#quaintly fig
quaintlyfig · 1 month
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My Whippoorwill boys happy and together again! Stede is feeding Ed cheezits, and they are absolutely, desperately, blissfully in love 🧡
Artwork by the amazing, incredible, wonderful, delightful @smolbus!!! Thank you!! This makes my heart so happy!
Story: "Hear That Lonesome Whippoorwill" (rated E) https://archiveofourown.org/works/58030276/chapters/147737638
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jasperlion · 5 years
@tomestobetold [ cont — Anthiese’s birthday gift ]
The private gardens are Rinea's safe haven, he knows, yet he begs this boon of her anyway. Just for half a day, a little place just for Anthiese; a place most similar to her bountiful homeland. Meal preparation done at dawn, it is after their breakfast that he asks her to follow him. To come to a section rarely visited or touched, and so he grasps both her hands at the arched doorway... and leads her in. "Anthiese," He starts, gathering courage. "Happy birthday." Today, it is fine to give her a touch of home, a touch of himself he’d allow none other to have. So he releases her right hand with his left after giving her brand the faintest of brushes and, pulling his most winning smile, tips her chin up with his hand and… leans in for a kiss. Maybe, today, he’d do his best to do as Zofians did, just for her.
It was strange to be away from home on her namesday. Not bad, but vastly different than she was accustomed. Anthiese had wanted to leave, though. She wanted to get out of Zofia and away from her father. Rigel was cold, and snow still dappled the fields in the middle of summer, but the fireplaces were warm and she bundled herself under thick wool and velvet gowns to compensate.
And then, of course, there was Albein. Her secret pen pal for years. Her new fiancee.
Anthiese smiled as he took her hands. Her cheeks dusted with pink, because he so rarely touched her, he was too nervous. His thumb caressed briefly over her brand and she felt something in her soften and warm for him. Only he could understand that mark, and all it had influenced in her childhood.
The garden he took her to was beautiful. Small but well tended. Peaceful. Far away from the usual hustle and bustle of servants and courtiers. The stone and brickwork looked new. Was it Lady Rinea’s hideaway? She’d heard a bit of gossip about it. Albein’s cousin had built a sanctuary for his shy beloved.
Now, it seemed, the place was for them. To have a moment alone without garnering scandal in Rigel’s court.
She smiled as he squeezed her hands and spoke her name, drawing her attention away from the flowerbeds and back to his face. Anthiese stepped in close, holding his hands tight. It was a small show of physical affection. One she craved.
But then he surprised her, by giving her the real gift. It wasn’t time in the garden, it was a kiss, anxious and blushing, but a kiss all the same.
It began innocent enough, for Albein’s upbringing had made him hesitant to give away such affections before their wedding. But Anthiese didn’t have the same hesitations as he did. Once he kissed her, she placed a hand on his chest, clutching gently at his quilted tunic and holding onto the moment. His hand on her chin, his lips over hers. It was beautiful, and Anthiese felt her heart quickening in her chest.
Selfish as she could be sometimes, Anthiese didn’t let him go. And smiled into the kiss and leaned against him, drawing out the moment as long as she could. She knew it made him blush, but she also suspected that his nerves were at least in part due to how much he already wanted her. He held himself back to spare her his urges.
But it was her birthday, and Anthiese didn’t give a fig about his urges. She had some of her own she wanted to satisfy.
“How long do we have?” she whispered, pulling her lips away only enough to speak, her breath soft on his skin. “To celebrate my birthday, that is. I want to make the most of it.”
Albein had intended to end it there, to grant her a kiss that he knew she enjoyed— and would even expect of Zofian partners. To fail to meet Anthiese’s expectations was but one of the weights in him, but he could only grant her this on this day of all days, here and now.
Yet she grabbed at his tunic, grasped at him tighter, pressing forward boldly — he feels spellbound by her heedless charge, and for mere moments he does not retreat as he had planned, instead shyly pressing his lips to her own even as his heart beat like a war drum. She had quite the talent for that, he had found, even in moments not as intimate as this, but it is this that tints his cheeks and stills his motions like a hare in the open.
She pulls away, drawing a gasp out of him and he tries, he truly does, to calm his breathing, quiet but shuddered. He’s likely as red as the flags that decorate the castle, and it takes him a few moments to truly understand her question. How long they had, here, in the privacy of Rinea’s gardens. “Until the sun begins to set.” He tells her in hushed tones, eyes half-lidded as he tries to gather himself. His hand moves from her cheek to cup her face, and he offers to her a tentative smile. “I’ve had a lunch brought for us...” His eyes slide from her to a small table, quaintly set in a gazebo he’s certain is usually reserved for where his cousin and Rinea dance within these private confines. “We can stay here as long as you desire, but only until sunset.”
