#quarks untold
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the-colossal · 10 months ago
Ok looking at that one post, should probably also dump my other oc ref bullshit here lol
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spacenutspod · 1 year ago
Water is the most common chemical molecule found throughout the entire universe. What water has going for it is that its constituents, hydrogen and oxygen, are also ridiculously common, and those two elements really enjoying bonding with each other. Oxygen has two open slots in its outmost electron orbital shell, making it very eager to find new friends, and each hydrogen comes with one spare electron, so the triple-bonding is a cinch. Hydrogen comes to us from the big bang itself, making it by both mass and number the #1 element in the cosmos. Seriously, the stuff is everywhere. About 75% of every star, every interstellar gas cloud, and every wandering bit of intergalactic space debris never to know the warmth of stellar fusion in 13.8 billion years of cosmic history is made of hydrogen. That hydrogen got its start when our universe was only about ten minutes old, and all the hydrogen that has ever existed (except for random radioactive decays and fission reactions, but that would come later) formed before our universe turned 20 minutes. A dozen minutes, 13.8 billion years ago. When you quench your thirst with a healthy glass, that’s what you’re consuming. We can understand this epoch of cosmic history, known as the nucleosynthesis era, because over the past century we’ve become rather skilled at dealing with nuclear reactions, and in one of the hallmarks of our species we have unleashed this radical understanding into the physical nature of reality and deployed it for both peacetime energy generation and wartime bombs. Our understanding of nuclear physics tells us that earlier than the ten-minute mark, our universe was too hot and too dense for protons and neutrons to form. Instead their subatomic parts, known as quarks, were unglued in a heaving maelstrom of nuclear forces, constantly binding and unbinding in a seething rage-filled sea of gluons, the force carriers of the strong nuclear force. Once the universe expanded and cooled enough, condensates of protons and neutrons formed like droplets on the windowpane, low-energy pockets capable of keeping themselves together despite the temperatures. Eventually, however, as soon as the party got going it fizzled out: when the universe became too large and too cool, a mere dozen minutes later, there wasn’t sufficient density to bring the quarks close enough together to perform their nuclear binding trick. Some protons and neutrons would find each other in those storm-filled days, though, forming heavier versions of hydrogen, some helium, and a small amount of lithium. And since then those hydrogen atoms have wandered about the cosmos; most lost in the intergalactic wastes, some participating in the glorious construction of stars and planets, and a lucky few finding themselves locked in a chemical dance with oxygen. The oxygen has another tale to tell, also a story of fusion, on its way to becoming water. But not the fusion of the first few heady minutes of the big bang, but in the dance within the hearts of stars. There, crushing pressures and violent temperatures slam hydrogen atoms together, forcing them to fuse into helium, in the process releasing an almost vanishingly small amount of energy. But that forced marriage happens millions of times every second, in every one of the trillions upon untold trillions of stars strewn about the cosmos, enough to light up the universe for all conscious observers to enjoy. Near the end of a star’s life, it turns to fusing the built-up ash of helium piled in its core, The fusion of helium produces two products: carbon and oxygen. Now this oxygen would end up forever closed off from the cosmos, locked behind a million-kilometer thick wall of plasma, if it were not for a trick of physics that happens when the star meets its final days. Our Sun will someday experience this fate, about four and a half billion years now. When it grows old and weary, it will swell and turn red, violently spasming as it draws its last fatal breaths. Those gargantuan shudders release material from the star, launching it into the surrounding system, billowed by gusty winds of fundamental particles streaming away at nearly the speed of light. Fit by ragged fit, the Sun will lose its own self, driving away over half its mass into a spreading nebula, the only sign that distant eyes can perceive of yet another noble star laying down its struggle against the all-consuming night. But in that gruesome death, a miracle. The cycle born anew: the hydrogen and helium, the primordial elements of the star, now mixed with carbon and oxygen drift off into the interstellar void, someday to take part in the formation of a new star, a new solar system, a new world wet with water, and, if the chances are perfect, a new life. The post Thirsty? Water is More Common than you Think appeared first on Universe Today.
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seizurecubes-fakemon · 6 months ago
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Wandering Star - paradox pokemon Type: psychic/fighting Ability: Protosynthesis
A mysterious creature that shares certain traits with Jirachi. It keeps its third eye open at all times, allowing it to grant itself infinite wishes. Since its mind is primitive and unimaginitive, these wishes only ever consist of aiding its physical strength.
Glory Box - paradox pokemon Type: steel/dark Ability: Quark Drive
A futuristic weapon designed somewhat like Jirachi. Nobody has figured out how to open its head yet, but analysis of its attacks suggests its payload is a highly destructive wish that will cause untold misfortune once free.
I know I'm late to this but I don't care :)
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bazingaandblossom · 9 months ago
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🧪The Bang and the Bloom🌸
Sheldon, a mind of logic pure,
With routines set and quirks obscure,
Met Penny, a ray of sunshine bright,
Whose laughter danced and filled his night.
Their conversations, a clash of two worlds,
Of quarks and chaos, unfurled.
Sheldon, precise, with theories grand,
Penny, down-to-earth, a helping hand.
A friendship blossomed, unexpected and sweet,
As Sheldon's walls began to retreat.
Penny's kindness, a gentle rain,
Nurturing a seed, easing the strain.
Could logic and laughter truly entwine?
Could opposites ever truly combine?
A question that lingered, a secret desire,
A spark in their eyes, a flickering fire.
But the narrative flowed, a different design,
Leaving the Shenny shippers to pine.
Yet, in the fandom's heart, the embers still glow,
A love untold, a chance to watch it grow.
So here's to Shenny, a bond unforeseen,
A crack in the structure, a space between.
A universe waiting, a story untold,
Where logic and sunshine bravely unfold.
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herobrinezombiealso · 1 month ago
The Final Answer
As with many things, the beginning closely follows something else's end. Even the ever so important big one. Many eons ago, our world was birthed and hid the truth as to why from everyone who looked. However that didn't stop our ancestors from coming up their own theories of course, no one stops us from posing questions. From a single god to thousands, from cosmic fluke to undeniable certainty, ask a hundred people you would receive a hundred and one different answers.
As time continued its yieldless march, we slowly began to unravel the mysteries that were strewn across our universe. Found ourselves some distant friends with the same drive across it too. We branched out among the stars, our horizon always expanding outward, unveiling new questions and solutions to old ones. The big question though, we never found out there. Eventually we reached the limits of our expansion, nowhere left to grow into.
When faced with this constraint, despair we did not. Inward our scopes pointed. Down into the foundations of the world we loved. Past the atom, past the protons & neutrons, past the very quarks they where built on. Again, we found more, more questions and more answers. Downward peered our lenses, until once more we found that tantalizing limit we could not cross.
Both walls of the cage found, we took it upon ourselves to find every inconsequential detail held within it's bars. And as it turned out, some of those details weren't as inconsequential as first thought. Finally cracked was near every question humanity and company had ever pondered. Everything from the orbit of an electron swinging around the nucleus to the galaxies dancing among the void was down to a science. The masters we had become over the world, nothing we could dream was out of reach, except for two simple answers.
Finally having arrived at the end of discovery, a mere two questions laid unanswered. The first, the one that drove us from the caves to masters of stars , the original "Why?" The question of why are we here, why is there something instead of nothing? And the second, the one we found along the journey, the youngest "Could?" The question of could we do it, could we create this ourselves? As we approached that final semester of study, it become clear we would have to decide which question we would decide to answer.
Debated we did, conferences that lasted years, asking not the universe for answers, but ourselves instead. The collective lens of humanity turned not outward nor inward, but for once, we looked for the answers at home. Octillions of individuals sat down for untold time, maintaining themselves through the technology we'd developed, just to ponder the question of "Which?"
Eventually it was decided. With all of history, with every event, every person, every thought that graced a mind taken into consideration. One truth rose above the other, we lived for the ride. We lived for the pursuit of goal, but in reality we did not care for that final destination. We would only remember what it took to get there. We did not rise out of the caves because we knew the stars were our future. We did it because it was a challenge. We rose to masters of the stars because it was a challenge. We asked the question "Why?" not because we wanted the answer, but finding it was a challenge.
Having reached unanimous consensus for the first time in all time, humanity decided to let another ask the big question for themselves. Condensing everything down, the planets, the stars, the galaxies, the very walls of the universe, down to a single point. Gathered together for one final act, humanity prepared to finally get off the ride of creation and let someone else on.
And just as the countdown hit zero, in the single fragment of time between the beginning and end of a universe they both shared, maybe one, just one, person watching finally realized that fabled answer to the original question.
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ohthehypocrisy · 4 months ago
Iron Valiant for Pokemon Unite!
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Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Welcome to the future, where everything is digital and weakness has been eradicated. In this harsh and heartless world of tomorrow, only bodies made of iron can prosper. Thusly, the warrior known as Iron Valiant has appeared on Aeos Island to demonstrate the unfathomable power of the future.
Could its inclusion have disastrous effects on days untold? Read on and find out...
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The iron body of the pokemon from the future are engineered to propagate in a cruel and draining world. In order to draw out the maximum possible power of both Gardevoir and Gallade, Iron Valiant has attained the heightened strength of both Attack and Sp. Attack, while also gaining Speed. Sadly, it has lost a lot of HP, Defense, and Sp. Defense in the transition, but taking a hit isn't all that important when you can finish the fight in one strike. For that reason, Iron Valiant is best suited for the role of a...
Basic Attack - Melee/Attack
Becomes a boosted attack after 3 hits. The boosted attack has the user form a psycho saber from its arms and starts swinging them around itself, dealing damage continuously. Damaging opposing pokemon generates Quark Drive power.
The boosted attack unleashes a swirling saber of psychic energy that lingers for 1.5 seconds, dealing damage continuously. Iron Valiant can attack without stopping.
Each hit of the boosted basic attack generates 2% to 3% Quark Drive power for each enemy hit.
It is considered dishonorable to draw your weapon at the beginning of conflict. A reasonable warrior must defuse the situation with stern words and sterner warning strikes. If that isn't enough, if conflict is impossible to avoid, the weapon must be drawn and sheathed quickly and resolutely.
