#queen angela has spoken
Top 10 favourite portrayals in Austen adaptations?
10. Peter Gale as John Dashwood in Sense and Sensibility 1981
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John Dashwood is most often portrayed as a weak, stupid fool designed to get on everyone's nerves, which tends to shift all the blame that belongs to his character upon Fanny. It is not so with this version of the character. It is obvious that he is rather stupid, but he's also greedy, selfish and callous himself, and an all around superficial person you can laugh at and be infuriated by.
9. Joseph Mawle as captain Harville in Persuasion 2007
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Another example of a minor character done well, specially meritorious in this case because this adaptation is a tv movie. It is usually a problem that Wentworth's friends come across as a bit of a blur, but in this case, between writing and acting, Harville comes across as intelligent, loyal, amiable, etc, an all around gentleman whose friendship does credit to Wentworth's character.
8. Guy Henry as John Knightley in Emma (ITV) 1996
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And another one! There's several "minor character in movie adaptation" in this list, because it is really hard to make a minor character feel "alive" or nuanced when said character is given very little screen time. Guy Henry steals the scene every time he appears in this adaptation. His delivery of the famous Christmas speech is impeccable. He also comes across as a loving father and husband too.
7. Angela Pleasence as Lady Bertram in Mansfield Park 1983
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Jemma Redgrave (Lady Bertram in Mansfield Park 2007) is, in my opinion, a mesmerizing actress, one of those beings that are both beautiful and have a very strong scenic presence. I love her version of Lady Bertram, but Angela Pleasence is something else in the role, and somehow specially because her vibe is the strong opposite of JR. Always sweet, delicate, and soft spoken in her roles, her Lady Bertram is hysterical; I don't think there's a scene where she gets a speaking line where I don't laugh, and laughter is so very welcome in a story that can be as heavy and as painful as Mansfield Park. She provides a characterization that fits Austen's (pliable, lazy, dim, perpetually distracted) without making her insufferable.
6. Kate Beckinsale as Emma Woodhouse in Emma (ITV) 1996
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Kate Beckinsale has always had queen bee energy, but her youth in this movie softens it enough that we can see how Emma is ultimately a young woman who means well, and means to be just. I don't read Emma as having the finishing school affectations of a Caroline Bingley (something that in my opinion happens in 2020 and to some degree in the Miramax movie); she was raised at home by an indulgent governess and rarely if ever meets other ladies of her rank. But I also do see where people are coming from when they criticize 2009 Emma for being too modern and her way of carrying herself as one that would have been considered vulgar in the regency era, and I think this Emma strikes a happy compromise. Emma has good manners and a sense of rank, but she's also decidedly provincial.
5. Hayley Atwell as Mary Crawford in Mansfield Park 2007
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Love, hate or be baffled by this adaptation of Mansfield Park, most people seem to agree that this casting choice was great, and there's reason to it. Atwell is a very talented actress, and despite the script not helping, she brings out both the best and the worst of Mary out, avoiding both the femme fatale and the pure victim we don't talk about the expose my ankle scene
4. Olivia Williams as Jane Fairfax in Emma (ITV) 1996
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I feel like Jane Fairfax also suffers from a problem similar to Emma in adaptations. She's made to have these very suspicious vibes and heavy-looking aspect (against the trendy more Heroin Chic look of Palthrow) in the Miramax movie, she's a mousy creature in 2009, and a sort of severe schoolmistress in disguise in 2020 (I'm exaggerating for effect, but for a character that is traced with few, delicate strokes in the novel, she surely gets a lot of rather sharp depictions). Olivia Williams gives a Jane that is very accomplished, but also elegant, understated and reserved. She's someone we can look at with Emma and see as a glaring spotlight on our shortcomings rather than an interloping rival.
3. JJ Feild as Henry Tilney in Northanger Abbey 2007
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I feel a bit silly, because rivers of electronic ink have been poured over this beloved interpretation of one of the favorite Austen heroes, so what can I say about this one that hasn't been said before? Most of the choices in this list are unusual, and while I picked them because I think they are spotlight worthy and truly are favorites at the moment, I won't deny there is an element of... isn't it boring to repeat to each other ad nauseam what has been said over and over and over again and almost everyone is already familiar with? So I'll let you all fill in the blanks here.
2. Robert Swann as Colonel Brandon in Sense and Sensibility 1981
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This one is very high on the list because Sense and Sensibility is very dear to me, faultless despite all its faults, I obsess over it, and colonel Brandon is a very dear favorite of mine. So I am very picky about it all, and have grown dissatisfied with the 95 adaptation (I was never particularly keen on 2008) despite acknowledging its many merits as a movie and a period piece. One of the most interesting things about this novel to me, is the treatment of strength and power in its male characters -it's not a central theme, but it is certainly there. John Dashwood and John Willoughby are men who have power, and the power society and money give them, they use to vulnerate the women under their care or influence; and they are morally speaking, extremely weak men. By contrast, both Brandon and Edward are men rendered more or less "powerless" in the circumstances presented in the novel, in appearance "emasculated"; they are soft, unimposing, they don't demand attention or space, but underneath all that lays great moral strength, and it's said moral strength to do what is right and helpful that makes them dependable and even admirable.
That's why it is very important to me for Brandon to keep these traits -that softness, melancholy, humility, unobtrusiveness- besides his moments of high dramatic emotion that showcase his affinity to Marianne, and Robert Swann is the closest to this that we have ever gotten (I cannot call it perfect, but it is so very close), where other adaptations, to different degrees, try to "butch up" his character.
Elizabeth Garvie as Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice 1980
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We have had our good Lizzys and our bad Lizzys and it gets on my nerves every time someone says "[actor] is [character]!" even and maybe specially when I say so myself, but, boy, has it happened very few times in my life that I have seen a performance and been struck by its likeness to the experience of reading the source material, and this is one of those. She's witty and she's lively but she's also young and vulnerable at times. She makes mistakes, she rationalizes, she reflects and changes and grows. She is what Caroline Bingley would call small and brown and not a beauty, but we see with Darcy the charm of her expressive eyes. I'd say if there wasn't any other reason to watch Pride and Prejudice 1980, Elizabeth Garvie's Lizzy would be reason enough and some.
Some honorable mentions:
Felicity Jones as Catherine Morland in Northanger Abbey 2007 and Hattie Morahan as Elinor Dashwood in Sense and Sensibility 2008
I struggled a lot back and forth with the first. It is a really, really good portrayal of Cathy's ingenuity and honesty and JJ Feild's Henry wouldn't have been as good without her to play off of, but I also sincerely couldn't find a spot in between the others for her anywhere either at the top or the bottom of the list. So she remains in limbo without fault of her own, and I apologize to her for this failure.
Now, the second... there's this story Emma Thompson tells in her diary of the making of the 1995 Sense and Sensibility where she talks about sitting on at casting auditions for Elinor, and, unlike other roles, there being many candidates who gave great auditions, and her commenting "this is a country of Elinors". EDIT: it's been called to my attention in replies that it was Ang Lee calling Britain a country of Fannys, as it was Fanny's casting process. I do feel the dictum also applies to Elinors, on othe opposite end of the spectrum. That's probably the main thing keeping Hattie Morahan off the list. She's my favorite Elinor, but I don't think we ever had anything closely resembling a bad Elinor. 81 wasn't directed well, and Emma Thompson was indeed too old for the part, but characterization wise, they were good. Joanna David was really good in 71. And I felt on making this list that the "standing out significantly" was a key aspect. but she was, indeed, a really great Elinor.
Dan Jeanotte as Edward Ferrars in Sense and Sensibility 2024/Bosco Hogan as Edward Ferrars in Sense and Sensibility 1981
These interpretations of Edward are dear to me, and linked by being sort of opposites that complement book!Edward. Bosco Hogan is an unfiltered portrayal of Edward's diffidence, depression, and lack of personal charm even if his manners are polite. Jeanotte's captures an undercurrent of sass and glimpses of the character's deeper feelings and active negative emotions. Each on its own is incomplete, and yet show something essential to the character that is dissimulated or erased in 95 and 08; I wish I could mush them together somehow and have an Edward portrayal I could wholeheartedly love (From Prada to Nada's Edward gets relatively close, but then that is a rather loose adaptation).
Ask me my top5/top10 anything!
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possibly-god · 8 months
Camp Counselor Angel
My pitch for bringing Sleepaway Camp (1983) into Camp Counselor Jason - full credit to @junkmix/@junkmixart for the universe
(Because CCJ is comfort media for me, and considering how much Sleepaway Camp is derivative of Friday the 13th, it felt natural to bring them together)
Background: Rather than being written off, Officer Frank presses to have creepy camp cook Artie's "accident" properly investigated. The revelations of said investigation lead to the shutdown of Camp Arawak, and the removal of "Angela" Baker from Martha Thomas' custody, being returned to their father's partner Lenny. Five years and much soul-searching later, 18-year-old Angel Baker (he/she/they/any) and his cousin Ricky seek to confront some trauma and apply as counselors at Camp Crystal Lake.
Angel: Angel acts as an activities leader (she's a crack shot on the archery range and leads a damn good sing-along, though he still tends to avoid water activities due to trauma and dysphoria), soft-spoken, witty, and disciplined while providing a listening ear and outspoken voice for ostracized campers. The kids don't always understand their identity situation at first (Angel's not always sure he understands it herself), but generally come around as kids do to new ideas ("Are you a boy or a girl?" "I'm whatever I want to be."). While exploring said identity, he discovered the many gender-bending musical artists of the times (Bowie, Prince, Queen, etc.) and developed a love of music. They still carry a bit of a torch for Paul, staying in touch after their short stay together at Arawak, but lacks confidence that those feelings could ever be reciprocated. Pamela is a steadfast supporter and good influence for Angel, vocally condemning his prior abuse and encouraging their self-expression and -advocacy. Angel has a bit of a competitive streak (feeling in some way she needs to "prove herself"), and has a friendly rivalry with Jason as he seeks to challenge his "Counselor of the Week" streak. No matter how fierce the competition gets, though, Jason is always there to help pull Angel back out when she starts going back in her shell.
Ricky: Ricky manages one of the boys' cabins, leading them in baseball games and prank raids while making sure the fun never goes too far at someone's expense. He's distanced himself from his mother since learning of her abuse of Angel, moving in with them and Lenny the year prior, and is a little confused but has the spirit supporting his cousin's identity (he's definitely the type to pull a "his pronouns are they/them!"). He still has a fair but to unlearn about masculinity, but just being around Jason (sweet beefcake that he is) is causing some notable improvement. He's also still foul-mouthed ("Watch your goddamn language, you little shits!"), and still unlucky in love, flirting with Carrie and Laurie to no avail. He's also maintained his friendship with Paul, and tacitly encourages his and Angel's budding whatever-it-is.
