#quay pronounced key
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yz · 1 year ago
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West India Quay, Canary Wharf. London. February 2024.
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islandoforder · 1 year ago
as someone who also read both of these before ever hearing them out loud and got flack for saying it incorrectly as a result, it’s so unfair that errol got a whole intro of legendlark dedicated to segue, and in the same episode kat’s quay flies under the radar… justice for errol!!
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yupuffin · 2 years ago
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wildaboutmnhockey · 2 years ago
In which I once again relate too well to Mitch Marner
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waltwhitmansbeard · 5 months ago
how many people are going to learn that quay is pronounced key bc of robbie daymond in this episode
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waitingforwinterwinds · 2 years ago
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A Clash of Kings - 49 TYRION XI (pages 640-649)
Tyrion starts finalizing the preparations for Stannis' upcoming attack on King's Landing, making the hard call for some unfortunate (and not so unfortunate) orders before catching up on some gossip with the boys.
"-" Tyrion threatened, as the first load of Stone Crow pushed off from the quay.
Look, I know it's pronounced like "key," I know Galdin Quay is pronounced like "golden key," but that doesn't stop my brain from saying "kway" every. damned. time. >.<
... I just read an entire page and absorbed exactly zero words, my eyes were tracking but my brain was experiencing an AU. *sighs*
(Diaspro as one of Tyrion's hired swords, traveling around enjoying exile with Aryo, because she deserves her goddamned horse (and by horse I mean broken-horned alicorn with trust issues that tried to kill Diaspro's ex-fiance))
Children with swollen bellies were already fighting over the pieces of stinking fish.
oh dear. I know swollen bellies sounds like glutted-on-food or pregnant, but in this context it's more likely to be the swollen belly symptom that comes from starvation and rotten food-sources causing infections and disorders of the gut.
He remembered their godswood; (...) That wood was Winterfell. It was the north. I never felt so out of place as I did when I walked there, so much an unwelcome intruder. He wondered if the Greyjoys would feel it too. The castle might be theirs, but never that godswood. Not in a year, or ten, or fifty.
oh that's interesting, not just "ancient gods don't like you" vibes, but it also contextualizes some of Cat's thoughts from way back in GoT, feeling like an outsider still after all these years, iirc, that thought was directly linked to her being in the godswood.
"Yes, you have secret spells, how splendid, what of them?" "They, hmmm, seem to be workingbetter than they were." Hallyne smiled weakly. "You don't suppose there are any dragons about, do you?" "Not unless you found one under the Dragonpit. Why?" "Oh, pardon, I was just remembering something Old Wisdom Pollitor told me once, when I was an acolyte. I'd asked him why so many of our spells seemed, well, not as effectual as the scrolls would have us believe, and he said it was because magic had begun to go out of the world the day the last dragon died."
Okay, so iirc, that's now the Undying, Quaithe (and by extension her order I'm guessing), and the Alchemists Guild (also I think Mirri might have inferred something of the same but I'd have to go back and check) all saying dragons cause magic.
So we have a definitive belief that the two are related, but I'd be curious of the how. How are dragons related to magic, do they cause it to germinate? Or are they more like conduits and their living presence allows magic from some other plane into this one? Are they actually the cause of magic or just an inevitable symptom of the return of magic?
Hey, hey GRRM, come here a sec, I got questions for ya!
"My men have there instructions." "Which are?" "You commanded me to tell no one, my lord."
Ha! I like you Jacelyn. For now.
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drgmoveson · 1 year ago
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Friday, February 9, 2024: Today we took the ferry from Circular Quay (pronounced key) and went to Manly. The ride over and back gave us great views of the city. We went on the Coastal Walk (at least part of it) and stopped to rest and enjoy along the way. It was windy and we had trouble keeping our hats on. Finally we walked along the Corso, which has some interesting old buildings and shops. We got delicious gelato (mine was hazelnut mousse and Geary got strawberry banana at Anita Gelato, which was very popular. Then we headed back on the ferry to relax after this excursion.
