#qsmp native language day
carly404error · 7 months
Pt-Br: Feliz dia da linguagem! Você poderia fazer um doodle do seu personagem e ovo favorito? :D
Eng: Happy language day! Could you make a doodle of your favorite character and egg? :D
Amo a etoiles pero no tengo huevo favorito (todos me gustan mucho), a si que le dibuje con ponme :D.
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He de decir q tarde demasiado en hacer esto XD.
(Post de los request)
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carly404talks · 7 months
Wooo hoy es el language day para qsmpblr!!
No se si podré hacer mucho pero me gustaría decir que este comunidad es increíble y me sorprende lo bien recibido que son los nuevos idiomas y nuevos creadores de contenido cada vez que son introducidos, me parece increíble como ccs que conozco de siempre de aquí de España ahora conozcan a gente que llevo viendo ya unos años en la comunidad inglesa, me parece una locura la verdad.
También ha sido una pasada poder conocer y cogerles cariño a otros creadores de contenido que su idioma nativo no es ni inglés ni español (los idiomas que yo hablo), como Cellbit o etoiles o baghera en mi caso.
La comunidad de qsmp es de las mejores en las que estado (tal vez porque no me meto en Twitter ni en discourse xD) y he conseguido hacer amigos de toda la vida gracias a ello (tanto online como irl), y me hace muy feliz si quiera tener la oportunidad de conocer a gente de otros lugares del mundo porque siempre aprendes cosas nuevas (como que en Estados Unidos apenas usan whatsapp).
Muchas gracias a mis mutuals en qsmpblr, a la comunidad y a quackity por hacer de esto una experiencia asombrosa.
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pommunist · 7 months
qsmpblr language day makes me realise how crazy it is that tumblr doesn’t have a built in translation tool in 2024 btw
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plutoisaghoul · 1 year
sometimes I wish that the non native english speaking cc's would just say fuck it and heavily rely on the translator like let them express how they feel in their most natural form without having/feel like they have to accommodate english speakers the Translator is a beautiful thing that I wish they utilized a lot more (because that's also how they can further improve it)
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thesmpisonfire · 7 months
It will be in March 3rd‼️‼️
Since this weekend there's still the strike so not everyone will be online, so moving it to next weekend!
What is "QSMP Language Day"?
It will be a day here on qsmpblr that everyone will speak their native languages and, those who speak english by default, try and speak other languages they're learning and get some help as well!
The goal is to make everyone feel more comfortable speaking their mother tongue here on our hellsite and even find other peers that speak the same language as we do and we never knew about!
If it all goes right and we enjoy it, we could have it happen more often, even weekly if so, to also make qsmpblr a little bit less english-centric and maybe even rope some non-english speakers in here
The translator use is not only recommended but also actively cheered upon!! You can use Apple's in-built translator, you can use Ok Google's in-built translator, you can go copy text it in translator, or download a browser extension if you use desktop!! Everything is allowed for your better understanding
So everyone!! Prepare! Spread the word! Cram some duolingo lessons more!!
Let's all be ready for March 3rd!!!
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missycolorful · 6 months
i hope any non-english speakers on qsmpblr know that they are welcome here, and that they are not obligated to speak english to be part of this community. anyone who tells you otherwise can go fuck themselves. no one should feel scared or ashamed in speaking their native language. the qsmp is about breaking language barriers, forming bonds with people that we might not have communicated with before, and despite everything going on right now, that has not changed. we had a language day last month, where everyone wrote posts in their first language, and it was fantastic and maybe we can have another day like this in the future, but we should also encourage more people so they can feel comfortable doing this every day.
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imhidingonceagain · 1 year
Can we talk about the amazing representation inside the QSMP?
These days I've seen a few people (haters for sure) saying that the QSMP has few to none diversity and that makes me mad so let me list the diversity of this two month old server:
Inside of lore
We have diversity in family dynamics:
-Homoparental families
-"Nuclear" families
- A Platonic partner family (I don't know what's the proper word to describe Jaiden, Roier and Bobby's situation pls tell me if you know/ EDIT: I've been informed the proper term would be "Queer platonic relationship").
