#quantum mechanics and the existence of particles
in-sightjournal · 2 months
Ask A Genius 1047: The Svein Olav Nyberg Session 2, the Other One and the Many
Rick Rosner, American Comedy Writer, www.rickrosner.org Scott Douglas Jacobsen, Independent Journalist, www.in-sightpublishing.com Scott Douglas Jacobsen: Svein Olav Nyberg Session, so, he wanted to make it a thing to make the one and the many. We took this as, and I didn’t clarify, the separation between the individual and the collective in a social sense. So, he means the ancient problem of…
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dutyworn · 10 months
                    @perditos   /    cont from. ↷
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❝ It’s not really about a cat; it’s an early human analogy for... something in quantum mechanics... Wait, Garrus, do you know what  cats are? ❞
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cinnamon-girl-writes · 2 months
request for death note oneshot i love ur eren one its fire i found u on ao3 i think and didnt think id find you again here
l x fem reader (having a deep conversation abt quantum physics n such) plspls
hi there 🤍🤍 ahh i see so many people say they found me on ao3! i'm curious what fandom/fic you found me from
anyways, sorry this was in my drafts for so long, i have *so* much going on in my personal life right now and also lots of work/trips piling up. but i was soooo excited by this idea! i've never written death note x reader but it's an area i'd like to explore so i'll take all the requests i can get!!
how you get the girl - l lawliet x reader
by @cinnamon-girl-writes! . . .
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“so, in conclusion, while newton’s laws tell us that matter exists in a particle state. however, quantum mechanics argues that matter exists as waves tightly woven together to  make something physical.”
you shake your head, giving up on trying to understand. your boyfriend was sitting betwen your legs on the floor, with you sitting on the edge of the bed. he currently had half of his head in pigtails and the other half in a braid— the consequence of letting you do whatever you wanted to him.
“i don’t get it,” you admitted. “how can something be two things at once?”
he titled his head back, gazing at the half of your face he could see form this angle. “well, look at the two of us. we’re talking to eachother, but also breathing, and thinking, and our bodies are circulating blood and other important things.”
you laughed softly at his coyness. “i don’t think that’s how it works.” you leaned down, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
he smiled slightly as you did, allowing his eyes to flutter closed.
of course, your shared moment of peace couldn’t last for long. as you moved in to place another kiss to his face, ryuzaki’s phone rang.
he sat up, retrieving his phone form his pocket and standing to face you.
“i’m sorry, i have to take this,” he said to you. understanding, you gave him a look of encouragement as he left the room to answer the call.
in lieu of his presence, you decided to turn on the television in the room. it wasn’t as cozy as your apartment back home, but it sure was better than a cheap motel. ryuzaki had rented out an entire hotel building indefinitely until the kira case was closed, including the hotel staff, meaning you got breakfast and coffee delivered to your room every morning and room service at any hour. it made you wonder just how much money he has.
after channel surfing for what felt like hours (thirty minutes) you finally decide on a daytime tv channel playing a telenovela. you watched it for a few minutes when ryuzaki finally returned to the room.
“how’s your show?” he asked, taking a seat next to you on the couch where you were lounging.
“rebecca is cheating on her boyfriend steven, but she just found out she’s pregnant with joshua’s baby,” you explained.
ryuzaki pondered. “so, joshua is the man she’s having an affair with?”
you shook your head, pointing out the characters on the screen to your boyfriend. “no, joshua is her ex who she had a one-night stand with a few months ago. before she started seeing mark—“ you point to the man on the right of the screen, “—who, unbeknownst to her, is engaged to angela, rebecca’s old ski instructor. and she’s pregnant, but they don’t know if the baby is going to live, because she just got diagnosed with stage four lung cancer.”
ryuzaki sighed, pulling you in with an arm around your shoulders and pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “maybe these people would have less problems if they led less . . . promiscuous lives.”
you laughed, looking up at him, “yeah, maybe you’re right.”
the rest of the afternoon passed unceremoniously, ryuzaki accepting a few more phone calls and having to leave for a few meetings. later that evening, you were having dinner together (albeit later than anticipated as his meeting had dragged on for far too long). 
“ryuzaki?” you called his name. the two of you were currently situated on the living room floor in front of the tv and a circular ottoman where your takeout was positioned.
he twirled the flavorful noodles on his chopsticks, not looking up to answer you. “yes?”
you exhaled. “i still don’t get what you were talking about earlier.”
“what is it you’ve yet to understand, my love?”
if there was one thing you loved about ryuzaki, it was the fact that he would explain anything to you without making you feel inferior or stupid. it may seem silly, but you felt like you could ask him anything.
“well . . . “ he stalled for a moment, setting down his food. “you and i are made of particles, correct?”
you nodded, unconvinced, “but i thought we were made of waves.”
ryuzaki turned to face you. “every particle in our bodies is tightly woven together, in a way to form waves.” he moved closer in your direction, invading your space and taking up every inch of your thoughts. he raised his palm to face you, and gestured for you to do the same.  “and when those waves touch—“ he moved his hand forward, and ever so carefully, intertwined his fingers with yours, “— they become connected, and create friction, and heat.”
you giggled when you pulled your intertwined fingers together to press a kiss to the tip of your nose. “you’re such a nerd.”
he smiled. “but you love it?”
you smiled back. “yeah, i do.”
✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚
i had to research quantum mechanics for this THE THINGS I DO FOR YALL!!!!! jkjk :) but i still dont get this shit lmao
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4threset · 6 months
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I meant to hold off on posting this illustration of the results from a Particle Accelerator for a later time as I planned on refining and working more on this piece. But since hearing of Peter Higg's passing, I've decided to post this early. Dedicated to my unending love and curiosity for Quantum Mechanics, and Peter Higgs himself who theorized the existence of the Higgs Field and Higgs Boson. Good night, sir.
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adambja · 1 year
✨Law of Assumption | Reality Creation✨
I offer tapes and coaching btw ;) the self-concept tape is guaranteed 100% 🫶🏻
The only post you would ever need.
𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘻𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳
I am a Neville Goddard follower, it took me 2 YEARS to understand the law fully well. Through trial and tribulations it FINALLY clicked for me. I do NOT just follow any YT coach, only who understand the law, so my knowledge might contradict what you know but I hope you get something out of this thread, I want you to use your common sense, have an open mind, you never know, it might be of benefit for you.
Had to lay that out there, let's continue with the post.....
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘼𝙬𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜
Wake up! It is time for you to realize you were the operant power all along, life never "happened" to you! It is happening through you! You can realize this by seeing how life is going around for you, any area in your life if you do a little reverse engineering you would realize you created ALL your circumstances, good or bad! There were never coincidences, you created it. With this realization comes more questioning, how does it actually work? It is through your mind, your consciousness, your awareness I want you to realize that EVERYTHING you see in your reality is perceived by your mind, ALL IS MIND, studies show that if consciousness doesn't exist, reality that you know now does NOT exist
Source 👇🏻
When we say "the 3D is an illusion" it really is. You're the one assigning meaning/creating whatever the circumstances, the problem is that you were on auto-pilot, the human's non-understanding of reality made you that way, but that will be over now as you realize you hold the power.
Science calls it "the simulation theory" You're the one simulating it with your mind, your awareness, your consciousness, as consciousness is the only thing that we can call as real, spiritually speaking, you're a soul living through body, you are NOT your body.
