#quade intro
shredmytapestry · 2 years
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QUADE WONG ( HE/HIM ) is a CIS MALE, TWENTY-FIVE year old LAW STUDENT who has been living in Moorbrooke for HIS WHOLE LIFE. They were born on MAY 23 and right now, they are currently residing in REDGRAVE GROVE. It has been said that they look suspiciously like APO NATTAWIN and if they had to choose a song to describe themselves, they would choose KARMA by TAYLOR SWIFT.
full  name: quade wong nicknames: q age: twenty-five faceclaim: apo nattawin sexual orientation: bisexual birthplace: moorbrooke, me
tw drugs ( he sells, it only mentions it briefly )
welcome to quade ! he’s someone i’ve played before but definitely not this young so i’m going to keep it brief
he also wants to do so much work to improve the social worker situations & foster care in america! this all stems from having the most emotionally distant parents and many friends who got stuck in the wrong end of the foster system 
he’s in family law because bestie wants to find ways to get kids out of abusive situations and just ensure everyone has loving parents ( since he did not :c )
he’s dorky! like insanely dorky. he thinks he’s so bad ass because he’s in a “ gang “ think hellfire club lmao. it’s a bunch of dorks who get together and ride motorcycles, wear engraved faux leather jackets and stop bullying djhsczbnsxmksd
the one actual bad ass thing he does do is sell drugs... his shit is never mixed and ever since getting into law school, he does it... less. but still knows people and can get you your shit 
but he’s never tried anything harder than weed  
he has GIANT heart! he is always willing to offer a helping hand or help out. he loves first and gets to know people second
but because of his 1. wealth and 2. social status he’s often misjudged and that’s when he lashes out. he wants to make his own name, not live in the shadow of his older siblings (wc) or parent’s. so he’s petty, he wants to prove everyone wrong. being a good person isn’t genetics, it’s how you’re brought up and it’s the people you surround yourself with.
quade is def a bit of a fuck boy.... not in the sense that he’s cheating, but he’s falling in love left right and centre and yet none of it has felt real yet. he LOVES love and he can’t wait to be in love, so his dorky ass is always talking to someone or other. he loves being bi, and also a big ol’ slut! 
ok that’s all i have rn bye
wanted connections. 
older sibling - any gender/age, thai fc... they have a complicated relationship and quade finds it hard to trust them. he rarely relies on them for anything because he’s always been let down in the past. we can plot more !!
exes - any and all tbh... he’s been around forever so come at him
people he sold drugs to
gang members!! i’ll write up this wc properly later but it’d be so fun
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yungfenn · 4 months
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YUNG FENN • 20 yo
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ceruleanmusings · 2 months
Big Time Audition - Masons
while going through these ep rewrites i couldn't figure out how i wanted to include "big time audition" since the masons don't meet the guys until a few episodes later and this finally hit me! and it also has finally spurred me to re-write the fic depicting them first meeting the guys because, well, frankly I can do it so much better now and make sure each girl's personality stands out a bit more. but, in the meantime, you can see what they were like before the guys changed their lives. (again this is less a rewrite and more a long scene addition but, hey, semantics.)
@witchofinterest @raging-violets @partiallypearl @myloveforhergoeson
The ping of an email sliding into her inbox set Jazz scrambling off her bed. Finally! Setting aside the half-assembled skateboard deck, trucks, and screws she'd been tinkering with, she landed on the hardwood floor with a heavy thud and grabbed her laptop off her desk. The slam of her fingers on the spacebar cut off the quick lick of a guitar solo slicing through the air. High-stepping over Mel's assorted Nikes scattered on the ground, she approached the pocket door in the nearby wall of her room. Extending her foot, she planted it on the door and slid it open.
It smacked against the interior wall with a heavy thud, revealing Sammi perched on the side of her bed, body curled over her legs where she applied nail-polish to her big toe while bending her head to hold her cell phone in place.
"Jazz!" she shrieked, unfurling from her position. Irritation weighed down her brows as she gazed down at the black line dragging across her toenails. "Do you see what you did! Now i have to start all over!"
"No one's gonna be lookin' at your toes, Sam," Jazz said with a roll of her eyes. "And if they're really getting that close, they have bigger problems."
"You're gonna have big problems! It's taken me two hours to get this design right!" Huffing, Sammi reached over to yank sheets of tissues out a nearby box. "God! if i can't fix this you owe me a new outfit."
Sammi uttered a world-weary sigh and spoke slowly. "This design goes with a specific outfit. I can't wear the outfit without the polish and i can't wear the polish without the outfit. It doesn't make sense."
"You don't make sense," Jazz grumbled, resting her laptop on her hip. "Who cares if your toes and your eyebrows match?"
"Just because you dress like Tony Hawk threw up on you doesn't mean everyone wants to walk around looking like a grease stain. Some of us take pride in how we look." Sammi patted her large cloud of curly hair to emphasize her point.
"Yeah, yeah, hope when you swallow that pride you don't choke on it. Blue's not your color—literally." Jazz laughed and danced out of the way of Sammi throwing her large, fluffy pillow at her. "Quit with the dramatics! Look, Aunt Kelly sent us another round of audition videos! From Minnesota this time! —I know." Sammi held the same confused expression on her face Jazz was sure she'd made only a few seconds prior.
Why Aunt Kelly and Uncle Gustavo's last star search stop was in Minnesota of all places, she didn't know. Especially in the middle of winter. Uncle Gustavo didn't do well with the cold. Or people. Or cold people. So this was Hell and Hell freezing over for him at the exact same time. He was not going to be in a good mood.
"Hurry up! I want to see if these people are terrible too."
"Relax, no one can be as bad as Opera Guy," Sammi said with a scoff. "For one, he chose a terrible song for his range. Two, I could have done it better. And three, his shirt was untucked, his tie was too short, and he thought square toed shoes fit this century. He should have called me for help. He would've looked at least half-way presentable, which is the best he could have pulled off."
"Isn't most criticism supposed to come with a compliment somewhere."
"Sure," Sammi said with a shrug. "He'd never be able to afford me."
