#quality is so ass you can count the pixels
unfortunatish · 2 years
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Finally finished making my Elijah cosplay!! Will do a photoshoot soon :]]
Ignore the ass quality😭😭😭
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bahrtofane · 7 months
here we go again - pt.2
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pt.1, pt.3
jude x fem!reader , trent x fem!reader
empty promise after another leaves you walking in the cold. alone. on valentines day. youre never speaking to another player again. but, a familair face is here to save the day
word count - 2.2k+
watch it - jude is still an ass sorrehhh. angsy angst and more angst ! ur welcome
You don't know where the hell you are, what time it is. A few more minutes you're going to forget your own name and start screaming to feel something other than misery. So  much for the holiday of love. You are feeling so much love you could jump out of a plane. With no parachute. And land on a pile of rocks. 
You kick a trash can out of frustration and groan at the impact it gives your poor exposed and suffering toes. 
You can not believe the events of today. Everything keeps replaying over and over like a broken projector. The fact that he got you to dress up in your favorite special occasion floor length dress just to have it drag across the grimy dirty fucking disgusting club floor. Oh god you want him dead. 
You're deep into Birmingham nightlife by the time your senses come back to you enough to fish your phone out of your bag. The bag is a birthday gift from your mother of all people forced to be seen among that bunch of people,it makes you seeth. 
You should have known taking you to Birmingham wasn't a good idea. It made no sense in your head, why fly from Madrid to god damn Birmingham. You both live and work in Madrid? Your sweet naive mind thought he came up with something unique, something sweet. 
You groan the second your phone turns on. One too many notifications to keep up with and by the looks of it they aren't stopping anytime soon. Twitter is blowing up, you already know what it is. A bunch of low quality pixels of you entering with him and looking lost with a bunch of tacky headlines. You'll get that settled when you get home. You go to order an uber, but your phone manages to die on you miraculously. How lucky. All the times you spent trying to get a hold of Jude really drained the battery. You clench your jaw. 
Good god. You shove your phone back in your purse and keep stomping through birmingham. Shivering with each step. You didn't bring a jacket, how foolish.
You try to follow streets you think you know, but it's not going very well. There aren't very many people this far out. Leave it to fucking Jude to take you to the worlds more obscure club location. It's been about an hour since you left him at the club you think. An hour of walking through alley ways and neighborhoods that only raise the hair on the back of your neck. He couldn't even get you a ride home?
You think the last person you saw was a nurse chucking coffee at a bus station, the bus that you tried to catch but it sped away faster than your aching legs could take you. Better night than yours you're sure. You wander about trying to find at least a store open to be able to call for a taxi. 
You hear the crunch of slowing tires come up behind you, and you instantly quicken up your pace. You almost swear you hear your name shouted, but you don't stop. The second time, it's a little too clear to be mistaken for anyone else's name as the car comes to a crawl side by side to you. 
You turn on your heel harshly, “why in god's name-“ your voice dies the moment you recognize the familiar car model, and its driver. Trent. Oh.
“Get in the car." he dead pans, windows rolled at the way down, door already unlocked for you.
You wrinkle your nose, “I don't want to talk trent." 
The very last thing you need is that sorry excuse of a man to send his friend of all people to run after you and do his bidding where he fell short just hours before. This is so embarrassing it only makes you wish his car would explode. And then drive it into the club. While it's on fire. 
“I'm not letting you roam around these parts at this time, just get in." he sighs. 
You scowl, "he’s low for sending you to change my mind, after this whole fucking night why cant you leave me alone."
He gives you a look, “this has nothing to do with him, this is me. Worried for you. “
“Fuck off." you spit. 
“You’re so hard headed, just get in the damn car before someone robs you. Or worse." 
"How'd you even know I was here?" you squint at him. 
he sighs, rubbing his eyes, "i still have your location from when i picked you up for his birthday. And I heard about everything from just about everyone. "
"You have nothing else to do on valentines day?" you jab. 
He stays silent, hands wringing the steering wheel. You notice he's in what looks like pjs, Liverpool jacket thrown on top. He drove all this way for you?
You swallow your pride for a moment, hiking up your dress while you duck inside the car. Sighing in relief as the pressure is taken off your aching legs. Snapping your seatbelt over you, swinging your purse over your head and gently setting it on your lap, wiping away the tears that blur your vision. 
Your rage has turned into a simmer for now. The main goal at the moment is to just get out of these clothes and sleep till you forget what year it is. 
Trent is quiet while he lets you get comfortable, rolling up his windows backup and locking the doors. You've never sat passenger in his car before. Hell you haven't seen him in months.
“Did he touch you." he asks, turning the heater on higher.
You put your hand out in front of where the hot air blows oh so nice on your frozen hands,“What?”
“You have a bruise on the back of your arm. Did he do that? “
“No.” you sigh. 
he turns to face you, brows furrowed,“i need to know if he did. “ 
“He didn’t trent, i'm alright.'' your voice softens.
he nods, hands resting on the wheel,“where do you need to go? “
“Just take me to my hotel please."
He nods, handing you his phones to put the directions in. You watch as he takes the car out of park, making a u turn and heading out of whatever bizarre neighborhood you're in, back into the city. And  soon the freeway. Birmingham flashes by you and you try to forget the man that sits like a heavy weight in your mind.
You still wonder why Trent would make the trip all the way out just to pick you up. especially if Jude wasn't involved. You're somewhat close you suppose. The kind where you would call him a friend in a group setting, but not much more. You've spent only a couple of times truly alone. You don't know if you're that close.
 Trent has always been somewhat of a mystery to you. Few appearances and even fewer words. Jude had told you once he was shy, just taking a minute to warm up to new people. He has a habit of staring off into nothing you noticed at Judes birthday party. Always quick to snap out of it the moment eyes were on him. Oh so different from the way he plays. You've seen him now and again in highlights and clips posted on instagram. He's good, but man is he aggressive. You expect it for a defender but the man gets up in everyones space on the pitch.
A complete 180 from the way he can barely look you in the eye now. What is he thinking?
You don't let your curiosity blind you from being at least a little courteous. 
“Thank you, " you mumble, playing with the fabric of your dress, "and sorry for being a bitch.“
“Hey I don’t blame you.” he shrugs. 
You hum and leave it at that. You'll put unraveling Trent on the to do list. 
Your hotel comes into view and you thank him again for the kindness, promising to make it up to him some day. He waves you off, seeing till you're inside to leave. 
Your mind is so blurred you can barely stand anymore, every step only throws you off balance. You need your bed. Asap. Or you will fall over and die.
The hotel's heating is a welcome treat as you beeline for the elevator. The staff give you a strange look but you do NOT. have the time for any of that. Right now all you care about is getting in bed. Can this elevator hurry up? It finally comes and you lean against the metal walls when you step inside, sliding your purse lazily over you.
You all but tear your clothes off the second you make it inside your room, in a rush, wiping your makeup off while you undo your shoes, hobbling around with one foot while you dig for your pajamas. You end the night with a trip to the bathroom. Skipping on your usual night routine and just settling for a quick shower and brush of the teeth. 
Hotel covers have never felt better, warmer, safer. 
In the quiet of the room and the hum of the ac, you can't but let your thoughts consume you. Can't help but circle back to him. Why?
Why weren't you enough? Why did it have to end in fucking flames on whats supposed to be the most romantic love filled day of the year. 
You think back of every moment and piece of you shared with Jude. You remember the first time you kissed you, under the stands at his first madrid home game, clutching onto his jersey like a lifeline. He looked at you like you were the only thing that mattered. Gently holding your hand all the way back inside the building. Mumbling confessions and making you smile with every cheesy pick up line.
That jude is gone now, instead replaced by the man who you have to fight for even a second with. But are expected to drop all for. A selfish bitter man. 
It doesn't matter anymore. It's over, you can rest now and deal with the inevitable fall out as it comes. You know you're more than enough, but with the way you let yourself be treated it's hard to let yourself believe that. 
Never again though. From now, you're swearing off footballers. 
You wake up as early as you can manage, getting all your things together and booking a flight out of here as soon as possible. You need to get back to madrid.
Your headache is massive as you shove the last of your things in your suitcase. You can't believe you took days off for this. Nonetheless, you need to get back. You have a team to get back to and plenty of work to get done. Real Madrid's creative department never rests does it.
Your phone has a slew of missed calls, mainly from Jude but you see a few from Trent, rather recent ones. You give him a call back but it all goes to voicemail.
The key card jams while you're locking it for the last time, it takes a hit from your hand to get the scanner working but you make it out in one piece. Smoothing your clothes down and making your way to the lobby. Sitting down for a few minutes while you confirm your flight details and triple check that you haven't forgotten anything. You hear your name and are greeted again by Trent, who's all but spriting to you. It's a little early for him to be here now isn't it. 
“Can I help you ?” 
“I'm sorry I tried calling and I couldn't answer when you called. Judes outside waiting for you. he-“
So last night really was all just a ploy from Judes end? You try to get up and far far away from him, but he stands in front of you. 
“Listen.  He told me to come and get you out there so you can talk to him and to not tell you. But obviously, I'm not. i’ll tell him you're not here yeah? Take care.”
Trent doesn't leave you with anything else, leaving in the other direction. You take this as a sign to leave while you can, grabbing one of the many taxis outside to the airport. 
Trent gives Jude a scowl, “She's not there Jude, give it up. “
“I can't just lose her. “ Jude sighs, furiously typing on his phone. 
Trent rolls his yees, patience wearing thin,“You’re fucked in the head you know that? After all you’ve done to her, you still want her to come running back?”
“I care about you Jude I really do. But you left her walking around at 3 am with a dead phone in the middle of alleyways dude. That's not okay. “
The airport has never felt lonelier, but you swallow the lump in your throat, boarding your flight home and trying to forget the man that you've come to associate it with. Madrid will be a hard place to move on in, when its walls shine with its star boy. Its halls all but cheering his name. Every corner you're bound to be reminded of him. You can do it, one way or another you won't let yourself be miserable. 
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frostythefrostedfox · 2 years
Quality, or lack of thereof
According to Nintendo’s website, the screen of a Nintendo Switch is a “ Multi-touch capacitive touch screen / 7.0 inch OLED screen / 1280x720 “
What does that has to do with anything? Not much actually but it has to do with the quality of detail you are able to grasp and that the screen is able to put in for your enjoyment, a smaller screen always means that the pixels are closer to each other, so you might be able to camouflage certain details or lacking areas of your engine, this was specially true in older generations as we all know the age old tale about Silent Hill having fog because it was a way to fool players into not realizing the short render distance, and similar ideas and mechanics have been put into place for that reason, to camouflage the defects in the visual presentation of a game.
There are several mobile games, one of them being Genshin Impact, that need patches when brought over to PC so the resolution isn’t all blurry, pixels aren’t too wide and the game overally doesn’t looks like ass; older console ports such as Bayonetta, when released on PC received texture revamps to up the quality of the textures as it was now to be seen in screens that were much much bigger, with much much more resolution than what the PS3 and XBOX 360 were able to produce (Which, for the record, is 1080p and i), and as a result, the game looks visually pleasing and while in some areas you can see the ammount of time that has passed since its release, that is only in very specific moments, the graphical qality of the game still holds up today when put in the “good enough” quality, you know, is not ARMA III nor Forza Horizon 5, but is also not Dwarf Fortress nor Minecraft, it looks good.
My question here, and the point of this post, is
Why Sonic Team thought it was anywhere near acceptable to release a barebones Switch port of a game on all systems? And, inb4 “ThE gAme HaS GrPHiCooL DiFFeReNCEs BeTWeEn ReLeAsEs”, yes it does, I don’t mean things literally up to the last detail, but why the PC users have to suffer those overly stretched textures? Blurry-looking pre-rendered cutscenes, a laughable render distance, a particle count of “maybe”, why this game must lack normals and bumps on almost every single texture? Why the materials look like default unity assets? Why the density objects must be a poorly cropped PNG?
