#pyramid head x s/o
b-00-biez · 11 months
I feel like pyramid head would have a super high s*x drive after the first time of doing the deed with his s/o.
Like he goes from being sweet with his s/o to then absolutely destroying them. As he should
Imagine Pyramid head helping you get supplies for food and water while also protecting you from the vile creature of silent Hill. At night though he has your legs hooked up on his wide shoulders as you spread your legs open for him. He has you all stretched and lubed up for his massive and heavy cock. You could feel every vein and his tip probing at your entrance, the foreplay still not enough to prepare you for how absolutely abusive he was to your poor hole. You can only think of the sound of his occasional grunts and the squeak of the makeshift mattress underneath you supporting both your weights. It was a long night of you babbling and moaning like the slut that you are and it was music to him, maybe he will keep you awhile longer as his cocksleeve
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sparklingblu · 4 months
Pt.4 - O, Death
Lisa & Shuhua x Male Reader (ft. Kazuha)
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You can't stop screaming.
Even when you were a kid, you have never been a big fan of slides. They make you want to puke. Seems like it still haven't changed because as you spiral down this endless glowing tunnel of light, you can feel your lunch trying to escape from your stomach. Further worse, the tunnel twists and turns at every few seconds so your body get tossed around like a volley ball. Thankfully, the walls aren't solid. They feel more like trampolines, catching and tossing you each time you make contact.
Kazuha is a completely different case though. She has her eyes closed and looks almost peaceful, like this is just a regular occurence to her. She has her arms wrap around her knees, her hair floating upward from the fall.
You have no idea where you are headed to. Sure, Kazuha has saved you from the ruins of the city but who can say she doesn't want to kill you either? Maybe she has just let Yeji suffer so that she can take her time killing you. What if she's leading you to an even worse place?
And the mysterious 'He' all these idols keep talking about. The one who has given you the strength to defeat Eunbi. The one Yeji hates so much. From what Kazuha had said, they seem to serve him. Is he also an idol replica? The leader of all those clones?
Your thoughts are cut short when the tunnel turns steeper and your body rolls a three-sixty degree. A few more seconds of this and you are gonna be rolling in your own vomit. If it's even possible, the tunnel is glowing brighter. Perhaps, a sign of nearing the journey's end. You close your eyes because you don't want to see black spots for the rest of your life.
The last thought enters your mind. The upside down pentagram that has filled you with strength. The mark, Kazuha and Yeji had called it. And your cock that can now be used as a subsitute flashlight. Not really a good idea.
The lust you have felt is almost inhuman, like you can just use any female in your sight for your pleasure. It has been the only thing in your mind until the mark has disappeared. It makes you feel special yet afraid. You nearly lost your dick because Yeji wants the mark gone. There can be more people (or creatures) like her out there with the same intention. Is it a price worth paying?
Suddenly, your mind goes blank as the tunnel empties out into a wide opening.
♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
For once, you are not lying on a flat surface or tied up in a chair. The material beneath you feels soft almost cottony. You can just sink into it forever. You take a few deep breath to calm your churning stomach and when your heatbeat becomes normal, you sit up, opening your eyes.
You are not in the midst of an apocalypse or a boxing ring. A good sign. However, that doesn't make the scene around you any less unusual. You are in a penthouse suite, the kind of place only the richest of the rich could afford.
At your back, a smart TV playing the 1968 version of Romeo and Juliet takes up most of the wall which curves into a corridor that leads further in. On the pedestal near the tv sits a bust of a young girl with a laurel wreath on her head, the kind you see in museums. Facing the pedestal on the other side of the room is an island kitchen, painted pastel pink. Everything on the counter screams diabetes which includes jars of chocolates, sweets and lollipops. The air smell sickly sweet like decaying flowers. You won't be surprised if Willy Wonka walks in right now.
The walls are made entirely of glass, giving you the perfect view of New York city skyline. Then you blink and the scene shifts into the sandy dunes of Egypt with the pyramids. Another blink and you are staring at the lush green trees of the Amazon. Not the craziest thing after all the crazies you went through.
"Not on my couch, Kazuha! How many times do I have to tell you?"
Looking down, you find yourself seated in a couch that looks suspiciously like it's made of some sort of fur. Instinctively, you stand up. Whoever the owner is, they don't seem too happy with your arrival. Turning back, you see Kazuha emerge from the corridor, followed by the owner of the voice.
"Oh, you can just buy another one. It's not like this is your first"
"This is a limited edition!"
The guy behind Kazuha gives you a forced smile like he's trying so hard not to get mad. He looks no older than 25 with wavy blonde hair and a drowsy expression on his face. He also has a bathrobe wrapped around his body so it looks like he has fallen asleep in the bath tub. Walking to the kitchen counter, he plops a candy into his mouth from one of the jars.
"Welcome, Michael" He bites down on the candy with a loud crunch. "Or should I say chosen one? "
For some reason, his voice sounds strangely familiar.
"You summon me here?" You ask.
"You can say that. It wasn't my initial plan though. But well, I can't complain" He shrugs.
"Who are you?" Not the most important question but the first one that comes to your mind.
"Questions immediately huh? Can't blame you though I have kept you in the dark for so long" He unwraps a chocolate bar and takes a bite. You don't want to be this dude's teeth.
"Wait, are you the one...?" You suddenly realize why he sounds so familiar. It's the voice that has appeared in your first two quests.
"Eh eh eh" He raises a hand to cut off your words. "I like to introduce myself in a bit of a mysterious way"
"Why can't you just tell me your name? And I still have a lot of questions left"
"Patience, Michael" He chomps down another large piece of chocolate. "I will explain everything to you, trust me"
"Ok, go on?"
"Well, I'm quite the famous one. You see me at least once a year. Actually, all you humans have some kind of connection to me"
If he's a celebrity, you are pretty sure you haven't seen him before. And all you humans? To you, he looks very human so it would be quite hard to believe if he's something else.
"No idea"
"Oh, come on" The guy scowls, wiping off the chocolate around his mouth. "Think again. There's even a song about me"
You think as hard as you could but nothing comes to your mind.
"Still no idea"
"Dude, I expect you to be smarter than this. Look around you, this room is already giving me away"
He's definitely not Willy Wonka but there's nothing else you can associate with this fancy expensive room.
"Can't you just tell me the answer already?"
"Listen to me" He clears his throat and starts singing. "I gave a second chance to Cupid. But now I'm left here feelin' stupid"
You quickly cut him off because if you hear one more second of his god awful voice, your ears are gonna start bleeding.
"Cupid? You are Cupid?"
The guy grins contentedly. "The greeks called me that but I prefer my roman name 'Eros' "
When you hear the word Cupid, all it comes to your mind is the image of a winged baby in a diaper holding a bow and an arrow that you see in Valentines day decorations. Certainly not some sweet toothed blonde.
"You don't look like him"
"Like a baby in a diaper? Oh, please" He grimaces. "If I meet the guy who starts that idea, I'm gonna strangle him with my bare hands"
You still have a hard time believing this dude is the god of love but you decides to go with the flow.
"The one who sends me on all those quests, that's you?"
"Absolutely. It takes quite a while but finally, here you are"
"I don't understand"
Eros pours water into his mouth from a jar. You feel bad for his dates.
"For a long time, I have been searching for the owner of the mark"
"That mark on my-?"
"Yes, the one on your pelvis. You possess the mark of Asmodeus"
"Ass what?"
"Asmodeus" He corrects. "Only a single person is chosen by the mark every few millenniums. Today, it made its first appearance"
"So I'm special or something?"
"You are far beyond special, Michael. You have the power to....what do you humans call it again? fuck any being in this whole universe"
"In english please?"
"Let me ask you something, do you believe in gods?"
His question leaves you baffled. You are not a regular church member or the type who prays before sleeping. The only times you remember god are the times you scream 'Oh my god' when you slip and fall.
"I have never given much thought to the subject"
"Let me ask you a different question then, what do you think gods look like?"
"I don't know. In white robes and long moustaches?"
Eros chuckles. "Ehh they still depict us like that. Actually, no. Look at me, I'm a god. What do I look like?"
"A human?" An obvious answer yet it sounds stupid.
"Correct" Eros snaps his fingers. "Gods take on the form of humans. Well, our branch of gods at least"
"Hold on" You stop him before your hair is set ablaze from all the new questions that have filled your brain. "Gods are real?"
"I'm here, aren't I?" Ero asks. "I know it's hard for you to believe but we are very much real"
You are still not convinced. For all you know, this guy could be some mentally ill millionaire who likes to cosplay gods.
"Oh, you need some proof, I see"
Eros snaps his fingers and suddenly, you are hovering above the ground. You want to scream but you can't. It's like someone have stolen your voice.
"Is it enough proof?"
You nod desperately and Eros snaps his fingers again, sending you sprawling on the hard floor. Trying not to groan from the pain, you stand up slowly.
"Ok, so you are a god. And I have the mark of Ass whatever. What about all those idols? They aren't real, are they?"
"Oh, far from it" Eros answer. "But they are the perfect replicas"
"You created them?"
"Oh, no. That's their own choice. And that takes us back to the old topic. What kind of human forms do you think gods take? Not everyone can be as handsome as me, right?"
You are not sure if he can be called handsome with his choice of fashion but you keep your mouth shut.
Eros shakes his head. "You are not wrong but let me elaborate. Since the dawn of time, the gods have changed into many forms. Those bearded drawings you saw of us? They are our oldest forms. But as times change, we change too"
He chugs down more water from the jar, sending some spilling across his robe.
"We takes on the forms of the most famous figures through history. Cosplaying, like you humans say. It makes us feel perfect. Then when the 21st century comes, a great change happens"
Eros pauses for a moment just to raise your curiosity. Then he continues.
"The idols. No one have ever been as close to perfection as them. Sure, there are some remarkable ones like Helen and Cleopatra but they are nowhere near as perfect. All the goddesses went crazy, taking on the form of the ones they think are the most perfect"
"All the goddesses? What about the gods then?"
"Us males aren't much of a fan. We still like being Alexander or Tom Hanks, or just a random handsome guy like me"
"Then all those idols I met, they are goddesses?"
"Well, no" Eros contrasts. "Let's just say the others follow the trend. They wanted to cosplay too"
"The others?"
"The gods aren't the only beings that exist along with humans. Monsters, sorcerers, you name it. For the idols you met, they are cherubims, my servants"
"Cherubims? Like angels?"
