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ravenkult · 4 years ago
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Qhira, Heroes of the Storm by Vadim Bakhlychev https://www.artstation.com/artwork/v2XaZv
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arianevass · 6 years ago
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Qhira, 45-minute sketch
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festive-spiderbot · 5 years ago
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fuckblizzardbearlover · 6 years ago
Now i dont normally toot my own horn but i did a pretty badass play right now.  Now i usually play at the second hardest difficulty AI. I find it means that we eventually get to win and playing well just determines how fast that happens. Even so thats the challenge. is working together through low communication, playing well , and working against the enemy, strategizing. AI arent as creative as humans and  you can take advantage of some of their glitching. However unlike most humans they have 1 ai, instant reflexes and perfect awareness. So in some ways AI can be harder to fight since they like to snowball , they can line up perfect shots. and while a human might not notice you immediately letting you get in a good snipe, AI are aware of you the instant they have vision to you.
I was playing Qhira, Heroes newest hero, a badass black woman warrior that is the games 2nd original hero. she’s an assassin that plays like a brawler. her main mechanic is that her attacks and abilities give a stacking bleed. and her W ability heals her for each hero X the number of bleeds they have. meaning that if she plays carefully she is pretty self sustaining, and if she can attack multiple heroes without taking to much damage she can get a LOT of healing
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So here i am, only one to go after the objective, which is fine. Despite being a melee hero i was hoping to not have low health at the end so i was using my dots and trying to only take 1 plant to the face at a time
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THIS is the moment apparently the whole enemy team decided to leave the front lines and make my life a living hell. Spoiler alert, what happens next meant my team was able to press to the core with no resistance. Which makes me happy
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I got a little help from abathur who was doing a great job of giving me assistance the whole game. You can see on th emap the enemy team is closing in when i’ve almost killed the last plant monster to harvest peacefully
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HOLY SHIT. 4 vs 1. I was saved by the fact during this whole fight at least 1 and sometimes 2 were trying to channel the plant. but normally i’d die in a few seconds.
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See while AI have perfect coordination and perfect timing, if you have the right hero and know how ai works you can use it to your advantage. Them clumping up meant my AOE with the bleed component was able to hit 2 or 3 of them at a time. And i took advantage of Qhira’s E while allows you to spin around the enemy , untouchable. its mostly meant to reposition you and the enemy but since she’s invulnerable its a great escape that lets you damage the enemy(and interrupting their channel) while taking 0 dmg. And since i thought (incorrectly) that my allies were on the way i was just trying to stall.
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Luckily this game i took the lvl 1 talent and higher lvl talent that boosts her auto attack. I saw an opening and tried to kill the weakest members of the team. i didnt care if i killed them i just thought doing so would get them to retreat. Genji has already retreated and malfurion is on my list
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I’ve gotten rid of malfurion and genji. with 1 of them still trying to channel its 1v1, i got this...then Sonya arrives ready to fight.
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but i focused my attacks on those damaged, using Qhira’s mobility and her talent that increases her attack and speed when hitting an enemy below 50%. And Abathur helped a bit to. i think might have saved my life by giving me health and shielding long enough for my heal to come back
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Oh shit, stitches used his ult to CC me and try to take me away from the plant. luckily it doesnt last long and my med range and mobility helped me get back in time. Unbenownst to me my allies are attacking the core
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As you can see on the kill feed i’ve succeeded in killing stitches (a very hard thing to do with his armor, health and healing) and Varian our resident assassin/bruiser
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And as you can see this is the moment i was finally able to breath. “jesus christ” i dont think anyone but abathur noticed what i did.
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I made sure i showed my appreciation. MVP with the tanks and healers on the enemy team it was difficult to get kills and avoid death but i kicked ass and was able to hold off the enemy ai team by myself guaranting an early win
Qhira is def one of the funnest characters in the game
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just realized blizzard created a black woman for heroes of the storm before making one for overwatch
but hey, at least there now IS a black woman in blizzard canon!