And if you think I am joking
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That screenshot is my own, of my own playhtru of Sonic Frontiers, running at maximum everything.
Honestly, what the fuck is that, it looks like I am playing a PS3 game and not a game released in 2022. This game looks worse than games released more than a decade ago, which isn’t a problem by itself, but it also runs like one, which could be problem but my problem with all that is that this game is so adamantly focused on selling you the fantasy that this is a “next gen looking game” that it almost feels like an april’s fools joke that came in early.
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Just look at that, again, another screenshot of mine, not even 200M away from the character and everything is already so skim in detail.
Is sonic team so incopetent that they can’t even develop a game for each of their planned releases, or was it another case of their so called “time constraints” despite having 4+1 years to finish the game and their “budget issues” despite no official budged numbers been released or mayhaps it was due to their “small development team” which doubles the numbers of other AAA games dev teams
I really don’t know the reason why, but I really can’t see someone that would see this and say “This is acceptable, this is good enough, this is a proper product that should represent my brand”
Again, why are we, all the players, forced to play a Switch port of a game instead of a properly developed game?
0 notes
uwua3 · 4 years
your name (pt.1)
❄️📚 tsukioka tsumugi
part 1 — part 2 — part 3
summary: being an adult is tiring, tsumugi knows that all too well.
warnings: class divide (struggling financially), food
author’s note: this is the first ever series i’m doing! please anticipate the next installment of the “your name” series tomorrow :D i’m so excited to share this since part 01 is my first ever wip for a3 ever 🤍 please enjoy!
word count: 2,932
music: kimi no na wa soundtrack – radwimps
Running with reckless abandon, a boy trips amidst the bustling public traffic in the station, books flying out of his arms from the sheer force of his turn. Passer-bys barely spared a glance at the panicked tutor as he bent down to gather his academic papers, all imprinted by strangers’ shoes. In a moment of lifelong embarrassment, the world continued to spin as nothing rippled the fabric of time.
Murmurs spread across the crowd, daily small talk between people who would never see each other again on the complex train system. Students shared personal gossip too loud for their own good as their prestigious private academy skirts flew past him. Businessmen burdened themselves with client phone calls as they were all weighed down by the same leather briefcase. Employees wore their customer service mask, smiling politely before dropping their act immediately afterwards when they thought no one was looking. As expected, there was no time in the schedule to stop and help a recent university graduate out of his clumsy peril. Everyone was too distracted by their own problems to consider breaking their routine.
Perceptive by nature, Tsukioka Tsumugi didn’t need to glance at his watch to know he was late to his study session. The automated female voice sounded dull over the speakers, announcing his designated train was to depart in five minutes in a monotone attitude. Tokyo was a busy city with no mercy for those who didn’t plan every second of their future. That much was understandable by the aspiring teacher who quickly pulled out his outdated flip phone as he carefully eyed the assignments back in his possession.
A single tone rang before a drawl was heard in poor quality, with a shit–eating grin Tsumugi knew all too well.
“Tsumu, did you finally realize I don’t need your tutoring?” Settsu Banri mocked, the distinct background noises of his new video game obsession making Tsumugi speed walk even faster. With his books held tight against his chest, he sighed and almost pinched the bridge of his nose before realizing none of his hands were free. Placing the phone in between his shoulder and ear, Tsumugi rolled his eyes as he attempted to organize his mess.
“Banri-kun, please refer to me as Tsukioka-san. I am your senior by years, if I may remind you.” Tsumugi reprimanded, noting Banri’s agitated groan and muttered under his breath about the age difference between them. Unlike the other students Tsumugi tutored, Banri was defiant. Over–the–top, lazy, and arrogant—but deadly smart. Ever since Tsumugi carefully took off his shoes in the Settsus’ overpriced apartment, Banri took it upon himself to make his life a living hell by refusing to do the work but getting every question right. The only thing Banri cooperated with was talking about video games, which distracted him from his innate ability to be the best at everything. So on Friday afternoons, Tsumugi would visit to recap the weekly curriculum and try his best to stay patient with Banri’s snappy attitude.
“Why’d you call anyways? You’re late, by the way.” Banri pointed out right before Tsumugi fell through the two closing doors on the train, tumbling into a displeased but silent group as he gripped the overhead. Spectators only stared for a second before turning away as Tsumugi blushed under the attention, stammering back a half–assed apology of how he was going to be twenty minutes late for their session.
“Hold on, am I talking to the right person? Tsukioka Tsumugi, late? Real funny, just tell me you quit or something.” Banri feigned a bothered persona, but it was nice to pretend he was actually worried over the possibility of not seeing Tsumugi. Apologizing quickly to a corporate worker he bumped into, Tsumugi fixed the bag slung too low on his right shoulder as he took the phone back in his hand. At the same time, the zipper on his decade old bag gave out as it took his foot’s entire strength to keep the folders in place. Great, another thing to replace.
Staring outside the window, the school year was coming to a close as the heat of incoming summer air made him grip the phone in case of vicious sweat. “Banri–kun, you know I value our study sessions together.” He didn’t respond, just a resigned hmph before hanging up as Banri started swearing into his gaming headset. Tsumugi closed his eyes, getting his minutes of shut-eye for the first time in days as the sun glowed. Time didn’t stop for anyone, especially not Tsukioka Tsumugi.
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After being greeted way too properly by the Settsu chain of servants, Tsumugi could hear the exaggerated game sound effects throughout the rather empty mansion. Walking carefully into Banri’s wide open door, Tsumugi grimaced at the sight of the energy drink cans crushed and thrown haphazardly near the trash can. Junk food wrappers were kicked underneath the expensive furniture as Banri was focused on his two–screen gaming setup. The rainbow LED keyboard was smashed expertly by Banri’s quick fingers all without looking down, getting him a #1 win as he boredly stared at the victory. As expected of NEO-san, a top league player. Or so Tsumugi’s heard by his other student, Taichi, who dramatically cries every time he loses against Banri.
“Banri-kun, please excuse my interruption.” Tsumugi announced, holding up the textbooks he had carried with a strained smile. Banri didn’t even look over as he logged off, saying something about GG to his teammate by the name of “Taruchi” before pushing the cat headset down around his neck. Spinning around in his black gamer chair, Banri raised one eyebrow at Tsumugi’s disheveled appearance panting slightly in the doorway. It was unlike his composed, proper tutor to be... like every young adult out there? Tsumugi didn’t seem like he had all the wisdom and knowledge in the world, he looked more... confused than anything.
“Geez, Tsumu. Didn’t think you’d sleep in, watched the meteor strike last night?” Banri smirked, rolling his chair across the room to his school desk as he put his legs up, stretching his arms beneath his head lazily. How he hadn't changed out of his white t-shirt and sweatpants was beyond Tsumugi as he sat in his normal chair silently, unlike the loud high schooler who glanced at the folder of work with a yawn. Grabbing some trendy bucket hat, Banri shoved the brim over his eyes as he took a break from the flashing neon blue light from his monitor.
“Meteor strike?” Tsumugi questioned innocently, attempting to hold conversation as Banri hummed a game soundtrack absentmindedly. Nodding, Banri pulled up his modern phone that made Tsumugi wince thinking of the price of that thing. Shoving the screen in front of Tsumugi’s wary red eyes, he blinked rapidly to adjust to the bright overpowering pixels. Tsumugi noticed an event marked that raved about the phenomenal light show the day before. Thinking back on the train incident this morning, Tsumugi remembered the excitement buzzing through the students a week prior as they whispered about a new chance to wear their best yukatas to celebrate. It had been so long since he was in school, that he completely forgot about all the childish euphoria that came with change.
“I must’ve slept through it. I didn’t notice at all.” Tsumugi admitted, tilting his head as he tried to remember the news every morning the past week. He couldn’t remember a single story of the astronomical event, although every day felt the same as usual. It was peculiar; Tsumugi was awake all night, too. He couldn’t sleep without his medication... maybe he should have looked up for once.
Taking his phone back to check the game notification popping up on screen, Banri chuckled as he shoved a stick of chocolate pocky in his mouth. “Mhmm, said it was a historical event n’ all. Supposed to be life-changing.” Banri offered bare minimum detail on anything and everything, but it was enough for Tsumugi to have a slight understanding as he set up the workspace. Banri noticed the distant look in Tsumugi’s eyes, the tiredness stifled underneath the graceful mannerisms as it looked like he was going through the motions. Attempting to lighten the mood, Banri’s voice came off meaner than he intended. “Aren’t you like? 25? How come you don’t know this stuff, you’re no boomer.”
Tsumugi frowned, glancing at Banri who looked away immediately with a flustered expression. Leave it to Banri to overthink whether or not he overstepped a boundary but refuse to acknowledge it. Tsumugi kept the meme going, sarcastically deadpanning, “Haha” before tossing a new eraser at Banri’s mushroom hair. Banri caught the gift in one hand easily as he slowly turned it over, turning his body to fully face his tutor. His feet dropped to the floor with a bang, startling Tsumugi to straighten his posture and stare directly into Banri’s curious face that had a glint of... concern?
“What’s all this? A gift to make me like you or something?” Banri jokes, nudging Tsumugi’s foot with his own. Tsumugi couldn’t help but notice the tight death grip Banri had on the small, game controller shaped eraser he had found at his full time work as a florist. Across the street was a one dollar convenience store, where teenage workers stood at the register on their phones as Tsumugi checked out the stationary. Wearing his dirt–stained apron, he remembered coming across miniature, adorable erasers that made him think of his students. Especially the red and blue Nintendo Switch joy con erasers that made Tsumugi think of Banri’s whole rant about the superiority of Fire Emblem: Three Houses’ Black Eagles for the potential wife girls. Sure, it was a hit on his already fragile bank account, but it was worth it to see Banri genuinely happy about something for once.
“You already do, I’m the longest tutor you’ve had.” Tsumugi didn’t need the thanks, because it was clear in the way Banri for once put something down without throwing it. Banri scoffed, mumbling a weak comeback as he flipped open his notebook. He even tossed his hat off his head, revealing the messy long hair tucked behind his ears. Oh, he did his homework for once, Tsumugi mused with satisfaction before trying to flip to the appropriate page in the school’s textbook. It was open to a section on meteors, and glossy colored pictures of the sky made Tsumugi’s eyes focus. The image seemed familiar. Perhaps he stared a moment too long, because Banri took the book himself and thumbed his way to the marked section, warily sparing a careful glance.
“Hey... you good? You don’t look... normal.” Banri roughly phrased, trying his best to emote like a normal human would. Tsumugi nodded, not convincing anyone he was off. Brushing his sweaty palms upon his jeans, Tsumugi pushed his hair back as he started reciting what he knew of the topic and reviewed the homework, failing to catch Banri’s attentive stare at Tsumugi’s cheap, hole-ridden pants and bag bursting at the seams.
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Tsumugi went back on the same train. The people were the same, his schedule was the same. Banri was different today though, paid more attention today despite knowing it already. Maybe he just wanted to get it over with, probably some tournament tonight.
In the face of the orange sunset above the skyscrapers, Tsumugi walked home with a slow, natural pace that fit his time slot he allocated for transportation. The mental reminder allowed him to look up for once, seeing the birds fly together around the quieter part of the city as a golden haze reflected off the glass. Community members said their usual predictable greetings as he waved back, respectfully wishing good health to his elders and telling funny jokes to the youth playing sports. Yet, it didn’t bring him the fulfillment he got before when he was young. Being an adult, was tiring.
It was the same everyday, as Tsumugi left the residential area and climbed through the back alley to a slum part of town. Lights flickered as abandoned businesses creaked amidst the silence. He escaped the prying eyes of neighbors and unlocked the door to his dingy, unsafe apartment. Closing the door quietly, Tsumugi stared at the studio as silence overtook his surroundings. Dust floated in the golden hour as everything was where he exactly left it.
“Welcome home.” Tsumugi whispered, his own voice echoing in between his four walls. Alone, again. It was the same everyday.
