#pyro x gender neutral reader
ballad-of-birdy-lamb · 3 months
saw you accept teamfortress 2 requests... so maybe I was thinkin you could write a enimes to lovers kinda thing with scout and GN reader? Same thing for Pyro and medic? Please and thank you?
(My first time askin without being an annon :>)
It's you- all the roads lead to you.
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Scout/Pyro/Medic x Gender neutral! Reader enemies to lovers romantic headcanons Summary: How cruel you are for a Blu merc. Warnings: Reader is the 10th merc for Blu team (what kind of merc isn't specified), red team headcanons, (not a warning but just a statement) Pyro uses interchanging she/he/they pronouns, mention of violence (not descriptive). Word Count: 1.1k ⋆.ೃ࿔.𖥔 ݁ ˖*:・༄
It’s insanely easy to become his enemy with how boastful he is, you wouldn’t even need to be on the enemy team to become an enemy of his. Scout is very vocal about his accomplishments and genuinely views himself as better than many, especially Blu team.
While out on the battlefield, you heard him loudly proclaiming his excellence and kill him from annoyance. You are on the opposing team just makes it worse on his end, sitting in respawn and realizing you had also killed him several times before. Other interactions with opposing forces lead to him in respawn because of you! You!
Scout would target you more times than not, intentionally hitting you while reprimanding you. After his constant violence against you, your annoyance would turn to hatred.
It is more likely you both meet when Miss Pauling is going about getting the mercs together for the Administrator. You both were stuck together and were forced to talk, mainly being encouraged to stop any violence that could possibly entail.
Scout would, again, naturally, degrade you and tell you you weren’t as important as he was for the team. It would go on for such a long time, even the other mercs (for both Blu and Red) getting annoyed by it.
It would be a gradual care he would get, starting with compliments that he would hide with a bit of degradation.
“You’re really good at killing the robots but I’m, like, ten billion times better at it. Don’t get your hopes up on being better.”
When he gets back to Red with Heavy, he’ll spend his time telling you how his muscles are huge because he pushed the ginormous rock ten feet and how Heavy was like “woah!” and stuff. Scout will state it’s to show how much better he is than you but it’s to see if you find that attractive.
You probably ask him out. He was going to, but he was so busy hyping himself up for it he forgot the time! Scout will act like he knew and that he understood why you’d fall for such a gorgeous man as himself. Of course, he’s a tomato but will accept your proposal of a date almost instantly.
“Of course you’d fall for me, who wouldn’t!”
It’s likely you were a faster merc, making it around the battlefield quick enough to harm several red mercs and making Medic run around helping them. Your existence is draining and beyond annoying. You don’t deal enough damage to kill them but just enough to have them need his help.
Medic would spend his time encouraging you to just go for him personally.
“You might as well go for me to get the others down, no point in running around if I’ll just get them fixed.”
And you then wake up in respawn.
With the news from Miss Pauling needing Red and Blu to work together, he was one of the most annoyed. Medic would have to deal with you. You! And it’s not like you’d like him back, those little stunts where he’d taunt you then kill you didn’t fly with you.
He’d find a way to get Archimedes to attack you whenever you were near his lab.
To encourage him to be kind to you, you allow him to experiment on you. Don’t expect him to be kind but he’ll enjoy it. It’s mostly because, in that situation, he’ll have the upper hand.
Will use the experiment times to do random things to you, whether it’s detrimental or not is not fully disclosed while he’s working. You’ll hear him giggling while he’s about doing his own thing, you’ll ask why, and he’ll answer by saying it’s nothing (it’s not nothing).
Most likely in denial when it comes to his feelings since you’re so annoying! And you aren’t entertaining to watch but he does like looking at you. Medic will claim it’s because you’re funny looking when in reality, it’s because he’s trying to understand why he feels the way he does. But he can’t fully accept his feelings.
It’s quite entertaining to witness you doing stupid things while fighting the OG Team Fortress mercs with Medic watching, going through the five stages of grief when he realizes he’s still attracted to you.
He’s the most likely one to ask you out once everyone is at a calmer point in the mission. Medic will not be traditional about his proposal, simply giving you a well-kept human heart for the occasion. Don’t gag, of course.
“It’s very nice, very pristine. I kept it in good shape for you!”
If Pyro hates you, it’s more likely because you’re a water based merc for Blu team. You would go around helping fix the fires she had created intentionally. It would then lead to a hatred that he couldn’t deny, absolute hatred.
They’d target you at random points on the battlefield, especially in water areas where you’d more likely be around. The hatred you gain is because she’s a fire based merc, just simple hatred, maybe even stereotypical. But who cares, you both hate each other.
When out and about on a random morning, Pyro found you alone, sitting with the water. She naturally tries avoiding you since it wasn’t something he wanted to deal with in the morning. Then you stopped them and tried encouraging a normal coworker relationship because Miss Pauling needed Red and Blu to work together.
The way Pyro would be grateful Blu members can’t understand him is beyond words, she quietly makes remarks about the way you do things and Red team would be forced to listen to whatever they had to say about you.
If you tried being kind to him, she’d take it with a grain of salt. You set a fire for them? Are you going to torture him by putting it out before she can truly enjoy it? They bet you will!
It wouldn’t take as long as the others when it comes to gaining feelings for you. Yeah, Pyro is violent but when you need to work together and you’re putting an effort into making him happy, she can’t deny the feelings they gradually get for you.
It would be a quiet crush thing. She follows you around since he doesn’t know how to fully express to you how they feel. And it’s also because she kind of wants to admire you but that’s not for you to know.
Another thing Pyro does is constantly try protecting you. She knows other mercs don’t like him for the fire and stuff, so they’re beyond willing to follow you around to help you.
Pyro vision gives hearts around you.
Asking you out will be eventual, but very difficult. Once, she tried being vocal about his feelings and you couldn’t understand a word. Then, they turned to note writing and that went ten times better.
Pyro adores when you kiss their mask, especially the areas that would be considered mouth areas. You’ll never see her without the mask, but you’ll get used to it.
⋆.ೃ࿔.𖥔 ݁ ˖*:・༄
TF2 masterlist Request list
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dancingpottedplant666 · 5 months
So you know how Tf2 takes place in New Mexico? Well I’m an animal lover, and I know that there are tons of fantastic creatures there and I’m sure there are a bunch of them they would 100% be hanging around the nooks and crannies of RED team’s base. So I present to Ye:
Scenarios about our beloved mercs and an animal-loving reader handle an encounter with New Mexico’s amazing fauna. 
Part 1: Offense
Scout and the Roadrunner
It was one of those moments where it was somewhat peaceful outside the base for once(this being only a little shouting and an explosion every hour or so) and you where just sitting outside with Scout as he snacked on a bucket of chicken and talked your ear off with anything that came to his mind, all of which you pleasantly listened to. Then, a blur of brown whizzed by the both of you. You bolded up in your seat as Scout looked at you quizzically
“ey, is somethin’ wrong toots? I know my story was great n’ all but I didn’t think it was that excitin’”
You put a finger to his mouth as you pointed to where you saw the blur dashed to, and after a few seconds, a small bird patters into view.
“Holy shit Scout check it out! It’s a roadrunner!”
You whisper-shouted. He gave a puzzled look and then gave the small bird an eyebrow raise
“uh, huh, whazat s’posed ta mean?”
He tried to look like he knew what that was but he did a very terrible job of doing so. You excitedly told him about the little bird as it scampered around the dirt,
“it’s literally a badass Scout, it nests in cacti to protect it’s babies, can run up to 26 miles per hour, and it can kill and eat snakes like it’s nothing!”
He just stared at you as you in amazement as you continue on telling little facts about the tiny bird, until you both froze as it started to ease over to Scout. You told him to not freak out as he was looking a bit intimidated, until the bird plucked a chunk of chicken from his bucket and bolted.
“HEY!” Scout yelled as he jumped up and started sprinting after the roadrunner,
“Unfair! that’s my chicken ya dumb bird! Not yours!”
At this point you were clutching your stomach and laughing as you watched a grown ass man chase after a two foot bird around in circles in the dust.
Soldier and (somehow)the Porcupine
As per usual, Soldiers booming, patriotic, voice was rattling the hallways of the base, so to try and spare some of the other men some peace for a while, you offered to take one for the team, and offer to listen to his “speeches” outside so his voice could be “heard across America more efficiently”.
……….Speech number, what? 19? You couldn’t remember. It felt like you were listening to this man talking about everything striped and star spangled for hours. Until a rustling was heard in the distance. Soldier neck almost snapped in half as he turned to face you,
You could just see his eyes under his helmet as they darted every which way. “Uh, I’m not sure, maybe it’s-”
You didn’t get a chance to finish as Soldier sprinted towards the detection of the noise.
You ran after him and did your best to keep up, trying to tell him that this wasn’t the best idea, but by the time you caught up to him, he was crouched, face first, in a shrub.
“Soldier! what the hell are you doing! You- oh no..”
Out of the bush came an American porcupine, chittering and squeaking as it bolted in the opposite direction. You didn’t even want to know what happened, but you asked anyway.
“uh, Soldier? You ok?”
He shot up, back facing you,
He turned around, the bottom half of his face was covered in quills. You gasped and put your hand over your mouth.
“oh god, what did you do?”
He very vividly describes how he was fearlessly defending the base from the intruder as you dragged him down to Medic’s office. “SO YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT WASN'T A SPY?”
“No, it was an American Porcupine”
“Yes, yes he was, and he was surprised that a fellow American attacked him”
The conversation carried on back and forth until you reached Medic’s office, and you could say he was a tad bit shocked at Soldiers face, but then he handed you a pair of tweezers and some disinfecting ointment and pushed you two out of his office saying he was busy(most likely to do with a new supply of organs). So you spent the next two hours plucking quills from Soldier’s face as you told him more about porcupines.
“They are the largest rodents in America, and they have poor eyesight so they mostly rely on hearing and smell”
“yeah, they would be in more danger if they didn’t have their quills, hey, did you know the reason why it hurts so much to take out is because there’re barbed?”
When finally, all of the quills were removed, you had to forcefully smother his face in the ointment and put bandages on the nastiest cuts. Afterwards, you sent him off and flopped down on the sofa and let out a sigh. This will be quite a story for later.
Pyro and the Desert Centipede
Engineer was working in the garage one evening and you offered to come and keep Pyro company while he worked to make sure nothing was set ablaze. Safe to say you didn’t really understand how Pyro’s funny little brain worked, nor their mumbled speech, but you still treated them like the rest of the mercs and did your best to understand what they say.
You were looking up at the sky while Pyro played with matches and drew little doodles in the dust, until they got up and mumbled a few little words and crouched down near a rock. You got up to see what they were doing when they very forcefully took hold of something with their gloved hand.
“Hey buddy, what do you got there- OH HOLY FUCK”
You jumped back as he turned around and held a squirming centipede right up to your face and cocked their head.
“Hudda hu?”
They sounded as if they were asking what it was. They knew you liked animals, they saw you draw them and talk about them all the time, so if anyone knew what this was, it was you.
“Oh, y-you wanna know what that is?”
After calming yourself down, you sat next to him.
They nodded a yes as the centipede did its best to try and bite the pyromaniac, but their thick gloves prevented its jaws from ever piercing skin.
“well, uh, you should probably hold it more at the back of the head then holding on to its mid-section”
They looked at their hand and repositioned it so the centipede was curling somewhat comfortably around the glove.
“yeah just like that! Good job!”
They let out a noise of pride and settled down as you bestowed upon them some epic centipede knowledge.
“These dudes are the largest centipedes in North America, and can reach up to 8 inches in the wild, they’re called centipedes because of their one hundred legs, but they actually can have less or even more than that!”
“Hrmpf Hudda Mpf!”
Pyro excitedly listens to every word you say, eagerly waiting for more.
“Not many centipedes are dangerous to humans, but that one is one of the only few that can harm humans. Their venom isn’t fatal to non allergenic people, but they can certainly give you a nasty nip if provoked”
You continued info dumping as Pyro eagerly listened on until Engie decided it was probably time for them to head back inside. Pyro let out a small mumble-complaint but eventually with enough convincing, they let the centipede scuttle back under the rock where they found it.
Now, every once in a while, you and Pyro will sit out side and look for centipedes under the night sky.
Until you needed to go back inside.
“Pyro, what’s in your pocket?”
*several centipedes fall out*
Let me know if you guys would like a part 2!
Update: HEY HEY! Part 2 here!
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amirsirwrites · 2 years
Hi! I have a request! >:)
Tf2 mercs x GN!Reader who is selectively mute because of something that happened in the past, the reader only communicates by writing in a notebook or sign language. Then ONE DAY, the merc does something nice for the reader. The reader, all of a sudden, speaks and thanks the merc! (I think you alr did something like this with Scout but shhh)
Hi, anon! Sorry for the long wait. I've finally finished it and I hope you enjoy reading it! Also, yeah, I kinda did do something like this for Scout but it's alright hehehe :)
Mercs with selectively mute S/O that speaks for the first time ❤️
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Mercs x GN!reader
Scout :
He was so eager to learn sign language when he found out that you use it. Being a quick learner, he got a good grasp on signing very early into your lessons. He enjoys signing with you and often tells you lots of jokes through it. He makes you laugh a lot when he teases or makes fun of the other mercs in front of their faces by using sign language. He asked a lot of questions about your selective mutism so you told him all about what happened in the past and it had him crying a little bit. He wishes he could hear you speak but he doesn’t mind if you never do. However, one day when he randomly gave you a compliment like he usually does, you kissed him on the cheek and said, “Thank you, sweetie.” He freaked out and hugged you immediately, showering you with praise and kisses. “Holy shit, toots! This is amazing!”
Soldier :
He’s always been very understanding and learnt sign language so you can communicate with him properly. He’s not great at signing himself but he still tries it because he thinks it’s really cool. You’re always happy to help him improve. Honestly, he’s never thought about you actually speaking. It’s not that important to him since you two can communicate just fine. However, one day during battle, Soldier swooped in with a rocket jump and quickly saved you by killing the enemies around you. You walked up to him, gave him a kiss and whispered, “Thanks, soldier.” He welcomed you and charged back into battle, not realising that you actually just spoke. Only after the battle was over did he stop and realise what you did. He then ran up to you and picked you up, twirling you around excitedly and kissing you, “I’m proud of you, private!”
Pyro :
They were already well-versed in sign language before you two met since they can’t really talk through their mask and need a different way to communicate with people. You two got along straight away the second you met, bonding over sign language. They’ve never asked to hear you speak and they expected that you might never want to and they’re totally fine with that. You had other plans though. When you two were relaxing together, Pyro made you a flower crown and put it on your head, you smiled and said softly, “Thank you, dear.” They were so surprised and pulled you into a big hug, speaking back excitedly, “MMPH! MMMPHM MPHM!” They then gave you lots of mask kisses. 
