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tomionefinds · 2 months ago
Abandoned but Worth It
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What does this mean? We have an Abandoned tag. We've decided to compile a list of fairly popular, now some obscure, fics that are abandoned, but worth reading. Our criteria for this title is thus:
It has not been updated within the last 2 years, has been orphaned, or has been given a fast summary at the end by the author
Presents a unique take on the relationship or a new dynamic to the ship
Advances world-building, or posits its own magical theory, in the HP world
Length (we avoided those with only a few chapters)
Here are some of the fics that met the criteria for abandoned but worth it. We will continue to add to this list as the year goes on. And never say never. Fics left alone for years can suddenly come back and finish.
Authors; If you see your fic on this list and its not abandoned, please DM us.
-TF Team
This Tangle of Thorns by theriskybusinessofwriting
M | 39k Her mother had gotten herself a new lover. His name was Tom. Modern AU. No magic. Slightly inspired by Lolita.
The Orphanage by Xylosaurus
M | 66k
She was only 8 and had already lost her parents and memories all in one tragic night. Forced to live in Wool's Orphanage, Hermione finds friendship with a 9-year-old Tom Riddle but is soon ripped from him by a prophecy. Six years have passed and he still looks for her. AU Tomione
Bodyswitch by Winterblume
T | 50k
Hermione's in hell and all her nightmares have come true. She's turned into a brainless bimbo and is failing all her classes quite spectacularly. Her teachers have, in fact, already given up on her and just sit back and watch her flunk all her NEWTs. Yes, it's nothing but hell for Hermione. On the upside, things can hardly get any worse. Right?
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang by LovelyVillain
E | 300k
Hermione hasn’t seen Tom since he disappeared from Wool’s Orphanage eight years ago, taking her heart with him. But now, he’s returned, a string of bodies at his feet and a league of assassins at his back. British Intelligence Officer Harry Potter leads the investigation to catch a highly skilled killer wreaking havoc across Europe, while Hermione struggles between what is right and the man she loves. Killing Eve inspired AU
More beneath the cut!
Orphea by SallyJAvery
M | 48k
"You could not believe I was more than your echo." A spell to sing the dead to life, when the living are lost. Tomione, post-war, dystopian AU.
The Pendulum of the Mind by AvaJune
M | 118k
Tom's fingers slid across her skin as he pulled up her sleeve, feeling irregular bumps and scarring as he watched in fascination as instead of a dark mark, he steadily revealed rune carvings. His eyes flicked back to hers, watching her reaction to his touch. "I will give you this, witch. You are unbearably intriguing," he murmured. Madness flies in the face of logic, and if there is one thing Hermione Granger cannot abide, it's things that defy logic. There is always something against her, this time the very laws of time and space. There is, however, a truth she now knows about herself; she isn't quite the rule girl she once thought she was. *Hermione - Tom Riddle. AU, Post Battle of Hogwarts*
Ad Infinitum by Speechwriter
T | 77k
As he forges inexorably toward the end of time, he may come to wonder if this is a world worth ruling. Science fantasy. [summary in final chapter]
Nothing Like the Sun by Orphan_account
E | 118k
There’s something unnerving about Tom Riddle. Hermione’s never quite been able to articulate just what it is about him that unsettles her so: after all, Riddle’s popular and charming and adored by Hogwarts staff and students alike. Still, she’d swear that there’s something lurking beneath that warmly polite veneer of his, something that lies in wait like a serpent in the dark. But it’s not until her sixth year at Hogwarts, when she rashly confronts him over an unprecedented act of violence, that the full force of Riddle’s chilling regard is abruptly and wholly turned on her.
Blood is Thicker by AbsintheDreams
M | 75k
A/U: Still Hogwarts Universe, but I play with the timeline alot. Hermione is just twelve when she meets Riddle. Just a child when she witnesses a sadistic murder in the halls of her sacred school. Popular, humble, well mannered, Riddle always gets what he wants. Victims, admirers, enemies, followers…they all fall in line. Except the defiant girl with his mark on her skin. She only wants his downfall, and he will only settle for her total submission.