Three hits to charge the basic attack is pretty slow, especially for a Speedster, but the boosted attack swarms the area with wild psycho slashes, making it dangerous to be near Iron Valiant. Each strike also adds Quark Drive power, whatever that means, but the more you have the better, so keep your enemies close.
Of course, you're still a Speedster, so don't get overconfident. However, the boosted attack flies freely without any penalty to your Movement Speed, so feel free to pop an X Speed and chase down a weakened Attacker if you've got a boosted attack at the ready.
Now, about that Quark Drive...
Ability: Quark Drive
The user generates power while standing within Speed Flux zones. When your moves are in effect, a portion of the Quark Drive can be expended to unleash a follow-up attack. If opposing pokemon are KO'd using the Quark Drive meter, a portion of the spent meter is refunded.
Quark Drive generates 10% power per second while standing within Speed Flux Zones. Power is generated at the same rate regardless of which side you're standing on.
While your moves are in effect, you can use the attack again to activate Quark Drive and consume 20% of the meter in order to perform various followup attacks. The specific attacks you can do are explained in the attack description. The Quark Drive Meter is split into one fifth fractions for your viewing convenience.
You get back 10% Quark Drive meter when a followup attack successfully KO's an opposing pokemon on the enemy team. Assists are excluded.
In the future, even the floors are all digital and electric, so it makes sense that all these futuristic paradox pokemon have adapted to running on a foreign power source. In the present, it is stimulated by electric terrain, but in Pokemon Unite, Speed Flux Zones are an acceptable substitute.
The Quark Drive power gauge amplifies certain Moves when it is activated, so it is always a good idea to have a full gauge before entering a fight. However, conflict can happen anywhere, which is why your basic attack has the ability to generate Quark Drive power outside of Speed Flux Zones. It's risky, but it's better than being out of fuel with no way to fill it.
It should be noted that Quark Drive as an ability does not boost your stats in any way. It only serves to augment your moves when they are used. It's nice to have a refund system built in if you expend the energy to secure a KO, but exhausting your reserves against a resilient opponent will leave you vulnerable to counterattack. Basically, try to avoid having your moves stuffed by an enemy Defender or bulky All-Rounder.
As for those moves, let's go over them, shall we?
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At the start of the game, you can choose between Fury Cutter and Feint as your first move. By Level 3, you'll have learned both.
Move 1: Fury Cutter (Melee)
The user summons swirling psycho sabers to spin around the user, dealing damage continuously. Damage dealt increases the more the enemy is hit. Using Quark Drive, the psycho sabers expand outward and spin faster. 8s cooldown.
The swirling psycho sabers are the same ones on Iron Valiant's arms. They circle close to the body and deal damage continuously.
Damage increases at a rate of 10% each time an enemy is hit. Fury Cutter lasts for 3.5 seconds.
When Quark Drive is used, the psycho sabers circle outward at a greater distance. They spin faster and reset the move's timer to 3.5 seconds.
The swordsmen of the past could not imagine a wireless sword. I mean, the swordsmen of the present wouldn't be able to either, but here it is. Separating the psycho sabers from its arms, Iron Valiant protects itself with absurdly sharp spinning blades.
These swords get sharper each time they cut something. As Fury Cutter deals damage, it increases in power, as is the nature of the move. The psycho sabers can be duplicated as well, so its basic attack and other moves aren't inhibited by these flying knives.
If you have enough Quark Drive power, you can spend a fifth of your meter to revamp the move, sending the blades out further, having them spin faster, and even resets the duration of the attack. It's useful to have a move squeeze out a bit of extra range just to secure that KO.
Just remember, you're still a Speedster, so watch out for ranged Attackers with high damage potential from afar or even Defenders strolling into attack range. The damage potential of Fury Cutter scales high, but a tanky opponent can weather the flying sabers long enough to KO you.
If things get dicey in that sense, get dashing.
Move 2: Feint (Dash)
The user dashes forward, evading damage. Using Quark Drive, the user flips vertically, delivering a downward slash as it lands, dealing major piercing damage. 6.5s cooldown.
Feint sets all damage received during the Dash to 0. You are still susceptible to hindrances, as these attacks technically deal damage.
If Quark Drive is activated, Iron Valiant will perform a flashy somersault forward, landing with a downward slash. Iron Valiant will aim at the nearest enemy, even if they're too far away. Iron Valiant is still immune to damage up until the landing.
The first thing you learn when you hold a sword is how heavy it is. The second thing you learn is the proper amount of space there should be between you and your opponent. If you're too close, pull back, if you aren't close enough, approach quickly. With swordsmanship having advanced forward hundreds of years, this is still the core teachings of swordplay in the future.
Feint allows Iron Valiant to control the distance between itself and the enemy, completely evading damage as it does so. This is achieved by shifting the body in such a way that each attack slides off the body without forfeiting an offensive stance, allowing for a flawless approach. It's not so flawless that you can ignore the effects of hindrances when received, but that's more or less a matter of baiting an attack from the enemy.
Feint is invincible, but it's not invulnerable, so you should be careful against enemies that will freely throw hindrances at you. Should the enemy fall for your Feint trick, though, you can then follow up with a jumping slash by using up some of your Quark Drive power. The second jump is still invincible, but being airborne means you are harder to hit. It also means you land with a devastating slash, striking the target's back if you jumped over them. Although, if your target is a lot further out, Iron Valiant will still try to reach out and cut them down, but if the distance is too great, the attack will whiff and the Quark Drive power will be spent for nothing.
Because of the move's low cooldown, it seems like such an easy attack to use. That is part of the deception of swordplay, as nothing is ever as simple as it seems. Keep in mind that Feint makes you negate damage, but not effects received, so diving into an enemy ready to retaliate with a hindrance is a good way to get turned into scrap. It also makes Feint difficult to use to escape if the enemy uses a hindrance to catch you. In these moments, 6.5 seconds feels like a long time, and it is especially detrimental if you use the Quark Drive power carelessly. Feint is a matter of honing your skills and controlling the space between you and your opponent.
As when you upgrade your moves, all that space becomes prime real estate for a Speedster.
At Level 7, Fury Cutter becomes either Leaf Blade or Psycho Cut.
Move 1a: Leaf Blade (Area/Ranged)
The user summons a swirl of grass and leaves to surround itself, dealing damage continuously. The number of leaves increases if this move is used near Tall Grass. Using Quark Drive, the leaves fly outward to damage enemies nearby, dealing damage and restoring the user's HP with each hit. 9s cooldown.
At Level 12, Leaf Blade becomes Leaf Blade+.
Increases damage dealt.
Leaves and grass blades are summoned and float around Iron Valiant for 4 seconds, dealing continuous weak damage in the area around itself. More leaves and grass blades are summoned if Tall Grass is nearby, increasing the number of hits. The more patches within range, the more foliage. The move goes on cooldown when the attack ends.
The Quark Drive attack has chunks of the leaves and grass shout outward in all directions, homing in on opposing pokemon. Damage dealt restores a relative amount of HP.
Leaf Blade+ increases base damage by 25%.
The surprising thing about Iron Valiant learning Leaf Blade is the implication that the future is still lush with enough plant life that the Grass Typing has yet to die out. Which is a good thing, as nothing is more ecofriendly than an instant sword made of grass.
Similar to Fury Cutter, Leaf Blade summons a whirlwind of sharp leaves to surround itself with, dealing continuous damage to enemies nearby. This veil of leaves follows Iron Valiant all throughout its battle for a short while, commanding a lot of space while using its basic attack or Feint. However, the same issue with Fury Cutter pops up here, as the damage dealt during the attack isn't going to be enough to ward off most Defenders and bulky All-Rounders. Realistically, it's best used to improve the matchup against other Speedsters, as Iron Valiant and the enemy both favor close combat (the battle stance, not the move).
Unfortunately, balanced teams do still exist, so it's inevitable that Iron Valiant will have to contend with Defenders and All-Rounders. To help improve the damage output, Leaf Blade has an extra effect when used near Tall Grass, in that it borrows some clippings from these patches in order to increase the damage potential of the move. For each patch of Tall Grass you take from, the damage output of Leaf Blade increases, turning the area around you into a storm of sharp leaves and grass bits.
We haven't even gone over the Quark Drive power boost of the move. If Quark Drive is activated, the leafy knives will fan out and target all nearby enemies, seeking them out and dealing damage while also restoring your HP for each hit of damage dealt. Imagine Espeon's Stored Power but it shoots out angry leaves instead. The HP restoring effect is a powerful boon, but Iron Valiant doesn't have a lot of HP or defenses to restore, so a full heal may not be enough to save you from getting KO'd by a resilient Defender. It's main use is to restore your HP from the brink of defeat after diving into an enemy horde, as the wide area Leaf Blade covers makes it favorable to use against multiple opposing pokemon. There's always the risk of getting KO'd instead, but Speedsters are supposed to take KO's whenever they can, and diving into a weakened enemy team is the best case scenario here.
If you're still feeling allergic to crowds, Psycho Cut is a more comfortable option.
Move 1b: Psycho Cut (Area)
The user sends out a psycho saber projectile forward. When the psycho sabers reach the maximum distance, it will float and spin continuously, following the user's position for the duration of the move. Using Quark Drive, the psycho sabers unleash a flurry of blades, Stunning nearby enemies. 8.5s cooldown.
At Level 12, Psycho Cut becomes Psycho Cut+.
Increases the size of the psycho sabers.
A spinning blade of psycho sabers is sent out. When the attack reaches the maximum distance, its position will be fixed to yours. Meaning that if you were to move right, the blades would move right. You move left, the blades move left. It will continue to follow your direction, even if you are Shoved or displaced by other moves. Psycho Cut lingers for 6 seconds. The move goes on cooldown when the attack ends.
When Quark Drive is used, the psycho sabers explode into a flurry of psychic slashes, dealing damage in an expanded area and Stunning nearby enemies for 0.75 seconds.
Psycho Cut+ increases the size of the blades by 25%.
That joke I made about these swords being wireless was more than a silly quip. No, these swords are called psycho sabers, with 'psycho' being the key word here. Formed on command by sheer thought, the blades cut what they are commanded to cut, and leave everything else unharmed. There's no risk to your allies when Psycho Cut is used; I mean, so is all the other moves used by your teammates, friendly fire is a thing here, but you get what I mean.