Demoman :
You were honestly surprised at how well he was able to learn sign language when you were teaching him, considering how he’s drunk during almost all your lessons. He likes to try and sign with you but when he’s drunk, his signing is.. a little sloppy. Knowing that your mutism is a touchy subject that holds trauma for you, he has never really asked you questions about it and he definitely doesn’t expect you to speak. Imagine his shock when you said, “Thanks, love.” after he brought you breakfast in bed. He gave you lots of kisses and cuddles. He really loves your voice but he won’t ever pressure you to talk more. The fact that you felt comfortable enough to speak a bit with him had him tearing up. “This is the best day of my life, laddie.”
Heavy :
Since he’s still in the process of learning sign language, you talk to him by writing in a notebook. When he found out why you don’t use your voice to talk, he went straight to Medic to find out more about your condition and what he should and should not do around you. A basic summary that Medic gave is that he should make sure that you feel comfortable and calm always so that’s what he did. Heavy is very gentle around you. He’ll be checking in on you constantly, giving you little kisses here and there, and giving you massages if you’re stressed out. The possibility of you speaking hasn’t really crossed his mind since he’s more focused on just making you feel super comfy all the time. Well, he’s in for a treat. After he gave you one of his usual massages, you held his hand and spoke, “Thank you, honey.” He was shocked but after a few seconds, he wrapped you in his arms and whispered, “Little Y/n can speak. I am proud.”
Engineer :
You can bet this man became fluent in sign language a few days after meeting you. I mean, he does have 11 PhDs after all. When he’s talking to you, he likes to use sign language but if you want him to, he’ll use his voice. When he learnt that you can actually speak and just choose not to, he knew right away that it was because of past trauma. He has never asked you any questions about your mutism but he has told you that if you ever want to talk about it, you can approach him and he’ll listen. One morning, after he made you a cup of tea, you took it and smiled, “Thanks, Engie.” He stared at you in awe for a few seconds before smiling and pulling you into a tight hug. “You’re welcome, darl’.”
Medic :
Having a literal medic as your boyfriend has its perks, one of them being therapy. Yeah, you thought that he only knew how to be a surgical doctor but much to your surprise, he’s a great psychologist. He knew sign language before you met him and when you did meet him, he could tell you had selective mutism on the spot. With your permission, he helps you in your journey of overcoming your mutism by teaching you relaxation techniques and how to have good stress management. You also slowly work out your past trauma with him. After one of your sessions with him, you gave him a hug and whispered to him, “Thank you, doc.” He had proud smile on his face as he hugged you back. “You’re welcome, mein Schatz.”
Sniper :
Not long after you two met, he asked if you could teach him sign language and you gladly accepted. He talks to you by signing almost always because he just finds it more relaxing than using his voice. He appreciates the quiet so what better language to use than sign language. He has never brought up the topic of your mutism and has never thought about it. He’s the kind of person that prefers to leave trauma in the past and just focus on the present and the good things in life. The first time you speak to him is after he saved you in battle by sniping someone who was trying to kill you. You rushed up to him after the battle and kissed him, saying, “Thanks, boo.” He was flustered after that, rosy cheeks and stuttering voice, hugging you like there was no tomorrow. 
Spy :
He thinks that sign language is quite elegant. Using your hands to talk? He finds it beautiful and impressive. He picked it up in a month or two and uses it mainly when he’s complimenting you. He’ll sign things to you like, ‘You look stunning, dear.’ He knows that your mutism is caused by trauma so he’ll often remind you that if you ever need a listening ear, he’s there for you. He doesn’t mind if he never gets to hear you speak, he just wants you to be happy and comfortable. He definitely didn’t expect you to suddenly speak up after he gave you one of his usual compliments. He kissed your forehead and signed to you, ‘Looking lovely as ever, darling.’ You blushed, replying back, “Thanks, you look lovely too.” He gasped softly and smiled, “Mon cœur…” He hugged you, giving you a small kiss.
'Mein Schatz' - My sweetheart (German)
'Mon cœur' - My heart/love (French)
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Okay, okay... HEAR me out
Scout/Pyro's s/o putting lipstick on then peppering their face with kisses and leaving MANY MANY marks <333
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✦ Scout/Pyro's reaction to their s/o applying lipstick then peppering their face with kisses and leaving many marks
✦Pairing/s: Scout x Gn! Reader, Pyro x Gn! Reader (Seperate)
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Word Count: 70
Content Warnings: None
Content/s: Fluff — Romantic — Headcanons — Reader is referred to as "you" —
Fandom: Team Fortress 2
What i will write + Introduction
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✦ PYRO seeing your playful gesture catches them off guard and leaves them all flustered. Their muffled giggles being heard underneath their mask.
✦ SCOUT is initially caught off guard but quickly recovers, showing off the marks to his team with a proud grin but he ends up getting teased about it.
"Aw, ain't that cute? Got yourself a lipstick makeover, Scout."
"H-hey, cut it out! I'm not cute! I'm tough and cool, got it?"
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customfanfic · 2 years
The Skies of Teyvat: Mondstadt Rumble Part One.
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The Angel’s Share is busy. Patrons crowd the tables under the low lamplight, creating a warm buzz in the air. You scan the tables. You know they’ll be here, they always are. Cyrus nods to you from the bar, you’ve been here enough that you may as well be one of the staff.
That’s when you hear it. The bickering. It never changes, even after all this time.
“You know, Diluc, if you just applied yourself a little more you could be far more than a wine merchant.” Kaeya’s cool tones reach your ears over the chatter of the crowd.
You weave between the tables, drawn towards his voice like a moth to a flame. If you don’t get there soon a brawl may well break out – and when these two fight, they mean business. Ever since you’d gained your own vision you knew all too well the havoc that could be wrought with one. Even by accident.
“Tell me, Captain. If your advice is so sound, why are you in the cavalry without a horse?”
You round the corner, seeing the two of them seated at the table nearest the fire. Diluc has his hair tied back, the orange glow of the flames dancing along his red ponytail. Opposite him sits Kaeya, leaning so far back in his chair that you’d worry he’d fall if you didn’t know him better. He has a smirk on his face – he’s drawn Diluc into the argument. That’s his version of winning.
Between them, looking like she needs a break from her break, is Jean. She sees you first, looking relieved that her backup has arrived.
“Look who’s here!” Of all the people in Mondstadt, Jean knows how to keep a handle on these two. Distracting them is one of her go to moves.
The reactions of Kaeya and Diluc really sum up their relationships with you. 
Kaeya smiles wide, showing teeth as he looks you up and down. Sure, when you were first getting to know one another it felt like a predatory look. Now, though, you know him better. He’s checking to see if you’ve been hurt. “It’s about time, where have you been?”
Diluc merely nods, but his eyes are alive with more than just the firelight from the hearth. He’s not in a rush to find out what you’ve been doing since the last time you met. Probably because he already knows.
You spread your hands wide, shrugging. “Someone had to sort out today’s commissions. Funny how it always ends up being me, despite two perfectly capable vision holders having nothing to do.”
As you pass Kaeya to take your seat, you flick him on the forehead. He teeters on the back legs of his chair and that lazy look in his eye vanishes as he regains his balance.
The smirk that appears on Diluc’s face doesn’t go unnoticed.
Jean pushes her drink over to you. “Here, take mine. I need to get back to work after this.”
You reach for the drink, ignoring the protests from Kaeya about Jean working too hard. You all agree that she needs more time off, but even seeing her at the Angel’s Share was more than you normally got.
Before your hand touches the brushed iron handle, the whole table shakes – knocking it away. A deep rumble ripples under your feet. All four of you leap to your feet, weapons in hand before the quake is done.
Your weapon still feels strange in your hand. Sure, you’d had plenty of experience with polearms before gaining your vision, but having one materialise in your hand at a moment’s notice was still a novelty.
Jean was already at the door of the tavern, sword at the ready. “Patrons, stay inside!”
Diluc was on her heels, his hands tightening on his claymore. His shoulders set firm, prepared for a fight.
“They’ll catch up.” Kaeya walked around the wonky table to the open window. “You first.” He held out his hand, as if assisting you into a carriage.
Danger be damned, you two knew how to have fun. You also didn’t need his help to get through a window.
The feeling of wind beneath invisible wings gathering beneath you, making you light on your feet. No distance was too far, no jump was too high and no cliff was too steep now that Barbatos had blessed you with the gift of anemo. With only a single leap you clear the window frame and land outside on the streets of Mondstadt.
Screams of the citizens call out from all around you. Kaeya enters your peripheral vision to your right. To your far left, Jean and Diluc exit the tavern.
“There.” You raise your spear, pointing out the culprit.
An Abyss Mage.
Kaeya stepped forward. “I know I only have one eye, but I didn’t think my eyesight was this bad, is that a geo Abyss Mage?”
Diluc charged past, his claymore already lit up with the power of his pyro vision.
“So much for him catching up to me.” Kaeya was behind him in an instant.
Everything had to be a competition with those two. Though, they were about to be disappointed. You and Jean took off at high speed – the combined efforts of two anemo visions was nothing to scoff at.
You sped over the cobblestones, feet barely touching the ground before you were off again. The earth may have been shaking, but that didn’t matter if you were one with the air.
Jean reached the Mage first, pulling it in close and holding it in place. You prepared for your attack by spinning your polearm.
Diluc roared in, shredding the golden bubble shield. Kaeya lit up with frost as he skidded in last – he would be bitter about that for a while.
As the elements overlap, melting the Mage, you unleash your attack. Fire and ice swirl together in a vortex, bringing the enemy to the ground. Your polearm stops spinning and you drop into a more relaxed pose. For all the trouble this Mage just caused, it had been surprisingly easy to take down.
“Scout out for more, they may not be working alone,” Jean was locked back into Acting Grand Master mode. So much for her evening off.
You nodded. When it came to the defense of the city, Jean knew what was best. Each of you begin taking off in separate directions. But as you push off from the stone, it pushes back – the ground had absorbed the geo energy from the Mage and was still active.
Your ankle burns in pain as the stone attempts to crush it.
“No!” Kaeya turns, his cryo vision alighting around him in panic.
“Go, Kaeya! Mondstadt comes first,” Jean steps between you, pointing him away with her sword.
The involuntary tears of pain threaten to spill from your eyes. Locked to the ground as you are, you only see a glimpse of Kaeya hesitating before obeying orders.
“Hold still,” instructs Jean. She stands over you, holding her aquamarine glowing sword upwards towards the sky – towards the realm of your anemo benefactor.
A warm breeze swirls around you. It fills you with memories of sunny days spent by the bank of Cider Lake. It reminds you that you have something to fight for. It holds the last touch of a friend now gone. Most importantly, it gives you the strength to carry on.
Your ankle is repaired and you feel even better than you had. It doesn’t feel like you’ve spent the whole day running around clearing hilichurl camps. It feels like you’re ready to kick some Abyss ass.
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sangoqueenkoko · 2 years
‼️ - contains mentions of blood etc, or angst
If you like, please leave a heart and maybe reblog🥺
diluc - another day in mondstadt - fluff
You’re new to Mondstadt, upon looking around, you soon find yourself in the Angel's Share, where you meet a fiery-headed bartender.
diluc - not the same as it was - fluff + headcanons
Jean recommends training with Diluc as you want to become a knight!
diluc - headcanons
minecraft. you can make just about anything in that game. well what do some genshin characters make?
bennett - lucky charm - platonic fluff
Bennett is rather unlucky, but you are the opposite. You are his lucky charm.
last updated: March 5th 2024…
more coming soon…
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yurunivo · 1 day
Hello! I really love you self aware idea! Can you please make another part? This time Can you focuse more on Mavuika and the Creator!Reader (Gender Neutral),please? (Also om how the other archons and Neuvillete would be trying to search for the reader and maybe using other organizations to help the search) if not please feel free to ignore this. Have a wonderful day!
This is my first time getting a request! Hope you enjoy!
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Synopsis: hanging out with Mavuika! (And the other nations' planning to reach you) part 1
TW: Mavuika and reader's relationship is implied romantic but can be read as platonic, OOC, yandere, SAGAU imposter au, bad writing, bad grammar, english is not my first language, not beta read
Characters: Mavuika x gn!creator!reader (again can be seen as romantic or platonic), yandere Archons + Neuvillette x reader
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Cleaning at bars was a tedious job. It was easy, sure, but it got boring at times. Customers always made the day fun with their gossip, so you leaned into that. It could've been something simple, like how their boyfriend cheated on them, but it was still more entertaining than mopping the floor.
However, there was always one customer every night that you were looking forward to meeting.
Always clad in a mysterious cloak that made them look like a runaway, blazing bright eyes and red hair.
It was Mavuika.
She came a bit later than usual. You decided not to worry, Archon duties are a lot after all. Yet, she came anyway, dressed the same as before. The cloak was a bit messily put on, so her hair was still visible. You sighed as you left the place you were cleaning and went up in front of her.
"You didn't have to come y'know," you fixed her cloak to hide her hair, yet she only smiled at you.
"I insist," she only replied back. You rubbed your temples at the stubborn woman. Seriously, shouldn't she be busy with work or something?
She seemed to be eager to tell you something, considering how she was holding your hand. You raised an eyebrow at her as you gestured her to speak.
"Well, want to combat practice with me later, (fake name)?" Oh no. You didn't know how to fight! Sure, you did fight against the abyss, but you barely managed to survive!
But you only nodded. Declining now would only make her suspicious, even though the fact that you were being chased around without fighting back was suspicious enough. But, you'll find out a reason later, for now, all you had to do was agree.
"Sure, but only at my day off. Maybe the day after tomorrow?" You were trying to find a lie to tell her then, but for now, you hid your feelings with a smile. She nodded, looking content with your answer.
"The day after tomorrow it is."
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Your hands were uncomfortably sweaty.
The day after tomorrow being right now, you had to tell Mavuika as quick as you could to not gain suspicion. Telling her you got isekai'd from another world was obviously not an option, but you had already prepared something in your head. It was similar to the isekai idea, but it's much more believable. The execution was the only problem.
You were at the outskirts of the Scions of Canopy, where Kinich lived. She came 5 minutes later and greeted you with much courtesy.
"Hope I didn't make you wait for long (fake name)," she told with a bit embarrassment. You shrugged her off.
"It's fine Mavuika, and you can just call me (name)," you replied back. You mustered up the courage to tell her your reason not to fight. But before that, you had to ask her just this one thing.
"How did you know that I was the creator? I don't think there was any part of me that stood out," you were interested to know, after all you thought that you hid yourself very well.
She all but smiled as she pointed out the grass behind you.
"The creator is connected to Teyvat, so everything would bloom in their wake. Since you were in the nation of Pyro, where I'll know everything that's going on, it was quite easy to find out." You looked behind to see beautiful flowers right behind you. You were shocked to see this many flowers in one trail. Wait, then why did the other Archons not realize that you were the creator? Eh that doesn't really matter, what matters was that you were here with Mavuika, safe and sound. But, you took this revelation to gift her something.
You took a flower from the trail. Mavuika was interested to see what you were doing, but you hid it from her. Using the flowers and leaves, you created a flower crown for her and put it a top her head. You smiled, she did too.
"Thank you (name)," she laughed softly. But now you had to explain the fighting part. You sighed as you contemplated.
"Err, Mavuika, I actually don't know how to fight.." You mumbled and cursed your self for it. She looked surprised.