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yupuffin · 3 months ago
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Hehe FINALLY got around to making a relatively finished drawing of my Wuthering Waves self-insert/OC :3c He's effectively a universe-insert expansion of my persona/mascot character I first developed 6.5~7 years ago now! Which is wild to think about!
I'm still nailing down the details of his design and backstory, but I think I have the basic elements down as far as combining his feminine-leaning aesthetic with the modern/urban "way too many belts and straps" look of Wuthering Waves, notably the conversion of his scarf into a cross-body utility belt. And I changed his braid into a high ponytail because I felt like a fresh look or something, IDK 😂 Also notable are the piercings -- one in his left eyebrow, a longer chain-style one in his left ear, and a few studs in his right ear (not visible in this drawing).
He works as an assistant field researcher with Huanglong's regional marine mammal stranding and response program. As he's not a resonator himself, he often employs resonators as his temporary bodyguards when responding to a report. can you tell I got this idea on a trip to the beach
He's reasonably well-known among the researchers at Huaxu Academy for two primary reasons: first, for his eccentric personality, and second, for his perhaps surprising mutual affinity with Mortefi, with whom he ingratiated himself easily due to his habit of regularly visiting the Academy to distribute his abundance of home-baked goods.
I think I'll ultimately give him my name, as usual, but in the Wuthering Waves universe, he goes by Quay -- pronounced the same as the key for a piece of music, because I love the plethora of sound/music puns in the game, and I had to seize the chance to contribute, utilizing a secondary pseudonym I came up with a couple of years ago.
I'm almost certain he hails from beyond Jinzhou, though, given the current scarcity of information on the other regions, I haven't settled on exactly where. Based purely on his aesthetic and on its status as a port, he might fit into Rinascita, but I'll have to wait for further details on it to know for sure!
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This is just a selection of the many voice-overs I've come up with for him. 😂 which I may voice myself eventually
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officialbibble · 10 months ago
Another note for anyone who has never heard these words out loud: quay is pronounced key because English sucks
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In case you’ve ever been confused which is which.
TIL: the difference between a wharf, a pier, a jetty and a quay (reading about the history of the port of San Francisco on a Friday night).
— Deb Chachra (@debcha) April 9, 2016
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irelandsojourn2023 · 2 years ago
And so it begins.......
In 2014 I did a 3 month sojourn in the South of France and enjoyed keeping my friends and family updated on my adventures. So here begins another sojourn on the magical island of Ireland.
I arrived late yesterday (Wednesday, 4/27) afternoon. I was so tired having not slept on the plane. However, everything went smoothly with picking up the rental car and getting out of Dublin and on the road. Mid-way to my destination, exhaustion hit so I pulled over in a rest stop and rested for about 40 minutes and then continued on.
My little cottage in New Quay (pronounced "New Key") is attached to the main home of a lovely couple, RoÍsín and Brendan. It is 2 rooms, one on entry with full kitchen and one bedroom and bath upstairs. I am across the street from Galway Bay to my left and Lisanne's Restaurant and Bar.
Once unpacked, I headed back into Kinvara for food provisions at the local Spar. The village of Kinvara doesn't have much - a pharmacy, Spar, beauty shop, few restaurants/pubs and small hotel, an old castle ruin, Dunguaire Castle, around a little port.. By the time I got home I was famished. Too tired to cook I wandered over to Lisanne's for fish and chips and a glass of wine. The former were delicious, the latter not so much :-(. A long hot hot shower and I finally collapsed by 9:30p.m. just as the sun was setting.
Had quiet time this morning with my coffee, newspapers and readings. I had purchased the fixings for hamburger soup so I set about getting that prepared. OMG the knives were so dull I couldn't cut through the onion. (Note to self: afternoon activity to find knife sharpener). Once the soup had simmered for a while, I packed up to find the knife sharpener and a small bluetooth speaker. The radio/cd/tape player here is out of the 80's and with no CD's provided seems useless. TV only has about 5 stations, but the internet works and I can stream on my iPad.
No luck in Kinvara for the items I was searching for so I ventured farther afield and closer to Galway to Orcombe where I found a Tesco - much bigger grocery store (more like Carrefour in France) and a few small appliances and limited clothing selections. I scored the speaker for 20E and the knife sharpener for 11E and headed home.
