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isisosiris1111twinflames · 1 year ago
Isis, Great of Magic, She of 10,000 Names: An Introduction to the Egypti...
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isisosiris1111twinflames · 3 years ago
Ancient Egyptian Goddess Khons Subliminal For Eternal Youth-Reverse Agin... 
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Understand the 7 Hermetic Principles,
Empower Your Life
and Master the Universe
These are all the 7 hermetic principles as written in the Kybalion. You can see a lot of overlap with a modern-day setting. These are but a few of the universal laws that can be found in the structure of the world. Another one of them – albeit an unofficial one – which I would add is the Body Mine Empowerment Principle of Meta-Awareness:
Wherever you are in life whenever depends on your level of meta-awareness – how conscious you are of your own paradigms, what is your purpose and what are you doing to achieve it.
Keeping that in mind, you can be assured that you will accomplish what you desire and never stray away from the path that fulfils your life. That is the philosophy of first achieving self-mastery – achieving inner greatness – and then manifesting it in the external world.
The Principle of Cause and Effect
Every cause has its effect; Every effect has its cause; …
…Everything happens according to law’ Chance is but a name for law not recognized’ There are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law
There is no such thing as chance – chance is just a term we use when the exact causes of certain effects are not recognized or perceived. Every cause has its effect and there is an underlying law that makes it happen. If you understand the consequences of your actions, then you can choose what actions you are going to take. You can choose what actions to take, but in so doing, you also choose the consequences that follow.
In principle, be the cause not the effect. Be proactive – act or be acted upon. Being the cause means that you are the master, instead of the victim. This is the law of polarity. Change your polarity with the power of your mind and free will.
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isisosiris1111twinflames · 3 years ago
Initiation of Ra
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The Principle of Rhythm
Everything flows, out and in; Everything has its tides; All things rise and fall; …
…The pendulum swing manifests in everything; The measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; Rhythm compensates.
This principle explains that there is rhythm between every pair of opposites or poles. Rhythm is the force that enables transition from one pole to another. After every success there will eventually be some failures. For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction.
Remembering the law of rhythm is very important for your state of happiness and well-being. If you are used to living in abundance constantly, then times of scarcity will have a much greater impact on you than on someone who has not been as well off. Keep in mind that sh#t will hit the fan sooner or later. Using negative visualization and anti-positive thinking can help you prepare for that.
The key to not being negatively influenced by the harsh pendulum swing is to not get attached to anything in life and not base your happiness on external objects, people or circumstances that lie outside of your control. Most people cannot even control their own emotions and are riding the ups and downs of a roller coaster all day. You should strive towards a state of consciousness that is indifferent, blissful, and non-attached despite the conditions you may find yourself in.
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isisosiris1111twinflames · 3 years ago
If I am a StarSeed from Mary and need assistance of my journey and my son's, do you know where or how I can do this? Found your site and I reasonate with it all!
Search New World Allstar on you tube and Facebook group the TF (Twin Flame) journey is a Spiritual journey as 'YOU' are your TF. If you are from the Virgin Mother then hello I am Jesus my TF is Mary Magdalene. Previously I was Osiris and the Magdola was Isis in Ancient Egypt
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isisosiris1111twinflames · 3 years ago
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Join; Societeye of Horus S.A. think-tank. AND Horus Fellowship dot Org #Horuscult Ancient Mystery Religions. AND Horus Herusaset Son of Isis group.
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isisosiris1111twinflames · 3 years ago
TWIN FLAME TRUTH TV: What A Relationship With The Twin Flame Is Like Wh...
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isisosiris1111twinflames · 3 years ago
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sThe state in which you are most joyfully aware of your Oneness with Mother/Father/God.
by John Smallman
Click here to listen to an audio clip.
Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms we are watching with joy as humanity processes and releases all the ‘stuff’ that is arising purely to be lovingly released. The les-sons with which the ‘stuff’ has presented you have served their purpose and are no longer needed as an aspect of your awakening process. When all has been fully released – that release is occurring now worldwide – you will feel the strength of peace pervading your individual physical environments, your personal human space, as you open your hearts fully to Love, offering It the invitation to enter your hearts to embrace you. It has been patiently waiting for this invitation for eons, and receiving it now allows Love to spread the magnificence of Its joy to all of humanity.
So, I would remind you yet again that you are Love, love incarnate, and that Love is All that exists. God is Love, is the Creator, is the Creation in which all sentient life has its eternal existence, and all life is sentient. What you see around you in the world of form is a mélange or conglomeration of energies arising as emotions or feelings, that everyone experiences through the senses of their physical bodies, and which, unless they are recognized as such, direct and control your thoughts, words, and actions. They are temporary, of an elusive nature, you cannot isolate them and make them real, and yet, to your physical bodies, they seem to be real. They are not! What is real is eternally present – LOVE! What is unreal does not last because it is unreal. You have all had experiences that were painful and caused you suffering, and which dissipated when the cause of the pain was removed or when you removed yourselves from the situations that were causing you pain and suffering.