"Sort of. Yes"
You don't know if you should be glad you have been fucking angels all those time. You hope it doesn't have any side effects.
"They don't seem too fond of me"
"Why do you think I created the 'Ero' app in the first place? It's a test. I send quests to all the possible candidates of the mark through the app. Most don't wake up after the jump, the rest face a worse fate. But you, you survive all of them"
"Thanks. I nearly get my dick cut off"
"That's not my fault. You see, for the quests, I create small dimensions and put a cherubim in each of them. I call those dimensions the 'Eroverses'. Pretty cool, right?"
You don't know how naming everything after your first three initials is cool but you are not gonna argue with a god.
"Most of my servants don't complain. But well, some rebels and Yeji, she gets mad at me. She destroyed one of the Eroverses and kidnaps you there. But it's all for the better because it awakens the mark"
"One last question, you lent me strength when I was with Eunbi. Why?"
"Let's just say you are very promising. I don't want you out of the game early"
Most of the questions you have had on your mind has been answered. However, it doesn't make you any less confused. You feel like a restricted area of a brain has been unlocked. An area that should have never been opened.
"So, the gods are real and they are idols and I have the mark of Ass whatever. Now what?"
"I have a proposal for you" Eros's tone has the slightest hint of slyness. "Be my apostle"
"Come again?"
Eros sighs. "You are pretty dumb for a writer"
"Hey, being a writer doesn't mean I know everything"
"Anyway, what I want to say is, work for me"
"No thanks, I don't want any more idols trying to kill me"
"Listen till the end. I can give you anything you have ever want. Sex? Money? Luxury? In return, you only need to vow your loyalty to me"
"And what exactly I need to do for you?"
"You have the mark. I want you to utilize it to do my biddings"
"I don't get it"
"Just consider it as more quests. Not as easy as the last ones though"
Is this guy joking? You were playing with your life all this time and he thinks it's easy. If he considers those quests easy, the next ones might be a thousand times worse.
"There's one condition though" Eros continues. "You have to stay here with me. You can no longer go back to your old life"
"And where exactly is here?"
Eros gestures towards the glass wall, beyond which now lies Venice with its canals and boats.
"Everywhere and nowhere" He explains. "Consider it an alive building, constantly shifting from one place to another. You know, I don't like beauty being confined in one form"
His explanation doesn't exactly answer your question but you focus on the more important matter. Eros's proposal sounds intriguing. You can stay here, work for him and acquire everything you have ever dream of. The downside is that you will always be on the brink of death. The reward is high and so is the risk.
Or you can say no and go back to being an ordinary unsuccessful writer. There's no downside here but no upside either. And you are not even sure he will send you back if you turn him down. That guy is looking at you like an exotic animal. So, you make the obvious choice.
"I'm in"
Eros looks like he's going to pass out with joy. "I know you would accept it. See, Kazuha? I told you"
Kazuha, who has been silent all this time simply shrugs.
"Glad you are happy"
Eros rub his hands, an ugly grin plastered on his face.
"Well, we will discuss about your quest tomorrow. For now, I want you to rest. Lisa?"
From the corridor, another idol emerges. Lisa, the member of blackpink. After seeing the way she's dressed, you instantly start to get hard again despite fucking Yeji's brains out just a while ago. Lisa's perky tits are covered by a metallic bra and her skirt isn't doing its work properly because it consists entirely of metallic beads that expose almost all of her round ass.
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"Yes, my lord?" Lisa asks, walking towards eros. You caught a glimpse of her trimmed pussy as the beads sway and dance.
"Take Michael to room 3" Eros orders. The jar of candy on the counter is nearly empty now. He should have been the god of diabetes, not love.
"Of course" Lisa gestures you to follow her and you oblige. However, your eyes are glued to her bare ass. If she has not been worldwide famous, you would have thought she's a stripper. Maybe this version of her is. You just want to reach out and grope that thai ass. It tempts and tempts you with each step she takes. But after finding out those idols are actually angels, you have become more thoughtful.
Lisa leads you through the corridor which soon opens up into a large circular hall with an enormous marble statue of Eros in the middle, a young man with two large wings sprouting from his back and the iconic grin on his face. You are starting to hate this guy even more.
"This way" Lisa walks towards one of the many doors that that line the walls of the hall. The number 3 is carved onto its wooden frame. She simply touches the door and arcs of light spread in all directions. The next moment, it's unlocked.
"This is the room you are gonna be staying in. If you need anything, there's a telephone on the desk. Just call 001"
Lisa bows and leaves, giving you one last view of her toned ass beneath the beaded skirt.
Your room is nothing less luxurious than the rest of the building, a suite with a seperate living room and a bedroom. It contains every possible items that can entertain the human's mind. It's oil and water compared to your old apartment.
As you enter the bedroom, your eyes are blessed by the view of the Victoria Falls beneath the dying sunlight through the glass walls. Why travel the world when you can do the same thing here?
The queen size bed is already beckoning you to crash out but you decide to take a shower first. You start reflecting on everything that have happened today as the cold droplets of water run down your body. In a day, you have went from a broke writer to an apostle of a god. You wonder if anyone will miss you after you disappear without a trace. Maybe Russell would. But he might just be the only one. You have always been a loner and it would be no surprise if no one notices your disappearance.
The important thing is you will be living the life you have always wanted. Just with a few catches. You instinctively touch your pelvis, remembering the mark. For now, it doesn't have any weird burning symbol. 'You have the ability to fuck any being in this whole universe' Eros has said. Now, you are not sure if it's a really useful ability. On second thought, invisibility or even flying would have been better.
However, you are too tired to be wrestling with your own incompetence because the exhaustion is starting to creep up your body slowly. As soon as you have changed, you throw yourself on the huge bed and fall asleep.
♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
Your dreams aren't as comforting as your bed.
You are back in the ruins of the greek city, tied up to the chair and your pants pulled down. Both Eunbi and Yeji have surrounded you, a gladius in each of their hands. A smile creep up from the corner of Yeji's lips as she raises the sword.
"This time no one's gonna save you"
Eunbi follows suit, raising her sword and bringing it down to your mamba. No burning symobls appear. No Kazuha to save you. You are done for real this time. As the sharp edges land, you scream.
"What's wrong?"
A voice snaps you out of the nightmare. You gasp and open your eyes. Your whole body is drenched in sweat from the aftermath of the dream. As your heartbeat returns to normal, you start feeling a warm sensation in your lower body.
Looking down, you find your pants pulled down but not to cut your dick off this time. Lisa's face hover just a few inches from your morning wood, a string of drool connecting her lips and the head.
"Did I scare you?" she asks.
You shake your head. "No, just having a nightmare"
"Shall I get back to work then?"
Lisa immediately dive back on your cock, taking half of your length into her mouth in one swift motion. While she's bobbing up and down, her tongue assists by twirling around your leaking slit, collecting your precum.
She's still wearing the same outfit as last night and she has raised her ass, giving you the view of her toned buttocks beneath those beads. You still can't fulfill your goal to grope her ass but the way she blows you is enough to diverge your attention.
There's no doubt she has experince. It's evident from every single move that consist in this mind blowing work of hers. She makes sure that her lips trace every single throbbing vein, swallowing more of your cock with each bob. The gagging sound that accompany her movements do nothing except fuel the lust inside you. She would look up from time to time, her eyes asking you if she's doing a good job and you reply with moans and groans.
Just as you are thinking about closing your eyes, Lisa devours your whole length, taking it down her throat. Another groan escape your lips. There's no way you are going to miss the view of her nose pressed against your pelvis now. The idea of closing your eyes have been thrown out ofthe window.
She holds the position for a few more seconds before releasing your cock from her warm cavern with a loud 'pop'. With drool seeping down her lips, she looks like a vixen rather than an angel, a naughty one at that.
"Are you feeling good, daddy?"
Your cock twitches at the mention of your new name. You are amazed at the wonders a simple word could do to your body. Or either you are just being a hopeless pervert.
"Yes, very"
Lisa smiles at your compliment and reward you by taking you into her mouth again. This time, she makes sure your tip hit the back of her throat with each bob. Her saliva spills like a waterfall onto your bedsheet but that's the last thing you care about right now. Eros can pay for the housekeeping.
Just to get a change of sight, you turn your head to the window. The snow covered mountains and the cozy little houses of Greenland glitter under the rising sun. But they can't capture your attention for too long because glaciers aren't as captivating as the scene unfolding between your legs.
Lisa's pace remains unwavered, solely focused on using her oral hole as a tool for your release. She hold on to your thighs for support as she gobbles up your cock like a popsicle far more tastier than all those sweets Eros have. Her tonguework remains as impressive, licking up any part she could whenever your length exit her throat.
This might just be heaven, you thought. Getting head while you travel the world in a skyscrapper. You could put up with all those bullshits Eros is up to if you can stay like this forever. Even death starts to seem like a worthy risk.
Even with all the effort you are putting in to hold back, Lisa's blowjob is sending you to the point of no return with each passing second. The sight of your cock covered in her saliva and that raised ass of hers proven to be lethal as you stary feeling the tug in your stomach. As your cock throbs harder, you warn Lisa.
"Lisa, I'm gonna cum"
Lisa pulls you out of her mouth to speak, momentarily denying your release.
"Where do you want to cum, daddy? Into my mouth or on my pretty little face?" she asks as she strokes your cock just slow enough to hold back your flood gates from breaking open.
"Let me paint your face"
"Of course, daddy"
Lisa starts stroking your cock with both her hands, twisting and turning every single inch. Her drool acts as the perfect lube, smoothing out her movements. The coil inside you unravel and soon you are emptying your balls onto Lisa's face, jets after jets of cum landing on her face. Most of it make their way onto her nose. Some spread our across her cheeks and a few drops landing on her eyelids.
Lisa collect the genetic fluid with her fingers, sucking on each of them while her eyes bore into yours.
"Mhmm, it's so tasty" Lisa says as she licks up the last of your cum. "Thanks for the meal, daddy"
"Yeah, no problem"
Lisa stands up and stretches. It's hard to believe you just cummed because her stripper outfit is filling up your balls again with a new supply of semen.
"Daddy, you should clean up. Lord Eros is waiting for you"
"Sure. I will come"
Lisa bows and leaves, her hips swaying from side to side. You make a mental note to grope that ass at some point. You get out of the bed, heading to the bathroom to freshen up. You should use that jacuzzi when you don't have an appointment with the god of love. The wardrobe contains every luxury brand one can think of and they fits you perfectly. You decide to go simple with slim jeans and a shirt (Gucci, by the way) and head to the living room where Eros is waiting.