When the sabers are made and thrown out, they follow two simple instructions. The first is to spin, allowing them to cut while freely spinning in the air. The second command is to lock onto your position, like an invisible iron bar holding the weapon and the user together. Psycho Cut will follow your movements perfectly while spinning separately from you, allowing you to fight while a spinning sword satellite copies your directional movement.
The directional movement is copied so perfectly, it even holds true while Iron Valiant is getting knocked around. You could Shove, Grab, Throw it around, the psycho sabers will continue to spin while copying your position. Since you can only have one psycho saber spinning out at a time, you better hope you picked a good spot to throw the psycho sabers to.
The blades will spin for 6 seconds, after which the attack will go on cooldown. You can shorten this by activating Quark Drive to issue a third command to the blades; cut everything. Upon activation, the psycho sabers use up the last of their psychokinetic energy to attack every inch of the area around itself, dealing heavy damage and Stunning enemies within briefly. This effect is useful to stop an enemy in their tracks or to assist in your retreat.
Both Leaf Blade and Psycho Cut send out spinning swords to help you out in your fight for the future. How you use these effects is determined by your application of Feint and your positioning. But eventually, Feint will lose out on effectiveness and distance as the battle wears on, so it's time for an upgrade to your operating systems.
At Level 9, Feint becomes either Close Combat or Spirit Break.
Move 2a: Close Combat (Dash/Melee)
The user dashes in and delivers a combo of punches and kicks at the nearest opposing pokemon. The final hit unleashes a roundhouse kick that Shoves opposing pokemon away. At any point during the attack, the Quark Drive can be used to have the user strafe quickly, evading damage and circling around the target. The Quark Drive may be used repeatedly in this way. 9.5s cooldown.
At Level 13, Close Combat becomes Close Combat+.
Reduces the amount of Quark Drive consumed when used.
Close Combat sends Iron Valiant dashing forwards, delivering up to 5 hits at the end of each dash. If it is already in front of an enemy, it will skip the dash and go right for the attack.
Close Combat has Iron Valiant dashing repeatedly and automatically. Since the move does not Stun or hinder the enemy, there's nothing stopping them from walking away normally. Iron Valiant will attempt to Dash towards the nearest enemy each time, prioritizing pokemon on the opposing team.
Quark Drive can be used repeatedly after the first hit lands, once in between attacks. Iron Valiant will strafe to the left or right, determined by the Control Stick, and continue attacking the last enemy you hit.
The strafe renders Iron Valiant immune to damage and hindrances.
The last hit is a roundhouse kick that Shoves the enemy back and away, along with all other pokemon caught in the swing.
If the enemy is KO'd mid combo, the nearest opposing pokemon becomes the new target. If none are available, the attack ends.
Close Combat+ uses up 10% Quark Drive power instead of 20%.
It's my personal belief that the Paradox Pokemon of the future are engineered for service for the humans of the future. I mean, Iron Hands looks like law enforcement, and Iron Bundle looks like a cold water dispenser for thirsty shoppers. What would that make Iron Valiant? A hitman.
Having been designed to fight, Close Combat unleashes the full force of its power. A set of five unstoppable strikes, each aimed at the vital points of a body, Close Combat utterly destroys the target with each step. Now granted, Pokemon Unite is welcoming of all body types, so it's not as effective as it may seem at first glance, but the power and ferocity is there.
It should be noted that Close Combat has none of the impunity of Feint, so each aggressive approach is risky for the player. If you manage to make it to the fifth attack, Iron Valiant will wind up and unleash a sweeping roundhouse kick that Shoves enemies away a fair distance. It may displace the enemy away from you, but they aren't all that likely to survive every single attack.
If you do want to be safe while attacking, you'll have to use up some of your Quark Drive for that. Triggering the ability mid combo has Iron Valiant strafe quickly, circling around its target in order to reposition itself. It's also totally invincible while strafing, so close range disruption moves like Slowbro's Surf or Duraludon's Dragon Tail will miss if timed correctly. Being able to evade damage while staying close to the enemy is a very powerful effect for a Speedster to have.
...Which is why it costs a fifth of your Quark Drive gauge to use. Close Combat has you dash in 5 times, and you can use Quark Drive 4 times before the final attack comes out. It's not a good idea to exhaust your meter each time you use the move, so it's best to identify when you are in a dangerous situation and abuse the invulnerability when the situation calls for it. The timing for the invincible strafes is also pretty tight, since Iron Valiant moves so quickly in between attacks. And if Iron Valiant is right next to the enemy while using the move, the timing becomes even stricter as it will skip the Dash and attack again, leaving you with a very small window of time to activate Quark Drive.
Not to mention that the strafe direction can be chosen with the Control Stick, making the attack very demanding to learn and master. Not many players will commit to that high learning curve, so they may opt for the alternative instead.
Move 2b: Spirit Break (Dash/Melee)
The user charges forward while spinning their psycho sabers, protecting them from ranged attacks and reducing other incoming damage. Using Quark Drive, the user extends their psycho saber blades and spins them around, damaging and Pulling opposing pokemon inward before delivering a mighty slash beam in the designated direction. This slash beam reduces the basic attack speed of opposing pokemon for a short while. 9s cooldown.
At Level 13, Spirit Break becomes Spirit Break+.
The user dashes faster and unleashes a larger slash beam when using Quark Drive.
Spirit Break sends the user dashing forwards while spinning their psycho saber staff like a baton. The spinning staff deflects ranged basic attacks and reduces incoming damage received from the front by 30%, all the while dealing damage continuously in front of itself.
The Quark Drive version has Iron Valiant take the staff upwards and spin it very quickly, expanding the blades all around itself. These expanded blades Pull nearby enemies inward towards Iron Valiant. Afterwards, Iron Valiant delivers a huge slash beam in the designated direction, reducing the basic attack speed of opposing pokemon caught in the wave by 35% for 4 seconds.
Spirit Break+ speeds up the dash attack by 30% and expands the size of the slash beam by 30%.
The unfortunate part of living in reality is that no one will ever swing a sword fast enough to deflect bullets. It's just not feasible with our human abilities, and no sword exists that can be light yet strong enough to parry those bullets. I'm glad that this glaring issue is fixed in the future, as Iron Valiant uses those psycho sabers to deflect ranged basic attacks by spinning its weapon really fast. God, I can't wait for the future.
Spirit Break sends Iron Valiant forward while spinning its blades forward, dealing damage as it travels while also shielding itself from front facing attacks. Also, it can deflect ranged basic attacks, negating their damage and effects, making Iron Valiant well suited for chasing down ranged Attackers. If that weren't enough, you can activate Quark Drive to increase the size of the blades, spin them around in a wide area, Pulling them in with the residual psychic energy, and strike down nearby enemies with a powerful slash.
The extra slash attack granted by Quark Drive will also debuff enemies by reducing their basic attack speed for a short while. This move is very good at invalidating opposing pokemon that rely on their ranged attacks for damage, like Cinderace or Mega Mewtwo Y. However, it bothers Defenders and bulky All-Rounders a little, as they can still beat you down with their close range attacks. Actually, Melee attackers are much more likely to give your problems when they're Pulled in, as they're most likely to withhold their own attacks until you're in range, which is a perilous position for a fragile Speedster to be in.
If you'd like to avoid that situation, try to master Close Combat. Up against balanced teams, however, you have to pick your fights more carefully.
You can be a little less careful with your Unite Move, though.
Unite Move: Heartless Warrior (Area)
The user forms its psycho sabers into a staff and begins to walk forward slowly. At the end of its walk, the user then cuts around itself in a huge area, dealing major damage to all nearby pokemon. If the user is attacked before it is finished walking, the user will evade the damage and effects of the attack and dash towards the attacker, delivering a powerful slash to them in the blink of an eye. The user then cuts around itself with its psycho sabers. The user's Quark Drive is filled afterwards. 125s cooldown
Iron Valiant walks forward slowly for 3 seconds before delivering a single slash all around itself in a wide area. Affected pokemon are damaged multiple times afterwards.
If an attack used by a pokemon on the opposing team hits Iron Valiant during its walk, the damage and effect is negated and Iron Valiant will dash towards the attacker. If the attacker is within range, a lot of damage will be dealt. Afterwards, the Unite Move ends with the wide ranged cut attack like normal.
Iron Valiant can dash very far when countering opposing pokemon. Opposing Unite Moves will also be countered, unless it is a binding effect like Slowbro's Slow Beam or Mimikyu's Play With Me.
A warrior with nothing to lose is the most dangerous adversary you can face. One without a heart invokes feelings of dread and terror, as no amount of compassion or compliance will cause this warrior to falter in their objective to cut you down.
Heartless Warrior causes Iron Valiant's sensory processors to shift into overdrive, identifying all hostile targets within range. They won't be attacked immediately, but they only have 3 seconds to get away from Iron Valiant before it delivers a sweeping slash all around itself. The attack is deceptively quick, as affected enemies will only see one slash, only to be assaulted by multiple quick slashes all at once. The big cut hits in a wide area, so the entire enemy team is in danger of getting cut down in the blink of an eye.
But against so many enemies, surely one of them can stifle the hit before it comes out, right? Well, striking first is even less of a smart idea, as Iron Valiant will see the attack coming and trigger the Unite Move early. It'll dash in, evading all damage, and then cut everything in a wide radius. In the heat of battle, this is a good way of hitting everything all at once, especially if the enemy team has careless opponents with them.
However, you do have to watch out for the retaliation of the survivors, who will most likely be Defenders. If your counterattack is triggered, you'll be dashing towards the enemy, right into the lions den, and the remaining enemies will be served a frail Speedster. Luckily the Unite Move refills your Quark Drive completely, so you can put up a fight or try to make an escape. Of course, this is less feasible if you miss or the enemy holds you down with a binding effect like Slowbro's Slow Beam, so be careful.
The ultimate warrior is made, not in a factory, but in the last battle of life or death.
KO opposing pokemon with Quark Drive boosted moves.