- Single parents
We have LBTQ+ representation:
-Gay characters
-Bisexual characters
Vegetta, Rubius
-Aroace characters
Jaiden, Maximus (he's actually acespec)
-Lesbian characters
Baghera (EDIT: Idk about her anymore, sorry)
-Trans characters -including gender fluid and non binary
Juanaflippa, Tilín, Leonarda, Maximus, Trump
-Characters with disabilities
Richarlyson (the Brazilians noticed he has a shorter leg and that's why fanartists draw him with a prosthetic leg + we have collectively decided he's black).
-MLM characters -I'm making it a separate cathegory just because the characters haven't specified a label. But if you know their label lmk so I can edit it-
We also have neurodivergent representation:
Wilbur and Dapper (Both autistic)
Outside of lore (Real life)
From the moment Quackity included Latin Americans that already made the server diverse since us Latinos are one of the most diverse demographic groups in the world.
But still, let me elaborate:
Diversity of nationalities/ ethnic backgrounds
Mexican, English, Argentinian, American, Spanish, Norwegian (Rubius is half Spanish half Norwegian), Cuban (Maximus is half Spanish half Cuban), German and Japanese (Jaiden), Brazilian, Swiss and French (Baghera), Algeria and Turkish (Ètoiles) (for now).
We have people of color (some of them are clearly mestizos, meaning they have both native and white genes)
Quackity, Jaiden, Missa, Mariana, Roier, Forever, Maximus, Felps, Pac, Mike, Ètoiles, Spreen (please lmk if I'm missing someone I don't want to erase anyone especially because I'm talking about the actual CC)
We have diversity of languages:
Spanish, French, Portuguese and English (for now).
Now... The point that I've seen people the most confused about:
Jaiden (Aroace)
Rubius (Bisexual)
Vegetta (Bisexual)
Mike (Bisexual)
Tilín and Leonarda's admins (Non binary and gender fluid respectively)
Plus, the content creators that for now are classified as "Unlabeled" (Roier and Mariana)
There might be more that aren't out yet. Please stop assuming everyone's straight.
So yeah... The QSMP DOES have diversity.
(My only criticism is that we definitely need more female Content creators but hopefully we'll have them in the future. I'm looking at you Quackity, don't disappoint me. If I'm missing something let me know so I can edit it).
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snoopyliker · 4 months
Here’s a translation of what Bagi said at the end of her stream.
Bagi: I really wanted to say that QSMP was an opportunity I’ve never had before in my life. Because I impeded myself from taking those opportunities, in the sense of communicating with other creators from countries. When I was a kid I learned and practiced a little bit of English but I never practiced after leaving school because I never had the opportunity and I ended up accepting that I’d never go back to speaking in English because I didn’t practice and if I needed to do it then I’d be shit because I wouldn’t be able to communicate. So when Cellbit spoke to me saying, “Look we really want you to participate in QSMP with us.” I said, “Dude, my communication with people from other countries is going to be very difficult.” And there he said, “You don’t need to worry the translator works really well.” And honestly the translator worked really well because it allowed me to not just communicate with people from various countries, in my own native language, but also allowed me to learn words & terms in other languages.
And I think that I learned a lot culturally speaking because various people from various countries could share their cultures. Which to me is something that is more valuable than anything else. We consume a lot from our own culture and what we see on TV but actually co existing with people from different cultures every day for various hours a day was very cool for learning many new things. I think that QSMP was an experience that wasn’t just very fun but for me, as a player, was an experience that changed my life. Because now I have friends from various parts of the world, I have various people who I met personally who I love, and various more that I still want to meet and be able to do many things together. We lived many cool moments and even if they were characters we were playing, as if they were small scripts we were playing, even then we still lived emotions that were very real. We lived through suffering together, happiness together, and much more. We shared many cool emotions together and so that created a great relationship between the content creators.
From getting along and starting to directly interact on the server to, for instance, people accompanying me late nights while I dug a whole, that refers to the players as much as it does to the administrators as well who’d stay up late digging the hole and updating twitter, doing many things with me. When I only wanted to log on the server, do Lucky Ducks, dig my whole, there was always people to participate and do things with me. And so it was always a lot of fun and it was always people from various places. (…) Because I already knew Cellbit and Felps for a long time but getting close to Pac and Mike was very crazy and it was very fun. The entire experience was very fun. And that’s it.