"Don't break your arm congratulating yourself," Jazz said. "Just hurry up!" Her feet slapped against the ground as she ran out of their connecting rooms, Sammi's phone conversation fading behind her as she jumped down the stairs, slamming to a stop on both landings. Navigating around the corner, she burst through the kitchen and went straight for the connected living room.
A stack of neatly folded blankets sat on the nearby ottoman, the creases so sharp it could cut glass. Just the way their dad liked it. A tray filled with a half empty glass of orange juice, toast two bites away from being finished, a mug with a dredge of dark coffee remaining, scattered silverware, and a balled up napkin balanced on a haphazard scattering of cycling and running magazines on the nearby coffee table.
And Mickey moved about straightening it all: adjusting the dented pillow left on the recliner, tucking the transfer board between the chair and end table, moving the lone navy blue slipper—left foot—to sit just beneath the coffee table, pulled the extended foot rest back in, and rolled up the long cord of the nearby vacuum around her arm.
"Hey." Jazz waved her arm, her voice and movement breaking Mickey out of her productive haze. She paused in the cord rolling, eyebrows lifting in a silent question. Or at least Jazz guessed from her head being pointed in her direction; her long locs hid most of her face. "We got more audition videos from Aunt Kelly. The last stop in Minnesota." Mickey's eyes slowly moved from the tray to the blankets to the recliner and back to the tray. "I'll get Mel so you can finish up," Jazz continued, "But Mick, seriously, Dad's not gonna care if it's not all spic and span by the time they get back."
Her mouth twisted to the side and she was quiet as she placed the wrapped cord around the back of the vacuum. Stepping on the petal that unlocked it, she turned to maneuver it out of the room, stopping only to say, "It matters to me" before passing.
Jazz stepped aside. Mickey preferred to keep everything in the right place to make his life easier. Jazz very much preferred that their dad was still around to have a life.
She made a beeline for the garage, a wall of sound knocking into her once she popped the seal on the door leading off the kitchen. Their dad had made it soundproof the day Mel got her first drum-set for Christmas on year. He re-enforced it every couple of years, for their' mom's sake since she worked most nights he said.
Mel's arms were almost a blur with how fast she hit the drums and symbols in succession. Her shoulders rose and dropped and her body moved along to a groove Jazz couldn't hear, half from the steady drumbeats and half from the large headphones Mel wore over her ears. With a grin, Jazz tiptoed forward until she stood behind Mel, able to see the lines of bright purple weaving into her long, dark braids. It was a recent changeover from her usual cornrows. It made playing goalie in soccer easier without having to fuss about her hair. As captain of the team, she didn't let anything get in her way. Literally.
"Yo!" Jazz snickered when Mel jumped at Jazz's shout after yanking a headphone off her ear. The drumbeat finished off-time due to Mel's flailing. Yanking the other headphone off, Jazz jerked her head backward when Mel whipped around with one drumstick pointed right at her nose. "Easy Jack Sparrow, you'll put an eye out."
"You're mixing up your movies," Mel pointed out, curling in the drumstick to spin it around her fingers. Her chest heaved and Jazz didn't need to check her pulse to know it was high. She swore Mel used drumming as an excuse for exercise as well to keep her skills up. As she liked to point out, you can't have an out-of-shape drummer and Mel needed to work twice as hard to get even some semblance of recognition for her contributions to their school's jam band or percussion section.
"Speaking of movies, we have a new installment of America's Funniest Audition Fails!" Jazz wiggled her laptop around as if displaying a prize on a game show. "Come on!" She started bouncing on her toes. "I want to know if they all sing with those accents."
Mel hummed. "That's assuming they're all able to keep time." That was a sticking point for her from the auditions in Salt Lake City, Philadelphia, and Houston. Most of the auditions, really. That even the well-prepared singers couldn't seem to stay on time with the music they chose. They either rushed or dragged, or worse, changed the arrangement to something so flashy it didn't showcase their voice but rather pointed out the sharp strains, the flat hits, or displayed their flaws rather than their strengths. She went on a rant about each location's auditions for days. (Though that could also be leftover disappointment at not being allowed to audition in D.C., even though they weren't accepting drummers.)
"Well, here's the good part! You can take all the videos of the bad ones, explain why they're so bad, and throw in some of your drum reels and send that to Uncle Gustavo!" Jazz said with a sparkle in her eye, a finger pointed upwards in the air. "All Mom and Dad said was it wasn't a good idea to audition. They never said you couldn't show them your reels by accidentally sending them a link in an email you never meant to send."
Chuckling, Mel grabbed a gray towel with faded Gatorade logos on them and wiped sweat off her brow. "Remind me to hire you as my lawyer."
"Why? They can't get mad at you for that."
"No, but they'll be impressed with how much you can twist their words to fit your needs before they ground you for a month."
Shifting her finger from vertical to horizontal, Jazz wiggled her finger between herself and Mel. "You mean ground us."
Mel laughed and shook her head; her braids swayed as she swung one leg over her stool. "No, I mean you. I'm an innocent bystander."
"Annnd that's exactly where you'll stay if you don't take this chance," Jazz said. Mel's smile immediately dropped to a frown and she scratched at her hairline. "It's an opportunity of a lifetime. You want it bad, so you keep saying, but you're going to let something as small as an email stand in your way? What's that phrase?" She tapped her chin. "Ask for forgiveness rather than permission?"
"Will that still hold up when I shove this down your throat?" Mel asked, waving her drumstick at her.
Jazz grinned, pushing it away. "You know I'm right!"
"No, you're annoying."
"Same thing!"
Laughing, Jazz ran out of the garage, making it to the living room in time for Mel to jump onto her back and the two to slam down to the couch. Jazz managed to move her computer out of the way in time, twisting herself to take the blow of the soft landing. Sammi and Mickey trailed in a few moments later, squeezing themselves onto the couch in their usual order: Sammi on one end, then Mel, Jazz, and Mickey on the other end. Stretching her legs onto the coffee table, crossing the angle with the thin metallic red band over the other, Jazz balanced her laptop on her lap and pressed play on the video.