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Heating up the instant ramen expired in his cupboard, the microwave sparked every once in a while as Tsumugi leaned against the counter. Each surface he touched creaked with uncertainty, as if it didn’t know how long it could last. His one–room housing felt cramped despite the lack of furniture around Tsumugi. His run–down appliances, aged decor, and rising rent made the location even better as Tsumugi did the usual routine of eating half the calories he needed and staying up browsing job listings. This time, the ramen wasn’t as satisfying as the pastry Banri stuffed in his hand before he left.
“What’s this?” Tsumugi remembered asking, immediately feeling sick to his stomach once he saw Banri’s serious expression stare back at him. At the moment, it felt like Banri was his teacher. The sweet, strawberry mochi wrapped in plastic felt warm in his palm as Banri stood at the door of his own home, leading Tsumugi out with a gift.
“Mochi. You’re Japanese, dipshit. Just a thanks, I guess.” Banri bullshitted, rolling his eyes as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. Tsumugi noticed they began to fidget a little bit as Banri tapped his foot against the welcome mat. “School punk named Juza bakes or whatever, has a family business so thought you might like it. Or whatever.” Banri elaborated, using one hand to tug at the already loose v–neck collar of his week old t–shirt. Was that a blush Tsumugi saw on his rather indifferent student? No matter, it wasn’t his business to ask about a troublemaker turned pastry chef.
He’d make sure to thank his student next time he tutored him, which would be (Tsumugi checked the wall calendar disappointedly) next week. Banri was a good kid, even if he had his teenage angsty rebellion phase for a while now. Privileged kids liked doing that, pretending the whole world was against them despite having everything, Tsumugi thought bitterly. Even he was slightly surprised and caught off guard by his own pessimism, before the microwave beeped, signaling its task was done.
When Tsumugi tried to pull open the door, the handle snapped off and a quiet sigh escaped Tsumugi’s lips. Guess no dinner for tonight, then. Tsumugi didn’t have enough fight in him to care, so he dropped the handle onto the counter with a clatter. Inside this studio room, there was nothing for Tsumugi here. Not even his own food.
So, Tsumugi sat down on the couch that groaned beneath his weight. Except, it wasn’t his own body that made his sofa creak—it was the stack of papers needing to be graded in his arms. With a red pen tucked behind his ear, Tsumugi began marking his students’ work. A minute passed before Tsumugi quickly turned the television on, letting the sound of the news distract him from the unbearable loneliness.
Sure, it was going to increase his bills but... the money would be worth it to make his thoughts quiet for a moment. Tsumugi had a job to do, and he wouldn’t let his mindset get in the way. Being an adult was something else, indeed.
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When had he fallen asleep?
Tsumugi blinked slowly, finding that his cheek was resting against a substantially smaller stack. Another pile that was distinctly red ink was on the other cushion, the pen without its cap rolled across the carpet. Tsumugi subconsciously winced when he realized the T.V. was on, the same channel on in the background.
Lifting his head, Tsumugi tried to comprehend the visual of the screen through his blurry vision. Tsumugi’s glasses must’ve dropped somewhere; he hoped he didn’t step on them. From what he could hear, the duo of news anchors were animatedly discussing some supernatural phenomenon tonight. Tsumugi rubbed his eyes, leaning closer to the small box screen ahead.
There was no way he possibly heard that correctly. Yet, there it was on the T.V.: “Historical Meteor Shower Tonight!” in big bold letters at the bottom. Tsumugi could remember Banri talking about something like this, but it had occurred last night. Was there another one? How common was it for two meteor showers within a span of mere hours? Sitting up, Tsumugi watched the pair talk about the light show.
“This is said to be the first event of its kind in Japan!” The host exclaimed, the screen switching to a picture of the meteors. A sense of familiarity struck Tsumugi once more, the same feeling when he had seen Banri’s textbook earlier that day. “It’s said to be life–changing—” The other one replied, Tsumugi’s wide eyes focused on every single passing word and image. Could deja vu possibly last this long?
As Tsumugi fumbled for his phone, he made his way out onto his balcony. Something inside him was telling him to get some air as Tsumugi dialed Banri’s number. Before Tsumugi could confirm the call, a bright light appeared out of the corner of his eye.
Tsumugi looked up to see two bright meteors splitting from one another. At the sight, Tsumugi’s phone landed upon the balcony floor.
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monkey-network · 5 years
Good Stuff's Best of 2019
WARNING: Just wanted to say cheers to you for making it through another year. I send you best wishes for next year to be fruitful. Thank you, take care out there, and enjoy. (Best of 2017) (Best of 2018)
Dedicated to Russi Taylor, John Witherspoon, Rip Torn, Tartar Sauce, Caroll Spinney, Peter Matthews, and the many of KyoAni lost in the arson incident. You all did wonderful; rest in peace.
Welp, I figured the last year of this decade would be the most chaotic one by far, then again everything peak after 2012. As for now, I am counting down the best cartoons/animations/comics I’ve seen and loved this year in no particular order other than #1. Same rules apply: No sneak previews of future projects, no repeats, and this time anything goes.
Runner Ups: Superman Smashes the Klan, Marvel’s Aero, Infinity Train, Enter the Florpus, Amphibia, Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart, Helluva Boss, Meta Runner, Lego Movie 2, Forky Asks a Question
Anyways, Badda boom bang whiz, let’s do this shizz...
10. Super Mario Bros GT
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Nostalgia can be quite a mystery, especially one that can come out of nowhere. Super Mario Bros Z kicked so much ass as a kid that now, it still frustrates me to this that it got a cease & desist from Nintendo, even the reboot from the same person couldn’t last long. But the gods have offered a slight miracle in the form of this new spiritual successor that has heart and soul put into every pixelated frame. There is much to celebrate with Youtube animation, where many say it’s dying due to the algorithm and all of the site’s corporate bullshit, but it’s stuff like this which helps me understand why we should celebrate. Against all odds, channels like Smasher Block willfully put their works out their for the people and continues to because on top of getting a little dough, it’s what they want to do.
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Awwwwww yeah, this is She-Ra and the Princesses of Power done right. Diverse female squad, each given a quality screen time to truly shine (Beecher especially) on their which makes the episodes where they’re all together feel earned and joyous to watch. Certainly reminds me of Friendship is Magic, which is coincidental since they were created by the same woman. I’d like to think this and MLP G4 were the answers to Faust’s cancelled project Milky Way and the Galaxy Girls where multiple personalities collide to one extraordinary superhero team of girls capable great feats that are lifted from their insecurities or drawbacks. And on top of this being a fun series to kick back to all around, it’s a comforting, somewhat aspiring thought to consider.
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I am somebody that rarely goes to the theaters to watch a film; you have to hook my tight just for me to even think of buying a ticket, no less plan to. But honestly, Joker was worth the hype, the ticket, and the fact that it wasn’t the incel uprising that buttfuck normies tried to make it out as. It’s lower on the list because in thought, there definitely could’ve been some tweaks to the dialogue and a couple scenes that I felt didn’t work in the long run. But really, this movie to me worked because of the escalation that leads to a cathartic climax and ending that left me in actual tears. I don’t give a shit if it “doesn’t fit”, having Frank Sinatra sing the film's credits put me in shambles. Joaquin Phoenix was phenomenal as Arthur, and this movie felt authentic in its many details. This is definitely up there with my favorite comic book films of all time. Good thing, too, Spider-Man was taking up most of that shelf.
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This series being what I can’t help but say is a spin-off to Bojack Horseman, a show I respect, was enough to pull me into watching it. But it being like Bojack where it’s tight-roping between a bouncy comedy and a grounded drama was what kept me around for more. It is a damn shame this was cancelled after one season (while 13 Reasons Why gets FOUR seasons like what the fuck), because while this did feel enough like a complete series, I was certainly interested for more because I really enjoyed it all. I have my issue with a couple choices in the show, but I am sure this series would’ve addressed them later down the line. I can see why some women would find this personally endearing, it felt like the personal stories of actual people, and it deserved better. Either way, I enjoyed this series and I recommend it just as much as Bojack.
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Genndy Tartakovsky is that kind of cartoon creator where you feel he’ll go beyond if you give him the right amount of space. He’s not a perfectionist like John “Dirty Diddler” Kricfalusi, but with things like Hotel Transylvania and Samurai Jack, he certainly has proven to have the range in animation where you know how he plays. Primal showcasing his noted skill in dialogue-less storytelling and dynamic action scenes, able to convey everything clear with its ruthless yet careful protagonist and his dinosaur friend, all on top of the most luscious backgrounds. This is a series that definitely feels like Genndy’s taken what he’s used from his previous works and putting it together for a brutal yet passionate look at the prehistoric life. He truly brought us an adult series to enjoy and to look forward to more in the coming year.
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Bet you didn’t expect a character to be on this list, eh? Spinel is the best thing to come out of Steven Universe in general; makes me wish she was in a better movie. The crew certainly did their darndest to make her not only an enjoyable and connectable character through and through, but a very versatile character that the fandom could take in any which way. Call it corny, but Spinel perfectly represents SU as a whole: a lovable goof that can certainly mean business but deep down is deserved of a hug because of what she’s gone through. Wish she had a more satisfying resolution in her respective debut, but really it’s the balance between those three elements mentioned that makes Spinel almost eternally wonderful.
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As someone that doesn’t like reading, I’m a firm believer that the best animations or visual medias elevate the writing to a memorable degree; the visuals hook to the point where you want to think about what you saw and how it was conveyed. Mob Psycho 100, for two seasons now, does this in spades where Studio Bones throw them bones in animating one of the most dynamic animes of the modern era, providing the writing and characters a proper chance to flex its muscles. The characters are especially what makes this and MP100 as a whole work so well, the story being about a boy learning to be more sociable as well as emotionally stronger all while helping others understand maturity and empathy. For more on this, I recommend Hiding in Public’s video(s) on Mob. But with the animation, Bones was able to provide a sense of impact and immersion to the moments that matter, not making it an overstimulating mess, and putting some respect on ONE’s webcomic art style. 
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Hands down, this is a great Christmas movie. Take away the animation and you have a charming, wanna say ground and authentic, story about the makings of Santa Claus. With memorable and likable characters, a nice escalation in terms of the plot, and moments that are/can be so satisfying, they can bring you to tears. A couple overdone tropes in the road that doesn’t make this the most perfected story, but those sincerely minor compared to everything else that makes this story the best. Now. Add in the animation, and you have a gold, nay a platinum animated story of the year where the visuals definitely enhance the story to a degree where they’re undoubtedly inseparable. The visuals alone is enough to check this movie out and it’s eye-opening when you learn of how it’s all done. Klaus is a film that did it’s job and then some, and I hope this will be well remembered as a classic holiday film for it deserves that status.
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I’ll be fair, I’m mostly referring to the manga and not the anime but since the anime premiered this fall, it counts. Because be it the anime or the series overall, Beastars has such well intricate world building all while offering a little something for everyone (violence, romance, slice of life). The story is well paced and even when we aren’t focusing on the main characters momentarily, Itagaki is surprisingly able to make every supporting/side character we come across memorable in their own way; like I said before, the city is much a character in this story. Oh yeah, and the mangaka is the daughter of Keisuke “Grappler Baki” Itagaki, that in itself is a treasuring bit of trivia for this. Everything about Beastars is enticing and Studio Orange certainly helped in giving this series more of a following.
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Well, well, well. Guess Netflix is three for three in terms of bringing its best foot forward among its few steps back each year. The best term to describe this series is surprising. Surprising that this is a Dr. Seuss story that got expanded a 13 episode series, that has fleshed out characters, fun hijinks, an easy story, lovely emotional, more quieter moments... on top of being 2D hand drawn animated. I mean, what else is there to say? Green Eggs and Ham is to Dr. Seuss what Seven was for Final Fantasy, what Friendship is Magic was for MLP, what watermelon was before a nice menthol cigarette. This definitely took the top spot because to me, it was able to bring many good elements from the previous entries and knot it all together into a well kept bow that I never knew I wanted until now. I’m genuinely glad this show got to exist the way it is and I am hoping, praying, that the second season keeps that momentum up.