Stuff that could happen:
Angel making "the face" into a flashlight while telling ghost stories
Artie and Mel seeking revenge for their injuries and the closure of Arawak (possibly a guest appearance from Meg realizing what a bullet she dodged in this timeline)
Aunt Martha applying to Camp Crystal Lake as a nurse, trying to worm her way back into "her babies'" lives
Judy redemption arc
(Am I being massively optimistic about queer acceptance in the 80s? Absolutely, but isn't optimism kind of the point of this whole affair?)
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ausetkmt · 1 year
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King Charles ‘strikes deal’ with Angela Kelly
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Britain's Queen Elizabeth II sits next to Vogue Editor-in-Chief Anna Wintour and Caroline Rush, Chief Executive of the British Fashion Council, and royal dressmaker Angela Kelly as they view Richard Quinn's runway show before presenting him with the inaugural Queen Elizabeth II Award for British Design as she visits London Fashion Week, in London, Britain February 20, 2018.
REUTERS/Yui Mok/Pool
A source told the Mail that the agreement was eseentially a “gagging order,” preventing Kelly from using the words “king” and “palace” for commercial purposes.
Kelly was expected to write a third book about her royal role, but the Mail says the agreement may imping on, if not outright, torpedo that. Charles, the paper says, wanted to both honor his late mother’s wishes by providing Kelly with a home, while stopping the leak of any more royal dish.
Angela Kelly 'is made to sign gagging order': Late Queen's dresser and confidante is banned from sharing Royal secrets by King Charles in exchange for a new grace-and-favour home in the North, sources say - after she was forced out of the Windsor estate
It is understood that a Palace aide has presented Angela Kelly with an NDA
This would make it difficult to share Royal secrets for future earnings
Ms Kelly has already published two books about her previous Royal role
Published: 12:35 EDT, 20 May 2023 | Updated: 19:00 EDT, 20 May 2023
The King has struck a deal with the late Queen's dresser banning her from sharing Royal secrets in exchange for a new life in the North.
Angela Kelly, one of the late Queen's closest confidantes, has been allowed to choose a new grace-and-favour home after being forced to move out of the Windsor estate.
But The Mail on Sunday understands that a senior Palace aide acting for the King presented Ms Kelly with a new NDA – non disclosure agreement – to sign as part of the deal.
A well-placed source dubbed the agreement a 'gagging order' that would make future earnings based on public revelations about the Royal family difficult. Under the terms of the agreement, Ms Kelly is prevented from using the words 'King' and 'Palace' for commercial purposes.
With the Queen's blessing, Ms Kelly, has already published two books about her Royal role. It is understood she also had the Queen's permission to write a third but the new agreement is certain to impinge on that – if not scupper it.
Ms Kelly, 65, helps move her belongings to a removal van in Windsor England
It is understood that the King felt that an updated version of Ms Kelly's second book, The Other Side Of The Coin: The Queen, The Dresser And The Wardrobe strayed 'too far' into revealing intimate details about the Royal Family.  
In the reprint, published last year, Ms Kelly described the Queen's behaviour after Prince Philip's funeral, revealing: 'I helped her off with her coat and hat and no words were spoken. The Queen then walked to her sitting room, closed the door behind her, and she was alone with her own thoughts.'
Now the King is understood to have made a move to honour his late mother's wishes by providing a home for Ms Kelly while simultaneously protecting her legacy by banning the release of further details. The Mail on Sunday first revealed in April that Ms Kelly, 65, had been gifted a house for life by the King after being forced to move out of the Windsor estate following the Queen's death.
Last week, Ms Kelly was pictured moving her belongings out of her Grade II-listed grace-and-favour cottage in Berkshire. 
The Liverpool-born dresser, who was awarded the Royal Victoria Order in 2012, told friends on Instagram that she was moving north, saying: 'Getting ready to say goodbye. I am moving at last to my new home, which I will be able to call My Home at last.'
'I'm moving to the Peak District just further on than Sheffield so not too far away from the family... Looking forward to my New Adventures.'
We can now reveal that the deal was orchestrated by the Palace in accordance with the King's wishes that the family would not be hit by any embarrassing revelations.
While Ms Kelly was a firm favourite of the late Queen, she was not loved by all courtiers. Palace staff nicknamed her AK47 – after her initials and the assault rifle – on account of her relentless work ethic combined with a notorious temper.
The King has struck a deal with the late Queen's dresser banning her from sharing Royal secrets in exchange for a home
Ms Kelly received the Royal Victoria Order Investitures at Buckingham Palace, in 2012
When the Queen died last September, she was made redundant from her role as Camilla was used to working with Jacqui Meakin, the Queen Mother's former dresser.
 Without the patronage of the Queen, Ms Kelly was told that she must leave her Windsor home and friends feared she would become another victim of the King's 'property merry-go-round'. Some even accused him of being 'ruthless with all the wrong people'.
Ms Kelly seemed to stoke the notion that she was not universally popular. On Instagram last week, Ms Kelly posted: 'I am too old to worry about who likes me and who dislikes me!' She famously fell out with Prince Harry by allegedly making it difficult for Meghan to choose one of the Royal tiaras to wear on her wedding day.
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tinseltine · 2 years
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#3 – BLACK PANTHER: WAKANDA FOREVER | Disney/Marvel | Writer/Director Ryan Coogler |Co-writer Joe Robert Cole - This definitely is the most thoughtful and intentionally aware film of the MCU. Its writer/director Ryan Coogler had his hands full – first he had to allow for audiences as well as cast /crew and Marvel family, proper time to mourn the passing of Chadwick Boseman and his portrayal of Black Panther, both in life and within the film – centering grief, without letting it take over. 
He also had to take a vintage comicbook character, Namour (Sub-Mariner) (Tenoch Huerta) and his underworld domain, a form of Atlantis, and make it his own, give it cultural depth. In fact, the film is rich with a mix of cultures as there are 7 Languages spoken throughout the movie.  Then everyone said the women of “Black Panther” ruled the original movie; we were all so impressed with Shuri, (Letitia Wright) the Queen Mother Ramanda (Angela Bassett) Nakia, the spy (Lupita Nyong’o) The Dora Milaje, particularly General Okoye (Danai Gurira) but what happens when you actually have to base a movie around the female characters, does it hold up? 
On top of all this, by naming the film Wakanda Forever, he had to make us remember how much we all were transported and transfixed with this amazing, self-sufficient, technologically advanced land, and bring back that sense of pride.   Of course these concerns are in addition to the regular stuff – CGI, fight sequences, MCU cannon etc.. etc.. etc..  All I can say is Kudos to Coogler and his entire team. The looks, new character introductions, character motivations and trajectories, it’s all just damned impressive!  There’s a slight lull as we head into the 3rd act, but that’s so minor considering everything we get!
The overall premise goes back to the importance of vibranium as a perfect power source. Every country on earth wants to get their hands on it, but Wakanda takes their protection of vibranium seriously and does not negotiate.  You can see it especially galls the other leaders that a country of black people would be the ones to control this rich resource.  They try to take it by force, but when this fails they find a scientist (Riri Williams/Ironheart Dominique Thorne) who’s created a machine that can detect vibranium elsewhere, that elsewhere turns out to be deep in the ocean. This gets the attention of Namor who presents Queen Ramanda and Shuri with a proposition.What I love is when I’m sent the Production Notes for a movie.  Cause it’s always full of stuff I like to research anyway.  Here’s some quick tidbits:Namor is among Marvel’s oldest characters, (Marvel Comics #1 in 1939) acting both as hero and villain in the years to follow. In this story, he represents Talokan, a hidden underwater civilization (based on Aztec traditions) The fictional world reflects how a real community might have changed and evolved over time, forced underwater and separated from the rest of their people and culture.
The world of Talokan took nearly two years to develop. “We started at the very beginning,” says the production designer. “‘Where are they located? How did they get there? How did they survive?’“Namor’s costumes reflect the tradition that he honors and the position he holds as king. We used a lot of kelp to make his headdress and his hand-woven cape. We added shells and beads—his look gives you a sense that he has traveled through time – Ruth Carter, Oscar Winning Costume Designer.
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nakoma · 6 years
hey this account is inactive for the most part so be sure to follow me @stellalights!!
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benoitblanc · 3 years
for the writing asks: 1, 2, 4, 7?
1. tell us about your current projects.
original work: my big original project right now is a crime drama television show currently titled erebos. the very brief overview is that it follows a team of petty thieves who accidentally try to pull a con on the mob. the mob is NOT happy. the team is forced to learn their way around the inner workings of the parisian organized crime underworld if they want any chance of making it out of this alive. turns out it is REALLY hard to draft a tv show, but i love the characters enough that i'm willing to fight through it. i would always LOVE to talk more about anything erebos related if anyone has any specific questions :)
fic: the monster agent carter time loop fic is eating up most of my writing time right now. i have all of the beginning done, a good chunk of the end, and scraps of the middle. i am very good at writing more introspective fics, so this is a huge leap out of my comfort zone, but i'm very pleased with where it's at so far, though it does make me want to tear my hair out on a regular basis. charting the narrator's (spoiler: it's peggy) emotional journey throughout the loops is really challenging but will hopefully have a high payoff
2. tell us about what you're most looking forward to writing in current or future projects.
i really just want to get to the point of actually being able to start writing erebos. i'm still very much in outlining and research. the issue with creating a tv show is you're really only supposed to write the pilot yourself and then just have everything else outlined in broad enough strokes that a team of writers can still have input. it's a really fine line to walk.
4. share a snippet of your writing that you're really proud of.
it took me SO long to find something suitable, but this is from a short story i wrote last year about a young woman who busks in the manhattan subway system. i love this short story and i love my busker. not a lot of plot happens, but it was such a fun character study. (the character studied? new york city, of course):
There are always the regulars. Sam, who can’t be more than twelve and hasn’t spoken once since telling me his name, brings his squeaky old violin to duet with me. His little sister Charlotte often fishes through my spoils to see if there are any state quarters. A harried-looking businesswoman always drops several Euros into the case on her way home from work. Where she gets them from, I have no idea. There’s an old man who comes to sit on the platform every Tuesday and Thursday. I don’t know his name, but he knows mine. “Hiya, Angie,” he calls. “Play something for us, won’t’cha?”