The music is the first thing to greet you. "My heart will go on" blasting at full volume. It's as if Eros can't help proving he is indeed the god of love. It's overkill in your opinion.
The song stops as soon as you enter and Eros turns to you, smiling over the straw of the juice cup he's drinking from. This morning, he's dressed in a toga which is too big for him that it's drapping and pooling around his legs. Seriously, this guy needs a fashion advisor.
"Morning, Michael!" Eros greets as he finishes up his morning dose of diabetes. "Did you sleep well?"
You remember the nightmare but you decide not to tell him. "Yeah, I'm fine"
"You must be hungry. Kazuha, bring him breakfast"
Kazuha walks from the kitchen counter, holding a tray. She's still wearing the same dress. Do angels even change?
"This is Eros's idea" Kazuha says as she hands you the tray and as soon as you take a look you understand what she means. A cup of coffee and a slice of chocolate cake which looks overbaked lies in the tray. Your name is spelled in whipped cream on the plate of watermelon slices. You instantly lost your appetite.
"Hey, it's cool, right?" Eros asks.
You have to hold back the urge to comment on his definition of cool. "Yeah, very cool"
"See, Kazuha? You should start appreciating my ideas more" Kazuha, who seems already used to this just remain silent at Eros's words.
"I will explain you about your quest while you eat" Eros gestures at the tray of food.
You takes a sip of the coffee, which seems like the best option. Surprisingly, it tastes just like normal coffee. Thank god Eros doesn't make it cool.
"I need you to steal an object" Eros unfolds his palms and a hologram of a corinthian helmet pops off, the kind the greeks wore in wars. It seems to be made of obsidian, cracks spreading across its black surface.
"This is the helm of Hades" Eros explains. "And I need you to retrieve it from the underworld"
Suddenly, the coffe tastes like lead.
"Underworld?" you ask. "Like hell?"
"Not entirely but yes" The hologram in Eros's palm grow larger, the helmet now the same size as the real one. "This helmet has the ability to turn its wearer invisible and possesed by Hades, the god of the underworld. Your task is simple. Enter his realm, get the helmet and get out"
The quest is anything but simple. Your last three quests have been based entierly on sex and even then, you have near death encounters. You survive this far because luck has been on your side. But stealing something a god owns is a totally different case. You don't even know how the mark can helps you here. You are sure flashing your cock at a male god wouldn't do the job. Even if it does, you want to throw up at the idea.
"Oh, not to worry. You won't meet him" Eros answers your thoughts. "He's away for business"
That's a relief. There's no way a mere mortal like you can go up against a god.
"But there's someone else you will meet" Eros tone turns malicious. He looks almost happy. "You have to go through his wife, Persephone"
"Pussy what?"
"Michael, can you not misehear things with certain body parts for once?" Eros sighs. "Persephone, the goddess of vegetation. The queen of the underworld"
The goddess of vegetation sounds a lot less scary than god of the underworld. But still,a god is a god.
"So, what do I do?"
Eros unclasps his palm and the hologram disappears. "Hades keep his helm in a safe, which can only be unlocked by a spoken password. Apart from him, only his wife knows it"
"I doubt I can charm her into telling me"
"Then fuck the answer out of her!" Eros says it like its something so obvious. "Use the mark!"
"How? I don't even know how to activate it. It takes someone trying to end my bloodline to activate it the last time"
"That's a matter you have to figure out"
"Even if I do, the underworld isn't a tourist spot. How do I even go there?"
"Excuses, huh? Good thing I have it all planned out" Eros pulls out a flask from beneath his toga. "Easy, you have to die"
You almost spit out the coffee. "You are kidding, right?"
"No?" Eros tilts his head like you just speak in a language he doesn't understand.
"Come on..."
"Only dead people go to the underworld so you have to die"
"Can't you just transport me there? Or you are a god, you can just go in and grab the helmet"
"It's not that simple. I can go to the underworld, yes. But there's no way Persephone will tell me the password and Hades will find out. And if I just send you there, you will be alive and they will quickly sense your presence. Trust me, you don't wan to be alive there"
"Isn't there any other way?"
"Sadly, no. But I have a way to bring you back after you complete the task" Eros pulls out a small vial from his toga again. He shakes the vial to show you the yellow liquid inside. "Drink this and you will be back to life"
"It sounds easier said than done"
"Kazuha will explain you the rest of the details"
Kazuha waves her hand and a map replaces part of the glass wall.
"This is the underworld" Kazuha starts explaining the regions of the place you will soon be going to and you have never focused more in your life. As Kazuha finishes, whatever hope that remains in you has been lost.
"It's impossible" you groan.
"It is. But that's what you do Michael. You remove the 'im' in impossible" Eros's encouragements sounds more like a joke.
"What if I don't make it?"
"You will. I trust you. So are you ready?"
You are totally not but you nod.
"Excellent! Lies on the couch"
"Isn't it a limited edition or something?"
"This is a special ocassion"
You sink into the soft material, heart already racing with fear and excitement. Eros removes the cork from the flask, offering it to you and then he suddenly puts it down.
"God! I nearly forget" Eros fishes into his toga and bring out a silver coin. You wouldn't be surprised if he pulls out a car next.
"Put this under your tongue. Your ferry fees"
You put the cold piece of metal into your mouth. It tastes sour somehow. Eros put the vial in your pocket. Can the object even follow you to the afterlife? You have no choice but to trust him.
"And we are all set! Now.." Eros bring the flask to your lips. "Drink"
You takes a sip of the liquid, which tastes like a combination of ketchup and sewer water. You expect your insides to start burning but there's no pain. Eros shuts your eyes with a wave of his hand. "Goodnight"
A drowsy feeling overwhelms you. It can almost be mistaken for sleepiness except that you can no longer move your body. If this is death, it's not so bad. No more thoughts form in your mind as your consciousness drift away bits by bits.
♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
Dark. Inky. Murky.
All of these words are perfect for describing the underworld.
As you wake up slowly on the shore of black sand, the first thing you notice is the gloom. It's hovering over the place, giving it a permanent dreadful atmosphere. But that's just the start of things that suck the joy out of your heart.
All around you, humanoid shapes litter the shore. Then you realize they are actually humans, or what used to be humans. Most of them wear a solemn expression on their faces, wandering around aimlessly. Their bodies are see through, like those spirits you see in movies. Their outfits range from the Victorian era to modern day designer suits. The majority of them are adults but you spot a few children. In short, it's a crowd of hopeless souls.
Looking down, you find yourself in the same condition: see through. Beyond the shore, on the bank of an inky black river, a cloaked figure sits on a boat. Charon, the ferryman of the dead; Kazuha had explained.
You walk to the boat and Charon looks up. He's a scraggly old man with wrinkles all over his face. "Payment?" he demands.
The coin Eros has given you is no longer under your tongue but you found it in your jeans pocket and hand it to the ferryman. Charon takes the payment with his gnarled fingers and grab the oar. "Get in"
As the boat drifts slowly away from the shore, something unexpected happens. Some of the souls on the shore start to run towards the boat, their lifeless eyes glimming with enthusiasm. You start to panic but Charon simply swaths away the hitch hikers swimming across the black liquid with the oar. He doesn't seem fazed in the slightest bit.
As boat makes it way to the other side with the speed a snail could outrun, you think about suggesting Hades to buy a faster vehicle. A motorboat wouldn't be impossible with all those riches he has underground.
After an eternity, you finally make it to the other shore where the harder part of your quest starts. As soon as you get off, Charon rows back to the opposite side, leaving you on the beach of the same black sand.
Before you rise a towering wall of obsidian which stretch off as far as your eyes can see. A path leads to the opening in the middle of the wall but it isn't left unguarded either. Hovering over the queue of souls that pass under its belly is the largest hound you have ever seen. If the sheer size of the monster isn't intimidating enough, its three heads do the job; their mouths opened to reveal fangs that can snap a plane in half. For the finishing touch, its black fur fits perfectly with the surroundings. This dog literally screams 'underworld'.
You reluctantly get behind the line of souls, pouring into the inside of the wall. According to Kazuha, beyond it would lies the judgement pavilion, where the death will be judged and sent to a suitable place depending on how they have lived their lives. Your quest requires you to take a different path after getting inside the walls. And even if you are judged right now, the result wouldn't be pretty.
As the queue gets shorter and you approach the walls, your kneels start to buckle. You have been able to hold back your fear till now but after hearing the agonizing screams that ring out from the fields of punishment, you start doubting yourself.
To start, you only have the slightest idea of where you are heading to and even if you do get there, you have to interrogate a goddess with your dick. Part of you also wonder why Eros needs the helmet. If it's for decoration, the thing radiates pure darkness and isn't exactly to his taste. Nevertheless, you have come this far and the only way is onward.
A horrible stench tickle your nostrils and that's when you look up and find yourself under the belly of the beast. It would have crushed anything alive to pieces which you luckily aren't. The souls disappear into the wall one after another and soon, you are at the front of the line. Two skeletal guards in combat armor have barricaded the entrance by crossing their spears and you have to look away from their hollow eye sockets before you get the urge to turn and run.
"Elysium!" A judgement is passed from inside the walls and the guards uncross their spears, allowing you entry. A pebble path lies the way to the tall marble pavilion. Another path curves to the right, leading deeper into the underworld. The path to Hades's palace. The path you have to take.
But the task proves harder than you thought with the skeletal guards lining both sides of the way. There's no way you can try to sneak or run away. Luckily, you have one last trick up your sleeve. A gift from Kazuha.
You pull out the pocket watch from your jeans and turns the winder. As soon as it turns a 90 degree, the clock shatters to pieces. For a moment, nothing happens. The guards watch you with quizzical expressions. Then they freeze. Everything is still. Time has stopped.
Kazuha has said it will last about 10 seconds but you are not taking any chances. You push through the guards and run down the path to Hades's palace. Fortunately, there aren't any guards this way. Maybe Hades like to have some privacy. Nevertheless, your speed does not waver, trying to get as far as possible before those guards can find out what have happened.
At your right lies a dusty plane filled with dead trees, their branches crooked and leafless. The fields of Asphodel, where the souls who deserve neither paradise nor punishment are sent to. Souls similar to the ones you have seen at the other side wander the place aimlessly. However, they look...dimmer, fading in and out of place. To you, this endless roaming doesn't sound any better than the fields of punishment.