That leads us to the actual number one which is
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Total Dramarama is now the two time World Heavyweight Champion, babey. Will 2020 give us a quality contender? Will the streak last another year?
Stay tuned, and always seek out the Good Stuff.
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shesawriter39049 · 5 years
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2K SNEAK PEEK (Full things looking like it will be between 10-11k)
AU SUMMARY :  A powerful alliance made up of of 4 families spanning over a decade, is suddenly turned on its head when one family has a new leader after an unexpected death. Well let’s just say he’s not down to follow the somewhat civilized rules your families have inforced. Sooo now, it’s game on…
WARNINGS: Very,very breif mentions of somone OD’ing and breif mentions of sex work! Just so ya can’t say I didin’t warn ya!
LOCATION : 40 Sudbury St, Boston, MA 
TIME: 2:07 PM
“Don’t look too excited to see me…” A coy smile tugged on the corners of sheriff Morales lips as closed the door walking over to take a seat in front of Taehyung.
Facial expression still reading the same amount of inconvenience, annoyance,exhaustion, unamusement, lack of interest, shall I continue?
“You litterally arrested me, after I just hopped off a 15 hour flight, outside of Leo’s viewing, yes...Monti I’m fucking thrilled to be here…” The level of crass that danced throughout his voice earned a chuckle from the elder.
“It’s not like I took you away in cuffs I just simply asked if we could talk down at the station, you know you didn't have to tell me yes..” There was an underlying condescending demeanor that laid within his voice.
Taehyung’s eyes instnatly rolled to the back of his head as he huffed out a exaggerated sigh “Yeah because I’d totally prefer the alternative which would be you on my door at 1am while I’m in the middle of having sex. Yeah no, I’m good on that, I’d rather just ride down here, in that gaudy ass ford and talk ...” Reclining slightly in his chair as, lacing his fingers together to cradle behind his neck.
“Oh for fucks sake, I’m sorry my work car isn't boujee enough to go with your Gucci…” Tone snarky as every as he gestured to Tae’s baby pink, slim fit, Italian cotton dress shirt.
Earning an unamused brow raise from the younger “Actually this is one of my more modest pieces it’s Hugo but continue..” A smirk tugging on the corners of his lips as he continued pushing the officers buttons. Clearly the two of them were very comfortable with each other by now, weather that’s a good or bad thing is currently up for debate.
“Oh my bad Fugo…” Sheriff Morales rolled his eyes not even aware of the miss pronunciation triggering a low chuckle from Taehyung.
“Hugo…” he countered almost sign-song like, always one to have the last word and at that point Morales was over it. 
“Listen kid, I don’t care about your overpriced Easter Sunday shirt! I care about the two 18 year- old boys that have turned up dead within barley 72 hours!”
Taehyung’s brow furrowed in confusion as he ran his fingers through his hair, actually deciding to stop being a little shit and listen.
“I don’t know if you’re aware , or if you were already out jet setting while buying more Gucci, and Hugo” Making sure to put  emphasis on the pronunciation of “Hugo” since Taehyung corrected him moment’s prior.. “But almost 3 days ago, we found him…” 
Raising his Ipad to show a picture of a person Taehyung didn’t even remotely recognize, earning no type of physical reaction. Which is what Morales was secretly checking for, but taehyung knew that already, trying to catch him off guard to see if the faces would trigger any emotions. Only in all honesty this one really didn't!
“He was found dead in the back of car on the side of the highway, a really nice one actually...Mercedes AMG, completely doped out, he appears to have OD. There were some needles,and a combination of other drugs in addition to some cash left in the car ...” 
Okay, now Taehyung was really confused, that it definitely was NOT the kid from a couple nights ago. Dropping his neck, squinting, adjusting the angle of his head  slightly as he continued investigating the picture. Almost as if he was trying to see if the face would change the more looked at it  but no, that just wasn’t him!
After a few seconds, of observing Taehyung’s body language and lack of response, he moved onto the next picture .Keeping the device facing him until he was ready for Tae’s reaction..
“Around 11am today….we found, him…” Flipping the Ipad around to show the  second picture and thank god Taehyung was a pro when it came to his poker face , because THAT’S the boy he recognized..gazing straight ahead, almost aiming through the paper at this point.
“Channel 2 don’t even know about this yet-”
He heard Taehyung clear his throat as he re-adjusted in his seat “So, why am I here, why am I getting the breaking exclusive!?Not like I’m some damn reporter  reporter running around in penny loafers.” Keeping the same dry snarky tone, not wanting to show any inflated emotions in response to the second image.
“No smart ass your not...if you’d shut up and let me continue maybe will get to why your here yeah!?” Brow arched at the implied question, whilst tae didn't even verbally respond, just flagging his hand gesturing for him to continue.
“ANYWAYS,it appears the two of them are, well were kinda sorta friends, but this kid, the druggie if you will, is pretty well known around that area as such. His name is Jeff, he’s 18 and has been in and out of rehab more times than anyone can count. The boy on the right..”
Cringing internally he never wanted to know the boys name...he just didn't, almost a second away from internally screaming so he didn’t have to put a name to the face! 
“Chritstian, 18, foster kid….he was found in the back bathroom of a packie he works at down in the Dot-”
“Again, no disrespect but why. Am. I. Here!? I’m tired, I have a migrane and I’m hungry please get to the point.” The aggervation was dripping from his tongue at this point, way past exhausted and disgusted to listen to some long drawn out story.Even though after the past 50 some odd hours he’d just spent in China all he really want’s is to go home and crawl in bed with you!
Rolling his eyes at Teahyung’s lack of patience before continuing the story.
“This packies a little shady, actually a lot shady, everything from drug deals to sex work has been rumored to happen in the storage room. The only cameras they have outside, angled in front of the back alley entrance. There low quality, probably intentionally but the quality was atleast good  enough for us to see this…” 
Pulling up a video on his ipad, propping it on it’s stand for the two of them to watch together. Around 1:30Am they can see Christian, who phsycially backed into the alley, get out of the Mercades heading into the store. Gazing at the screen as Morales speeds up the tape a good 10 or so minutes. Only to find Jeff walk up to the same door, due to the time, the packie was technically closed, it even seems Christian willingly let him in. 
Just as Taehyung was about to make a snarky comment about how this has nothing to do with him, you can see the tail end of a car parked at the end of the alley. It’s unclear if Jeff actually got out of the car or not, but just the placement alone at this time of nigh is hella suspect. 
Zoomining in slightly on the car in question ...even through the pixelation, there’s a little custom badge by the back fender. 
The realization has the loudest cackle ripping from Taehyung's throat, while Morales jerks back in his seat not even sure how to process current display unfolding before his eyes. The combination of jet lag and just utter disbelif has Taehyung’ combusting until his face is damn near the same color as his shirt, and tears are threatening the corners of his eyes. 
“Ah, shit, that’s funny…” Leaning up to bracing his weight on his arm as he cradled the side of his face between his middle finger and thumb. A smug smirk tugging on the corners of his cheeks as he gazed back in Morales direction. 
(Picks up where part 3 ends) 
You found yourself almost caressing the back of his head the more the reporter talked, apparently it was some random woman who found him. She said she was just driving home from work around 5am, she was a nurse and the light was left on, out of habit she just felt the need to see if everything was okay.
[Woman on the new’s being interview ]
“The position of his head, and the way his jaw laxed, could just appear as he was sleeping to the naked eye. But I’m an ER nurse have been for almost 15 years I recognize the symptoms right away. I tried to revive him prior to calling 911, even against my better judgment ,but he had been out for at least an hour, it was no use…” 
“The police are still trying to put two and two together as it really doesn't make sense, there was cash in the car, as well as the car itself is a mystery. We have finally identified the young man in the car, his family as also been contacted-” 
Right as she was about to say his name, and ask if anyone knew anything to please contact the police he shot up, almost bolting for the door. Almost as if he knew the boys name it would seem all too real. Little did you know it’s because Taehyung puropusly never asked for his name, he’s not stupid is men knew, they even had a pciture of his ID. But Tae felt like this boy deserved to have something for him, and him only...so his name was never spoken.
You contemplated back and forth for a couple moments before ultimately decided to go check on him.
The sound of your heels echoed through the hallway of the “Employees only” area..trying to figure out where he could be “I’m over here..” The bass in his voice rumbled off the walls , almost startling you, not expecting for him to actually reach out to you.
You found him resting against the wall hands in the pocket of his jack, gazing up at the ceiling
 “ The boys did a full z30, and went over it with a black light..not that it even matters now.” Voice trailing off slightly as he brought his attention down to his boots, fidgeting with the rings on his fingers.
 “They actually ended up taking the car to some park,I guess they decided to change locations  after I knocked the mother fucker out. Opting to not sterilize an entire car on his property,while he tends to his dislocated dorsum. “ A slight smirk moved up his face as he gazed over at you “So if you're thinking I’m worried about me..I’m not..the plate was switched, garmin removed, and the cars not even registered.I’m just….” Shaking his head in slight disbelief as he runs over the past 24 hours in his head.  “I don’t think he really even know how fucked up and dangerous this all really is, especially when you barely know what you're doin’ to begin with. He’s a walking death wish and he’s gonna fuck around and have it granted by someone that coudle been his ally..” 
Even though his tone was hushed you could still feel the anger radiating off his body, raking his fingers through his hair, sinking back into the wall. “Come’ere, I know you didn't come out here to listen to me bitch from a far…” Signaling for you with his fingers, trying to hide the smile that was tugging up your face as you swayed in his direction. Opting to give him his space, not in the mood to get your face cracked, emotions far too fragile for that right now. You’ll end up shooting his indecisive ass, at this point. 
Once you were in arms reached he pulled you into his frame, a slight squeal leaving your throat from how quickly he grabbed you
One hand resting on the hinge of your jaw the other one your waist , palm soothing up the small of your back. “How are you feelin’?” The question threw you off a little you found your eyes fluttering away from his and he noticed instantly. Tilting your head until you had no choice but to look at him. The emphasises on the  word “you”  let  you know he was well aware that your always the one checking on him ..asking how he’s feeling. Now it’s his turn to do the same, I mean sure a good 17 years a litter but at least it’s a start right!? 
Letting a deep sigh leave your body before responding “I’m angry, confused, and a little scared if I’m being honest but-”
Cutting you off immediately , shaking his head, a scof leaving his body in response “Over my dead body, will anything ever happen to you, so you can scratch that shit off your list of issues real quick..” He wasn’t asking , he was telling you how this was going to go and his tone left zero room for debate.
Tilting your head back slightly, blowing out a slow breath , you could feel your eyes burning as you kept fluttering them. Attempting to cut off the tears desperately trying to run down your face, funny thing is, even though you cried eariler today. That’s not a common trait for you no matter how upset you get, your not the most intune with your emotions either if we're being honest. You didn’t open up easily and hated, crying in front of people more than anything, you were just as much as a working progress as Taehyung.
The phrase “over my dead body…”was used very frequently, typically over minor issues, even jokingly for most. But it would always hold a deeper, darker meaning in your heart, the last person to say that to you was your mother. Used in the same context as Kim Taehyung and she meant it, wholeheartedly!  You found yourself trying to pull away, not wanting to let him see you fall apart, because you knew you were going to. The more you tugged the tighter his grip became, “Tae please. Let. Me. Go…” You wouldn't look at him, staring up at the light fixture to your right, tone extremely dry, almost passive. The grip you held on his forearms got even tighter as you waited in silence,almost clinging to him.
He wasn’t going to fight you on this, if you wanted out..here ya go, the last squeez on your waist wasn’t possessive. Almost comforting as if he was letting you know if you wanted to come back he’d be right here. Tentatively loosening the grip he healed around your waist, letting you pull away from him, almost losing your balance in the process. Not realizing how much you were leaning on him despite trying to pull away all at the same time. 