They laughed, cringed, groaned, and booed through the clipped together reel of auditions. Some people were flat, some were sharp, some didn't even sing, instead choosing to do an interpretive dance about acid rain and a mime act. Unsurprisingly, Gustavo whisked them off the stage fast yelling about how a mime can't have seriously tried to audition for a singing competition. (Plus, he found mimes creepy.)
One girl stood out, someone named Jenny Tinkler, simply because her audition started with her taking in a deep breath and then the shot cut to a firefighter using a fire extinguisher on curtain, some tiles hanging from the ceiling, the recording tilted, a few holes in the wall of the stage, and Jenny running around with security guards chasing after her all the while screaming "But I'm gonna be the next Gwen Stefani!" Kelly could be see in the background, wiping leftover extinguisher
"Whoa," they girls uttered in unison.
"She should come with a warning label," Mel said.
"So should her outfit," Sammi said. "Bows that big only belong on big presents."
"The dog was cute though," Jazz said. They all voiced their agreement as she fast forwarded through the next clips. It was a blur of color, of scuffles, of someone jumping off the stage, of—
"Wait! Go back!" Mel jabbed at a button on the keyboard, sending the reel backward.
She hit another button and the video started playing again. A boy walked on stage wearing audition number 810, wearing a gray sweater and brown pants. He introduced himself as Logan and, instead of singing, started beatboxing.
"Not bad," Mel said after an approving hum.
Gustavo didn't agree by yelling Logan off the stage like everyone else. Mickey made a noise of sympathy at the zoom-in on Logan's shellshocked expression and robotic walk out of the room.
811 was next, a boy in a blue hoodie named Carlos who swung the microphone around until he farted into it, causing Jazz and Mel to crack up and Sammi to utter a sound of disgust.
James was 812, a tall boy with a confident stride and his chin held high. He took his time before he started, looking at his feet, taking a breath, and positioning the swoop in his hair.
"People say I'm the life of the party... 'cause I tell a joke or two..."
"Wow." Sitting next to her, Jazz caught Mickey's soft uttering of awe. And, out the corner of her eye, she watched Mickey sit up straighter and lean closer to the screen.
"Sam?" Jazz appealed.
Sammi nodded once. "He's good," she stated, running a ring along a chain around her neck. And she'd know, she was born with near perfect pitch. Which she loved to remind them about any chance she got. Which Jazz understood, despite how annoying it could get. Any way for them to be different.
"So Minnesota does have some talent," Mel remarked.
Not that Uncle Gustavo agreed with them. Before their very eyes, he started shouting about how the James guy had no talent (Mickry gasped at that) and how he was wasting his time. Then all hell broke loose when some blond guy sporting some impressive eyebrows came into the shot, yelling about Uncle Gustavo not having any talent and then singing about how he was a "giant turd" which started a brawl with security guards.
"Whoa! And I thought people from Minnesota were supposed to be nice!" Jazz said between her laughter which started up again when an older black woman started beating up the security guards with her cane.
"Uncle Gustavo kind of deserved it," Mel said. Sammi nodded in agreement.
"Let's see it again!" Jazz went backward on the clip only to jerk out of the way when Mickey's arm extended past her face, her cell phone in hand. "What the-?" her cry was cut short at the snort she emitted when spotting the deep disapproving frown on Mickey's face. "Oh, this'll be good."
With a sigh and half smile, Mel took thr phone out of Mickey's hand and held it up to her ear. Jazz leaned closer to listen, the buzz on the other end trilling three times until it was picked up.
"Hey Mel," Aunt Kelly greeted her warmly. "Hey girls. What's up?"
"Mickey's mad at you," Mel singsonged.
"How? What did I do?"
"We saw the auditions. Mickey's mad you didn't pick-"
"The hot guy," Jazz cut in.
"The hot guy," Mel repeated, "812."
"That was Gustavo, not me. You know I don't have much of a say."
"Then how do you call yourself a talent scout?"
They didn't need to see her face to know she rolled her eyes. "Look, Gustavo's looking for a certain thing and he didn't have it. So Mickey can be mad at him."
"She is. You should see her face."
"Send it to me. I'll show him."
Snickering, Mel took out her phone to snap a pic of Mickey's still present frown, now with her arms crossed, and quickly sent it over. "For what it's worth, if he went this far and still didn't find someone, that guy may be his best shot."
"Try telling him that."
"We will! We can spam him!"
"I said spam him. We won't do anything else. This time. We got grounded hard for signing him up for that toupee of the month thing."
"You. You got grounded," Sammi, Mel, and Mickey said in unison.
"Anyway, he seems to have his mind set. I'll try talking to him. He might not want him after being escourted out by security."
"Or, maybe that's the fire he's looking for!" Jazz said. "Just think about it! He'd have a built-in bad boy type!"
"We'll see. I talk to you girls later. I think he's about to yell at the bellhop. I love you. And stay out of trouble."
"We always do," they chorused before saying goodbye and hanging up.
Jazz drummed her fingers on her laptop, a slow smile pushing onto her face.
"Oh no," Sammi groaned at the sight of it.
Mel sighed. "You gonna order something?"
Jazz nodded.
"You gonna send it to Uncle Gustavo?"
Jazz nodded again.
"Are you gonna send a mime to glare at him?"
"Nah," Jazz said, shaking her head. "I could send Mickey to do that for free." She laughed, leaning out of the way of Mickey's attempts to hit her with a pillow.
"Well whatever it is, I'm not going down for it this time," Mel declared. "...Let's go to the library and use their computers. At least that way the IP can't get directly traced back to us."
"Good idea!"
All at once, the girls lept off the couch and raced each other for the front door.