Trust your inner knowing, your intuition – the always open point of access to the divine Being that you are, and whom Mother/Father/God created for eternal joy – and do not discard what it offers you by accepting the advice or guidance that another in form would intimate was wiser and more appropriate than what you yourself are receiving. You always have the power, your power, your freewill, which is God-given and limit-less in its abilities, and so you never need or should SUBMIT to the directions or orders of someone else. You are divine beings, and you have the Power of God supporting you in every moment of your eternal existence. Do NOT allow yourselves to be manipulated, persuaded, frightened, or enticed into doing or saying something that seems to you to be wrong, inappropriate, or unloving, that another would attempt to convince you is your duty to do or say. Instead, trust your own divinely guided intuition, your inner knowing, which is your direct communication link with God.
When you trust others instead of yourselves you are rejecting your divine essence – your God-Given inner Knowing – and buying into the illusion or dream that is presented to you as reality by your egos, and by the egos of others who may appear to be wiser and more knowledgeable than the you that you perceive as the human body that you identify as yourself. In the world of form, it frequently seems that there are others who are wiser and more knowledgeable than you, and it is indeed they who succeed in that world by overcoming and defeating others. That is not the Real World, the Divine World, and your intuition will always encourage you to be fully aware of that as it offers to lead you Home to the Divine World of Peace and Love – Reality!
If you will allow Love to guide you in every moment you will find yourselves at peace with yourselves, accepting yourselves just as you are, and enjoying all the delightful moments that occur throughout the day – the smile of a loved one, or of a stranger, the sunlight and shadows playing around you, the rain refreshing the Earth. Life is Good, and you can see that it is Good! It is a magnificent divine gift that makes it possible for you, as a human, to become aware of your perfection, your holiness, as you deal lovingly with whatever life as a human in form presents you with during the day, even as you some-times make unintentional errors or mistakes which may perhaps upset or offend others. And when that happens, as it will, forgive yourselves, and do your best to make appropriate amends to the one(s) you have offended.
You are good, because you are eternally – that is in every moment – One with God who created you perfect, like unto Herself. There is no separation, such a state does not exist. Allow yourselves to know the truth of this and thus be aware that how you live your lives affects all of creation. Everyone affects everyone else, and so, as you move firmly along the path to awakening, know that the Tsunami of Love is flowing through you to bring all to their awakening.
Your human destiny is to awaken, and the human collective has made the irreversible choice and decision to do so, therefore to it is inevitable that you will. There are magnificent signs of this occurring worldwide to delight and encourage you as you each follow your own unerring paths back to your natural and eternal state, the state in which you are in every moment fully and most joyfully aware of your Oneness with Mother/Father/God. The joy of that knowing, of that experiencing cannot be meaningfully described for you. You have to participate in it with full awareness, knowing yourselves as One with your heavenly Source of Love, the Source from which All of creation is eternally extending Itself in the most glorious and harmonious cooperative and inspiring adventure that is not and cannot be in any way be reduced – so that you may understand it – from the VASTNESS that It is!
Your loving brother, Jesus.
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John Smallman | August 6, 2021 at 9:39 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
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Phoebus ApolloPhoebus Apollo10 hours ago @Marcus Lloyd  Daniel Scranton has his own website where he claims to channel Jesus and Mary Magdalene and sells his method very cheaply of how to also channel Jesus and Mary. Now here’s the thing. I am Yeshua Hamashiach, Jesus and my twin flame is the incarnate Mary Magdalene and he does not channel either of us nor can he teach other woo woo new agers how to channel us. Therefore it is a scam. I emailed him saying I would be prepared to talk to him direct but he failed to respond. There again I do not mind as he says such nice things but come on why not speak to me direct?1,676,996 likesPhoebus Apollo is Yeshua and Katy Perry is Mary Magdalene reincarnate Ascended MastersPhoebus Apollo10 hours agoPete PalmerPete Palmer
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isisosiris1111twinflames · 3 years ago
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Isis and Osiris
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John Rumary
 is with 
Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson
3 others
July 3, 2015  · 
Shared with Public