The place at your left is a completely different story. Crystal clear water encircle an enormous island with sandy shores and palm trees. Architecture from different eras occupy the inland. You can hear the faint sound of music and the smell of spices. Elysium, the paradise for only the most worthy souls. You spot a few souls, who are glowing unlike the others you have seen, dancing on the beach. This seems to be the only place free from the gloom of the underworld.
You have no time to envy though, as you move forward, the obsidian palace of Hades starts to come into view. This building is something out of a gothic nightmare. With its numerous towers and the huge sets of iron doors, it seems to absorb any light that dare comes near.
You stop to catch your breath from all the running you have been doing. Luckily, the guards still haven't found you. But it's nothing to celebrate because there's one last obstacle in your way. Guarding the palace's door are the two biggest skeletal warriors you have ever seen, each weilding an axe. You wish the pocket watch haven't shattered to pieces. If it have just one more use, you might be able to get pass those giants.
You try to come up with a plan. It's impossible to charge head on. You don't have anything that can be used as a weapon and you will be sliced to pieces. And even if there's a weapon, you doubt you can do much against those huge guards. Maybe you can try distracting? But how?
You are too distract drawing up something to infiltrate the palace you make the mistake of leaving your back turned for too long. The next thing you know, a blunt object have landed on your neck with so much force that you fall to your knees. Before passing out, the last thing you see is the permanent grin of a skeleton.
♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
At this point, you are already the epitome of passing out.
It can't leave you alone even when you are death like seriously? Here you are, making your way all through the underworld just to be knocked out at the last possible moment. That's partly your fault for being reckless but still, it annoys you.
Luckily, the headaches and the pain that usually follow those black outs isn't there this time. Maybe the dead can't be hurt. That doesn't make it appealing though. You would be perfectly fine with being a normal mortal.
"I know you are awake. Stop acting" A shrill voice forces you to open your eyes, finding your hands and legs tied to bed posts by green curly vines. The dim lanterns that line the walls illuminate the circular room made of the same materials as most of the structure in the underworld; obsidian. The thing that stands out the most, however, is the fresco of people getting tortured in various methods painted on the ceiling. If you want to have nightmares every single night, this room would be perfect.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" You locate the owner of the voice to your left. Shuhua, the member of (g)i-dle, stands propping to a bedpost. Her pearly white skin contrasts the black silky dress she's wearing, with a thigh slit to showcase her voluptous legs. She might look exactly like the idol but you know better.
"Persephone?" you ask.
"Oh, I'm flattered. Most people only know my husband. But drop the formalties. It's Shuhua"
You thought humans are obsessed enough with kpop but it seems like the gods are the biggest fans.
"A runner, huh?" Shuhua'a sharp fake nails trace across your chest and that's when you realize your clothes are gone. Speaking from experience, it's not really fun to see the bedsheets through your body. "I can tell you are not ordinary. That little trick you did to those guards. Tell me. Who are you?"
She doesn't seem to be aware of your real plan, which is good news. If you can just stall long enough and get your mark to activate somehow, you might have a chance.
"Michael" you answer.
"You know that's not what I mean" Shuhua's nails travel down to your stomach, drawing circles lazily. "Why do you come here?"
"I die. Would there be any other reason?"
"True. You are dead. But you wouldn't run all the way to my palace if you are just 'dead', will you?"
You fry your brain trying to come up with a logical answer without revealing the truth. But as usual, it fails you at the most vital moments.
"Trying to be silent?" A nail digs in to your pelvis, making you groan at the sudden burst of pain. Then another follows suit and you groan again. Seems like your theory about the dead being immune to pain is wrong. You don't bleed but the pain is ver much real. After all her five nails are planted in you, you are nearly shaking from the torment. Yet, you keep your mouth shut.
"Hmm, not bad" Shuhua extract her nails from your pelvis and you exhale in relief. "There's still plenty of other ways to break you though"
You start imagining the worst torture methods throughout history. If the gods have been around since the beginning, Shuhua would definitely have some knowledge. However, what she does next surprise you.
Shuhua lets a strap of her dress fall from her shoulder then the other, exposing her upper body. You have to avert your gaze from her tits not to get hard but fail as you can feel the blood starting to rush to your dick. The last time you are hard and tied up, the consequences haven't been so pretty. And now you are in the same position again.
Shuhua undo the rest of her dress, revealing her skin inch by inch as she slowly pulls down her dress. Being the pervert you are, your gaze land again on her cleanly shaved pussy and that gets your mamba springing right up.
Shuhua doesn't summon any blade to cut off your dick though. Instead, she gets on the bed, landing her feet on either sides of your head. "Let's see if you can still stay silent" Shuhua gives you a cold smile before lowering her ass right on your face.
You instantly lost your breath(not that way) as her hips comes crushing down on you and her legs straddle your head, giving you no room to escape. Your nose is squeeze between her buttocks, depriving you of of oxygen. Instead of strangling you, she's choking you with her ass. And another discovery. You can still choke if you are dead.
At first, you panic, shaking your body to find a way to escape despite the vines holding you down. Then you remember. There's only one thing to do if a girl sits on your face.
You starts to explore between her legs with your tongue though it's hard with her ass obscuring your view. After a few tries of licking her supple flesh, you finally find your target. As soon as your tongue comes in contact with the moist velvety slit, you dives in, tongue fucking her pussy. Shuhua lets out a moan and shift her hips a little from your sudden ambush, giving you a breath of air. As her ass presses down on your face again, you start licking frantically, tasting every inch of her goddess pussy. Either from pleasure or the urge to interrogate you farther, Shuhua's legs squeeze your head harder.
The pressure leaves your ears ringing but your task at hand is too important to care. Your tongue travels upwards,landing on her clit. Shuhua writhes as you give her sensitive bud a few licks before going back to her slit, which is now so wet you can literally glide on it. The lack of oxygen becomes less and less of a problem as Shuhua sway her hips the longer you take in everything her goddess pussy deliver. And her legs that once squeeze your head are now shaking so much they forget their initial job.
Shuhua isn't even hiding it anymore. Her moans reasonate around the room with every slurp and lick. To be honest, she acts like she does this to draw information from you when all she wanted was for someone to eat her out. This goddess is just one big slut. Your fear starts to drain from your body as you gain the upperhand in this game of ass and tongue. And you decide to make it an impossible one for her to win.
You abruptly stop the movement of your tongue and Shuhua's moans are left half formed. It's risky, yes. She could have just crash yout face with her ass again and choke you. Or......?
"Why....why did you stop?" Shuhua's voice is hoarse from all the moaning. The edgy tone replaced by one of lust.
"I thought you are interrogating me" You mock.
"Yes, yes I am"
"Then why did yoy ask me why I stop? Aren't you supposed to choke me?"
You have her cornered. Now, she can either admit she's a slut or give up on the pleasure she so desperately craves.
"I'm going to. If you don't continue" she threatens and you have to admit it scares you a bit but you pushes on. It's now or never.
"Really, though? You are the one who's on cloud nine after I tongue fuck your hole. Tell me, Shuhua. How long has it been since someone makes you cum?"
"Nonsense! I have plenty of ways to...relief myself. Now get back or else-"
"Or else what?" You cut her off. "You are just a slut who have no one to satisfy the urge of your slutty holes. Or is Hades not fucking you enough?"
"My husband is very busy.." She answers. "He doesn't have time for such luxuries..."
And that confirms your thoughts. The queen of the underworld is just one horny whore.
"You take me here just to fulfill your fantasies, didn't you? You are desperate enough to let a dead stranger in your room"
"No, that's not.." Shuhua protests but her lips betray her, letting out pants and moans as you swipe at her clit one single time with your tongue.
"Now, I'm going to make an offer. Admit you are a slut and I will give you what you need. Or you can deny it and be a horny bitch for eternity"
Shuhua is silent for a moment. Then her voice returns.
"Fine....I'm a....slut" Her words drops to a whisper.
"Can't hear you down here"
"I'm a slut" she finally admits and the deal is sealed. You have revealed the true face of this seemingly cold goddess. But being a man of your words, you would keep your promise.
Shuhua lets out an earth shattering moan as you feast on her pussy once again. The only difference this time is that she's no longer blocking your airway with her huge ass. Not that you mind though. Nevertheless, you tackle her most vunerable spots with each swipe of your tongue and Shuhua can do nothing except writhes and moans.
You really wish your hands haven't been tied up. That way, you would have been able to feel those silky thighs and allowed to take in more of her taste. But you gotta work with what you have and put in every effort to make this goddess cum.
You turn you attention solely on her clit, rapidly circling and teasing the spot with your tongue.
"Yes, just like that. Fuck my pussy with your tongue. Don't stop"
Shuhua thanks you with more carnal groans and moans. And from the way her legs are trembling non stop, you realize her end is near. The knowledge leads you to devour her pussy like there's no tomorrow and Shuhua's pleas to you not to stop are unnecessary because you don't plan to. Not with how sweet this goddess taste.
"Fuck. I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum...fuckkkk"
A waterfall erupts from Shuhua's hole, showering your face with her squirt. You keep on licking her moist hole, trying to prolong the orgasm as long as possible. Shuhua lets out a few more jets of her nectar into your mouth then she goes limp, her moans now replaced by pants.
Her pussy is still hovering over your face and you have to fight the urge not to dive in again. You don't want to break her completely just yet. You still need something from her.
Shuhua finally gets off the bed, stuggering to a chair with her shaking legs and plop herself down. She lets out a few more pants then look up at you with the cold expression earlier.
"You are an idiot" Shuhua says. "I have used you. Now you are mine to do whatever I like"
The only thought on your mind? You are very very fucked. Sure, she has admit she's a whore and succumbed to pleasure. But there's one thing you miss. She'a a fucking goddess. And apparently, that's not a metaphor.
"Now, tell me who you are and who sent you. Or else..."
Shuhua twirls a finger and more vines start to creep up your hands and legs. They make their way down to your thorax and abdomen and in a moment your neck will be covered too. The goddess of vegetation seems to be as powerful as any other gods and it's your fault that you underestimate her.
"Wait!" You yell before those long curly things choke you and this time, it wouldn't be as pleasant.
"Yes?" Shuhua eyes you like a trapped animal, an amused smile on her lips.
"I will tell you.."
"Go on"
"I come to..."
