#queen bouncelia is NOT a good queen
eclipsewarrior101 · 2 months
Thinking more of my fantasy au for ban ban.
This au is super dark at times)
Bittergiggle is basically a mutant half naughty one half not. His snake hand can talk and is his voice of reason.
Bittergiggle basically steals from the bouncelia kingdom.
Bouncelia and toadster are sort of more evil in this idea. Bouncelia orders for files and pictures of bittergiggle to be destroyed after he escaped Syringeon.
Toadster is more brainwashed than evil. He follows his queen being emotionally manipulated.
Ban ban kingdom do not go to the other kingdom. They don’t like Bouncelia.
Dadadoo’s kingdom is filled with naughty ones who are both vicious and agressive. But they still have emotions. They are called the Dadakingdom. Dadadoo is a villain not born but created.
Stinger is just a seer. People go to him for advice.
Bittergiggle hides in the shadows. He wears a disguise to hide his naughty one side.
If you are infected by naughty blood you are a dadagoon
( I’m sorry for the stupid puns)
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missartisticdraws · 18 days
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Queen Bouncelia my beloved
She's so silly guys I swear isklgkld
I decided to redesign her too, she's also my new favorite character along side Bittergiggle ;w;
She's just the sweetest thing oh my fricking gosh
I needed to make her fluffier, give her them swirls and patterns
I even had to give her a fricking throne
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Guys, in case you don't know, I fricking love Queen Bouncelia, she's my absolute beloved ;w; I'm gonna make more content of her in the future
I love her, I just fricking love her
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mavgo · 9 months
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mavgoo · 9 months
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
For garten of banban do a fic of the reader actually tackling tying up and gagging bittergiggle up before he can tell any jokes. She tied him up with shoelaces and used a bandana around her neck to gag him
Omg wasn't expecting a GOBB request so soon, but yay!!
Also yes this is happening ya'll I'm getting invested in this silly game again.
"Your Majesty, tell me..what did the-?"
Before Bittergiggle could even react, you lunged and tackled him to the floor of the throne room, much to the shock of Sheriff Toadster and Queen Bouncelia. You were quick to yank off the bandana around your neck, putting it around his mouth as a makeshift gag.
He squirmed and thrashed through muffled yells, furious that you stopped him from telling his joke.
Yet somehow you were able to easily overpower him. He didn't expect any human to be this strong.
"Sheriff! I need your assistance!"
"Huh? Oh!" The toad snapped out of his stupor as you tossed several shoelaces you've gathered around the kindergarten in his direction, and he immediately knew what to do with them.
In the end, you two successfully tied up Bittergiggle in front of the still-bewildered kangaroo.
"What on earth...?"
"My apologies, your Majesty..but it's for his own good." Despite being out of breath, you stood up and smiled, patting the jester's smooth side of his head even as he kept struggling. "He was about to tell you the worst joke in existence. Figured I'd spare your gracious ears from hearing it."
"Oh? Well..I suppose you have my thanks, dear." She bowed her head in gratitude, before sitting back on her throne.
"Gotta say, I'm impressed.." Sheriff Toadster chuckled. "I haven't been able to round up this crook in ages...and yet this fine lady here did it in the blink an eye! I oughta give ya my thanks, too. You saved us all from certain doom."
"Yeah, well...I've been through enough crap already." You sighed. "And even after all this time...I'm still not any closer to finding my kid. I came here for answers and instead I got this dunce trying to kill me and keep me locked up!"
Nudging Bittergiggle with your foot, you watched as he fell onto his side, yelling dramatically despite the gag making his words unintelligible still.
All you did was scowl down at him. "Shut up. I didn't push you that hard."
"Your determination and grit is something I can admire," Queen Bouncelia remarked. "Although I am concerned for your safety, it's not my place to tell you to give up and go home. You didn't come this far to be told that."
"I appreciate your concern, my queen...but I know my kid best. They wouldn't just disappear in a place like this."
"Very well. Unfortunately, I do not have the answers you seek. I'm afraid they lie even-"
"Deeper in the facility?"