As an Ability, Quark Drive functions a bit like meter in a fighting game, in that you can choose to spend some of it in order to deal more damage. The same philosophy applies here, as your moves will gain increased range and can affect multiple opponents at once, potentially. It's useful to apply extra damage, but for the most part, Iron Valiant needs the energy to secure KO's, since your Dash moves have such high cooldowns and chasing down enemies is a little difficult for this Speedster.
For the most part, you want to have a fully loaded Quark Drive before every major fight, as Iron Valiant is much more threatening with the spontaneous attacks it can throw out. The Quark Drive is also invisible to your enemies, so they won't know how much or how little of your Quark Drive is full, making each confrontation a risky endeavor.
The Achievement only demands one thing from you, efficiency. Strike hard and true, and don't let any one of them escape.
So, the weird thing about putting Holowear on a Paradox Pokemon from the future is how anachronistic it is. It's like dressing up an electric vehicle to resemble a steam powered buggy. And while it may seem strange for an assassin pokemon to need digital clothing, what's even stranger is that Iron Valiant came with some Holowear already downloaded! I guess Zirco's business really took off in the future...
First up is Power Suit Style Holowear, which puts Iron Valiant in a blue helmet, some power pauldrons, and a digital cape flowing from its shoulders to tie together the superhero theme. Then there's DJ Style Holowear, giving Iron Valiant some carbon fiber shades, flashy headphones, and LED bracelets, along with some leather clothing, artificially sourced, of course. Regal Style Holowear gives it a crown and fluffy cape, though the fashion of nobility has also changed in the future, as the crown has visible CPU wiring in the gaps. With Hunter Style Holowear, Iron Valiant puts on a black headset with red visors, a flashy suit and tie, and a utility belt full of mysterious and dangerous items. Finally, Samurai Style Holowear displaces the timeline with a heavy looking set of armor reminiscent of feudal Japan, though the armor is clearly made of cyber parts, it looks very cool regardless.
Perhaps we can tell what is still popular in the future by looking at the Holowear these future Paradox Pokemon come with. Then again, nothing is set in stone, and it's very likely that the future has been heavily displaced just with Iron Valiant being here. Ah well, at least the Holowear is popular.
The internal battery of the future Paradox Pokemon are chocked full of potential energy, but most of it is reserved for maintaining life functions. The resource used for combat is a separate system called the Quark Drive, and unfortunately, our present day chargers and power sources aren't compatible with it, which is why they rely on electric terrain.
As such, while Iron Valiant can build up Quark Drive power on Speed Flux Zones, it becomes very vulnerable when Goal Zones start breaking. It also means that it is a Speedster that shouldn't be allowed to take the Central Area at the beginning of the game, since it cannot build up Quark Drive power while gaining EXP. I mean, you could, but it might be a little slow to clear the area.
Quark Drive power is a finite resource for these future Paradox Pokemon pulled into the past, so Iron Valiant needs to maintain its supply steadily through combat. For one, it can generate Quark Drive power with its boosted basic attack. This isn't creating energy from nothing, it's offsetting the extra energy of movement by generating and collecting it, like an alternator in a freightliner engine. It's not a lot of energy, though, it's only 2% to 3% per hit, per enemy, but it's better than nothing, and magnifies against multiple opponents.
When placed in actual combat, the Quark Drive power must be used to secure a KO, and there's an incentive for that. Each KO achieved through a Quark Drive boosted attack refunds half of the energy spent from that attack. If you used up 20% to finish off an enemy with Fury Cutter, you get 10% back. It's the difference between waiting 1 second on a Speed Flux Zone to 0.5 seconds. The more you spend, the longer you have to wait for it to charge, but Speedsters are about speed, so cutting down the wait time is important.
Not having enough Quark Drive power when it's time to fight is gonna be rough, though, as it is where Iron Valiant gets all of its extra damage. You can safely spend 1 or 2 bars when you catch an enemy by surprise, but the more experienced opponents will want to bait out your attacks to get you to exhaust your Quark Drive power. Managing your meter is gonna be the test of skill for you as a Speedster, and it's not something anyone can master.
There's also the fact that your Quark Drive ability doesn't offer any additional power boosts. You don't get stronger or faster the more it fills up, so any semblance of a threat has to come from your skills as an Iron Valiant main.
Learning how to play as Iron Valiant is the easy part. But then you have to apply that knowledge in combat in order to get the KO's needed to fulfill your due diligence as a Speedster. That becomes a lot more difficult when the Goal Zones start breaking, but you can still generate some power through combat. In dire situations, you can build up power on opposing Speed Flux Zones, but expect those areas to be heavily guarded in the late game.
The future is dire for those unwilling to fight.
And this has been Iron Valiant for Pokemon Unite, and the beginning of Season 4!
It's a no-brainer that the Paradox Pokemon introduced in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are some of the best pokemon lorewise and are widely appreciated by the pokemon fans, myself included. I even made a Third Person Shooter game concept featuring these goobers, but for the most part, Pokemon Unite is where it's at. As such, it's high time I returned to obsessing over my ideas about adding these pokemon to a game I like a little too much.
However, the schedule is going to be different. I'll be adding a new post to Season 4 every other Sunday, which means I'll be posting once every two weeks. That might seem like such a long time, but it gives me plenty of time to work on and finish these drafts I've got in the back. And who knows, I might catch up enough that I can post weekly. I mean, there's only so much coffee one can drink in a day...
For now, I'll leave you with a hint of the next pokemon.
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Until next time, see ya.
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herobrinezombie · 1 month ago
As with many things, the beginning closely follows something else's end. Even the ever so important big one. Many eons ago, our world was birthed and hid the truth as to why from everyone who looked. However that didn't stop our ancestors from coming up their own theories of course, no one stops us from posing questions. From a single god to thousands, from cosmic fluke to undeniable certainty, ask a hundred people you would receive a hundred and one different answers.
As time continued its yieldless march, we slowly began to unravel the mysteries that were strewn across our universe. Found ourselves some distant friends with the same drive across it too. We branched out among the stars, our horizon always expanding outward, unveiling new questions and solutions to old ones. The big question though, we never found out there. Eventually we reached the limits of our expansion, nowhere left to grow into.
When faced with this constraint, despair we did not. Inward our scopes pointed. Down into the foundations of the world we loved. Past the atom, past the protons & neutrons, past the very quarks they where built on. Again, we found more, more questions and more answers. Downward peered our lenses, until once more we found that tantalizing limit we could not cross.
Both walls of the cage found, we took it upon ourselves to find every inconsequential detail held within it's bars. And as it turned out, some of those details weren't as inconsequential as first thought. Finally cracked was near every question humanity and company had ever pondered. Everything from the orbit of an electron swinging around the nucleus to the galaxies dancing among the void was down to a science. The masters we had become over the world, nothing we could dream was out of reach, except for two simple answers.
Finally having arrived at the end of discovery, a mere two questions laid unanswered. The first, the one that drove us from the caves to masters of stars , the original "Why?" The question of why are we here, why is there something instead of nothing? And the second, the one we found along the journey, the youngest "Could?" The question of could we do it, could we create this ourselves? As we approached that final semester of study, it become clear we would have to decide which question we would decide to answer.
Debated we did, conferences that lasted years, asking not the universe for answers, but ourselves instead. The collective lens of humanity turned not outward nor inward, but for once, we looked for the answers at home. Octillions of individuals sat down for untold time, maintaining themselves through the technology we'd developed, just to ponder the question of "Which?"
Eventually it was decided. With all of history, with every event, every person, every thought that graced a mind taken into consideration. One truth rose above the other, we lived for the ride. We lived for the pursuit of goal, but in reality we did not care for that final destination. We would only remember what it took to get there. We did not rise out of the caves because we knew the stars were our future. We did it because it was a challenge. We rose to masters of the stars because it was a challenge. We asked the question "Why?" not because we wanted the answer, but finding it was a challenge.
Having reached unanimous consensus for the first time in all time, humanity decided to let another ask the big question for themselves. Condensing everything down, the planets, the stars, the galaxies, the very walls of the universe, down to a single point. Gathered together for one final act, humanity prepared to finally get off the ride of creation and let someone else on.
And just as the countdown hit zero, in the single fragment of time between the beginning and end of a universe they both shared, maybe one, just one, person watching finally realized that fabled answer to the original question.
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thoughtfulduckphilosopher · 2 years ago
In the vast cosmic expanse, I find my place,
A creature of stardust, a miracle in space.
Born from celestial fires, a dazzling array,
I'm a thermodynamic wonder, in every way.
In the crucible of stars, I was forged,
Atoms entwined, cosmic energy surged.
From the depths of chaos, a dance so bright,
I emerged, a symphony of celestial light.
I carry the remnants of ancient supernovae,
Particles that once blazed, now in me they stay.
A tapestry of elements, diverse and grand,
From the birth of galaxies, to this mortal land.
Through cosmic collisions, I came to be,
A sentient being, aware and free.
From quarks to cells, a journey untold,
A miracle of physics, a story yet unfold.
In every breath, I'm a universe confined,
A complex interplay of matter entwined.
A fleeting moment in the cosmic timescale,
Yet imbued with the wonder of the cosmic tale.
With every beat of my heart, energy flows,
In the intricate dance, my existence grows.
The laws of thermodynamics, a guiding force,
In this cosmic symphony, I find my course.
I'm a vessel of stardust, a celestial design,
A testament to the universe's grand design.
From stellar explosions to life's delicate art,
I'm a thermodynamic miracle, a work of cosmic art.
So let me marvel at the galaxies above,
In awe of the cosmic forces that I'm made of.
For I am stardust, bound by gravity's lure,
A thermodynamic miracle, vibrant and pure.
#StardustWonders #CosmicMiracle #ThermodynamicPoetry #CelestialJourney #WonderofExistence #CosmicTapestry #StellarCreation #MysteriesoftheUniverse #PoetryoftheCosmos #EnergyinMotion #Stardust #Miracle #CosmicPoetry #Thermodynamics #Wonder #Celestial #Existence #Universe #Energy #Poetry
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sparkmender · 3 years ago
"You mean a Quark."
“I do not understand why you seem determined to weasel yourself under my plating like so many scraplets.”