There are people who went to experience the 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘺 𝘥𝘦𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘬, where you get into a tank and restrict environmental sensory, people report that they don't feel their bodies at all and that they are only "aware" goes to show how consciousness is ONLY real (video from the movie: 𝘈 𝘎𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩 𝘪𝘯 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘔𝘢𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘹, I highly recommend)
I CANNOT stress it enough when I say that you're 𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘭𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘴 as Neville says it, to think this reality is real and that you can't change it and can't be malleable, you do that EVERY single day but UNCONCIOULSY until you awaken to this truth
The truth that you've always been a conscious creator you were just deluded by society from birth that you can't be "supernatural" and alter reality...that this 3D world is real... but this is over! It's time for you to WAKE UP!
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙚𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙘𝙨
How do we consciously create, you ask..
Let's read what science talks about reality creation..
In Quantum Mechanics there's a theory called "the observer effect" which states: the phenomenon in which the act of observation alters the behavior of the particles being observed" Which means whatever we focus on, be aware of; is changeable, more on that in this video:
If we explain this in more layman words, we will come to an understanding that reality CAN be shifted, with OUR MINDS through focus! There's also the theory in Quantum Physics where there are multiple version of you out there in the Quantum Field and the minute you observe that you become it!
Here's where the fun begins!
𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙮 𝘾𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙞𝙣 𝘼𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣
Neville Goddard says "creation is finished" What does he mean by that? It means ALL things exists in the NOW, there was never past or present, there is always NOW It all exists. "All possibilities, all the things you desire, your healing, your job, your house, the wisdom you desire, the spiritual attainment you seek, the answers you seek, the partner, whatever it is, because we all desire different things, it's all finished and available."
So when you desire something, you're not trying to get it! It already exists, "Nothing needs to be summoned (manifested), but EVERYTHING already exists!" - Neville, all possibilities exist in the quantum field, all possibilities exist in the 4D. All you have to do is just SELECT that reality, with your MIND, your imagination.
• What's the difference between the 4D and the 3D?
One is where your mind generates images and thoughts so they can be reflected, it is your Godly power of accessing past, present, and future, the real reality, the 3D is just a reflection. 4D is where you CREATE
• How does the 4D pertain to the parallel realities where everything exists?
You access the 4D to choose what you want to experience in the 3D! If you desire it, know that the possibility of it EXITS! Your imagination is the TRUE reality, as Neville says: “When man finally identifies himself with his imagination rather than his senses, he has at long last discovered the core of reality” Remember when I said your senses (operating on the 3D realm) make you think your reality is fixed? It is not, it is always changeable.
• How do we choose/select/shift to the desired reality?
It was never about techniques and I will explain how you can CORRECTLY do this.
So we already know that imagination is the true reality (the 4D) and the 3D (physical reality) is just a reflection, a mirror, a shadow! And we already know there’s infinite versions of you out there and one of them that ALREADY has your desire
• How do we access it?
By shifting your focus, your conciousness, your thoughts! Neville calls it “states of consciousness”
When you change how you’re aware of your desire, how you “assume” it, that is what it’s gonna reflect! Remember the observer effect? What we are conscious of it will manifest
What do I mean by “Techniques don’t manifest, you do!” Most of you go through the mistake of putting importance on them thinking that “if I don’t do it right, I won’t get what i want” here’s why they don’t matter! We already know creation is finished so every possibility exists!
And we already know we create everything effortlessly with our minds! And we also know there’s infinite version of us in the quantum field right?
• Let’s take an SP example (since it’s the most popular topic on loatwt)
Let’s say I am in a version of reality where I don’t have my SP, knowing about parallel realities, I know there’s a version out there of me where I have them! So how do I shift to that version? I just simply ask myself a simple question (this where imagination comes in play the real reality) I ask myself “How would I feel if I was ALREADY in a relationship with them?) I would feel all the feelings of having them ALREADY, I shift to that state, I embody it! I shift my awareness to KNOWING I already have them! Its not about “attracting” things to you, it’s about SELECTING the state, the awareness of my desire! How would I think if I had it already? I jump to that timeline (that I know it EXISTS) and experience what I want so it will be reflected in the 3D, because I experienced in my imagination (4D) so I KNOW It’s REAL, IT HAPPENED! The minute you don’t GIVE AN EFF ABOUT THE 3D IT’S WHEN YOU KNOW YOU CAN CONSCIOUSLY CREATE!!!! Remember 3D is a MIRROR of what you selected in YOUR MIND! When you feel it is ALREADY done! 0 to 100 REAL QUICK!
“So like what about techniques, I don’t affirm anymore?”
Most of you use techniques to produce results. You are still operating on the 3D realm, thinking affirming or whatever will make your desires come true, when in fact you have TO ASSUME the STATE FIRST!
Think about it..if you ALREADY have it would you still be affirming non-stop? How did you manifest when you didn’t know about the law before?
After you assumed the state (conjuring the feelings of ALREADY having what you desire and playing with your imagination) that’s when techniques come in handy! You start affirming NATURALLY and EFFORTLESSLY! You don’t strain yourself by doing it! You are living in the END!
Always LIVE IN THE END! It is done.
Just how this post is. 💋
i reposted it here because I know it will help a lot of people!!!!
• Credits goes to @x3n97 on twitter
The link to @x3n97 post on X (previously Twitter)
Have a good day/night 🥹🫶🏻
I have coaching for the void state and self-concept also tapes and it's guaranteed from my side but it depends on you
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le-trash-prince · 1 month
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WAS I ON THE MARK WITH MY DOME = SCHRÖDINGER’S CAT THEORY???? Quick someone who understands quantum mechanics talk about a particle existing in multiple states simultaneously until wave function collapse occurs
bc I’ve been thinking about this since Friday night—to me we aren’t looking at multiple timelines, we’re looking at a single timeline where Dome exists in multiple states: alive and dead. (Aside from the ending scene of ep 4, my primary support for this is the fact that Korn shows up at Tonkla’s with the neck wound he received from Tyme)
I think potentially anyone whose life Great saved could be in the same condition as Dome—except that Manee’s son was already dead. There was no one left to mourn her and hold her in that potential state of being dead, the way that Tonkla does for Dome. Everyone who sees her only knows her as being alive, and so her state is fixed. (Am I making sense? I feel like this sounds super abstract but I promise this makes sense in my head)
But that’s not the case for Nam, since Tyme would mourn her, but—and I’m gonna throw in more symbolic quantum mechanics here—I think Tyme could be in a state of quantum entanglement with Great. They are two parts of a whole that, even when separated by physical distance great enough that communication is impossible, share the same state—such as their death. So because they’re entangled, Tyme’s perception of the world is influenced by Great’s perception of the world, therefore he observes Nam as being alive.
Some of this may be wildly off the mark, but I do think Dome is both alive and dead in the same timeline. And also I do think Great and Tyme’s fates are intertwined.
(If they do represent parts of a whole, I would love to hear thoughts from someone who has a better understanding than me about yin and yang bc that’s what their colors feel like to me.)