The Anti-Heroine by cheshire_carroll
M | 641k
Hermione Granger knows she's not a good person. Disillusioned with life at only twelve years old; she is cynical, manipulative, ruthless and, above all else, a survivor. For six years she has lived on the streets of London with only her sharp mind and her sharper knives to keep her alive, but a letter from an owl changes everything for Hermione, and the bond she forms on the Hogwarts Express with a timid boy with broken glasses, skinny wrists and a lightning-shaped scar will change the whole of Wizarding Britain.   Main Pairing: Harry Potter/Hermione Granger/Tom Riddle
Handling a Dark Lord Wannabe by cleighc
E | 89k
Hermione was not amused. Not. At. All. They had defeated Lord Voldemort after years of struggle. Witnessed the end. She had thought, with relief and without an ounce of charity, that she never had to deal with that pretentious, presumptuous, melodramatic, homicidal son of a bitch ever again. Apparently the castle had other ideas.
Bitter Almonds by orphan_account
E | 63k
What would happen if the Mauraders, the Golden Trio, and the Knights of Walpurgis all went to school together? Also, what if Tom Riddle developed a strange obsession with Hermione Granger?
Et in Arcadia ego by muggleriddle
T | 55k
When Hermione found that little spell hidden in between the complicated illustrations of a book, she imagined she would get a destroyed horcrux with it, not a brand new Tom Riddle.
Journey of the Soul by Queen_Medieva E | 197k
A decade spent as the Undesirable Number One under the Dark Lord's tyrannical regime would challenge anyone's perception of "right" and "wrong". What lengths would YOU go to for a chance at a new life? In the early morning hours of May 2nd 2008, exactly ten years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Hermione Granger ceased to exist.
Addendum: He is also a liar by ergott
Not Rated | 158k
Despite his impoverished circumstances, Tom Riddle always knew he was destined for great things. The ability to travel back and forth through time was a bit of a surprise, though. Also a surprise: the bushy-haired little girl he meets in the future who possesses powers to match his own. Eventual Tomione; starts pre-Hogwarts
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festive-spiderbot · 5 years ago
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official-alan-dabiri · 5 years ago
New season! And you know what that means? A new Nexus Anomaly for everyone to hate! Yeah! Get hype for Gladiator’s Medallion, an ability we named specifically to obfuscate its functionality! Every hero in the game - except Gall and Deathwing - now have a new activated ability that is automatically bound to the 6 key. Like it’s namesake medallion, it grants unstoppable for one second on an extremely long cooldown. Unlike it’s namesake medallion, it can’t be used while stunned or silenced. I don’t want to rip on this new toy too much right now, because I anticipate talking about it every other patch for the next six months as it is continuously tweaked.
Brawl mode is being removed and replaced by ARAM Mode. No, no, we didn’t just rename it. The new ARAM mode will include all four ARAM maps, randomly chosen every time you queue up, and while it no longer has a dedicated weekly quest, ARAM games now count towards daily quests and event quests!  Brawl is dead. Long live Brawl.
I’ve been instructed to say as little about the CraftCraft event (an objectively better name than Craft Wars) as possible so I’ll just acknowledge that it’s happening, and also draw your attention to the returning Heist skins, including extra Extra Whitemane.
Due to the number of hero changes, I will be putting a read more here. Proceed only if you ordered a one-man wrecking crew:
Remember when I memed on the long-overdue D.Va rework? Once more validating my theory that a HotS Dev is listening intently to me, the rework is here! D.Va is now Rexxar 2: Yrel Boogaloo. She’s a functional bruiser with the ability to output damage, bully the enemy team on the flank, and peel for her allies. Among the changes are the majority of her talents being replaced by functional ones!
FURTHER VALIDATION: After my Gazlowe summary, they’ve reworked him, entirely destroying a lot of what I said and I don’t even care because MY BOY! LOOK AT MY BEAUTIFUL BOY. They made him a bruiser with a SIGNIFICANT health increase, added some sustain, and took away his mana bar in favor of a scrap resource system that exclusively governs turrets. With his base stats changed, a role move, and every ability and talent changed in some way or another, this is literally an entirely new hero. I could honestly talk about the changes forever because MY BOY. LOOK AT MY BOY! HE’S DOING IT! HE’S REALLY DOING IT! But I have other things to do today.
