#python resources
izicodes · 1 year
hi!! do you have any free resources or textbooks for learning python? i’m doing my dissertation and i need a refresher before i start doing it properly. thanks!!
Hiya! 💗
Here you go:
Python Objects and Classes
Random Python Resources
Top 20 Python Projects for Beginners to Master the Language
Free Programming Books
Python Notes and Resources by @trialn1error
Python Official Roadmap
Python Project List
Python 3 Cheat Sheet
Python Cheatsheet for Beginners
These are the ones' I've shared on my blog over the years! Hope their helpful! 🥰👍🏾💗
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engravedlives · 5 months
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misc coding stamps graphics
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code-es · 2 years
Coding resource!
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A free website where you get specific problems to methodically learn small concepts of a programming language. Do 10 minutes to 1 hour every day, and then you will keep practicing every day, and you will be able to use the skills you learn in your real projects. They walk you through the problem all the way, and it's a super good way to learn!
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bestworstcase · 3 months
What was that one post you made about how V4 and V5 didn't have enough side characters?
here. the general point being that interesting bit and side characters who feel like they have their own lives beyond the story are what makes a fictional world feel alive, and if you don’t have that it will often feel like nothing is happening and the narrative is just spinning wheels even when it isn’t, because it lacks verisimilitude.
if you took half the v5 scenes that take place in the house and moved them into a public location with 1-2 memorable bit characters per scene (think like, the blacksmith in 4.1 or the proprietor of the gas station yang stops at in v5), and then connected the interaction between the main cast and those bit characters to the narrative stakes (these are the people team rwby must protect, and these are people who can’t be allowed to overhear what’s going on), even if nothing else changed, i think you’d see a dramatic decline in the sentiment that the volume is slow paced. likewise v4, if the RNJR narrative hopped from town to town instead of dwelling on the journey through the wilderness.
it does come down largely to an issue of budget though, because obv increasing the complexity of a scene like that unfortunately gets very pricy in an animated story 😔
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omg-snakes · 1 year
There's a ball python at a local rescue named sweat pee, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about her. Her name is clearly a misspelling of sweet pea, but it's still iconic. Idk if I can resist the urge to adopt her
Whomever is in charge of naming at that shelter is the funniest person alive.
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stormbreaker101 · 4 days
Making a Digital Visual Timeline (in Python)
I have been on the hunt for a digital timeline I could easily use to store pivotal dates on and see the distance between them, as well as keep track of which events are in which story. And ultimately, I couldn't find a single website that satisfied me, so I made my own program. And swag bitches don't gatekeep, so I'm sharing how I made my timeline, in case anyone is running into the same struggles.
All you need to get started is any sort of program where you can write in Python (I use Thonny but anything that runs Python 3.10 works), and then import the Matplotlib library. If you use Thonny, this video tutorial is super short and straightforward. If you use something else, no doubt there are other video tutorials on how to import libraries on your given platform.
Then, copy in this code, making sure not to miss any indents or capitalization. I wanted to copy-paste the code directly into the text, but Tumblr doesn't register indents, so you have to copy from an image, sorry.
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If you run this code as is, you should get this scatterplot.
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Under the cut is further explanation of the parts you can and should change in order to make the timeline your own.
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The Dates in the square brackets [] on lines 9 and 14 are formatted as Year/Month/Day. So if I wanted to make a point on September 2, 2009, I'd write it as [2009, 9, 2]. Each date must be enclosed in its own square bracket and separated by a comma.
The captions on lines 10 and 15 can be whatever you want, just keep them in quotations, and keep each quote separated by a comma. I like writing the date on the caption as well just for ease of reading.
Importantly, the number of Dates in any group's DateList line has to be equal to the number of Captions in the Captions line, but there can be a different number of Dates and Captions between groups. (So like, Ex1's DateList and Captions both have 4 items, but Ex2's DateList and Captions both have 3 instead.)
The YVals on lines 11 and 16 can be any number (though keeping the numbers relatively low, like from -5 to 5, is better). These just determine how high or low the dots appear on the timeline, if you want to keep different plots visually separate.
There is a LOT of freedom of choice for colors (lines 12 and 17) in Matplotlib. I recommend using the CSS colors, because you just have to write the name in quotations.
You can make more than 2 groups, and you can change the names of the groups. But if you do, you have to also adjust this part of the code below:
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Whatever you name your Ex1 and Ex2 lists, put them into here. Additionally, you have to keep the lists consistent. If for example, dateListList was [Ex1_DateList, Ex2_DateList] and CaptionsList was [Ex2_Captions, Ex1_Captions], the code will either encounter an error or graph the wrong captions to the wrong dates.
Lastly, you can edit what parts of the graph appears using these 2 lines to control the X-axis and Y-axis of the plots respectively. You have to keep both pairs of parentheses for each line.