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girlactionfigure · 29 days
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1 Nobel Prize in Chemistry - The Development of Multiscale Models for Complex Chemical Systems
2 Nobel Prize in Chemistry - Quasiperiodic Crystals
3 Nobel Prize in Chemistry - Decoding the Structure and The Function of The Ribosome
4 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences - Repeated Games
5 Nobel Prize in Chemistry – Ubiquitin, Deciding the Fate of Defective Proteins in Living Cells
6 Nobel Prize in Economics - Human Judgment and Decision-Making Under Uncertainty
7 Fields Medal Award in Mathematics
8 Turing Award - Machine Reasoning Under Uncertainty
9 Turing Award - Nondeterministic Decision-Making
10 Turing Award - The Development of Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs
11 Turing Award - Developing New Tools for Systems Verification
12 Vine Seeds Discovered from The Byzantine Period
13 The World’s Most Ancient Hebrew Inscription
14 Ancient Golden Treasure Found at Foot of Temple Mount
15 Sniffphone - Mobile Disease Diagnostics
16 Discovering the Gene Responsible for Fingerprints Formation
17 Pillcam - For Diagnosing and Monitoring Diseases in The Digestive System
18 Technological Application of The Molecular Recognition and Assembly Mechanisms Behind Degenerative Disorders
19 Exelon – A Drug for The Treatment of Dementia
20 Azilect - Drug for Parkinson’s Disease
21 Nano Ghosts - A “Magic Bullet” For Fighting Cancer
22 Doxil (Caelyx) For Cancer Treatment
23 The Genetics of Hearing
24 Copaxone - Drug for The Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis
25 Preserving the Dead Sea Scrolls
26 Developing the Biotechnologies of Valuable Products from Red Marine Microalgae
27 A New Method for Recruiting Immune Cells to Fight Cancer
28 Study of Bacterial Mechanisms for Coping with Temperature Change
29 Steering with The Bats 30 Transmitting Voice Conversations Via the Internet
31 Rewalk – An Exoskeleton That Enables Paraplegics to Walk Again
32 Intelligent Computer Systems
33 Muon Detectors in The World's Largest Scientific Experiment
34 Renaissance Robot for Spine and Brain Surgery
35 Mobileye Accident Prevention System
36 Firewall for Computer Network Security
37 Waze – Outsmarting Traffic, Together
38 Diskonkey - USB Flash Drive
39 Venμs Environmental Research Satellite
40 Iron Dome – Rocket and Mortar Air Defense System
41 Gridon - Preventing Power Outages in High Voltage Grids
42 The First Israeli Nanosatellite
43 Intel's New Generation Processors
44 Electroink - The World’s First Electronic Ink for Commercial Printing
45 Development of A Commercial Membrane for Desalination
46 Developing Modern Wine from Vines of The Bible
47 New Varieties of Seedless Grapes
48 Long-Keeping Regular and Cherry Tomatoes
49 Adapting Citrus Cultivation to Desert Conditions
50 Rhopalaea Idoneta - A New Ascidian Species from The Gulf of Eilat
51 Life in The Dead Sea - Various Fungi Discovered in The Brine
52 Drip Technology - The Irrigation Method That Revolutionized Agriculture
53 Repair of Heart Tissues from Algae
54 Proof of The Existence of Imaginary Particles, Which Could Be Used in Quantum Computers
55 Flying in Peace with The Birds
56 Self-Organization of Bacteria Colonies Sheds Light on The Behaviour of Cancer Cells
57 The First Israeli Astronaut, Colonel Ilan Ramon
58 Dr. Chaim Weizmann - Scientist and Statesman, The First President of Israel, One of The Founders of The Modern Field of Biotechnology
59 Aaron Aaronsohn Botanist, Agronomist, Entrepreneur, Zionist Leader, and Head of The Nili Underground Organization
60 Albert Einstein - Founding Father of The Theory of Relativity, Co-Founder of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem
61 Maimonides - Doctor and Philosopher
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mister-a-z-fell · 3 months
People often say to me ‘Aziraphale, what exactly is Firmament?’
And by ‘often’, I mean ‘twice’, and they don’t so much say it as send me little enquiries on the Twitters and the Tumbler, along with inexplicable demands to know whether Crowley or I go ‘on top’.
I’ll get to the point in a moment, but, since you’re here, I would like to make it clear that our sleeping arrangements are nobody’s business but our own.
In any case, we don’t own a bunk bed, so the point is moot.
The subject of Firmament first came up on a clear night a few hundred years after I followed Adam and Eve out from Eden. Seth — their third child — was lying on a stone outcrop near the settlement, watching the sky, and I was sitting a little way off, keeping an eye out for scorpions.
‘Ol-ah-kwa*?’ The boy was usually full of questions, but that night he’d been uncharacteristically quiet. ‘What are they called, the lights above?’ It wasn’t the first time he’d asked and he already knew the answer perfectly well, but that was his way.
‘Those are stars. Has your father shown you how to find your path by them?’ He shook his head, and I resolved to talk to Eve in the morning.
‘How are they there? Are they like flowers on a bush? Or spots on a lizard? How many there are.’
I wished Crowley had been there, just then. He could have explained it so much better. I did my best, although I think I left him with the impression that every star hovered high in the heavens like a hummingbird, and he took some convincing that they wouldn’t eventually grow tired, having nowhere to perch, and come crashing down around us.
‘But why are they like fires? If they were made to fly up there forever, why don’t they grow feathers and just be birds?’
‘Well, that would rather defeat the purpose, B-qa-lyl**.’ And that might have been the end of the matter, but the boy had long since learned my weakness.
‘Don’t you know?’
And this is what I told him:
‘They are stars, because God told them to be stars. If She ever decides that they should be birds, then birds they will become. She told your father and mother to be human, because there was a place made in the world for humanity. Your purpose in this life is to discover what it means to be human.’
‘What about the next life?’
‘Wait and see.’
And this is what I didn’t tell him:
In the Beginning was the Void. And God spoke into the Nothing -That-Was, and that word was the first Firmament.
Firmament exists without mass, without substance. It is the Almighty’s intent, Her design, Her love; it is a blueprint for reality, pure potential and the Universe is spun with its threads. In the hands of the Virtues, it takes on form, accretes matter — becomes Material, a mechanism turned with a key that sounds like ‘LET THERE BE’.
Firmament can only be seen by the shadows that it casts. Gravity. The way that particles converse. Electromagnetism. Slood. It moves in mysterious ways and it reaches everywhere that is not Void. One day, scholars will glimpse the outer edges of ‘omnipresence’, and call it ‘quantum entanglement’.
I should have found a way to explain that — while stars aren’t birds — they share their firmament as all the brush stokes of a masterpiece share their canvas, as the individual notes of a melody are carried on the same breath. Everything touches everything. ‘Look what ye have done unto one of the least of these my brethren, the same have ye done unto me.’
Perhaps if I’d taught Seth that all that lies between each of us and the furthest, strangest star is a triviality called ‘distance’, which only really has meaning inside the preserve of mortal dimensions, he might have understood. I tried to explain it to his descendants, but perhaps they were too old, too certain of themselves, to listen. I was never much of a teacher.
Later, in all the confusion of Babel, rāqīa (something beaten thin to form a surface) and rakhmyn (love) went their separate ways, and whenever I encountered the subject of… celestial scaffolding — for want of a better word — it came in the context of the former. A shell to support the stars, to hold back the upper waters. They forgot about the ‘love’ part.
Later still, Crowley got volubly drunk with a fellow named Copernicus and made some progress, but even his controversial model couldn’t let go of firmament as the pastry around the universal profiterole.