So I play the “Maple Leaf Rag,” his favorite, and when I’m through he nods and says, “Thanks, darlin’, that was real nice.”
unfortunately, there's also a line in this story about the old man being around the same age as christopher plummer and betty white, which, um, has been edited to angela lansbury and queen elizabeth for obvious reasons
7. what do you think are the characteristics of your personal writing style? would you say others agree with you?
i have been told by several professors that my strengths lie in characterization and weaving together various storylines/themes in a manner that definitely isn't effortless but comes across that way. i would also say that a lot of my writing voice is subtly stereotypically british. it's very dry a lot of the time, and while it isn't exactly overly verbose, i do use a lot of quites and rathers and other various modifers. outlook is always after me for this.
writing asks!!!
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sassyfrassboss · 4 years
"The Duke and Duchess of Sussex allegedly thought the households of the Duchess of Cambridge, the Duchess of Cornwall and the Prince of Wales were leaking negative stories about them to the press. One story involved Harry reportedly shouting at the Queen's dresser Angela Kelly during an incident involving Meghan's wedding tiara. Reports later implied the disagreement was about arrangements for a fitting." So they are negative stories and NOT false stories.. 😎
Even Omid admitted there was a row over the tiara but he put the blame on Harry and Angela Kelly. 
For years Angela has been a flipping VAULT of information and yet Meghan comes on the scene and we are to believe that stuff we had never heard before came from long time employees and family members who had never spoken a word prior? 
She really thinks the world is stupid, unfortunately for us many of her Sugars are stupid so they eat this shit up. 
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causeiwanttoandican · 4 years
Holy crap!
The Telegraph- Camilla Tominey
'She wanted drama': The inside story of the rift between Harry and Meghan and The Firm
As the Sussexes give their tell-all Oprah Winfrey interview, royal insiders reveal the 'other side of the story'
By Camilla Tominey, Associate Editor5 March 2021 • 9:00pm
There was something distinctly familiar about the Oprah Winfrey teaser in which Prince Harry declared: "My biggest concern was history repeating itself."
The words, due to be aired during the Duke and Duchess of Sussexes' tell-all interview on Sunday night, bore an uncanny resemblance to the statement released by Harry's communications secretary, Jason Knauf, in November 2016 after the Sunday Express had revealed that the Prince was dating the American actress.
Confirming that "his girlfriend Meghan Markle" had been "subject to a wave of abuse and harassment", the statement criticised the "racial undertones" of newspaper coverage, adding: "Prince Harry is worried about Ms Markle's safety and is deeply disappointed that he has not been able to protect her. This is not a game – it is her life and his."
The unprecedented salvo created two important narratives around the former Suits star – it formally confirmed her status as the woman in Harry's life but also positioned her, in the eyes of the palace and the public, as the victim at the heart of a media "storm". As the statement suggested, a line had been "crossed".
But the tirade "by the Communications Secretary to Prince Harry" also put Mr Knauf in a compromising position. How was the former director of corporate affairs for the Royal Bank of Scotland going to be able to handle media relations for a couple when the Prince had so publicly made plain their deep hostility towards the press?
Almost exactly two years later, the 39-year-old spin doctor would submit a a bullying claim accusing Meghan of driving two personal assistants out of the household and undermining the confidence of a third staff member.
The Sussexes have denied that Harry pleaded with Mr Knauf not to pursue it, claiming the couple are the victims of a calculated smear campaign based on harmful misinformation. They said the Duchess was "saddened by this latest attack on her character, particularly as someone who has been the target of bullying herself and is deeply committed to supporting those who have experienced pain and trauma".
Those highlighting the "outrageous bullying" say they want to "tell the other side of the story" to the picture expected to be painted by the Duchess on the Oprah special of her "almost unsurvivable" time in the Royal family. "Anyone who is a victim can't bear to watch it," said one.
The couple's lawyers insist Buckingham Palace is manipulating the press to peddle a "wholly false narrative" –notwithstanding the fact that the complainants no longer work in the royal household and the lack of palace action has now prompted an internal inquiry.
The Telegraph has spoken to a number of well-placed insiders who witnessed first-hand the turmoil within the royal household from Meghan's arrival as Prince Harry's girlfriend to the couple's decision to stand down as working royals last year.
All spoke on the condition of anonymity amid claims they had been operating in a "climate of fear", where employees were routinely "humiliated" in front of their peers and repeatedly subjected to "unreasonable demands" by both Meghan and Harry.
Unwilling to play a supporting role
It was not until October 2017, a year after Mr Knauf's unprecedented statement that Meghan gave an interview to Vanity Fair in which she declared of her relationship with Harry: "We're in love. I'm sure there will be a time when we will have to come forward and present ourselves and have stories to tell, but what I hope people will understand is that this is our time."
The public did not have to wait long. Just a month later, the couple announced their engagement with a photocall in the sunken garden at Kensington Palace and an interview with the BBC's Mishal Husain in which Harry described his fiancee as "another team player as part of the bigger team".
Yet behind palace gates, it was quickly becoming apparent that Meghan had no intention of she and Harry being seen as the "supporting act" to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, despite their seniority in the royal pecking order.
That Christmas, determined to walk side by side with William and Kate to Sandringham's St Mary Magdalene Church, rather than several steps behind, they were pictured together as the so-called "Fab Four".
The Cambridges invited the Sussexes to spend the festive period at their nearby bolthole, Anmer Hall, an experience Meghan spoke of fondly afterwards. "Meghan was very positive about it," said a former aide.
Two months later, the quartet appeared at their first official event together at the inaugural forum of their Royal Foundation – a highly choreographed event described by one royal insider as "designed to send a message that they would be working as a team. It was all very carefully rehearsed beforehand".
Disagreements with the Cambridges
After Meghan showcased her years of previous work with "larger NGOs and smaller grassroots organisations", both William and Harry acknowledged that working so closely with loved ones had led to "healthy disagreements" over how to best guide the foundation's work.
"Working as a family does have its challenges, of course it does," Harry said. "But we're stuck together for the rest of our lives."
By now, Kensington Palace staff had already become familiar with a mantra that would come to characterise the run-up to the Sussexes' wedding in May 2018.
"Want Meghan wants, Meghan gets" may have been shouted by Prince Harry to Angela Kelly, the Queen's personal assistant, following a row over a tiara – but royal aides were already well acquainted with the importance of meeting the Duchess's exacting standards.
"Everyone wanted her to be happy because they knew that would make him happy," said one. "Do whatever it takes to make it work for Meghan was the mantra. We all cared deeply about Harry. Contrary to this idea that they weren't supported, we were going to great lengths to accommodate their needs."
So much so that there was an extraordinary incident during the couple's first tour of Scotland when members of the palace PR team "body blocked" Meghan's former adviser Gina Nelthorpe-Cowne during a visit to an Edinburgh cafe in what one former aide described as "the most embarrassing moment of my professional career".
The Duchess had apparently expressed "a reluctance to make eye contact" with Ms Nelthorpe-Cowne, who was reduced to having to post an Instagram shot of her former close friend and client visiting the Social Bites cafe from a considerable distance. "Anyone from the past was a problem," observed the former aide.
Ms Nelthorpe-Cowne's name would later reappear in court documents accusing Meghan's close friend and stylist Jessica Mulroney of "putting pressure on her [Ms Nelthorpe-Cowne] to withdraw or change statements" she had made in an April 2018 interview with the Mail on Sunday.
The defence documents claimed the Sunday newspaper's features editor complained about the intervention to Mr Knauf, who allegedly responded by saying he would ensure "this does not happen again". In the piece, Ms Nelthorpe-Cowne described Meghan as: "Picky, not only when it comes to her clothes but also her colleagues, instantly dismissing those who didn’t share her 'vision'."
Describing how the Duchess had "given me a bit of a difficult time" after meeting Harry, she added: "Meghan likes to move on".
When contacted by The Telegraph, Ms Nelthorpe-Cowne declined to comment on the incident.
'Email bombardments'
As the world was gearing up for what the LA Times had billed as "a royal wedding for the 21st century", behind palace gates the atmosphere was becoming fraught.
Staff had grown used to "email bombardments" by Meghan and Harry, with one describing how "the last thing we'd do before going to sleep is reply to their messages and the first thing we'd do in the morning is reply to their messages. Weekends, holidays – there were no boundaries. They live on their phones all the time".
Despite publicly claiming they largely ignored the press coverage, in reality the couple were often consumed by it. "They're both very thin-skinned," said one former employee.
Meghan's supporters say staff members "who preferred a more genteel pace" could not keep up with the Duchess's "American work ethic" – with one close friend now suggesting the criticism was racially motivated. "Find me a woman of colour in a senior position who has not been accused of being too angry, too scary, too whatever in the workplace," the friend said.
Yet it was not just palace employees who found themselves on the receiving end of "inescapable screaming and shouting".
Much has been written about the bridesmaids' dress fitting, first revealed in The Telegraph in November 2018, that left the Duchess of Cambridge in tears.
Contrary to subsequent reports that the row concerned Princess Charlotte's tights, what actually happened was that the dress itself did not fit Kate's then nearly three-year-old daughter. According to a well-placed source, "demands were made about when subsequent fittings would be, and Kate left sobbing".
While Meghan's allies suggest that Kate did not make enough of an effort to welcome her future sister-in-law into the royal fold, allies of the Cambridges suggest she "tried to arrange social things" and invited her to watch tennis together but "there was a sense that Meghan never really wanted to be friends".
Those inside the palace concede, however, that the Cambridges can "appear standoffish" and are "often out of contact for extended periods".
Another former royal aide claimed the Duke, particularly, appreciated the "deflection" from his own occasionally demanding behaviour. "Bullying is endemic across all the households," the former aide added.
"The Meghan thing is a disgrace, but it's not in isolation. They cut you out, undermine you, talk down to you. One minute you're in – the next you're persona non grata. Some staff have special protection. I've never witnessed behaviour like it before. I wish I'd never seen behind the curtain."
A reprimand from the Queen
One member of staff afforded "special protection" is Angela Kelly, who has served as the Queen's closest aide since 2002. Rumours of Meghan being dubbed "Duchess Difficult" began to surface around the time it emerged that the Liverpudlian docker's daughter had been given a tongue-lashing by Harry.
Yet what was never accurately reported around the time of "Tiaragate" was that far from being denied the item from the Crown Jewels she wanted, Meghan was in fact given her first choice.