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sanctified-sanctuary · 6 months
Muse Preferences
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( Jekyll )
favorite fruit(s) : pomegranates favorite activity(ies) : people watching on Earth, pack hunting, teasing Adora, underground nightlife favorite flower(s) : spider lilies favorite season(s) : fall favorite insect(s) : N/A, he never saw many in hell and has little interest in those of the mortal planes favorite animal(s) : redbelly snakes favorite gem(s) : dragon garnet favorite time of day : twilight
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( Adora )
favorite fruit(s) : nectarines favorite activity(ies) : going to underground raves, teasing Jekyll, club dancing, sleeping in the sun favorite flower(s) : calla lilies favorite season(s) : spring favorite insect(s) : pink saturn moth, moon moths in general favorite animal(s) : hounds favorite gem(s) : moonstone favorite time of day : twilight
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( Hunter )
favorite fruit(s) : pomegranates, tart apples favorite activity(ies) : reading, practicing witchcraft, detailing their grimoire, writing lyrics favorite flower(s) : lavender, foxglove, deadly nightshade favorite season(s) : winter favorite insect(s) : bit of an entomophobe, but orchid mantis if they had to choose favorite animal(s) : rabbits and hares favorite gem(s) : lavender jade favorite time of day : dawn
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( Zeke )
favorite fruit(s) : figs, persimmons, they're as close to what he ate in his home plane as he can get now favorite activity(ies) : writing music and performing, clubbing with Adora, resting with Hunter, hunting with Jekyll favorite flower(s) : white roses, bleeding-hearts favorite season(s) : summer favorite insect(s) : white angel moth favorite animal(s) : cats favorite gem(s) : sunstone favorite time of day : late morning
Tagged by ⋆♱⋅⟡⋅♱⋆ @hopeharmed ⋆♱⋅⟡⋅♱⋆ {absolutely ages ago ily tho)
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larrythefloridaman · 2 years
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captains! with a little bonus Casual:
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#updated design for val. ive drawn him before but am no longer satisfied with it#and listen i know its sacrilege to not give valentine the heart shaped tiddy window. and trust me i am allured by it.#but if i could get pretentious about character design for a sec i dont think its all that in character for him if im honest#smthn that always stuck with me wrt val and quad is ryan saying 'val is like a rollercoaster. quad is like skydiving.'#val is a dedicated and professional showman. all about the buildup and mystique amid the exciting ups and downs#so i simply think he'd leave a little more to the imagination. hence a formfitting but not exposing costume#and a nice comfy turtleneck in his downtime <3#i think about val a good bit and i like him a lot but i feel like sometimes people have a very different read of him vibes-wise than i do#val is a showman through and through but i think he's kind of awkward outside the routine and distant spectacle of it.#when people catch him off guard in intros it shows and just listen to him stammer his way through that serious talk with heartbreak#he's percieved publically as The Perfect Man to some extent- order says so#and between barry and kakyoin i dont think thats a matter of her personal taste.#and he does want a significant other but when you're thought of as the perfect man only people with obnoxious egos think they deserve you#and to circle back to the conversation with heartbreak.#theres sometimes a compulsion to compare val and crimson to quad and order for Red Trauma reasons but#i think its interesting that one of the only times Val's ever talked about his experience with crimson he compared him to cupid.#especially since. like cupid. Crimson expressed similar obliviousness to what he'd done wrong in cpuk orange#seemingly genuinely not understanding why Valentine refused to be around him#anyhow. i also think Quad's helmet was attached and didnt come off until J0hn got to fiddle with him#for the Symbolism of revealing the face = him gaining access to all of his feelings he wasnt allowed <3#cpu kerfuffle
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flinttflakes · 1 year
Bianca Valeria Ramirez
Original Character Intro!!
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Newsies!Au • Omni • Genderqueer/Any Pronouns • 22 years old • Aliases: Bia, B, Bumblebee, Butterfly, Junebug, Jitterbug
Bianca Ramirez is a 22 year old Latina/Filipina genderqueer who lives in Brooklyn, New York alongside her siblings and adoptive father. She was born in Brooklyn, New York to a semi-popular Latina Singer named, Isabella Sanchez, and a Filipino guitarist/musician named Mateo Ramirez. He was born fourth in the Quadruplet and is considered the youngest of her siblings. After her parents passed, they were adopted by a general of the name Raymond Osborn, who moved the, to Arlington, Virginia. When her and her siblings were 22, they all moved back to Brooklyn. Bianca is interested in Zoology, specifically Entomology. They work as a chore runner, going to various boroughs to deliver medicine for her brother (Nikolai), clothing for his sister (Maria), and to visiting her brother (Diego) to patch him up after his boxing matches
Old Reference Sheets below the cut!
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th3qurator · 2 years
Welcome to The Qurator Project.
A Journey...
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This is the creation, cultivation and curation of thought, sound, visual and being.
Places to Explore Art •• Music •• Merch •• Musings •• Poetry •• Photography •• Me •• Shitposts External Links Redbubble •• Spotify •• Apple Music •• Audius
Social Pinterest •• Twitter •• Instagram •• YouTube •• Facebook www.thequrator.art Thank you for your time. 🙏🏾
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jandeproductions · 1 year
Bolton Valley, VT 09APR2023
Spring temperatures have arrived, and the snow coverage is still in good shape even down at the Timberline elevations at Bolton With systems like Winter Storm Uriel coming through the area, the weather and ski conditions had generally been staying on the wintry side of the spectrum, with no sustained periods of spring warmth.  Ty and Dylan were up at Bolton Valley on Friday for a session, and the…
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dumpsterdivingpossums · 5 months
I made an M.J for Hobie’s universe
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here some info on them
Their intersex, they like going by they/them pronouns since it’s more comfortable for them but they definitely do not mind others referring them as something else
Their full name is
Milani jeen wiltz, but either go by Mil jeen or M.J
Their grandparents went to start a better life however after  a few decades after their parents went out to live in Britain due to economic reasons and also spread the word of the black panther party. Mil would be 7 around this time (I did the math, since Hobie is either around 20 or 19 and the date he was arrested in was around 1978 in one of the flashbacks to his intro. We can assume that he was born around near the end of the 50s so I made Mil’s date if birth 1959.)
Mil is of Haitian descent and is fluent in creole so half the time they’ll be speaking in creole
As I mentioned their parents are activists due to them being in the Black panther party, Mil did develop this trait from both of their parents and became involved in activism as well, mostly protest art and civil rights. 