Then there was Giordano Bruno… but we don’t talk about him.
So, here I am, trying again. Hoping that I’ve explained myself better this time, because, after all, that’s what an angel is: Firmament imbued with mind, and grace, willed into life by words of purpose unique to each one of us. Wearing atomic fancy-dress so that we can speak to you in words you can comprehend (ideally without falling down and giggling while your hair smoulders gently).
We are, at base, figments of Her imagination, which is so powerful that it was necessary that She invent free will to stop all things yielding unfailingly to Her whim. As a consequence, reality tends to become malleable in our immediate vicinity.
What is Firmament? It’s everything. It’s Creation. It’s humans, and demons, and angels. It’s stars, and it’s the walls of Eden. It’s the bullet, and the finger pulling the trigger, the magician and the audience, and the shocked air expanding in ripples from the burning powder. It’s the scalpel, and the flesh. And inside, beneath the dancing atoms, it’s love.
Try to remember that part, because sometimes it seems very well hidden.
It’s love.
**Something small
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talonabraxas · 4 months
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Here's Why We Might Live in a Multiverse
Several branches of modern physics, including quantum theory and cosmology, suggest our universe may be just one of many
Multiversal concepts pop up in several branches of modern physics. In quantum mechanics, for instance, a particle exists in a superposition of possible states all at once—until, that is, someone tries to make a measurement of it. At that point the possibilities collapse, and one physical state shows itself to the observer. The “many worlds” interpretation of quantum mechanics, though, posits that all the possible states that the measurement might have shown play themselves out in different universes, each with a different version of the observer.
The many worlds interpretation is perhaps the most famous scientific idea that results in a multiverse. But it’s far from the only one. In his new book The Allure of the Multiverse: Extra Dimensions, Other Worlds, and Parallel Universes, physicist Paul Halpern of Saint Joseph’s University explores these potential parallel realities and their histories and evolutions, philosophies and insights into the nature of science.
[An edited transcript of the interview follows.]
What, exactly, is a multiverse anyway?
There are different ideas about the multiverse: cultural ideas and scientific ideas. Those notions tend to be very different. The cultural ideas apply to human life. People wonder what would have happened if they had moved to a different city, taken a different job, decided to pursue different hobbies or had a different relationship. They imagine paths they didn’t take and try to picture what would happen.
In science the idea can be split into the quantum multiverse and the cosmological multiverse.
The quantum multiverse is a possible answer to the question of what happens when measurements are taken in quantum physics, and how human life is connected to the quantum world. That was addressed in 1957 by a young graduate student, Hugh Everett III, with the many worlds interpretation. He speculated that different possibilities split into different universes—and that humans experience multiple realities but don’t really know about their doppelgängers.
Finally, there’s the cosmological multiverse, which is the idea that a process called inflation, the rapid expansion that is believed to be an early stage of the universe, is relatively easy to achieve in the early universe and elsewhere and happens all the time. It results in other bubble universes that have since expanded, and our universe has also expanded, so they’re currently beyond our scope.
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mysticstronomy · 6 months
Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024.
Welcome back,
All the fundamental forces of the universe are known to follow the laws of quantum mechanics, save one: gravity. Finding a way to fit gravity into quantum mechanics would bring scientists a giant leap closer to a “theory of everything” that could entirely explain the workings of the cosmos from first principles. A crucial first step in this quest to know whether gravity is quantum is to detect the long-postulated elementary particle of gravity, the graviton.
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In search of the graviton, physicists are now turning to experiments involving microscopic superconductors, free-falling crystals and the afterglow of the big bang.
Quantum mechanics suggests everything is made of quanta, or packets of energy, that can behave like both a particle and a wave—for instance, quanta of light are called photons. Detecting gravitons, the hypothetical quanta of gravity, would prove gravity is quantum. The problem is that gravity is extraordinarily weak.
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To directly observe the minuscule effects a graviton would have on matter, physicist Freeman Dyson famously noted, a graviton detector would have to be so massive that it collapses on itself to form a black hole.
“One of the issues with theories of quantum gravity is that their predictions are usually nearly impossible to experimentally test,” says quantum physicist Richard Norte of Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. “This is the main reason why there exist so many competing theories and why we haven’t been successful in understanding how it actually works.”
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In 2015, however, theoretical physicist James Quach, now at the University of Adelaide in Australia, suggested a way to detect gravitons by taking advantage of their quantum nature. Quantum mechanics suggests the universe is inherently fuzzy—for instance, one can never absolutely know a particle's position and momentum at the same time. One consequence of this uncertainty is that a vacuum is never completely empty, but instead buzzes with a “quantum foam” of so-called virtual particles that constantly pop in and out of existence.
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These ghostly entities may be any kind of quanta, including gravitons.
Decades ago, scientists found that virtual particles can generate detectable forces. For example, the Casimir effect is the attraction or repulsion seen between two mirrors placed close together in vacuum. These reflective surfaces move due to the force generated by virtual photons winking in and out of existence.
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Previous research suggested that superconductors might reflect gravitons more strongly than normal matter, so Quach calculated that looking for interactions between two thin superconducting sheets in vacuum could reveal a gravitational Casimir effect. The resulting force could be roughly 10 times stronger than that expected from the standard virtual-photon-based Casimir effect.
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Recently, Norte and his colleagues developed a microchip to perform this experiment. This chip held two microscopic aluminum-coated plates that were cooled almost to absolute zero so that they became superconducting. One plate was attached to a movable mirror, and a laser was fired at that mirror. If the plates moved because of a gravitational Casimir effect, the frequency of light reflecting off the mirror would measurably shift. As detailed online July 20 in Physical Review Letters, the scientists failed to see any gravitational Casimir effect.
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This null result does not necessarily rule out the existence of gravitons—and thus gravity’s quantum nature. Rather, it may simply mean that gravitons do not interact with superconductors as strongly as prior work estimated, says quantum physicist and Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who did not participate in this study and was unsurprised by its null results. Even so, Quach says, this was a courageous attempt to detect gravitons.”
Originally published on https://www.scientificamerican.com
(Saturday, April 6th, 2024)
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reinedeslys-central · 7 months
kotlc things that I keep thinking about that are never really addressed by canon
there is a complete replica of sophie's bedroom and perhaps countless other rooms just. somewhere in a building in mysterium that the councillors just know about.
alden and other telepaths were instructed to monitor the citizens' minds for signs of dissent around the time the prentice thing was going down
they regularly torture prisoners and dissenters into literal insanity that they can't come back from
they also have a super weird prison only accessible by quicksand (????) to house said prisoners
okay. how - how big is havenfield?
the entire thing with - is their name twix? the person dex was working with for something. why do we not get to see that more. why is dex the criminally underrated goated character and WE DON'T GET FLESHED OUT CHARACTER ARCS FOR EVERYONE
linh flooded. atlantis. linh song FLOODED ATLANTIS hello what do people think about that?????????? do they see her on the street and whisper? what's up with "The Girl Of Many Floods"? Where else did she flood?