"Why not?" She asked again. You felt embarrassed for having to say the reason. You took a deep breath and prepares to say why.
"I'm.. Not the creator. Like the original one. I'm a reincarnation of them, I have no idea how to fight not do I know anything about the past," you breathed out, cringing at what you just said. However all she did was look at you with understanding, after all, she knows the pain of reincarnation.
"It's fine! But do you know anything about the previous creator then?" She asked curiously, to which you shook your head. She hummed. She got an idea to improvise, it seems like.
"How about I teach you then?" Huh?! This wasn't going as planned! You didn't want to fight at all.
"T-that's not needed, I'll j-just waste your time," you tried convincing her, but she didn't budge. Eventually though, you reluctantly agreed. She smiled and thanked you for allowing her to help.
"Just try to imagine yourself using Pyro abilities, you'll get the hang of it later." You were really trying. The amount of stress that you had to not burn yourself to death was enough to actually kill you. Still, you trusted Mavuika and her abilities, so you tried anyway. You tried and tried and tried, but nothing really came. You were visibly disappointed, but Mavuika tried to encourage you.
"How about this, you imagine something you don't like, and try to use your emotions to drag your Pyro ability out," she suggested. You seemed to find this useful, so you tried it.
Closing your eyes, you thought of something terrible happening, and instead of seeing the imposter hunt that you very despised, you instead saw Mavuika.
You were being hunted down, sure, but what was most important was that she was getting punished by the Archons for not giving up the imposter. Her face was battered and bruised, and she was slowly slipping into unconsciousness. You watched in horror, and tears started to well up in your eyes. This couldn't be! Unfortunately, you were crying in real life too, and Mavuika realized immediately.
"Okay, uhh, you don't need to think about it now," she tried comforting you, bringing you in an embrace to calm you down. Once you came back to reality, your eyes were puffy, and your face was red.
"... Sorry, can we do this another time?" You sniffled, still holding her. She was warm, and you found your self drifting to sleep. She sighed as she picked you up.
"Of course, just don't overdo anything, kay?" She smiled warmly, brushing the tears from your eyes. She wrapped you in a cloak, getting ready to start camp.
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Neuvillette contorted his face in disgust. The waters tasted disgustingly sweet. The creator's happiness with another person, likely an Archon. But the waters then tasted bitter, from the creator's sadness.
If only he could just drag you out of that place and keep you for himself, but no. He'll need the help of the other nations to do so, so he sucked it up and left the Palais Mermonia. He visited Furina, just checking in on her before leaving. He'd leave some of the work for Clorinde to do, he trusted her enough to do that anyway.
Reaching the imposter's throne room, there was a long sitting area where the rulers of the nations were there. Only the Cryo, Pyro and Anemo Archons weren't there, but the acting grandmaster came for Anemo, and the director of the Fatui Harbingers came for Cryo. The Geo Archon returned to his status as the God of Contracts, and the Electro and Dendro archon were sitting in their own seats. The imposter was on the creator's throne. They were dead, blood seeping out of their head. Their expression was one of shock, as he could vividly remember the day the Geo Archon killed the imposter.
A seat was vacant. He clenched his teeth at the mere thought of the Pyro Archon. He'd get you back from her, no matter what it took.
"We all know that the creator is in the nation of war, Natlan. However, since the neither of us know its weaknesses besides the Pyro Archon being a human, we need to create a plan to ambush the nation," Jean spoke up. Everyone in the room nodded along with her, too obsessed to notice their wrong doings. However, there was one who objected to this clause.
Nahida raised her hand to interrupt Jean, turning all eyes on her.
"You all chased down the creator like a rabid dog, and now you're trying to kidnap them to do a job that they don't want? What kind of leaders are you? The creator was in Natlan for a few months by now, and since they're not leaving, they are probably enjoying a better life there than your own selfish desires," she objected.
Neuvillette all but admired the young Archon. Despite being small and weaker than the others, she still had the bravery to stand against everyone. However, this was one thing that he didn't agree with. He just stayed quiet though, waiting for someone to object the small Archon.
Raiden did. The God of Eternity looked at Nahida with disdain, preparing to answer the deity.
"And how are you so sure that the creator is having a better life in Natlan Buer? For all we could know, they could actually be running around the vast nation. And, you are one of the younger Archons after all, what use does your words have?" She asked coldly. When she was about to respond back, she got interrupted.
"It is settled, we shall find the creator in Natlan, no questions," the God of Contracts added in. Nahida couldn't speak now. After all, what power does she have to a much more experienced God?
Neuvillete glared at the Archons.
"Whoever shall get the creator first will be the one to solely have the creator in their nation," Neuvillete furrowed his brows at the Archons. They did the same, but still agreed to the conditions, not really thinking of what you want.
Now, all the leaders were going back to their nation, telling their line of military to get prepared. They had to have you all for yourself, and they will do anything for it.
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Done! Hope you enjoy!
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dreamdazedworld · 1 month
Synopsis: Yingxing x Genshin! Youkai! Gender neutral Reader and the both of them are hopelessly in love.
Note(s): I was listening to 愛き夜道 on Spotify when I suddenly got this idea, now it won’t leave me alone. Anyways, I think that this is the first post I actually wrote, so yippie? Eat up, my children, you won’t be having these Yingxing crumbs for some while. This might actually turn into a full blown fic, though it depends on my motivation LOL
Warning(s): Both of them are hopelessly in love with each other, death mentioned (nothing serious, dw), oops now you have a Yandere! Blade chasing you around Teyvat
Art credit goes to my favorite artist, void/Re:era on X! Their art is really pretty, check them out if you can :o
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Imagine a Genshin! Youkai! Reader who’s a fox/kitsune (like Yae), and fell in love with YINGXING, like it has all of the potential fr.
So! Of course, Reader here is from Inazuma, and their… clan (let’s all pretend that the Youkai has separate clans) feeds only on the feelings (and emotions), positive ones, to be precise, of humans (like the dementors from Harry Potter!). Negative ones are like poison to them- And the only antidote for this is the Sacred Sakura, however, there are lasting after effects. Once poisoned, the kitsune will be significantly weakened for a long period of time, ranging from a few decades to centuries on end, depending on how much the kitsune consumed.
Kitsune! Reader, unlike the others from their clan, doesn’t like feeding on humans (because it ends up driving their victim mad and they like humans). Of course they understand that it’s necessary for them to survive, they’re not dumb, they can feel their hunger growing with each day they refused to feed on humans. So, with no more options, decides to blend into human society by protecting mankind from the ‘evil’ Youkai, and occasionally feeding on people who are about to die (with guilt). Their love for humanity and stubborn determination to protect humans ends up earning them a Pyro vision that supplies them with some energy to keep them going, since visions are literally wishes with a physical shape, and wishes have positive energy.
One day, while resting on the Sacred Sakura, Reader accidentally finds out that the Sakura has clones, which are spread across multiple worlds by waking up in the Xianzhou Luofu. There, they meet young Yingxing, who’s still learning under that grandpa, when he stumbles into the area where the clone is located. There, they become friends, and as years pass, eventually drinking buddies as well. After Yingxing meets the High-Cloud Quintet and as years fade away, our dear Reader here realizes they’re hopelessly in love with….. Yingxing!? Instantly gives up on their love as soon as they realize, because they think he doesn’t see them in that light (honey, he does), and to rub salt to the wound, in love with Bai Heng, since Yingxing talks about her a lot. But of course it doesn’t go as easily as they want it to go, so the Reader just silently suffers with their emotions.
When shit starts to go down in the Quintet after Bai Heng’s death, Reader goes “Oh fuck, Yingxing’s negative energy is going to make him choose the shittiest life options, won’t it?” and starts to suck away his pain (by kissing him in his sleep because YES). Yingxing starts getting better in exchange for Reader’s health, and in the end, Reader fucking COLLAPSES, forced to go back to Inazuma to recover, Yingxing learns about everything they were keeping from him through a letter, depression hits and oh wow, Yingxing chooses the most shittiest life decision he has ever made by teaming up with Dan Feng to cause the Sedition of Imbibitor Lunae, turning him immortal, and eventually into Blade. (I forgot to mention it but only the original Sacred Sakura has the ability to heal away the poison.)
As thousands of years pass, Reader fully recovers, though not exactly since they can’t let go of Yingxing. The Sakoku degree is lifted, and everything seems fine in Inazuma, until they come across a person who they thought were already dead- You guessed it, Blade! But not just typical Blade, Yandere! Blade who is on the brink of insanity and is hellbent on bringing Reader along with him. And so, the game of cat and mouse ensues.
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robin374 · 3 months
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NO: incest, suicide, adult x child (romantically), NSFW (I don't do it anymore)...
YES: Romantic, platonic, male x male, female x female, female x male, trans, gender neutral (I mostly write this)...
Just 3 or 4 characters, please :)
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"Dont go please" || Sniper, Scout, Medic
Sniper with a S/O who doesn't mind his behaviour
Sniper with a S/O who's into skincare and fashion
Mercs reacting to a spider in their room || Engie, Scout, Sniper
Cuddling with Sniper
Mercs with a siren S/O || Sniper, Demo, Soldier
Mercs with a short S/O || Medic, Sniper
Mercs with a Spider-Person S/O || Medic, Demo, Scout, Sniper, Spy
Drunk confession to Sniper
Mercs with a S/O who gives gifts but hates receiving them
Sniper relationship headcanons
Mercs listening to their S/O rambling about their hyperfixation || Engie, Medic, Pyro, Sniper
Mercs with an energetic, loud and animal lover daughter || Heavy, Engie, Sniper
One Bed trope || Medic, Soldier, Sniper
Being Tag-Teamed by Spy and Sniper
Demo x Reader x Sniper
Interrogation gone wrong (NSFW) || Engie, Medic, Sniper, Spy
Aquarium date with Sniper
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"Dont go please" Sniper, Scout, Medic x reader
Mercs reacting to a spider in their room || Engie, Scout, Sniper
Jealous Scout
Dancing with the mercs at a disco || Scout, Demo, Medic
Mercs with a Spider-Person S/O || Medic, Demo, Scout, Sniper, Spy
Mercs with a S/O who gives gifts but hates receiving them
One Bed trope || Scout, Demo, Engie
Scout with a Streamer/Youtuber S/O
Taking care of Scout || FemDom! Reader
S/O with ADHD || Scout, Medic, Soldier, Engie
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Mercs reacting to a spider in their room || Engie, Scout, Sniper
Mercs walking you home while raining || Engie, Spy
Mercs with a S/O who gives gifts but hates receiving them
Mercs listening to their S/O rambling about their hyperfixation || Engie, Medic, Pyro, Sniper
Mercs with an energetic, loud and animal lover daughter || Heavy, Engie, Sniper
One Bed trope || Scout, Demo, Engie
Engie with a Male!S/O who's bad at math
Mercs reacting to their crush singing their fav song || Heavy, Medic, Engie
Interrogation gone wrong (NSFW) || Engie, Medic, Sniper, Spy
Engie x Male!Reader || NSFW
Lying in an interrogation || Engie, Spy, Medic
S/O with ADHD || Scout, Medic, Soldier, Engie
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"Dont go please" Sniper, Scout, Medic x Reader
"I lost my vision" "They lost their vision" Medic x Reader
Dancing with the mercs at a disco || Scout, Demo, Medic
Mercs with a short S/O || Medic, Sniper
Mercs with a Spider-Person S/O || Medic, Demo, Scout, Sniper, Spy
Mercs with a S/O who gives gifts but hates receiving them
Mercs listening to their S/O rambling about their hyperfixation || Engie, Medic, Pyro, Sniper
One Bed trope || Medic, Soldier, Sniper
Mercs reacting to their crush singing their fav song || Heavy, Medic, Engie
Interrogation gone wrong (NSFW) || Engie, Medic, Sniper, Spy
Lying in an interrogation || Engie, Spy, Medic
The Violinist's Dance || Medic x Reader
S/O with ADHD || Scout, Medic, Soldier, Engie
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Soldier flirting with Fem!Reader
Mercs with a siren S/O || Sniper, Demo, Soldier
One Bed trope || Medic, Soldier, Sniper
S/O with ADHD || Scout, Medic, Soldier, Engie
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Mercs with a siren S/O || Sniper, Demo, Soldier
Dancing with the mercs at a disco || Scout, Demo, Medic
Mercs with a Spider-Person S/O || Medic, Demo, Scout, Sniper, Spy
One Bed trope || Scout, Demo, Engie
Demo x Reader x Sniper
Demoman with radio announcer/host S/O
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Mercs with an energetic, loud and animal lover daughter || Heavy, Engie, Sniper
One Bed trope || Spy, Pyro, Heavy
Mercs reacting to their crush singing their fav song || Heavy, Medic, Engie
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Mercs walking you home while raining || Engie, Spy
Mercs with a Spider-Person S/O || Medic, Demo, Scout, Sniper, Spy
One Bed trope || Spy, Pyro, Heavy
Being Tag-Teamed by Spy and Sniper
Interrogation gone wrong (NSFW) || Engie, Medic, Sniper, Spy
Lying in an interrogation || Engie, Spy, Medic
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Mercs listening to their S/O rambling about their hyperfixation || Engie, Medic, Pyro, Sniper
One Bed trope || Spy, Pyro, Heavy
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Miss Pauling with a chaotic S/O
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Nothing Yet!!
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ballad-of-birdy-lamb · 4 months
TF2 Masterlist!!
Request list Rules for requesting Following requirements You can request for blue or red team, and Emesis Blue too!! ___
Intertwined, sewn together - Scout/Heavy/Sniper/Engineer x GN! Reader romantic headcanons
It's you- all the roads lead back to you - Scout/Medic/Pyro x GN! Reader enemies to lover headcanons
Erm... - Scout/Medic x GN! Reader brainrot platonic headcanons
It's you- all the roads lead back to you - Scout/Medic/Pyro x GN! Reader enemies to lover headcanons
Erm... - Scout/Medic x GN! Reader brainrot platonic headcanons
Just trust me, you'll be fine - Medic/Heavy x transmasc! Reader headcanons (tw transphobia)
Intertwined, sewn together - Scout/Heavy/Sniper/Engineer x GN! Reader romantic headcanons
Just trust me, you'll be fine - Medic/Heavy x transmasc! Reader headcanons (tw transphobia)
It's you- all the roads lead back to you - Scout/Medic/Pyro x GN! Reader enemies to lover headcanons
Intertwined, sewn together - Scout/Heavy/Sniper/Engineer x GN! Reader romantic headcanons
Intertwined, sewn together - Scout/Heavy/Sniper/Engineer x GN! Reader romantic headcanons
Miss Pauling:
I haven't added anything yet but am very excited to!!
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prettyboypistol · 1 year
Mercs first time receiving head?
Male or gender neutral Reader preferred
TF2 Mercs First Time Getting Head || x M!Reader +18
minors dni
Pyro is ambiguous genitals
In disbelief really, since none of his previous partners were interested in BJs
As soon as you got on your knees and offered, his heart nearly lurched out of his throat.
Def internalizes it as "well you're a guy, so it's gotta be different"
Probably wouldn't reciprocate that's some gay shit right there and Jeremy is NOT gay. especially when another man is sucking him off!