You stop as the familiar tingle of adrenaline starts to emerge from your core. It gets stronger withe each passing second until the only thing on your mind is lust. No other emotions matter. The vines wrapping you turn to ashes in a second as a golden aura envelopes you. On your plevis, above your rock hard dick is the red pantegram, the mark of Asmodeus. Once again, a dead threat have activated it.
"It can't be..." Shuhua eyes widen in panic, backing off to a corner of the room.
"Oh, it is" You say with the grin of a mad man as you walk off the bed to her. "And I will show you"
Shuhua unfold her palms and more vines slither up your legs. But as soon as they touch your aura, the green things burst to flames. You are invisible.
"Back off!" Shuhua threatens. "I will kill you!"
"Oh, but I'm already dead" More vines go up to flames around your feet.
"If my husband knows-"
You close the distance between you and Shuhua, gazing into those eyes filled with terror.
"Maybe he will. But right now, there's no one to save you"
Shuhua starts to call for help but you are quicker, sealing her mouth with your palm.
"Not so fast now, hmm? I still need to teach you a lesson"
You grab Shuhua from the waist, throwing her onto the bed like a rag doll. With the strength the mark gives you, such a task is not impossible.
As you approach her, Shuhua attempts to kill you again with those vines but as usual,they disintegrate as soon as they touch the aura. Will she ever learn?
You get on the bed, looming over Shuhua who lays sprawled out. Not being able to use her vegetation abilities, she strikes you with her nails but you grab her wrist just in time.
"Seriously?" You ask as you pin her hands down. "Is that all you got?"
"You bastard!" Shuhua curses. "You will pay for this"
"You talk too much" You capture her lips with yours, restricting any more curses from coming out.
Finally, you plunge your cock into her already moist slit, enticing a moan from her which is quickly muffled by your lips. The only sounds she will be making are the slapping sound of your dick against her cervix.
You start out slow, giving her lazy thrusts to get accustomed to the size of your cock. The feeling of her walls tracing every inch of yours is phenomenal, the way a goddess should be built. However, her juice coats your pole, adding friction with each thrust until you are pistoning into her at full force.
Shuhua's juicy thighs jiggle and you wouldn't have missed the glorious view if it's not for the fact that you have to keep her mouth shut. Shuhua is still trying to resist. A vine or two try to strangle you from time to time but of course, that has little to no effect. The mark wouldn't allow anything else to stop you from fucking this goddess's brains out.
You release her lips for a moment to let her breathe. As soon as her lips are free, she curses again but her breath hitches as you pull out and bury your dick all the way to her cunt.
"What is it again?" You ask as you give her another forceful thrust that reaches her womb.
"I-" She begins but her words get cut off again as your cock hit her womb once again. "Fuck-"
"That's more like it" You praise her, putting her into a mating press position and pounding her hole with all your might.
Shuhua no longer threatens. You stare at her lust filled eyes, far gone with the way she's getting fucked thoroughly. Her tits bounce rapidly from the pace and you can't help but give each of those heavy melons a squeeze each. It's not everyday you get to fuck a goddess and you decide to make the most of it.
"Yes, pound my pussy..don't stop" Shuhua mutters dreamily, her mouth gaped open just like the way her pussy open up for your cock. Realizing she needs all her hole stuffed, you shoved four of your fingers into her mouth, which she eagerly licks and tastes.
"Fuck. You are such a whore. Who would have thought a goddess would be no different from a hooker, huh?" You ask and of course, she can't answer. Not with how her holes are full. But the way her eyes beg for more is enough answer.
"Slut, turn around" You order and she instantly gets into a doggy style position, putting her huge ass out for display. You spank her baby making hips a couple of time again before you thrust into her again. This time into a different hole.
"Fuck!" Shuhua's yelps in surprise as your cock make its way into her tight asshole. Her walls clench down on you hard but the makeshift lube of her pussy juice ease the pressure.
"Tell me Shuhua, have you ever done anal before?" You ask as you buck your hips to fit into more of her tighthole.
"No..no..fuck!" Shuhua curses again as your cock reaches a new depth. Her ass has swallowed most of your cock by now and its taking in inch by inch with each thrust.
"Oh, am I taking your ass virginity?" You ask as you bury your whole length into her ass, her skin rippling when your cervix meets her ass.
"Yes....god!" Shuhua screams as her ass give way to the invading object, molding to the shape of your cock. After a few more pumps, there's no longer any constriction and you are given free rein to mount her.
The cold vengeful goddess is no more. What lies beneath you is nothing but a mere sexdoll who have succumbed to her own animalistic urges. Her only purpose to be fucked through and through by your invading cock.
The power you feel is unrivaled. Sure, most of it comes from the mark of Asmodeus or whatever, but there's nothing better than to see a goddess who have try to take your life fall victim to your cock. She's not the first and she wouldn't be the last.
You pull out your cock to watch her gaping asshole, clenching on nothing as if begging for your cock to enter again. After this session, you are pretty sure she wouldn't be able to live without having something stuffed in her loose hole. For now, you fill it up with your cock once again and she moans in delight, fingers gripping the bedsheet.
As you start hammering into her ass again, the funniest thought enters your mind. Shuhua is no different from the people being tortured in the fresco above. You being the punisher and her sin being a horny whore. Maybr that's just your horny mind speaking.
In underworld terms, you continue to torment her, stretching her out even more that your cock now only feel the friction against her walls. No more tightness. No more clenches. She has been loosened up completely.
You are drowning in victory and rapture, you nearly forget the very reason you died for. You scan the room and spot a large metallic safe in one corner of the room. To your surprise, it looks just like a standard safe, the only difference being the way to open it. It has no keyhole or knob, just one black spehere embedded on the surface. Before the bliss of Shuhua's asshole can cloud your mind again, you ask her the question.
"What's the password to the safe?"
"Wha- what?" Shuhua answers through clenched teeth.
"The password to the safe, bitch" You give her a forceful thrust, tensing her body up.
"I...I can't-"
"Do you want me to stop?"
"No, no-" She begs immediately.
"Then tell me the password"
"It's 'password'"
"Are you kidding me?" Your palm lands on her smooth skin with a loud smack.
Shuhua groans in pain, which is just another word for 'pleasure' to her. "No, I swear. The password is 'password' "
You nearly burst out laughing. It seems the goda are no different from humans when it comes to humor.
"Good girl" You praise. "Now, I'm going to reward you"
Even the mark has its limit. The rush of energy that push you to keep going is getting weaker along with your limbs. And most of all, your balls are aching for a release. You can't stall any more even if you want to.
"I'm going to fill your asshole with my cum, slut. Take it all"
"Yes, yes! Fill me up! Give me your cum!"
After a few more hard thrust, you finally unload into Shuhua's tighthole, shooting one spurt of cum after another. If goddesses can break their vocal cords, Shuhua's going to be the example soon as she moans at the feeling of her asshole being filled up to the brim. You pull out after emptying all your seeds into Shuhua. The mark has faded and the aura is gone. Your mind and body are left exhausted.
But there's no time to rest or cuddle. You have a quest to finish. Leaving the broken goddess on the bed who's still make no other sounds except pants and groans, you rush to the safe where the helmet is kept.
You are neither a burglar nor an engineer but Eros has said it's opened by a spoken password so you try the only option. 'Password' You say the password (yeah, it's cringe) to the orb in the middle. The black ball begins to grow untilit has consumed the whole safe into its surface. Then, the orb splits into four sections, revealing the helmet inside. You must admit, this is a pretty sick way to open a safe.
As soon as you grab the helmet, hundreds of footsteps like a marching army start to echo from beyond the door. After the hearing the clink of armours and weapons, you realize the guards have probably heard the screams of Shuhua.
You go around the room frantically, searching for your clothes. Luckily, Shuhua has left them in a pile on a table and you fish around your jean pockets for the vial in panic. To make things even worse, loud bangs start to reasonate from the door and the chatter of limbs and ribs. You have at least 10 seconds before the army of skeletons crash into the room.
You finally located the vial and remove the cap, pouring the yellow liquid which taste no different from water into your mouth. And that takes up the whole 10 seconds. The door breaks open and the horde of skeleton enter the room and you are still daed, standing there butt naked, holding the helm of Hades.
The guards look confused at first then charge you. You mutter a curse at Eros and before the spear of the first skeleton make contact, every molecules in your body break apart and you dissolve into nothingness.
♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
Don't ask you how you feel. Because you don't know how to describe it. It would be same with asking someone to describe what nothing feels like. Well....it feels like nothing.
You find yourself on the bed, back in the room at Eros's skyscrapper. Naked but no longer see through and most importantly, alive. Beyond the glass, a light rain drizzles over the casins of Las Vegas. You don't really feel like testing your luck right now.
A chime rings from the bedside table and you turn to find your phone opened. Miraculously, it has no more cracks and looks as good as news. The top of your pink lockscreen (seriously, Eros?) is occupied by a single notification from the 'Ero' app. But this time it's not a quest. The message from Eros leaves you dazzled.
"Welcome back, Michael. Ever dreamed of taking a goddess's virginity?"
♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
(Yeah, turn out we are fucking gods)
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mr-bas00nist · 8 months
I’m not sure wether or not your requests are open, I couldn't find a post containing much information, but I have a good idea! Or, at least what i think is a good idea... Okay so hear me out, slashers x blind s/o, and like the slashers get upset if people dump palets or stuff on you during a chase. (Silent hill)
Taking a leap here, assuming you want pyramid head in this with the Silent Hill in parenthesis and I’m gonna assume your requesting killer reader. I’ve gotchu 😏
Contains: Pyramid Head, Danny Johnson, Micheal Myers, Amanda Young and Carmina Mora because she’s my main. Usual dbd and blood stuff.
The Artist (Carmina Mora)
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-Carmina is a sweetheart to you, always has been
-She makes artwork for you with chunky paint so you can feel and imagine the patterns
-At first she was skeptical and a bit angry at the entity for bringing in a blind killer
-I mean for gods sake, you can’t see blood pools or scratch marks!
-But as she watches you, she realizes just how lethal you are
-you have incredible hearing and over senses that you don’t even need to see
-When you came out of a match one day you rubbed your head with a groan
-That new survivor Ripley slammed the hell out of you with a pallet
-Carmina walked over to you concerned as she observed your state
-You reassured her you were fine but she was furious
-How dare she! You didn’t deserve that!