I think what I’m most grateful for about the QSMP was all the people that connected us. All the people who participated and permitted us to create genuine connections during the game. Because it’s only a game but at the same time everyone who is participating are real people with real feelings who share real things, you know? So it was very cool. I met many fun people who were very cool to spend all this time with. Not just the creators but the team. Everyone. So it was very cool. Very cool.
And I think that the most important thing of all is that you live through experiences in your life with various people and experiences come and go but the mark you leave on people and the mark they leave on your life is permanent. And so experiences come and go, people come and go, but the mark people leave is permanent. The mark that all these creators, all the team, all the actors of QSMP as well, of the eggs, of the characters, left a permanent mark on me that I’ll never forget because it was very cool. I hope still to find the creators, live many fun things with them still, and that’s it. I think I’ve participated in many cool things, I’ve done many cool things in my career and QSMP definitely was one of them. I have many good memories created with the server and people who participated with me. It was very very very fun.
(Bagi also said she wants to have a chat with Elena one day to discuss what she said about the Rebels with Walter Bob there as well)
if i made any typos no i didnt goodbye.
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rhiaarrow · 7 months
Honestly I think Bad and the Late Night Trio is my favorite dynamic that's come out of the QSMP.
And I'm not just talking about qBad, Dapper, Pomme and Richas I'm also talking about ccBad, Dappmin, Pommin and Ricardão.
It's just the little things they do, because they're just so used to each other by now and the adms have become such good friends because of the amount of time they spend together on and off the server.
There's just so many examples that stick in my head because they're just so sweet when you realize that none of this people knew each other this time last year.
Like the time when Richas just showed up in front of Bad randomly one day after the reset (the day that Dapper set up the magnet mining machine) and just went;
"Dapper told me through the magic of discord to come see the cool stuff you've been doing, what am I here to see tio?"
Or when Bad and Dapper were out investigating and Dapper puts down a sign saying;
"Richas won't stop telepathically asking if he can come visit."
To which Bad just offhandedly replies
"If he can Dragon Magic his way here then sure, but I am not walking all the way home already."
And sure enough, a few minutes later we hear Richas' horn sound out as he appears out of the blue, having finally been given permission by Dappmin to join their exploration
Not to mention the amount of times we've arrived and been told by Bad; "So heres what [Richas or Pomme or Dapper or any combination of those 3] and I did off stream. "
Or "No Richas I'm not leaving I'm just sending the Ghosties off."
Or when Bad was attempting to figure out how to bribe Richas into keeping his armour on in Lucky Ducks by figuring out what he loved the most before going
"If you don't put your armour on I'll take away fofoca time."
And then explained to the chat that 'fofoca time' is what Richas calls it when he and Bad hang out after stream and that got Richas to put his armour on immediately.
Or even today when Bad threatened to end stream in order to make Richas use a heart container.
Not to mention the night Pommin and Ricardão spent with ccBad training him in battleship before that day in Purgatory 2 or the night they spent modifying the egg signs together.
My favorite example of how close they are even outside of their characters will still forever be the night when Bad, Richas and Pomme were collecting ice together to cover the favela ocean and Ricardão and Pommin were very obviously sat in a vc together while the mined.
They spent a while teaching Bad and the other how to pronounce certain sounds in their native languages.
Then Richarlyson asked Bad about a sound he struggled with in English so Bad taught Ricardão how to make the 'th' sound in the English language correctly while Pommin judged the noise they were making because Bad obviously couldn't hear.
Then later Bad asks Pomme where Richas went since he wasn't visible on the map and she just stands there before telling him that she knows the location and taking him to the exact coordinates.
And they do that a couple times until Bad finally decides to sneak up on Richas and scares Ricardão so bad that he stops moving completely in game for a solid minute and Pommin is just keyboard smashing on signs because she's laughing too hard at how loudly they screamed.
And then Ricardão had to go afk for a couple minutes later on because someone had come to check on them since they'd screamed so loud so early in the morning and they had to tell them that they were, in fact, fine.
Sure right now the way they interact with each other definitely slightly breaks Bad's rp of not knowing each other, especially with Richas.
But at the end of the day when they hang out together it's not just qBad and Richarlyson, it's also Ricardão & ccBad who have spent a frankly ridiculous amount of hours playing together in the less than a year they've known each other (not counting the time Ricardão admitted to being a fan of BBH for).