The argument erupted after the Duchess demanded that Queen Mary's Diamond Bandeau Tiara be produced for an unscheduled hairdressing appointment.
"Angela told Harry it was priceless and couldn't suddenly be handed over at short notice. He was furious and shouted: 'What Meghan wants, Meghan gets.' Suffice to say it didn't go down too well." So badly, in fact, that the no-nonsense 53-year-old, who has her own fearsome reputation among colleagues, reported the incident to the Queen, prompting a grandmotherly telling off for Harry.
Little did the Prince know at the time that staff had also given him a nickname: "The hostage".
According to one person with first-hand knowledge of the events: "They insisted that they had the same inflation-adjusted budget for the wedding as William and Kate – she got the choir she wanted, the dress, the carriage procession, the tiara – she got everything she wanted but it still wasn't enough.
"She was constantly looking for reasons to say she had been deprived. Also, she wanted drama from the very beginning."
Although the couple wanted their spokespeople to deny it, a story about Meghan requesting air freshener to be sprayed around the "musty" St George's Chapel was true, according to multiple sources.
Even The Kingdom Choir did not get off lightly after the couple changed their song 12 times before they were happy with the arrangement of "Stand By Me". As choir member Karen Gibson revealed: "Gospel music is all about the cherries on top and it's not about stinting on anything. But we got word back that they wanted something a little less, so we did a second version which had an Etta James arrangement but again we had word back that it wasn't right."
The group was then asked to meet Harry and Meghan face to face, before the couple finally settled on an arrangement after 11 previous attempts.
"The wedding was hugely stressful for everyone involved in it," said one former aide. "Staff were spending most of their time having smooth things over with suppliers."
Tears before the big day
The "Markle Debacle", when Meghan's father Thomas pulled out of the wedding at the last minute, only added to the tension as royal aides scrambled to "rescue" the narrative around the "big day" by having the Prince of Wales step in to walk Meghan down the aisle.
Despite Meghan later claiming to ITV's Tom Bradby that "not many people have asked if I'm ok", royal insiders insist they "rallied around" the couple – who were both in tears at times.
The Most Rev Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, who officiated the ceremony, is also understood to have given "psychological as well as spiritual" support. The principle leader of the Church of England caused hilarity among his staff by failing to recognise Ms Winfrey at the lunchtime reception at Windsor Castle, asking the US chat show host what she did for a living.
By the time the couple had returned from their honeymoon, relations between the Sussexes, the Cambridges and their staff became so bad that Harry and Meghan appeared reluctant to engage with anyone at the June 2018 leaving party for Miguel Head, William's former private secretary.
According to two separate sources, the couple "remained aloof" throughout the bash in the private garden at Kensington Palace. "It was a really convivial atmosphere with William giving a touching speech about Mig, but Harry and Meghan just remained on the outskirts and didn't mingle with anyone. They were the last to arrive and the first to leave."
Eyebrows were similarly raised when, having shared the news of her pregnancy at the Champagne reception following Princess Eugenie's wedding to Jack Brooksbank in October 2018, Meghan declined to attend the evening do. The bride was said to have been "upset" that Harry only "popped along for a drink without Meghan" – although they were due to fly to Australia for their first Commonwealth tour the day after.
During the 16-day tour, which also took in Fiji, Tonga and New Zealand, the couple appeared reluctant to engage with the press. Although Harry managed to be persuaded at one point to speak to reporters at the back of the plane, he told them: "Thanks for coming, even though you weren't invited."
Bullying claims emerge
On the same trip, it was claimed that Meghan had cut short a visit to a market in Fiji because she was concerned about the presence of a UN organisation promoting women, with which she had previously worked but now was no longer associated.
At the time, officials suggested that it was because it was humid and the crowd was oppressive in the market. After Meghan had been ushered away, a female member of her entourage was spotted sitting in an official car, looking extremely upset. Meghan's female personal protection officer left her post shortly afterwards.
Lawyers for the Duchess said she met other leaders from UN Women later on the tour and denied she left for the reason alleged.
Although Mr Knauf had not gone on the tour, he is thought to have been "deeply concerned" by reports of the couple's behaviour overseas.
"There was a sense that they were just refusing to take advice, and insisting on doing everything their way," said one royal source. "No one, from the most senior to the most junior employee, wasn't under constant attack," said another.
Matters came to a head in October 2018 following the departure of a second member of the Duchess's private office.
Mr Knauf emailed Simon Case, then William's private secretary and now the Cabinet Secretary, after conversations with Samantha Carruthers, the head of HR. Mr Case then forwarded it to Ms Carruthers, who is based at Clarence House.
The email read: "I am very concerned that the Duchess was able to bully two PAs out of the household in the past year. The treatment of X* was totally unacceptable. The Duchess seems intent on always having someone in her sights. She is bullying Y and seeking to undermine her confidence. We have had report after report from people who have witnessed unacceptable behaviour towards Y."
The email, which also expressed concern about the stress being experienced by Samantha Cohen, the couple's private secretary, concluded: "I questioned if the household's policy on harassment and bullying applies to principals."
While Mr Case was "very personally supportive" of the individual members of staff, Mr Knauf expressed his concern in the email that "nothing will be done". The palace is now holding an investigation, having been criticised for failing to act sooner.
It was not until a month later that it was reported that Melissa Toubati, the Duchess's former PA, had "quit suddenly", just six months into the job. The following month, it was announced that Ms Cohen would not stay in post after the Sussexes' baby was born.
The couple were apparently "furious" about reports of their high staff turnover, piling more pressure on their PR team to "try to turn negative headlines into positive ones".
According to one former employee: "What people fail to understand is Harry's hatred of the media is probably one of the most important things in his life. It is defining for him. So the narrative is always – it’s the press's fault, never theirs."
That Christmas, the Sussexes were once again photographed alongside the Cambridges on Dec 25 but opted to stay with the Queen at the "main house" rather than Anmer Hall.
It came after an awkward staff Christmas party in which "all mention of Melissa's name was banned", according to one royal insider. "It was as if she never existed." Some employees found it hard to reconcile the couple's erratic conduct with moments of genuine kindness, such as when Meghan would buy female staff members flowers or even jewellery.
Relations break down
By the New Year, relations within Kensington Palace had "irretrievably broken down," with Prince Harry no longer on speaking terms with Mr Knauf after he had failed to persuade him to drop the complaint against his wife. The Sussexes' lawyers deny any such conversation took place.
Sources close to the couple say Ms Toubati, who was asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement, was sacked for misconduct, pointing out neither staff member made complaints of their own to HR. Ms Toubati's friends deny she was sacked for misconduct.
With Harry and Meghan already operating in a silo – and increasingly consulting the Duchess's US team of advisers rather than palace officials – a split of the two households at Kensington Palace appeared an inevitability.
It was around the time that the couple moved to Frogmore Cottage in Windsor in March 2019 that Amy Pickerill became the third of the Duchess's staff to leave her role, having served as her assistant private secretary since November 2017.
Mr Knauf also stepped down to work as senior adviser to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. He is now chief executive of the Cambridges' Royal Foundation. Friends say he "bitterly regrets" not warning Sara Latham, who was appointed as the Sussexes' director of communications in April 2019, how difficult working for the couple could be.
The American PR supremo, who used to advise the Clintons, quickly worked this out for herself when the couple insisted on secrecy around son Archie's birth on May 6, while trying to maximise global coverage.
Around the same time it was falsely claimed that the Duchess had been prevented from doing an interview with CBS anchor Gayle King, Ms Winfrey's close friend. In fact, insiders say "the Duchess was calling shots throughout."
It came after Meghan had attended a high-profile baby shower in New York with Serena Williams and Amal Clooney, without being accompanied by any palace press officers. Concerns were raised behind palace gates when freebies started arriving at New York's Mark Hotel, causing consternation for staff back in the UK having to wrestle with the Royal family's strict rules on gifting.
Having courted controversy throughout the summer of 2019 for snubbing the Queen's invitation to Balmoral and taking four private jets in 11 days instead, relations with the media were at rock bottom at the start of the Sussexes' September tour to Africa.
Royal aides were then left dumbfounded when what had been a surprisingly successful 10-day trip with Archie was overshadowed by Meghan's interview with Mr Bradby, in which she revealed the "struggles" she had faced adapting to life in the Royal family.
Duke's fears for wife
It came as Harry released an attack on the tabloid press as the couple announced they would be suing the Mail on Sunday over the publication of a letter Meghan had written to her father.
In a highly personal and scathing statement, Harry said some newspapers had "vilified her almost daily for the past nine months" and claimed they had published "lie after lie" at Meghan's expense simply because she was out of public view on maternity leave.
Referencing his mother Diana, Princess of Wales, who died in a car crash in Paris while being pursued by the paparazzi, the Duke said: "Though this action may not be the safe one, it is the right one. Because my deepest fear is history repeating itself. I lost my mother and now I watch my wife falling victim to the same powerful forces."
The interview set the tone for their January 2020 announcement that they would be "stepping back as senior royals" to become "financially independent".
As the world gathers to watch the most highly anticipated royal television event since Diana's Panorama interview in 1995, it will be left to the viewers to decide which version of history represents the truth.