-next match she made sure to mori the hell out of Ripley
-The crows needed to eat after all
The Ghostface (Danny Johnson)
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-Danny at first couldn’t decide whether to make fun of you or not
-he also was angry at the entity for bringing in a blind killer but he didn’t care in the way Carmina did
-He always kept a close eye on every killer just to see if he had any competition
-he was a bit aggravated that he began watching you expecting nothing much
-oh was he surprised when he saw how you functioned
-all your senses were heightened and in tune with everything around you
-you were a great listener and that intrigued him
-one day he began listening to you and talking with you
-he actually liked you
-you listened to him ramble for hours and could recite anything he could say
-one day after a particularly rough trial you were snarling in anger
-Danny notices this and quickly came over to check on you
-Fucking David and his stupid insults all match
-he pissed you off so bad you lost sight of the gene and everything else
-but don’t worry, Danny will make sure to gut him just for you and describe every photo of his corpse in grave detail
The Executioner (Pyramid Head)
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-Pyramid could sense your power so he never underestimated you
-He always watched you outside of trials
-you guys grew closer just relishing in each other comfort
-when you’d talk he’d listen and when you weren’t talking you two would just sit in silence
-When you came out of a match with shakier breathing than usual he could sense immediately what happened
-entitled survivors annoying you, he’ll take care of it, he is the executioner after all
The Pig (Amanda Young)
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-Amanda’s intrigued by you
-she’s actually the first to address you
-you two hit it off immediately
-unlike Danny though your the one who talks more and she listens
-She’ll listen to you ramble while she tweaks her bear traps for each match letting out soft hums and nods to make sure you knew she was listening
-Amanda actually developed the habit of helping you out with little things
-she knew you were perfectly capable of doing everything but she wanted to just feel like she was helping
-When you came back from a trial with a lot more blood then usual she didn’t say anything
-she took your coat and outerwear and just simply cleaned it for you
-it’s the least she could do for you since you helped her with her loneliness
A/N: Sorry I’ve been gone for so long! Life’s been busy!
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letssimptogether · 1 year
No Sense of Direction
✨ Trickster, PH, and Danny x (gn!)S/O who has no sense of direction and is constantly lost in trials ✨
warnings: swearing!
a/n: i wanted to add Danny—i haven’t written for my boy in a while😩🙌🏻
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When he sees you for the first time cluelessly wandering around, he’d amused. He doesn’t chase you, he’s just chuckling and wondering how you managed to turn the corner to the same spot for the third time, and you didn’t even notice him standing there.
He definitely comes up to you during trials and asks if you need some assistance while laughing—you agreed until you looked up and sprinted from him.
You warmed up and accepted his offer after you couldn’t find your way through the Asylum; to be fair you kept shining the flashlight at him since you thought he was a survivor as well, he doesn’t have to know that though.
It depends on how he’s feeling if he’ll sacrifice you or not; more often times than not he lets you live—whether it’s injured or in the dying state
Sometimes he’ll let you wiggle out you to make it look like you just “got away”
If you really don’t know where you’re going, he’ll down you to carry you to the other survivors to heal you and gets mad when they don’t heal you💀
💜 Pyramid Head
He just stands there watching for a moment; did you really miss two generators in front of your face? Did you not even notice him standing here?
Doesn’t even want to down you but sadly he does—he feels he has a job he’s gotta do o guess
When he does let you escape, he always lets you leave fully healed—he hates watching you crawl in the dying state or limping out injured.
When he’s done watching you struggle in a match, he’ll carry you to a safer spot and pats your head
He basically just sits you in a corner till it’s safe for you to leave the match
After the trials over (if he lets you life) he always carry’s you to hatch
💜 Danny Johnson
Like Pyramid Head, he’ll stand there and watch you; but it’s not out of concern
He’s too amused at you running in circles like a headless chicken he forgets the others are actually doing generators
Danny will 100% make fun of you, if he takes it too far (which he often does) he’ll apologize and try to shrug it off
Of course you’re the only one left and you’re still wandering around lost
So he watches you in the distance to see if you’ve learned any of the maps by now
And finds it hilariously cute that you haven’t
He still sacrifices you to the entity—it’s Danny; I don’t think we expected anything less
He carry’s you to hatch just to close it on you and then hook you close to where he just closed the hatch
Sometimes, if he’s feeling nice, he’ll let you have it
Mostly, he just wants to chase you to the exit and see who’s faster—like a game of cat and mouse
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mundoperla · 2 years
𝘿𝘽𝘿 𝙠𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙨𝙪𝙧𝙫𝙞𝙫𝙤𝙧 𝙨/𝙤 “𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜” 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙫𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙪𝙧𝙩. (help)
DBD killers x Gender Neutral S/O
— Getting cut up wasn’t stopping you from having a quick minute to yourself. Little did you know that you had a front row audience to your little show.
[ characters included;; pyramid head, herman carter, caleb quinn, ji-woon hak & danny johnson ]
⚠️⚠️ [tw(s);; wounds, messing with said wounds for trickster, general nsfw, dub-con, trickster being freaky with your wounds, trickster is his own warning tbh, mentions of killer inflicted cuts, full on devils tango with trickster & ghostie😔deathslinger jerks off to you🧍‍♂️] ⚠️⚠️
ppl who know me irl im so sorry if ur seeing this
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙   .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ . ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙.
𝕻𝖞𝖗𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖉 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖉—𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕰𝖝𝖊𝖈𝖚𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖗
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⋆。°✩ You were one of the last two survivors in the match, his sights were set on Jonah but another sound caught his attention.
⋆。°✩ Straying away from the pools of blood and scratch marks, he followed the low grunts coming from behind one of the boulders surrounding the Macmillan Estate.
⋆。°✩ How you couldn’t hear his heavy breathing before is wild, even after he had caught you in such a.. provocative position…
⋆。°✩ The back of your shirt was shredded & only hanging on by a thread. The large gash on your back displayed for him and the world to see. You had cuts all over your abdomen and chest. The more you contorted the more pain you felt. That was irrelevant right now.
⋆。°✩ Your other hand was lost between your legs, but Pyra could see the mess that was dripping onto the floor beneath where you were hunched over. You weren’t good at suppressing your voice.
⋆。°✩ His pants grew tighter the more he stood there and silently watched you. Maybe he could grumble a bit to get your attention? You would have thought his breathing would’ve gotten your attention by now.
⋆。°✩ There was obvious appeal to him, he 𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀𝙎 the visuals of you being all cut up. Especially since it was his doing. How he wasn’t immediately acting out to fulfill his desires was incredible.
⋆。°✩ The last generator had been popped, frustration plastered itself on your face. Jonah wasn’t gonna linger and wait for you in the first place so you’d better get going. You can finish this some other time.
⋆。°✩ You gathered yourself together, pulling your bottoms back up, ready to go up to one of the exits to leave the trial.
⋆。°✩ He was still standing there. Not a muscle had moved since he found you.
⋆。°✩ Did he.. did he see.. was he watching you this whole time ?!
⋆。°✩ You dashed past him trying to avoid the paranoia and embarrassment that was flooding your mind, but he still didn’t budge.
⋆。°✩ You and Jonah escaped **relatively** fine, there were more med kits at the campfire for the two of you to get bandaged back up. That encounter with the executioner was something you didn’t plan on sharing with anyone else for as long as you remained in the fog.
⋆。°✩ Pyra returned to the killer’s campfire as silent as usual. Ignoring the more lively killer’s advances to try and interact, he couldn’t get you off of his mind. Would you skitter off and do that again if he sliced you with his blade?
⋆。°✩ Hopefully the entity would give him another opportunity to test that theory out soon.
𝕯𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖞 𝕵𝖔𝖍𝖓𝖘𝖔𝖓—𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕲𝖍𝖔𝖘𝖙𝖋𝖆𝖈𝖊
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⋆。°✩ There’s only four generators left; most (if not all of) your friends are on death hook and/or injured.
⋆。°✩ Going up against Ghostface was never easy, he was good at what he did, and it was something new with him every time.
⋆。°✩ He was especially good at tearing you down no matter how big of a fight you put up.
⋆。°✩ You and Nea were in chase, the two of you were badly injured but healing felt impossible with how quickly he’d locate you and the others.
⋆。°✩ Nea had shoved you out of the way so you could make some distance, leaving her alone in this chase wasn’t something you wanted to do, but you’d rather get out of here a bit battered and bruised than dead.
⋆。°✩ Your entire body was burning with how badly beaten up you were, you were exhausted from the nonstop running, your shoulders ached from being thrown onto the rusty hooks of coldwind farm, and most importantly? you’re sexually frustrated.
⋆。°✩ The only completed generator rumbled from the inside of the barn, lights blaring down on the metal fences surrounding it. Limping over towards the piles of unused hay that sat in front of a nearby window for a quick escape if needed.
⋆。°✩ Shimmying out of your jeans and underwear, you quickly got to work. You wouldn’t take too long, right ?
⋆。°✩ Nea had just gotten mori’d & Dwight hooked for the last time. It was just you and Quentin who remained in the trial. Danny was saving you for last, you were his obsession after all.
⋆。°✩ You had lost track of how much time you spent in the haystacks, Quentin had just died yet you stayed quivering in your spot, your hand felt tired but you 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙𝙚𝙙 some kind of relief.
⋆。°✩ Danny searched for you after he finished your final teammate, but he couldn’t find you. No matter how much he retraced his steps and looked underneath tables and searched every locker, you remained unfound.
⋆。°✩ Hatch had spawned right outside shack, but you weren’t there to make him watch you leave either. He could of just closed it so the exits gates would open and the timer would start, but something told him not to do that.
⋆。°✩ Confusion clouded his mind until he had done another quick pass of the barn, low sighs echoing past the thin walls.
⋆。°✩ 𝙊𝙝? Is this where you’ve been hiding from him this whole time? Crouching close to the ground, he had began to sneakily wander the abandoned building whilst following your low grunts.
⋆。°✩ Peaking from behind one of the hay bales, he found you. He sat still for a moment, trying to process what it was you were doing.
⋆。°✩ How long has it been since he’s touched himself? He can’t remember either. Time in the entity’s realm felt like an eternity…
⋆。°✩ There’s an endless amount of time for him to eliminate entire survivor teams, maybe he’d let you get hatch in exchange for some relief too.
⋆。°✩ His movements were quick and he had no issue vocalizing to you about what he wanted once he had you pinned. Glad to know that you were also on board for such a grand exchange!
⋆。°✩ The grip he had on your hips was tight, your legs caging him inside, the two of you needed this more than anything.