In fact Ricardão confirmed to Foolish today that since the reset they're the player with the second highest playtime, after Bad, but only by a little bit, and I just think that's very fitting.
Long story short, I LOVE the late night trio and Bad's dynamic because they're just such a chaotic mess who are all willing to do anything and everything that one of them wants to do, no matter how ridiculous it sounds.
It's soooooooo hard to believe they've not even known each other for a year yet because they just all click so fucking well that it's insane.
People from 4 different nationalities, 3 of them playing speechless eggs, and they've become so close thanks to this server. I just think it's beautiful :')
(It is also 3am so I may just be rambling nonsense, so if this makes no sense forgive me xD)
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carly404error · 7 months
Holass, sería divertido si pudieras dibujar a Tallulah (en plan huevo) emo xd (con el gorro seta negro). Feliz dia del idioma!!
Por supuesto, toma a emollulah :D. Feliz día del idioma a ti también!!
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(Post de las requests)
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kogratorm · 1 year
QSMP's Candidates Statements (Translated)
From QuackityToo June 19th Stream.
DISCLAIMER: My native language is Brazilian Portuguese, not Spanish nor English. Due to that and the differences in language expression, I made some changes/paraphrases while translating to accommodate the context, but the overall understanding remains 98% loyal to each candidate’s speech.
BBH proposes that he is the only person capable of carrying out the necessary decisions that the president of Quesadilla Island must take. He believes he is the only one who has the courage to make the difficult decisions necessary to keep the island safe and sound for the residents and prevent a dictator from taking power, all while protecting the eggs.
Foolish is excited about the opportunity that the island has provided. He says he wants to enjoy and make the most of the situation because it's not every day that you end up on a crazy island with a diverse population speaking a variety of languages. Some people would prefer to get out of here [Quesadilla] as soon as possible, but he wants to make friends with everyone and enjoy everything the island has to offer.
Etoiles stated that he is charismatic, generous, and that the only negativity he carries is for himself and never for others. Etoiles sets out to explore the island in order to better understand the environment of where they are; he will visit as many dungeons as he needs to get a better understanding of the island.
Baghera stated that she has her head screwed on the right way and wishes only the best for the islanders. She values communication and maintains positive relationships with everyone. Baghera believes she is capable of dealing with any fervor or rash situations that may arise. Quesadilla Island is where she was introduced to motherhood, and as a result, she has a specific goal. The place that gave her family and friends is one she must protect at all costs.
Felps work(ed) as a shipping officer, bus driver, artist, and gardener. What he wants to do is make everyone happy by giving more rights to eggs, noodles, and pasta.
Forever stated that he is one of the most active players on the island, and as such, he will always be there to protect the people's interests. As a professional Minecraft player, he has many ideas for community projects. Forever describes Richarlyson as one of the happiest things that has happened to him, as well as meeting all of the island's inhabitants (despite the fact that the French make a lot of noise at the egg hotel), given how everyone is very friendly and entertaining.
Mike promised to restore order to Quesadilla Island, his favorite aspect of the island being the islanders themselves. He would forbid the use of waystones, which would improve the island's dynamics by forcing players to build paths between their bases, allowing them to finally implement a railroad train system.
Cellbit has had prior work experience as a tribute (HG), murderer, prisoner, and detective. He claimed to be Roier's husband, capable of making eloquent arguments and pose intricate inquiries in various scenarios and circumstances. In summary, he believes he is a good president for the Island's future, both for introducing new creative ideas and new narratives to other content creators, as well as for protecting the eggs. His husband, son, and friends are his most valuable things on the island.
I swear this isn’t bad translated; it is literally what has been said.
Gegg said he's a businessman, going door to door Gegging. He's a Geggwar criminal. He is an influencer of the family lifestyle. Gegg changes the world. What Gegg likes most about Quesadilla Island is the humidity, the damp places and caves. Gegg promises you freedom. Gegg promises the truth. Gegg promises you power. Gegg promises the abolition of all government rules, taxes and any existing laws. The government establishment holds us, so Gegg will release us. Just one geggrule: believe in Gegg, because Gegg believes in you.
El Quackity
His speech is about his character as well as the election scenario (from the perspective of a Content Creator, not a character). I decided to put it all together because it was somewhat scrambled and also because it was an important reminder for the community.