After we nerfed his lightning build, Alarak has slowly fallen off in usage. So we’re going to buff the build again and see what happens. Also, I was looking for an excuse to say “Eeeh... Acceptable.”
The previous patch had some minor issues we’re sorting out here. First of all, we didn’t nerf Cassia’s Surge of Light hard enough, so we’re nerfing it some more. And then we buffed Chromie WAY TOO MUCH (who could have seen that coming har har har) so we’re nerfing her back down a bit. And then we still didn’t touch Cain’s Ruby despite it being absurd for months, so we’re touching that now. And then it turns out being about to cast Mosh Pit twice in 20 seconds is too much? So we’re nerfing the heroic CDR on Encore.
It turns out people are picking Imperius only for his level 7 talent, Flash of Anger. That’s no good. That represents a reduction in Talent Diversity! So we’re going to tweak that down a bit. We know Imperius’s overall performance is in a good place, but we’re not going to give any compensatory baseline buffs. We’re just showing some discretion.
Speaking of talent diversity, how about that Orphea? That’s a hero in this game that people recognize. We’re going to randomly twist some dials on her talents and hope that she becomes randomly popular and becomes a viral meme and brings people to the game and the sudden popularity surge gives us a nontrivial budget again oh god please we’re being starved out down here Bobby wants to put a pool where my office is please tell your friends to play HotS.
As the tank meta starts to shake out, it turns out Blaze is still a bad tank, and now Johanna is, too. As such, there’s no way to draft wave clear from the tank role. Our solution to this is obvious. Stitches want to play.
As the months pass since his rework, Tassadar is displaying progressively less and less talent diversity, this is unacceptable. Stop playing exclusively Q build with Archon. No, we won’t buff the alternatives.
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velmaemyers88 · 6 years ago
Heroes of the Storm reminds us it isn’t dead with a new, original hero and ranked system
Heroes of the Storm seemed to be on its last leg when Blizzard Entertainment cancelled all future esports events for the multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) in December. But the PC game isn’t dead yet.
Blizzard announced today that Heroes of the Storm is getting a new character, Qhira. It will also be releasing a change to to the game’s ranked modes with the introduction of Storm League. Both will come out on August 6. Qhira is available to try on the PTR (public testing realm) version of the game now.
Qhira will be this MOBA’s second original hero, following the launch of Orphea last November. Since then, Blizzard has released just two more characters: Imperius from Diablo and Anduin from World of Warcarft. Most characters in Heroes of the Storm come from Blizzard franchises like Warcraft, StarCraft, Diablo, and Overwatch. Qhira is from the Nexus, the fictional setting of the game that has brought all of these characters together. She is also the game’s first black female hero.
As for her playstyle, Qhira is a melee assassin. She excels at fighting enemies up close. She has a grappling hook that she can attach to the terrain or enemies, which then launches her forward.
Storm League begins
Before it was in a “preseason”, but now Storm League enters its first official season along with Qhira. This new ranked system replaced both the old Hero and Team Leagues. Combining things into a single mode makes for faster queue times when trying to find a game.
You’ll now have to play fewer placement matches — three instead of the old standard of 10 — before you get your starting rank. You will also no longer have to play a promotion or demotion game before changing your rank.
This first season of Storm League will also come with a quest line. Completing it will give you seasonal rewards and make you eligible for the Grand Master Leaderboards.
Credit: Source link
The post Heroes of the Storm reminds us it isn’t dead with a new, original hero and ranked system appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/heroes-of-the-storm-reminds-us-it-isnt-dead-with-a-new-original-hero-and-ranked-system/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=heroes-of-the-storm-reminds-us-it-isnt-dead-with-a-new-original-hero-and-ranked-system from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.tumblr.com/post/186645102212
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reneeacaseyfl · 6 years ago
Heroes of the Storm reminds us it isn’t dead with a new, original hero and ranked system
Heroes of the Storm seemed to be on its last leg when Blizzard Entertainment cancelled all future esports events for the multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) in December. But the PC game isn’t dead yet.