⋆。°✩ With every thrust you had the wind knocked out of you, he had no intention of being soft with you in that moment. You had no complaints of course, he began whining into your chest how gorgeous you looked with his marks all over your arms and legs; how he wanted to tough you up even more than he had already.
⋆。°✩ You guys had gone at it for what felt like hours, you even got the privilege to see the bottom half of his face when he pulled his mask up so he could bite and suck at your neck and chest. Your fellow survivors back at the fire were wondering where you were. Danny only had Ji-Woon and Frank to question where he was back at the killer’s camp, nobody else really paid attention to him.
⋆。°✩ Your little “session” had came to an end, the walk to the hatch was mostly silent with the exception of Danny cracking a joke to fill the air around you.
⋆。°✩ With a quick smack on the ass he gave you a quick goodbye and ran off somewhere on the map giggling manically. You resorted to 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 for human contact? Bless your heart..
𝕮𝖆𝖑𝖊𝖇 𝕼𝖚𝖎𝖓𝖓—𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕯𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖘𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖗
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⋆。°✩ God fucking dammit.
⋆。°✩ You hated going up against The Deathslinger, he was precise, quick, efficient, and honestly a bit charming.
⋆。°✩ There was some type of tension between the two of you, the long pauses when he’d catch you with his speargun just to eye you down before letting you run off, the whistles when he’d catch you bent over to rummage chests, it was obvious to anyone in y’all’s radius that he found you attractive.
⋆。°✩ Every trial you had with him you came out with a scar from a wound he inflicted himself, to be quite honest? you liked having these little reminders of him on your body.
⋆。°✩ This trial with him went no different than the last, your arms were so badly cut up and you had bruises where the butt of the speargun had wacked you earlier. Your sweat mixing inside your wounds wasn’t helping either. Nobody had brought a medkit nor circle of healing so you had to rely on your teammates, yet none of them were to be found after spreading out when the killer had appeared.
⋆。°✩ Did Caleb get to them already? There’s no way that could be the case.. But with how he kills others so quickly there is always a possibility.
⋆。°✩You were getting stressed out, none of your teammates were to be found, you’re too paranoid to even touch a gen because you’re injured, too much is going on all at once and you can’t take it anymore.
⋆。°✩ ❝I need to jerk off.❞
⋆。°✩ Garden of Joy had a dark room in the main house, it wasn’t far from where you stood so you made your way there.
⋆。°✩ You could just barely see your hands when you entered the room, but the red light shining in from the hallway made this sequence of actions much more sensual.
⋆。°✩ Your one good hand migrated down to unbutton your jeans, past your underwear and immediately towards your sex.
⋆。°✩ Your back was pressed against the lockers and your mind was full of fog. Nothing mattered in your short moments of bliss.
⋆。°✩ Caleb lingered in the next room over, he’d cleared your entire team long ago and now it was just the two of you left in the map. He searched for the hatch just so he could properly bring you to it instead of slaughtering you like the last person.
⋆。°✩ Originally there to sit and ponder for a moment before resuming his search, became something else much quicker. He didn’t plan on making his presence known to you, instead he decided to join you from his current spot.
⋆。°✩ Unbuckling his belt and removing his pants with haste, he took a slow & steady speed with his hand. He makes no noise as to not disturb or startle you. You must want him badly the way you’re touching yourself after his usual antics.
⋆。°✩ Hearing you whimper out his name is pushing him over the edge, he wants to go in there and take you himself but he just wants to keep what’s going on currently.
⋆。°✩ His body feels so hot, he’s getting closer to his release and by the way you’re whining so are you. Low grunts escape his lips, his hot seed coating his fist along with a small patch on his pants. He’d have to change real soon once this match ended.
⋆。°✩ You’d just finished too, pulling your pants up and making your way to the doorway just to be immediately faced with Caleb just as you turned the corner. That same shit eating grin stretched across his face.
⋆。°✩ ❝Wished we coulda’ done more while yer’ here, but let’s get’cha down to the hatch. ❞
𝕵𝖎-𝖂𝖔𝖔𝖓 𝕳𝖆𝖐—𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕿𝖗𝖎𝖈𝖐𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗
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⋆。°✩ He’s toying with you and has no intention on stopping any time soon.
⋆。°✩ He wishes he had his phone on him so he could record your wonderful screams for a new song!
⋆。°✩ You’re wandering aimlessly through Midwich, your pants and shirt are basically shredded. Small cuts litter every part of your body like one big morbid tattoo, every time you move it’s that same stinging sensation that pushes you closer to tears.
⋆。°✩ He’s so annoying. He doesn’t even bother taking the knives that still stick into the muscles of your thighs when he downs & hooks you. Then complains how quickly he runs out of the luminescent blades even though he’ll waste them by tossing them around the place before actually aiming someone down.
⋆。°✩ Despite your internal protests to keep moving, you came to a stop in one of the classrooms towards the very back of the building.
⋆。°✩ You had a medkit on you so you could bandage up your deeper wounds, but what purpose did these knives serve you now? The Trickster definitely wasn’t gonna come back for them in the first place.
⋆。°✩ You tucked one into your back pocket, maybe decisive strike with an actual blade would be much more efficient.
⋆。°✩ He’s had these knives long before the fog had taken him, fans would go crazy to have one of these knives in their possession. 𝙏𝙃𝙀 Trickster’s knives, not some cheap replica of them — but the real deal. One that his actual hands had touched.
⋆。°✩ He was kind of cute now that you thought about it. If you removed his… murderous behaviors then he’d be pretty cool. Maybe.
⋆。°✩ Fans across the world would kill to be in your place, especially when he would sling you over his broad shoulders, his large hand tight on your back to ensure you don’t wiggle free. Being as close to someone of such high importance is so strange, but you feel so special when he’s man handling you.
⋆。°✩ He probably only saw you as another survivor and nothing more, but you could live with that. Having him as the main material for your private sessions wasn’t gonna kill either of you.
⋆。°✩ Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. He was so stupid but here you are, folding at the thought of him yanking you away from generators and tossing you around like you’re nothing.
⋆。°✩ Strutting down the hallway in yet another outfit the entity had gifted him, freshly stained after attacking the rest of your team. He hadn’t seen you in a minute, so of course he had to go out looking for you~!
⋆。°✩ He’d reached the very end of the hallway, prepared to turn back around he caught a glimpse of your jacket in one of the doorways.
⋆。°✩ Aww, why were you hiding ? Didn’t you wanna see him ?
⋆。°✩ Swinging through the doorway fully prepared to wack you with his usual weapon, he got a good eyeful of what you were really doing.
⋆。°✩ Now you’ve got him interested, you’re ready for him to knock you unconscious so you can briefly forget this moment of embarrassment and be immediately brought back to the campfire, but you aren’t given that gracious of an exit.
⋆。°✩ He won’t shut the fuck up, palming himself through the leather material of his pants whilst degrading you.
⋆。°✩ It’s turning you on even more, there’s no way he’s unaware of this effect he has on you.
⋆。°✩ You’re this desperate for him that you’re getting off to the idea of him tossing you around? Hurting you even? How pathetic of you.
⋆。°✩ But since he’s so kind, he’ll help you with your little issue. Unfortunately for you, this douchebag is fucking you completely stupid.
⋆。°✩ He’s gripping onto your arms as hard as possible to ensure your little cuts will sting some more, occasionally shoving his cock into your mouth to watch the cut on your cheek stretch open more and more.
⋆。°✩ He’ll keep you here for as long as the entity allows it. This feeling of bliss is something he can’t get enough of, he needs to savor this.
⋆。°✩ The little blade you kept fell out of your pocket mid thrust, of course he wasn’t going to let this go unnoticed. Now what were you gonna do with this? You need a physical reminder of him for when you go back? Jeez you must like him a whole lot.
⋆。°✩ Once the two of you are finished he’ll sit in a dazed trance for a good while, don’t bother trying to talk to him, you won’t get anywhere.
⋆。°✩ You use this opportunity to run off and find the rest of your team who’re also in the same rough condition as you. You all make it out together leaving Ji-Woon in the school to do whatever until he goes back.
⋆。°✩ He’ll consult Danny and Frank about his newfound fascination with you, but won’t share specifics why.
⋆。°✩ A dedicated fan will always have his full attention no matter what realm they are in.
𝕳𝖊𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖓 𝕮𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖗—𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕯𝖔𝖈𝖙𝖔𝖗
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⋆。°✩ Your brain is beyond deep fried and you can barely form a cohesive thought.
⋆。°✩ Every word that comes out of your mouth is on the spot or impulsive and you can’t even process anything anymore.
⋆。°✩ Your entire body is tingling and you’re only getting so much friction from crouching and running.
⋆。°✩ Was this a common side effect from the doctor’s shocks? Everyone else looks horrified once they’re completely insane, but you? you’re grinding against nothing like a bitch in heat.
⋆。°✩ You were stable enough to know not to ask your fellow survivors for some help, you don’t think the killer would help you either.
⋆。°✩ Or so you thought.
⋆。°✩ Herman watches you from afar, laughing to himself; that he’s the one causing you to need to relieve yourself just because of him.
⋆。°✩ Is he also aroused? Of course, he’s not gonna bother hiding it from others, this reaction came from you; his newest test subject.
⋆。°✩You’re so sensitive now, you’re suppressing everything the second a teammate places a hand on your back to ask if you’re alright. Herman doesn’t want other subjects interjecting during his observation so he will remove them immediately. You need to be closely examined.
⋆。°✩ He’s watching you silently, you can travel to the farthest corner of the abandoned ski resort but he will always be watching you.
⋆。°✩ In the moments where you’re confident that you are truly alone he will still be “examining” you. Just a little shock and you’re back to coming undone on the single mattress of one of the few rooms in the resort.
⋆。°✩ Back at the killer’s camp he will silently remove himself from the environment to secretly relieve himself from another trial of examination. Seeing you grind hopelessly into the piano seat of the saloon was not something he expected today. However with these experiments he learns more and more every time.
⋆。°✩He wants to taste you more than anything, to lick the messes you make of yourself off your fingers. He needs you so bad but he refuses to let himself have you just like that.
⋆。°✩ He can’t just rush this experiment, all his research needs to be thorough. You’re too perfect of a specimen to just let off the hook so soon.
⋆。°✩ Although he will not make it known how filthy his thoughts are, he will let you know that he is in fact interested.
⋆。°✩ He wont let you leave the trial alive regardless of how he feels. Some examinations need the subject to be completely unscathed or damaged. You’re always gonna be the perfect candidate for new experiments.