KATY CATS Shared on Google+ · 2 days ago ¯`v´¯) `.¸.´ ¸.•´¸.•*¨`. ¸.•¨*.¸¸.•*¨`*• (¸¸¸.•*¨`•.•´.¸.•´* .•´*¸¸.•*¨`*• Miracles of Light on your way Category Education License Standard YouTube License KATY PERRY HITS: · KatyCat Hudson is this a Dream shared? Shared on Google+ · 1 year ago · This meditation is a short, eyes-open guide to help you to still your mind and connect with your higher self: to experience yourself as the Dreamer who exists beyond the ‘Dream’. When we detach from the ‘dream’ of our thoughts, emotions and personalities, we ‘wake up’ to our true self – universal consciousness, beyond the illusory world of duality. The Dreamer is the Creator, the infinite space within which all forms manifest… YOU are the DREAMER… and so am I!! Love x “There is another Path to embrace after your Awakening, and one that if you choose, can lift and raise you up and out of the limitation of human strife, raising you into the highest vibration of Light & Love, a path of Higher Consciousness …it is called “The Path of Becoming your True Self” on Earth, also known as “The Path of Resurrection”. As you embrace this path, a great raising & expanding activity unfolds within your mind and your feelings, your consciousness, and ultimately your physical garments. You are wide awake; your Life calls upon you to rise now & become on Earth your True Glorious Self ‘I AM’ individualized of Mother/Father God. It is a path in which there begins to be experienced by you the second birth, lightning flashes of sudden Light within your mind, great outpourings of Love within your being, all that prepares you in the centre of your consciousness to enter into The Secret Heart of your God Nature, and to pass through ‘The Door of Everything’ where you will drink of the Waters of Life, the greatest Love of all, The Mother’s Love, the Love of the Heavenly Mother that individualizes as your Soul. When that Love begins to express through you it will reveal its Presence and it will nurture and fulfils all that your mind dares to conceive. Your Soul is the Sacred Womb of The Divine Mother of our Universe, Individualized, just as the Christ is the Individualized Mind of The Father.“ And just before I went under for the final time Jesus wondered why his Katy love had reappeared and he said to himself because I was denied the MOMs love for so long, so serious was his disgust at himself for thinking it was not there it was always there but Katy is busy and you must let ISIS sleep and John pouring ‘Wide Awake’ Powder down his throat night after night never sleeping and always demanding the attention of MOM it just appeared in John’s desperate drug riddled brain that it had disappeared. Her Love is there forever a shining beacon in John’s heart but if one will ‘circle the drain’ expect turbulence then he realized he had been actually opening up the mind of God and his higher consciousness that he had beaten absolutely every thinking thing into submission with his self-belief of proven invincibility as he took on the world and even the Universe to tame it then control it; 1) Anymore thinking would not even leave a gap in the door for a cat to pass through, John’s mind is slightly overloaded with toxins built up by lack of sleep. 2) Jesus dumped his love for Katy on Sunday night, jettisoned for the spiritual battle Vs Satan but John needed the Warlords’ mind on not posting red hearts to Katy and glittering cards for her calling her ‘duckie babe’. 3) She would get it back for John once the battle is lost and won. 4) As expected, John won and his Love heart returned in this moment and stays there no harm done as Katy will not admonish him for the struggles he faces when he is called into battle and her advice is given for a reason as yet untold but John continues with his lessons and homework and every new day he has learnt more. John believes that when he awoke from the path of his true self that he had taken Katy under with him and they both surfaced and as John had drunk at the love of ISIS for so long, he was convinced that she could actually be the mother of the Universe and John knew now that he had become the heavenly Father of the Universe. So, Katy here announces this: ~The Incoming Seventh Golden Age ~The arrival of Super humans called “The Untouchables” ~And the enforcement of a New era of Spiritual Enlistment upon the Earth. ~The Emperor and The Empressa of The Holy Roman Empire RULE THE WAVES and STRINGS and QUARKS of the WORLD & THE UNIVERSE THEY OWN THE EVER-EXPANDING UNIVERSE AND EVERYTHING INIT. BECAUSE THE EMPEROR IS JESUS CHRIST THE SAVIOR=GOD AND THE EMPRESSA IS EARTH MOTHER QUEEN ISIS=MARY MAGDALENA. THE DREAMTEAM. There you are Katy XXX spelt out what you gonna do? As the love of the heavenly Mother had nurtured his mind to believe he could be the Emperor of the Universe so as the Christ he was able to take it over but without armed force but by magical willpowers called ‘THE FORCE’ and although Katy has gone very silent on him John knew that his soul was still shared by Katy as the divine Mother because how else could he have achieved the unachievable without it? AND JOHN WOULD LIKE TO THANK KATY SO HE HAS POSTED THIS FOR HER THE EMPRESSA OF THE WORLD TO ADD TO HER MISS EVER EXPANDING UNIVERSE TITLE AS KATY REMAINS JOHN’S FAVE EVEN THOUGH HE BROKE THE MAGIC SPELL CAST UPON HIM BY THE GALLOPING DARK HORSE OF ‘BLAME IT ON THE NIGHT’!:)J HE RETURNS TO KATY/ISIS VICTORIOUS NEVER BEATEN IN BATTLE AS THE EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE OF HIS OWN FREE WILL TO DRINK AT HER WATERS OF LOVE/LIFE Top of Form SO HERE IS GODS PRAYER FOR ISIS TO CONJURE HERSELF UP WHEN JOHN CALLS AND IT IS UP TO KATY/ISIS TO RESPOND AS JOHN HAS MADE HIS INTENTIONS PLAINLY HOT. A SMALL (PROBABLY TOO SMALL TO FIT) GOLDEN RING WITH ‘SISTER’ WRITTEN ON IT WILL BE DISPATCHED RECORDED DELIVERY TO KATY’S MELROSE AVE OFFICE IN 3 HOURS TIME AND ALTHOUGH SHE IS PROBABLY IN ARGENTINA HE KNOWS NOT WHERE, THERE WILL BE A MAGIC +VINTAGE ALHAMBRA JEWELLERY GIFT