According to ElQuackity, there is a lack of organization and order. He believes that in the ideal scenario, this can be resolved. He believes that his candidacy in this work and position is critical, and that it will be the best possible. One thing to be clear about it: during his campaign, he will do whatever it takes to ensure that the people have a good president. Thus, he reminds and states that this election event isn’t predetermined, scripted, or planned, and there is no pre-written ending. Elections will be decided by the votes of creators, the efforts of creators, and the votes of the community. He warns that if If he decides to kill a candidate or an egg because it suits his political campaign, he will do so. And, if another candidate decides to kill him for their own benefit, it will be done. No one (except the creators) can say anything to encourage another narrative. We, as a community, need to understand that none of the creators will truly hate each other if one decides to attack the other or kill the other for their own campaign benefit. He encourages the community to support their favorite candidate, but if a creator decides to do something bad to another creator within the game at any time, those who send hate towards creators for actions taken by players in game will be rightfully banned and restricted from all QSMP chat streams. It is, after all, a game. It's a block game. The decisions made within the game will be made by the creators themselves. If the creators ever have a disagreement, it will be solved in private DMs. And nothing bad will ever happen because all the QSMP members are adults who understand that this is all for entertainment purposes. The QSMP Elections ARE for entertainment purposes ONLY.
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fireheartwraith · 11 months
I feel like I should explain ENEM, aka why the brazilians have been grieving since the date of the november 4th event was announced
ENEM stands for Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (National High School Exam). It happens once a year since 1998, and, although at first it was just to gage how the education was on a national level, it soon became a gateway to university.
The test takes place on two days (that are now two consecutive sundays), from 13:30 to 19:00, and each day the student has to answer 90 questions. The first day is always human sciences and languages (Portuguese language and literature, foreign language (English or Spanish), history, geography, sociology, and philosophy) plus an essay. Nobody knows what the essay is about until the moment of the exam, so there’s always a lot of speculation. The theme is always about a social issue: last year's, for exemple, was "the challenges for the appreciation/respect of the traditional communities and peoples of Brazil", like the quilombolas and natives. The second day tests the students' knowledge on maths and exact sciences (biology, physics, and chemistry).
ENEM is famously a very "read-y" test. Every question requires a lot of reading comprehension, interpretation, and interdisciplinarity. Maybe the internet has done americans wrong, but the SAT's look so easy in comparison. We always make fun of them by saying Harvard it's not actually hard, it's just expensive.
Which brings me to my next point: college! The grade you get on the ENEM can get you into a university using three different programs
SISU: gets you into a public (and free) university (the best university in the country is public btw, University of São Paulo - USP)
PROUNI: gets you a scholarship in a private university (it can get you a 100% scholarship but you need a VERY good grade)
FIES: student loans
And, obviously, the better your grades, the better your chances. You are graded from 0 to 1000 in every subject and also get a general grade. So if you want to study physics, you don’t need to do great in literature, but you should still try to get a decent grade. The more competitive courses, like medicine (there's no such thing was pre-med), can get down to the decimals, especially in prestigious schools.
ENEM isn't the only test you can do to get into a university, though! Some schools have their own test. USP, for exemple, has the FUVEST, so you can get in through either test, but FUVEST is always paid and you can only do it in, like, three cities in São Paulo, while the ENEM happens countrywide, which is why it's so important. The tests are called "vestibular" and the people taking them are "vestibulando".
Therefore, most 3rd year high school students take the test. It's basically a rule to do it if you want to get into a university, but if you are not on your last year of high school, you have to pay to take it (my case). Some people have to go to another city to take the test, it's a whole thing.
This year, the first day of ENEM is happening on Sunday, November 5th. And QSMP's most important event so far is happening on Saturday night, November 4th. May the Lord have mercy on our souls
You can check out the "atrasados do enem" for some giggles though. It's the "event" that happens because some people always arrive after the gates close at 13:00 and then break down crying in the middle of the street. It got so famous people started hiring actors to pose as vestibulandos just to go viral.
Now you know a bit more about brazilian culture!