Yet you didn't move, the grip you held on his arms never faltered, dropping your gaze down to your feet, as he gently took you back into his arms. Bringing your hips flush to his, I guess you never realized he eased you the same way you did him. The feeling of your chest rising and falling against his as you coxed yourself out of crying, a single tear managing to slip out of your right eye before you could stop it. Turning your head, brushing it onto your shoulder hastily, your grip tightened as both eyes started to betray you simultaneously. Even though you refused to look back at him, he could feel your stomach tensing as you tried to slightly choke back the tears that were now streaming down your face.. 
Not forcing you to look at him, respecting your privacy in that aspect bringing his hands up to rub lightly circles into your back as he nuzzled his nose into the side of your neck.  A side of Kim Taehyung that few would ever get to see, bringing your arms up to wrap around his neck, cradling the back of his head in your hands. “I’m not going anywhere…” the words brushed against your skin, funny how he automatically knew what triggered this without you even having to say anything. You didn't respond, only squeezing him a little tighter before pulling back, almost aggressive whipping your face before racking your fingers through your hair. A sheepish smile tugged on the corners of your lips as you finally made eye contact with him.
Neither of you said anything as you stepped a little closer, soothing your hand down his chest, over his stomach slowly. Suddenly feeling almost uncomfortably open and vulnerable in front of a man that’s been inside you more times that you can count. His eyes felt like they were burning straight through you as he gazed back in your direction. You couldn’t help but let your hand trickle down his zipper, trailing your fingers up and down his clothed length earning a hiss as he gripped your wrist.
“You know your thighs can’t handle another round from me right now, you need to fuckin chill before I have you bent over the bathroom counter.” 
THAT’S ALL SHE WROTE, OR I guess...that’s all she posted lol ! Hopefully you guys are excited for part 4 !!! Lemme know! 
Love you guys as always,
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paytan-low-blog · 6 years
Russian homophobe about Athens from Borderlands
Hi, people.   In advance I want to say that I have a very low level of English (sorry for that). I live in Belarus. It is close to Russia. I don't think we should say that there are homosexuality... a little negative. I do not want to say that all people in the post-Soviet space are like this. This mainly concerns people of the "old school", but there are different individuals.
FOR EXAMPLE: The guy who wrote in the Borderlands game community is:
"Well, guys, I hope in the third part of borderlands we will not see Athena as a lesbian. I'd rather it not be kanon. You know, the first character I went through pre-sequel - Athena for. I was satisfied with it all: she is a Gladiator woman, she walks with a steep shield, she... she's beautiful! But what was my disappointment when I realized that she is a LESBIAN! The gearbox, well, no need to make a game that tolerant! Can f with him, there is such are minor characters with a different sexual orientation, but the damn MAIN CHARACTER! Do not be surprised if Zer0 would be homorobots, and moxie is generally the man who changed his gender from zed. I think many will agree with me."
(Yeah, man. We all agree with you.)
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And the comments under this post were very obvious, in a good way:
(2nd picture) "How do you see her in the third part, if two games in a row developers were her storyline from Dating with springs to the wedding?
"I was satisfied with it all..."and now you're upset that it wasn't you who married her, but the other NTC?) sounds pretty logical.
Athena - the self-sufficient character with an internal conflict, one of the few people who gradually reveal all games in the series (read from blind revenge in b1, denial and attempts to find himself in the bps and because after the flashback, the game returns in time after the events of the DLS tiny Tina can be considered in the b2 and, to tftb, where it is revealed the true essence of Athens after dealing with the loss of sisters, especially if you do not kill the doctor from Atlas." "No, don't agree" "That's a joke, Yes..?" "Homophobes have gone" "It would be cool to see a Zer0 homorobots , all students ass would have exploded"
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(3 picture) "Athens will not be-will be for Hammerlok then play) Remember more))" "shouted" ""Do not be surprised if Зер0 will be homorobots" - not will be, he's asexual Yeah, well, being a homophobe in 2018 is such a thing." "And still Exton-bi, On the count of 3 - bomb))0"
But of course there was one and he just beat me!
"I agree , stand firmly by your opinion, ****suckers and lesbians in the ass, they ass like races should not in their opinion to be empty , and not just consider heed to your favorite Persians such as you want that they were, the imagination of the developers not the law."
"the imagination of the developers not the law."??? That's wonderful! So we can set up our own kanon? That's great! Tony stark latent cub of dinosaur, which brings Spider-Man is a bulldozer in the body of the boy who aches for Stony, but Steve Rogers, who was an agent of Voldemort - aches for stucky. But Proffesor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore are helping Thanos to collect all the stones of unconsciousness to prove that the only kanon is Frostiron!"! Thanks, man. You've made my life a lot worse! (actually not, I've read fan fiction before)
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Well, the last picture: it is a dialogue between the person who wrote the post (Roman) and do not agree with him: "I'm homophobic. is it better to respect those who went against nature?" (Could you at least write a question in the search? We live in a time when we don't have to go to great big Bible libraries or scientific centers and so forth. You can find information by pressing a couple of buttons! But no. Who do you need to verify the information?) "What if I told you that homosexuality is a natural thing at the embryo stage? And why should their right to respect, just neutral to them, they are people just like everyone else" "I would not say that they are the same people as we are. Is it not clear that gay people are essentially mental patients?" "Too are thick dude, try a thinner" (it's about the fact that people thinks he's a Troll)(next 2 people who are against the author of the post, talking) "he's not a Troll, he doesn't really understand what you're explaining to him" "Well, where do I know, maybe he is not stupid, homophobic, and just inept fat Troll" (one of them, replies author) "so what about the mental patients if you liked Athena? You same so much qualities its described - she the beautiful! She also has a shield. Well, the dream of a woman! It is a pity that it is pixel, and will not give you" (in the end, I wrote him a response that he said "gay people are essentially mentally ill." I said that Gomoseksualisty long been excluded from psychological diseases)
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What do I want to say with this?
I think that homophobia is a consequence of education and environment, because if you will be from an early age to live surrounded by those who say that "gay - sick people", then you are likely to consider it that way. This is a consequence of propaganda (at least in the CIS countries) because the government needs more bio-material (Super, now it looks like a conspiracy theory).
I am categorically against beating/destroying / humiliating such people. You can try to explain all adequate and without insults, try to understand someone else's point of view (and it is not that they just want to destroy people's lives. Often, they really believe that gays are "ruining their spiritual ties).
Although I will say honestly, when a person refuses to accept any information and ignores all references to research and articles, sometimes reinforcing his words " GOD will PUNISH you!"I think he's just very, very stupid. But do not fall to the insults and so on. Vryatli man after he threw a rotten egg, I think "Oh, I threw the egg... Apparently homosexuality is normal. I saw the light through this egg, thanks. I'm going to protect the gays."
Actually, that's all I wanted to say. Play cool games, for cool characters. Be less aggressive and check the information. Thank you, if at all someone is here to read.
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donvex · 7 years
Fandom: IT (2017)
Pairing: Reddie ( Richie Tozier / Eddie Kaspbrak )
Word Count: 2.3k
Eddie is, by all means, a popular vlogger. He’s worked hard to get himself where he is, and the fans love him for that, appreciate him for that.
But they’re also somewhat obsessed with Richie Tozier, and trying to decide if Eddie is, in fact, dating him.
So sue them.
AO3 Link
For @odeto-tozier, based off of their Vlogger!Eddie post.
Tag List: @killerxqueer @richietozierlitaf @princely-dots
One of the most popular videos on Eddie’s entire channel, at least for a while, this is where Eddie introduces them. The Losers Club. He’s mentioned them, sure. Talked about having them on for a video, showed off their makeup or their art and directed his fan base to their social medias, but this is where he finally introduces them.
Big Bill is first. Eddie’s best friend, the sweetest guy there is, always there for Eddie. One of the only people to not have made fun of him in middle school for having asthma, Bill knew stuff to do. Places to go. Things to see. And the thing is, Eddie may not have needed an inhaler anymore, but he still never breathed as well as he did when he was with Bill. They’d run all night and never need to catch their breath, that was the kind of bond they had.
And then there’s Mike, and okay, maybe Bill isn’t the sweetest guy in the world. He’s up there, sure, but he doesn’t compare to Mike Hanlon. From the moment Mike is on screen, he’s smiling. Then he realizes he’s being filmed, and he smiles even more. He wants to show the camera a thousand things, from the soft sheep on his farm, to the flowers he’s pressed in his free time, to the pages of history he has organized on his book shelves. Mike is smiles and safety, strong and soft all at once.
Ben is quiet most of the time he’s on camera. While Eddie promises Ben’s all laughs when they’re hanging out, he’s just too shy to do anything for what could possibly (and definitely would) be thousands of people. He’s better at writing words than saying them, and Eddie shamelessly uses that as an opportunity to plug Ben’s up and coming poetry book that he’s been setting up a kickstarter for.
Beverly, Stan, and Richie come as a tangled group. It’s a whirlwind, really, the four of them pushing through the walmart doors at almost 2am. There’s a lot of swift laughter and fumbling of the phone, unwillingly passing the camera from set of hands to set of hands. At some point Richie refuses to give the phone back, holding it high above his head, camera angled down towards a clearly angry Eddie.
There’s a lot of banter, and even Bev and Stan can be heard “oo-ing” in the background and yelling out to “just kiss already!” It’s clearly a joke (maybe?) between a close group of friends, but all of Eddie’s fans instantly latch onto this. It’s perfect, an equal amount of fond push and shove on each end, and it’s addictive.
The walmart group each get their own sections later, and some more group videos are thrown in towards the end, but all of the gif sets made seem to revolve around Richie. His sections is mostly Richie taking the phone and talking about himself, making bad jokes that Eddie swears he’s going to cut out, but it all stays in the video anyway, gasoline on the fire.
Eddie hates challenges. All of his fans know this, just as they know that any challenge they want Eddie to do - they send to Richie.
Because Richie gets Eddie to do anything.
And that, right there, is what holds every single fan up. If they weren’t dating, why was Eddie putty in Richie’s hands? Best friends, sure, but none of Eddie’s other friends convinced him to do challenges.
(They don’t mention that maybe, just maybe, it’s because Richie is a little shit that loves pushing Eddie’s buttons, and all of his other friends respect him when he declines.
Yeah, they just don’t mention it.)
Except this time, there is no actual challenge. Eddie is going off about how wrong they make him feel, how perverse it is to not only force an uncomfortable situation onto him, but to then expect him to force another youtuber into doing the same. It’s unfair, and unclean, and while he respects any fellow vloggers who enjoy the challenges, he’s officially cancelling any challenge videos on his page ever again.
Richie, who just seems to always be around when challenges are mentioned (who seems to just always be around) immediately flies into the frame.
“You heard it! Eds spagehds is officially moving all challenge videos to my page, so if you want to catch them, you’re gonna have to follow this mother fucker right here.” Eddie’s protests and profanities go ignored, shouts of, “Rich, no! Fuck no!” and then the video cuts to an unfamiliar room, with Eddie moping dejectedly in his chair.
It’s thirty seconds exactly (00:30) of Eddie looking sadly into the camera, dead silence around him. In the empty space next to him, a chair that presumably expects to host one Richie Tozier, is a hyperlink to Richie’s channel, and their first Challenge Compilation video.
( Eddie Finally Does All the Challenges He’s Been Refusing, All At Once - 212k Views )
And now the subs know that Richie can make Eddie do anything, any fucking thing.
And they know what the inside of Richie’s room looks like, too.
This video is literally the most fucking blurry, conspiracy theory, I-Have-Proof-Of-The-Lochness-Monster shit that Eddie’s fandom has ever seen. It is, by all accounts, a normal ass vlog. Eddie’s there at his counter, bright sunlight from the large windows in his kitchen filtering into the space, a cup of (presumably) black tea immediately to Eddie’s right. Not that he’ll ever drink it in the video, because he never does, but he does use it to keep his hands warm when they aren’t busy flying all over the place while he angrily vents about why public transportation is the worst, but actually driving makes him too fucking anxious to function.