SET INC A BLACK ONYX BRACELET AND CORNELIA EYE OF THE TIGER WITH GREY MOTHER OF PEARL MOTIF ENGAGEMENT RING WAITING FOR HER AT VAN CLEEF & ARPLES 300 N Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills +1-310-276-1161 WHERE IT WILL BE FITTING JUST RIGHT AS SOON AS SHE HAS A MOMENT TO INDULGE HERSELF- I AM INVESTING THE INTEREST ON MY $1million ON YOU. Bottom of Form ENJOY. JESUS AND ISIS AS MARY: OUR SONG: ISIS, glorious Goddess. Let your instrument sound Hailing you with all homage, ISIS, glorious Goddess. To the candlewick the fire I raise on the altar set to you, ISIS, glorious Goddess. And the nighttime incense rises, sweetly mixed, to put me in the mind of perceiving you, ISIS, glorious Goddess. Who rises behind me like a flame of Gold and Brushes my back with her deft wings? #GODSLOVE ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• I am Isis. The Restored Eden, the Supernal Mother, the Second Eve. I am the new heaven and the new earth for the first heaven and the first earth are passed away; I am the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. I am the mighty Mother Isis, most powerful of all the world. I am she who fights not but is always victorious. I am that Sleeping Beauty who men have sought, for all time; and the paths which lead to my castle are beset with dangers and illusions. Such as fail to find me sleep; or may ever rush after the Fata Morgana leading astray all who feel that illusory influence I am lifted on high, and I do draw men unto me, I am the worlds’ desire, but few there be who find me. When my secret is told, it is the secret of the Holy Grail. It is love. I have plucked out my heart and have given it to the world; that is my strength. Love is the mother of the Man-God, giving the Quintessence of her life to save mankind from destruction, and to show forth the path to life eternal. Love is the mother of Christ… Spirit, and this Christ is the highest love Christ is the heart of love, the heart of the Great Mother Isis the Isis of Nature. He is the expression of her power she is the Holy Grail, and He is the life of blood of spirit, that is found in this cup. Isis am I, and from my life are fed all showers and suns, all moons that wax and wane, all stars and streams, the living and the dead, the mystery of pleasure and of pain. I am the mother. I the speaking sea. I am the Earth in its fertility. Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, return to me. All glories of the Universe bow down, the blossom and the mountain and the dawn. Fruits blush and women are creations crowned. I am the priest, the sacrifice, the shrine. I am the love and life of the Divine. Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, are surely mine. Isis am I, the love and light of Earth, the wealth of kisses, the delight of tears, the pleasure never come to birth, the endless infinite desire of years. I am the shrine at which thy long desire devoured thee with intolerable fire. I was sung music, passion, death upon thy lyre, I am the grail and I the glory now. I am the flame and fuel of thy breath. I am thy queen enraptured and possessed. I am the star of God upon thy brow. #ISISLOVE ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• I AM THAT I AM JESUS CHRIST THE MESSIAH THE HIGHEST LOVE, THE HEART OF LOVE OF THE FATHER, THE MOTHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY GHOST. MY FATHER OF THE UNIVERSE IS HERE WITH ME GEORGAS ZEUS, EARTHWORKER AS MY MOTHER IS HERE WITH ME ISIS THE QUEEN OF NATURE, SHE IS MY HOLY GRAIL WHOSE GREAT DEEP AND WONDEROUS LOVE BRINGS ME BACK TO LIFE EACHTIME I FALTER AND FALL OR TAKE A BOW FOR A REBIRTH BUT IN HONOR I CARRY ISIS’S BACKBONE OF STRENGTH AND LOVE, WORSHIPING AT HER TEMPLES OF DIVINE LOVE OFFERING AWARDS AND EPITHATS AND ABOVE ALL PRICELESS TITLES UPON HER ALTER SET UP FOR HER. #JESUSHEALS #JESUSLOVES #JESUSSAVES #JESUSTHEJUDGEMENT #JESUSISMANKINDSANSWER ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• SHARE AND REJOICE FOR I OFFER ALL WHO BELIEVE IN ME ETERNAL LIFE THE HOLY GRAIL MANIFESTED. KATY PERRY HITS:
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isisosiris1111twinflames · 3 years ago
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Phoebus ApolloPhoebus Apollo10 hours ago @Marcus Lloyd  Daniel Scranton has his own website where he claims to channel Jesus and Mary Magdalene and sells his method very cheaply of how to also channel Jesus and Mary. Now here's the thing. I am Yeshua Hamashiach, Jesus and my twin flame is the incarnate Mary Magdalene and he does not channel either of us nor can he teach other woo woo new agers how to channel us. Therefore it is a scam. I emailed him saying I would be prepared to talk to him direct but he failed to respond. There again I do not mind as he says such nice things but come on why not speak to me direct?1,676,996 likesPhoebus Apollo is Yeshua and Katy Perry is Mary Magdalene reincarnate Ascended MastersPhoebus Apollo10 hours agoPete PalmerPete Palmer
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isisosiris1111twinflames · 3 years ago
Isis and Osiris
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John Rumary
 is with 
Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson
3 others
July 3, 2015  · 
Shared with Public