Loves how tight and wet it is
ABSOLUTELY fucks your throat when he gets too into it
You two have to leave to the field in ten minutes, but you're both horny
You offer to give Tav head since there's no time for fucking and he enthusiastically agrees
He's very tentative about letting you know that there's no pressure for you to do this often
His favorite part is feeling your moans on his dick
A bit shy when it comes to deepthroating because he "I don't wanna fuck up my boy's throat if he needs to shout for a heal"
Would try to reciprocate at a later date, but he's honestly not that good 3/10 but an A for effort
Pyro is very nervous about you giving them oral
Just like the usual fucking with them, no skin is showing except what the open zipper to the flame retardant suit allowed. Even then, their heavy shirt and pants withheld everything that wasn't necessary for sex
You like how vocal they are and how their hands run through your hair
They orgasm HARD. So much cum. As they ride the high, you keep going, only making Pyro sob in pleasure
They offer to let you fuck them as a thank you, even then they beg to at LEAST give you a handjob
God, there's so much Pyro loves about oral, but the intimacy is amazing for them
He's a bit frumpy about the idea of "degrading" you like that
UGH he's such a southern gentleman you wanna rail him even more
"Listen hon, I know that it shouldn't feel as intimate as sex but- but your face down there? I dunno."
You assure him that it isn't degrading to you and that you're more than enthusiastic to give him head
He's down to give it a shot, but in the end after 2 minutes you can tell he's just not into it and he profusely apologizes
You spend the rest of the night cuddling your man bc 1. babe it's ok to not like oral and 2. honeyyyy i wasn't objectifieddd
Damn. Like, DAMN. He's fucking HUGE
As soon as you see his dick when you two are going to sleep together, you wanna get it in your mouth as a bit of foreplay
You're a size king, but your jaw hurts not even 3 minutes into working down his shaft.
Heavy gives praise as you tirelessly try to take him
"Good job, most can barely take it during sex!"
He's very patient and calm as you suck and swallow around the head and the shaft. no matter what you did you couldn't get him balls deep.
Reciprocation is 5/10, also inexperienced but since your dick is half his size he doesn't have as much trouble
Surprisingly one of the most happy to get head
Loves the idea of you sucking him off when he's busy
cockwarming kink 100%%%
He nearly jizzes on the spot with how warm your throat is
Reciprocation game is surprisingly good 6/10
Not mouthy per se, but very grunty/groany when you get him close to orgasm. Def will get noisy if you edge him.
Jane wants to cum on your face but he ain't gonna ask
God he LOVES the idea of blowjobs, like that's his usual jerk off material
He has an oral fixation, he always liked watching you drink from straws or licking things like icepops
As soon as you offer his eyes light up and he grabs your face to kiss you over and over again
He's so jittery in happiness as you unzip his pants, def doesn't last long
Reciprocation game is great but the overenthusiasm docks points 7/10
Loved the feeling of your tongue, the way it feels makes him white out in pleasure.
Sees blowjobs as "Sex but when there's not enough time"
His danger kink just BEGS for you to blow him while he's camping out for an assassination.
Road. Head. Please. Mundy loves the idea of road head.
He's casually bisexual, so he doesn't mind giving head to you as well. Definitely has given head before and knows his way around a cock. 8/10 (-2 bc it feels impersonal)
Mundy's favorite thing about you giving head is how you look up at him. If he's driving then every red light makes him blush bc yes. he's looking. yes, he WILL blush if you make eye contact.
Will remember it for an absurdly long time and WILL bring it up like 5 months later
you know damn well you're not his first.
He likes the power of you on his knees and ready to please him.
He loves running his hands into your hair and guiding you to how to blow him properly.
Spy will reciprocate and is a 10/10 for practiced grace. However, he threatens to castrate you if you dirty up his mask.
Dirty talks in french if you really go above his expectations
not too noisy or mouthy, but get him riled up enough and he'll mutter french to himself
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5eraphim · 1 year
NOT SURE IF ANYONE ELSE REQ THIS.... nsfw yandere emesis blue Medic please !! He was literally so caring and kind at the beginning and watching him delve into madness and being like.. that ...was so hot and so good for yandere material! thank u :D
ALRIGHTY! so this one's a little different than what I usually write, and honestly, Medic doesn't have much yandere-behavior until the final scene, but I hope you enjoy, thank you so much for the request!
(This is meant to take place during chapter 5, after he tries to revive Scout in the respawn machine, sees himself over Scout's Ma's body, gets burned by Pyro and is hiding out in a Chapel. And before he's found by Spy and Soldier.)
Title: Heaven Waits
Character: Emesis Blue! Medic 🕊️
Content Warnings: Slight spoilers for Emesis Blue, Sad Medic, asphyxiation, sexual massage/hand bathing, gender neutral reader, yandere, oral (male receiving), angst/bad ending, religious themes, death
Word Count: 5.6k
"I fell in love with the idea that the mysterious thing you look for your whole life will eventually eat you alive." Laurie Anderson explaining her Attraction to Moby Dick
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"Is this a dream?" You wondered as you listened to your footsteps echoing in the hollow nothingness stretching endlessly around you. If all this was a dream, you wanted to wake up again. What felt like hours had passed since you woke up in the fetal position on the ground with no memory of how you got here and a full canteen of water strapped around your neck. 
While you weren't hungry, thirsty, or tired, you were overwhelmed by a bewildering sense of loneliness, an anxiety in isolation that only intensified the longer you plodded along. You were almost sure this was a dream, given the surreal lack of life around you, no other humans, no buzzing insects, chirping birds, or scurrying of some mammal- just you and the sound of the wind. The world around you appeared hazy, shrouded by dark shadows, making you wonder if you were lost in civilization or the wilderness. 
Every now and then, you could hear something in the distance, some nondescript moan or growling sound like nothing you couldn't imagine making you freeze up and feel all the more helpless. But just as you were beginning to wonder if you'd been walking in circles, you could see what appeared to be a little urban outskirt in the darkened horizon. And before you could even consider if you were about to run straight into danger, you found yourself racing in the direction of quasi-familiarity. Specifically, something called you toward a squat derelict chapel a distance from the rest of the buildings. Something deep down urged you forward- convinced you were meant to go inside. Like someone was in there waiting for you, someone who could cure you of the crushing loneliness.
The sight of something recognizable filled you with hope; not only was it an actual building, but you could swear you saw the outline of a person inside. You spotted a massive hole in the building beside the shoddily boarded-up door and windows just big enough to crawl through. The chapel appeared rickety by age; the outside was veined with cracks and spotted with gaping holes of missing walls, making the building appear even more fragile. You couldn't guess how long this place was abandoned, but the idea of no longer wandering the darkness lost and alone gave you all the incentive needed to investigate the inside. 
Standing on the other side of the drafty chapel stood a tall man with a familiar silhouette, facing away from you, breaking the silence with a whisper hardly loud enough for you to hear. "Gott hilf mir."
"Medic, is that you?" While you were hopeful, the idea of finding a friendly face in the confusing nightmare you'd awoken in seemed too good to be true, and you were careful not to get too close to the figure before discovering precisely who it was. As you drew closer, inch by agonizing inch, you held your breath, biting down on your lower lip nervously. Too scared to get any closer, you watched with wide, terrified eyes as the figure turned to face you, revealing himself to be exactly who you hoped, though now that you could see his face, you were struck by just how different he looked.
"I am here." Was all he had to say as you paced across the uneven chapel floors in his direction. Not only did he look different, but his voice sounded horse, hardly like the man you knew.
Medic looked years older. The bags under his eyes seemed heavier in the low lighting, and the sweat coating his face emphasized his fine lines, somehow making his face appear more gaunt. You could tell by the way he was facing the light something was off about the half of his face concealed by shadows, but you couldn't quite see. More disturbingly, as you looked down, you realized blood drenched his bare forearms and hands, staining them bright red; his vest and shirt were so soaked with blood it formed little red rivulets trailing down his pants. 
You couldn't imagine what he'd gone through before you found him. To your disappointment, he hardly reacted to your presence, watching you with dull eyes, arms slackened at his sides as he stared straight ahead through the window on the far wall. 
Pausing a few paces away, you wrung your hands together nervously, fiddling with the canteen, listening to the water quietly sloshing inside. "Medic, what happened to you?" The question was so blunt you almost felt embarrassed saying it out loud. He sighed heavily, breaking away from the window, taking a seat at the nearby pew, which creaked as he sat, slumped forward, burying his head in his hands. 
"It's Fritz."
"Huh?"Timidly you approached the bench as though waiting for permission before sitting down, though, to your disappointment, he continued to regard you with little more than melancholic disinterest. Still, he didn't pull away, which you took as an invitation to sit beside him. 
He took his glasses off, leaving them on the side of the bench away from you. Fritz used his hand to rub the sweat from his tired eyes. "It's Fritz now. I have no right to call myself a Medic. Not anymore."
You were about to say something, but he spoke first, "I can't save anyone."
You couldn't believe what you were hearing; sitting beside him on the bench with the canteen on your lap, you whispered, "You don't really believe that do you?"
"I know so." He responded, pressing his lips together into a hard line as though trying to hold in tears. Clearly, he must be referring to what he'd been through before, whatever it was you hadn't witnessed, but thinking back a little further, you remembered how hard Medic took Scout getting laid off. But you were told it was a complication regarding the respawn machine, and you couldn't understand how Fritz blamed himself for this.
"But, Medi- sorry, Fritz, you don't really blame yourself for what happened to Scout, do you?"
He nodded once solemnly, "I do."
"It wasn't your fault, I don't… Fritz, I don't understand why everything's gone insane since the respawn machine went down, but none of this is your fault! I don't know what's going on around here, but let's try and find our way back home; if we work together, we could-"
He shook his head, furrowing his brow, groaning in frustration, "You don't understand! You haven't seen what I've seen. If you knew what I've done- what I did to that poor boy, you'd never want to see me again." Fritz's voice cracked with emotion, like even saying Scout's name hurt him. 
There was no way he would tell you what he'd seen, but you refused to believe his words. "That can't be true." 
"I made Jeremy go through respawn! I knew it was dangerous, but I forced him through anyway! I was reckless- I was stupid! I'm the one who turned him into a smear of blood on the floor!" His hands balled into fists, clutching the fabric of his pants as he shouted. You could feel your stomach drop imagining what happened to Scout in this awful place, but you also felt all the more compelled to get Fritz out of here. 
Turning to lean closer to him, you reached out to touch his blood-splattered arm, pleading, "Fritz, please, don't talk like that. I don't know what you're going through, but I can't stand by and let you give up like this! Come back to base with me, I know we don't know how to fix this yet, but we can't do anything sticking around here! We need to move now!"
He looked up, eyes unfocused and haunted, speaking in a hoarse croak. "For God's sake, he was so young- He had his entire life ahead of him, and I took all that away. If his mother knew what I'd done-" His voice broke off into a choked sob, "Oh God, his mother-"
Fritz held his head in his hands as he began panting erratically, almost hyperventilating, his knuckles going white as he fisted his hair, his terror was impossible to understand, and you were almost too scared to get any closer for fear of intensifying his anxiety, but seeing him tormented hurt too much. Leaning close enough to feel his breath on your face, you placed your hands over his, gently pulling them from the sides of his face to your lap over the canteen. Fritz wouldn't meet your gaze, focusing squarely on the sight of your hands wrapped around his, trying to calm his trembling. A part of you wanted to know exactly what happened to Scout's mother, but you doubted Fritz was in the state to talk about it.
"Fritz, we need to get you out of here before-" 
To your surprise, Fritz began to laugh wildly between his dog-like panting, the sound giving you goosebumps, "Before what? Before I'm killed again? Can't you see- there is no way out!"
Your mouth went dry. "Killed… again?"
He didn't answer, rocking back and forth as he laughed. You shouted desperately, squeezing his hands between yours, "Fritz, what's happened to you?" 
He laughed maniacally for a moment until it quieted to a chuckle, "Maybe you're right… None of this is real. None of this makes sense, none of this means anything, and it's all a matter of time before I die for good. If I were you, I'd run. Save yourself from me while you can!" His grin terrified you, the expression so frightening it made him appear even less like himself. Only now, with your forced closeness, registered the scar of burnt tissue from his left ear, down the side of his face, almost extending down his neck. Once you noticed the blotch, it was impossible to look away.
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you forced yourself to speak. "I don't understand any of this more than you do, Fritz, but I won't leave without you. I would never leave you behind. I don't care what you've done here, for God's sake- you're a good man! You don't deserve to die alone here!" You could see his face visibly sour when you called him a 'good man.'
Drawing a deep breath, he slouched back a little, reclining against the pew but keeping his hands on your lap. "Do you believe there's another side? Will there be an afterlife when you die? Will there be any mercy for people like me? Or is this my eternity?"
Hearing him admit defeat like this was so unlike the Fritz you knew; it was almost insulting to hear. "Stop talking like that! You're not going to die, and you aren't dead yet; please, let me get you out of here!"
His eyes narrowed as he finally looked you in the eye. "Do you remember how you got here?"
You blinked, "What?"
He continued in a sharp tone, "Do you know how long you've been here?"
"Fritz, what do you-"
You could feel his fists tightening between your hands as he continued, "Tell me, how do you know you're not already dead?"
Your eyes widened hearing him say that. No matter how hopeful you tried to sound, you had no answer for him. Fritz was right. You had no idea how long you'd wandered the darkness trying to find another living person, how you got here, or why you were brought here. You genuinely had no idea how you came to wake up here, and you couldn't entirely deny the possibility you really were dead.
You felt so cold, while you could feel your heart beating, your hands felt numb, and you felt yourself swaying in your seat, unable to remain steady as Fritz continued to question you. But it couldn't be true. You refused to let yourself believe it was so!
There was no getting through to him like this, pushing the canteen off your lap onto the bench to stand up facing him. You closed the distance between the two of you until you were close enough to crawl onto his lap, legs straddling either side of his body. He looked slightly baffled but didn't make any effort to pull away. Cupping the sides of his face with the palms of your hands, you forced a small, compassionate smile. He pulled back slightly, pressing his back harder against the bench, though he made no effort to push you off. "Fritz, no matter what happens to us or what you do, I'll always wait for you. I will always try to find you." 
"Why?" He muttered.
"I care about you; I always will. There is nothing you can do to change that." You had no idea if you were saying the right thing or not, but to further convince him, you pressed a loving, almost parental kiss to the top of his head, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, gently pressing yourself as tight up against him as possible, signing in with content and relief when you felt his arms numbly wrap around your waist. His body felt cold, and you suspected yours did too, but up against each other like this, at least it would be easier to warm up.
Fritz felt so small and vulnerable in your arms, more fragile than you'd ever seen him before. The feeling of his weak arms wrapped around your body was as sweet as it was heartbreaking. He squeezed you tighter as you pressed your forehead against the top of his head, rubbing tiny circles into his scalp with your fingertips as you hummed quietly. 
Touching his cheek with a trembling hand, you inquired gently, "What happened to your face?"