Because, come on, fuck turnpikes.
The video is approximately two minutes and thirteen seconds (2:13) long, and yet this video has triple the amount of views as every past two minute long vlog for the past four months.
(Four months ago Eddie released a two minute vlog that was nothing but Eddie’s friends petting his hair, and Eddie making soft happy faces in return. The fandom continues to keep that video alive, if only by desperately comparing the length of Richie petting Eddie to the length of every other loser doing so in hopes that the numbers will add up and mean something. So far, it doesn’t.)
There’s really nothing about this vlog that stands out, not even the mug Eddie uses or the clothes he wears. The outfit is one that they’ve seen before, between fashion vlogs and #ootd instagram posts.
No, the reason this particular video skyrockets in popularity is not because of anything Eddie does, but because, around 1:43, from a very distant shot, you can see a figure lazily walking into the kitchen, grabbing a bowl and some cereal, and leaving. That figure, almost 100% wearing nothing but boxers, looks a hell of a lot like one Richie Tozier.
You know, disregarding the distance. And the pixelation. And Eddie’s face cutting off the figure most of the time anyway, because it is his vlog.
But that almost-naked figure in the background is definitely an almost-naked Richie Tozier, the fandom swears it.
The entire fan base already knew Eddie was a pretty boy. That was half of the appeal of his channel in the first place, that you knew exactly what you were going to get. A safe place for any identity. Eddie had been sent plenty of soft shirts and flower crowns already, and half of what he opened on his unboxing streams was pastel. The fans didn’t need to make edits or gifs or icons - Eddie was perfectly happy to wear all of it on his own.
But Eddie with make up, that was an entirely new type of pretty boy.
The video starts with Bev and Eddie bickering, and quickly devolves into not-so-subtly shoving each other’s shoulders while trying to get in front of the camera. They’re both laughing, wide smiles and warm eyes, until finally Bev pushes Eddie’s head down and sticks her whole face into the camera to let all 1.2 million subscribers know that she is, in fact, going to do Eddie’s makeup - but only after letting Eddie pick his own outfit, first.
The dusty blue eyeshadow is a safe choice, and matches the large sweater Eddie’s wearing. Then Bev is drawing large wings onto Eddie’s tan skin with white liquid, and lining his bottom lid with decorative dots. Eddie tries to sass Bev the entire time she’s trying to put on white lipstick that she had found from god knows where, but Eddie refuses to stop talking until finally she admits defeat and let’s Eddie put on a soft matte pink instead. The last touch is silver glitter, thickly painted from the corner of Eddie’s eyes and down his cheeks.
The orange light of the sun skips across Eddie, shimmering like dust. Eddie makes a pouty kissy face, lips puckered and eyelashes fluttering, head just barely resting on his hand while his large sleeve slides down his thin wrist. And that’s when it happens.
The first actual conclusive clue.
(So the fans say. Because really, an audio clip that is exactly .02 seconds long is hardly more conclusive than any of their video evidence, but the file still spreads like wildfire.)
“Cute, cute, cute!”
The voice comes from off screen, and Eddie snaps his teeth in the direction of Richie’s voice before the video hard cuts to Eddie posing for the camera.
It’s another shitty phone video, and this time the quality is even worse because of the trembling car. A quarter of the video is blurred, and again, this is another two minute vlog. Two minutes and thirty one seconds (2:31) to be exact. A quarter of that leaves, well, not much actual time to have actual footage.
Once again, Eddie’s transportation life is crumbling. The buses are all shut down, too many workers on strike, and there’s no other quick way to be mobile. He’s stuck in Richie’s run down truck, and maybe he’s a little fond of it, but he doesn’t have time for Richie to make seven ridiculous pit stops.
The fans are a little disappointed that they don’t get to see Richie and Eddie’s gas station excursions, but they notice when the video cuts from an empty truck to one filled with drinks and snacks, and that only means one thing - Eddie gave in and let Richie get whatever he wanted. Again.
One point for the shippers.
It’s a short glance into Eddie’s life, just something quick to keep his subs satisfied until he can finish editing his full length video, which he promises will be out by the end of the next day.
“Aw, Eds, it’s like you care.” Then Richie’s ruffling Eddie’s wind swept hair, and Eddie is trying to keep his stern expression on despite the laughter that starts bubbling up from his chest. He swats at Richie’s hand, yelling at him to watch where he’s fucking driving, but even behind the wheel Richie manages to be a menace.
Then they’re there, wherever there is, (and yet again the fans wish they knew, because Eddie casually keeps skipping over it, but they can at least realize there’s a line of privacy there somewhere that they shouldn’t overstep). Then Richie is taking the phone from Eddie, mock saluting it, and kissing Eddie’s head before pushing him out the door.
Yeah, the all of the fans double take, too. Rewind the video, and then rewind it again. Throw on captions for good measure. That’s definitely there, they aren’t searching pixels this time.
Richie just kissed Eddie on the forehead. If he isn’t whipped, which he should be, all of Eddie’s fans will be whipped for him.
Eddie’s not in his normal spot. The lighting is different, and the camera is close to his face - utilizing an above angle that Eddie doesn’t use often.
But Eddie’s smiling, his face expression tired and content. Most of his greeting comes out mumbled, and he tries his best to address his fans, but he can’t. He’s too comfortable, he tells them. He recently invested in a good pillow, and boy, has it made all the difference. He’s not a sell out, he just doesn’t see anything wrong with product placement. If a quality brand is willing to offer him merchandise for free, he’s gonna take it.
Except then he’s pushed, and the feed goes hazy for a moment, until the phone is back up in place - and zoomed out this time, too.
Eddie is on his couch, curled up in between Richie’s legs. “I’m not a pillow, Eds. I’m not sponsoring you.”
“Of course you are, shut the fuck up.”
Then Eddie’s rambling about how comfortable the cushions are, how warm the sunlight is, how he doesn’t think he’ll ever walk again if it means he has to get up. He goes on like this for a long while, and Richie just watches him, his own hair wild with sleep and a smile taking up over half his face. When Eddie realizes he’s talking to himself, he turns in Richie’s arms to look up at his face, and Richie jolts.
“Hey there, princess.”
“Are we going to show them our new apartment or not?”
“Mmmmm…. or not, if that means I get to stay here with you.” Eddie sighs in defeat, but he doesn’t look disappointed in the slightest as he leans back to lay his head against Richie’s chest. Richie dips down to kiss his forehead before taking the phone, leading his own rambling.
Twelve minutes in, (12:46 exactly), Eddie blinks awake. He looks up and wordlessly cuts Richie off, pressing their lips together gently. There’s a few seconds of silence where the two pull back to stare at each other with soft smiles curling their lips, sunlight filtering between them.
The fandom cries.
“Come on, loser, let’s show them our new home already.”
The fandom cries harder.
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pafsins2 · 7 years
Everything Wrong With Welcome to LazyTown
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Well, I'm done with Phiheas and Ferb. Gotta move on to another show. I'm tired of silly stuff though. I want a sin a super serious show where sins matter! ….So welcome to LazyTown Sins!
1.Hiding Sportacus' face is pointless if you're gonna show his face BEFORE you start hiding it. Not to mention showing him in the theme song right after!
2.Okay we get it, you can sick tricks. This won't be get tiring.
3.They say LazyTown is where you'll wanna stay, than right after mention the villain. Yeah, I'm convinced. (Even if Robbie is the main reason we're all watching)
4.What is Sportacus standing on here?
5.Stephanie is lucky there are no cars on the narrownest street ever.
6.”Defacing people's face with a mustache” cliche
7.Also, Relect? There was never an election episode. That's a sin.
8.These puppets were never meant to be seen with their full bodies...or at all, frankly.
9.Honestly, why did Robbie expect this trap to work?
10.And he forgets his trap was there because comedy!
11.Why do so many preschools have the title read out loud? Are kids that stupid?
12.If these kids are so lazy, why do they go the trouble to go all the way to Pixel's house to play?
13.They always play it again but now Ziggy is asking this?
14.Mayor cleans the 4th wall.
15.Also, he's Steph's Uncle but he's more or less the dumbass dad trope.
16.”Gossip” cliche
17.So how is a puppet the uncle of a human? ...I don't wanna know.
18.He clearly has never met/got go no info onSteph if he doesn't know she isn't Lazy.
19.Question, where is Robbie's Perriscope peeping out from? It seems to just appear wherever it wants.
20.”It is exactly how I Robbie Rotten, planned it. LazyTown is the laziest town on the planet” Exposition.
21.”I meant to do that” cliche
22.Also, why does he have...a whatever this is right here anyway?
23.Okay obvious question, but why are some characters  puppet sand some human? If say, only LazyTown residents were and Stephanie was not, that would make sense at least.
24.By the way, we quickly learns there's like 9 or so people in this entire freaking town.
25.Milford is surprised she's strong enough to carry tiny suitcases.
26.On the day your niece visits you make a cake...for someone else. K.
27.”Busy body?” Even Stephanie questions these oddly specific names.
29.Stephanie is shocked to find out a place called LazyTown is lazy.
30.Lazy Kid Ziggy is outside because the plot says so.
31.Also, Big Eater cliche
32.Steph feels a sticky substance we can't see.
33.”She takes my candy and hides it” That's not very Lazy.
34.Also, Prankster cliché and stuck up rich brat cliche
35.”There is no problem” Unless she convinces him to do something else...which she does.
36.Should I sin Pixel having a crush on Stephanie because it's weird or because it's never mentioned again....eh, both.
37.Oh, and smart guy cliche PLUS Token Black character!
38.Where did that Soccer ball come from? She had  a ball but it just a toy one.
39.If these kids are convinced this quickly, it's shocking they've been lazy for so long.
40.Yes to all Steph. We just covered this.
41.The location this song is set is far enough from Pixel's house for them getting here so quickly to be a sin
42.Robbie doesn't interrupt the song because even he has manners
Yeah, let's take a sin for an awesome song. You know the drill.
42.These are officially the most easily swayed kids ever.
43.Because video games with tons of levels are always high quality, right Action 52?
44.Stingy chasing after Pixel is not lazy. Yeah yeah I know the point is to get him away but come on.
45.Speaking of not being lazy, breaking a window would be even less lazy. She'd even be outside!
46.Sad Reprise.
47.It just hit me: Neither the Mayor nor Bessie are Lazy, and Robbie has no problem with this?
48.”I can't change that” Yes you can, you're the mayor! Even with the backstory we get, there's no reason why the Mayor hasn't tried to fix this. Even if Robbie tries to stop, he could easily kick Robbie out or something.
49.We never find exactly who number 9 is or anything else regarding Sportacus origin. LazyTown has DEEPEST LORE.
50.Why hasn't Milford tried contacting him before?
51.Mayor doesn't look at what he's bringing because comedy.
52.Robbie sees her and doesn't do anything about it.
53.Steph doesn't hear him.
54.The letter goes straight up but we see many times the airship is far away from LazyTown.
55.Stephanie doesn't mention the bigger problem in the letter and makes it all about her.
56.You've heard of LazyTown, and even have a book on it, but have never been there and have never heard of it's big issue.
57.Does even have to send letters in style? This is very impartial.
58.Stephanie, it takes time to get letters, read them, and go into action. It's only been like a minute.
59.”Another one?” More lore that is never explained.
60.”I'm a slightly above average hero” ….Did you see those flips? Slightly above average my ass.
61.Wait, what happened to Stingy going after Pixel?
62.And they're outside, so Robbie's plan already failed.
63.Trixie's a bitch just so someone can be in trouble.
64.Sportacus invented dabbing.
65.Stingy and Trixie do not question who this guy is, at least here when they should.
66.It's only been a second and Trixie's in trouble again? And what reason does she have to do this anyway?
67.Robbie doesn't just step out and tell them to go away like before.
68.Also, have to sin the pun in Sportacus' name
69.This trap was a sin in the intro, and it's a sin here.
70.Bessie is an idiot who doesn't watch where she's going.
71.Sportacus, don't you hear Bessie making a fit over there? This is for a last minute save, isn't it?