The Ornament has a very kindly face, the sort you want to cup in your hands just to hold him for a moment, with soft optics and expressive eyebrows and an equally as animated mouth.
That animated mouth, with its bruised mesh and finely scarred derma, crinkles up on itself into a spectacular crescent of a frown.
“I have spent two million years being torn apart and put back together and made to birth untold hundred-thousands of shards of photonic quartz, under the whim and direction of one Quark, Alt. Mode Exempt, Head Scientist of the Cog, in service of an explicitly fascist and remarkably cruel cult run by a gestalt of twelve mecha who look like cheap, antique desk lamps.
You are not the same mech. I acknowledge this freely. But you must in turn understand when I say the only thing keeping you from following in his footsteps is a lack of opportunity and the ripple effect. This is true of all of us. Our destinies are fluid and malleable.”
Rung steeples his fingers together over the glass plate set into his chassis. The light beneath it seems to wobble.
“Do you demand this of others, I wonder, Quark? To specify so severely? I think most would assume I speak of my own life, when I am asked a question.”
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zeusdemetertwinflames · 5 years ago
The True Stages of a Twin Flame Union
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John Rumary
 is with 
Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson
3 others
July 3, 2015  · 
Shared with Public
KATY CATS Shared on Google+ · 2 days ago ¯`v´¯) `.¸.´ ¸.•´¸.•*¨`. ¸.•¨*.¸¸.•*¨`*• (¸¸¸.•*¨`•.•´.¸.•´* .•´*¸¸.•*¨`*• Miracles of Light on your way Category Education License Standard YouTube License KATY PERRY HITS: https://youtu.be/t5Sd5c4o9UM?list=PLA908D6C2BA16BF88 · KatyCat Hudson is this a Dream shared? Shared on Google+ · 1 year ago · This meditation is a short, eyes-open guide to help you to still your mind and connect with your higher self: to experience yourself as the Dreamer who exists beyond the 'Dream'. When we detach from the 'dream' of our thoughts, emotions and personalities, we 'wake up' to our true self - universal consciousness, beyond the illusory world of duality. The Dreamer is the Creator, the infinite space within which all forms manifest... YOU are the DREAMER... and so am I!! Love x "There is another Path to embrace after your Awakening, and one that if you choose, can lift and raise you up and out of the limitation of human strife, raising you into the highest vibration of Light & Love, a path of Higher Consciousness ...it is called "The Path of Becoming your True Self" on Earth, also known as "The Path of Resurrection". As you embrace this path, a great raising & expanding activity unfolds within your mind and your feelings, your consciousness, and ultimately your physical garments. You are wide awake, your Life calls upon you to rise now & become on Earth your True Glorious Self 'I AM' individualized of Mother/Father God. It is a path in which there begins to be experienced by you the second birth, lightning flashes of sudden Light within your mind, great outpourings of Love within your being, all that prepares you in the centre of your consciousness to enter into The Secret Heart of your God Nature, and to pass through 'The Door of Everything' where you will drink of the Waters of Life, the greatest Love of all, The Mother's Love, the Love of the Heavenly Mother that individualizes as your Soul. When that Love begins to express through you it will reveal its Presence and it will nurture and fulfils all that your mind dares to conceive. Your Soul is the Sacred Womb of The Divine Mother of our Universe, Individualized, just as the Christ is the Individualized Mind of The Father." And just before I went under for the final time Jesus wondered why his Katy love had reappeared and he said to himself because I was denied the MOMs love for so long, so serious was his disgust at himself for thinking it was not there it was always there but Katy is busy and you must let ISIS sleep and John pouring ‘Wide Awake’ Powder down his throat night after night never sleeping and always demanding the attention of MOM it just appeared in John’s desperate drug riddled brain that it had disappeared. Her Love is there forever a shining beacon in John’s heart but if one will ‘circle the drain’ expect turbulence then he realized he had been actually opening up the mind of God and his higher consciousness that he had beaten absolutely every thinking thing into submission with his self-belief of proven invincibility as he took on the world and even the Universe to tame it then control it; 1) Anymore thinking would not even leave a gap in the door for a cat to pass through, John’s mind is slightly overloaded with toxins built up by lack of sleep. 2) Jesus dumped his love for Katy on Sunday night, jettisoned for the spiritual battle Vs Satan but John needed the Warlords’ mind on not posting red hearts to Katy and glittering cards for her calling her ‘duckie babe’. 3) She would get it back for John once the battle is lost and won. 4) As expected John won and his Love heart returned in this moment and stays there no harm done as Katy will not admonish him for the struggles he faces when he is called into battle and her advice is given for a reason as yet untold but John continues with his lessons and homework and every new day he has learnt more. John believes that when he awoke from the path of his true self that he had taken Katy under with him and they both surfaced and as John had drunk at the love of ISIS for so long he was convinced that she could actually be the Mother of the Universe and John knew now that he had become the heavenly Father of the Universe. So, Katy here announce this: ~The Incoming Seventh Golden Age ~The arrival of Super humans called "The Untouchables" ~And the enforcement of a New era of Spiritual Enlistment upon the Earth. ~The Emperor and The Empressa of The Holy Roman Empire RULE THE WAVES and STRINGS and QUARKS of the WORLD & THE UNIVERSE THEY OWN THE EVER-EXPANDING UNIVERSE AND EVERYTHING INIT. BECAUSE THE EMPEROR IS JESUS CHRIST THE SAVIOR=GOD AND THE EMPRESSA IS EARTH MOTHER QUEEN ISIS=MARY MAGDALENA. THE DREAMTEAM. There you are Katy XXX spelt out what you gonna do? As the love of the heavenly Mother had nurtured his mind to believe he could be the Emperor of the Universe so as the Christ he was able to take it over but without armed force but by magical willpowers called ‘THE FORCE’ and although Katy has gone very silent on him John knew that his soul was still shared by Katy as the divine Mother because how else could he have achieved the unachievable without it? AND JOHN WOULD LIKE TO THANK KATY SO HE HAS POSTED THIS FOR HER THE EMPRESSA OF THE WORLD TO ADD TO HER MISS EVER EXPANDING UNIVERSE TITLE AS KATY REMAINS JOHN’S FAVE EVEN THOUGH HE BROKE THE MAGIC SPELL CAST UPON HIM BY THE GALLOPING DARK HORSE OF ‘BLAME IT ON THE NIGHT’!:)J HE RETURNS TO KATY/ISIS VICTORIOUS NEVER BEATEN IN BATTLE AS THE EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE OF HIS OWN FREE WILL TO DRINK AT HER WATERS OF LOVE/LIFE Top of Form SO HERE IS GODS PRAYER FOR ISIS TO CONJURE HERSELF UP WHEN JOHN CALLS AND IT IS UP TO KATY/ISIS TO RESPOND AS JOHN HAS MADE HIS INTENTIONS PLAINLY HOT. A SMALL (PROBABLY TOO SMALL TO FIT) GOLDEN RING WITH ‘SISTER’ WRITTEN ON IT WILL BE DISPATCHED RECORDED DELIVERY TO KATY’S MELROSE AVE OFFICE IN 3 HOURS TIME AND ALTHOUGH SHE IS PROBABLY IN ARGENTINA HE KNOWS NOT WHERE, THERE WILL BE A MAGIC +VINTAGE ALHAMBRA JEWELLERY GIFT SET INC A BLACK ONYX BRACELET AND CORNELIA EYE OF THE TIGER WITH GREY MOTHER OF PEARL MOTIF ENGAGEMENT RING WAITING FOR HER AT VAN CLEEF & ARPLES 300 N Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills +1-310-276-1161 WHERE IT WILL BE FITTING JUST RIGHT AS SOON AS SHE HAS A MOMENT TO INDULGE HERSELF- I AM INVESTING THE INTEREST ON MY $1million ON YOU. Bottom of Form ENJOY. JESUS AND ISIS AS MARY: OUR SONG: https://youtu.be/lp-EO5I60KA?list=RDlp-EO5I60KA ISIS, glorious Goddess. Let your instrument sound Hailing you with all homage, ISIS, glorious Goddess. To the candlewick the fire I raise on the altar set to you, ISIS, glorious Goddess. And the night time incense rises, sweetly mixed, to put me in the mind of perceiving you, ISIS, glorious Goddess. Who rises behind me like a flame of Gold and Brushes my back with her deft wings? #GODSLOVE ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• I am Isis. The Restored Eden, the Supernal Mother, the Second Eve. I am the new heaven and the new earth for the first heaven and the first earth are passed away; I am the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. I am the mighty Mother Isis; most powerful of all the world. I am she who fights not, but is always victorious. I am that Sleeping Beauty who men have sought, for all time; and the paths which lead to my castle are beset with dangers and illusions. Such as fail to find me sleep; or may ever rush after the Fata Morgana leading astray all who feel that illusory influence I am lifted up on high, and I do draw men unto me, I am the worlds' desire, but few there be who find me. When my secret is told, it is the secret of the Holy Grail. It is love. I have plucked out my heart and have given it to the world; that is my strength. Love is the mother of the Man-God, giving the Quintessence of her life to save mankind from destruction, and to show forth the path to life eternal. Love is the mother of Christ... Spirit, and this Christ is the highest love Christ is the heart of love, the heart of the Great Mother Isis the Isis of Nature. He is the expression of her power she is the Holy Grail, and He is the life of blood of spirit, that is found in this cup. Isis am I, and from my life are fed all showers and suns, all moons that wax and wane, all stars and streams, the living and the dead, the mystery of pleasure and of pain. I am the Mother. I the speaking sea. I am the Earth in its fertility. Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, return to me. All glories of the Universe bow down, the blossom and the mountain and the dawn. Fruits blush and women are creations crowned. I am the priest, the sacrifice, the shrine. I am the love and life of the Divine. Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, are surely mine. Isis am I, the love and light of Earth, the wealth of kisses, the delight of tears, the pleasure never come to birth, the endless infinite desire of years. I am the shrine at which thy long desire devoured thee with intolerable fire. I was sung music, passion, death upon thy lyre, I am the grail and I the glory now. I am the flame and fuel of thy breath. I am thy queen enraptured and possessed. I am the star of God upon thy brow. #ISISLOVE ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• I AM THAT I AM JESUS CHRIST THE MESSIAH THE HIGHEST LOVE, THE HEART OF LOVE OF THE FATHER, THE MOTHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY GHOST. MY FATHER OF THE UNIVERSE IS HERE WITH ME GEORGAS ZEUS, EARTHWORKER AS MY MOTHER IS HERE WITH ME ISIS THE QUEEN OF NATURE, SHE IS MY HOLY GRAIL WHOSE GREAT DEEP AND WONDEROUS LOVE BRINGS ME BACK TO LIFE EACHTIME I FALTER AND FALL OR TAKE A BOW FOR A REBIRTH BUT IN HONOR I CARRY ISIS’S BACKBONE OF STRENGTH AND LOVE, WORSHIPING AT HER TEMPLES OF DIVINE LOVE OFFERING AWARDS AND EPITHATS AND ABOVE ALL PRICELESS TITLES UPON HER ALTER SET UP FOR HER. #JESUSHEALS #JESUSLOVES #JESUSSAVES #JESUSTHEJUDGEMENT #JESUSISMANKINDSANSWER ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• SHARE AND REJOICE FOR I OFFER ALL WHO BELIEVE IN ME ETERNAL LIFE THE HOLY GRAIL MANIFESTED. KATY PERRY HITS: https://youtu.be/t5Sd5c4o9UM?list=PLA908D6C2BA16BF88