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videogamesincolor · 5 years ago
Qhira is a melee Assassin. She’s a Nexusborn hero, which means she doesn’t come from an existing Blizzard property. She’s unique to Heroes of the Storm, and her development was anchored around her signature grappling hook and chainblade. Her abilities required some extra work and tech to work well, but the end result is a hero who rewards patience and has the potential to make big plays.
July 29, 2019 (forgot to post this)
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ilex-manor · 6 years ago
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official-alan-dabiri · 5 years ago
inquisitorhierarch replied to your post “I Make My Own HotS Content: Johanna”
Ironically, Unstoppable Tank with a drawback of Low Mobility is... the EXACT OPPOSITE of 'sader in d3. They should have just admitted all they wanted to make was a Prot Pally XD
This is the problem with a nontrivial number of the non-Warcraft heroes in the game. They made a WoW spec into a hero and then slapped a different game’s paint job on it.
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slizer88 · 6 years ago
Heroes of the Storm- 2019
Heroes of the Storm- 2019
Heroes that should just be deleted from the game because they’re inherently designed to be annoying and ruin the game for other people. That, or just fully redesign them:
Also inherently annoying
Annoyingly moving you around
Stitches (hook and gorge, hook and putrid bile)
Annoying pushing
Sgt. Hammer
Li Ming
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dvalin · 6 years ago
A sworn knight and holder of a singularity shard, Qhira’s only desire is to seek out others who may have escaped the destruction of her doomed home realm, Iresia. 
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concxssive · 6 years ago
Qhira's taunt in heroes of the storm..she's doing a deaddrop asfjsvfbb
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fitzefitcher · 6 years ago
There is next to fuckin nothing in the Qhira tag on this shit hell site and I swear to god I will drive this hype train by my fucking self if I have to
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alittlefallofgay · 6 years ago
Did you see Qhira for heroes!
I did!!! She’s gorgeous and looks like a blast to play 😁 I’m very excited!
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zathong · 2 years ago
Heroes Of The Storm Tier List 2023
Hey, I’m Zathong and is will share about Heroes Of The Storm tier list for 2023 I will help you choose the best heroes in the current meta and ranks every hero in Heroes Of The Storm from the least viable to the best.
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Tier S:
Anduin, Dehaka, Muradin, Brightwing, Valla, Azmodan, Rehgar, Hogger, Ragnaros, Johanna.
Tier A:
Rexxar, Sonya, Xul, Cassia, Chromie, Falstad, Gul’dan, Hanzo, Jaina, Junkrat, Li-Ming, Nazeebo, Abathur, Kharazim, Lúcio, Stukov, Stitches, Anub’arak, D.Va, Gazlowe, Orphea, Sylvanas, Tassadar, Tychus, Zul’jin.
Tier B:
Yrel, Kerrigan, Samuro, Valeera, Zeratul, Fenix, Gall, Greymane, Kael’thas, Lunara, Mephisto, Raynor, Uther, Whitemane, Arthas, Blaze, Cho, Diablo, Garrosh, Mei, Chen, Deathwing, Imperius, Leoric, Malthael, Thrall, Sgt Hammer, Tracer, Zagara, Zarya, Alexstrasza, Auriel, Deckard, Malfurion, Lt. Morales, Tyrande.
Tier C:
Artanis, Alarak, Illidan, Maiev, Genji, Kel’Thuzad, Nova, Probius, Medivh, The Lost Vikings, Ana, E.T.C, Mal’Ganis, Tyrael, Varian, Murky, Qhira, The Butcher.