(Originally I was going to make them the prowler for Hobie’s dimension but I decided against it but I will put subtle hint here and there to reference that when I make art of them.)
Around the time Hobie became Spider punk is when they met Hobie. A few months after he killed osborn. They had become a big fan of him after the incident and looked up to him a lot, kinda freaking out Hobie due to the fact he barely became Spiderman.
However they started hanging around eacj other more, going on little platonic graffiti dates. He did eventually reveal his Identity to them and they immediately fell in love with him. And 4 years after they’re still together, and are both still dumbasses 
Fun facts:
 Mil is Polyamorous but like quad dynamics more (ahem *taps on mic* is involved with spider noir and possibly my spider sona as well. Blame Hobie.)
They love making arts and crafts and do love engineering as well. Mostly helping Hobie with his new invention ideas. 
They own a daisy rock heartbreaker guitar in hot red, since the brand came out in 2000 logically this wouldn’t be possible without Hobie’s dimension hopping watch, so due to this Hobie went into one of the peter parker dimensions to get this for them for an anniversary present.
They do not live with Hobie however do live near the docks to be closer to Hobie’s house boat.
They love different genres of musical c and fashion mostly being punk,goth and earthy/bohemian music. 
Main colors of emotions are mostly pink, grey, yellow and purple. Most of these are due to the one around them. Pink and Purple are mainly because of Hobie or Spider noir Peter parker.
Love roller skating around places and even put in wheels in their mary janes
That’s all for now, I’m still deciding some of their personality traits but yeah.
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Also baby them.
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jealousmartini · 4 months
JJK drself intro ig
I know I've posted her before but the last time I did on here she didn't get as much love as I wanted her to so here we go again🧍🏿‍♀️
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Year 2006, Season 1 Satsuma [no surname lol]
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Curse technique: Electro shock
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She usually manifests the curse by rubbing her hands together quickly to create electro static friction inbetween her hands and through out her body (Like how the doctors use those electric pad thingys to bring back someones pulse).
She can summon lightning strikes, but it's not always controllable. The lightning strikes can stun/tazer/electrocute anyone around her in a 15-foot radius (Electrocution is the worst effect you can get, being stund is the least harmful effect). She can manipulate the strikes through her body to her hands like a finger gun, striking any one target directly. She can also use this in terms of speed too.
Unfortunately, there is a dead giveaway when she's about to use her curse. The people around her will tend to get strong goosebumps, and their hair will start to stand up like lightning is about to strike. If she is interrupted while trying to use her curse, the energy will just be stored in her body. And if she uses too much, she will get hiccups and twitches.
Idk which hand sign I wanna do more. Either the winx club✌🏾✌🏾 or that magnetic thing🤘🏾🤘🏾by ILLIT
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Anyways, relationships.
[ Gojo, Geto, Shoko and Satsuma ] SatsOjoKoTo
The silliest quad ever. Shoko kinda adopted Satsuma into the group when they immediately hit it off, and Shoko was sick and tired trapped in the middle of Gojo and Geto's frequent bickering like an elderly couple. And needed another girl in the group.
It took Geto sometime to warm up to Satsu, but eventually started to like her when she was able to show off her curse. Meanwhile, Gojo found no trouble annoying her whenever he could. They both think her curse is quite cool, but they both think they're better than her, of course
[ Nanami and Satsuma ] SatsuNami
I'll update this sometime soon idk come back to see something here
[ Yuki, Choso and Satsuma ] YuChoSuma
If Satsuma was a canon character and placed into a trio by Gege or the JJK fan base like Gojo Geto and Shoko but only based off a specific scene in an episode, she would definitely be in a trio with Yuki and Choso when Yuki once said how she likes "Muddy men" referencing Choso, and then asked her "what kind of men do you like? Or women!" and Satsuma replied she can't ever make her mind up anyway. Muddy men are kind of cute, I guess, and pretty women make her nervous.
[ Sakuna and Satsuma ] SatsuKuna
I'll put something here later icba rn 🫠
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maggotsalterhumanden · 2 months
Main: @the-silliest-of-maggots
Alterhuman blog :3
it/they :3>
-Uzi fictionkin
-Sea wolf therian
-Cat otherhearted
-Dragon otherkin :3
I do quads! but am currently unable too, due to an injury
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pinkcrocss · 7 months
Limoreau #1: Sharing is Caring
A/n: This isn't really one of the two long-form fics I mentioned that I was working on, I just had an idea and wanted to write to out. Please be gentle, I really have like no writing experience. I'm literally just trying it out.
It's the end of the semester AKA the busiest time for Professor Brink's only TA, Jordan Li.
Jordan's closest friends are worried because no one can ever pull them away from work when they get like this.
Well... maybe not "no one"
1,200 words
“- so, of course professor Ravi would assign me an entire 10 page paper just cuz I missed a couple dumbass participation points. It’s not like you need to attend every lecture to pass the class… GOD! That guy’s the worst! I mean, you had him last year Jordan, he sucked, right?”
“Mmh.” A short grunt was the only response Andre received as Jordan continued typing rapidly on their laptop.
It was nearing the end of the semester, and as Brink’s TA, Jordan was as swamped as they could possibly be. Grading finals, marking late submissions, final papers, etc. Why Brink decided to take on 4 different courses this year, they couldn’t figure out. Maybe because he knew he could offload all his work to Jordan, a niggling, bitter voice seemed to whisper in their ear, before they shook their head and got back to work.
The other inhabitants of the picnic table watched them with varied looks of exasperation and bemusement. Usually at this point in the semester, Andre, Cate and Luke were lucky if they could catch a glimpse of the shifter outside of their dorm or Brink’s office, much less have an actual sit down conversation.
The trio had been lucky enough to catch Jordan unawares as they had been crossing the quad on their way through campus. They had quickly joined the unsuspecting supe at their table, hoping to entice them to spend a little time socializing, to no effect it seemed. 
“Dude! Are you even listening?” Andre carried on with an air of frustration.
“Mhmm.” Once again came the lackluster response, as Jordan still wouldn’t look up from the screen.