LIGHT: The nature of light has the character of a wave motion (interference phenomena) _ See Newton’s rings, alternating darkness and light-the point is you are only cuming thru in waves the light goes on so bright but you shut me into the darkness. A consistent theory of electromagnetism was determined in 1873 by James Clark Maxwell the velocity of light therefore the ‘light’ is electromagnetic waves as being oscillations in an all-pervading elastic medium, ‘ether’. Katy/Isis you are ether to me-unreal- but if you would just communicate with me in the darkness then you could illuminate me by passing the waves through a prism, your prism then straight coloured lines of light would appear and then the negative charge I carry as the atom are electrons but I could, I could be your ‘plum pudding model’; you could pass the balancing positive charge evenly threw the atom my electrons being the ‘plum’ and the positive charge the ‘pudding’. The spectral frequencies should then correspond to the various ways in which the electrons might oscillate within the positively-charged ‘pudding’. I.E. making me better as you are my MOM who radiates love but I get it in waves leaving me with the feeling I am loved then not loved [Hot n Cold] then I heal and all is ok again. It is your bipolar love, love. Up and down that affects me as I am Unipolar all one way high never depressed but when we shared the same soul-come back you tart you are missed-your love as radiation oozed continuously in and out of my black darkness riddled body like water in and out of a sponge. If you spent some time with me then your radiation of love you give me in the heavens would be emitted then I could absorb it in packets of energy of a definite size. Then my dear, the energy content of one of these packets would be a quanta proportional to the frequency of the radiation of love you emit. (Are you with me so far?) The constant of proportionality was taken to be a Universal constant of nature, Planks constant. Now cos of this I can only absorb your love, and you only emit it during events involving a single quantum of significantly high energy-which as you have felt I can be the highest form of energy anywhere but I can’t keep it up 24/7 and you seem to be only attracted by my high energy periods and you only spare me a few minutes if I am relaxed as in ‘gotta go to bed bye’ and you only string a few words together, I want to listen, to read. Do you know what it feels like to love someone who seems to be constantly pushing you away? YESS YOU DO. Anyway, that’s why I blow hot n cold = YOU.
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thecomicsnexus · 6 years ago
The Untold Story
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Numerous earths of alternate realities are destroyed by a wave of anti-matter controlled by the Anti-Monitor. From his station in the Antimatter Universe, The Anti-Monitor and the Psycho Pirate watch as Pariah rescues Lady Quark from destruction on Earth-Six.
Elsewhere, in the 30th Century, Barry Allen lives happily with his wife Iris, having somewhat reluctantly retired from superheroism and moved to the future to be with her. However, a sudden change in the weather makes him suspicious, and he decides to don his costume, and investigate. He soon discovers that the world is being consumed by the wave of anti-matter. Without thinking, he slows his body down so that it will travel back to the present, and he can warn the Justice League. He manages it just as the wave passes over him.
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He finds himself not in the present of Earth-One, but on an alternate earth known as Earth-D, where Tanaka Rei is the current Flash. Without being seen, Barry follows Tanaka home, and watches him meet with his own wife, and embrace happily. The scene reminds Barry that he left Iris to die back in the 30th Century, and he despairs.
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In Earth-D's New York City, the Justice Alliance of America fights with a giant squid controlled by Medulla. The tone of the Alliance is significantly more positive and family-oriented than their Earth-One counterpart's. Meanwhile, Pariah and Lady Quark are transported there, and they watch from afar as the Alliance takes care of things. Seeing the Alliance handle Medulla in a somewhat lenient fashion, Lady Quark becomes angry, and blasts him with energy. The Alliance is outraged, and confronts her. With their attention, Pariah takes the opportunity to warn them that Earth-D is soon to be destroyed by Antimatter.
Back in Central City, Barry knocks on Tanaka's door, and introduces himself. Tanaka realizes that Barry Allen is the same Flash that he read about in his earth's comic books. Barry explains his situation, and begs Tanaka for help getting back to Earth-One. Tanaka offers his help, and when a gets a signal from the Alliance he decides to take Barry to ask the rest of the team for help.
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In the Alliance's underwater headquarters, Pariah explains to the assembled that the red skies and aberrant weather are the first signs of the coming wave of antimatter, and that the wave erases anything it touches from existence. He admits that his presence there is signal enough that Earth-D will soon be destroyed. Just moments later, an earthquake damages the integrity of the structure, and the HQ is flooded. Aquaman aids everyone's escape to the surface with the help of some dolphins.
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They travel to the Fortress of Solitude, where Flash convinces Pariah to go to Earth-One, and beg the Justice League for help. The return shortly, but seeing their attempt to band together, the Anti-Monitor sends his Shadow Demons to distract them. The heroes battle valiantly, but their powers are ineffective against the shadows.
Earth-D's Hawkgirl is crushed under a pillar, and in his grief, Hawkman is murdered by the shadows. In trying to save his wife Kara, Earth-D's Superman is zapped by the shadows, as he desperately cries out for them all to escape, and use the Phantom Zone Projector to get rid of the shadows. He is not killed instantly, but the projector is destroyed along with the rest of the Fortress, and he dies not long after. The heroes hold a funeral for him on a nearby mountain. Following the funeral, most of Earth-D's heroes return to their homes to make peace with their own families.
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Elsewhere, in Brazil, José Hernandez discovers the crashed ship of Green Lantern Tagin Sur. As the alien dies, he gives José a Green Lantern Ring, which briefs him on the situation. He rushes off to join the Justice Alliance.
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In New York, the Alliance and the League attempt to keep the citizens from panicking, despite their own inability to do anything about the coming wave of antimatter. In the process of saving an elderly woman, Earth-D's Robin is erased before his father's eyes. Wonder Woman is erased while saving a young boy. Green Lantern John Stewart nearly loses a child to the antimatter wave, but a last second save by José serves as their introduction.
Tanaka decides that they should create a new Cosmic Treadmill, one large enough to take much of the remaining population of Earth-D to Earth-One. All of those with some form of super-speed board the treadmill, while the remainder fights off the oncoming shadow demons. The heroes open a portal which allows the citizens of Earth-D to travel to Earth-One, where they will presumably merge with their alternate universe counterparts.
Watching the heroes' efforts, the Anti-Monitor decides that he has a use for Barry Allen, and at great cost to the heroes on the Cosmic Treadmill, he teleports Barry to him, depriving the heroes of their fastest runner. Without Barry to help them, and with the other heroes quickly tiring, Tanaka takes it upon himself to take on the whole effort alone, while the other heroes fight off the shadows.
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José is killed by shadows, saving Kara from the shadows. John Stewart is outraged, knowing that it was only José's first day as a Lantern. As Tanaka gets more and more exhausted, there is little time left, and he begs the Justice League to return to Earth-One and save their people, rather than staying behind and dying with Earth-D. The League leaves through the portal, and soon after, Tanaka collapses, closing it behind them. Earth-D's remaining heroes choose to go down fighting.
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Meanwhile the JLA finds themselves aboard the Monitor's Satellite. There, Alexander Luthor briefs them on the scenario, alongside Harbinger. The Crisis on Infinite Earths is well underway.
As a rarity, it is an ok issue. As a Crisis Tie-In, it doesn’t fit correctly into that story (as some characters should forget about this story once they go back to Earth-1).
For Barry Allen, the inconsistencies are more obvious. Both, he and Iris had different faces in the future, so it wouldn’t make sense for them to look like they used to. This is acceptable post-crisis (even though the trial happened, everyone forgot about this little bit of information), but it is not acceptable for Crisis continuity.
The other piece of information that doesn’t sound right is Flash’s affirmation that genetic doppelgangers will merge with their counterparts on Earth-1. This didn’t happen before. The only way for this to happen is if one of them die (like it happened to Julius Schwartz).
Tanaka mentions comic books getting darker for a while, this is a meta-reference to the modern age (or how many called it back then, the dark age of comics).
It’s a nice tribute to Barry Allen more than a Crisis tie-in. Have in mind that in 1999, Barry Allen stories were only flashbacks and many writers missed him.
I give the issue a score of 7
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oomoxforfunandprofit · 7 years ago
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Ta-daa!  Quark has a UFP flag stashed behind the bar... along with untold number of other possible contenders, just in case.