What is up with the song family (tong? their name changed after their grandmother or smth got famous with their music right?) that both their children not only have two very powerful elemental abilities, but are also crazy skilled with said Talents.
why are music, art, and culture not a bigger thing? like yeah, plot, obviously, but that's just worldbuilding!!! I wanna see!!!! art hanging on the walls! Defying gravity! more sculptures! more music playing in the shopping centres!! If they have imparters why don't they have long distance radio? are there mandatory dance lessons? what's the etiquette like besides what we already know?
more animal husbandry at schools. speaking of schools: we KNOW foxfire and exilium aren't the only schools. are smaller schools more specialised? are their community colleges or academies dedicated to specific career paths? universities?
okay but the polyglot ability is SO COOL???? tell me about the archaic variants of the enlightened language. there's no way that's just the elves' one language and the other species picked it up due to their 'superiority' or wtv. the goblins have cities of gold and metal and the trolls age backwards, you're not convincing me of anything.
secret societies in the other species. that has to exist right?
.....is squall dex's mom or not? I genuinely can't remember.
anyway remember when she froze gethen's fingernails off, yeah that happened (I think)
so instead of rehabilitating teenagers who have dangerous abilities and not much control over their powers, we just do....whatever the council did with gethen, ruy, and linh ig
hey, um...are we just not going to talk about dex casually HACKING INTO A GOV DATABASE WITH SOME RANDOM BITS OF ROCK AND TWINE? he can just do that. okay. okay. that's - yeah, okay.
did he match a frequency or something? how does the signal network even work in kotlc when everyone is technically all over the world in unplottable locations and they get around by LIGHT LEAPING???
ON THAT NOTE. light leaping. yeah haha funny let's just teach our kids to casually break down their very particles and hold onto their consciousness to travel at the speed of light using quantum mechanics and crystals that are specifically cut to project light in such a way that'll take you only to a specific location nvm im not thinking more about it.
flickering? is apparently a skill you can learn even if you're not a vanisher? remember in book two when fitz got prissy at sophie for knowing how to do it apparently b4 we figured out that she's a teleporter
keefe is a fun loveable goofball and I've always been on the sokeefe train but now the more I think about it he's really um.... yeah, uh, sophie? darling, please just don't date any of these people. obv you can make your own decisions but at least not now, okay. take care of yourself hon
the fitz hate is kinda weird ngl. wdym you don't want your problematic traitor brother to move back in to living literally with your family after supposedly losing his memories and that's a bad thing? wdym your close friend/crush is hiding things from you when yall are supposed to be cognates and she's kinda gaslighting you since, forever? wdym your father's been shadily telling you to stalk this girl in the human world since you were a kid? yeah definitely he does pull some weird stints throughout the series. but the bigger things i see ppl hating on him for are. hmmmmm
the council themselves choose to lock away the government secrets and wipe them from their memories. hey, um - recordkeeping is great, obvious, but - wiping those secrets from your minds isn't gonna help you lead while accounting for those parts of history, is it? nevermind how dangerous it is when there are huge species-wide secrets that NO ONE remembers. society-threatening incident waiting to happen.
the concept of vociferators. that's just kinda funny lol even if it is weird
are their schoold for diff abilities?
what's the genetics of talent inheritance? why are 'stronger' abilities rarer? In my opinion, p much every talent is goated, I don't see why more characters aren't more creative about it.
banning talents is just a bad move. like. are you serious? how is that going to make it better? that's how you get brant. brant was a pyrokinetic, without getting into the primary issue of the whole talentless/talented discrimination discourse, the secondary issue is he wouldve been able to marry jolie as two talented elves. would he have cracked if his ability was just a bit better handled by society?
grady is a mesmer. how - that's a really powerful ability???? how do you even train to use that? what do you even use it for?
same with whatever that lady councillor is that tried to seduce alden during his own wedding. fun times, yall.
rainbow fire??? cool????
so we have the sanctuary, do we also have a gigantic library of alexandria-esque thing? a botanical garden?
according to jolie's wiki she died at twenty as a level 8 at foxfire. so... hang on a minute. okay, sure, numerically that could make sense since sophie, at 12, became a level one - but are you telling me she went through the whole matchmaking process and was planning to get married that young????
hey, here's an idea - in a relatively stable society where economy is great, trust funds exist, people work to have something to do with their lives, birth rate is generally low (now through prejudice as well as societal comfort and ease/cost of living), why are they marrying so young? WHY ARE THE KIDS STARTING THE MATCHMAKING PROCESS IN THEIR TEENS???? the elven society has p much every mark of a stage 5 developed country? help? middle-high school human geography??
if they apparently live so long, show me the funny messy family trees with couples having children generations apart.
so, trust funds of lusters??? lustres?? (which we barely ever see. why is there little-to-no use of money?) which equate to roughly one trillion USD (in value? are you. are you - um. are you....serious?) exist. but I guess inflation and relative currency value from mass money printing doesn't count in this world, as well as the fact that there's only one currency for all the elves.
I wanna see a divorced elven couple now. how does divorce law work??????
if there's such a low BR and low population and people are yet still encouraged to have less kids to 'not dilute the genes' (that's my next point btw), I'm guessing matchmaking is encouraged younger to make sure population stays stable/growing? obv you need it to ensure genetic diversity and no incest, but if it's heavily encouraged for elves to have children like this, are queer elves mandated to have children with a surrogate/other couple even if they have a same-sex marriage?
i'll probably edit this or reblog it to include more stuff (character limit lol) as i remember the books bc it's been a hot minute since i read them.
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amazingamyy-y · 1 month
What If We're Living in a Simulation? Exploring Simulation Theory
Simulation theory is one of those concepts that can make your brain do a double take. The idea is simple, yet profound: what if our entire reality—everything we see, hear, and feel—is just an advanced simulation? It’s a thought that’s been explored in science fiction for decades, but in recent years, it has gained traction in academic circles and pop culture alike.
The Basics: What Is Simulation Theory?
At its core, simulation theory posits that the universe and everything within it is a highly advanced computer simulation. This could mean that we are living in a virtual reality created by a civilization far more advanced than our own, potentially to the point where their simulations are indistinguishable from what we perceive as reality.
This idea was popularized by philosopher Nick Bostrom in his 2003 paper, Are You Living in a Computer Simulation? Bostrom suggests that at least one of the following propositions is true:
Almost all civilizations at our level of technological development go extinct before becoming capable of creating such a simulation.
If civilizations reach the capability to create such simulations, they choose not to for some reason.
We are almost certainly living in a computer simulation.
The third proposition is the one that has sparked the most interest—and controversy.
Why Would Anyone Create a Simulation?
The motivations behind creating such a simulation could vary widely. Some theorists suggest that an advanced civilization might create simulations for scientific research, historical reenactments, or even entertainment. If you think about it, our own society is moving towards increasingly immersive virtual realities. We play video games, use virtual reality headsets, and create digital worlds. As our technology improves, who’s to say we won’t create simulations so complex that the inhabitants don’t even realize they’re in one?
Evidence and Arguments
So, what evidence is there that we might be living in a simulation? While there’s no definitive proof, several arguments have been made:
Mathematical Structure of the Universe: Some physicists and mathematicians point out that the universe seems to operate according to a set of underlying mathematical laws. If the universe is code, then it makes sense that it would have a structured, logical framework.
Quantum Mechanics: At the quantum level, reality behaves in strange, almost digital ways. Particles appear and disappear, and the act of observation seems to affect outcomes. This has led some to speculate that what we’re seeing is akin to how a computer simulation might render only what is necessary for the “player” to see.