The weather is hovering around low to mid-50's and is overcast. We have had spitting showers today intermittently. I got back from my errands about 2:30 and made short shrift of my soup with some warmed baguette purchased at Tesco. I decided to do another walk along the Flaggy Shore. Before I did though, I drove all along it first to see where it went and how far it was. I love meandering down the country roads looking at houses, stopping to talk to the cows and sheep. I came back and parked the car and began my walk.
I have to admit I am having a lot of pain in my knee while walking. I think it's more from the bursa behind the knee rather than the meniscus or arthritis in the knee. I walked about 1 1/2 miles very slowly and am now home and icing. No swelling and the pain doesn't persist when stationary. I did a good bit of stretching when I got back and have been given more stretching exercises from PT. Bottom line is that I will not let this keep me from walking. However, Roísín mentioned she might be able to find me a bike which is lower impact for the knee.
I keep referring to the Flaggy Shore. It's a lovely walk around Galway Bay where it empties into the Atlantic Ocean. You have Connemara across the Bay and the Limestone Mountains of the Burren behind you. Seamus Heaney immortalized it in a poem, Postscripts, which I will add and hope you enjoy!
Seamus Heaney
And some time make the time to drive out west
Into County Clare, along the Flaggy Shore,
In September or October, when the wind
And the light are working off each other
So that the ocean on one side is wildWith foam and glitter, and inland among stones
The surface of a slate-grey lake is lit
By the earthed lightning of a flock of swans,
Their feathers roughed and ruffling, white on white,
Their fully grown headstrong-looking heads
Tucked or cresting or busy underwater.
Useless to think you’ll park and capture it
More thoroughly. You are neither here nor there,
A hurry through which known and strange things pass
As big soft buffetings come at the car sideways
And catch the heart off guard and blow it open.
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warwickroyals · 2 years ago
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this one is packed with references and light spoilers . . . happy hunting. ("quay" is pronounced like "key", I've saved you all from saying it the wrong way for half your life like I have ^_^)
[MARK ASHLEY] Queen's Quay is the typical vacation hotspot for Sunderland's wealthy and elite. Cliche in its glamorous beauty.
[MARK] It hardly seems the place for a royal scandal, but the presence of King Louis’s youngest grandson has attracted controversy . . . and droves of photographers.
[ARTHUR] News ‘copter.
[MARK] What do you think they’re doing?
[ARTHUR] I don’t know, taking pictures, probably, some guy’s in there with a big-ass camera.
[MARK] Do they bother you?
[ARTHUR] Nah, I’m used to it. But it’s loud as hell, huh?
[MARK] But other than the cameras, you’re enjoying yourself?
[ARTHUR] Yeah, totally, we’ve got the three Bs: beaches, beers, and babes. So, uh, yeah it’s been great.
[MARK] Better than up north with grandpa, I’d bet?
[ARTHUR] Oh, one-hundo-percent.
[MARK] But while the prince might be well accustomed to intrusive photographers, the people of Queen’s Quay are not. Noise complaints and police reports have almost doubled in the past week.
[ARTHUR] I’m here to help you bitchless individuals out.
[ARTHUR] It’s easy, like, do this shit and: instant bitches
[ARTHUR] Chicks love sandcastles, just bullshit it. They love artsy shit like this.
[ARTHUR] You can be a 4/10 but if you can make a 6/10 sandcastle, you’re set.
[ARTHUR] I failed honours arts but bitches think I’m Beethoven when I bust out one of these.
[FINCH] Beethoven was a musician, tho . . .
[ARTHUR] I literally just said I failed AP art, Finch, why are you surprised?
[MARK] Your older brother is currently enrolled at Warwick Metropolitan University. If he graduates he will be the first member of your family to receive a graduate degree. Do you have any plans for post-secondary education?
[ARTHUR] Not really? People always get mad when I say this, but why do I need a degree? So I can get a good job?
[ARTHUR] Be real, I’m wearing a shirt with pineapples on it, you don’t want me filing anyone’s taxes. My brother’s the smart one.
[MARK] University can provide you with a lot of amazing opportunities.