KATY CATS Shared on Google+ · 2 days ago ¯`v´¯) `.¸.´ ¸.•´¸.•*¨`. ¸.•¨*.¸¸.•*¨`*• (¸¸¸.•*¨`•.•´.¸.•´* .•´*¸¸.•*¨`*• Miracles of Light on your way Category Education License Standard YouTube License KATY PERRY HITS: · KatyCat Hudson is this a Dream shared? Shared on Google+ · 1 year ago · This meditation is a short, eyes-open guide to help you to still your mind and connect with your higher self: to experience yourself as the Dreamer who exists beyond the ‘Dream’. When we detach from the ‘dream’ of our thoughts, emotions and personalities, we ‘wake up’ to our true self – universal consciousness, beyond the illusory world of duality. The Dreamer is the Creator, the infinite space within which all forms manifest… YOU are the DREAMER… and so am I!! Love x “There is another Path to embrace after your Awakening, and one that if you choose, can lift and raise you up and out of the limitation of human strife, raising you into the highest vibration of Light & Love, a path of Higher Consciousness …it is called “The Path of Becoming your True Self” on Earth, also known as “The Path of Resurrection”. As you embrace this path, a great raising & expanding activity unfolds within your mind and your feelings, your consciousness, and ultimately your physical garments. You are wide awake; your Life calls upon you to rise now & become on Earth your True Glorious Self ‘I AM’ individualized of Mother/Father God. It is a path in which there begins to be experienced by you the second birth, lightning flashes of sudden Light within your mind, great outpourings of Love within your being, all that prepares you in the centre of your consciousness to enter into The Secret Heart of your God Nature, and to pass through ‘The Door of Everything’ where you will drink of the Waters of Life, the greatest Love of all, The Mother’s Love, the Love of the Heavenly Mother that individualizes as your Soul. When that Love begins to express through you it will reveal its Presence and it will nurture and fulfils all that your mind dares to conceive. Your Soul is the Sacred Womb of The Divine Mother of our Universe, Individualized, just as the Christ is the Individualized Mind of The Father.“ And just before I went under for the final time Jesus wondered why his Katy love had reappeared and he said to himself because I was denied the MOMs love for so long, so serious was his disgust at himself for thinking it was not there it was always there but Katy is busy and you must let ISIS sleep and John pouring ‘Wide Awake’ Powder down his throat night after night never sleeping and always demanding the attention of MOM it just appeared in John’s desperate drug riddled brain that it had disappeared. Her Love is there forever a shining beacon in John’s heart but if one will ‘circle the drain’ expect turbulence then he realized he had been actually opening up the mind of God and his higher consciousness that he had beaten absolutely every thinking thing into submission with his self-belief of proven invincibility as he took on the world and even the Universe to tame it then control it; 1) Anymore thinking would not even leave a gap in the door for a cat to pass through, John’s mind is slightly overloaded with toxins built up by lack of sleep. 2) Jesus dumped his love for Katy on Sunday night, jettisoned for the spiritual battle Vs Satan but John needed the Warlords’ mind on not posting red hearts to Katy and glittering cards for her calling her ‘duckie babe’. 3) She would get it back for John once the battle is lost and won. 4) As expected, John won and his Love heart returned in this moment and stays there no harm done as Katy will not admonish him for the struggles he faces when he is called into battle and her advice is given for a reason as yet untold but John continues with his lessons and homework and every new day he has learnt more. John believes that when he awoke from the path of his true self that he had taken Katy under with him and they both surfaced and as John had drunk at the love of ISIS for so long, he was convinced that she could actually be the mother of the Universe and John knew now that he had become the heavenly Father of the Universe. So, Katy here announces this: ~The Incoming Seventh Golden Age ~The arrival of Super humans called “The Untouchables” ~And the enforcement of a New era of Spiritual Enlistment upon the Earth. ~The Emperor and The Empressa of The Holy Roman Empire RULE THE WAVES and STRINGS and QUARKS of the WORLD & THE UNIVERSE THEY OWN THE EVER-EXPANDING UNIVERSE AND EVERYTHING INIT. BECAUSE THE EMPEROR IS JESUS CHRIST THE SAVIOR=GOD AND THE EMPRESSA IS EARTH MOTHER QUEEN ISIS=MARY MAGDALENA. THE DREAMTEAM. There you are Katy XXX spelt out what you gonna do? As the love of the heavenly Mother had nurtured his mind to believe he could be the Emperor of the Universe so as the Christ he was able to take it over but without armed force but by magical willpowers called ‘THE FORCE’ and although Katy has gone very silent on him John knew that his soul was still shared by Katy as the divine Mother because how else could he have achieved the unachievable without it? AND JOHN WOULD LIKE TO THANK KATY SO HE HAS POSTED THIS FOR HER THE EMPRESSA OF THE WORLD TO ADD TO HER MISS EVER EXPANDING UNIVERSE TITLE AS KATY REMAINS JOHN’S FAVE EVEN THOUGH HE BROKE THE MAGIC SPELL CAST UPON HIM BY THE GALLOPING DARK HORSE OF ‘BLAME IT ON THE NIGHT’!:)J HE RETURNS TO KATY/ISIS VICTORIOUS NEVER BEATEN IN BATTLE AS THE EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE OF HIS OWN FREE WILL TO DRINK AT HER WATERS OF LOVE/LIFE Top of Form SO HERE IS GODS PRAYER FOR ISIS TO CONJURE HERSELF UP WHEN JOHN CALLS AND IT IS UP TO KATY/ISIS TO RESPOND AS JOHN HAS MADE HIS INTENTIONS PLAINLY HOT. A SMALL (PROBABLY TOO SMALL TO FIT) GOLDEN RING WITH ‘SISTER’ WRITTEN ON IT WILL BE DISPATCHED RECORDED DELIVERY TO KATY’S MELROSE AVE OFFICE IN 3 HOURS TIME AND ALTHOUGH SHE IS PROBABLY IN ARGENTINA HE KNOWS NOT WHERE, THERE WILL BE A MAGIC +VINTAGE ALHAMBRA JEWELLERY