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These numbers are relatively small because I chose small numbers as the example Dates. When I use this code for myself, I often switch between a view of (1950, 2050) to see roughly everything in the modern era, or (400, 2400) if I want to see some of the older historical events I've included as well.
These are just the parameters you HAVE to adjust to actually control your own timeline. You can ABSOLUTELY do more if you want to (just make sure to save backups :P). And if you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Happy timelineing!
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vexacarnivorous · 1 year
Can u teach me python from basic 🙄pls
ok the problem with this question is that it would simply take too long for me to explain to u the basics of programming like functions, statements, loops, variables etc. but i CAN direct u to some good resources that would help u in ur python journey and explain all this stuff
freecodecamp (i think the person for this course explains it nicely here)
i especially recommend u look at this website called fullstackpython, which has HEAPS of python beginner recs that seem very useful
u should also be doing projects & exercises to really hammer in what you're learning, so i'd recommend project euler (also found on freecodecamp) or that u search up 'coding exercises' on google. there are some projects listed in fullstackpython i believe as well
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cyberdank · 2 months
nerdy website people!!
i am looking for a free website hosting service that supports programming languages and server-side scripting for a personal project
i’ve tried neocities and unfortunately they do not support server side scripting!!
thank you sososo much for any leads <3
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dkettchen · 6 months
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crippl-hacker · 8 months
Python Day 2
Today I am starting off with exercise 13. Exercise 13 introduces the concepts of variables, modules, and argv.
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[ID: Exercise 13 code. It imports the argv module from sys, then uses argv to create 4 variables, script, first, second, and third. Next print() is used to print out the different variables /ID]
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When calling the program I was confused as to why I got the error of too many variables. Looking into this I found that the first variable of 'argv' is always going to be the script. I then fixed that and added in script as the first variable.
Next for the study drill I wrote a new variable and updated the code to print the retrieved information.
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Alrighty then - onto exercise 14. Exercise 14 is about practicing prompts and variables.
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In the study drills I updated the script with a new prompt and print statement.
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Exercise 15 is a simple program that prints out the contents of a file. An important thing to note is to always close the file when doing things like this!
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Exercise 16 practices making a copy of a file and then updating it with 3 lines from user input.
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I ended up running into the issue where it was saying that it couldn't read the file. I ended up finding out that .read() starts from the cursor position - and if the cursor is at the end of the file from writing it you will not have your file printed.
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Exercise 17 is practicing copying files over and was relatively simple.
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izicodes · 1 year
Any tips on learning python? I already know Java, C++, and JavaScript.
Hiya! 💗
Since you already know those other languages, Python will be literally a piece of cake. It'll be easy for you, in my opinion.
Tips? I would say:
Start with the Basics: Begin by understanding the fundamental syntax and concepts of Python. After learning those, you can basically apply the languages you know logic into Python code and you'll be done. You can use online tutorials on YouTube or free online pdf books to get a good grasp of the basics.
Leverage Your Programming Experience:Like I mentioned Python shares similarities with many languages, so relate Python concepts to what you already know. For example, understand Python data types and structures in comparison to those in Java, C++, or JavaScript.
Projects and Practice:I sing this on my blog but practice is crucial. Start small projects or challenges to apply your Python knowledge. Depends what you want to build e.g. console apps, games, websites etc. Just build something small every so often!
Hope this helps! More tips I made: ask 1 | project ideas | random resources
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⤷ ♡ my shop ○ my mini website ○ pinned ○ navigation ♡
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newcodesociety · 8 months
URL Shortner
Image Caption Generator
Weather Forecast App
Music Player
Sudoku Solver
Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup
Password Manager
Stock Price Analyzer
Automated Email Sender
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vampiiric · 1 year
god. is anyone good with python 3. a class assignment for math is killing me here.
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mangowithanh · 2 years
i have a very deep respect (and jealousy) for anyone who knows how music works. i have watched videos, read books, and even taken in-person classes, but glancing upon a partiture yields the same results in my brain as looking at biblically accurate angel. what the Fuck is a scale. how do you know which note(s) are which. like i genuinely love music and want to understand it and maybe even create it but after watching all the beginner's introductory courses i could find for free on the internet and still not understanding a single thing i'm starting to think it just may not be for me :(
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alpha-library · 2 years
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townpostin · 1 month
Dr. Ranjan Kumar Mishra Co-authors New Book on Machine Learning and IoT
Dr. Ranjan Kumar Mishra publishes his second book, “Machine Learning and IoT,” under REST Publication. Dr. Ranjan Kumar Mishra, Dean of IT at Netaji Subhash University, Jamshedpur, has co-authored his second book, “Machine Learning and IoT,” aimed at providing comprehensive knowledge in these fields. JAMSHEDPUR – Dr. Ranjan Kumar Mishra, an esteemed academic and Dean of IT at Netaji Subhash…
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