"I figured...guess the only way to go is down at this point." You then turned to Sheriff Toadster, putting your hands on your hips. "I'll help you lock the Jester up, but only if you take me to the next elevator. I'd feel much safer with you than Banban."
"As much as I appreciate that...you ain't one to order me around, missy." While physically impossible for him to frown, his eyes narrowed with a look of disdain. "Don't think you're let off the hook just yet. I'll lock you both right back up. Him for nearly killin' us all...and you for disrespectin' a-"
"You will do no such thing to her." Queen Bouncelia's voice boomed, causing him to tense and look back at her, suddenly trembling under her gaze. "They may not be connected by genome, but I see much of Opila Bird's fire in her eyes. The same instinct to protect her youth from harm. It is unwise to test a mother's love for her child."
"A-Ah...but of course, your Majesty. I shall not question the human any further." He bowed his head in obedience before turning back to you. "Alrighty. Let's go lock this bandit up only and I'll show ya to the elevator down. We may need to recruit an ally on our journey, but worry not...it shall not the that devilish fiend who claims to be your friend."
"Thank you." Nodding, you glanced at the queen with a heartfelt smile, relieved she still retained her kindness and empathy even after being abandoned.
For once there was a mascot who wasn't trying to kill or manipulate you.
So you and Sheriff Toaster eventually departed from the kingdom, dragging a kicking and screaming Bittergiggle behind you.
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glamnessaaumisc · 9 months
FNAF/Banban Shitpost
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Based on something @aarcade said when they were streaming Garten Banban IV in a Discord VC.
Update: They played Garten of Banban VI when it came out as well. I will hide a long-ass (and VERY cringe) text post regarding my opinions about the game (re: 95% about Bittergiggle) underneath a read-more link.
In my opinion, the game was pretty much what I expected from a Banban game. However, Bittergiggle is such an unexpectedly amazing and complex character coming from a game that only a four-year-old could enjoy. Not only does his voice actor stand above the rest of Banban's voice cast, but he has a really great motivation behind his actions, and you can understand why he does everything he does, both good and bad.
In Garten of Banban IV, Bittergiggle is established as a character whose raison d'etre is his comedy career. He was, quite literally, born to be funny. However, the world he was thrust into prohibits him from making any jokes whatsoever lest it literally be destroyed. This is so because Queen Bouncelia, the de-facto ruler of some LARP-kingdom underneath the kindergarten, holds the "Naughty Ones" at bay within her pouch and may accidentally let them loose, should she ever laugh. (Did I mention Banban's story is stupid af?) Thus, Bittergiggle is ostracized from the Kingdom by Sheriff Toadster, forced to take his comedy career even more underground than it already is. Due to this ostracization, he begins to question the notion that the Queen's laughter could lay waste to the Kingdom and even rebels against Toadster's self-assigned and often overreaching authority. (Note: Toadster is technically in the right by preventing Bittergiggle from getting to the Queen, but he also arrested most of the original cast of Garten of Banban for seemingly no reason at all. He's kind of like a Discord/Reddit moderator who flexes his authority by being a tyrannical prick.)
But eventually, Bittergiggle finally does it, the madman! He makes the Queen laugh...but that end-of-the-world conspiracy he denied so vehemently is proven to be true! The Naughty Ones escape and lay waste to the land he called home. When you next meet Bittergiggle in Garten of Banban VI, he apologizes profusely for his lack of foresight and pledges to help you out with fixing the problem he created. His life starts turning around. He gets together with some other characters - Banban, Nabnab, and Kittysaurus (I am losing brain cells) to name a few - and goes on a quest to find the Queen's scepter, which IIRC is a weapon that can combat the Naughty Ones or something like that. He even gets an audience to listen to his jokes! That's right, in one part of the game, Bittergiggle admits to you that he sometimes says his jokes aloud and the Naughty Ones laugh at them from the darkness. It makes him really happy, and he feels as if he is finally fulfilling his life's purpose. In fact, his newfound audience makes him so happy that at the end of the game when you're escaping the leader of the Naughty Ones, he stays behind because he wants to keep his audience and continue to fulfill his purpose.