His lips pressed into a hard line as he turned his face, pulling away slightly, "It's nothing... It doesn't hurt." You could tell he didn't want you to worry about him, but your eyes drifted down as you got a closer look at how roughed up he really was.
"Your hands are covered in blood- Is it… yours?" 
He shook his head, "The Conaghers."
Blood splattered from his fingertips to elbows and caked the front of his vest and undershirt. Placing both hands on the top buttons of his vest, you began undoing the buttons.
"What are you doing?" He sounded dazed but didn't try to stop you, which you took as a sign to continue, trying not to get too grossed by the dry, crusted blood stains that stiffened the fabric. 
"You're filthy. I'm going to clean you up." Hopping down from his lap, you worked to completely undo his vest; you helped him shrug it off, placing it beside him on the pew. 
"What's the point? You'll just waste your water." He sounded pessimistic but compliant as you undid the buttons on his undershirt. As you suspected, the blood seeped entirely through the fabric, crusts of blood getting caught in his chest hair, staining his skin, and you couldn't help but worry for a moment you wouldn't have enough water to get the job done. While you'd seen him covered in blood countless times before, seeing him so beaten down and depressed while enveloped in gore made it hard to look at him.
Forcing half a smile, you replied, "C'mon, don't worry about that. Let me do what I can to help." 
Without another thought, you stepped back a little, pulling off your shirt, pouring out most of the water in the canteen to drench the fabric, then pressing the wet cloth to his shoulder. "This will probably feel a little cold. Just try to relax, alright?"
You could swear you saw his eyes lingering on your exposed body for a moment before nodding, letting his eyes drift shut, and sighing softly as you began to work the cold cloth against his chest. 
Trying to remove all the blood coating him was a tall order; Fritz was a big guy, and you only had so much water at your disposal, but you couldn't help but notice the tension slowly draining from his face as you continued to wipe away the blood. His breathing began to deepen and slow as your fingers crept from his chest lower down. It would be easy to try and get even lower, but you wanted to keep Fritz mellow and take as much time as possible. After you'd cleaned his upper chest, you drapped the cloth around his neck and began massaging the taunt muscles in his shoulders, trying to work some tension from his upper back. 
Fritz's head lulled a bit further back as you pressed your fingers harder into his flesh. You could watch him like this forever, but you forced yourself to focus on where he was the dirtiest, his hands. You wrung out the rag and dowsed some more water on it before kneeling down. Creeping closer to plant yourself between his spread legs, taking his right arm with yours while you used the other arm to swab the carnage from his skin. Working with the utmost care, you tried your best to clean the filth from the creases of his hands, from under his nails, and out of the hair coating his arms, trying to ignore the putrid smell in the process.
Doing the same to the other arm, you were honestly amazed at how much blood you'd managed to scrub away, though without soap, you couldn't do anything to clean up the red residue plastered across his arms and chest. Staying put on your knees before him, you knew the right thing to do was re-dress him and look for a way out now that you'd gotten him as clean as possible. But the sight of Fritz, half undressed and finally relaxed, made you pause. "Would it really be so bad to stay just a while longer?" You wondered. 
You didn't want to awaken him from the calm trance he'd fallen into, so you began to advance with feather-light movements, placing one hand on the top of his knee, the other on the bare skin just above his belt. You whispered, "Can I get these off too?"
Looking down at you through half-lid eyes, he hesitated momentarily before nodding, "Please." 
His face was flushed, and you could tell he was already semi-aroused from the massage. Fritz watched as you undid his belt, unfastening his pants, shifting in his seat as you pulled them down to his ankles. Despite his encouragement, for a moment, you were too scared to touch him, as though all it would take was one wrong move to shatter the peaceful mood. All you wanted to do was make Fritz feel relaxed, content, and loved; now was your moment to do just that.
Leaning in closer, you kissed the skin on his belly when your hands just were, feeling Fritz stiffen above, inhaling between clenched teeth. "So far, so good." You assured yourself as you inched your hands up from his knees to his thighs, kissing lower and lower until your lips hit the waistband of his briefs. You were about to ask again if he was alright with this, but he moved first, shucking off his briefs just enough to pull his cock out. 
The moment you saw it, you knew you were officially out of patience, and your need to please Fritz took over entirely. Closing your eyes, you connected both hands with the base of his shaft before kissing his head with parted lips. The impact made him throb against your mouth and grab a fist of your hair on impulse. You opened your mouth wider to take his head, parting your lips further, letting your tongue roll out to feel the vein along the length of his underside. 
You had to force your mouth open even wider as he mindlessly bucked forward slightly into your open mouth, the movement taking you by surprise but exciting you even more. Running both hands along the sides of his hips, you could feel muscles tensing under your fingers, Fritz writhing in his seat as you continued to coat his length in saliva, the slick mixing with the few dribbles of precum he'd begun to release. You couldn't help but be surprised at how fast Fritz was coming undone; he must've been more pent-up than you thought. Not that you minded any.
Just as you were sure he was about to come, you felt Fritz tugging your hair, forcing you to disconnect. Confused, you looked up at him, momentarily worried you'd done something wrong. Fritz let go of your hair, pushing himself further upright on the bench. The sight of the man from below, fully erect, coated in his own sweat with his thighs spread wide, made your mouth water and your heartthrob. 
After taking another second to compose himself, he rasped, "Please, let me feel all of you! God, I'm so close, but please! I need you!" 
Needing no further invitation, you nodded eagerly. Bracing yourself on Fritz's bare legs as you got to your feet, trying to ignore the annoying ache in your knees after being forced against the stone floor for too long. Cynically you realized riding Fritz was the most purpose you'd felt since waking up in this terrible place, but you didn't care. You felt a throb of pleasure as you felt his eyes on you as you fully undressed, as he pushed his briefs all the way down, stepping out of them as he mindlessly spread his thighs a little wider in anticipation. 
You could tell he was trying to restrain himself as you took your time sitting on his lap, spreading your legs over his; Fritz wrapped both arms around your back as you eased closer. 
Pressing a chaste kiss to your cheek, he spoke, "If we get out of this, will you wait for me- you wouldn't leave me behind, would you!?" Fritz looked at you with wild eyes, his pupils blown out, face flushed bright red with a neediness that bordered on insanity. He was irresistible.
You couldn't help but grin, "Of course, I'll owe you after you waited so patiently for me."
Using the top of the pew's backrest, you gripped tight, grinding your sex against his cock; Fritz instinctively hugged you tighter with a strength great enough to squeeze the air from your lungs. The feeling was intense but not unpleasant. You felt a throb from below as he blindly attempted to guide you into place. His head pressed against the sensitive flesh between your legs, which felt heavenly. His body felt searing hot, all-encompassing, and desperate; you couldn't help but feel yourself locking up, blinded by the pleasure, your mind going blank as you listened to Fritz's choppy, heavy breathing as he too, felt pleasure overtaking his mind.
Fritz rolled his head back, eyes drifting shut; he reluctantly unwrapped one arm from around your waist, groping with his hand until he found the top of your hip. Watching him so high out of his mind with pleasure was amusing, as he tried to guide you. But you were too turned on to sit back and watch for too long, and the feeling of his dick coated in precum and spit against your entrance let you know he wouldn't last much longer anyway. 
"J-just a little more-" Fritz looked pleadingly up at you, needing just one nod from you before thrusting up. He was painfully horny but still unsure how much you could handle. But you weren't about to let him down now. When you mounted him, he was fully aroused, and you knew taking him fully inside wouldn't be easy. It stung slightly, forcing yourself to stretch to accommodate him, though as you rocked against him, the easier it became. 
Stealing a kiss as you wrapped both arms around his neck, you felt him pushing deeper inside, increasing the friction, forcing you to brace all your weight against him as he thrust up. 
The feeling of Fritz's teeth biting down harshly on your neck made you wince and mindlessly clench down even harder against him, the sensation only incentivizing him to continue. His mouth biting against sensitive skin, his hips rolling against yours, feeling absolutely feral with lust caught up with you fast, and as you ground against his lap, you felt a dawning climax. You couldn't get enough, wanting to feel him deeper, feel every inch of his body against yours; even as you came, you continued to grind, wanting to ride out your high as long as possible. As Fritz felt you coming on his lap and saw your face awash with pleasure, he felt his heart throb, and as he watched you coming down from your high, he picked up the pace, watching your limp body moving in rhythm with his thrusts as he came deep inside. 
Your head felt heavy and fuzzy; the world was still blurry as you felt yourself coming down; carefully, you separated from his dick, trying not to think about the mess you'd made after just cleaning him up. You were too spent to worry or do anything about it, and it didn't seem like Fritz was concerned either, allowing you to sit back down on his lap, securing both arms around your waist, and keeping you from going anywhere.
Even after the two of you managed to catch your breath, neither of you tried to separate; it felt too good to finally have a warm body to hold and feel wrapped around yourself after spending so much time lost and cold in the dark. Now, no amount of noise the unknown malicious creatures made bothered you. So long as you could feel Medic's body under your own, nothing could scare you. He held you tight, like a child holding a teddy bear after awakening from a nightmare, it wasn't painful, but you could tell he was still terrified. 
Quietly you spoke, your head still resting against his neck, "Do you really think we're dead?"
Fritz sighed, "I wish I knew." He sounded frail and defenseless. Emotionally devastated but too exhausted to really care. "If this is hell, I know I deserve it."
You buried your head deeper into the crook of his neck, shaking your head, muttering "No, you don't." under your breath. Before now, you hadn't considered this place could be hell; even now, you stubbornly refused to believe it. 
"Maybe it's not hell. All this loneliness and wandering in the dark, it feels more like purgatory than hell." You hated how bleak that sounded. Even as you were trying to inspire hope, there was no ignoring the morbid reality of the situation. 
Fritz pulled away slightly to face you, his brows furrowed slightly with curiosity. "You think there's a way out?"
"In Paradiso, the souls in purgatory are forced to repent for their sin before entering heaven. Maybe that's how it really is… I guess wandering around, all the fear, could be some kind of penance. " You broke eye contact, looking down, feeling less and less confident with your words the longer you went on. 
"So you think there's hope we can get out of here?" Fritz remained still as a statue; you could feel his eyes on you as he spoke. 
"Well, yes- but it depends. I mean- people who were less sinful in life usually weren't stuck in purgatory as long as people with more or more severe sins, but I have no idea what to make of anything around here…" You trailed off, feeling awkward, not knowing what to say next, let alone something he wanted to hear. 
He huffed, "If you're right, I'll be stuck here for ages. If I ever do, get out."
He finally slackened his arms, letting them fall to his sides, limp as you embraced him. As you remembered all you went through to try and lift his spirits, to give him hope to come home- you couldn't help but feel, despite your best efforts, you failed miserably. He opened his mouth to say something, but you interjected,
"Although, it's been said when the living prays for the souls in purgatory, they progress remarkably faster. No matter the sinner or their sins, there's hope so long as you're in purgatory." 
"Redeem ourselves? All I've done is take advantage of you- You shouldn't try to save me; I'm never getting out!" Once again, you could see his eyes water with tears as he clenched them shut. You couldn't bear to watch him cry, rising to a kneeling position and straddling his legs. With one arm around the top of his head and the other around his neck, you gently pulled his head against your body, hugging him tightly into your chest as his shoulders shook with sobs. 
It took all your resolve to keep from crying yourself; despite trying to affirm some hope for Fritz, you felt just as helpless. But you consoled yourself, knowing even though you had no idea where the two of you were or how long you would be here, you loved him. That much you knew would never change. With a heavy sigh, you separated from him, sliding down from the pew and kneeling beside him on the stone ground, resting your cheek against his bare legs as you looked up at him. "There's nothing you can do to make me hate you."
He looked forward, staring at nothing in particular, his face unreadable, "Have you ever heard of a soul in purgatory to send another to heaven?"
"I mean, it's possible." Was the best you could answer.
He buried his head in his hands, working his fingers through his hair, "Were you really searching for me the entire time you were awake out there?"
Without hesitating, you answered, "You were the first thing on my mind. I felt so lost and alone; I knew someone needed me. I didn't doubt for a second it would be you."
Fritz didn't appear convinced. "Why didn't you give up after you couldn't find me?"
"You were all I could think about." You answered honestly.
Forcing himself to look at you, Fritz spoke, leaning forward, propping his head up with one hand, pressing his chin against his fist, "If you're right, if we are in purgatory, if you do get to heaven before me- do you promise you'll wait for me?"
Picking your head up from his lap, you straightened, resting your hands on the pew, "For you, I'd wait forever."
He nodded, "For both our sakes, I hope you're right."
Before you could ask what he meant by this, Fritz was leaning over you, close enough to press a quick kiss to your forehead, and only a second to register what he was doing before grabbing your neck in both hands. He tightened his grip with all his strength, making you cough and choke on your saliva in shock as he forced his trembling hands to squeeze even tighter. 
You tried to resist for a few pathetic moments as though you were any match for him physically, let alone while he had you like this. You could feel his hands slickening with the sweat which still coated the back of your neck from earlier, though this did nothing to weaken his grip. The pressure made your head pound, completely disorienting you. Despite your continued struggle, you knew you wouldn't have much longer. 
You feared it would come to this; Fritz was too far gone to save; he'd abandoned hope before you got to him. There was no way you could've actually managed to bring him home. The best you could do was offer him a moment of pleasure before he forced himself to forge ahead. His hands wrapped around your throat, cutting off your air supply. It hurt like hell, and you couldn't help but instinctively try to claw at his hands and shift your weight back away from him- as though it would do anything to slow him down. Fritz winced, listening to the sound of your choking, though his grip didn't budge.
Fritz couldn't bear to hear the sound of the life leaving your body, the broken, pathetic wheezing and coughing filling the abandoned chapel. He cried, "You said you'd never hate me- you promised you'd always come back for me! I swear I'm only doing this because I love you! And you shouldn't be here! Not with people like me!" Fritz fought hard against his emotions, keeping his hands locked around your throat as tight as possible. His vision was blurred by his own tears. Watching you suffer was agony, but he knew killing you was the greatest mercy he could offer you. He'd do anything to get you out of this terrible place, even if he had to do this over and over again. Fritz swore to himself he would. He was a wretched man. He deserved to be alone with the guilt of what he'd done forever. Your eyes were red and puffy, and you were in too much agony to focus on anything, not even the man trying to end your life.
"Please, please- you'll forgive me for this, won't you?! Tell me you understand!"
It was impossible to respond with his hands around your neck; he knew that, even if you could answer and miraculously tell him precisely what he wanted to hear, it wouldn't alleviate his guilt. All you could do was muster up the last of your dying strength to nod once, doing your best to communicate an "I forgive you." before everything went black. 
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amirsirwrites · 2 years
Hello!!! I just came across your blog AND I LOVE IT😭😭😭. I was wondering if you could do the mercs dating a really anxious but cuddly/affectionate s/o? And basically gives their s/o stuffed animals and cuddling with them or something. 💀sorry if this is bad, but I really do enjoy your writings!