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leonagw · 4 years
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full name: leona gwan meaning: leona derived from the latin leo for lion. nicknames: leo, dicaprio (both rarely, both not appreciated) alias: lady macduff date of birth: december 27, 1996 age: twenty-two gender (pronouns): non-binary (they/them) nationality: italian ethnicity: korean religion: aggressively atheist romantic orientation: panromantic sexual orientation: pansexual occupation: clinical toxicologist affiliation: montague role: meititrice (poisoner)
place of birth: verona, italy places lived: verona, italy social class: upper middle class (raised), upper class (current) current residence: a one bedrooom apartment in a well-off area of verona. it’s relatively small, but leona doesn’t need much space. very stylishly decorated, but has a rather cold feel to it - not a place one would describe as homely mother: angela gwan (deceased) father: manuele gwan sibling(s): none significant other: none children: none pets: a fighting fish, linus (for linus pauling) education level: graduated from secondary school at the top of their classes, completed a bachelor of science (chemistry) at the university of verona, before completing an honours degree specialising in toxicology. completed a masters degree in pharmacology and toxicology at the university of verona shortly after this languages spoken: italian, english, korean, latin misdemeanours: none felonies: none alcohol: yes, they don’t often drink alone, they find it’s much more fun to watch the effects on other people than observe them on themselves. more of a social drinker than anything else drugs: name it, leona’s tried it, and will probably try it again smokes: no diet: they’re a fussy eater, and they maintain a fairly healthy diet. they learned how to cook from their mother, though they find themselves relying on takeout more often than not. a bit of a sweet tooth, they love pretty much anything sugary
face claim: moon ga young eye colour: dark brown hair colour: brown, dyed it blonde for a period in university but promptly determined this to be a mistake and returned to their natural colour soon after hair style: mid-length. often tied back, has a slight wave to it when worn out height: 165cm build: slim dominant hand: right distinguishing features: scent: antiseptic; sweet, fruity perfume; coffee; something unidentifiable but slightly acidic; bubblegum accent: italian allergies: shellfish fashion: for the most part, leona dresses sensibly but fashionably. it’s incredibly uncommon to find them in heels, as they often spend long periods on their feet. whatever they have on needs to be able to fit under a lab coat, so they’re not a fan of layers unless it’s particularly cold or a special occasion. some examples of what they may wear can be found here, here, here, and here. nervous ticks: truth be told, leona doesn’t have a lot of tells for when they are nervous. one way to figure out if they’re worrying is that they will often speak more quickly and use more words than they usually would, tripping over themselves in their haste. they also tend to fidget a little more with their hands when they normally would not, and prefer being able to move around when they’re nervous. to those who don’t know them, it might be difficult to pick up on this, but anyone who has known leona long enough would be able to figure out when they’re nervous quirks: talks to themselves while they’re working to make sure they don’t miss anything; snorts when they really, really laugh; nostrils flare and pupils dilate when they’re angry; more talkative while inebriated
mbti: intp-a, the logician (great analysts and abstract thinkers, imaginative, honest and straightforward, objective, private, insensitive, absent-minded, condescending, loathe rules) alignment: true neutral (diplomatic, judgemental, enigmatic, aloof, distant, self-reliant, indifferent, impartial) enneagram: type five, the investigator (perceptive, innovative, secretive, isolated, alert, insightful, curious, independent, inventive, idiosyncratic) temperament: choleric (ambitious, passionate, focused, efficient, practical, aggressive, domineering, inflexible, impatient, argumentative, lack empathy) western zodiac: capricorn (prudent, ambitious, patient, disciplined, pessimistic, fatalistic, grudging, persistent, unforgiving, condescending) chinese zodiac: rat (suspicious, conservative, short-sighted, logical, hard-working, adaptable, self-disciplined) tarot card: the chariot (upright: success, ambition, determination, willpower, control, self-discipline, focus; reversed: forceful, no direction, no control, powerless, aggression, obstacles) positive traits: focused, ambitious, headstrong, inventive, curious, perceptive. negative traits: emotional, judgemental, impatient, recalcitrant, aggressive, argumentative. humour: sarcasm & science puns. that’s it. leona has a rather dry sense of humour - most people might not realise they’re kidding when they make a joke, which makes it all the funnier to them.
indoors or outdoors? indoors favourite colour: blood orange favourite book: american gods, neil gaiman & the solitude of prime numbers, paolo giordano favourite movie: the emperor’s new groove (2000) favourite food: hotteok ( how their mother used to make them ), spinach & ricotta ravioli favourite song: don’t play, halsey favourite music: leona isn’t particularly picky with their music. they don’t enjoy anything too soft or folksy, preferring loud music that says something coffee or tea? coffee drink of choice: espresso martini (alcoholic), chocolate milkshake (non-alcoholic)
physical strength: 4/10. this is certainly not leona’s strong suit. they’re tiny, and the closest they’ve ever come to a gym was the sidewalk out the front. offence: 4/10 if they’re going hand-to-hand, 9/10 if they’re allowed to use weapons ( namely, their poison, the other person wouldn’t stand a chance ) defence: 6/10. this is a little higher than offence as they’ve taken a few self-defence classes through their youth. not much has stuck, but they’re relatively confident in the fact they’d be able to escape an unprepared attacker. speed: 8/10. leona is quick, both physically and mentally. they even walk fast, and a slender figure and nimble hands help them out considerably. accuracy: 9/10. leona is nothing if not precise - if they can’t do it well, they won’t do it at all. agility: 7/10. tying into their speed, leona’s short stature helps them quite a bit in this regard. stamina: 5/10. leona is not the kind of person who can just get up one day and run a marathon - they’re fast in bursts, but that’s about it. their mental stamina is closer to 10/10 - they don’t give up when they see a challenge, even if it kills them. intelligence: 9/10. leona’s mind is their greatest weapon. it’s their most prized possession. they’re incredibly book smart, and quite perceptive in social situations. they might even be a 10/10 here if their emotions didn’t often cloud their judgement. teamwork: 5/10. leona doesn’t generally play well with others, but they are ( usually ) able to swallow their pride and do so for the sake of progress.
are you satisfied marina cop car mitski don’t play halsey you should see me in a crown billie eilish natural imagine dragons prom queen molly kate kestner crack baby mitski angry too lola blanc forever... (is a long time) halsey
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docholligay · 4 years
Getting down to our final bits, and here are the very best answers to:
Pick an character of which I am fond and tell me what they are thankful for:
Black Phillip is thankful for Worshippe and Despaire and a Mouthfulle of Garbage -- @rasiqra-revulva (You are KILLING IT, this made me laugh so hard) 
Michiru may not say it, but she is thankful for many things. A quiet restaurant with good wine and dishes tailored to her liking. When Rei blurts out something ridiculous during an argument with Usagi and turns red when Michiru smiles. The face Haruka makes when she's sleeping deeply. The macaroni art her daughters bring home from school. Or simply that she is able to live in a world where she can receive that macaroni art, loving each smear of color as she hangs it up on the fridge, telling them how much Papa will love it when she gets home. -- @jay-lea (This was just so sweet)
Minako has easy answers to all of the standard questions, including gratefulness. Humble award acceptances, passionate declarations for the opportunities that *geniuses* give her, praise that everyone survived a fight, encouragement for their Princess, all fall easily from her lips. 
 What she never says, even when at her giddiest under the spotlight, or her bluntest when drunk, is how much she loves her soldiers. 
 Oh sure, she does say she loves them in normal circumstances, but never quite why, not the truth of it, hidden away under layers of subterfuge and identity and just plain shame. 
 She loves Haruka for letting feel normal for a type. She loves Usagi for giving her space to pretend safely, for a time. She loves Rei for spatting with her, a reminder that not all fights are lethal. And she loves Michiru for being her mirror, one that no one else could be, ready to both show her what she might do to the others and to call her when she gets close to it, simply because they were too much alike with their masks and faces. 
 Even more rarely than those facts, barely even spoken to herself, the smallest whisper that she tries to deny but that keeps reappearing at the back of her mind- she had the Moon and Queen Serenity to thank for all of it.   --- @katrani (This was A RIDE I appreciated going on VERY much) 
Minako has never been thankful for much. Cursed with remembering, with two sets of memories instead of one, her life has been a mess from the start. 
 Yet, as her motorcycle crashes, giving her yet another pile of regrets she'll never be able to fix, she was thankful that for once, she wasn't the last one standing. That she wasn't the one forced to remember while everyone forgot or disappeared. The moon's curse was over, and this time she was finally allowed to rest. --- @kumeko (I’m being directly pandered to, and yes, it worked a charm) 
Michiru is thankful for Haruka. Tracer is thankful for Winston, Christmas lights, ornaments, Angela, Fareeha (most days anyway), Emily, pencil skirts (on Emily. A rare and specific sight but still), her dad's jacket, good tailors, fast cars, pie, outdoor seating for her to take Winston out sometimes, large gatherings with her friends, and so, so much more! -- @thoughtfulfuri (This got it because it sounds EXACTLY what I think Lena would sound like when it’s her turn to go at the table, literally until someone cuts her off) 
Holligay does essays/recommendations on great horror movies
Holligay designs the perfect Jewlet Nursery (either showing off what you guys actually are doing or the most facetiously impractical thing you can think of, like, ‘it’s ocean themed so we’re putting in a full-wall aquarium’)
The Holligay Method of Worldbuilding
Holligay’s Opera Recommendations
A day of non-liveblogged tv. Watch episode 1 of a bunch of various series that people recommend that you’re on the fence/leaning towards no on, give your opinion of it after the fact.
Holligay Liveblogs A Wild Jetwolf, in the style of a nature documentary
Doc recommends novels with essays/passages/etc.
Holligay reviews her favorite Stephen King novels*
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maxdoesbb · 4 years
Big Brother Tumblr Tag Game
So I was tagged by @vanessacries to take part in their Big Brother Tumblr Tag Game and here are my answers
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If you are tagged copy and paste the rules and all questions
Answer the questions
Tag 3-5 people to also complete the questions
Tagged by @vanessacries (legend)
About Me
1. Name or nickname? - My name is Max, but ya’ll already knew that
2. Age/Age Group? - 18, but there is an episode on my 19th birthday!
3. Zodiac Sign - Libra
4. Favorite Color? - Some days it’s orange, some days it’s purple
5. Favorite Animal? - I love love love LOVE Red Pandas...google them they’re so cute
6.  First Season of BB you remember watching? - In terms of BBUS, season 16. In terms of Big Brother as the franchise, BBUK Season 7
7. Would you ever want to go on BB, if so, what type of player would you be? - I Would love to, I would try and have like a Jun Song Floater game, but new school bb hates that so...i’d be out week one
8.  Are there other CBS shows you’d want to go on, and if so, why? - I would love to do the amazing race, but i’m from the UK so they won’t let me shshhs
9.  What other Reality shows do you watch? -  I watched The Only Way Is Essex up until 2017, I could also rewatch ANY season of Geordie Shore or BBUK
10.  All time favorite houseguest? - This is a hard one, Idk if it counts, but Nikki Grahame was on BBCAN and any house she’s in turns the season up to 11 for me, If I don’t count and has to be from BBUS, Vanessa from bb17
About the Show
1. What is your all time Favorite twist? - The Twin Twist, if the twins don’t tell anyone (which is sadly always going to happen) it feels so tense like sumn about two people having to act like one person is just iconic to me!