The next (and last at the time of writing) time you see Bittergiggle is in the ending cutscene of Garten of Banban VI. The Naughty Ones' laughter was but a ruse, and when he embraced his "audience" they corrupted him and turned him into their thrall. Truly, Bittergiggle is the most tragic and well-written character in the content-farm-friendly clusterfuck that is Garten of Banban.
My IQ dropped into the single digits when I was writing this, and I hope yours does the same as you read my incoherent rambling about the worst mascot horror series.
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faceeeeee · 3 months
Yo bro I’ve been meaning to ask so Imma say it now before I regret it: I wanna know how u interpret the Queen Bouncelia, Toadster and Bitty’s friendship together before Bitty got kicked out bcs I’m also working on a big project involving them three and I wanna know other people’s perspectives on them (still tryna study communication, manga and the social world so hehehe thank you) :)))
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OK SOOO.... Until now I've been procrastinating on their relationship cause it's a whole mess and there's one factor that keeps me from developing it that I'll say later-
Soo to start, Bittergiggle and Bouncelia have this sort of mother-child relationship where she takes care of him (emotionally speaking) and treats him as if he were her child. Bittergiggle clings to her and feels most comfortable when he's around her. Then Toadster enters the picture- The queen greets him with warmth and kindness and the two form a friendship. Bittergiggle at first starts annoying him with jokes n what not because that's his initial reaction to meeting someone in general (mostly to try and drive them out). Then as time goes on he starts warming up to toadster and sees him as a good old friend instead of some random guy that just waltzes into his one and only home.
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This shit was a fucking acid trip, like most of the game.
Anyway, something that poked my brain was the Infirmary. For all this game's insanity, there were actually some decent roots planted for worldbuilding/ character development.
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It seems like the reason the cast ended up in Queen Bouncelia's domain is because they're treating the player as if they have 6 stars in GTA. Seline is no exception to this rule, and that seems to be her motivation for coming down to the lower floor, as she watched us leave in Chapter 3.
Toadster noted in his "Archives" that she was already hiding when brought in, and crying in her shell. She may have been antagonized by a bigger enemy- likely Kittysaurus or Tama/Chamataki (turtle chameleon thing), and she may have gone past the kingdom's walls for sanctuary. (That's just a loose theory, though.)
In any case, at some point she was frightened enough to shut down completely.
This could be some kind of anxiety attack, though there's no way to "diagnose" Seline at this point. Also interesting that Seline felt too afraid to even continue moving around on the lower floors. I think this is meant to speak to just how dangerous the lower floors are- if the giant ass snail is afraid, you should be, too.
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Next, Jumbo Josh. Toadster categorizes him as a "Green Gorilla", which in hindsight, weirdly makes a lot of sense.
Firstly, an adult silverback gorilla can bench up to 4,000 lbs (or at least, that's what google told me.) Not that we needed an explanation of why he was able to throw Stinger Flynn, but I can only assume that if we adjusted that number for his size...it probably checks out.
Second, the fact that he walks like a chiropractor's worst nightmare. It took me a second, but I FINALLY realized that his posture is meant to IMITATE A GORILLA. Like, look at this:
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And thirdly, Josh's love for vegetables is also a gorilla trait. 85% of a gorilla's diet is leafy greens, with the remaining percentage basically amounting to termites and larvae.
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Not too much to say about the Fucked Up Birds, but still! Nice to see them finally displaying a flamingo behavior (AKA their sleeping posture) because they seemed to lean more heavily on ostrich behaviors in previous chapters.
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Toadster mentions in his archive for "The Teacher" that she keeps repeating the phrase "I can't be late" over and over to herself after being subdued.
He also notes that the bowling pins "calmed her down," which may not entirely be the case. In Chapter 3, in Banbaleena's "Classroom", each object had an assigned role like Cool Kid and Popular Kid. The bowling pins were meant to be the Bullies.
So Banbaleena is likely stuck in a prison of her own self-doubts right about now, which is doubly sad when considering her insistence in Chapter 3 that she was actually trying to be a good teacher. Either someone placed this idea in her head that she needs to strictly adhere to all these rules, or it's a stress she placed upon herself trying to fulfill her identity as a teacher.