Andre glanced at the other two occupants of the table for help, as Luke decided to toss his hat in the ring.
“Say Jordan, I was thinking, how about you and I take some time to spar today. Feels like I haven’t had an actual challenge for some time now.”
Jordan, ever the competitive overachiever, usually jumped at any chance to prove themself, especially against Godolkin’s own #1 ranked student. Luke had been sure to throw in some subtle ego stroking at the end too. He was sure it would be a guaranteed hit, until..
“Sorry, dude. Really busy. Maybe another time.” Once again, Jordan never glanced up from the screen even once.
Incredulous, he and Andre exchanged a look before turning to Cate who just rolled her eyes.
“Don’t bother guys. You know how they get around this time. I don’t think even a meteor could get their attention now.” She giggled.
As she continued to glance across the quad, Cate’s eyes suddenly widened as if she’d caught sight of a miracle. 
“Oh! Hey Marie!”
Immediately, Jordan’s head snapped up almost unconsciously. They watched as the infamous freshman made her way towards their table. 
Marie looked pretty as always, with her locs flowing freely down her back, her big doe eyes and her signature red lip. However, as she got closer, Jordan noted that she wore a tired smile and her eyes almost seemed to squint away from the sunlight.
Jordan had spent a lot of time observing Marie as of late. Initially rejecting her from Brink’s intro to crimefighting, the ever tenacious freshman was able to make a name for herself after seriously saving Andre’s ass during a stupid incident at a seven tower party that she had attended with their group.
She had finally been able to convince Brink to let her take the course, and after a few weeks of frosty silence, had actually started to warm up to Jordan once they had mustered the courage to offer a proper apology. Now one of the most diligent students in the class, they often spent hours together working side by side during Jordan’s office hours.
Jordan had grown to really enjoy her company, as well as a massive amount of respect for her work ethic. If their heart seemed to beat a little bit faster, when she would lean into their space to ask a question, or when she would hit them with one of her big, blinding smiles every time they praised her work, well that’s something they could investigate whenever they got to it.
Marie having finally reached the table, Cate was the first to call out.
“Marie, are you okay? You look totally out of it!”
“Ha.” Marie gave an awkward laugh, as she waved away the concern. “No biggie, just this headache’s been bothering me all morning.”
Andre opened his mouth, as if to offer some commiseration. But before he could speak, another voice cut in swiftly.
“Did you get enough sleep last night?”
Turning to Jordan, Marie offered an answer just as swiftly. “Yeah. No less than usual. I’m not sure if that’s the issue.”
Looking pensive, Jordan glanced down for a second before looking back up at Marie. “When’s the last time you drank any water?”
“I-” Marie paused to think about it before staring at the ground sheepishly. “Probably yesterday afternoon.”
“There it is! I told you, you never drink enough water! Didn’t I say it would come back to bite you?” Jordan now had a smug look on their face. Looking livelier than they had all day. 
“Whatever, Jordan. I’m glad my pain is amusing to you.” Marie said, rolling her eyes fondly.
The other forgotten inhabitants of the table watched the exchange with slight surprise and bemusement.
“Here you go.” Jordan said, pulling a plastic water bottle out of their bag. They handed it to Marie, who received it nervously.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to take your only bottle.”
“It’s fine Marie.” Was the glib reply. “Unlike you, I actually remember to keep myself hydrated. And I have more in the office.” Jordan continued to rummage through their bag.
“And here.” They handed her a protein bar. “If you went this long without water, I’m assuming you skipped breakfast too.”
Marie received the snack gratefully. 
“Thanks Jordan!” She mumbled, almost nervously. “You’re actually the best.”
She bent down to give Jordan a brief hug, which was unexpected going by the surprise on Jordan’s face, before waving goodbye to the rest of the table and heading off.
Desperately trying to tamp down the blush on their face, Jordan slowly zipped up their bag and slid it underneath the table. Looking up, they were shocked to see the amused faces of their three friends, looking like they were barely holding in a laugh.
“...what?” They asked hesitantly
“Nothing.” Cate replied, obvious laughter in her voice. “Just making some observations.”
“Whatever.” Jordan replied, looking back at the words on their laptop screen. For some reason, they were no longer as inclined to lose themselves in the flow of grading and reviewing essays. Thoughts of Marie, the warmth of her body when she’d embraced them, the vanilla scent of her skin, swirled around in their head.
“What the fuck?! They're still smiling!” They could hear Andre poorly attempting to whisper across the table. And with some measure of satisfaction, Jordan realized that they were.
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jakelandryshorts · 1 year
The Wrestler
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(AI art created by Jammer Link)
“Mr-Mr Stafford? I don’t think wrestling is right for me…” Ned stammered as he walked into the wrestling room. The strong smell of musk filled his nose and he found it hard to breathe.
“It’s coach,” Coach Stafford snapped.
“Of course! Sorry! Coach!” Ned quickly corrected himself. He didn’t understand this sports stuff too well. He was just in the library studying for his Intro to Biology 1100. College was so new for him, that he didn’t fully understand what was expected of him but he figured he had to try to say yes a little more than he had when he was in high school. That’s why when Coach Stafford came over and asked him to join the wrestling team, he spoke without thinking. “But I’ve never wrestled before…”
“That’s alright,” Coach Stafford said. “Everyone has to start somewhere. And as long as you listen to me, you’ll do fine.” His brow raised as he looked down at Ned. It was the tone drop that made Ned really shake. “You are going to listen to me, right?”
“Of-Of course! I’ll do whatever you say coach!” Ned said dutifully. As he agreed he couldn’t help but feel as though there was something different about him all of a sudden. He brushed it off.
Coach Stafford’s grim mood quickly changed. “Good. Go put these on.” He handed Ned a pair of tight wrestling shorts.
Ned did as he was told. Any resistance he would have met with, instantly turned into reasons why he should listen. He couldn’t exactly wrestle in his normal clothes. Besides what if they got all sweaty or gross?
“Good,” Coach Stafford said. “And you’re okay with me making you big and strong?”
“Y-yeah,” Ned nodded. He wouldn’t have minded gaining a bit of muscle on his weak frame.