Source: https://zathong.com/heroes-of-the-storm-tier-list/
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andreunet · 6 years ago
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Hoy el Ebro formaba una bella estampa con el horizonte #igersaragon #igerszgz Disfrutad del Domingo amig@s 😗🙋 #almozara #zaragoza #zgz #nubes #horizonte #skyline #clouds #nuboso #cielo #sky #cloudy #atardecer #sunset #sunsetpics #añodenubes #rio #rioebro #riberasebro #riberaebro #riberasdelebro #riberaebrozaragoza #ebro #ebroriver #ebroriverbanks (en Pabellón Puente) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bttfo-qHiRA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8dila7uocy09
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official-alan-dabiri · 5 years ago
First, and most importantly, Unstoppable effects now prevent and remove blind. This is absolutely the most important change, and deserved to be first on the notes.
Oh, also last hitting minions now automatically collects their experience globe. Minor change. Don’t worry about it.
In order to keep the tank meta fresh, we’re nerfing Johanna and buffing Anub’arak. The specifics don’t matter. All that matters is fuck Johanna, start picking Anub. Don’t ask questions. Just let the meta bend to our whims.
It turns out that deathwing is kind of oppressive to deal with. Even though he is almost useless into his numerous hard counters, failure to draft around him (or to plan for him in Quick Match) means that all enjoyment of the enemy team BURNS BENEATH THE SHADOW OF MY WINGS.
It turns out Thrall has another level 1 talent besides Echo of the Elements and Crash Lightning. We honestly didn’t notice. As such, we saw the opportunity to turn the talent into another Deathwing counter.
Does Twin Blades Varian still exist? Sources say that they haven’t been rendered entirely extinct. As such, making an adjustment to the level 20 Twin Blades upgrade will finish them off. Why would a buff kill off Twin Blades mains? Because it means they aren’t picking Glory To The Alliance, which is an enormous power spike for their team.
We just remembered that Yrel exists. Honestly, can you blame us for forgetting? Like, even the WoW writers forgot about her, and she was supposed to be important. So we have given her some modest buffs, including a level 16 power spike.
Auriel is fine right now, but she only has one heroic option. Aegis is better in every respect. As such, Resurrect is overdue for some minor buffs, because we need more people picking this trap talent to drive her back down in winrate.
Brightwing received the best skin in the game last patch, but only saw a moderate pickrate increase. As such, we put her on the patch notes just so that people would pick her a few times to test the new changes before BEING CONVERTED TO BRIGHTWING MAINS BECAUSE HOLY SHIT DEATHWING BRIGHTWING SKIN IS SO FUUUUCKING CUUUUUUUUTE.
Uther is not a tank. Stop picking Uther as a tank.
Several patches ago, we buffed Valla’s hit points by literally 5%, and she catapulted from unpickable to top tier. This patch, we’re buffing Illidan’s hit points by 5%. Survey says...?
We’ve had a minor Samuro rework in the pipeline for literally a year. That’s why we never touched Merciless Strikes even though it was bugged; we were waiting for the rework to be done. Unfortunately, the EXP globe changes turned him from a niche galaxy brain onetrick goofball hero into a hyper meta nightmare, and so the rework has to come now. YES WE FINISHED TESTING IT YES ITS FINE DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT BLADESTORM 25 SECOND COOLDOWN IS ON PURPOSE.
Cho and Gall have been in the nexus for a long time without any attention, and so power creep has left them in the dust. Despite being two heroes in one, they actually have lower HP totals than a handful of other heroes, and they’re overdue some attention. Cho now has more ability to escape and reposition, and Gall has gotten some major talent adjustments, allowing him to exercise battlefield control more in line with other mages in the meta.
Greymane and Uther had a serious problem with talent diversity at level 20. There was only one choice for both of them. So we’re giving ABSOLUTELY BONKERS BUFFS to the rest of their 20 tier. Please follow the signs towards talent diversity in an orderly fashion.
Thing of the Deep was too versatile a talent. It fit in with every existing build, and in many cases surpassed the build-appropriate level 1 choice even when going fully into toads or spiders. As such, goodbye talent versatility, hello talent diversity!
Roach and Baneline Zagara too good. Autoattack Zagara not good enough. Autoattack Zagara buffed. Yay buffs.
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