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Stinger Flynn gets better as the story progresses. He seems to have an ego to the point where he sees himself as a savior that can't see the faults in his own plans. His initial "safest procedures" plan seemed so obvious to him, but it seems as if he measures success by efficiency rather than the cost of human lives. While he's smart, he's not immune to being wrong, though he has yet to learn this.
He also seems to suffer from some form of depression, or at least intense sadness, and we see this as he talks to Banban in the latest hallucination sequence. Makes sense- his intelligence would make him much more privy to all the horrible things happening around him. It seems as if his high intelligence comes at a high price.
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Last note- This might just be a case of recycling animations/rigs, but I think it's cute that Banban shares nearly the same emo pose as Banbaleena.
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qiqinal · 8 months
Queen Bouncelia x Sheriff Toadster 3 pls 👉👈
I apologize in advance for making this very late but here it is finished!!
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I'm not good at drawing Syringeon 😭
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almightyhamslice · 27 days
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Syringeon redesign!! FINALLY the last of the main characters (until Banban 8 comes out n I have to redesign the new silly guy and possibly Brushista)!!! He is a disgusting and disturbing worm but he wishes people didnt think he was disgusting and scary because he thinks he'd be a good parent!! (he's... not really...) He was conceptualized as a nurse mascot named "Fuchsia" but was "remodeled" when the scientists considered that he had no appeal to children, so they stopped caring to make him presentable to the public & modified him based on what traits would be useful to them.
"Fuchsia" was created with the DNA of a human woman and a hammerhead worm, though his four arms are from neither component, simply sculpted onto him when he was an inert clay figure. He is transgender and despises being viewed as a woman and has pretty severe body dysphoria that was only worsened by the scientists' modifications-- he always knew "Fuchsia" wasn't who he wanted to be, but the scientists and marketing department didn't know or really care about that. Several walls do display Syringeon's new name and appearance, but upper floors' gift shops still sell merchandise of "nusre Fuchsia" listed next to Slow Seline and Queen Bouncelia.
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Comparison between Syringeon's original form and his new form. The scientists sought to make him a mechanized surgeon who could be expendable & care for the other mascots without fear of death, so he was made physically larger to effectively restrain the others. His original hands were all amputated to be replaced with various metal tools. He despairs over the loss because now he cannot use his hands to feel things. His mask is actually the same as it was pre-operation, he's not obligated to wear it anymore but he prefers to keep it on out of comfort.
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Syringeon has a very strange complex about parenthood. He wants to be a parent and understands how to create subcases, but prefers to create them self destructively. He grafts them from his own flesh, injecting clay and givanium into his body and waiting a while for the new creatures to burst out of his stomach, like larval xenomorphs almost. It hurts a lot and he does it compulsively, he has no regard for his physical safety or wellness due to how his so-called caretakers treated him as expendable. The scar going down his stomach is permanent, the wound has been reopened and torn so many times the only thing keeping it together is his stitches.
He is cruel to his offspring in a similar way to how the scientists were cruel to him. He discards them once they aren't "cute" and creates new ones in their place. He has only one child he consistently cares for and loves unconditionally: Senengeon.
That was a lot and it was much heavier than usual!!! I overthought the fuck out of Syringeon because I designed him during a bout of dysphoria n that shaped a lot of how he is!! I hope you like him and aren't completely offput?? I mean ofc it's horror art but, you know what I mean!
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sir-subpar · 1 year
Queen Bouncelia! Reimagined
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I actually don't mind most of what she does in the game, although I do wish all the characters were more animated visually. Especially since the voice actors have been putting a lot more energy into it lately especially with Bitter giggle (I'll get to him, don't worry I have some things to say about that one)
I like the fact that she's very kind and is one of the only characters who never tries to hurt you in the game. Of course that would be different for my reimagined version since I'm kind of going with a helping each of the characters / most of the characters one by one sort of theme. But I just wanted to sing my Praises for something that I appreciated
Below the cut
First off, love the purple. Perfect pun potential. Royal Purple? Perfect.