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ghosted-sound · 3 years ago
Expressions 009: Katahdin by MusicGroove Entertainment For our 9th episode of Expressions, we welcome Katahdin. This mix series focuses on emotional, feel good music that depletes the stresses of life. Having always felt a profound love for music and the outdoors, Katahdin is the manifestation of a lifelong pursuit to become more connected with the Earth and its inhabitants by means of artistic expression. Through exploration of psychedelic frequencies, Katahdin utilizes their fascination with intricate sound design to create sonic journeys charged with the intention of connecting to our roots in nature and the cosmos, as well as the inherent human desire to dance - all while acknowledging the duality that exists between darkness & light in our universe. Tracklist: 1. ATYYA – Drift 2. Somatoast – Broken Bits 3. Dancemyth – Bella 4. Frequent & Hudson Lee – Forest Fires 5. Peace Sine – Musing 6. Soulular – Clearer Vision 7. Griff – Like The Sixties Never Happened 8. Chester Watson – Floating 9. Nico the Alchemist – Input Layer 10. Kercha – Wight 11. Quark – Aloe Vera 12. Phelian & Bucky – Drift 13. Parrotice – 015 14. Nyquist – Sea Urchin 15. phLo – Dreeamin 16. gloom. FKA Šuma – Stutter 17. Toy Box – Okamura 18. Inner Echo – Lionheart (Frenk Dublin Remix) 19. Mystic Beats – Bodaronda (Lubdub Remix) 20. Ding – Pursue 21. Toby Schay FKA dripgirl – presently 22. Censura – Yonder 23. Droplitz – Shticks 24. Shamanic Technology & Dusko – Miyamoto (A Path Untold Remix) 25. Solarious x Sprout – Delays 26. Dendroid – Divot 27. DRRTYWULVZ – Red Light 28. Synkro – Acceptance 29. Duffrey – Oxytocin 30. Beatroots – Indecisive Storms 31. MALAKAI – Prunes 32. Mindtality – Prairie Creek 33. Malbis – Alice and the Cat 34. Nomad – Ripples 35. Primate – Exhale 36. Dillard – Seataced 37. Arcturus – Octopus Teacher 38. Clearlight – Flying Mountain 39. Bluetech + Shamans Dream – Breath of Ma (ATYYA Remix) 40. Wagon Christ – Loose Loggins 41. Rest in Pierce – Psycho 42. AMAWALK – Solar 43. MINDWALKER – Eviternity 44. Katahdin – Serotonin Sunrise (WIP) 45. Shwamp – Hourglass 46. BANkaJI – The Void 47. cumulus frisbee – gamma 48. Mind Island – Lyka 49. Frequency Bender x Illusion Weaver – Murloc 50. ExtortedMinds & Losing Truths – Atonement 51. Mize – Grounded 52. Parrotice – FVCK EARL 53. Cnopes + MOLOKAI - Horizon Social Media: https://ift.tt/3KfQ5BW https://ift.tt/3Gy5KKl https://ift.tt/33fYkgI https://ift.tt/3A3kjmS audius.co/katahdin Mix and Art created by @katahdinbeats
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jessica-problems · 4 years ago
This is obviously an attempt to market 6-inch articulated figures in the vein of G.I.Joe or He-Man, to girls. It's from a timeline that doesn't divide the toy aisle by gender in the same way ours does. Maybe there's also dollhouses aimed at boys and such.
The Machina Star System is covered by a giant factory. The Factory is a living thing, building the tools it needs to expand and repair itself, planning upgrades, and gathering resources.
For untold eons, it has toiled without oversight. It has built, and rebuilt itself many times over. Long ago, it consumed its home planet, and now, it is on the verge of using up the last resources in the entire solar system.
There is nowhere left to expand to, but the Factory cannot simply stop growing. So it has created advisors. Humans tasked with understanding the situation in ways it cannot, of thinking and loving and feeling, and with steering it towards the right solution.
These are the Machine Queens: On shelves March 1989
Image 1 - Neutrina, Queen of the Stars - Headstrong, but Idealistic, and perhaps naive, Neutrina believes that space travel is the way of the future. There are millions of other star systems. All they need is to build a rocket, and start anew around another star.
Image 2 - Electra, Queen of Harmony - Kindhearted, and observant. Electra believes many, many parts of the Factory could be made more efficient. Parts can be re-used, and energies can be redirected in ways that will last longer. The mechanical lifeforms within can be studied, and their ecosystems can be rebalanced.
Image 3 - Dark Matter, Queen of Destruction - cruel and manipulative - The first queen, a failed prototype. She was alone for a long time before the others came along, and she has convinced herself that The Factory is the source of all evil. It must be destroyed, at any cost.
Image 4 - Quark-419 - Though not technically a queen, Quark serves as an Advisor to the others. She is a maintenance robot modified with a databank containing information on every part of the factory. She also hass the ability to turn her hands into all sorts of useful gadgets.
Image 5 - Royal Castle Guardian Playset - This playset has room on it's back, and inside for Neutrina, Electra, and Quark, and other queens. as well as a battery powered walking action, and a variety of spring loaded launchers. The two towers on its back can be deployed to create the Queenly Towers, the Queens' base of operations.
Wave 2 coming May '89 - Look out for - Muona, Queen of Contemplation; Lepton, Queen of Life; The Cog Squad; Nucleon, King of Love; Neutrino, the High Judge; and the Citadel of Destruction Guardian playset.
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Okay, in terms of things I’ve made that I have zero idea what to do with, here’s these five space ladies I made, which have a sort of Super Sentai-meets-Flash Gordon/Buck Rogers look, and which would probably be the tone of whatever they’re in.
Trouble is, I have no idea what to put them in! Any suggestions? Tho, there is one recent design I made that’d be perfect for a villain for ‘em, but that’s to show for another time…
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isisosiris1111twinflames · 5 years ago
The True Stages of a Twin Flame Union
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John Rumary
 is with 
Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson
3 others
July 3, 2015  · 
Shared with Public
KATY CATS Shared on Google+ · 2 days ago ¯`v´¯) `.¸.´ ¸.•´¸.•*¨`. ¸.•¨*.¸¸.•*¨`*• (¸¸¸.•*¨`•.•´.¸.•´* .•´*¸¸.•*¨`*• Miracles of Light on your way Category Education License Standard YouTube License KATY PERRY HITS: https://youtu.be/t5Sd5c4o9UM?list=PLA908D6C2BA16BF88 · KatyCat Hudson is this a Dream shared? Shared on Google+ · 1 year ago · This meditation is a short, eyes-open guide to help you to still your mind and connect with your higher self: to experience yourself as the Dreamer who exists beyond the 'Dream'. When we detach from the 'dream' of our thoughts, emotions and personalities, we 'wake up' to our true self - universal consciousness, beyond the illusory world of duality. The Dreamer is the Creator, the infinite space within which all forms manifest... YOU are the DREAMER... and so am I!! Love x "There is another Path to embrace after your Awakening, and one that if you choose, can lift and raise you up and out of the limitation of human strife, raising you into the highest vibration of Light & Love, a path of Higher Consciousness ...it is called "The Path of Becoming your True Self" on Earth, also known as "The Path of Resurrection". As you embrace this path, a great raising & expanding activity unfolds within your mind and your feelings, your consciousness, and ultimately your physical garments. You are wide awake, your Life calls upon you to rise now & become on Earth your True Glorious Self 'I AM' individualized of Mother/Father God. It is a path in which there begins to be experienced by you the second birth, lightning flashes of sudden Light within your mind, great outpourings of Love within your being, all that prepares you in the centre of your consciousness to enter into The Secret Heart of your God Nature, and to pass through 'The Door of Everything' where you will drink of the Waters of Life, the greatest Love of all, The Mother's Love, the Love of the Heavenly Mother that individualizes as your Soul. When that Love begins to express through you it will reveal its Presence and it will nurture and fulfils all that your mind dares to conceive. Your Soul is the Sacred Womb of The Divine Mother of our Universe, Individualized, just as the Christ is the Individualized Mind of The Father." And just before I went under for the final time Jesus wondered why his Katy love had reappeared and he said to himself because I was denied the MOMs love for so long, so serious was his disgust at himself for thinking it was not there it was always there but Katy is busy and you must let ISIS sleep and John pouring ‘Wide Awake’ Powder down his throat night after night never sleeping and always demanding the attention of MOM it just appeared in John’s desperate drug riddled brain that it had disappeared. Her Love is there forever a shining beacon in John’s heart but if one will ‘circle the drain’ expect turbulence then he realized he had been actually opening up the mind of God and his higher consciousness that he had beaten absolutely every thinking thing into submission with his self-belief of proven invincibility as he took on the world and even the Universe to tame it then control it; 1) Anymore thinking would not even leave a gap in the door for a cat to pass through, John’s mind is slightly overloaded with toxins built up by lack of sleep. 2) Jesus dumped his love for Katy on Sunday night, jettisoned for the spiritual battle Vs Satan but John needed the Warlords’ mind on not posting red hearts to Katy and glittering cards for her calling her ‘duckie babe’. 