2. What is a twist that you like, but kind of flopped? - The MVP twist, In my eyes this flopped like the season, I think if they made it so you could only be the MVP once then it would have worked better in season 15, but they also could have flipped it so that the evictee picks who goes up, that would have been iconic watching everyone asking who put up the 3rd nominee, but it was actually the person they sent out the door the week before
3. If you were the new Grodner and had to remake the show, what would you keep the same? - The art team, I don’t think they get enough credit, Sure sometimes it’s a bit meh, but the den of temptation was just *chef’s kiss*
4. What would you change? Casting, that is all i have to say about that.
5. What’s your all time favorite comp? Generic answer, but OTEV is actually so iconic to me, the strategies, the fights, It also gave me one of my favourite Janelle moments ever
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6. What’s your all time favorite competition? - idk if i’m being a clown, but this is basically the same as question 5 sksksk
7. All time favorite punishment? - To me all the punishments are kinda dull, like i feel like the producers do it more for comedy on the shows to shy away from the actual problematic stuff that happens every season.
8. If you could bring any houseguest back to be in the house (not to play the game) who would it be and why? - So they just like sit around and observe from inside? If I’m allowed, I’d say miss tea queen Angela Clancy from BBAU12 cause she is some good TV.
9. If you could bring any houseguest back to play, who would it be? - Jackie Ibarra, Hands down!
10.  What is your most memorable episode? - BBCAN5, Week 5′s Eviction episode a.k.a THAT double eviction!
11. If you could have any reality star from any other show on BB who would it be? She’s been on the UK version already, but Gemma Collins!!!!!
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12. What’s your favorite BB series outside of normal BBUS (normal BBUS does not include CBBUS or BBOTT)  - BBUK cause I grew up with it (and thought it was the only version until bbus16 started)
13. Favorite Julie Chen sign off? - I prefer Arisa Cox’s “Someone is always watching” so Julie doesn’t speak in my mind sjsjsjsj
14. Is there anything from old BB that you would bring back, why or why not, and if yes, what would it be? - Casting, cause a lot of older seasons had a mixture of old and young players and they don’t have jobs like “Social Media influencer” or “Podcast maker” or “Jewellery Maker” they have jobs that they can apply to big brother and don’t have to worry about their social media reputation!
15. If you were in the BB house and you won HoH what album would be in your HoH basket and who would you want to receive a letter from? - I’m torn between LM5, Future Nostalgia, and Sweetner, In terms of letter, I’d say my best friend, I’ve known her for almost 10 years and we’ve spoken literally everyday since we met so uhhh sorry to my mother sksksks
16. Favorite Alliance - Danielle and Jason from bb3, that is what an Alliance should be, not the 10 mayo alliances they make in new big brother
17. Funniest BB moment  - (it’s not bbus, but it’s the only valid answer!)
18. Favorite first boot?  - JODI ROLLINS DESERVED BETTER!
19. Least favorite houseguest? - Frankie cause him being related to Ariana is the reason i watch this shit show...
This or That
1. Old School BB or New School BB
2. Julia or Liz Nolan
3. Vaness Rousso or Jun Song?
4. Cody Calafiore or Cody Nickson?  (Nickson was the face my sleep paralysis demon during bb19)
5. Swaggy or Bayleigh (I’ve seen more of Bayleigh then I have Swaggy)
6. Janelle or Kaysar? (Only because of her views)
7. Orwell or the rubber duck?
8. Hacker twist or Pandora’s Box?
9. Nicole A or Nicole F? (Both are bad, F gets -100 points for not shutting up about her damn wedding!)
10. Dan or Will?
11. Bathroom with Bathroom sand (BB18) or The Fidget Spinner Wall (BB20)?
12. The Hive or The Spy Grils
13. PB&J or Slop?
14. Nerdy Guy archetype or Quirky Girl archetype?
15. The cursed liztin gif or the Maven (BB19) cum rag?
Tag Questions
1. First Season you blogged - Lurking since BB17, started posting a bit BB20, but didn’t start posting fully until BB21
2. Favorite season to blog - Like 2 of you were there but Big Brother Australia 12
3. Favorite Bloggers? the list is too LONG! so top 3 in no particular order @stanningbb @charlchen-moonves @bathroom-sand
4. Favorite tag cryptid (i.e. djmrod, the confession accounts, the bayler stan account, stella) - Stella (could you say lin is kind of a cryptid?)
5. Build an ideal alliance with people from the tag - The trio from hell of course! ( @charlchen-moonves, @stanningbb and I)
6. Favorite content creator (gifs, videos, posts). - So far this season i gotta say @charlchen-moonves and her bob edits!!!
7. Person in the tag that you like but are too nervous to talk to? Literally EVERYONE like something just tells me ya’ll secretly hate me ssjsjs
8. Have you played in any tag games (like bbdiscords, orgs, etc.,) if so what was your favorite experience? - I’ve been in a couple of bbsims, when my account was maxat3am i actually won my first bbsim, forgot who hosted it sksksk
9. Favorite gate? - Selfiegate cause ya’ll are so cute and I just love the positive energy we create!
10. What opinions do you have that you feel would be unpopular in the tag? - I don’t really know if it’s that unpopular but Meg Maley from bb17 deserved better like she won no HoHs no Vetos like, I was rooting of her during bb17!
11. Have you thirst followed anyone after a selfiesgate? - whY would i Ever diSclose that
12. Whose someone in the tag that has stopped blogging bb that you miss? - Is it bad i haven’t noticed anyone leave...
13. Favorite holiday people have called Christmas? - I saw someone call her Toyotathon and i was wheezing for about 10 minutes
14. If you could steal any url whose would it be? I don’t know, I like my URL, however I do like @kidnappedbyacrow​‘s url so uhh hand it over sjsjsj (jk love you really!)
15. Favorite tag meme? (i.e. Paul;s mistake, victim noises, claling chr*stmas anything but her name, etc.,) Paul’s mistake made me wanna join the tag so uhh yeah that!
Tag 3-5 people (or more or less)
I tag @stanningbb​ @charlchen-moonves​ @bathroom-sand​ @kidnappedbyacrow​ and @peterbrownismydaddy​
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goldensfm · 4 years
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              *    ╰     𝐡𝐢   𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲   𝐥𝐮𝐯𝐬   𝐚𝐧𝐝   𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐛𝐚𝐠   𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐬    ,   i’m   your   resident   crackhead   steven   forced   out   of   early   writing   retirement   by   miss   rona   but   i   ain’t   complainin   !    🤡    i’m   here   to   bring   you   a   decidedly   non   -   crackheaded   muse   utilizing   the   absolute   goddess   that   is   zendaya   .   like   got   DAMN   𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤   at   her   !   i’m   swimming   with   muse   for   lex   so   i   am   hoping   my   control   freak   ice   queen   offers   some   sort   of   justice   —   i   cant   wait   to   meet   you   all   and   love   you   down   endlessly   !   if   you   could   spare   a   𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭   for   my   validation   ,   i’ll   offer   you   all   my   best   plots   in   return   !   💖
     ❛   ✶   (   ZENDAYA  ,   CIS   -   FEMALE   ,   SHE   /   HER   )   spotted   !     ALEXANDRIA   ‘   LEX    ’   GOLDMAN   was   spotted   singing   along   to   BOSS   BITCH   by   DOJA   CAT   in   hilton   grove.   you’ve   heard   of   them   right   ?     they   are   a   TWENTY   -   TWO   year   old   ACTRESS   &   ENTREPRENEUR   who   has   already   amassed   a   net   worth   of   $31M.   you   should   really   follow   them   on   insta   @GOLDEN ,   they’re   about   to   hit   39.1M   followers.        the   tabloids   have   been   calling   them   the   EXECUTIVE   because   they   are   known   for   being   +   PURPOSEFUL   but   also   a   bit   -   AUSTERE.  —   ooc   info   (   steven   .   21   .   pst   .   she   /   her   /   they   /  them   .  )
full   name   :      alexandria   (   defender   of   man   )   rochelle   (   little   rock   )   goldman   (   little   golden   one   ) nicknames   :       primarily   goes   by   lex   .   lexie   ,   xan   on   occasion   ,   and   gold   /   goldie   . birthday   &      age   :      september   3rd   /   22   years   old zodiac   :      virgo gender   &   pronouns   :      cis  -  female  ,  she   /   her   /   hers orientation   :       openly   bisexual nationality   :      american ethnicity   :       mixed   race   —   african  -  american   ,   german   ,   irish   ,   english   ,   scottish occupation   :       former   beauty   pageant   competitor   and   2016’s   miss   teen   usa   ,   current   film   and   television   actress   ,   model   ,   business   entrepreneur   ,   and   activist   .   recognized   for   :      starring   in   hbo’s   television   series   euphoria   ,   being   the   first   openly   queer   representative   for   the   usa   in   the   pageant   circuit   ,   her   advocacy   for   feminism   and   criminal   justice   reform   ,   a   bustling   social   media   page   ,   being   one   of   forbes   2019′s   top   30   under   30   . char . inspos  :    meredith  grey  from  grey’s  anatomy   ,   spencer   hastings   from   pretty   little   liars   ,   hermione   granger   from   harry   potter   ,   meghan   markle     ,   angela   martin   from   the   office   ,   alex   cabot   from   law   and   order   svu   ,   and   more   than   anything   ,   claire   from   fleabag   .     𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧   𝐢𝐟   𝐮   𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐦   𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠   𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞   ,   𝐢   𝐛𝐞𝐠   𝐨𝐟   𝐮   𝐭𝐨   𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡   𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬   𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨   𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭   𝐭𝐨   𝐠𝐞𝐭   𝐥𝐞𝐱’𝐬   𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞   𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝   𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨   𝟑   𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐬   . tropes   :   control   freak   ,   defrosting   the   ice   queen   ,   perpetual   frowner   ,   did   you   think   i   can’t   feel   ?   ,   hidden   depths   ,   stepford   smiler   . aesthetics :    an  intellect  that  remembers  everything    ;    wild  caramel  curls  with  just  enough  composure  to  seem  effortless    ;    a  fear  of  failure   more  crippling  than  life  itself    ;    the  smell  of  fresh  linen  and  lavender     ;     a  color - coded  itinerary     ;     a  perfectly  choreographed  interaction  ,  each  time    ;    lilac  power - suits  and  an  immaculate  composure    ;     unspoken  mommy  issues    ;    tenebrous  ,  intent gazes  swimming  with  the  resonance  of  unspoken  thoughts   ;    ‘ don’t  touch  me  please ‘  syndrome    ;    kicking  out  hookups  before  you  both  fall  asleep    ;    ordering  the  same  thing  at  a  restaurant  ,  every  time    ;    flinching  at  ‘ i love you’s ’    ;    drafting  business  emails  at  the  club     ;    an  admiration  of  atlas  ,  with  the  world’s  weight  upon  your   shoulders .