Her crown was kind of meh to me, I know I myself didn't do anything too crazy, I did want to do a different type of crown. As hers looks more like a tiara, and I preferred something more like an upper rank Royal Crown
On the top of this new Crown I put a small gym that looks like a broken heart, it seems like she's pretty lonely nowadays, so I kind of wanted to play with that
She misses interacting with people. Of course she appreciates the sheriff's company, but while he's good company, I'm sure she still misses talking to other people as well. She seems like somebody who used to be a social butterfly
I feel like the fact that she's not allowed to laugh should be very stressful. Just her not being allowed to laugh at all? Depressing. I'm sure she misses being able to laugh without having to worry. To be able to have some time where you could just chuckle at a few bad puns with no consequences
I feel like she would end up being a good friend with the player, especially seeing the line about the parent thing. She understands the player, on a level that most of the other characters can't. I feel like it would be a great bonding experience
Are the naughty ones in her pouch her children? Does she feel guilt or does she feel like she failed as a parent for them to end up this way? If I were making the Banban games, that would be a cool thing to explore
Possibly lost her arm to the naughty ones?
Note; I will be designing my version of her scepter soon, as I want to make it look nice and I haven't quite hit the mark yet.
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emo-gremlin · 1 year
Banban as vines because Unthman threatened my family if I didn't make these.
Feat. Choo Choo Charles
Stinger Flynn: I don't need friends they disappoint me
Banbalena: Captain what's on your face?
*camera pans to Captain Fiddles with a period pad stuck to his face*
Captain: a sticker
Banbalena: a sticker huh?
Captain: uh huh
Unthman: release all of those sounds that are trapped in your mind
Banban: *unholy screams of agony*
Banbalena: on all levels except physical, I am a human
Banbalena: taxes
Jester: hi welcome to chili's
Opila: o.0
Sheriff Toadster: what makes the perfect man?
Slow Selene: you're asking the wrong snail I'm gay
Sheriff Toadster: *regret*
Banban: whatcha doing up there Unthman?
Unthman: I lost my Frisbee
Banban: you doing more Givanium experiments up there?
Unthman: .... yeah
Parent: hey how yall-
Nabnab: *starts growling*
Banban: it don't bite
Parent: YES IT DO GET-
Banban: Smack cam!
Jester: you have a beautiful smile
Bouncelia: thanks. You're not that handsome
Jester: wow
Parent: *falls from another elevator* hey Banban
Banban: hey
Parent: that hurt
Banbalena: what yall get for number 12?
Josh: I got 18
Captain: I got 9.5?
Jester: I got Abraham Lincoln, for some reason I don't-
Stinger Flynn: there's only one thing worse than a rapist
*reveals the word 'child'*
Banbalena: *gasp* a child
Banban: NO-
Banban: *hits parent upside the head*
Parent: Daddy?
Banban: toss me my keycards
Jumbo Josh: *throws printer*
Banban: I said my keycards???
Jumbo Josh: I thought you said printer!
Banban: why the fuck would I say printer?
Stinger Flynn: so we're at this store that only sells Christmas stuff and it's August
Banban: *singing as loud as he can* WHITE PEOPLE~
Jester: So I'm sitting there, BBQ sauce on my titties
Queen Bouncelia: *Falls the floor laughing and causes the end of the world*
Parent: Sheriff this is a crime scene
Sheriff Toadster: *pulling out an ice cream from the freezer* WHAT IS THIS THE MURDER WEAPON?! GET OFF MY DICK
Sheriff Toadster: yep
Sheriff Toadster: this is a bucket
Banban: *playing guitar*
Stinger Flynn: hey, how ya doing well I'm doing just fine
Stinger Flynn: I lied I'm dying inside
Sheriff Toadster: *while throwing toadstar at Jester* BEGONE THOT!
Sheriff Toadster: I wanna be a cowboy baby
Banban: hell yeah
Sheriff Toadster: I wanna be a cowboy baby
Stinger Flynn: thanks for watching our dog
Banban: no problem where is he
Choo Choo Charles: bark bark bitch
Banban: that's a whole train right there
Banban: This bitch empty YEET *proceeds to chuck Nabnab at the wall*
*Banban and Stinger Flynn are fighting in the background*
Parent: Can I get my kid back? Can I 0lease get my kid back?