Hello! Thank you, I'm glad you enjoy my writings! I've just finished your request, sorry for the wait. I hope you like it :)
Mercs with anxious but affectionate S/O ❤️
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Mercs x GN!reader
Scout :
He finds you so so so adorable. His heart honestly can’t take it when you shyly approach him with your arms open for a hug or give him a little kiss on the cheek. He’ll cuddle you as much as you want and whenever you want, meaning that if you ask for some snuggles in the middle of a battle, he’ll drop everything and go straight to you. Seeing you happy and comfortable makes him feel overjoyed. One day, he thought about how cute you’d look hugging a stuffed toy so he went out and bought you one as a surprise. Needless to say, there have been several times when Scout has caught you taking a nap with the toy and in all those times, he can’t help but squeal silently, “My gawd, how is it even possible for someone to be so sweet!” If you start getting really anxious, he’ll take you to a secluded area, such as your room, and lie down and cuddle with you until you feel better.
Soldier : 
At first, he was surprisingly quite embarrassed by all the hugs, cuddles and kisses you give him. He didn’t mind, actually enjoying it a lot, he just wasn’t used to it. After a few weeks, you’ve conditioned him to need a cuddle session every single day. When he’s cuddling with you, he becomes a different person - really calm and quiet, just enjoying the warmth of your embrace. The first few times he asked you to cuddle, he startled you due to his loud voice. He quickly adapted to your anxiety by alwyas lowering his voice down when he’s with you. Also, he will never ever get you a stuffed toy or anything like that because the thought of you hugging it instead of him, fills him with jealousy.
Pyro : 
Given that they also love being really affectionate, you two are quite honestly a perfect pair. When you’re both at base, you’ll be in Pyro’s room, cuddling together while they draw. Since you both love all things cute and cuddly, your bed is filled with stuffed toys, big pillows and a nice warm blanket that has, of course, a unicorn print on it. They really love it when you give them kisses, it makes them feel all giddy with happiness, butterflies in their stomach. And, no need to worry, because they know how to calm you down if your anxiety is acting up since they can get anxious too sometimes. In summary, your relationship is so sweet that one could taste it. 
Demoman : 
He really enjoys your affection and reciprocating it. There’s just one thing he likes to do that bothers you a bit which is teasing you, “Aww, you want some love, my cute lil cookie?” It makes you quite flustered. He’ll stop if you start getting really uncomfortable though. If you feel like getting some hugs while in battle, he’ll carry you in his arms while still continuing to launch bombs at the enemies. When your anxiety really starts acting up, he’ll sit down with you and hold your hands, speaking softly to you, “It’s alright, love. Focus on me, alright?” He’ll give you some forehead kisses while rubbing the top of your hands with his thumbs. After you calm down, you two will just cuddle together for a while. 
Heavy : 
He’s quite flustered whenever you show him affection. It’s something he’s really not used to, he loves it though. When you snuggle up to him while you two are lying in bed together, he’ll blush slightly and hold you close, whispering, “Любимая моя..” He’s against cuddling while in battle because he thinks he might get distracted and fail to protect. However, he doesn’t mind giving you a piggyback ride while he goes around gunning down enemies with Sasha. Knowing how much you love cuddling, if you start getting really anxious, he’ll give you a big hug and stay like that until you’re feeling better. He heard that stuffed toys can help with anxiety so he bought a bunch just for you. Seeing you cuddle with them makes him smile.
Engineer : 
He is just like you and by that, I mean he loves being affectionate. Tons of hugs, kisses, hand-holding and every other kind of physical affection you can imagine every single day. He’s overjoyed that you love giving him all that as well. One thing you do that he really likes is when you hug him from behind while he’s working on something in his workshop, it’s comforting for him. Having an anxiety attack? Leave it to him to calm you down quickly. He’ll put on some soft piano music and slow dance with you until you’re smiling once more. If you’re going to sleep or take a nap, he’ll be sure to join you. Being wrapped up in each other’s arms is very pleasant for both of you. 
Medic : 
Before he met you, he never craved any kind of physical affection from anyone. The first time you gave him a kiss on the cheek, he froze for a second, “Oh.. danke, mein Täubchen.” That was the moment he realised how pleasant physical affection is. After a while, he eventually got used to showing you affection too. He still gets a bit flustered when you cuddle though so when you snuggle closer to him, you might hear him chuckling shyly. As you might have already guessed, he already knew about anxiety and how to deal with it before meeting you so he’s very good at calming you down during an attack. Overall, he loves the affection but is quite shy about it sometimes. 
Sniper : 
Okay, now this man… He turns absolutely red and speechless when you get all affectionate with him. He’s touch-starved so he loves the all the touches but since he’s just as anxious as you, he gets really flustered. He’s not a fan of PDA so you won’t hug or kiss him too much when you’re infront of others. However, when you two are alone together, he’s happy to receive all your love and give his in return. He’ll wrap around you tightly and rest his face against the top your head. He really likes it when you caress his back gently when you’re cuddling, it makes him feel safe and comfortable. Trust me - you won’t be needing any stuffed toys or whatnot, Sniper will be here to accept all your cuddles. As for your anxiety, he knows exactly what it’s like so he’ll usually take you to a place with a lot of nature, like a forest and you two will just lie on the ground and listen and watch the wildlife around. 
Spy : 
Now, this is an interesting new experience for him. He’s not shy about it, in fact, he’s delighted that you’re so affectionate. He quickly adapted to your more cuddly way of showing love - frequently giving you light kisses, wrapping an arm around your waist, holding your hand, etc. He finds cuddling with you to be a pleasure. Snuggling against your chest / the crook of your neck is one of his favourite things to do when you two are cuddling. The warmth from your embrace soothes him very much. Helping you with anxiety attacks is definitely not his strong suit though. However, he tries his best. Whenever you’re having one, he’ll sit down with you, hold your hands gently, and whisper comforting phrases to you until you’re feeling better.
'Любимая моя..' - My darling.. (Russian)
'Danke, mein Täubchen.' - Thank you, my dove. (German)
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krnzysh · 2 years
SUMMARY after a certain pyro user plagued your mind, you find yourself failing to catch sleep. but what would happen if the same person you were trying oh so desperately to get your mind off of finds you and reveals unspoken feelings?
CHARACTER Diluc Ragnvindr x gn!reader
WARNINGS gender neutral reader, mentions of death, mention of the word 'fuck' once, slight abandonment issues, kissing scene from an inexperienced writer, not proofread! lmk if I missed any
[💬] LOVE, AIKA uhm another fic inspired by pride and prejudice from me<3 this is a small fic I made back then and it's been in my drafts for about a month now? so here it is! I hope u enjoy~
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The bright sun was only starting to rise, and the cold and gentle breeze from the night before blew dandelions away.
Why were you even awake in the break of dawn? That was the question you asked yourself.
But there was only one answer, you were up all night thinking about him…
Diluc Ragnvindr, the master of dawn winery, the most eligible bachelor, The uncrowned king of Mondstadt himself. The man who has captured your heart just from a single glance.
Meanwhile, you were just an ordinary citizen. You worked at Floral Whisper together with Flora and Donna.
With Donna’s never-ending rants about Diluc — who you have feelings for — you find your heart clenching whenever she does so.
How could someone like him, a noble of high status, fall for you? Nothing less but a mere commoner.
As you shook those thoughts away, you find yourself gazing at the beautiful terrain of Mondstadt. The luscious green grass covers kilometers of land. The streams of water rippled from the smallest breeze of wind. Mondstadt itself truly is a piece of art.
This was supposed to be a night walk to clear your thoughts and help you fall asleep, yet you were so engrossed in your thoughts that you felt as if the clocks stopped and you were in your own world.
You cherished the stillness of the night, no noise whatsoever, unlike how rowdy it can get during daylight.
But the faint rustle of footsteps broke you away from your thoughts, thinking for the worst you freeze in your place.
You close your eyes, hoping that atleast they could give you a quick and easy death.
But to your surprise a touch on your shoulder had you opening your eyes.
Whoever touched you had warm hands, they were so gentle, as if scared they could break you like a porcelain doll.
“Hey, it’s just me…” The person greeted you, the voice soft and very recognizable.
You turn around to see him, the same man that occupied your thoughts, leaving you with sleepless nights.
“Sorry, I thought it was someone.” You apologize for the action earlier, really you couldn’t blame yourself. Although there were patrolling knights, there are still hunters and monsters.
Diluc on the other hand was curious, why were you here? So early in the morning? So to satisfy his curiosity, he asked; “What are you doing here, when the sun hasn’t even risen yet?” 
Taken aback by his question, you kept silent for a while. You just can’t tell him ‘Oh I came here because I couldn’t stop thinking of you’. So you thought of a quick excuse; 
“I couldn’t sleep, so I decided to go on a walk…” It wasn’t really a lie, I mean, you were unable to sleep.
He stared at you suspiciously, as if questioning your answer, he always knew, but he kept quiet, understanding that whatever really was the reason you just didn’t want to share.
That’s why you fell for him, he knew you to the point that you didn’t even need to say anything but he already knew, he could read you so easily as if you were a children’s bedtime story.
Coupled with those behaviors of his, you just couldn’t help but fall for him in general. Everything about him was just so, loveable. You couldn’t help yourself but fall for him more and more as you spent time together.
You got to meet him when he was still a young child together with his brother, kaeya. Your father was Mr. Crepus’ bartender at Angels Share back in their days.
You were with him when he was still smiling so genuinely, with no care of the world.
You were with him when his father died and he broke any contact he had with his brother.
You were with him until he stopped talking to you, pushing you away.
Only a couple of years ago, he finally came to his senses, apologizing for his actions and asking if he could still rebuild that friendship you both once had.
“[Name]!” He called your name, shaking your shoulders, eyes held worry in them. “Are you okay? You spaced out again…” He asked.
“I am, sorry for worrying you.” You give him a soft smile to assure him. But Diluc couldn’t help but sigh, worried for the person he loves so dearly.
He loved you so much, he would fight Celestia and the Abyss for you just to keep you safe. But he was a coward, scared that once you find out his feelings for you, you would both grow apart again.
But he doesn’t know, that you love him, so dearly. You were both in love with each other. It was painfully obvious to the people around you, especially Kaeya.
You both stay in silence for some more time, just gazing at the rising sun. You looked so ethereal in Diluc’s eyes that he couldn’t help but ask himself, ‘Do I really deserve such an angel?’
Although he wanted to stay with you, he still had work to take care of. He turned to leave you alone, sensing you wanted more time gazing at the landscape before you. “[Name], I am going to head out now.”
Before he could even move, soft fingers grabbed the sleeves of his coat, clinging onto them as if begging him to stay. 
You were shocked, your body moved and clung to him.
“[Name]...?” He hesitantly asked, he too was taken aback by your bold moves.
Lowering your head, you looked into his eyes, finally taking that risk.
The nerves got to you, stopping you from uttering a word ‘Fuck, I’m just stalling him’ you bow your head down, staring at the grass and fiddling with your hands.
Sensing your nerves, he just stayed there with you, silently gazing into your head.
“[Name], can I… no, may I tell you something?” He spoke up after a while. To his question, you merely nod your head as a yes.
He let out a deep breath before proceeding; “I would like to tell you…” he started.
Raising your head to look at him, you noticed the tips of his ears burning red, ‘He’s flustered…?’ you thought.
“You… have bewitched me, body and soul, and I…’ He stopped for a little before continuing;
“And I love, I love, I love you… And I wish from this day forth never to be parted from you” He finally confesses, gazing at you with the softest eyes that hold so much love in them.
Shocked… After all this time, he also loved you? After all those sleepless nights of thinking if he loved anyone… 
Who he held so dear in his heart… was you…?
You couldn’t control the rosy tint that was dancing along your cheeks.
Approaching him, you took hold of his hand and rested your cheek on it… “Well, it would be a lie if I said I hold no feelings for you, ‘Luc..”
When he heard those words leave your mouth, a prominent red tint spread across his cheeks.
He brought you closer to him, faces only inches away from one another. 
You closed your eyes and leaned into him, as he captured the softness of your lips with his. You felt butterflies flutter around your stomach, you were sure he felt the same sensation.
In a bystander's eyes, it looked as if you were angels sent by Lord Barbatos himself with the sun rising behind you both, illuminating your figures and giving them a shining glow.
But to you, you were content, here, just having him already felt like heaven.
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© aiikalvr, 2023 — do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my works without prior permission and/or confirmation on any platform!
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Title: Second Male Lead, Enter!
Cyno x Bard!Reader x Kaveh
Bard!reader masterlist • Continuation of this Wc: 5.7K. Warnings: None (unedited)
Tags(?): Reader was born in Monstadt, and was a part of the Knights of Favonius, for future reference. Gender neutral reader.
The lyrics used are from a song called Van Horn by Saint Motel
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Thank the Archons, you were born in Monstadt. Monstadt has winding paths and steep hills, wide valleys that stretch as far as the eye can see, so you're used to walking a great distance without losing your breath. When you had trained as a Knight Of Favonius you would often run laps around your beloved home till your legs wobbled like jello, and then force yourself to run the trek back.
All that training paid off, because you are hauling ass, and the General Mahamatra is right behind yours.
Oh fuck he's fast.
Okay okay, you got a little ahead of yourself today. But you get tired of only playing your music quietly in whatever little room you're renting, or for whoever decides to hide you for the night (you're pretty sure he knows you change places often).
So you started playing in some courtyard. And…. Maybe your song of choice was a bit too on the nose? You saw him striding along angrily and he almost looked like he was pouting. So you opened your stupid mouth and sang the first thing that came to mind:
Well tell me do you hate me, or do you wanna date me?
It's kinda hard to tell cause your eyes are looking crazy
So why you come on over, anything but sober
Looking like it's time tonight for fight or flight in Van Horn.
You had chosen Flight. He had shot out of the crowd like a bat from hell and you hightailed it out of there.
That's where you're at currently.
Stick to crowds, stick to crowds. Drifting tight corners is your specialty damn it, use it!!
You drift around the corners and through the courtyards, and your grin is shaking from both adrenaline and fear. You think for a moment that you should try to use your vision, but Pyro wouldn't bode well with all this greenery. You don't want to be charged with arson also.
You've been caught and sent to precincts and holding cells for days at a time, you don't want to stay any longer than you have to.
People catch the spectacle, and children cheer while their parents hush them with hidden smiles. You hop over stalls and people actually move some of their carts when they see you rushing forwards, subtly going back to their work (and blocking the General, oh Archons this place is awesome.)
A full bearded man at a food stall even holds out some sort of bun, wrapped in cloth when you run by, and you grab it, yelling out a 'Thank you!', because you can't stop. You don't want to accidentally bite your tongue off trying to eat this thing either so you put it in your satchel.
There isn't any place this man wouldn't chase you. But if you can find a place to hide, you can lose him, then wait it out till he has to attend to his other duties. You've done this song and dance before. Pun intended.
You don't mean to bump into a man while dashing into an alleyway though.
Your face goes 'smoosh' into the open plane of his chest, (his skin is really soft), and he yells in shock while you fall. Kinda a second too late he reaches out to catch you and you both tumble to the ground. At least your head doesn't hit the ground.
"What the…? Archons, are you alright?!" He reaches out a hand to help you rise. His fingers are calloused, but pretty.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Sorry for bumping into you."