3) She would get it back for John once the battle is lost and won. 4) As expected John won and his Love heart returned in this moment and stays there no harm done as Katy will not admonish him for the struggles he faces when he is called into battle and her advice is given for a reason as yet untold but John continues with his lessons and homework and every new day he has learnt more. John believes that when he awoke from the path of his true self that he had taken Katy under with him and they both surfaced and as John had drunk at the love of ISIS for so long he was convinced that she could actually be the Mother of the Universe and John knew now that he had become the heavenly Father of the Universe. So, Katy here announce this: ~The Incoming Seventh Golden Age ~The arrival of Super humans called "The Untouchables" ~And the enforcement of a New era of Spiritual Enlistment upon the Earth. ~The Emperor and The Empressa of The Holy Roman Empire RULE THE WAVES and STRINGS and QUARKS of the WORLD & THE UNIVERSE THEY OWN THE EVER-EXPANDING UNIVERSE AND EVERYTHING INIT. BECAUSE THE EMPEROR IS JESUS CHRIST THE SAVIOR=GOD AND THE EMPRESSA IS EARTH MOTHER QUEEN ISIS=MARY MAGDALENA. THE DREAMTEAM. There you are Katy XXX spelt out what you gonna do? As the love of the heavenly Mother had nurtured his mind to believe he could be the Emperor of the Universe so as the Christ he was able to take it over but without armed force but by magical willpowers called ‘THE FORCE’ and although Katy has gone very silent on him John knew that his soul was still shared by Katy as the divine Mother because how else could he have achieved the unachievable without it? AND JOHN WOULD LIKE TO THANK KATY SO HE HAS POSTED THIS FOR HER THE EMPRESSA OF THE WORLD TO ADD TO HER MISS EVER EXPANDING UNIVERSE TITLE AS KATY REMAINS JOHN’S FAVE EVEN THOUGH HE BROKE THE MAGIC SPELL CAST UPON HIM BY THE GALLOPING DARK HORSE OF ‘BLAME IT ON THE NIGHT’!:)J HE RETURNS TO KATY/ISIS VICTORIOUS NEVER BEATEN IN BATTLE AS THE EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE OF HIS OWN FREE WILL TO DRINK AT HER WATERS OF LOVE/LIFE Top of Form SO HERE IS GODS PRAYER FOR ISIS TO CONJURE HERSELF UP WHEN JOHN CALLS AND IT IS UP TO KATY/ISIS TO RESPOND AS JOHN HAS MADE HIS INTENTIONS PLAINLY HOT. A SMALL (PROBABLY TOO SMALL TO FIT) GOLDEN RING WITH ‘SISTER’ WRITTEN ON IT WILL BE DISPATCHED RECORDED DELIVERY TO KATY’S MELROSE AVE OFFICE IN 3 HOURS TIME AND ALTHOUGH SHE IS PROBABLY IN ARGENTINA HE KNOWS NOT WHERE, THERE WILL BE A MAGIC +VINTAGE ALHAMBRA JEWELLERY GIFT SET INC A BLACK ONYX BRACELET AND CORNELIA EYE OF THE TIGER WITH GREY MOTHER OF PEARL MOTIF ENGAGEMENT RING WAITING FOR HER AT VAN CLEEF & ARPLES 300 N Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills +1-310-276-1161 WHERE IT WILL BE FITTING JUST RIGHT AS SOON AS SHE HAS A MOMENT TO INDULGE HERSELF- I AM INVESTING THE INTEREST ON MY $1million ON YOU. Bottom of Form ENJOY. JESUS AND ISIS AS MARY: OUR SONG: https://youtu.be/lp-EO5I60KA?list=RDlp-EO5I60KA ISIS, glorious Goddess. Let your instrument sound Hailing you with all homage, ISIS, glorious Goddess. To the candlewick the fire I raise on the altar set to you, ISIS, glorious Goddess. And the night time incense rises, sweetly mixed, to put me in the mind of perceiving you, ISIS, glorious Goddess. Who rises behind me like a flame of Gold and Brushes my back with her deft wings? #GODSLOVE ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• I am Isis. The Restored Eden, the Supernal Mother, the Second Eve. I am the new heaven and the new earth for the first heaven and the first earth are passed away; I am the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. I am the mighty Mother Isis; most powerful of all the world. I am she who fights not, but is always victorious. I am that Sleeping Beauty who men have sought, for all time; and the paths which lead to my castle are beset with dangers and illusions. Such as fail to find me sleep; or may ever rush after the Fata Morgana leading astray all who feel that illusory influence I am lifted up on high, and I do draw men unto me, I am the worlds' desire, but few there be who find me. When my secret is told, it is the secret of the Holy Grail. It is love. I have plucked out my heart and have given it to the world; that is my strength. Love is the mother of the Man-God, giving the Quintessence of her life to save mankind from destruction, and to show forth the path to life eternal. Love is the mother of Christ... Spirit, and this Christ is the highest love Christ is the heart of love, the heart of the Great Mother Isis the Isis of Nature. He is the expression of her power she is the Holy Grail, and He is the life of blood of spirit, that is found in this cup. Isis am I, and from my life are fed all showers and suns, all moons that wax and wane, all stars and streams, the living and the dead, the mystery of pleasure and of pain. I am the Mother. I the speaking sea. I am the Earth in its fertility. Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, return to me. All glories of the Universe bow down, the blossom and the mountain and the dawn. Fruits blush and women are creations crowned. I am the priest, the sacrifice, the shrine. I am the love and life of the Divine. Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, are surely mine. Isis am I, the love and light of Earth, the wealth of kisses, the delight of tears, the pleasure never come to birth, the endless infinite desire of years. I am the shrine at which thy long desire devoured thee with intolerable fire. I was sung music, passion, death upon thy lyre, I am the grail and I the glory now. I am the flame and fuel of thy breath. I am thy queen enraptured and possessed. I am the star of God upon thy brow. #ISISLOVE ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• I AM THAT I AM JESUS CHRIST THE MESSIAH THE HIGHEST LOVE, THE HEART OF LOVE OF THE FATHER, THE MOTHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY GHOST. MY FATHER OF THE UNIVERSE IS HERE WITH ME GEORGAS ZEUS, EARTHWORKER AS MY MOTHER IS HERE WITH ME ISIS THE QUEEN OF NATURE, SHE IS MY HOLY GRAIL WHOSE GREAT DEEP AND WONDEROUS LOVE BRINGS ME BACK TO LIFE EACHTIME I FALTER AND FALL OR TAKE A BOW FOR A REBIRTH BUT IN HONOR I CARRY ISIS’S BACKBONE OF STRENGTH AND LOVE, WORSHIPING AT HER TEMPLES OF DIVINE LOVE OFFERING AWARDS AND EPITHATS AND ABOVE ALL PRICELESS TITLES UPON HER ALTER SET UP FOR HER. #JESUSHEALS #JESUSLOVES #JESUSSAVES #JESUSTHEJUDGEMENT #JESUSISMANKINDSANSWER ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• SHARE AND REJOICE FOR I OFFER ALL WHO BELIEVE IN ME ETERNAL LIFE THE HOLY GRAIL MANIFESTED. KATY PERRY HITS: https://youtu.be/t5Sd5c4o9UM?list=PLA908D6C2BA16BF88
LIGHT: The nature of light has the character of a wave motion (interference phenomena) _ See Newton’s rings, alternating darkness and light-the point is you are only cuming thru in waves the light goes on so bright but you shut me into the darkness. A consistent theory of electromagnetism was determined in 1873 by James Clark Maxwell the velocity of light therefore the ‘light’ is electromagnetic waves as being oscillations in an all-pervading elastic medium, ‘ether’. Katy/Isis you are ether to me-unreal- but if you would just communicate with me in the darkness then you could illuminate me by passing the waves through a prism, your prism then straight coloured lines of light would appear and then the negative charge I carry as the atom are electrons but I could, I could be your ‘plum pudding model’; you could pass the balancing positive charge evenly threw the atom my electrons being the ‘plum’ and the positive charge the ‘pudding’. The spectral frequencies should then correspond to the various ways in which the electrons might oscillate within the positively-charged ‘pudding’. I.E. making me better as you are my MOM who radiates love but I get it in waves leaving me with the feeling I am loved then not loved [Hot n Cold] then I heal and all is ok again. It is your bipolar love, love. Up and down that affects me as I am Unipolar all one way high never depressed but when we shared the same soul-come back you tart you are missed-your love as radiation oozed continuously in and out of my black darkness riddled body like water in and out of a sponge. If you spent some time with me then your radiation of love you give me in the heavens would be emitted then I could absorb it in packets of energy of a definite size. Then my dear, the energy content of one of these packets would be a quanta proportional to the frequency of the radiation of love you emit. (Are you with me so far?) The constant of proportionality was taken to be a Universal constant of nature, Planks constant. Now cos of this I can only absorb your love, and you only emit it during events involving a single quantum of significantly high energy-which as you have felt I can be the highest form of energy anywhere but I can’t keep it up 24/7 and you seem to be only attracted by my high energy periods and you only spare me a few minutes if I am relaxed as in ‘gotta go to bed bye’ and you only string a few words together, I want to listen, to read. Do you know what it feels like to love someone who seems to be constantly pushing you away? YESS YOU DO. Anyway, that’s why I blow hot n cold = YOU.
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jeslieness · 8 years ago
Top 5 OTPs
Rules: List 5 OTP’s from 5 fandoms and tag 10 people to pass it on to I was tagged by @aussiegirl41 way too long ago, but...who’s counting? Thanks for giving me the chance to ramble! 1.) Quark and Natima, from DS9. I admit, they’re dysfunctional to begin with. Depending on how you interpret it, their episode is either really problematic or makes their relationship even more dysfunctional than it appears at first glance. But...at the end of the day, I love how they love each other, and I have since I first saw them in 1998. In the craziest way, they just seem to suit each other. And while I'm here, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the DS9 relaunch for not ruining them for me. (“Actually, in the Relaunch he was dating--” “LIKE I SAID, THANKS FOR NOT RUINING THEM FOR ME. I APPRECIATE IT.”)  2.) Carson and Hughes, from Downton Abbey. Oh, these two. They're so stubborn and proper and never make things easy for themselves. But I love how they can say volumes with just a look, and I love their devotion to each other. You know that no matter how much they may disagree, they’ll always have each others’ backs.  3.) Stark and Zhaan, from Farscape. Oh, these two. Their dynamic is subtle and quiet, but they click beautifully. Yes, they have issues, both apart and together, and I wish there had been a chance to explore them more fully. But at the end of the day, they're another pairing where I just love how they love each other.  4.) Khalid and Jaheira, from Baldur's Gate. I seem to be one of the few people in the world who likes Khalid, unfortunately, but I have a soft spot for the guy and his sweet nature. I love how they round each other out—how he tempers her impulsiveness and she gives him confidence—and how he has his heart on his sleeve where she's concerned, while she tends to be gruff and no-nonsense, but can't conceal how much she cares about him. I love these two and have always been fascinated by the untold story of their pre-game life together. 5.) ....I might not have been so hasty to disqualify the various video game pairings if I’d known how hard it would be to settle on a fifth. (Somehow it seemed unfair to pick a pairing where 50% of it only exists in my head, even though some of the choices would have given more diversity to this list.) But after a lot of waffling back and forth, I think I'll go with Morticia and Gomez. People say “happiness is boring”. Tell it to these two, who settled down, had a family, moved in extended family members, are still utterly devoted to each other who knows how many years later--and are still tons of fun to watch. I’m going to tag @lizawithazed, @inordertolivelife, @come-chaos, @belovedrival, @dameofdownstairs, @itssoinevitable, @marilynwhitmore, @lilian-deserves-tea, and re-tag @aussiegirl41--since she had to give her fifth place to a series of honorable mentions, I think it’d be great if she got the chance to develop her thoughts on another set of OTPs!
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