Sheriff Toadster: STOP RIGHTTHERE! You're going to jail!
Nabnab: what, why?
Sheriff Toadster: for breaking the laws of physics
*cue camera showing Nabnab on the ceiling*
Nabnab: >:)
Banbalena: I'm eating a cake right now, and it's great! I'm about to go kill people
Nabnab: I have no soul *hands Stinger Flynn a balloon* have a nice day!
Stinger Flynn: I don't have one either
Stinger Flynn: let me ask you a very fair question
Stinger Flynn: what do you do successfully?
Jester: ...
Stinger Flynn: Quickly
Stinger Flynn: *talking to Jumbo Josh* let's tell each other a secret about ourselves, I'll go first
Stinger Flynn: I hate you
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maddymoreau · 1 year
Me: Can we think about something other then Garten of Banban?
My Brain: Banban mentions in Chapter 2 that only the best of the scientists performed Givanium-related procedures. Bittergiggle created many experiments while trying to create the Ultimate Jokester. So does that mean if Bittergiggle has a human genome donor they were a scientist?
Are all the human genome donors from the scientists?
If that’s the case then is that the reason a huge emphasis was put on later experiments like Queen Bouncelia and Sheriff Toadster to have a role/new identity? To ensure breakdowns like the one Banban had never happen again.
Did they attempt to do this to Banbaleena (with less success) to get her to cooperate? She’s less in tune with her teacher role then the other characters. Even commenting as the player escapes in chapter two, “NO! Not again! I actually tried to be a good teacher this time!” Despite trying she didn’t fit the role of teacher very well.
Banbaleena has a poster in her room called The Cycle of Kindness: Showing that Kindness leads to a cycle of Betrayal -> Sadness -> Evil -> Betryal. Banbaleena never met her human genome donor. So if she believes she’s the actual Dr. Weverly Mason then does Banbaleena blame Uthman Adam for her current state? It’s only after meeting Banban her behavior changes and in the secret tape we see her destroy the cake with the two of them as the topper.
In Case Report #1 Update #41 it says “This reveals the critical necessity of ensuring that each case recieves its genomes from no more than 3 sources/donors, lest we are left with cases that are permanently animalistic and wild.” Is Bittergiggle’s odd split design because he has two human genome donors (Givanium + human + human)? Or because he’s made from a combination of inorganic material (like Jumbo Josh) and organic material (Givanium + human + inorganic material)?
Why do some experiments have stitch marks??
Slow Seline was promised something painless what exactly was she promised?!
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imoonblaze · 1 year
[Garten of Banban OC] Dreamy
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🌙Dreamy belong to @imoonblaze
Here is my OC of Garten of Banban! 😊
🌙Name: Dreamy 🌌Pronouns: She/her 🌙Species: fluffy monster/faun 🌌Specialty: He is responsible for teaching children the importance of taking their nap time.
🌙Mural phrase: "If you want to stay with good energy, always take your bedtime! just like Dreamy does!"
-Dreamy is the one in charge of taking the children to their bedtime after playtime and learning time have passed.
-In addition to making sure the kindergarten children go to sleep, she also takes care of them and prioritizes their well-being.
-She usually sings lullabies or tells stories so that children can sleep peacefully.
-After the incident occurred and the children disappeared, Dreamy had been in the kingdom some time ago, at that time she would have already met Queen Bouncelia, Sheriff Toadster and Bittergiggles…being friends with the latter, or at least so it was before he was expelled from the kingdom.
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light-trio-pokemon · 11 months
"Uthman... Uthman. BANBAN!!!"
Banban startled wake up from his unconsciousness with rapid breathing. He looked around to find himself alone at the hall place. Banban also realized that he was covered bleeding green blood and was not wearing both party hats which caused him to remember what had happened.
He tried to get up but felt deep pain in his body made him coughing givanium as a result of Jumbo Josh's punch. Slowly he finally able to stand up and start to walk slowly all the way to the down floor.
(inspired from this art, click the link to see the artist, the meaning of the Japanese word below: "It wasn't supposed to be this way..."
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In a long time, he finally reached the kingdom and met the queen Bouncelia.