Cosmological Fine-Tuning: The universe appears to be finely tuned for life, with physical constants falling within a narrow range that allows for the existence of complex structures like stars, planets, and humans. Some argue this could be evidence of a simulation designed to support life.
Of course, there are plenty of skeptics. Critics of simulation theory argue that the hypothesis is unfalsifiable—meaning it cannot be proven or disproven. This makes it more of a philosophical musing than a scientific theory. Additionally, some argue that assuming we are in a simulation leads to a kind of nihilism, where our actions and experiences are rendered meaningless.
Others point out that just because something is possible doesn’t mean it’s probable. The idea of an advanced civilization creating simulations is fascinating, but there’s no direct evidence to suggest it’s happening.
Why It Matters
Whether or not we’re living in a simulation, the idea itself has significant implications. It forces us to question the nature of reality and our place within it. Are we the creators of our destiny, or are we just characters in a cosmic video game? Simulation theory also raises ethical questions—if we create simulations with conscious beings, what responsibility do we have toward them?
Final Thoughts
Simulation theory might sound like science fiction, but it’s a concept that has captured the imaginations of philosophers, scientists, and the general public alike. Whether you’re a believer or a skeptic, it’s an idea that invites us to think deeply about the nature of existence. And who knows—maybe one day we’ll find out the truth.
In the meantime, the idea that we could be living in a simulated reality adds a layer of mystery to our everyday lives. Next time something strange or inexplicable happens, you might find yourself wondering: Is this just a glitch in the matrix?
Feel free to dive into the comments—I'd love to hear what you think about simulation theory! Are we living in a simulation, or is it just another wild idea? Let’s discuss!
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oliviabutsmart · 11 months
Physics Friday #12: Interpreting Quantum Mechanics
Preamble: "God does not play dice"
Education Level: High School (Y9/10)
Topic: Quantum Mechanics (Physics)
Developing the Schrödinger Equation
Quantum mechanics had it's origin in the nature of light, and then over the course of 50 years from 1900 - 1950, the entire field of physics was overturned as we realised that waves weren't just limited to light, but everything.
This came to it's head in 1926 with the creation of the Schrödinger wave equation, which dictated how particle 'waves' evolve in time and space.
Now you've probably heard of the wavefunction. Effectively, it's a probability wave, where the amplitude of the wave corresponds to the most likely location you'd find the particle.
The wavefunction doesn't just involve a probability distribution in space, but also in other quantities.
For example, if you put an electron in a small box, you can imbue it with an energy.
But because of quantum mechanics, energy is quantised - there is an energy of X joules, 2X joules, 3X joules, etc. If you put an electron of 2.5X into the system it can't just work like that.
Which is why the electron forms a weighted combination of different states corresponding to specific multiples of our X value. And this superposition just so happens to be the average energy, which is considered the classical energy of the electron.
For example an electron with a superposition of 2X, 50% of the time, and being in state 3X 50% of the time. This averages out to 2.5X.
Collapsing the Wavefunction
But how do you find a particle? Or measure it's energy? Well, via what's known as the wavefunction collapse. When we take a look at the particle as a wave, it suddenly snaps to a specific value and then evolves from there.
This wavefunction collapse can occur for any observable property of the particle. If you measure the energy of our 2.5X particle in our above state, it's a 50/50 chance that you'll catch it in either state.
And once the coin flip occurs, the particle's energy will suddenly jump to 3X or 2X and remain at that value.
You may think this violates the conservation of energy, but remember that the act of 'measurement' intrinsically involves interacting with the electron - a very important point.
But wait, what does this collapse mean?
The Schrödinger equation does not explicitly mention this collapse. It simply describes the evolution of an undisturbed wavefunction. Thus, we need to include collapse as a part of the three postulates of QM:
Particle states are described by a wavefunction, a vector belonging to a Hilbert space
The Schrödinger equation dictates the time evolution of these states
Measurement of an observable (i.e. a hermitian operator) collapses the wavefunction to an observable's eigenstate (each eigenstate being associated with a probability of collapse)
But this still doesn't really answer the question. What is measurement? What counts as measuring an observable property of the particle?
Well here's the thing ... we don't have an answer ... it's an open question and the topic of this post.
The interpretations
An interpretation of quantum mechanics is effectively a theory that aims to answer this question: where and how does this measurement occur?
After almost a century since the formulation of standard QM, we have a litany of many interpretations, most of which fall on a spectrum of when exactly it occurs.
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On one end, we have ideas where the wavefunction never existed in the first place, or that the wavefunction naturally collapses.
On the other, we have ideas that the wavefunction collapses at a point very far in the process, or even that it never collapses at all.
I'll talk about 6 of these interpretations, although some of these theories of collapse are more categories of theories.
Think of the Ocean (Pilot Wave)
In the 1920s, de Broglie developed an interpretation of quantum mechanics that posited that subatomic particles do, in fact, physically exist.
The source of the wavefunction and the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics is caused by the particles being guided by a series of "pilot waves" - which push and move the particles around and imbue them with the motion and energy we observe.
The randomness comes from the fact that the waves themselves depend on the positions of all particles. These guiding waves are dictated by a special guiding equation.
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dear lord that's complicated Image Credit: Wikipedia
This guiding equation, when applied to particles just so happen to result in our neat and clean Schrödinger equaiton.
So what happened to this theory?
The biggest problem with this theory is that it's non-local, meaning that the evolution of the guiding wave requires knowledge of all of the particles in the universe.
This of course, violates special relativity.
Another problem is that it lost the authors' support, or that the authors lost support. de Broglie rejected the theory in 1927 and David Bohm, the other author, was distanced from the other scientists for being outwardly socialist during the early red scares.
Pilot wave theory, in a sense, is so strict on the physicality of particles that it ends up sort-of wrapping around and becoming a many-worlds theory instead, to quote David Deustch:
Pilot-wave theories are parallel-universe theories in a state of chronic denial.
This arises from the problem of branching, a tacked-on attempt to reconcile the nature of the theory. That since the wavefunction was a physical thing, and the pilot wave and particles kept self-interacting, it sort of creates branching realities caused by distant communication with other particles.
Those silly numbers are hiding from us! (Hidden Variables)
The EPR (Einstein-Podolski-Rosen) paradox is another famous problem in QM, caused by entanglement.
Take two electrons and force them to collide with eachother, bounce off, and travel far into the distance. We know that after the interaction, these electrons propagate with free-particle wavefunctions. And we can fire them at eachother such that we don't know their momentums initially - i.e. they entangled.
Now wait for the electrons to travel very far away from eachother, and then measure one of the electrons momenta. In order to maintain conservation of energy, we instantly know what the momenta of the other electron is.
What we also know is that because of this measurement, and that the electron is entangled with the other, that we have just collapsed the other wavefunction instantaneously from a distance.
This is a problem, due to special relativity, we cannot transfer information faster than the speed of light. So clearly our QM is broken.
Hidden variable theories aim to solve the EPR paradox as well as just generally trying to interpret quantum mechanics. Effectively, there are a series of unobservable entities that dictate how wavefunctions collapse.
The wavefunction in the EPR paradox has a hidden variable stating the electrons' momenta so that we aren't violating causality, for example.
Fortunately, but unfortunately, this theory makes a testable prediction via Bell's theorem, which utilises entanglement to determine if these hidden variables work locally.