"No need, it was my fault for being in the way." While he talks you look around you frantically, knowing you're losing precious time and ground. He notices your anxiety and tilts his head a little down to match your height.
"Are you alright? You're looking a little nervous there?"
"Yeah, sorry, kinda freaking out. I'm getting chased by the General Mahamatra."
"The what now?" His face blanks, and he is blocking your way.
"Might have heard of me, the bard from Monstadt, the one making a huge ruckus in Sumeru? Yeah, that's me, can you please move- Oh shizz—"
You hear the commotion behind you and you know you only have a few moments before he gets to you. The man's ruby eyes light up, and can he move already–
He grabs your hand and pulls you into the alleyway. You think to pull your hand away, but he's fast though, and he's going in the direction that you were heading anyways, which is away, so you let him pull you along.
"I have heard of you!" He calls back. "I've been wanting to meet you!" He's a pretty shade of blonde, pretty in general. He looks expensive too, with the tailored silk he wears and the intricate earrings.
"I'm Kaveh. You are?"
"Wondering where you're taking me!" What happened to not allowing yourself to be led to a second location? Technically this was the first but whatever–
"Don't worry. It's a place that I'm sure he can't get to you, not without clearance at least."
You two runalong, and you don't hear any footsteps behind you, which doesn't really soothe your nerves. He can be quiet when he needs to. But you two run, and eventually he leads you to a building that looks fairly new. He leads you through the back door, and up two flights of stairs to a sort of sitting room, yelling out greetings to the other people who call out his name.
This room has full couches and low tables and giant, fluffy looking pillows to lounge on. There are blueprints on the tables and half a model of a building on another. There are windows lining the wall, but this room is towards the back of the building, so all you see when you look out is a shadowed alleyway leading to the backs of other buildings.
Kaveh sighs when he enters and lets your wrist go.
"Sorry for dragging you all the way here. I might have gotten a bit ahead of myself."
"What is this place?"
"It's an Architects guild. There aren't very many in Sumeru, and even if he knows of this one, he can't get in."
"No. The General Mahamatra has clearance to enter any government owned building. This building has been bought and renovated by the guild's hands, so he would need a warrant to enter." He waves you in and gestures for you to sit. You do so, sinking into a seat and grabbing a pillow to hold.
"I wasn't going out of my way to find you, but it's fortunate I have the chance to talk to you now.
"Many people are intrigued by you."
"I'm nothing special. It's all the ruckus that's been left in my wake that's interesting."
"I don't think a person the General Mahamatra has been sent after is nothing special.
"Bard, tell me, what brings you so far from home? I can tell you're not from here."
Hm, well, he did kind of just save you. You can indulge him a little. "I had a wanderlust. Spent a lot of time in Liyue, Inazuma was pretty interesting. I spent most of my time with a felon running from the Shogunate, whom I met on a pirate ship."
"How fascinating. So you're from Monstadt?" He frames it as a question and you nod. He reaches for a pitcher and pours you both a glass of wine. His hand is warm when he gives it to you.
"Honestly, I had hoped I would get to meet you soon, but with the General Mahamatra after you, I thought the chances were slim."
"You really wanted to meet me?" He nods, reclining in his seat.
"And today was my lucky break! The effect you've had on Sumeru as a whole is astounding. It shows the disparity between the ideal Sumeru the Sages try to project and the true reality that is the people's lives." He drains his cup in a few gulps.
"It's lifeless and droll, what they push for. The path of an erudite is honorable and all, but their blatant hatred for the arts, how do they live with themselves? Art is everywhere, art is essential. Art is food for the heart and soul."
"That's what I'm saying!!" You bounce in your seat with shock and excitement. Is it true? Finally, someone you can talk to about this?!
"It's a means for human expression! Even before people learned to read and write we had songs to sing. So many archeological finds are statues and art of past civilizations, we learn about past cultures from the stories they told, ancient paintings in tombs or cave walls." He's nodding eagerly along to what you're saying, earrings swinging.
"Exactly. You can't escape art, you can't escape the divine act of creation! Our jewelry, the way we dress, the way we talk, how we build and decorate our homes, how we work, eat, it's all an artform! A romance unto itself!"
"Yes. When you hold yourself above the arts, you're basically proclaiming yourself above mortal….well, mortality. Joy. Culture. I think it's Ironic how the Sages worship the late Greater Lord Rukkedevahta, when she herself was close friends with the Goddess of Flowers. Whose dance was so graceful she made the pardisarahs bloom."
"A flower the Greater Lord dedicated her friend to. They've worked hard to try and erase her importance from the text books," he grumbles, "as well as the role of the Scarlet King. I can only imagine what they've gotten rid of in all these centuries past." You both sigh at the same time, and grin at each other in amusement. You curl your legs underneath you, a little bashful.
"I haven't seen many people in Sumeru as enthused on this matter as you are."
"Alas, it is both a curse and blessing."
"Is that right?"
"Yes. I am an architect, art is a necessity for my creations, my work depends on creativity. But that also deems me as frivolous, people are less likely to take my word in other matters. My roommate calls me over emotional and tedious. But I'm not the one frittering away my income on horrible art decor. I swear he does it just to spite me."
You laugh. "You two sound close."
"Frenemies, you could say, I swear he lives to aggravate me. He always wants to take my keys, and he likes to frame it as an accident even if we both know he does it on purpose, and then lock me out of the house!!"
"And I'm the one stuck doing all the housework! I've never seen that man so much as wash a dish or pick up a duster. Do you know how exhausting it is to be the only one to do housework around the place?"
You sip from your cup. "Very exhausting."
"Yes. And that attitude of his. You know what he's like? He believes that art exists solely for commercial exchange, that art is a revenue to be exploited and holds no other value. That the day that value has been exploited is the day all its value ceases to exist." At this you gasp.
"Are you serious? No, you're kidding."
He rolls his eyes. "'Can the production of anything exist without commercial exchange?'. The bastard."
"That sounds horrible. Art isn't meant to be exploited or capitalized on. What kind of of mindset is that?"
"The wrong one. People like that drain the joy out of every golden bleeding day." He sighs again with a wave of his hand, like brushing away the current topic.
"What about you?"
"Hm?" His vision, dendro, jingles as he crosses an ankle over his knee.
"What kind of friends have you made while in our great nation?" You laugh a little, watch your reflection distort when you swirl the contents of your glass.
"Friends? I have none. It is known throughout Sumeru that the Sages detest me. They have sent their General after me. Sumeru craves a spectacle but one they can watch, and not be blinded by." You drink, if only to give yourself pause.
"They might make way for me if they see me dashing away from the authorities, like earlier, but they would not house me or aid me if I'm injured. Some establishments have banned me so it's hard to find work to feed or support myself, but I make due with odd late night shift jobs."
"Hm. I heard a rumor that you were good friends with Miss Nilou of the theater."
"Miss Nilou is a lovely person, but even still, she won't put the theater in jeopardy by associating with me. It's the smart thing to do.
"My 'friends' are usually the outcasts of society. The drunks and the dropouts and despondents. Even then. They're not my friends since they're more likely to sell me out or stab me in the back for some mora or attention."
"What if I said I wanted to be your friend? Would I be considered a fool?" He dramatically puts a hand to his chest, a smile on his face.
You look him up and down. "You just helped me escape from the General. I'd call you less than bright."
"I'll have you know that I am considered the Light of the Kshahrewar." He huffs, affronted but not really. He smiles wider when you chuckle.
"It's awfully droll being surrounded by people with no appreciation for anything beautiful or lovely. Technically, you haven't broken any true laws, but the Sages are afraid of the influence you have." He waves a hand.
"I don't care for any of that. You're a peach and I'd like to get to know you better."
"I'm a peach?" You ask, confused yet amused.
"Yes!" He laughs. "You've been nothing but delightful so far. I'd like to get to know you better."
Well, it would be nice to make merry with someone you don't have to fear will rob you in your sleep, or rat you out. He did just help you hide. He's a good conversationalist, and he appreciates art as well as you do.
"You know what? I'm too endeared for my own good. I would like to be your friend Kaveh." You reach out a hand and he takes it, pressing a kiss to the back as if he were a knight.
"Splendid. This deserves a toast!" He refills both your cups and you clink them together. It settles down warm in your belly. Monstadt wine is always better though, slides down your throat like honey and settles in hotter. This is still good though and you tell him as much.
"My roommate is the one who bought this. Apparently he ordered several crates of the stuff, and I figured not to let it go to waste by letting him drink it all and ruin his kidneys."
"Yes, crates. Around ten of them. He's quite the alcoholic."
"Depends on how fast he drinks it. In Monstadt you'd share that among friends and it would be gone in a mere day."
"Goodness, now two of my friends are alcoholics."
"You seem like one to talk."
"Hm? What do you mean?"
You go on to talk more, about music, architecture, the sages, and the conversation flows smoothly. You find yourself relaxing, it's been weeks since you really had a proper conversation with anyone. Maybe the General counted, but really all you do is throw quips back at him and flee.
Well, you flirt with him a little too, but it's mainly in jest. You want to see that stoicism of his crumble. He can capture you and put you in holding for weeks at a time, but it's still cute to see that little blush he gets when you get too close to him or when your lyrics get risqué.
Then suddenly, you hear a rumble that cuts the conversation off, and look over at Kaveh. He puts his hand over his stomach with a half mortified look.
"Please don't mind me."
"Are you hungry?"
"I'm fine."
"I have a bun if you want."
"I'll be fine. I…gave up my lunch to a couple desert foxes earlier."
"Oh no, were you bombarded?" You ask, laughing. They are cute.
"I couldn't resist, they had me surrounded! Then I bought flowers from a stall two children were running so I'm broke. I'll eat something later." Okay, that's adorable. You take out the wrapped bun from your satchel, and it's still warm.
"Take it."
"It's fine."
"Take it."
"Why not?"
"It's hard enough for you to find good housing, right? So I'm sure it's hard to find any restaurants willing to let you order or eat in. You eat it."
"It's fine. I'm not hungry." Your stomach betrays you by letting out a growl, long and embarrassing. He gives you a look.
"...Then we'll split it." You do promptly just that, and give him the bigger half despite his complaints.
It's a stuffed pork bun. It's good. You really were hungry.
You have to buy more strings for your lyre and your guitar, just in case. And you had a tear in your cloak, so you'd need a needle and thread. It wasn't too bad, and If it was you could use one of your spare shirts if you needed extra fabric.
There were lots of plaza's and courtyards and markets here, compared to monstadt. The only place that might compete was Liyue, but you weren't there long, and there were lots of seats and benches to sit. Not here. Get where you're going and stop loitering. The ground was flat and smooth though, not high cobbled streets or grasslands, so you don't mind. All this to say you might need to buy another pair of shoes with the extreme amount of walking and running you've been doing.
And probably waterproof cases. And clothes with waterproof pockets and lining. You had to jump into the waters of Port Ormos to escape from Cyno once and your flute was never the same.
Where were you going to get the money for this?
Your musings are interrupted again when you hear a weird sound, and look up to see Kaveh choking.
You stand and refill his wine with the recanter, lifting a eyebrow.
"Something strange cross your mind?"
"Uh, no, nothing like that." He flounders after he drains his cup.
"Just caught off guard. Listen, I'm, uh, I'm not kicking you out, but I think you should hurry."
"Oh? Why?" He's leaning a little back in his seat, outside the window's view. You're helping to block him a little.
"Because the General Mahamatra is looking right into this window." You choke a little on your bun, and sneak a peek out the window.
What the actual fuck.
He just, standing there. Menacingly. You're barely peaking your head out, but you two lock eyes immediately and you flinch back. You dont drop the stare. It's heavy enough that if you did, you fear it would land on your foot and break it.
"You said he can't get to me here?"
"Not unless he has a warrant."
"He's the General, doesn't he like, have an automatic pass?"
"I don't think so…?" Lightning starts crackling along his form and your heart rate elevates, you start making sure you have everything. You down the rest of the wine and stuff the bun into your mouth. You almost choke.
"He'll try staking out or scaling the building if I stay any longer."
"Really? It's that serious?"
"He's done it before." You shiver. He scaled up a building with those lightning hand things of his before and pulled himself through the window to get to you. You thought your judgment day had come for you then, but you had managed to wriggle out an escape, thank goodness. Yeah, you have everything.
You turn to your new friend with a grin, and hope that there's nothing in your teeth.
"Well, Kaveh, friend of mine, thank you for the wine and the convo. Guess I'll see you when I see you?"
"Of course, hopefully soon?"
"We'll see!" He gets up, wiping his hands on his knees.
"Then we leave it to fate. Where are you going to go now?"
"If I can make it out I can lose him in the districts, or head underground and lose him there."
"Sounds like a plan."
"Yep! So, I'm gonna jump out the window now, so don't panic." You learned your lesson the first time you did that, the matron of the bar had screamed and it brought too much attention to your escape. People are so nosy here.
"Keep inside so that he can't completely see your face, okay?"
"You're not serious? We're two stories up and he's right there." You climb onto the ledge and perch there.
"Well I'm not jumping down towards him silly. Bye-bye." You wave your fingers.
"Wait wait, hey!!" You jump out of the window, several windows next to the one the General stood under, without any fanfare.
Another good thing about Monstadt; You're used to falling from heights. Two stories is nothing, so you fall fast, hit the ground hard and roll, ignoring the sting in your ankles and feet. You run.
But, due to the sting and height you fell from, you're not very fast initially and about a dozen alleyways later, (you got farther at least) you feel a rough hand grab onto your shoulder and slam you into a wall. Ouch. Oh well.
You bite back your cry of pain when you catch the gleam in his eyes, almost triumphant, you would say.
"Caught you."
You scoff, and try to ignore the way his fingers dig into your shoulder. "Please. You really think you have me?"
"Where do you see yourself getting out of this? How do you see yourself escaping?"
"A multitude of ways, actually."
He frowns deeper, his mouth a flat pressed line."Tsk. Smart mouth." You sigh, making sure the air blows over his face. Pork bun breath.
"Where did you even come from? I was singing and I saw you. Then you suddenly just shot through the crowd."
"I was following you from when you left the inn. I had a feeling you'd try something. I was right."
Damn. Looks like that place is compromised. You'll have to find another one, secretly and soon. You'll probably sleep outside tonight.
You put your hands to your face like a scandalized maiden.
"You were stalking me? You even know where I'm staying? Oh my, I never dealt with this kind of situation with a fan before…You know I don't like you like that, right?" He rolls his eyes at your display, the way you make your eyes soft and wide.
"Stop it. I'm not your fan."
"If you'd come to one of my performances for real–"
"No. They're unsanctioned."
"But if they were–"
"They won't be. No."
"You didn't deny that you were stalking me though." He doesn't say anything as rebuttal and you grin, leaning back against the wall like you weren't being held there. Looks like you're going back to a precinct for a couple of days. At least you wouldn't have to worry about where you're sleeping tonight. Or tomorrow.
His frown deepens. "Stop it."
"Stop what?"
"Acting like that."
"Acting like what, Cyno? You got me. Do whatever you're gonna do to me." You make your voice lower, smoother, and you know he notices, because he just keeps looking angrier and angrier.