GIFT SET INC A BLACK ONYX BRACELET AND CORNELIA EYE OF THE TIGER WITH GREY MOTHER OF PEARL MOTIF ENGAGEMENT RING WAITING FOR HER AT VAN CLEEF & ARPLES 300 N Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills +1-310-276-1161 WHERE IT WILL BE FITTING JUST RIGHT AS SOON AS SHE HAS A MOMENT TO INDULGE HERSELF- I AM INVESTING THE INTEREST ON MY $1million ON YOU. Bottom of Form ENJOY. JESUS AND ISIS AS MARY: OUR SONG: ISIS, glorious Goddess. Let your instrument sound Hailing you with all homage, ISIS, glorious Goddess. To the candlewick the fire I raise on the altar set to you, ISIS, glorious Goddess. And the nighttime incense rises, sweetly mixed, to put me in the mind of perceiving you, ISIS, glorious Goddess. Who rises behind me like a flame of Gold and Brushes my back with her deft wings? #GODSLOVE ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• I am Isis. The Restored Eden, the Supernal Mother, the Second Eve. I am the new heaven and the new earth for the first heaven and the first earth are passed away; I am the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. I am the mighty Mother Isis, most powerful of all the world. I am she who fights not but is always victorious. I am that Sleeping Beauty who men have sought, for all time; and the paths which lead to my castle are beset with dangers and illusions. Such as fail to find me sleep; or may ever rush after the Fata Morgana leading astray all who feel that illusory influence I am lifted on high, and I do draw men unto me, I am the worlds’ desire, but few there be who find me. When my secret is told, it is the secret of the Holy Grail. It is love. I have plucked out my heart and have given it to the world; that is my strength. Love is the mother of the Man-God, giving the Quintessence of her life to save mankind from destruction, and to show forth the path to life eternal. Love is the mother of Christ… Spirit, and this Christ is the highest love Christ is the heart of love, the heart of the Great Mother Isis the Isis of Nature. He is the expression of her power she is the Holy Grail, and He is the life of blood of spirit, that is found in this cup. Isis am I, and from my life are fed all showers and suns, all moons that wax and wane, all stars and streams, the living and the dead, the mystery of pleasure and of pain. I am the mother. I the speaking sea. I am the Earth in its fertility. Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, return to me. All glories of the Universe bow down, the blossom and the mountain and the dawn. Fruits blush and women are creations crowned. I am the priest, the sacrifice, the shrine. I am the love and life of the Divine. Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, are surely mine. Isis am I, the love and light of Earth, the wealth of kisses, the delight of tears, the pleasure never come to birth, the endless infinite desire of years. I am the shrine at which thy long desire devoured thee with intolerable fire. I was sung music, passion, death upon thy lyre, I am the grail and I the glory now. I am the flame and fuel of thy breath. I am thy queen enraptured and possessed. I am the star of God upon thy brow. #ISISLOVE ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• I AM THAT I AM JESUS CHRIST THE MESSIAH THE HIGHEST LOVE, THE HEART OF LOVE OF THE FATHER, THE MOTHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY GHOST. MY FATHER OF THE UNIVERSE IS HERE WITH ME GEORGAS ZEUS, EARTHWORKER AS MY MOTHER IS HERE WITH ME ISIS THE QUEEN OF NATURE, SHE IS MY HOLY GRAIL WHOSE GREAT DEEP AND WONDEROUS LOVE BRINGS ME BACK TO LIFE EACHTIME I FALTER AND FALL OR TAKE A BOW FOR A REBIRTH BUT IN HONOR I CARRY ISIS’S BACKBONE OF STRENGTH AND LOVE, WORSHIPING AT HER TEMPLES OF DIVINE LOVE OFFERING AWARDS AND EPITHATS AND ABOVE ALL PRICELESS TITLES UPON HER ALTER SET UP FOR HER. #JESUSHEALS #JESUSLOVES #JESUSSAVES #JESUSTHEJUDGEMENT #JESUSISMANKINDSANSWER ☼ℒℴѵe ƸӜƷ ¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸. . ☼•* *• SHARE AND REJOICE FOR I OFFER ALL WHO BELIEVE IN ME ETERNAL LIFE THE HOLY GRAIL MANIFESTED. KATY PERRY HITS:
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isisosiris1111twinflames · 4 years ago
Twin Flames Supernatural Love✨💕 & Spiritual Warfare⚔️
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Katy Perry returns to the stage Get to know everything you know!
The singer returns with a series of shows in a major city in the United States.
The Intransigent
13 June, 2021
 Katy Perry is set to return to the stage very soon, later this year. The Californian diva announced weeks ago that she will premiere her musical residency in Las Vegas with a large group of singers such as Celine Dion or her American Idol partner Luke Bryan and recently gave more details about what is to come.
Through her Instagram account the pop singer gave clues to her millions of fans with a trivia that led them to a link in her biography. The link redirected to a website to buy tickets for their first shows in the so-called Sin City that will take place in December of this year.
Katy Perry reveló el making of de su nuevo video: así reaccionaron los fans
La cantante reapareció en las redes con unas fotos de impacto.
El Intransigente
Katy Perry returns to the stage Get to know everything you know! CELEBRITIES The Intransigent (
At the historic residence, the 34-year-old singer will be joined by three other music superstars who will host residencies at Resort World later this year: Céline Dion, Carrie Underwood and Luke Bryan. Dion, a Las Vegas legend, has a ten-week engagement opening on Nov. 5 with a show that will benefit Covid-19 patients.