[ARTHUR] I’d just fail. And even if I did well, people like you would just say I got unfair treatment like last time, so . . . I’m good.
[LOCAL WOMAN #2] I think it's just frustrating because you know that if he wasn’t royalty the police would have already shut it down. We don’t treat celebs like this.
[LOCAL MAN #1] The hotel is right across the street from us. It’s constant music and noise and traffic. It’s terrible.
[FINCH] What type of vape is that, my man?
[ARTHUR] Strawberry ice cream. I prefer the mango, but this one is alright.
[FINCH] They’re clowning you for vaping in chat, Art.
[COOKIE] Probably because it’s gross as fuck.
[ARTHUR] Omigod, shut up, both of you.
[ARTHUR] You guys are like my dad. Cigarettes are fine but vaping is so bad for you.
[FINCH] You’re not worried about popcorn lung?
[ARTHUR] You know I don’t believe in that shit.
[COOKIE] But he’ll believe once he develops it, tho.
[LOCAL MAN #2] I think the people here are being a little dramatic. Sure he's loud, but so are the local kids. Sure he's causing trouble, point me to one boy that hasn't? Stuff like this happens, people only care because of who he is.
[COOKIE]  . . . Like, yeah, why do you think I'm here? Woodbine is, like, so freaking boring in the winter, bitch—Oh, can I swear or will you censor bad words?
[MARK] We won’t censor, um, that one
[COOKIE] Oh, goody! I thought I’d [REDACTED]ed it up for a second there.
[MARK] Are these your friends from school, Your Royal Highness?
[ARTHUR] Well, I went to an all-boys school, so yes and no—
[COOKIE] His school was scuffed
[ARTHU] —she’s just saying that, she was always visiting afterhours, if you know what I mean. I have that effect on bitches.
[COOKIE] I don’t give a fuck if they’re talking ‘bout my tits. I’m built differently for these little boys, the fuck?
[COOKIE] All white bikini my body looks like milk.
[ARTHUR] White on white?
[COOKIE]White on white on white. My nails are white too.
[COOKIE & ARTHUR] White on white on white on white 
[FINCH] They’re both so fucking annoying, guys. Pray for me.
[MARK] In recent years, the status of the Duke of Woodbine’s two sons has been subject to controversy. Last year, both young men were stripped of tax-funded police protection after senior members of the royal family reportedly expressed concerns. Prince Arthur refused to answer questions about his family. Back to you, Ana.
[MARK] Is it safe to say you’re dreading the end of your vacation?
[ARTHUR] As much as you’re dreading the end of this interview, yeah.
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katesattic · 3 months ago
Back when I lived near Toronto you could tell the who the American tourists were because they would ask for directions to "Queen's Kway" ... the street's pronounced "Queen's Key" but Key is spelt quay.
An excellent effect of English’s terrible spelling system is the variety of ways it gives you to mispronounce things on purpose for comedic effect.
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barid-bel-medar · 3 years ago
Fun fact about me; up until mispronouncing it in front of my older sister, I did not realize 'Quay' is pronounced as 'key' when I was in Sydney. Mostly since I never said it around anyone and my headphones were always in so I never head the stop announcer say it when on the bus. I just looked at the word, which very much does not look like it should be pronounced as 'key' and made an assumption.
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lockoutkey · 3 years ago
???? quay is pronounced key in english tho
i was pronouncing it cway uhhhh
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foone · 4 months ago
I was gonna joke about how I'm married to the sea and the sexiest part is when there's stone or concrete structures in a navigable waterway to let vessels load and unload... But it turns out "quay" is pronounced "key", so it doesn't work.
But TIL I guess.
Praise kink? No no no, I'm autistic but I don't have cPTSD, so I just have a maze kink.
Have you read Jamis Buck's Mazes for Programmers? Great book. Gave me some awesome ideas.
Anyway this is technically a labyrinth, not a maze, but I'll let you figure that out. See you at the exit! *closes the hatch and leaves you in darkness*
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seedbedcurse · 4 years ago
quay is such a fucked up word who decided to spell it like that but pronounce is like key. whats wrong with the world
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