Blizzard announced today that Heroes of the Storm is getting a new character, Qhira. It will also be releasing a change to to the game’s ranked modes with the introduction of Storm League. Both will come out on August 6. Qhira is available to try on the PTR (public testing realm) version of the game now.
Qhira will be this MOBA’s second original hero, following the launch of Orphea last November. Since then, Blizzard has released just two more characters: Imperius from Diablo and Anduin from World of Warcarft. Most characters in Heroes of the Storm come from Blizzard franchises like Warcraft, StarCraft, Diablo, and Overwatch. Qhira is from the Nexus, the fictional setting of the game that has brought all of these characters together. She is also the game’s first black female hero.
As for her playstyle, Qhira is a melee assassin. She excels at fighting enemies up close. She has a grappling hook that she can attach to the terrain or enemies, which then launches her forward.
Storm League begins
Before it was in a “preseason”, but now Storm League enters its first official season along with Qhira. This new ranked system replaced both the old Hero and Team Leagues. Combining things into a single mode makes for faster queue times when trying to find a game.
You’ll now have to play fewer placement matches — three instead of the old standard of 10 — before you get your starting rank. You will also no longer have to play a promotion or demotion game before changing your rank.
This first season of Storm League will also come with a quest line. Completing it will give you seasonal rewards and make you eligible for the Grand Master Leaderboards.
Credit: Source link
The post Heroes of the Storm reminds us it isn’t dead with a new, original hero and ranked system appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/heroes-of-the-storm-reminds-us-it-isnt-dead-with-a-new-original-hero-and-ranked-system/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=heroes-of-the-storm-reminds-us-it-isnt-dead-with-a-new-original-hero-and-ranked-system from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.tumblr.com/post/186645102212
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weeklyreviewer · 6 years ago
Heroes of the Storm reminds us it isn’t dead with a new, original hero and ranked system
Heroes of the Storm seemed to be on its last leg when Blizzard Entertainment cancelled all future esports events for the multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) in December. But the PC game isn’t dead yet.
Blizzard announced today that Heroes of the Storm is getting a new character, Qhira. It will also be releasing a change to to the game’s ranked modes with the introduction of Storm League. Both will come out on August 6. Qhira is available to try on the PTR (public testing realm) version of the game now.
Qhira will be this MOBA’s second original hero, following the launch of Orphea last November. Since then, Blizzard has released just two more characters: Imperius from Diablo and Anduin from World of Warcarft. Most characters in Heroes of the Storm come from Blizzard franchises like Warcraft, StarCraft, Diablo, and Overwatch. Qhira is from the Nexus, the fictional setting of the game that has brought all of these characters together. She is also the game’s first black female hero.
As for her playstyle, Qhira is a melee assassin. She excels at fighting enemies up close. She has a grappling hook that she can attach to the terrain or enemies, which then launches her forward.
Storm League begins
Before it was in a “preseason”, but now Storm League enters its first official season along with Qhira. This new ranked system replaced both the old Hero and Team Leagues. Combining things into a single mode makes for faster queue times when trying to find a game.
You’ll now have to play fewer placement matches — three instead of the old standard of 10 — before you get your starting rank. You will also no longer have to play a promotion or demotion game before changing your rank.
This first season of Storm League will also come with a quest line. Completing it will give you seasonal rewards and make you eligible for the Grand Master Leaderboards.
Credit: Source link
The post Heroes of the Storm reminds us it isn’t dead with a new, original hero and ranked system appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/heroes-of-the-storm-reminds-us-it-isnt-dead-with-a-new-original-hero-and-ranked-system/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=heroes-of-the-storm-reminds-us-it-isnt-dead-with-a-new-original-hero-and-ranked-system
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official-alan-dabiri · 6 years ago
This is the patch of underperforming talents!