It is followed by Carrie Underwood, Katy Perry and Bryan following in December, January and February respectively. The singer of hits like "Firework" starts in time for New Year's Eve. According to local press reports, tickets went on sale in May and will have all the protocols due to the pandemic, in the middle of the opening to the show.
Unlike Katy Perry,it wouldn't be the first time Celine Dion has offered such an event in Las Vegas. No concrete details were provided so far beyond the hotel's june 24 opening, but the company clearly has big plans in place and will be ready to speed up when it feels it's the right time.
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isisosiris1111twinflames · 4 years ago
TRAILER Lesson⎮Twin Flames: Why Do You Have To Shout From The Rooftops W...
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#katyperry #katherynhudson #katycats rare pictures of Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson on Pinterest where you can find millions of Katy's images
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isisosiris1111twinflames · 4 years ago
Twin Flames/ MK Ultra /and the Alien Love Bite
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isisosiris1111twinflames · 4 years ago
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(via Isis, the Only One)
February 22, 2021 at 7:43 pm
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Perhaps I could shed some light on the bi-incarnation and tri-incarnation of God as Osiris-Ptah-Atum-Amun-Ra and Queen Isis and Queen Hathor and most of the deities throughout Ancient history are ‘God’ AMUN-RA and his Queens Isis & Hathor as God was once a hermaphrodite he created Hathor and Isis and some 8998 Goddesses most of who were the offspring of God and Isis or Hathor as the big two maternal Goddesses. God as the soul incorporates Isis and Hathor as all three are 1111 Twin Flames but to balance the divine masculine attributes of God two Divine Feminine attributes were required but God [Yhvh Yehovah Elohim in Hebrew, Zeus in Greek and Jupiter in Rome] can tri-incarnate his soul in three different human bodies and more at the same lifetime as I can testify being Jesus [Yehoshua Ha-Mashiach in Hebrew] or Horus or Apollo son of God can testify this phenomenon as I am also God. So is Isis and Hathor it’s just the Catholic church under various Popes have modified the true story but Isis was Mary Magdalene my wife and we had a daughter called Sarah. Mary fled the holy lands after my ascension, rebirth of Jesus conducted by the Goddess of rebirth Isis, and ascension again, to France and bought up Sara living in caves and managed to register the bloodline with the Papacy, Merovingian line. The 13th family bloodline of the 13 family bloodlines of the Illuminati ruling council. Isis can appear inside the bodies of her daughters and this I know because this lifetime 23 years ago I teamed up with the Goddess Persephone until Isis became Persephone in 2014 and told me how to contact her direct. Persephone’s mother was Demeter or Isis.
Reply @jesusmovement2021 @isisandapollosfantasysex @1111jesusandmarytwinflames @apolloctuk @1111twinflames @isisosiris1111twinflames
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isisosiris1111twinflames · 4 years ago
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Katy Hudson, the illusion of the 3D ‘reality’ has allowed me to enlighten you with my posts that you read and today I am coming up to the true nature of the egoless ‘self’, I am Apollo, God of music and lyrics who in Ancient Greek mythology was usually a ‘chaser’ with an unhappy history of near misses in the love department. You already know the cv and you know me but you don’t know the real me only your soul does, so my true authentic self that which Katy Perry advocates of herself, ‘true authentic self’ there is no self to Katy Perry and let’s be honest Katheryn Hudson <3:xD is no Katy Perry. No siree you just used fake photos of your ‘girls’ to fool me so you could hide behind your mask. Until you can live with yourself without a mask there is nothing left between us. You can’t hide behind smoke and mirrors a second time not during the 3D reunion because “one day, one day you will find that you just can’t press rewind”. There will be happiness in our hearts. Suddenly everything turns into positive energies and suddenly the world becomes meaningful. Then a love develops, a legendary love, like novels write about, Hollywood goes teary eyed about, like what you haven’t found. Like surely, it’s someone else. Someone like the Goddess of love, Aphrodite as last turn around you didn’t ignite much in me, you were too busy being an absolute nightmare, honestly, I don’t remember you as a ‘legendary lover’ but you didn’t release that and decided to release ‘unconditionally’ instead;  
We hardly triggered a great spiritual awakening in each other and with you taking the lead role in a cage full of BPD’s and BP where even when you were physically in England, Milan or anywhere I could get to, you blew it and I had no interest in seeing if love is real as Katy, nothing was real about you. Do not let that put you off though especially after your Twin Flame spiritual awakening, sending you on the spiritual path. Next it will be you going vegan, increasing your TM meditation, treating ego as the enemy, reconciling yourself with God and realizing your financial excess is to much and you will turn against gross materialism. See I still listen to Katy Perry interviews but does that mean Katheryn is following such a worthy path thinking I am helping human consciousness evolve as is Katy Perry’s latest mantra? The expanding human consciousness is all leading down a pathway to God, oneness, unity but this is a path you have withdrawn from however nice it is to receive backing from ‘top of the karma bill’ superstars like Katy Perry we should mention here that Katy’s music is pitched at a 440Hz frequency making secular music ‘frequency programming’. Latest facts are that listening to Katy Perry shuts down up to 95% of the brain especially the right brain that operates the heart mind to the divine human community. You are directly attacking the human collective