"It's not a joke."
"It's not."
"You're under arrest."
"You're all up in my space, of course I know that." You chuckle. You lean a bit closer and yeah, he's blushing a little.
"You'll be taken to court to be judged by the sages."
….Well. What a shock.
"Wait, what? Why?"
"For all the trouble you've been making."
"To Court? On what grounds?"
"The Sages–"
"My crimes could only be labeled as a Violation, which would result in a fine or community service, or up to fifteen days in jail. Which I've been doing. Why would I get a trial for a Violation?"
"Because your crimes are listed as a Class B Misdemeanor. The Sages have decided to be more involved in court cases and jail sentencing recently. With their interest in you it's understandable they want to be involved in your sentencing."
"Hah!" You laugh. "And I bet you've been busy too, rounding up people to lock behind bars."
"They are people who have broken the law in the most severe senses.They have to be dealt with."
"Let me guess, people who tried selling research or contraband, thieves? People charged with armed or aggravated assault or disorderly conduct? Okay, I can understand them paying for their crimes, but even I have noticed how the Sages always label them as felons and just throw them in jail for longer than their sentences should allow." You sneer.
"And that's if they can get a fair sentence."
"Should we, the system, force these convicts into redemption? No, we can't, that is only something that one has to work for. Self reflection is the same; they must reflect on their own transgressions. They could only do so if they regret their actions."
"They can't reflect if they are worried about survival. If the system basically makes it damn near impossible to redeem themselves they're not going to try."
"Do you know what kinds of people you're defending? Do you think these people want to be redeemed?" He suddenly hisses. He presses in close to your face and you feel your skin prickle.
"What kinds of people do you think I am sent after? You think those kinds of people spend their allotted time reflecting? Do you think they care or regret what they've done? You think they wouldn't do it again in a heartbeat?" You open your mouth to speak but he cuts you off.
"Because they would. Because these people don't care about the consequences. About how many people would be harmed or dragged into their mess. I'm not sent after petty thieves and criminals. Wayward researchers are common but not the bulk of my arrests. The students of the Akemdemiya might have spread my name, but don't let it slip your mind that I am the General. I wage war. Not petty battles."
You two stand off for a moment. His normally blank eyes, back-lit by lightning, are alive, red hot, pupils dilated. The corners of his mouth tremble. You wonder what he sees in your face.
You tilt your head. "Then why are you chasing after me?" He gives a barely perceptible flinch, but doesn't back up.
"Because, even if the Sage's judgements are cruel sometimes, it's all for the better good of Sumeru. As long as that is their ideal, I will stand guard by it."
Disappointment is heavy and sour on your tongue. For some reason…you expected better. Maybe it's the Knight in you, Monstadt and the fire of your vision, Freedom and revolution, a song in your breast. But a system that condemns its people unfairly is one you would want to undermine.
One you would want to burn down.
"I asked you a while ago whether you felt if the law was just, or upholding the law was just. You answered me wrong back then." Cyno sneers a little, derisively.
"Well, what would you know?"
"Oh Cyno," you shake your head in pity, however little of it you feel for him. Young, naive boy. "You're such a fucking idiot."
You snake a hand to his nape, and yank him close for a kiss.
He gasps in shock at your movements, but that just lets you deepen the kiss, pulling him closer till his body is pressed against yours. You feel the stutter of his chest, his eye lashes blinking rapidly against your skin, his hand trembling on your shoulder.
But he doesn't pull away.
It's only a moment of shock before you feel his lids close, and he's kissing you back. His lips are a little chapped, but the scrape of them against yours is delicious, and you shiver against him. Just to feel his hands panic before he settles them on the slope of your hips. He's shivering, shoulders jumping.
You pull back and just brush your mouth against his, drawing small circles just below the nape of his hairline.
"What are you doing?" He stutters, you lick the seam of his mouth and smile when he gasps again.
"Do you want me to stop?" Why do you ask? You know your answer. It's in the way his hands grow firmer and he doesn't stop you when you nudge him with your forehead, back into a kiss.
This time it's him who pushes against you. He's clumsy but eager, a little messy; he misses your lips a few times and presses his mouth to a lip, your cheek, your chin, your jaw. You giggle when his lips press to the space underneath your earlobe, and sigh when he travels down. His shoulders tremble under your hands, while you nudge his cheek and guide his lips back to yours.
You tilt your face to deepen the kiss, and draw your leg up, hips aligned. Only now does he let out a punched out gasp, and pushes himself away from you.
His face is flush and his mouth dark and red, shiny with spit. He breathes heavily, and stares at you like you've grown a second head, a nightmare realized. You just smile prettily at him, a little quizzically. It dawns on you quickly though.
"... Cyno, was that your first kiss?" He's acting like it was, face both livid and bashful, and just plain adorable. His face darkens and he takes another step back from you.
"Oh what the…" you both swivel around, to find a young boy in the alleyway with you. Probably on an errand, he looks barely thirteen you'd say, and he stares at you two shell-shocked, a crate in his arms. His wide eyes jump back and forth between the two of you.
"....You didn't see anything, boy." Cyno hisses, and the boy nods amicably.
"You're right, of course I didn't. Now that last sentence I heard though…" Well, that's your cue. You turn, with a quick prayer to Celestia, and dash the hell out of there, a giggle on your lips.
He doesn't chase after you. You go blocks and blocks without any indication otherwise.
That was nice. Really nice. He was gonna kill you. You should really stop messing with that general.
Kaveh has been in an especially good mood lately.
Barely two weeks ago he was bemoaning and whining about completing a project he felt stuck on, now he's drafting blueprints and models, hammering away throughout the night (he's had to wear his soundproof headphones to bed for days now) and furiously scribbling away in his notebook any spare second. He doesn't even rise to his barbs when Al Haitham pokes at him, which is odd.
Alright, that's a lie, he just doesn't get as annoyed.
Luckily he's still willing to overshare to anyone with half an ear that could listen, so it's easy enough to figure out why he's been in such a jolly mood.
"You're friends, with the Bard?"
"Yes! They're fascinating, mind you, I've barely known them for a few weeks but the creativity!! That flows through my head with each interaction is amazing!"
"So you're using a felon as creative inspiration." He scowls like he predicted.
"It's normal for friends to bounce ideas off of each other and inspire each other. If you weren't such a recluse you would know."
"I don't need help with finishing any of my assignments. If you had a little more sense you wouldn't associate yourself with a criminal." He gives his roommate a side eye.
"Knowing how work is going, I assume you'd take more caution with the people you associate with."
"They're not a Felon. A criminal, technically, yes. It's known throughout Sumeru now how much they're hated by the Sages for their performances. They're trying to have the people ostracize them because of that." He's wearing a new hair accessory that he fiddles with, not looking up from his mess on the table.
"And let me guess, they've charmed and endeared the people so, so that is no longer a viable option."
"Yes, exactly. I bailed them out of a precinct four days ago, you should have seen! They were teaching the rest of the inmates some Monstadt tune and it seemed the guards were allowing it, at least until I came in. They started serenading me too as soon as they unlocked their gate." He grins, dopey, and Al Haitham raises an eyebrow at the behavior.
"I've never met someone so unabashedly free spirited, it's so lovely!"
"I've heard that the Sages are growing increasingly frustrated with the fact that The General Mahamatra can't seem to pin them down."
"They know the law," Kaveh shrugs.
"So they're staying low right now to hopefully blow over some steam. They might get an actual sentence if they keep on, so they're looking for some work now. No more performances."
"Hm." Kaveh turnt back to his work and Al Haitham drew away, pondering.
Of course he's heard of you, and with his station he's heard more than just the rumors of the Sages' hatred of you; he's seen and heard it firsthand.
People in the Akademiya are too terrified to even mention your existence for fear of upsetting, not the sages, with their distant judgment and contempt, but the General Mahamatra.
People know when he was sent after you, because those days are the ones where the jackal is more likely to snap at people. The students are more mortified and studious than ever while he storms the halls like a nimbus cloud, dark and crackling.
He's also most likely to shut himself in his office for hours upon hours, and it's only in the late hours, when Al haitham finally decides to head back to his place, is when he sees the young general leave his office. A haunted look hangs in his eyes.
You obviously have some sort of effect, or insane luck, to escape the General so often. Of course he can catch you and throw you in a cell for a few days, it's been done before. But he's hunted and caught greater people for lesser crimes, and you somehow keep getting away with yours.
He just might have to meet up with you soon. Just to see what all the hype is about.
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ruumirmir · 1 year
Reprise of a rolling mist
Part 1 Part 2 (soon)
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☽◯☾ Summary - You, the revered God of Healing and Mist, one of the oldest friends of Zhongli, are not one to be easily taken down, but alas, in the Archon war of brutal massacres, you can’t escape death for long.  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ☽◯☾ Characters - Zhongli, (minor) Cloud Retainer, (minor) Madame Ping ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ☽◯☾ Tags - Zhongli x Reader || Gender Neutral || Angst || Eventual happy ending || Description of blood, violence, and fatal injuries || Mention of death   ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ☽◯☾ Word count - 1.2k ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ☽◯☾ Rumour◇ says - my first ever fanfic to be published on tumblr. In case you haven’t seen my previous post, please do! It has some context in it. I hope i did peepaw some justice,, as much as I love him, it was slightly hard to pin his personality down especially in this wild scenario. I’ll probably belt out the part 2 really soon cause I’m done with it, just gotta decorate the post lmao.
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‎• ——————————————————————— The nearby corpse of a beast twitches once before falling still. The loud ringing in your head gets louder by the passing minute. Mouth set into a grimace, you roll onto your back and hack out a wet cough.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ It's hard to breathe with a gaping hole in your torso, still fresh and bloody. Your half-lidded eyes focus onto a speck of ash, floating up to melt into the night air. ‎  ‎
‎ ‎ ‎
The God of War doesn’t fear. No. He is the one who’s feared. And yet...
“No...”, Morax kneels there, watching his old friend, laid upon the charred grass.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
Your once lustrous hair, now melds into the soot-stained ground, tainted by blood and grime. Your breaths come shallow and short. For all the dust and debris left in the battle's wake, Mt. Tianheng had a pleasant breeze to offer.
His palm find its way to yours; cold to the touch. Fingers tighten around you, and the clarity slowly returns to your hazy eyes.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
The stench of burnt flesh permeates the air. His gaze lingers over the yawning cavity in your body; charred at the edges. From such a pair of gods, its not Morax who wields the power to heal and mend. It’s not you who possesses the energy to do so.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ And so. his hands tremble uselessly over your gut, or the lack thereof.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
His most trusted. His closest companion. His oldest friend... The one who shares countless memories with him. The one who had promised to do so for many more years to come.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
"M-morax," his name spoken like a sigh. The corners of his mouth twitch into a small smile. Your stomach flares in pain when you fight back a strangled whine. "I am... not your burden to bear amidst a battle."
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
He sits by you, pained. “Hush... do not strain yourself by talking.” You lie before him, bleeding.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
“O great Rex Lapis, won't you be kind? Won't you be wise? Renounce your lands and people? Spare us all a calamity from befalling those subjects of yours? It’s the least of your payment... for eons of slaughter caused by your hands”
A great many creatures had cackled, with many more swarming in. The seething mass of... beastly wasps, misshapen and overgrown, were all too eager for a massacre. A hivemind; disgustingly coordinated in brains and brawn. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
By the first rumbling of his meteorite that bombed over Mt. Tianheng, a familiar billowing mist had rolled forward to assist. Whether in your solid body, or a lashing mist, it was hard to quell the pyro gnats. ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
The grass is stained red by now.  He takes your hand and grips it tight, to his chest. You brush your fingers over his bruised knuckles.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ By the second rumbling of raining spears, Morax’s harsh orders had sent the adepti and yakshas scrambling towards the unprotected city of Liyue. . . . By the third rumbling of his shield molding around you... a flaming projectile had already shot clean through your torso.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
You need to fight to keep your eyes open.  From a simple flesh wound... what a joke. Your not the admired deity of recovery, just in name, are you?
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Your fingers twitch, tightening around his robes. "Help me sit upright..."
His sharp exhale falls upon your brows, and with the utmost softest touch, You’re pulled up against his torso. Your head sags against his shoulder, where you can feel the thick pool of sorrow under his skin.
"Please... I do not want to cause you more hurt," The words fall hollow from his lips. He holds you up gently, and you can finally focus on his face.  … where you’re met with a wet shine to his eyes.
"What... are you trying to do?" His mouth trembles downwards ever so slightly.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
But you... you break out in a rebellious smile, don’t you?
The pain is unbearable. And you laugh all the harder for it. Sweat beads your forehead, and your fingers dig into his arm when he presses into your stomach to slow the bleeding. You bite out a groan. It burns.
"Don't look at me like that Morax", you pant. "This... this is but child’s play for a healer of my caliber...."
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
Yet, your life trickles out like the grains of sand in an hourglass, and your vision flickers. 
He wipes the blood off your lip, clearly vexed, "You are still yourself, I see. Even as you lay here, near death, you are still joking."
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
"Just... won’t you humor me one last time?" You rasp out, feeling faint. All sensations except the gritting pain have left already. "Lend me some energy- so my body can return to what it once was..."
"Because... I, the Healer God of Mist, am alone the revered one... who holds mortality at my fingertips..." your voice breaks towards the end, but you still flash a smile of dogged arrogance, don’t you? (There is nothing but a theory borne from your feverish thoughts.)
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
He gazes at you; minutes away from the end. The god who holds no regrets, who has not one ounce of fear in their voice. (You have never been more terrified of death, for you only know how to run from it.) With a melancholy rustle of feathers, comes another soft voice, "Ever so conceited, until the very end...”, Cloud retainer murmurs into the night.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
His skin glows alight, veins illuminated on his chest and arms. His gnosis ignites for your fanatical whims. It always did.  "How could I ever refuse you...?", his trembling voice, so quiet. You’re met with a familiar embrace.
‎ … ‎ ‎ ‎ “If mortals pray to gods in their time of need, who does a god pray to?”
Two drops fall to your neck, rolling away until they wet your clothes.
“No one.” His smile is soft, and voice raspy. “A god can only pray to himself... but, he may have hope in others.” ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
Your body slowly starts to dissipate into millions of droplets of condensation that scatter into the air, where the wind blows parts of you away, and away. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ The soft tunes of a zither ring out into the air, permeating the atmosphere with a slow melody. An adeptus sits atop a nearby rock, her eyes downcast.
ah. ‘Ping's zither’, you sigh. ‘How kind of her.’
And he smiles through his tears.
Isn't it beautiful?
A great rolling mist dissolves into the air. With dust and ash in the air, it swirls and rises up and above. The wasted grassland is littered with thousands of droplets that shimmer like stars as the moonlight reflects off them. It is as beautiful. as it is empty.
On a night like this, Streetward rambler’s tune graces the wind, until her fingers bleed. Cloud Retainer sheds no tears, but know that she holds your memory well.
And you, Rex Lapis,
you weep for me.
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Taglist - @ainescribe ||  @theorchardcollective  || @flos-historia​ || @nightrayseishina ||  @thesparklingwriter
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