, and Queen Goodfey watches them.
As the Mysticons are flying around in search of Captain Kaos, Arkayna asks Zarya why she didn't tell them about Captain Kaos. Zarya says that she didn't want Queen Goodfey to know that she was a Sky Pirate, and doesn't want Queen Goodfey to worry about her. Em says that she knows Queen Goodfey clearly wants to help, but Zarya says that she doesn't need her mom looking out for her, and points out that Em didn't tell Citrine about being a Mysticon. Em, knowing how Zarya feels, tells her that she'll support Zarya's choice, and Piper agrees. Arkayna stays quiet.
Meanwhile, Queen Goodfey goes to the Astromancer Academy, hoping that Proxima would be able to tell her what's going on. When she gets there, she sees Captain Kaos fighting against the Astromancers. During the fight, Captain Kaos and Queen Goodfey are separated from the others, and Captain Kaos uses this opportunity to kidnap Queen Goodfey. As Captain Kaos gets Queen Goodfey on the ship, he says that he will get his revenge on Zarya. He also steals Queen Goodfey's phone.
While they are looking for Captain Kaos, Zarya gets a call from Queen Goodfey's number and answers it. It's Captain Kaos, who tells her to meet him at the Ruins alone, or else she'll never see her mom again. Zarya hangs up the phone, and is shaking as she tells the Mysticons what's going on. They decide to go, but plan a trap to ambush Captain Kaos, hoping to defeat him once and for all.
They reach the Ruins, and while Zarya goes off to meet with Captain Kaos, the other Mysticons hide around various areas, ready to ambush Captain Kaos. However, as they are waiting for Zarya, giant crabs come, and start fighting against the Mysticons.
Meanwhile, Zarya goes to the Ruins, and sees Queen Goodfey and Captain Kaos. Captain Kaos says that he is able to cause the Spectral Hand to come back, absorbing souls, and adds that Zarya has to choose between either her soul or Queen Goodfey's. Zarya fights to free Queen Goodfey, and during the fight, they end up close to the Ruins, and Captain Kaos summons the Spectral Hand. Zarya uses her arrow to make a rope to help them climb up the stairs away from the ruins, and while Queen Goodfey gets out, the arrow slips and Zarya is about to fall into the ruins. Queen Goodfey catches the rope, and helps her escape. However, Captain Kaos leaves.
Zarya and Queen Goodfey reunite with the other Mysticons, who apologizes for not being able to help as much. Zarya says that it's not their fault, and apologizes to Queen Goodfey for not being honest about Captain Kaos. Queen Goodfey says that, while she is disappointed in Zarya for lying to her about something so serious, she's glad that Zarya's OK, and promises that they will find Captain Kaos. They also realize this means that the Spectral Hand's back, and want to find out how.
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Mysticons Fan Episode: What Lies Beneath
Arkayna is excited to see some friends from a nearby kingdom, and mentions that the other royal family, which includes a set of twins and their parents, didn't come to Gemina for quite a while. She leads Zarya to where they are meeting them, and Zarya meets the twins, Victor and Vivian. Queen Goodfey suggests that Zarya and Arkayna show them the mall while the parents talk about royal business.
While shopping, Victor and Vivian are trying to get Zarya to buy dresses and skirts, saying that now that she knows that she's a princess, she can forget about her life in the undercity and focus on being a good princess. Zarya storms off and Arkayna is about to follow, but when Victor comments on how rude Zarya was when they were just trying to help, Arkayna decides to let Zarya calm down and she will talk to her later.
Zarya sees the other Mysticons in Magi-Mall, and Sharise is surprised to see Zarya alone. Zarya rants about how Arkayna's friends are so rude, and Arkayna doesn't seem to see it. Piper compares it to the time when Zarya trusted the Pink Skulls initially, despite her and Arkayna's distrust. While Zarya initially says that it's different, she decides that she will talk to Arkayna about it later. Just then, they seem Kymraw and her orcs running from a store, and decide to investigate.
They follow Kymraw to the mall's basement, and notices that it doesn't appear to be used often. There is a locked door near the back of the basement, and when the Mysticons break the door down, they see a lab with a bunch of weapons the Mysticons have never seen before. Kymraw comes, and taunts the Mysticons. She presses a button on a remote, and the floor the Mysticons are standing on becomes a glue trap. Kymraw says that a new weapon she's working on is almost ready, and when it is, she'll test it on the Mysticons. Em realizes that Kymraw forgot to make sure they didn't have their bangle phones with them, and calls Arkayna.
Meanwhile, at the food court, Arkayna leaves to get some napkins, and leaves her phone behind. She doesn't hear her phone ringing, but when she comes back, she sees Vivian quickly talking on Arkayna's phone before quickly hanging up. When Arkayna confronts Vivian, she claims it was just a telemarketer, but Arkayna is suspicious and looks, seeing it was Em. Arkayna calls Em back, and when she hears what's going on, leaves despite Vivian and Victor trying to convince her that she doesn't need to be friends with commoners such as Piper and Em, and no one would know if Arkayna claims to simply not have noticed the call. As she's leaving, Arkayna mutters to herself that she can't believe she chose Vivian and Victor over Zarya.