Alarak’s Blade of the Highlord has been bad. Like, really bad. For a long time. It shares a theme with its tier of giving Sadism increases, but was the only one where the increase was temporary. It is now a competitive talent giving permanent sadism instead. It still offers less maximum than Pure Malice, though. So you’re not going to pick it. You’re either going Rite of Rak’shir to get infinite Sadism, or just Pure Malice and then get your own teammates killed.
Cho and Gall are recieving numerous adjustments to their underperforming talents. This means that Q build and W build are now good. The changes also included 100 more HP, and survivability talents moved to level 13. This should slightly increase their winrate, since it helps them stay alive until they reach level 20, which is the cho’gall win condition. Unless they pick the wrong level 20 talent. In which case it is the enemy team’s win condition.
We buffed Aether Walker - not enough to match any of the other level ones - and then said, cryptically “We’re going to get you to want to pick aether walker. Just you wait...” This means one of two things. Either further talent buffs with synergy are coming, or the next hero offers synergy that makes it a more attractive option over the other level 1 talents. I don’t know anything about WoW priest, or Li-Ming, so I am unable to speculate.
We buffed one of Lunara’s level 4 talents. But it’s one that competes with Nature’s Culling so I don’t know why we bothered.
We nerfed Orphea’s level 7 quest as if that was going to diversify that talent tier after how badly we nerfed the other options.
The last nerf to Samuro was really bad for him. Much worse in practice than expected. So it’s about time we give him a compensation buff. We’ve buffed his two underperforming level 1 talents. That works, right? He’s good again now, right?
I’ve said for a long time that Tychus has only one level 20 option, and it’s always ult upgrade. Big Red Button is too good. But I’ve always had a soft spot for Bob And Weave. A new passive boost added to it, increasing his attack range to match other ranged heroes, makes it possibly competitive. At least now I won’t feel so bad about picking it anyway and saying “cheers, love, the cavalry’s here” in a terran marine voice.
Azmodan has had a scaling nerf on his Q damage, making the stacks all the more vital to functioning as a hero. Some buffs to underperforming talents have been made to bring other builds to light as well, including a huge buff to Trample that makes it actually viable when you don’t get stacked for Pride.
It has been pointed out to us that Medivh has more than one heroic ability. Oops. The cooldown reduction on the Temporal Flux talent has been adjusted appropriately in light of this revelation.
PROBIUS BUFF!? Oh boy oh boy oh... Null gate range increased by 1. And nothing else. I can’t even believe this. They only BUFFED NULL GATE! WOO! NULL GATE BUFF!
After the destruction of the Bile Drop talent, it became apparent that Zagara essentially doesn’t have a level 7 talent tier. As such, we’ve given modest buffs to all of them. It’s not enough. But it’s something!
The Ana rework has been a learning experience for everyone. I didn’t think we could buff Eye of Horus enough to make it an attractive option compared to Nanoboost. I was wrong. So we had to nerf it.
Li Li, scourge of Silver-Plat, has finally be laid low by our brave development team. She definitely needed a nerf, and now, at long last, it’s been done. Thank us later.
It turns out Whitemane was only good because she had infinity mana. taking away infinity mana last patch was... According to my notes, taking away infinity mana was bad for her? So we’re giving her some minor buffs. Very minor.
Diablo and Mal’ganis have been getting banned a LOT. Like, a lot a lot. So we’re giving them small nerfs to try and unstick them from that first ban slot. Here’s hoping we can make them slightly less scary.
Leoric lives and dies by his level 13/16 synergy with Ominous Wraith and Royal Focus. So we’re trying to make other talents on those tiers work just by moving them around and not touching the OP combo talents. Here’s hoping!
REXXAR BUFF REXXAR BUFF REXXAR BUFF. I cannot possibly express my excitement for a Rexxar buff. It is impossible. We buffed Rexxar. And it’s a significant buff. We did it, everyone. I can die happy.
Sonya and Tyreal have also received buffs to underperforming talents. Unlike the others, though, I think these are the ones that might actually change their builds, despite how low-key they seem. Giving some much-needed survivability to Seismic Slam Sonya, and buffing Tyreal’s early self-healing talents may actually open up new options for them. Then again, they have to get picked to have new builds. Hm. I think this plan has found a minor snag.