Here's a link to download last year's exam if you want: first day | second day
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guckies · 10 months
everytime I see q!bbh trying to claim he’s close to Leo all I remember is when foolish told Leo to pretend to know nothing around others, when he told Leo she needs to protect herself since he won’t be able to, when Leo willingly started to hang around roier and cellbit, to when bad kept saying complex english words around Leo and foolish had to tell him to knock it off and he still didn’t, to when bad tried looking for Leo to take care of her but Leo was already with roier, to bad badmouthing and setting up foolish whenever he could, to
Now bad offering Leo’s room to bagi who leo has never met and who foolish does not fully trust which I think started from bad convincing bagi on her first day (I think) that cellbits castle was foolishs unprompted which sewed seeds of wariness from the get go
Kinda sad that Leo speaking spanish rather than english has made others not look at her as an individual but rather an extension of foolish when she started the hat trends, coloured signs and even item display on the backpack
At this point I’m glad Leo and foolish found people who they could rely on because I’m sick of them constantly being mistreated even when their absent, also just Chayanne Dapper Ramon being treated as not Spanish eggs just cause they’re fluent in english-
((Sorry for the rant, ur post just lit a flame Ive had))
I see I’m influencing the masses now but you’ve pretty much covered everything I feel too. Like Leo is the it girl/egg of the qsmp just no one seems to realise it.
With Bad just offering up Leo’s room, despite the memory loss and other stuff, I genuinely do think that Bad sees Leo as an extension of Foolish than rather being just Leo. Which is so irritating because let the eggs be themselves and not just extension of their parent.
This isn’t to say that Bad doesn’t love Leo but I don’t think he has or will have the same connection with her as he does with the rest of the eggs. Then again I don’t think that Leo will ever trust anyone as much as she does Foolish and her immediate Family.
Also yes I wish the eggs would go back to teaching their parents more Spanish!!! Leolingo is literally one of my favourite things ever and it feels like she’s the only one who does speak spanish now when most of them are bilingual!! Side note - Leo and Roier are the best when it comes to speaking spanish because they will force you to understand, like why should they give up speaking their native language for you and i love them for that!
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thesmpisonfire · 7 months
OKAY GUYS SO about the "day to speak your native language"
I know tumblr has one already, but its way too far in June, and due to all the shit happening recently I personally think it would be nice to have it this month
I don't have anything set in stone for a date, but what about at the end of the month? Maybe the 25th? The last sunday of February? Everyone is usually free on sundays so more people online to participate, plus it gives more 2 weeks for the folks who wanna practice the languages they're learning cram a couple more lessons and prepare themselves for it!
And also! To help a bit, folks who use tumblr desktop could use this extension that @the-king-of-lemons made a post about to be easier to translate! For moblie users tho, we gotta go with switching tabs for translator
And! If everything goes right, we could make it a constant thing, like once per week we do a language day. QSMP is about gathering communities and learning other cultures and languages, and since Tumblr is such an english-speaking space, making these language days more often could make more people feel comfortable speaking their own native languages more often
Anyway, when i set a day fr ill tell yall! Until then, be prepared!
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pommunist · 4 months
Saw this QSMP crit on twt of how Koreans are treated by the management and man, I didn't even know some of those problems existed. Of course Korean streamers often get the short end in terms of times, but also Chunsik might not speak fluent Korean, which isn't the actor's fault at all, but definitely shows a lack of prep on the management side of things. Heres the link:
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op is making a lot of great points in their tweet, and it really sucks that the koreans had to join in such conditions tbh ❤️‍🩹
for chi s’il if i remember correctly (apologies if im wrong bc i haven’t watched qsmp since early larch so i didn’t see a lot of him) his admin wasn’t a native korean speaker the first day and then was replaced with one ? but even if that’s the case they should have had a fluent korean speaker and even ideally a korean actor for him from the start for all the reasons op mentioned
for the timezones i get that it’s gonna be hard to have perfect even hours for everyone since with the koreans arrivals, the ccs are now in a very wide variety of timezones but still ! especially since it was already an issue when the french arrived and even before that spanish ccs and fans had issues with logging on when no one else was on. it could have been solved by adding a bigger batch of ccs from other asian countries/ any countries that are closer timezone wise to korea.