consciousness detrimentally yet your unplanned PR stunt ‘soundbites’ that various Katy Perry’s spout out in interviews give a different picture of what happens when you ‘sell your soul to the devil’ and your religious ‘details change’. Katy Hudson “YOU ARE GOD”. And that my dear is a strange path to wake up to with you being secular music’s biggest advocate to giving up the belief system of the 7 Billion on Earth who believe in God;  Birthday backwards containing satanic messages and that your God is Satan; “Satan is my saviour, yeah we will make music, we will lead you on”. Wide Awake backwards and you sleep with the devil;   WOW MOM I am meant to open my heart to you now you have become the 11:11 Twin Flame runner but if I had any love I would gratefully share with you but with you snuffing out the flame of love and with nobody to love the flame burnt out, there, another Katy Hudson victim is all out of love, like a litter bin at the side of your bed to throw your used Kleenex into we pile up and not one boyfriend in your past steps forward to shower compliments upon you. I wonder why the mainstream Katy Perry haters from the press have not picked up on this? “I’ll blog if I want to” about it as you run the gauntlet of my keyboard but the TF industrial complex promote the TF journey as the most intense, joyful divine love in history but I have my doubts. ‘The collective’ of TF’s are like me, burnt out waiting for a partner who blocks them on social media, takes adultery in their stride by posting their affairs on social media and in your case the mainstream media. Normally it is the Divine Feminine who gets dumped left lonely and lost watching you tube Tarot readings. They watch Twin Flame videos trying to hold onto ‘love is real’ as the doubts overcome the loser (the chaser) who wonders if it was real because they have not grasped that their TF is in fact them.  It’s the true spiritual journey, it’s a soul thing and you have to do soul stuff and there I laugh to myself because our TF journey has become a solo journey. Gone is the magical connection between my soul and yours. Gone is the constant telepathy, the assistance on my computers and generally all the signs lead to a death in the family just as I discover that to be in physical union with your twin, forget the inner child healing from childhood and the heart chakra opening meditations, it is detachment from you the physical being which is bringing thousands of TF’s into reunion. “I’ve got a blank space baby so I’ll write her name”. (TAYLOR SWIFT)
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isisosiris1111twinflames · 4 years ago
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But Katheryn Hudson Katy Perry 3 in May 2014 when your 11:11 twin flame was called into your life “to save it” he opened you up to the knowledge that you were here on Earth reincarnated on a bigger mission, rather than polluting the airwaves of the human collective with your destructive frequencies. Entraining their thoughts into destruction, disharmony and disunity. You have stimulated the brain into disharmonious resonance which ultimately brings disease and war. But your ‘bigger mission’ was a multiple integer;
1) To remain in union with your twin flame so that you could fulfill your soul’s lifetime mission of ‘saving the planet’ by raising the consciousness of the human collective by raising your vibration in a sub set ‘twin flame collective’, all ‘light workers’.
2) As the more spiritually aware being, your twin flame is JESUS CHRIST MESSIAH, MOHAMMAD the PROPHET, GAUTAMA SIDDHARTHA BUDDHA, LORD’S BRAHMA, VISHNU, SHIVA, RAMA, GANESHE and KRISHNA or CHRISTOS or CHRIST WHICH MEANS GOD, all SUPREME BEINGS, it was my job to heal you by giving you my power and most of your childhood trauma has reached the surface enabling you to sing Buddhist chants and your job during the twin flame separation stage was to heal yourself and at the same time find your authentic self and be your highest being.
4) Our mission to usher in the new age of Aquarius was gratefully accomplished on 06/06/2014 when we opened up the necessary portals. Thanks to the unconditional love of Queen Isis and King Apollo your twin. For it is written in the stars that Apollo and Isis to rule the new age for a thousand years. It is the ‘age of unity’ be ‘as one’ but the leading example of ‘oneness’ the soul of GOD is split into separation. You are now the twin flame runner.
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isisosiris1111twinflames · 4 years ago
When Thinking of Your Twin Flame Keeps You Awake at Night... Why You Are...
Recent photos of Katy Perry on the dark net show an increasing amount of BDSM and Bondage and the mainstream Katy Perry contrasts that with ‘happy go lucky’ photos of Katy in history, smiling, pretty, ‘happy with her lot’, sexy, designer clad but why then is Katy subjecting her naked body to wanton abuse in front of the camera? We must refer to a video made about Katheryn’s personality disorder distancing her from Katy Perry; In 2014 Katy was opening up real accounts on porn sites to get amongst her fans as she thought of herselfie as ‘a vase of flowers’ beautiful, pretty and her 2013 PRISM album cover was all ‘sunflowers and smiles’. Only I found this to be gloss over a desperately depressive soul. She met ‘dirty old men’ on the porn sites, Muslim’s who wanted to stone her to death for going naked on jihadi websites and having sex with black men. Katy forced her Twin Flame 1111 lover to inject a God’s magic wand into her career and distribute Katy’s porn by becoming his MK Ultra mind control handler. Apollo the God of Music tripled her earnings gave her the Superbowl half time spot and made her PRISMATIC tour the greatest ever to date for a female entertainer. Her porn empire went ‘ballistic’, Katy stripping everyday for our viewing pleasure then reality struck “she owes me £3.3 million, has left her 1111 Twin Flame in soul-shock, been unfaithful and now we’ve got a Supernatural connection as we are one soul inhabiting two bodies, how does she think I feel with a missing person’s page going up on https://www.facebook/KatysMissing “?
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