               born   the   sole   continuance   of   the   goldman   name   to   a   mother   whose   pregnancy   was �� all   but   a   career   death  -  sentence   ,   lex   bore   the   weight   of   the   world’s   expectations   on   graceful   shoulders   from   the   moment   she   came   into   the   light   .   lieutenant   olivia   goldman   ,   head   of   the   manhattan   police   department   ,   can   deny   the   salacious   accused   affair   with   the   district   attorney   until   she’s   blue   in   the   face   but   can’t   deny   the   consequence   of   their   tryst   ,   alexandria   being   a   painful   reminder   of   losing   nearly   all   her   mother’s   years   of   hard   work   while   her   father   simply   denied   her   existence   and   lived   none   the   more   guilted   .      from   the   start   ,   the   odds   were   stacked   against   the   goldman   progeny   ,      pushing   perfection   as   her   only   claim   to   some   semblance   of   attention   from   liutenant   goldman   .
             as   a   mixed   race   child   to   a   white   unwed   mother   in   law   enforcement   ,   working   80   hours   weeks   and   having   spent   years   building   her   career   ,   there   was   little   lex   saw   of   her   mother   that   wasn’t   something   resembling   exhaustion   or   utter   disinterest   .   this   forces   her   to   grow   independent   at   an   astounding   pace   ,   keeping   to   herself   as   to   not   bother   her   mother   with   her   own   whims   or   desires   .   at   12   ,   her   mother   is   courted   by   an   award   -   winning   director   who   requests   her   guidance   on   a   police   film   he’s   submitting   —   she   refuses   to   advise   on   the   film   ,   but   goes   to   dinner   with   him   as   a   courtesy   ,   and   they’re   married   a   year   later   in   a   lavish   hamptons   wedding   in   the   summer   .   rudy   delano   is   a   world -renowned   director   along   the   likes   of   steven   spielberg   ,   and   takes   to   lex   like   she   were   his   own   daughter   .   as   if   to   balance   out   olivia’s   coldness   and   detachment ,   he   showers   lex   in   adoration   and   support   ,   encouraging   her   to   pursue   her   interests   of   pageantry   when   she   voices   them   following   her   7th   grade   year   .  
              considering   a   lifetime   spent   nitpicking   and   pushing   her   own   facade   of   complete   calculation   ,   she   takes   the   pageantry   world   by   storm   and   it   seems   the   rest   of   her   life   falls   into   place   .   a   perfectionist   in   every   sense   ,   she   maintains   nothing   short   of   flawlessness   throughout   high   school   (   taking   on   student   council   co-president   ,   heading   several   clubs   ,   and   one   of   four   school   valedictorians   )   and   goes   on   to   compete   in   the   most   elite   of   pageantry   circuits   .   her   advocacy   for   marginalized   populations   was   a   major   platform   and   propelled   her   to   miss   teen   new   york   and   soon   after   ,   miss   teen   usa   .   in   the   live   aired   interview   segment   ,   perhaps   among   the   most   important   moments   of   her   life   ,   lex   makes   a   rare   slip   and   accidentally   comes   out   as   bisexual   when   asked   about   the   LGBTQ+   mental   health   crisis   in   her   home   state   of   new   york   .   this   leads   to   lex   becoming   the   first   openly   queer   miss   teen   usa   ,   and   would   have   likely   fared   well   if   she   were   to   have   continued   ;   despite   its   progressions   ,   the   pageant   world   of   sponsorships   seems   to   lag   behind  ,   and   the   ‘   controversy   ’    of   her   coming   out   led   to   her   leaving   the   pageant   world   for   good   .   
              on   her   own   two   wobbly   feet   ,   she   continues   with   her   advocacy   and   finds   herself   excelling   in   the   business   element   of   it   all   ,   going   on   to   obtain   her   business   degree   from   columbia   while   taking   on   the   big   screen   in   a   blossoming   film   career   at   the   encouragement   of   her   step   father   .   she   shoots   to   stardom   upon   the   release   of   euphoria   ,   paired   with   a   strong   social   media   presence   ,   a   thriving   modeling   career   ,   and   a   brand   that   becomes   recognized   as   a   household   name   synonymous   with   advocacy   and   entrepreneurship   .
              perhaps   lex’s   most   notable   quality   is   being   driven   by   an   unyielding   fear   of   failure   and   mediocrity   .   there   is   no   task   small   enough   that   lex   will   not   accomplish   to   the   best   of   her   execution   ,   and   if   she   can’t   ensure   perfection   ,   she   will   refuse   to   give   it   an   attempt   at   all   .   this   all   or   nothing   attitude   stems   from   an   obscene   obsession   with   control   and   remaining   in   control   ,   something   those   around   her   are   all   too   aware   of   .  
              despite   a   rather   charming   and   gregarious   disposition   on   the   red   carpet   ,   many   will   note   that   lex   is   incredibly   reserved   when   meeting   her   in   real   life   .   the   pageantry   training   has   kicked   in   to   give   her   a   facade   to   push   when   she’s   in   the   spotlight   ,   though   her   true   disposition   is   much   less   play   and   much   more   work   .   she’s   stoic   and   serious   ,   knowing   just   what   to   say   at   what   time   to   continue   the   narrative   that   she   is   completely   in   control   .   cool   and   calculated   ,   her   affect   is   usually   stern   and   unwilling   to   reflect   any   sentiment   of   softness   or   goofiness   —   many   business   associates   note   her   absolute   maturity   and   rationality   even   at   the   tender   age   of   22   .   her   energy   ,   as   subdued   as   it   may   be   ,   commands   the   room   with   a   power   of   self-assuredness   that   only   stems   from   a   confidence   rooted   in   something   to   back   it   up   .   she’s   an   elderly   woman   in   a   millennial’s   body   ,   and   this   tends   to   show   in   her   dry   wit   humor   ,   relative   moodiness   ,   and   general   propensity   for   wanting   things   done   exclusively   her   way   .
              lex’s   intellect   has   always   been   a   strong   suit   of   hers   ,   a   photographic   memory   that   allowed   her   to   glide   through   school   with   the   least   of   struggles   .   astute   and   well   -   spoken   ,   monotone   and   unlikely   to   crack   in   her   stony   temperament   ,   she’s   a   force   of   nature   to   be   well   reckoned   with   .   luckily   ,   lex   shows   little   to   no   interest   in   engaging   with   petty   drama   and   tends   to   keep   in   her   own   lane   ,   losing   interest   nearly   immediately   in   the   mindless   pettiness   some   of   her   friends   wrap   themselves   up   in   .   rational   ,   arguably   to   a   fault   ,   lex   has   a   bad   habit   of   censoring   herself   and   limiting   her   own   commentary   when   in   the   company   of   anyone   she   needs   to   maintain   her   reputation   with  ;  close   friends   ,   on   the   other   hand   ,   will   easily   characterize   her   as   blunt   and   straightforward   ,   almost   too   aggressive   with   her   honesty   for   her   own   good   .   though   she’d   rarely   voice   it   ,   she   has   an   undeniable   superiority   complex   stemming   from   a   recognition   that   whatever   she   does   ,   she’s   incredibly   good   at   (   ignoring   her   unwillingness   to   step   out   and   try   anything   outside   her   comfort   zone   .   )
              this   is   the   curious   dichotomy   of   alexandria   goldman   ,   considering   one   of   her   most   notable   flaws   is   her   unwillingness   to   invest   .   despite   being   perhaps   overly   honest   ,   the   moment   a   conversation   (   or   relationship   )   runs   the   risk   of   becoming   too   emotionally   risky   ,   she   shuts   down   .   flames   have   been   ghosted   ,   relationships   have   been   ended   ,   and   friendships   have   been   cut   off   simply   because   lex   deemed   them   to   be   a   danger   to   her   mission   of   remaining   in   complete   control   of   herself   and   her   life   .   the   select   few   that   have   plowed   through   lex’s   rather   prickly   initial   interactions   have   earned   themselves   a   friend   forged   from   gold   ,   loyal   to   a   fault   and   ready   to   drop   anything   at   a   wind’s   blow   to   aide   those   she   loves   most   .   defensive   and   ornery   ,   the   pageant   girl   facade   soon   blows   over   to   reveal   an   anal   retentive   ,   emotionally   stunted   grandmother   who   loses   her   lid   over   the   most   minute   of   inconveniences   if   they   step   out   of   her   pre-established   plans   and   routines   .
              hiding   beneath   her   layers   of   fake   smiling   at   redundant   questions   ,   unapproachable   hostility   and   being   an   otherwise   unmeltable   ice   queen   ,   lex   harbors   a   deep   intensity   that   overcomes   her   when   allowed   to   reign   (   and   very   rarely   is   allowed   to   reign   )   .   she   does   not   invest   in   small   doses   and   despite   the   relative   unlikelihood   of   her   allowing   a   distraction   such   as   a   relationship   ,   the   few   she’s   had   have   been   intense   whirlwinds   led   by   lex’s   own   inability   to   limit   herself   —   she’s   all   ,   or   she’s   nothing   ,   but   nowhere   in   the   middle   .