same with letshugo entering it’s kinda weird to me that he was the only german speaker ? ofc qsmp’s goals are to share languages but it still would have been better to have multiple german speakers on
also kinda irrelevant now because of the state of the updates accs but the qsmp twitters don’t link to the qsmpkor acc like they do for the eng/es/fr/pt/global ones so not really helping linking the korean side of the fandom with the rest either
generally yeah the koreans + hugo really joined in bad conditions at the most unfortunate time, once again we’re left grieving what could have been if things had been handled better behind the scenes (obv this is not neg towards the admins, only towards those who make the Big Decisions)
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hey-i-am-trying · 4 months
So, as someone who was watching the stream and watches many of Roiers specifically, but is not Hispanic, first it was clear from when the admin logged on it was someone different than who had been (07) for almost a week. After a bit of the admin playing as a more solitary egg and more standoffish, they told roier to "leave them alone", then roier tried talking with them and explaining how things had been during the week (him trying to explain stuff lore and week events Roier & pepito had)
the admin then said, "You smell like ass too, you son of a bitch. No one asked you"
After Roier let the admin leave to do whatever, after spending at max 30 minutes together, he was clearly uncomfortable being called things, especially by someone he had had no interactions with. He did his own things for a little bit longer.
But afterwards, Aldo, who was watching, spoke about how it wasnt okay specifically. Many tripoiers were thinking Roier would scold chat the next stream, for speaking out against how this admin was acting, but he didnt just. And then later said that they day just wasnt canon anymore. So many believe, he personally reached out to the admin team or Q about it.
From what has been explained to me, by Hispanic friends and other fans, the main issue is that this was obviously said in an insulting manner to Roier, but even if they were trying to "rp" or jokingly say it this admin had 0 relationship with Roier prior to this. Saying these things out of nowhere is never okay and was not okay.
And saying the reason they acted this way was because they were sick and Roier spoke too fast, which aggravated the situation?
And their "apology"? " i never realized that it wasnt in rp that you were uncomfortable "? But they had been online seeing the things said about the situation?
Thank your for explaining! I was no aware it was this bad! It is not anyone else 's place to forgive the admin but Roier, so really I can't say much.
It was definetly rude, and while I will again say we can't make a judgement of a complete person for a moment, in my opinion Roier deserves a better apology.
I can't go inside the admin's mind and say for sure if they meant what they say in rp or not, because I had in the past stumble on social norms like a train rack and I get it not realizing how rude you are sounding in the moment. But again, I would apologize after I realize how I acted.
And about not seeing the posts online, I can't say for sure. I will give an example of a situation I actually saw unfold and why assume that someone saw posts, not metter how "viral" it was or how many they were, is honestly a bad idea.
When Empanada was first introduced, there was a sever moment of hesitation in the brazilian qsmp community, Bagi was one of the most active brazilian players and people liked to go to her stream to just have a portuguse speaking player to listen, but since Bagi has become Em's mom, she barely would speak portuguse and would mostly talk in english with her.
Some brazilians fans expressed very politely why they were feeling bad with this situation, explaining how it made them feel like they were "losing" a portuguese speaker, and in a smp where the principle was having the ccs being able to speak their native languages, it felt like their language was being side line again.
At the same time, they were people not so politely saying what a dumb decision was to give a german egg to a brazilian cc, that they should kill Empanada or fire her admin and hire a brazilian admin for the role.
Bagi's and Em's admin saw the rude posts and not the polite ones. So when they decided to talk about in stream, Bagi was obviously furious about it and was very harsh.
That generated a lot of hate to them and especially to Em because believe that was their answear to the polite posts.
Bagi later read the more polite thread and talked about it in a calmer manner, her and Empanada try to use more of the translator to speak in their respective languages.
I know this feels like a unrealed rant at the end, but I wanted to just give an actually example of how making assumption of what people saw or did not saw is kinda useless and even harmful because we can not actually be sure about it, yes they metion the twitter posts on their letter, but who knows what tweets they actually saw.
Coming back to the situation. They said they are an autistic person, which while not an excuse to be an asshole to someone, can explain losing the grasp social norms, and being unware of what was crossing rp lines, that happens. Not an excuse but an explanation, they are an adult and after understanding they were rude they should have apologize properly.
Life is a bit more complicated than black and white, being an asshole once to somebody doesn't mark them as an asshole for the rest of their lives, I hope the admin can get something out of this situation and learn, hopefully they will reach out to Roier to say sorry.
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