Arkayna gets to the room in the basement just as Kymraw is about the fire the weapon against the Mysticons. She holds Kymraw off as the Mysticons manage to struggle to get out. Kymraw is defeated, but they don't manage to stop the orcs from running out with some of the weapons, and Kymraw says that they will be getting paid after all. The Mysticons hurry to stop the orcs.
They eventually find the orcs at the outside of the mall, and a fight ensues. They learn that the orcs were selling them to Larine, the creator of Necrafa's mask, who claims that her soldiers needed an upgrade to work well in the current times, and hired Kymraw and the orcs to build her design so she's not caught. A fight ensues, and Larine escapes.
Queen Goodfey comes to the mall, along with Victor, Vivian, and their parents. Queen Goodfey asks Arkayna why she ditched them at the mall, and Zarya explains about Kymraw and the orcs. Arkayna adds how rude Victor and Vivian were. Victor and Vivian's parents are shocked, and forces them to apologize, saying that a good ruler cares about everyone, not only those who are seem to fit in.
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mysticonsheadcanons · 1 month
I was just watching Mysticons and I wondered, how different would the series have gone if the Astromancers all appeared together in the first episode? Like…what if they arrived before Dreadbane got to the palace? And before Zarya and Piper could leave with the dragon disk?
Well, with the extra help, Queen Goodfey and King Darius may not be turned to statue. This would impact how important the Astromancers are, as Arkayna wouldn’t see them as someone who would have her save their parents. This would also mean that they won’t betray the Astromancers and steal the Codex so they can free the king and queen before destroying it, so they may not be declared outlaws.
As for Piper and Zarya stealing the disk, they may not be able to steal the disk with everyone there, and wouldn’t be able to save Choko. Either Zarya or Piper would let it slip, and while the Astromancers and Royal family would think that protecting the dragon disk is more important, Em would be sympathetic to Zarya and Piper and want to help. Arkayna would reluctantly go, seeing how Em feels about it, and by working together to save Choko, the Mysticons will bond.
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mysticonsheadcanons · 2 months
Mysticons Fan Episode: The Visitors
Queen Goodfey and King Darius calls Arkayna and Zarya to the throne room. Queen Goodfey tells them that there is a noble couple from another kingdom coming for a visit, and asks them to be on their best behavior. Both of them promise to do so.
The next day, the couple, Duke Victor and Duchess Paulina come, and while Arkayna finds greeting them easy, Zarya is a bit aloof, unsure about them. When Paulina brings up how she heard of Gawayne's leadership skills, and wonders what would happen if there was another attack in the kingdom. Queen Goodfey changes the subject, but Zarya has a bad feeling about them. She pulls Arkayna to the side and tells her about it, and Arkayna agrees. They call the other Mysticons for help.
The Mysticons sneak into the guest room, where the Duke and Duchess are staying. Piper finds a list of kingdoms, each with weaknesses listed underneath. Em takes a picture of it, but then Victor and Paulina come, and tell Queen Goodfey that the princesses and her friends were snooping around their room. Arkayna tries to explain what they're doing, but Queen Goodfey refuses to listen, and scolds them for snooping, telling them to keep their distance so the Duke and Duchess can enjoy the rest of the visit in peace. While Arkayna wants to give up, Zarya insists that they continue, and Sharise brings up that it is weird to have a list of various kingdom's weaknesses. Arkayna reluctantly agrees.
As they don't know where Victor and Paulina went, and knowing that a large group would attract attention, they split up around the castle to do the spying. Piper is the one who sees Victor and Paulina, and hears them talking about the plan. She records them mentioning that the public will rather give them the throne then allow Gawayne to rule again if something happened to the parents again. She sends it to the others, and Arkayna and Zarya become worried about their parents and decide to check on them.
Arkayna and Zarya make their way to the throne room, and are horrified to find that their parents are turned to stone again. Victor and Paulina come, and reveal that this was their plan the whole time. He is about to turn Arkayna and Zarya to stone as well, but Paulina stops them. She brings up how their powers as Mysticons would be useful, and Victor sends them to the dungeon until either they agree to serve them, or they find out a way to absorb Zarya and Arkayna's brothers. A fight ensues, but they are in the dungeon.
In the dungeon, Arkayna and Zarya are talking about what to do, and are horrified about losing their parents again. Arkayna can't stop thinking about the first time her parents turned to statues, and Zarya wishes she spent more time with the family. The other Mysticons come and break them out. They tell them that Gawayne was about to take over, but Victor and Paulina is convincing the citizens to overthrow him so they can take over, doing a better job than the royal children.
They get to the throne room, and they see Victor and Paulina there, convincing the guards to support them instead of Gawayne, as they are better rulers than the Royal Family. A fight ensues, and Victor and Paulina are defeated. The guards, inspired by the Mysticons, arrest Ved and Paulina.
The Mysticons call Malvaron to the throne room, and they find a spell that will free the parents. Once freed, Queen Goodfey thanks them for saving them, and apoligizes for believing Victor and Paulina instead of them. She reveals that she wanted to believe that they were good, as she wanted good relationships with other kingdoms in order to ensure Drake City has support in case something happens. Arkayna understands, and Em suggests a trip to Coral Keep, as they would be a good royal family to trust, as they are kind and strong.
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