72.”LazyTown is really starting to feel like home for me” After only one day and only just NOW the kids learning to be healthy.
73.Speaking of, let's recap. Robbie made them leave, then next they are playing for no reason, Sportaflop saves them and after another save, they are on board forever. No wonder they keep being lazy at the start of most episodes in Season 1 after this!
74.”No one's lazy in lazytown!” Damn, Robbie just got burned.
75.Dance party ending, with a song we'll have to suffer through every episode.
76.I don't need to comment on how we see too much when Stephanie kicks her leg up too much, right? ….Ew.
77. A Fall down a small hole hurt him this much?
78.By the way, Sportacus never actually meets Robbie in this pilot, which is just odd.
79.”LazyTown will stay lazy forever” Good luck with that.
80.Extra spin for the fact that that memes are the only reason people got into this preschool show to begin with. Wait, I wouldn't even be here sinning this, whoa..
SENTENCE:Be Lazy forever.
APRIL FOOLS! Whew, that was fun. Also, DAT SIN COUNT. I know I  had to sin a lot of the problems with the premise and such but yikes. Likely the rest of the episodes wouldn't have as many since this pilot is bogged with tons of explanations.
And yeah, I did this show for our April Fools because memes....and I kinda knew of it already. No, this won't be an option when I do a poll for the next Sin Series, but I won't rule it out for the future, as this was really fun.
But anyway, back to your regularly programming for the big thing to close out P&F Sins soon.
Obligatory Link: https://www.gofundme.com/2tm9tqk
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haikyuuaus · 8 years
Haikyuu AU #011
Skype AU
Because distance is a bitch.
“Hey can you hear me?”
“Yeah, can you hear me?”
“I’m here.”
“Oh gooOOOood.”
Hajime winces as the audio stutters unnaturally. The image on the screen is so fucked up and blurry, that he can barely make out Oikawa’s face.
“Fucking–” Oh, so now the sound comes back. “Can you see me Iwa-chan? It looks like your camera is off!”
“Yeah, you look great.” The mass of pixels that is Oikawa jitters in what Hajime can only assume is some indecipherable hand motion. 
“I still can’t see you,” Oikawa sings, the volume of the call fluctuating wildly. “It’s hard being the prettiest thing in the call, Iwa-chan. Hurry up and join.”
Hajime sighs and clicks the film icon. His face appears on the screen. The quality is significantly better than Oikawa’s, to his great relief. 
“Where are you~” Oikawa says. “Come on Iwa-chan I’m getting lonely! Do you have a zit? Or is it a hickey? You can’t hide from me you know, I’ll drive all the way over there to see you myself!”
“Hold your horses, Shittykawa,” Hajime growls. “You are not driving your skinny ass over here in the middle of midterms. My camera is on, you can’t see me?”
“Nope!–” Oikawa’s image clears enough for Hajime to see his mouth moving, but no sound comes out. Hajime counts his blessings.
“Shittykawa I– holy shit.” A full minute of video on Oikawa’s end compresses into ten seconds of abrupt, spastic movement. Hajime stifles a laugh.
“What’s wrong Iwa-chan?” A demonic voiced intones into the microphone. Hajime nearly screams.
“Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!” He gasps, clutching his chest.
“What are you talking about?” For a single, blissful instant, Oikawa’s voice comes through clear as a bell. Hajime’s eyes widen as his childhood friend’s face appears, unblemished, in the call window.
“Hi Iwa-chan,” Oikawa says softly. “Hi Shittykawa.” Hajime can’t help but grin. They both sit there, smiling, until Oikawa decides to break the silence.
"Well, I see I’m still the pret–" The screen goes black. Hajime stares at the error message in disbelief.
*Call Failed. How would you rate the quality of your Skype interaction?* “Absolute shit!” Hajime yells, slamming his laptop shut. Fuck this, he’ll use FaceTime instead.
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rainygalaxynerd · 8 years
Brave New World - Chapter 50B
Warnings: Not really. A question and its answer might be triggering to some (sexual abuse/noncon) but that’s about it.
Summary: Someone is hacking Frank Deveraux’ hard drive and it contains entirely too much info about Winchesters underground.
Word count: app 2500
A/N: This is unbeta’ed. I’m too far behind to get help. :/ 
This is a chapter story. Link to mobile friendly master list here.
Tagging: @winchesterprincessbride @fangirling-instead-of-working @twenty-onepages @kbrand0 @vibou25 @littlegreenplasticsoldier @deandoesthingstome @jotink78 @mrsjohnsmith @jencharlan (so sorry I missed you in the last chapter, don’t know what happened.) @sleep-silent-angel (if you want to cringe over the mistakes I didn’t let you help me correct <3 )
Short, non-graphic recap of part A right under the cut.
Turning slightly, he wrapped both arms around her and nuzzled the top of her head. Her hair tickled his nose and he sneezed, before sighing contentedly and closing his eyes.
Caitlin lay awake for hours, confused about the many facets of the mystery named Dean Winchester, nervous about what the next day would bring, and finding a new understanding her own life story thanks to Dean’s insight. 
I promised a recap of Chapter 50 part A for those who didn't want to read it. Dean had a nightmare about his time in hell and the day he finally said yes to Alastair. There were parallels to Caitlin's discovery about her own repressed memories in chapter 49. In the dream, Alastair got angry when Dean wouldn't obey him and choked him. Caitlin was awake and worried and couldn't wake him. Bobby showed up, introduced himself to Caitlin and jumped into Dean's nightmare and woke him up. Bobby "left" again and Dean and Caitlin went back to sleep.
Chapter 50 - Interception (part B)
Half past six, Sam banged on the door. “Guys, wake up. Something’s come up.”
Dean extricated himself from Caitlin who seemed unable to return to consciousness. He glanced down over himself. Yep. Something’s up, alright. “Hold on, Sammy, I’ll be right out.” He began the hunt for clothes.
Twenty minutes later, the three of them were cramped in Sam’s room, eyes glued to the laptop screen, where an enthusiastic redhead was busy supposedly hacking Frank’s hard drive.
“Well, fuck.” Dean ran a hand through his already sleep-mussed hair.
“Charlie Bradbury.” Sam pointed to a nameplate over the desk, barely visible in the pixelated video feed.
Dean fished his phone out of his pocket and searched. “I’ve got an address.”
“How far?”
Dean tapped some more and his face fell. “Thirteen hours.”
Sam exhaled slowly, rubbing his forehead. “This was yesterday afternoon. We need to get to her before she gets back to Roman Enterprise.” Sam looked at the laptop clock and mentally subtracted on hour due to time zones. “We’ve got about two hours, depending on how early she leaves for work.”
Glum silence filled the room as minutes ticked by. Caitlin rubbed her arms against the morning chill.
“Why dontcha call the angel, ya idgits.”
Sam’s head whipped around as he stared wide-eyed at the apparition. “Bobby?”
“In the flesh, Son. Or… ya know.” Bobby flashed a wry smile.
Dean went outside to pray.
Meanwhile, Sam stayed in a state of shell shock over Bobby’s sudden appearance and closely followed disappearance.
Caitlin went back to the room she and Dean had shared to pack her things. She wandered around aimlessly, picking up items and putting them back down, laying stuff in neat piles on the bed only to jumble the piles into a giant heap minutes later. Her stomach growled angrily but the thought of food made her want to throw up. Seven hours until Derek Morgan and his team arrived.
There was a knock on the door, and Dean entered briskly, mouth open to speak. He glanced around and frowned. “Redecorating?”
“No. No, just… packing.”
Dean’s eyebrows shot up as he took in the mess on the bed. “Right. Well. Good.” He watched her flounder around in unacknowledged confusion some more. Stepping forward to block her path, he pulled her close. “Don’t know where your head’s at, Caitie, but I need you here right now. Can you come back to me?”
Drawing in a shuddering breath, Caitlin relaxed into his embrace. The sound of his voice, his scent, brought colors back to the world. “Dean.”
He stroked her hair and held her, temporarily forgetting everything else.
“Did you figure something out?” She had her arms around him, hands fisted in his flannel.
Dean almost jolted as the realities of the situation came back to him. “Yeah. Yeah, I came to tell you. Cas is gonna zap us to Alabama, then come back here and stay with you.”
Caitlin nodded her understanding but didn’t let go of him.
“He’s, um, he’s waiting for me.” Dean reluctantly took a step back, forcing her to loosen her grip. “We’re just going to find out if this Charlie is a big mouth or a human and persuade her to keep whatever info she might have found to herself one way or another.” He reached out and held her face in gentle hands, thumbs caressing her cheeks. “We’ll be back before you know it.” He leaned in to press a chaste kiss to her lips.
She closed her eyes, wanted to keep them closed so she couldn’t see him leave. Keep them closed until he came back.
But he didn’t move away, his breath ghosting over her face, his rough palms warm against her cheeks. “Caitlin, look at me. You’ll be fine.”
She looked at him, compelled by the gravel in his voice. Despite the reassurance of his words, his eyes were asking her for confirmation. She braved a smile. “I will. I’m so nervous right now, I can’t even worry about the Charlie-thing. It’ll be better once I get this afternoon over and done with.”
“Good.” He leaned in for another, longer kiss.
The door burst open to reveal Castiel, immediately looking contrite. “I’m sorry. I forgot about doorknobs.”
“Right,” Dean sighed, mouth quirking slightly upward. “Next on solid objects for dummies: Knocking before forgetting about doorknobs.”
Castiel raised an eyebrow in puzzlement. “I thought you and Sam were in a hurry, Dean.”
Dean’s eyes fell to the floor. “You’re right. Let’s get this show on the road.” He trailed a hand down Caitlin’s arm and squeezed her hand with a humorless smile. “Stay safe, Caitie.” He walked out the door.
Castiel stood on the spot for a few seconds before trailing after Dean, muttering: “What show? What road?”
Caitlin softly stepped over to close the door after them. “You too, Dean,” she whispered into the silence.
Charlie sat in front of her computer, chewing her nails. The only time she had left her chair since she cracked the hard drive her boss had trusted her to retrieve the data from, had been to avoid pissing her pants literally. After all, metaphorically, they were already wet and smelly.
She shouldn’t believe what was on that hard drive. Logic and reason dictated that she write off this Devereaux dude as a conspiracy theory nutcase. Occam's razor and all that.
Except. Why would her boss ask her to extract this information as a matter of utmost importance, if it was all mad ravings? Except. Several of her co-workers had been “off” in the past few months. Except. Soap dispensers in the restrooms at work used to be empty at least twice every week. Juan still worked there, the lazy ass janitor, and as far as she knew nothing anyone had ever said to him had made him change his routine of only refilling them too late. So why had they not been empty even once for six weeks?
She shot up from her chair to find everything boraxy she owned. She managed two steps before her path was blocked by three men. One second she had a clear view of the doorway to the kitchen, the next they were standing there, three stooges with somber looks.
She stumbled back, grasping for something, anything, to use as a weapon. She got hold of her Glamdring copy and fervently hoped that she’d been lucky with the quality of a low-cost geekaphernalia, for once. Please, God. Just this once. She held the sword protectively in front of her. “Stop.” Maybe that was a bit redundant as none of them had as much as twitched. “I had funions for dinner, I’ll taste horrible. You’ll probably get sick.”
The dude in the middle squinted at her and the tallest raised his hands disarmingly.
“We’re not Leviathans.” He gave her a look of earnest sincerity combined with a built in puppy-in-a-shelter vibe that had Charlie’s hands shaking. “That’s exactly what one of them would say,” she managed, adjusting her grip.
“You’ve read Frank’s research? They’re allergic to soap. You can test us.”
Cas showed up again shortly after leaving with Dean. He didn’t bother with the door, opting to appear in the one chair in a corner of the room.
Caitlin had been pacing, still under the pretense of packing, cleaning up, being useful. She had once again slipped into a strange no man's land where nothing seemed real. The way she didn’t startle or feel her head spin at the angel’s arrival, was disturbing.