The experiments conducted show that only a non-local hidden variable theory is possible. One example of this just so happens to be our previous pilot-wave theory!
Observing isn't needed (Spontaneous Collapse)
We could be thinking of this wrong. Perhaps the wavefunction is real, and it is non-deterministic. But that at some point, it collapses on it's own.
There are several ways to do this, but at it's core, these are how the theories go:
There is an extra non-linear term in the Schrödinger equation, that is insignificant at the small scales
This non-linearity causes the wavefunction to be unstable, and prefers it to collapse to observable eigenvalues
With increasing complexity, this term becomes much more important, as more entanglement = more instability
The rate of decay increases as you entangle the system. And if a system is large enough, it's likely to collapse into a classical environment
Effectively, they say that the wavefunction will collapse on their own. And the reason we don't see it on larger scales, or see a collapse when measuring the system, is that the act of interaction (entanglement) causes the wavefunction to be more likely to collapse.
Of course, the theory has trouble reconciling with relativity. As entanglement works over large distances. Models can be made to try and say that entanglement over these distances increases instability for example, but we're still waiting on developments.
Lastly, we have the problem of tails. The wavefunction of a particle exists for all of physical space. At these far out distances, it is very possible for particles to get entangled with distant objects. Meaning that a wavefunction may end up collapsing further than we think.
The easy way out (Copenhagen)
The Copenhagen interpretation was developed in the 20s to attempt to come up with some placeholder answer to what collapse is. It is our middle-of-the-road theory which states that observation of an observable causes collapse.
Observation is defined as the act of applying an observable operator (like the energy operator) to the wavefunction by an external source to gain information on that operator's outcome.
The problem is that this is a meaningless statement. Because anytime a system entangles itself with something greater, it technically does this 'observation'.
Take the double split experiment.
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Image Credit: Discovery Channel
What defines the moment of observation? Is it when:
The particles interact with the measuring laser
The measuring laser interacts with the larger observation device
An electronic signal is sent from the device to a computer
The light from the computer interacts with the conscious observer
We can't pinpoint the specific cut-off between the quantum world and the classical.
After all, we know that lasers can entangle themselves with atoms. And that electronic signals are nothing but moving electrons.
The point of the theory is that it's a placeholder. The definitions are ill-defined because we're kinda waiting for another theory to help us.
It's all in your head! (Consciousness)
The immediate answer to the Copenhagen interpretation could be that the collapse occurs at the end of the specified chain. When a conscious observer interacts with the entangled system.
It's a nice idea given that it kills two birds with one stone - it helps point to a physical theory on the nature of sentience, but also allows us to solve the measurement problem.
This does come into conflict with our current understanding of sentience. Our placeholder theorem is effectively that conscious experience is an emergent property of a series of interacting electrical signals in our brain.
This placeholder helps explain why humans are more 'sentient' than animals, or very young children, as we have a very active and complex central nervous system.
Of course, it's just a placeholder. We don't have an actual meaningful answer to sentience, and probably won't for a while. So for now it's left to the dark realm of god of the gaps.
Where it comes into conflict with QM is that a series of interacting electrical signals sounds exactly like an entangled system. So there clearly can't be just emergent properties involved otherwise we're just dealing with a spontaneous collapse theory.
There has to be something physically unique about a sentient brain to cause the collapse - effectively you require the existence of a soul. Something which is even further in the dark realms of philosophy.
Another issue is that it doesn't work with special relativity, as it violates the EPR paradox still.
We also need to determine what counts as sentient. Sentience isn't an on and off switch. There are many ways it can be expressed.
We know that some mammals have some form of conscious experience - so then are cats capable of collapsing the wavefunction?
Finally, what about the universe prior to consciousness? Did it just end up in an entangled nightmare until somehow we got an observer to collapse it all? How can something built of entangled particles end up collapsing itself at some given size?
This interpretation is very interesting, however if it turns out to be true, we'll be stuck with our measurement problem for quite a while.
For now, the biggest problem with the interpretation is that it opens the door to many, many quacks like Deepak Chopra. Who think that we can control this collapse with our minds and alter our reality by just thinking it away WoOOoOoWwowoWoOo!
Forever entangled (Many Worlds)
So, assuming that our consciousness theory is not the right answer, then what causes the collapse?
We can keep getting bigger and bigger:
The electrons in the double slit entangles with the laser photons entangles with the measurement device entangles with the electrical signals entangles with the computer entangles with the observer entangles with the room their in entangles with the Earth entangles with the solar system entangles with the galaxy ...
This out-spiralling entanglement continues without bound until the entire universe is in a superposition of states. And every time an interaction occurs we ourselves are being pulled into a new wavefunction.
This entanglement would've happened early, at about the time of cosmic inflation. But every new quantum event comes with a new set of entanglements.
This leads to the name Many Worlds, as we're creating new realities with every event.
Now it's important to note something important: this is not a multiverse theory. Multiverse theory is proposed source for cosmic inflation. Here, there is still one single universe. Much like how an electron in superposition isn't multiple actual electrons. The universe is just being treated as an electron.
This theory sounds far-fetched. Arguably the fact that it's unfalsifiable makes it not a good interpretation of QM. However, it is a lot simpler than the previous consciousness interpretation - it simply removes the need for a measurement process.
This satisfies Occam's razor as well. It doesn't require a mathematical formalism because the point of the theory is that the formalism doesn't exist.
However, not having a formalism makes it quite difficult to prove. It only seems to be correct in the sense that it doesn't necessarily say that measurement cannot happen, just that it's not measurement. It's entanglement.
Interestingly, the theories on the "wavefunction collapses early" side of the spectrum are more likely to be disproven. Primarily a consequence of the fact that they have the opportunity of making testable predictions.
Despite all of these interpretations, it's clear who stands as the best theories: spontaneous collapse and many worlds. They have their strengths, but they have fair grounding. You could argue that consciousness is also a fair contender, but it's a bit too much in the realm of fantasy - attempting to tie one big unanswered question with another.
Spontaneous collapse has proper mathematical formalism while many worlds seems to work well in an Occam's razor sense.
Regardless, that is a surface-level exploration into the many different ways we have attempted to answer the measurement problem. I hope y'all enjoyed this post and god I need to make them less long.
Please can someone fix this inverted colours issue it's like causing all of my colours on these posts to invert too thx
Reference post: https://www.tumblr.com/oliviabutsmart/732200630726377472/for-some-reason-some-reasons-only-some-images-i
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Anyways, feedback appreciated, follow if want, send memes and send help.
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jasmi-n · 2 months
Quantum Physics and Manifestation: The Intersection
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Quantum Physics: is the branch of physics that studies phenomena occurring on extremely small scales, such as atoms and subatomic particles. Unlike classical physics, which deals with the macroscopic world and its well-defined laws, quantum physics introduces concepts that challenge human intuition, such as wave-particle duality and quantum entanglement.
The Intersection: The relationship between quantum physics and manifestation is a topic that generates considerable discussion, both in scientific and spiritual circles. The central idea is that principles of quantum physics can provide a theoretical basis for the practice of manifestation, which involves creating the desired reality through thoughts and intentions.
The Principle of Superposition - In quantum physics, the principle of superposition suggests that a particle can exist in multiple states at the same time until it is observed. This means that, on a fundamental level, reality is a field of possibilities.