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official-alan-dabiri · 6 years ago
Okay, I’m looking down the barrel of a busy day, so this is going to be a quick one.
Back in the day, when HGC existed, heroes who were almost meta at the pro level have remained at that balance point despite their annoying dominance at lower levels of play. With the HGC dead (F) the following heroes have been nerfed due to the elimination of those huge hype moments in draft at international LAN events:
Seriously fuck Cho’Gall
It turns out, against all odds, Orphea is really good? Like? Brokenly good? Someone should do something about her. Like us. We’re doing something about her with a big nerf to Crushing Jaws, her HP pool, and a couple of her must-pick talents. We also made Backbiter good, to increase the frequency of Orphea players fucking up their positioning in hilarious ways.
New Sylvanas was almost good. Almost. So we’re nudging up her HP and Shadow Dagger damage. Purely because of her winrate. Not because of faction favoritism. FOR THE HORDE! I mean. Balance. Balance the Horde.
The following heroes are receiving negligible changes to remind people they exist. Because there’s no pro meta to command people on what to pick, we think now might be the time for these slightly-flawed heroes to shine.
Lt. Morales (Seriously, she was supposed to be meta in 2019!)
We’ve given a few small changes to Deckard because he has basically one talent build. Talent Diversity. Talent Diversity. TALENT DIVERSITY! DALENT TIVERSITY!
With WC3 Reforged on the horizon, we all saw the screenshots of HD Uther and already started working on what his kit would be in Heroes of the Storm. Then we remembered he was already in HotS. And then we remembered that we hate him. So we nerfed his ass. I’m still not over that time in alpha when Uther died, walked into my team as a ghost, and Divine Stormed us all into a team wipe that cost us the game. I don’t care that he can’t do that anymore; fuck that guy.
We nerfed Malganis the smallest amount possible for a hero to be nerfed. We literally have zero idea if he’s balanced or not because everyone has been banning him non-stop since he was launched. Maybe this is enough? Maybe not? We’ll never know unless you stop banning him.
New Stitches was also almost good, and is getting nudged upwards. He wants to play! And the new skin for him is really good! He’s a new tank with a 2018 kit and talent build! Please don’t make us try and make a new tank. They keep ending up solo laners or perma-banned.
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official-alan-dabiri · 6 years ago
Call to Arms Call of the Nexus has been added to Quick match, rewarding players for queuing up for roles in short supply by giving bonus exp. This is not immediately active because we just added a new hero, and literally everyone not playing Orphea would receive this bonus.
Another way to get bonus exp: Boosts! They’re just stimpacks. Mostly. Don’t worry about it, we just saw the Diablo team fall flat on their faces and thought maybe we should distance our monetization systems from the other game series.
Spellpower modifiers have been adjusted to be more consistent, especially with Spellpower stacking becoming a thing now. We’ve had some... Interesting experiences with Nanoboost lately, and if we left these interactions as they are, then Jun might be playing Ana next season, and we won’t let that meme die.
Experience from all merc camps is now granted on capping the point. This was previously inconsistent and now is unified across all maps. I’m regretting this whole “consistency” thing we started doing a few patches ago, because it turns out nobody was talking to anybody else, so there’s a lot of these sorts of problems.
Dragonshire changes? The most quintessential HotS map being updated? How? Do the capture points now work like the new Braxis points? Is the dragon knight being altered or turned into a lane-pushing boss? Is- oh. Just art updates. False alarm! The map is still fine!
I don’t know if anyone noticed (I sure didn’t) but there was another HotS comic last week, featuring our newest hero: Orphea! With her release, we now have the first playable Heroes of the Storm universe character. She’s basically a smaller Li-Ming, so expect her to get a billion skins in the next three months while other heroes get ignored.
In related patch notes: We’ve nerfed Orphea already, absolutely murdering adjusting two of her most fun broken talents and slightly tweaking her base kit.
I haven’t had a good game of Gul’dan in a long time, so we’re buffing his Q talent at 16. A lot. Don’t worry, though, nobody else is going to know. We called it his W talent on the notes, so everyone will ignore it.
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