“Charlie is a human. She believed us. She will not give Roman any information.”
“That’s good news.” Caitlin smiled at the angel, who seemed as stoic and immovable as ever.
“I will remain by your side until they ask me to bring them back here.” Cas’ intense eyes bore into hers as if his words had a deeper meaning.
If they did, it was lost on Caitlin.
Castiel said nothing more, simply sat stiff-backed on the chair and stared out the window where a sparrow collected twigs and straw for its nest.
Caitlin kept sneaking glances at the angel. An angel. He had healed Dean completely, no wounds left, no longer hypovolemic. He kept teleporting left and right. Angels were real. God. What did that mean? Why did things like the Mitchells happen to anyone? Why did they happen to Caitlin? If God and angels were real, what had she done to be punished so badly?
Castiel turned towards her, expression serious. "My Father does not believe in micromanaging. You were not being punished. You were simply unfortunate."
Caitlin stared at him. "You read minds?"
"No. Normally I can only hear prayers. But you were thinking extremely loudly."
Caitlin couldn't help a snort. "That's reading minds by my definition."
"You were projecting your thoughts at me, wanting answers."
Caitlin figured he was right. It didn't make her feel any better about any of it. So many out there believed, prayed, and thought angels were these amazing creatures that helped and watched over people. Apparently, the joke was on them, even though angels existed.
"Castiel?" She didn't know how to ask or if she even wanted the answer, but she continued. "If angels don't look after humans, then why are you here?"
Cas glanced at her only for a fraction of a second. He clenched his fists and looked out the window again. "I was responsible for getting Dean out of hell during the beginning of the end," he finally mumbled.
Well. Not thinking about FBI now. “I… Hell? Dean was in hell?”
Cas looked at her again. “Did you not know this?”
Mutely, Caitlin shook her head.
Cas sunk his head in his hands.”I can’t do anything right,” he groaned morosely.
There was a tinkling sound overhead. When Caitlin looked up, she saw the lamp shaking, shining brighter and brighter though the switch was off, until it burst with a shower of sparks and glass fragments.
“Cas!” She headed over to him before she could think better of it and knelt in front of him. “Cas, what’s wrong?”
Cas rubbed his eyes and swallowed hard. “He is already so angry with me, Sarah. So angry, as he should be. I can never make it up to him.” His clear blue eyes looked at her imploringly. “He is my friend, Sarah. I never had a friend before.”
Barely realizing he was using her given name, Caitlin fought the instinct to touch the angel. He had just exploded a light bulb, after all. The bedside lamp closest to them began to shine.
“I let him down. I betrayed him. My first friend.”
“Please, relax, Cas. Please. I’m sure it’ll all work out.” Caitlin’s voice shook, and she started violently when the light bulb burst and shattered. Closing her eyes and inhaling sharply, she grabbed his hand. When she didn’t instantaneously combust, she looked at him again. “Calm down, she whispered, and gently held his hand between both of hers.
“I’m sorry.” Cas briefly collected himself. “I was sent here to protect you, but I cannot do this. The voices…” He pressed his free hand to his ear and squeezed his eyes shut. When he opened them again, he wore a haunted look. “I cannot stay. Pray to me if you need my assistance.”
The sparrow outside the window had found a worm. Caitlin was alone, kneeling beside an empty chair. The floor and bed were covered in tiny glass fragments. The ever ticking clock informed her that there were five hours left. With a sigh, she began to clean up.
“You’re a hacker, right?” Sam paced the floor in Charlie’s small living room, ignoring the eye rollings he received from both Charlie and his brother. “Couldn’t you hack Dick’s harddrive? Maybe there’s something on there that we can use against him.”
Charlie shook her head no. “It’s super secure. Not connected to the Internet. I’d have to actually be in the room with it.”
“But you work there, right? You could go in there?”
“I’m not that brave.” Charlie hunched in on herself.
“So you could? You just won’t because you’re too scared?” Dean took one of the little figures on Charlie’s desk and scrutinized it.
She snatched it away from him. “Don’t touch my Hermione.”
Dean raised his hands in a half disarming, half sarcastic gesture.
Sam cleared his throat. “Do you think Hermione would back down from something like this?”
Charlie looked at Sam with narrow eyes before contemplating the tiny figure in her hand. “No. She wouldn’t.” She sighed deeply. “I guess I should help make sure everyone I know doesn’t get eaten.”
“The plan starts at 9 PM, then?” Dean looked to Sam and Charlie for confirmation. They had spent three hours hashing out the details.
“Yeah, plenty of time to get ahold of a van and charge those silly comm links you found in Wonko’s last year.” Sam pinched his lips at the end of the sentence and frowned at Dean, daring him to comment.
Dean smiled at him in return, open-mouthed, excited, and wriggled his eyebrows. “I told you they’d come in handy someday.” Chuckling at Sam’s annoyance, Dean kicked back in a chair comfortably. “But I think that leaves us just enough time for another trip to Elizabethtown. I kinda promised Caitlin I’d be there.”
“What?!” Sam stared at him in disbelief. “Dean, we spent several months this year on FBI’s most wanted list and you want to sit in on the interrogation? Do you really enjoy prison that much?”
“Course not, Sammy. Orange ain’t my color.” Dean rose from the chair and stood inches from Sam. “The Leviathans know everything about her and the Mitchells. How big do you think chances are, they’ll try something this afternoon?” He poked Sam’s ribs with his index finger to emphasize his next words: “If her life was on the line, would you continue tonight’s plan?”
Sam looked down, thoughtful. Then he nodded. “You’re right. I can’t believe I didn’t think of that.”
Dean made a grimace. “Maybe because you didn’t barge into the wrong house to rescue her and nearly got ate.”
Sam put a hand on Dean’s shoulder. “Man, I’m sorry. I remember. Lucifer told me just as you must’ve been going in. Those bastards at the hospital wouldn’t let me use the phone.”
Charlie cleared her throat loudly. “Okay, the FBI most wanted, I get. Not gonna ask about Lucifer, because with that name, well… and the rest just sounds... “ she chuckled nervously, “but you’re not leaving me here alone, are you? And if there’s damsels in distress needing rescuing, I wanna go.”
Dean gave her an amused look. “Eager all of a sudden, aren’t ya? Where was that adventurous spirit when we suggested a little trespassing at your workplace?”
“It didn’t involve any damsels, did it?” Charlie arched an eyebrow at him and smirked.
Dean frowned in puzzlement until the dime dropped. “Oh,” he said and scratched his neck nervously. “Oh.”
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5 best waterproof cameras | TechRadar
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5 best waterproof cameras | TechRadar
Going on a beach-front vacation or trekking through mountains? Well, you’re probably going to want your camera to be waterproof. These waterproof cameras are handy and you can easily take them up to a depth of 30-meters underwater. They are specially designed and tested to survive in any condition, which means they are shockproof, dust-proof and freeze-proof as well.
These cameras also offer connectivity options like Wi-Fi, NFC and Bluetooth, which makes transferring files easy and quick.
If something waterproof isn’t what you specifically looking for, then check out the best travel cameras that offer extended zoom and are compact to carry around.
Meanwhile, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best waterproof cameras that you can own, to capture those precious moments no matter where you go. 
Olympus Tough TG-5
Sensor: 1/2.3-inch, 12MP | Lens: 25-100mm | Waterproof: 15m | Freezeproof: -10° | Shockproof: 2.1m | Monitor: 3-inch, 460K dots | Movies: 4K | User level: Beginner
Raw format support
Range of accessories
Image smoothing at high ISOs
Zoom control is fiddly
As the name suggests, the Olympus Tough TG-5 is a tough camera with a solid build. Replacing the TG-4, Olympus made a bold move by actually reducing the pixel count from 16 mega-pixels (MP) to 12MP to produce better image quality – since the pixels are packed in quite as densely. 
The dual panel glass keeps the camera from fogging up during extreme temperature changes, makes the camera ideal for any situation. 
The camera is equipped with various field sensors like GPS, thermometer, barometer and compass that can record the related data while shooting. The user can transfer this data onto any smartphone using the Olympus Image Track app making sharing oh-so-easy.
It also has different shooting modes including Underwater mode and a Pro-Capture mode for split-second movement. 
Dive up to 15-meters into the sea, drop it from a height of 2.1-meters, crush it under a 100-kilo rock or hike up to meet the Yeti at temperatures down to -10 degrees Celsius, this camera can do it all.
Read the full review: Olympus TG-5
Nikon Coolpix W300
Sensor: 1/2.3-inch, 16MP | Lens: 24-120mm | Waterproof: 30m | Freezeproof: -10° | Shockproof: 2.1m | Monitor: 3-inch, 921K dots | Movies: 4K | User level: Beginner
Waterproof down to 30m
Wide zoom range
Fiddly controls
Exposure inconsistencies
The Nikon Coolpix W300 is made for those who love capturing adventurous moments as they happen. Though Nikon has the GoPro series for this purpose, the W300 is packed in with more features. The unique selling position of this camera is that it’s rugged and able to operate at depths up to 30-meters, handle a drop from a height of 2.4-meters and function in temperatures as low as -10 degrees Celsius.
It also has a SnapBridge feature that allows users to easily transfer images to any mobile device via Bluetooth Low Energy connection. Even though it’s available in orange, yellow and black – the camouflage version is especially bad-ass.
Read the full review: Nikon Coolpix W300
Canon PowerShot D30
Sensor: 1/2.3-inch, 12.1MP | Lens: 28-140mm | Waterproof: 25m | Freezeproof: -10° | Shockproof: 2m | Monitor: 3-inch, 460K dots | Movies: 1080p | User level: Beginner
Good ergonomic design
White balance performance
Poor GPS functionality
No built-in Wi-Fi
Always have an issue finding the click button or switching between the different modes on a camera? The Canon PowerShot D30 solves that problem by giving users a camera with a good ergonomic design and big sized controllers. 
Waterproof up to 25-meters with GPS tracking abilities, it’s considerably more rugged than it’s predecessor, the PowerShot D20. Its 12.1 megapixel sensor with DIGIC 4 processor may be dated, but delivers good quality images with high details and clarity.
The only complaint that we have is that it lacks Wi-Fi connectivity and can’t record altitude or depth data, which is a bit of a let down in comparison to what other cameras in this segment are capable of providing.
Read the full review: Canon PowerShot D30
Nikon Coolpix W100
Sensor: 1/3.1-inch, 14.1MP | Lens: 30-90mm | Waterproof: 10m | Freezeproof: -10° | Shockproof: 1.8m | Monitor: 2.7-inch, 230K dots | Movies: 1080p | User level: Beginner
Sturdy design
Wi-Fi and NFC connectivity
Noisy images
Lacks optical zoom
Do the cameras above seem a little pricey for your budget? Well, the Nikon Coolpix W100 is inexpensive while still being tough and waterproof. 
The camera is decent with a 14.1 megapixel sensor. It also has the SnapBridge features allowing users to transfer files to their smart devices. It’s connectivity capabilities go a step further with Wi-Fi and near field communication (NFC) making it all the more appealing.
Nikon 1 AW1
Sensor: 1-inch, 14.2 MP | Lens: 30-90mm | Waterproof: 15m | Freezeproof: -10° | Shockproof: 2m | Monitor: 3-inch, 921K dots | Movies: 1080p | User level: Beginner
Waterproof and tough
Reliable exposure metering
Bright, high-res monitor
Rear controls fiddly
Essential settings are hidden in menus
Most waterproof cameras have fixed lenses, which can be a hassle for some users. But it’s a problem that the Nikon 1 AW1 solves.
It was the first mirror-less camera with interchangeable lenses, and it’s waterproof, dust proof, shock proof and freeze proof as well. Its internal specs are the same as the Nikon 1 J3 including the 14.2-megapixel sensor that’s capable of capturing some really good pictures and can shoot videos in HD.
The only thing is that the selection of toughened lenses is limited so the focal lengths and maximum aperture available to you are also limited. 
Read the full review: Nikon 1 AW1
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