Manifestation: Applying this concept to manifestation, we can see reality as multiple possibilities coexisting, which only materialize when we focus our attention and intention. When you concentrate on a specific desire or goal, you are, in a way, "observing" that possibility and thus collapsing it, making it become reality. Observation collapses this superposition into a single state.
The Observer Effect - Another key concept in quantum physics is the observer effect, which postulates that the mere observation of a phenomenon can alter its outcome. In quantum experiments, the presence of the observer influences the behavior of particles.
Manifestation: This principle strongly resonates with the idea that our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality. When we deeply believe in something and direct our energy towards that goal, we are, in essence, influencing the "behavior" of the environment to align with our intentions.
Quantum Entanglement - Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon where two particles become connected in such a way that the state of one instantly affects the state of the other, regardless of the distance separating them.
Manifestation: This concept can be seen as an interconnection of all beings and events in the universe. Our intentions and actions not only impact our immediate environment but can also have global repercussions, linking with other energies and influencing seemingly disconnected events. In other words, our thoughts and intentions can have a broader impact on the world around us, as a form of "manifestation."
Reality as Energy - Quantum physics reveals that, at its core, everything in the universe is energy.
Manifestation: Like attracts like. This means that our internal state (our thoughts or beliefs) attracts experiences that resonate on the same wavelength. By elevating our thoughts to what we want, we can attract circumstances and opportunities that are aligned with our deepest desires.
However, this combination of scientific principles suggests that by cultivating a positive and focused mental state on what we want, we can influence our experiences and outcomes in meaningful ways, even if the exact mechanics of this process are not yet fully understood.
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dimensional-tourist · 11 months
The great spiritual author Alan Watts had a wonderful image. He said when a boat goes through the water, it leaves a wake in the water as it passes through. The way we understand things psychologically would be that the wake actually creates the boat, that the past is what creates the present moment. But of course, we know that the wake isn’t creating the boat; the boat is creating the wake. It’s the present moment that is creating the past. The present moment is what’s knifing through the water and the wake is just the recording of the present moment moving farther and farther into the past.
So if you look at it from that standpoint, the past doesn’t actually create the present even though it seems like the past is what gives us our present experience, which conditions the way we see life. There’s actually another way to see it, and that’s what the spiritual orientation is. The spiritual orientation is rooted in the revelation or the perception that there’s only right here and right now. And even deeper than that is that everything you think and feel and experience right here and right now is not actually the outcome of the past. It’s actually the spontaneous bursting into existence of the present. In a way it’s uncaused.
We’re taught to view life through the orientation that the past creates the present. The “here and now” orientation doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense. And yet, not only in the realm of spirituality, but also in the realm of science and quantum mechanics, we start to see that life actually bursts forth uncaused, seemingly out of nowhere, seemingly out of nothingness. This is what some of our physics and physicists have observed, that the smallest particles of matter actually seem to burst out of nowhere, out of nothingness, and on an even more perplexing level, that our observation of life is what actually brings life into being.
This is really the deeper meaning of “spontaneous.” Spontaneity means uncaused. It’s not following the laws of causation. At the subatomic level, nothing happens until it’s observed, and as soon as something is observed, the observation itself is what brings it into being. So the observation and what is being observed actually arise spontaneously together.
This may all seem quite abstract. That’s why I like the image of a boat moving through water, because with that image you can see how it’s the present moment that’s creating the past, not the past that’s creating the present moment. Even though that may be hard to grasp, it’s really quite easy to have some rudimentary understanding of this by just imagining a boat going through the water and the simple recognition that it’s the present moment of the boat going through the water that creates the wake. The wake will be the past. That’s where the boat moved through the water, and that’s the signature of the boat moving through the water. But the past does not create the present.
From Adyashanti's True Spiritual Orientation, 2010
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thishumanexperience · 2 years
Alright strap yourselves in. Quantum mechanics is here is blow your mind and it will not be denied. Now you might think you’re not interested in quantum mechanics, but this isn’t really about quantum mechanics it’s about what to do with our flicker of consciousness and stuff. So an object is considered to be “real” if it exists with definite properties independent of observation. It is “local” according to the principle that objects can only be influenced by their surroundings. One property many particles have is spin, which is measured as “up” or “down”. If you know the spin of a particle and break it into two particles, you know their spins will always complement each other because their sum is known — the particles are entangled. SO GET THIS: You entangle a pair of particles. You separate them. When you measure them, one particle’s spin will ALWAYS be up and the other down, 100% of the time, even when they’re lightyears apart !! You might think that’s just because they inherited these properties when they separated, but their quantum states are random not consistent: you do not know the particle’s spin until you measure it. in fact they do not HAVE a definite state until measured, and are considered to exist in multiple states because of quantum superposition. So as soon as you measure an entangled particle, the other one INSTANTANEOUSLY collapses into the opposite spin. as if telepathically, like it KNOWS. And we know no information could have travelled between the particles because nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. It’s wÈïṞḏ™️
And this observer effect isn’t just some anomalous glitch exclusive to this experiment. When you pass photons one by one through a plate containing two slits onto an observed screen, an interference pattern is created on the screen due to the wave nature of light — the light wave passes through both slits simultaneously and interferes with itself. BUT, if you monitor the photons passing through the slits, they are always found to be passing through either one or the other, and the interference pattern disappears. because it’s only absorbed at the screen at those two discrete points, exhibiting particle, not wave, behaviour. it changes its behaviour based on whether there is detection! So a particle can be described as either a wave or particle before measurement. Wave-particle duality! Where the particles are detected is probabilistic; you can never predict their behaviour for certain. again, quantum superposition.
So anyway by measuring an entangled particle you can somehow influence the quantum state of the other entangled particle, both by collapsing its state and doing so instantaneously. This is bewilderingly uncomfortable right, because it throws everything we know about classical physics out the window. Well it was also uncomfortable to Einstein, who couldn’t accept that quantum mechanics was the full story of reality, and proposed there must be hidden variables that we haven’t yet discovered. But no one could test this theory, UNTIL decades later when John Bell devised an experiment to test for hidden variables. In the years since, this eponymous Bell test — the separated entangled particles experiment with extra detector settings — has been conducted many times and increasingly rigorously. ruling out loopholes. enlarging the distance between entangled particles. And every single time, quantum mechanics proved triumphant. even when a cosmic Bell test was done based on stars hundreds of light years apart! This is what won the Nobel in physics. There are no hidden variables. Particles can be connected, entangled, no matter how far apart they are !¡!
THEREFORE. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? two things: Objects are NOT only influenced by their surroundings AND objects do NOT have definite properties/states unless measured. Are you hearing this? OBJECTS ARE NOT LOCALLY REAL.
So deeply contrary to our everyday experiences that we didn’t really probe into this realm until like a hundred years ago. It doesn’t affect our everyday lives; we don’t need to know about quantum entanglement to survive or live happy lives, but we still WANT TO KNOW. We still wonder. How fucking phenomenal is that. In love with this relentless pursuit of truth and desire for knowledge unique to our species. Floored by the dedication of these physicists who kept digging at this despite the pessimism and dismissal of hordes of people, despite the it’s-too-hard-so-just-leave-it pressure. We too are just particles that lumped together and evolved into consciousness, but every day we use that consciousness to search for meaning, even when that quest may reinforce our own fragility and futility.
And I wouldn’t trade that for anything in this unreal world.
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