“And you’re okay with me telling you what to do?”
“You are my coach,” Ned answered.
Coach’s smile broadened. “Perfect. That’s exactly what I wanted to hear.”
Ned’s eyes narrowed in confusion. Something about Coach Stafford felt off. It was almost like he looked semitransparent. “Co—” Ned was about to say before a glowing ethereal mist that was heading directly for his open mouth. It entered inside of him.
“Sorry bud. This’ll be a bit uncomfortable,” Coach Stafford said as more of his body grew more transparent.
Ned struggled to say something. Anything at all. Only gagged muffled sounds escaped from his mouth. He tried to grab at the string of mist entering inside of him, but its incorporeal form was impossible to grab onto. His fingers slipped through the glowing green mist. He can feel it going down his throat and clinging to his gullet. A small bulge of a tummy pushes out from his thin body.
“C-coach?” Ned asked the now empty room. His mind was reeling from what just happened. Even stranger was the full feeling in his tummy. He rubbed it gently trying to calm it down. “Coach Staff—” A deep grunt forced its way out of his chest. Ned’s body buckled. Whatever was inside him was starting to move. It was stretching out his insides.
A series of moans and groans filled the room as he rolled around on the wrestling matt. It was the craziest feeling. Every part of his body was pulsing. Ned could almost see his muscles growing. What had been completely weak and undefined was rapidly refining itself. Muscles molded and sculpted itself onto his frame at an alarming rate.
He could see his biceps forming and rounding out. Thick forearms with a dense lattice of veins led to massive hands. His neck widened. The moans and groans only grew deeper. Each time resonating more off the concrete walls.
Ned could feel his bones growing longer. He was getting taller. His shoulders were wider while his waist stayed perfectly trimmed. His silhouette actually looked somewhat intimidating. “F-FUCK!” He cried out as his back arched. The growth of his quads happened to press hard against his dick that was currently raging in his wrestling pants.
His massive hands gently massaged and moved it out of the way. Slowly Ned came back down from his painful state. He rolled around a bit before standing up and looking at his reflection. The one looking back wasn’t what he remembered. The feminine face he had had, had squared itself off into a masculine jaw. His brow had pushed forward a bit and his eyes were almost dark and mysterious. He reached up and ran his hand across the tiny bit of peach fuzz rounding his mouth.
“What the—”
“And I was saying…” Three guys walked into the wrestling arena. They stopped and looked over at Ned. “Oh? Is the fresh meat already here?” The other two laughed. “Let’s get a few things straight. I’m not some pansy ass bitch like Luke was. You’ll listen to me because I’m seniority here. Got it?”
Ned felt his eyes roll. “Maybe if you could actually win a match when we needed it, I’d consider it.” Ned said. But Ned didn’t say it. He could see his mouth moving in the mirror and feel the words vibrating in his throat. And even though it sounded like Ned with a slightly deeper more commanding tone.
The guy looked stunned. Then pissed. “Really bitch?” he stomped forward. “You think just cause you’re new here I’m going to take it easy on you? What’s your name bitch?”
“Ned,” Ned replied. He was screaming in his head, but it came out with a calm and cool confidence. “Why don’t you prove that you’re worth listening to?”
Anger turned into rage. “FINE! One round. Loser has to do whatever the winner says! And don’t think those showy muscles you got are going to do much of anything. You need real talent to do anything against me.”
“Talent?” Ned scoffed.
‘WHAT THE FUCK!?’ Ned was screaming inside his head as his body readied itself to wrestle this other guy. He didn’t understand what was going on or why his body was doing this.
‘Calm down,’ he heard Coach Stafford’s voice in his head. ‘You’re distracting me… It’s annoying. Just calm down and go along with it. I don’t need you fuckin’ this up. Got it?’
Ned went quiet. He didn’t understand it, but if Coach Stafford was still around, that meant at least, in some sort of nebulous way, something made sense.
It was Ned’s body that set itself up in front of the other wrestler. Even though he’d never done anything in his life like this, his body took on perfect form. One of the other guys watching counted down. On one, the other wrestler charged.
“Asshole…” Ned grunted.
The wrestler just smirked. He had grabbed a hold of Ned’s body. But Ned’s leg had made its way behind the wrestler’s body. It swept the wrestler’s leg out and the two fell to the ground Ned quickly recovered and went for the pin. The wrestler struggled as much as he could, but the sheer strength in Ned’s body made that completely useless.
The two lackies reluctantly began to count. They waited as long as they possibly could, but Ned was declared the victor.
“Fucker,” the wrestler growled. “Two out of three.”
“God damn you’re a little bitch. Do you really think that another round is going to turn out differently? Or is it that you just loved feeling my body on top of yours?” Ned smirked. He raised a bicep and flexed it showing off. “I mean I wouldn’t mind getting on top of you again.” The strain in the singlet only grew as more blood pumped into his dick. It looked like a full blackjack club was running down his left leg.
The wrestler flexed. His anger was still raging. “Whatever asshole.”
“Oh! One more thing,” Ned said. “Kiss it.”
“WHAT?!” the wrestler roared.
“Kiss it,” Ned positioned his massive dick forward. “You said I could make you do whatever I wanted. Right? Or are you that much of a loser bitch that you can’t even keep up on that? Or maybe it’s not enough… Do you want to suck me off? Or feel it deep inside your asshole?”
The devilish smirk on Ned’s face only pissed the wrestler off even more. But that was the deal. He dropped to his knees and gave Ned’s massive slong a kiss. “Fuck you…” the wrestler cursed as he went to leave again.
‘Phew…’ Coach Stafford’s voice rang inside of Ned’s head. ‘What an asshole. Am I right?’
‘But what just happened?’ Ned question.
‘Hmm? Oh. I just took over your body. Sorry about that. It’s just Luke graduated and was going to start his new job that I needed someone new to take his place. Hope you don’t mind. After a little while when you start learning how to wrestle, I’ll let the training wheels off. Alright?’