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U.K. PRIME MINISTER BORIS JOHNSON MOVED TO INTENSIVE CARE By The Wall Street Journal Monday April 6, 2020 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had tested positive for coronavirus and was in self isolation. Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab Is Deputizing for Prime Minister! LONDON—British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was leading the British government from his hospital bed on Monday, the government said, as the country’s health system braced for the crisis caused by the new coronavirus to reach its crescendo. Mr. Johnson, 55, who was taken to a hospital on Sunday night for tests after being in isolation for 10 days, has been suffering persistent symptoms from Covid-19, including a high temperature. Mr. Johnson had a “comfortable night” and “is in good spirits” in St. Thomas’ hospital in central London, receiving briefings and contacting members of his team, a government spokesman said. With Mr. Johnson absent, the prime minister’s designated stand-in, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, held Monday morning’s government crisis-response meeting. But the spokesman said Mr. Johnson was still making key decisions on the government’s coronavirus strategy. “He’s in charge,” Mr. Raab said Monday of Mr. Johnson. He added that the government is working “full throttle” to follow Mr. Johnson’s instructions. But he said he hadn’t spoken to the prime minister since Saturday. Asked whether the prime minister should step back from a full-time role to concentrate on recovery, Mr. Raab said Mr. Johnson will follow medical advice. “I’m in good spirits and keeping in touch with my team, as we work together to fight this virus and keep everyone safe,” said a tweet from Mr. Johnson’s verified account on Monday. Mr. Johnson’s illness has come at a critical time for the government as it faces the worst health crisis in a century. The virus’s effects are expected to peak in the U.K. as soon as this weekend and questions are growing about the government’s belated decision to lock down the country and how the restrictions can eventually be eased. The number of confirmed cases and deaths in the U.K. has been climbing rapidly, though data released Monday showed the number of new cases falling from Sunday and 439 deaths related to Covid-19 in the previous 24 hours, the lowest daily figure so far in April. But scientists note that fatalities are a lagging indicator of the spread of the pandemic. “It really is too soon to see the effects of the big changes we’ve all made to our lives,” Angela McLean, the government’s deputy chief scientific adviser said. She pointed out that the lockdown measures came into effect only two weeks ago and that it can take several weeks before an infected person’s symptoms worsen enough for them to need hospitalization. Britain doesn’t have the equivalent of a vice president who automatically takes over if the prime minister dies. It is up to the members of the U.K. cabinet to decide among themselves who should lead the country if the prime minister dies or falls gravely ill. Coronavirus Strikes Officials Around the World. Are Governments Prepared? Officials in the U.K., Brazil, Iran and several other countries have tested positive for coronavirus, raising questions about world leaders' exposure to the pandemic. Here are some of the challenges governments face as they ponder contingency plans. “It really depends on everyone just accepting that person has the same authority,” said Catherine Haddon, a constitutional expert at the Institute for Government. Mr. Johnson has smoothed some potential difficulties by designating Mr. Raab lead the cabinet in his stead. Should Mr. Raab in turn fall ill, the prime minister could—if he is able to—pick another member of his cabinet to replace him. The British government initially took a laissez-faire approach to the illness, eschewing some of the more stringent clampdowns that were being imposed across Europe in an effort to minimize disruption. The government’s pandemic plan, which was crafted by scientists over the last two decades, played down the need to rush to shut schools and ban mass gatherings, arguing they did little to stop a virus’s spread. Meanwhile, British epidemiologists initially underestimated how many people could require intensive care if they got ill, according to officials. Worried that the British public wouldn’t isolate for weeks on end, the government reasoned it was better to wait until the virus’s spread was accelerating to impose a lockdown. Even as evidence mounted about the seriousness of the virus’s spread, Britain’s crowded parliament and the warren of buildings around Downing Street, where Mr. Johnson both lives and works, were humming with people. “I am shaking hands continuously,” Mr. Johnson said at the start of March. “I was at a hospital the other night where there were actually a few coronavirus patients and I shook hands with everybody.” Downing Street continued to operate much as normal with briefings in the state room and meetings convened around crowded tables in the building’s drawing rooms. On March 16 scientists advising the government concluded that the clampdown needed to be accelerated following a series of reports by modelers showing the National Health Service would quickly be swamped. Even after Mr. Johnson locked down the country on March 23, he continued to attend cabinet in person. The same week he fell ill Mr. Johnson attended a “virtual” cabinet meeting sitting with both the health secretary and the country’s most senior civil servant. The virus then spread through his top team. Mr. Johnson’s chief of staff Dominic Cummings and the country’s chief medical officer Chris Whitty isolated with symptoms. The health secretary, Matt Hancock, subsequently fell ill. Mr. Johnson’s pregnant fiancée, Carrie Symonds, said she has also suffered symptoms of the virus. Most of Mr. Johnson’s team is back at work and Ms. Symonds tweeted at the weekend that she was now feeling stronger. Mr. Cummings isn’t back in Downing Street yet but is working. Mr. Johnson put on a brave face once in isolation. He published a series of videos in which he said he had mild symptoms. However, people who were in contact with him mid-last week were expressing concern about his well-being. Mr. Johnson continued to lead cabinet meetings via video link in his study. He also appeared outside his door in Downing Street on Thursday to join a nationwide applause of National Health Service workers. The government insisted that his symptoms were still mild but admitted his condition wasn’t improving. By Friday a pale-looking Mr. Johnson told the nation via a self-filmed video that he would continue to isolate because of a persistent fever. At 8 p.m. on Sunday, as Queen Elizabeth addressed the nation imploring people to follow social-distancing guidelines, Mr. Johnson was driven to hospital for tests. Mr. Johnson’s government is currently working to ramp up tests for the virus, after failing to stockpile the necessary equipment before the virus struck. On Monday it confirmed that millions of antibody tests it had ordered, which would check if people had gained immunity to Covid-19, didn’t function properly. The government is in discussion with manufacturers to refine them, an official said. The last prime minister to have to sound out his cabinet for a successor while ill was Harold MacMillan in 1963. He resigned shortly after. Any replacement to Mr. Johnson would need to be named by the Queen, requiring the cabinet to agree among themselves who can best command support of the country. That leader would likely be an interim prime minister until the ruling Conservative Party could choose a new head. -30- See full story The Wall Street Journal https://www.wsj.com/articles/as-u-k-battles-to-contain-coronavirus-boris-johnson-remains-in-hospital-11586177542?mod=hp_lead_pos1
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anteroom-of-death · 5 years
...Queen Angela has spoken AGAIN on the Points of Goth
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nakoma · 6 years
new icon because YES
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐓. ( repost, don’t reblog ! )
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𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒔 !
FULL NAME.      Ernessa Matthews PRONUNCIATION.      “Ern-essa” NICKNAME.       Nessie, Nessa, Essy. (Only children or family members are allowed)  GENDER.         Cis female. HEIGHT.     Shorter than you think !!! AGE.  Anywhere between 20 to 28 but verse depended. 28 in main verse.  ZODIAC.         Gemini SPOKEN LANGUAGES.  French, Hebrew, Turkish, Arabic, German, Spanish, BSL, Italian, Korean, Russian, Burmese, Ancient and Modern Greek, Latin, Mandarin Chinese. Learning ASL currently. 
𝒑𝒉𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒔 !
HAIR COLOR.       Black (Natural) but dyes it Blonde in most cases.  EYE COLOR.       Pale Blue (almost white). SKIN TONE.        Pale. BODY TYPE.       Fit but petite. (She is actually a solid wall of muscle but it’s subtle) ACCENT.         British Accent. Central London to be specific  VOICE.         Feminine, honey-like, very melodic and alluring.  DOMINANT HAND.         Right handed but can do most tasks with both hands.  POSTURE.         Inhumanly straight posture, always graceful like a dancer. Occasionally her military posture will slip in to the conversation though.  SCARS.        ¾    Burn marks on her breasts. Caused by splash of boiled water. Gift from her mother.¾    Cigarette burn marks on her breasts. Gift from M.¾    Gunshot wound on left shoulder blade. Exit wound on her back. Through and through. Navy adventures.¾    Large gash on her lower abdomen and tummy. Looks rather like a crooked smile. From a torture experience whist in the navy.¾    Deep cut on right leg. From the same incident above.¾    A square of healed skin. From when she cut a chunk of her thigh for a friend to feed on. On her left inner thigh.¾    M branded on her lower back with hot iron. At the time she was 7.¾    Inner thighs covered in both electrical and regular burn marks. Cuts and whip marks. Gift from M.¾    Healed, barely visible whip marks on her back. Gift from M.¾    There is a surgical scar on her scalp, towards the right side above her ear. Hair covers it. From when her mother bashed her head with a vase.¾    Another surgical wound on her abdomen which is covered by her larger scar. Gift of her father after he forced hysterectomy to a six year old. TATTOOS.        None.  BIRTHMARKS.         None. MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).       Striking beauty, grace, and her eyes. 
𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒅 !
PLACE OF BIRTH.        London, England HOMETOWN.         London BIRTH WEIGHT.         5 pounds 11 ounces BIRTH HEIGHT.          19.25 inch MANNER OF BIRTH.         Caesarean section FIRST WORDS.       Da-ney (trying to say danny) SIBLINGS.         Dr. Daniel Valois  PARENTS.          Dr. Marcello Matthews and Mrs. Renee Matthews PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.       Marcello was sexually abusive towards Ernessa and physically towards Daniel. Renee was physically and psychologically abusive towards Ernessa and held Daniel in a pedestal but did not hesitate to blame him for Ernessa’s injuries hence Marcello’s harsh treatment of him.
𝒂𝒅𝒖𝒍𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆 !  ( 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑡𝑜 main 𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒. )
OCCUPATION.         Chairwoman of Cherry Blossom Foundation. Poet, Painter, Sculptor, Composer and Pianist. Writes Children’s books on occasion.  CURRENT RESIDENCE.         Has many properties all over the world but she mainly resides in her childhood home in London.  CLOSE FRIENDS.        Cherry (Angela), Caelan, and Nilin are her best friends.  RELATIONSHIP STATUS.        Widowed  FINANCIAL STATUS.        Richer than Jeff Bezos (if you count her illegal earnings as well) DRIVER’S LICENSE.    Ernessa has a license for cars, helicopters, and ships.  CRIMINAL RECORD.        She had no permanent records not even for arrests or questionings.  VICES.       Everything she ever does. Homicide. Sex. Over indulgence of every single passion.
𝒔𝒆𝒙 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.         Pansexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.         Panromantic PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.       submissive |  dominant |  switch PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.       submissive |  dominant  |  switch LIBIDO.       High TURN ONS.         Worship, Choking, Teasing, Rough touches and soft kisses.  TURN OFFS.        Insults, Degradation, Role Play that includes Doctors, DDLG, and such.  LOVE LANGUAGE.      Actions and Verbal RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.       Ernessa will support their love no matter what, will draw them, write them poetry, cook for them and pick them flowers. She loves taking them with her to see the world, explore together, and she is fiercely protective (but not possessive or jealous).
𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒄 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.      Killer Queen or Poison by Alice Cooper HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.      Knitting, Writing, Arts in general, Travel, Catching up on her shows, Baking, Yoga.  MENTAL ILLNESSES.    PTSD. PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.       Ernessa can not have children due to the illegal removal of her uterus by her own father. Otherwise she is perfectly healthy.  LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.       Ernessa is ruled by her heart and her heart alone but it would be a mistake to think of her as weak. She is cruel, cold, and calculating. The girl is ruthless.   PHOBIAS.     Her phobias are usually metaphorical things but physically she is afraid of M and losing loved ones.  SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.       Ernessa truly believes that she is a goddess in her own right. VULNERABILITIES.      Her family is both her biggest strength and weakness. Children. 
tagged(stolen from)by : @wolfqueennamedstark
tagging : @poxsonmenace @ericbrandonrp @antexmortem @quiisquiliae and @gettingjunkywithit
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