"Glad to see you, queen..."
"My goodness, you're Ban- I mean Uthman, right? What happened to you that you're covered in blood like this?"
"It's nothing... Just a small wound..."
"No, that's more than small wound! You need to be treated at the infirmary so that you can get well soon. You can sit there any longer."
"Thank you your majesty..."
"As a sign of honor, I announce you to become one of my kingdom citizens out of 5!"
Banban realized something. Five citizens? Then he asked the queen a question.
"Did someone new come to your kingdom today?"
"Yes the parent came here to find his children but the problem with the elevator needs to be fixed so now he and Sheriff are going to look for elevator parts."
"Oh.. if he comes back here can you tell him to come see me? I know him and I want to talk to him."
"Okay, I'll tell him when he comes back. Now you can go rest first"
"Thank you..." Banban continued towards the infirmary to treat his wounds. He wiped his blood and treated wound carefully then he lay on the patient's bed. He been thought about how to talk to the player soon with feeling guilty after what he had done to the player while holding his sharp horn. Will he be trusted by the player? Thinking about this caused him to wake up from his laying and sit down because he's feeling uneasy.
After some time, he heard the door open from behind causing him to shiver a little because he knew who opened the door. It was the player who came to meet him. Banban talked first: (from dialogue "When the queen mentioned.." to "I want to help you to find elevator parts..." like that??) then he added slowly said while holding his horn and more bowed to not show his regretting and guilt face.
"So... I'm so sorry for what I've done to you before... You don't have to forgive me... I understand it..."
Both of them were silent for a moment. But suddenly Banban felt his horn covered with the party hats. The player found the hats during the journey and gave them to Banban because the player saw that he was trying to hide his horn. Banban was shocked by the player's action. Then he said hesitantly.
"I.. I just need to rest for a bit and I will see you at whatever station is. You can go anywhere first."
Then the player left the infirmary leaving Banban alone. Banban was silent again but this time he felt tears running down his cheeks. He feels more and more guilty but grateful because the player seems to trust him even though he almost wants to kill the player. With full determination, he will help the player to get their children back.
Here we go, this is my idea to what happened to Banban after the fight. Thanks to the art, the idea seems to be looking good. About the party hats, I thought it supposed to be gone when Banban turn into devil so he will need another new party hats. Hope you guys enjoy this little angst of Banban 😉✌️
Prequel ______ Fan ending
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iamcringebutiamsofree · 8 months
banban dating sim pt 2
game mechanics and the most important part: who's datable
the game would be a visual novel, with minigames and multiple endings for each character. each, in game, day the player would get presented with three options on who's room they go to fix twice a day, so the player get to visit 2 characters each day. when choosing, the options will say their case number if the player hasn't met the character yet and the player can also choose to visit character who don't have routes.
The pause menu will display the players relationships with each of them, the non-datables having a rating of 0-5 and the datables having percentage rating, starting at 0%. the non-datables is raised by just visiting them, but the datables depends on your dialogue choices when talking to them.
the minigames are representations of the protagonist doing their job, with each of them showing mechanical imagery. the player gets a rating on each minigame, the lowest rating that's still a success being a C and the highest being an S, the rating would matter for getting some of the endings.
There would be three types of endings for each character:
The normal ending: the easiest ending for each of them, all of these are designed so that, if they were to happen, they wouldn't effect how the story of the actual games would go.
The extended ending: an alternate, slightly longer, version of the normal ending, generally a happier ending than the normal one. requires going down the normal route, just with a few addition things that need to be done
The secret ending: the hardest to achieve for each of them, a unique ending from the other 2.
There would also be two additional endings: a bad ending when you fail to romance anyone and a special, secret ending involving Zolphius.
now, not all of them would be happy endings, but they will all have at least one that is fairly good.
Now, the most important part: who would be datable?
Most of the talking characters are datable, none of the protagonist's human co-workers are datable. The following list would be all of the datable characters:
Stinger Flynn
Slow Seline
Sheriff Toadster
Queen Bouncelia
Sir Dadadoo
Syringeon (I know, we technically don't know if he can talk, but i'm assuming he can)
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