Ned felt as though he had control over his body again. The amount of power that he could feel in his arms felt unbelievable. Even just standing there he felt like he could lift the world. He flexed and watched as different muscles on his body bulged and shifted. ‘Yeah… I don’t mind…’ he smiled.
(more stories over on my wordpress)
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p4ws-n-cl4ws · 5 months
intro post!!
Hello! This is @random-artistic-idiot's alterhumanity account! Please be respectful and any hate will be deleted! <3
PFP ART CREDITS TO @sillygirlygal
Here I will post about quads, gear, shifts, and alterhuman related stuff in general!
im a vacillant therian and fictionkin !!! :3
My theriotypes, in order of discovery, are:
1. Standard Red Fox (Wild)
2. Dilute Calico Cat (Indoors + Outdoors pet, lost)
3. Common Bottlenose Dolphin (Wild, Captured) (Possibly a shark)
4. Swainson Thrush (Wild)
5. Brown Australian Shepherd (Pet)
My fictotype is Microphone from II!! ^^
Anyways, enjoy!!
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otter-th3rian · 4 months
Profile intro!
hello hello!
This is a therian/otherkin based blog where I can just post a bunch of silly stuff whenever I want to!!
~about me~
i am a polytherian and otherkin!
My name is Wilbur
He/they ONLY!
Im around 13-16 years old
Im transmasc, questioning attraction, demiromantic and asexual
My theriotypes are north american river otter, border collie and brown tabby cat
My kintype is night fury
I do quads/wear gear!!
I awoke as a otter therian about a year and a half ago, brown tabby in november 2023 and border collie in april 2024
I am an artist/writer, I post my artistic stuff on @furnzz and Fennelfang on deviantart. my writing is on FernZZ_X3 on wattpad (how does ao3 work)
This blog will mostly be centric to my theriotypes/kintypes, but feel free to leave asks for theriotype art requests or just some silly animal pictures!! I love silly things!
If you share one of my theriotypes pls lmk!! I find them super cool and we can be moots if u want!! (tho I will be moots w whoever wants :3)
-pedos, zoos, and anything similar
-people who don't accept therians/otherkin (you can not understand/not know what it is, but don't be disrespectful or hateful)
-homophobes, transphobes, racists, trump supporters, anti-alterhumans, anything like that
~end list~
some silly pictures of my theriotypes!!
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animasola86 · 10 months
(last updated: Apr 03, 2024) // work in progress!
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Dissecting the Intro:
Part 1: London, 1890
Part 2: Victor Rookwood
Part 3: Hogwarts Carriage
Part 4: Dragon Attack
Part 5: Falling
Part 6: Squirrel + MC Showcase
Halloween Edition:
Hogwarts at Night
Death Day Ballroom
Hogwarts Halloween 1 (Transfiguration courtyard, Central Hall, Greenhouses, Bell Tower entrance, Viaduct bridge, Viaduct courtyard)
Hogwarts Halloween 2 (Wooden bridge, Clock Tower courtyard/entrance)
Hogwarts Halloween 3 (Quad courtyard, Viaduct bridge)
Hogwarts Halloween 4 (Great Hall)
Hogsmeade Halloween
The Great Hall and the Four Houses
Winter Edition:
Hogwarts from above
On top of Ravenclaw Tower
Hogsmeade at Night
En route to Hogwarts: from the station to the lake
En route to Hogwarts: the Boat House
En route to Hogwarts: the Underground Harbour
Christmas Edition:
Signs and Shops of Hogsmeade
A Hogwarts Christmas: Bell Tower
A Hogwarts Christmas: Clock Tower
A Hogwarts Christmas: Great Hall
A Hogwarts Christmas: Central Hall
A Hogwarts Christmas: Transfiguration Courtyard
A Hogwarts Christmas: Grand Staircase
A Hogwarts Christmas: Entrance Hall
A Hogwarts Christmas: Defence Against the Dark Arts Tower
Christmas Common Room: Ravenclaw
Christmas Common Room: Hufflepuff
Christmas Common Room: Slytherin
Christmas Common Room: Gryffindor
Special Places:
The Restricted Section (first floor/ghost floor)
The Restricted Section (hallway to the basement)
The Restricted Section (basement)
The Door to the Undercroft
Underground Harbour
Staircase to the Boathouse: the Gazebo
Greenhouses (Interior)
Greenhouses (Exterior/Winter)
Hidden Herbology Corridor
Bathrooms of Hogwarts
The Prefects' Bathroom
The Room of Requirement (pre-phoenix/Ambience overview)
Common Rooms:
Slytherin common room
Details of the Slytherin common room
Slytherin dormitories (fifth-years, boys)
Ravenclaw common room
Ravenclaw dormitories (fifth-years, girls)
Gryffindor common room
Details of the Gryffindor common room
Gryffindor dormitories: boys
Gryffindor dormitories: girls
Gryffindor dormitories: fifth-years, girls
Hufflepuff common room and dormitory (fifth-years, girls)
Quidditch posters
Potions Classroom
Prof. Sharp's Office
Prof. Sharp's Quarters
Prof. Sharp's Secret Hobby Room
Charms Classroom
Prof. Ronen's Office + Secret Rooftop Cell
Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom
Prof. Hecat's Office
Transfiguration Classroom
Prof. Weasley's Office
Prof. Fig's Classroom (Magical Theory)
Prof. Fig's office
Astronomy Classroom/Astronomy Tower
Divination Classroom
History of Magic Classroom
other Classrooms (Muggle Studies, Arithmancy, Alchemy)
Places/Objects in the Highlands:
Isidora's Chamber in the Overlook Mine
Isidora's Chamber in the Mountain Cavern
Paintings in the Mountain Cavern
The Mountain Cavern
The Hogwarts Express
The Forbidden Forest (entrance/with Garreth)
The Forbidden Forest (by night)
The Three Broomsticks (daytime)
The Three Broomsticks (nighttime)
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NOTICE: If you'd like to see screenshots of any place not on the list yet, don't be shy and tell me!* I'd gladly take even more screenshots! :D
*Please note that it might take me a while to get to certain parts of the game as I am currently focusing on winter/christmas time! Anything before that won't be a problem!
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