He does not dare pull away, even with her so close, breathing on him and causing his skin to tingle. Her eyes speak of a hunger he cannot describe, of something she wants that he can’t quite pin down or understand. 
“Anthiese...” He breathes out, eyes darting from her lips to her own. “What can I do for you?” And, slowly, Albein lets their noses touch briefly, not quite able to bring himself to start another kiss again. Is this what she wanted? All he had to do was provide, regardless of how scandalous this felt — sinful and dangerous. ... But there’s a thrill to danger, isn’t there?
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quaintlyfig · 1 month
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I have entirely too much fun building ofmd prompt generators, so I thought I'd share them here in case anyone wants to give them a spin 🩷🧡💙
SFW Generators:
☠️ A Good Pirate's Tale (canon-era) 🦄 A Real Boy (fairy tale) 🪐 Beep Beep Boop (sci-fi & fantasy) 💗 Happiness Happens (fluff) 🌈 I Love My Baby (fluff) 🎲 Really Quite Random (gentlebeard & really quite random) 🎃 Somethin' Witchy Afoot (spooky season) 🐆 The Art of Fuckery (fuckeries & schemes, canon-typical violence) 👹 The Monster Mash (creature creator)
Mostly SFW Generators:
🎶 Hanging On By A Thread (song lyrics, lite spice possible) 🤖 Not Bloody Optimal (obstacles, very few nsfw possibilities)
NSFW Generators:
(Figured I'd hide this list below the "keep reading" button!)
❤️‍🔥 Baby, Baby, Baby (sexy times) 💌 Dear Ed, I long for you (gentlebeard, very sexy version of the Dear Ed letter) 🌶️ Getting Steamy (sexy times) 🩲 Let's Get Kinky (exactly what it says on the box) 🐺 Want Your Pretzel (omegaverse) 🌧️ Wreck Me, Daddy (angst) 🍌 2024 OFMD Kinktober Brainstorming - full month or sort by the day
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quaintlyfig · 1 month
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An OFMD Spooky Season Event!
I had a lot of fun hosting my little Happiness Happens event in August, so I decided to do another cute one for October: Somethin' Witchy Afoot!
I've made a fluffy, spooky prompt generator for it!
And just like Happiness Happiness, this will be mega-low-key. Just post when you can in October - the entire point is to have fun and to cheer each other!
Cute prompt examples!
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quaintlyfig · 11 days
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Quaintly Fig's Generators
Updated - September 2024
I have updated my list of ofmd prompt generators, so I am re-sharing them here 🩷🧡💙
Changes: 2 new generators ("A Real Boy" & "The Art of Fuckery"), 2 overhauled generators ("A Good Pirate's Tale" & "Not Bloody Optimal")
SFW Generators:
☠️ A Good Pirate's Tale (canon-era) 🦄 A Real Boy (fairy tale) 🪐 Beep Beep Boop (sci-fi & fantasy) 💗 Happiness Happens (fluff) 🌈 I Love My Baby (fluff) 🎲 Really Quite Random (gentlebeard & really quite random) 🎃 Somethin' Witchy Afoot (spooky season) 🐆 The Art of Fuckery (fuckeries & schemes, canon-typical violence) 👹 The Monster Mash (creature creator)
Mostly SFW Generators:
🎶 Hanging On By A Thread (song lyrics, lite spice possible) 🤖 Not Bloody Optimal (obstacles, very few nsfw possibilities)
NSFW Generators:
(Figured I'd hide this list below the "keep reading" button!)
❤️‍🔥 Baby, Baby, Baby (sexy times) 💌 Dear Ed, I long for you (gentlebeard, very sexy version of the Dear Ed letter) 🌶️ Getting Steamy (sexy times) 🩲 Let's Get Kinky (exactly what it says on the box) 🐺 Want Your Pretzel (omegaverse) 🌧️ Wreck Me, Daddy (angst) 🍌 2024 OFMD Kinktober Brainstorming - full month or sort by the day
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quaintlyfig · 11 days
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A Real Boy: a fairy tale prompt generator
A new generator! I'm so pleased with how this one has turned out. I hope you enjoy it!
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Tag me @quaintlyfig if you use it so I can cheer and squeal!
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