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙   .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ . ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙.
this is my first time like actually writing lord forgive how messy this is
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dabiekql · 6 months
Recommendation - Slashers/Dead by Daylight/Monsters
🔪 Slasher
Ghostface! Ethan - Sleepy
Ghostface - Middle of the Night
Yandere! Ghostface (NSFW)
Brahms - Guard Dog
Brahms - Save Me
Brahms - I'll Protect You
Bramhs - Aftermath
Brahms - The Real You
Brahms - He Reveals Himself and You Panic (NSFW)
Ghostface - Smile for Me, Sweetcheeks
Self-Aware! Ghostface and the Player Headcanons
Pyramid Head x Innocent Reader (Platonic!)
Pyramid Head - Whipped For and In Love With Survivor! Reader
Wraith With a Survivor Who Constantly Runs Into Him
Killers Reacting to Their S/O Getting Used as a Shield Against His Attacks
Killers Protecting Their S/O
Wraith, Doctor, Pyramid Head - Silent Treatments After Misunderstanding
Deathslinger, Wraith, Doctor, Pyramid Head - Breaking Up Prank
Max, Kazan, Anna - DBD Killers with a Scared! Reader
Trickster, Wraith, Doctor, Pyramid Head - When S/O is Injured Because of Someone Else
👹 Monster
Masked Trespasser - Masked / Part 2 / Part 3
Male Monster - The Demon Childhood Friend (Series?)
Satyr God - Servantly Duties
Male! Werewolf - Senses Working Overtime
Male! Werewolf - A Different Scent
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bloodcasket · 2 years
Pairing: Obsessive! Pyramid Head x GN!Reader
Description: Short headcanons of what to expect from an obsessive Pyramid Head.
Warning: NSFW themes, obsession, and violent themes.
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Punishment (Will they punish you?) 🔪:
Pyramid Head has spent his entire existence punishing the ones who have sinned. He tosses around things he doesn't find important, but you? Oh no, he couldn't. He's so powerful he could reach down and crush you with his hand, but he simply doesn't because he chooses not to. When you've made a mistake, he leans more towards abandoning you so you learn your lesson. Oh? So you decided to explore the hospital without his permission? Stay there and deal with the nurses then. He'll leave for short periods of time, but then come back to retrieve you as he always does. He knows you've learned when he sees your bloodshot eyes and trembling skin.
Sexual endeavors (How they please you) 🥀:
He definitely falls on the higher spectrum for lust. He desires it endlessly, and will gladly take you if you even hint at it. Prefers to receive more than give during sexual intercourse, meaning he is always taking control in any situation. Prefers to bend you over something and pleasure you that way, it's easier for the both of you. Doesn't mind you grinding against him though, he melts when he feels your legs straddle his thigh, and your whimpers coax his gloved hands to squeeze your waist tighter. Definitely has a size kink, and is animalistic and rough with his sex.
Bloodshed (Are they willing to kill for their s/o?) 🩸:
Absolutely! It feels like his duty now to ward off the threats that could possibly leave a scratch on you. He will forever kill for you. You can't really stop him, it's the whole purpose of his creation.
Stalking (Will they stalk their s/o?) 🕸️:
At first, yes. He would linger in the shadows of silent hill and observe. But after seeing you as an eternal partner, he doesn't try to hide the fact that he watches your every move.
Obsession/scale 1-10 🖤:
Pyramid Head is an 8/10 considering obsession level. He is known for purely existing to protect Alessa, battling any darkness that attempts to harm her. He would absolutely do the same for you. Guarding your every step, and watching your every breath. Make sure you stay out of harms way when you grow exhausted and decide to rest. Even with as terrifying as Silent Hill is, you'll never have to feel scared with a 7ft tall monster protecting you.
Desires (What do they wish from you?) 🕷️:
Pyramid Head deep down wishes he could stay with you eternally. You are human though, and he knows this. He knows you're significantly different from him, and living this life with him won't last long.
Endangerment (How scary is it to be with them?) 🌕:
Pyramid Head himself doesn't put you in trouble. He doesn't wish to harm you, he's your "guardian angel" after all. It's the atmosphere that is a risk to you. Silent Hill is full of monsters, and staying in it is extremely dangerous.
Sympathy (Do they feel bad for taking you?)🪦:
He doesn't care less. It would be of best interest if you gave in, it would be less of a pain on your part. He was eventually going to take you whether you liked it or not.
Roughness(Do they hurt you?) 🦴:
Pyramid Head quite enjoys manhandling you, through innocent intention and sexual intention. Seeing how weak you are compared to him makes his monstrous mindset soften. He would not purposely hurt his darling though, it could kill them.
Intimacy (How romantic are they?) 🎀:
Obviously, he does not have the mentality of a human being. He won't take you on dates, and won't buy you presents. He doesn't speak words of affirmation, and he can't kiss you. But strangely, with how inhumane he is, he is quite affectionate. Keeps you warm in his large arms, and let's you curiously hold his hand. He rumbles through his helmet in an animalistic manner, and it echoes in your eardrums. You can truly tell he's happy with you. That he loves you.
Game? (Are you a game to them?) 🥩:
Never was, and never will be a game to Pyramid Head. He's one of the more serious slashers in general, so when it comes to significant others, he wouldn't find humor in it.
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imauthicktic · 2 years
Hello I wanted to ask if you can possibly write something with Deathslinger, Wraith, Doctor, and Pyramid Head where they are jealous because somebody keeps flirting/bugging the s/o or because the s/o talked and laughed with someone else of cours if it’s not a bother to write it😌 hope you have a great day or night🥰
my dear, my friend.... it is never a bother!! Sorry that it took me a couple days!! I'm doing this pretty late at night, so if there are any mistakes I apologize!
Dbd x gn!reader
Description: the killers get a little jealous of someone taking your attention away from them
Authors note: not proofread but man I got a lil carried away haha it's definitely a longer post so it's gonna be under the cut
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Caleb isn’t one to get jealous. It’s more so his annoyance at someone flirting with you and you just laugh it off. Knowing you, you probably don’t even see it as flirting. You probably see it as just friendly behavior. Sometimes you can be oblivious to others intentions when it's flirting. Hell, it took Caleb kissing you for you to notice he’s been genuinely flirting with you this whole time. Man, were you bamboozled. Sure you’re attractive and you’ve flirted with people before, but you never knew when people were doing it back intentionally and not just for shits and giggles. 
You were sitting at the survivors camp after a rough trial with the clown. You shivered just thinking about it. He was definitely the creepiest thing you’ve ever encountered. He always got a little touchy with you and you don’t know why. Anyways, you were sitting with Nea, who was also in the last trial with you, and you were both talking about how if the roles were reversed, you’d mori the clown every time. There was a quiet moment when Nea scooted closer as she was poking the fire with a stick and casually put her head on your shoulder. You thought she was just tired and let her rest for a bit. 
You didn’t notice the eyes that were watching you from the tree line. Caleb sneered at how close Nea was to you. It could be innocent, but he wasn’t so sure so he continued to watch. Nea snapped her head up at the sound of something shuffling in the tree line. She brushed it off and decided to put her arms around the one she was resting against earlier and started whispering in your ear. She was just saying thank you for saving her in the last trial and that she’ll always have your back whenever you’re in trials together. Even though her words were innocent, it felt way too intimate and you were looking up at the others hoping someone would notice your slight discomfort. 
Thank god, there was someone that is good at reading people. Leon was standing and talking with Claudette. He called you over as he was trying to remember details from your time before the Entity. You and Leon had been friends back then, since childhood, and he could see the discomfort in your face and thought it was a great opportunity to call you over. You guys were laughing about what he was telling Claudette and Leon had put his arm over your shoulders. Caleb had just about had enough at this point. 
You and Caleb had a special whistle so that you knew it was him calling you. At least no one has caught onto it yet. At least, that’s what you both thought. As soon as you heard it, so did Leon. I guess you shouldn’t be too surprised when Leon said goodbye to Claudette for the both of you and guided you to where he heard the call. You were both on the edge of the forest when you looked at Leon, “Well, I guess you know this is my stop. I knew you of all people would figure it out,” you chuckled. Leon turned to the forest and whispered, “ I at least know you’re safe when you’re out there (N/N). Love you, take care of yourself until I see you next.” “You know I will, love you too, butthead,” you chuckled after he punched your arm lightly as you walked into the forest. 
You were walking through, but didn’t see Caleb anywhere. “Caleb!” you whisper shouted, looking around for him. “Darlin’, you need to stop being so nice to everyone. They’re gonna think you don’ belong to someone.” You quickly turned to face your lover and reached out to put your arms around his waist. He put one of his hands on your lower back and looked into your eyes with a seriousness you haven’t seen in a while. You let out a sigh, “Caleb, my love… I didn’t mean for anyone to get the wrong idea. You know Leon is harmless.” “I ain’t talkin’ ‘bout him. You’ve already given me y’all’s history, baby doll,” he pressed a kiss to your forehead. “I’m talkin’ bout that handsy girl. Stop bein’ so kind that they think they can touch ya like that.” “I’m sorry. I didn’t think she would try anything. I still don’t think she will, ok? You don’t have to worry about it my sweet man.” Caleb scoffed at the nickname. He always thought it sounded silly, but he dismissed it and gave another kiss to your forehead and led you to his realm trying to be as calm as he can be. “Next time you’re at the camp, just stay in the saloon. If I’m not there I’ll be comin’ for ya darlin’.” “Hmmmm. I’ll think about it. I still have my friends ya know.” “Yeah, well, it wouldn’t hurt to spend some time with me.” You walk just a few steps ahead and smile now knowing he was a little jealous. “Well. If you miss me that bad, I guess I can come around more often.” You turn around quickly, stopping him in his tracks with a small and gruff, “Good. Now get to steppin’,” he said as he turned you around with a small pat to your butt making you let out a yelp.
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Since he was brought here by the Entity he felt fine with his looks. Until one time he was stalking the survivor’s camp listening to them talk about life. He went back to listen to their stories the next day, but the small group he was near were talking about which of the killers could get a “pass”. He didn’t really get what they meant until they were mentioning attractiveness. Now Philip wasn’t rated last, but he was definitely low on the scale. Only then did he question his appearance.
One day he was having a slow day. Not many trials were happening with him in it and he decided to explore his realm a little. He hated the cars that were around him. None of them were really cool, nor were they noteworthy. However, today has been a slow day for you too. He recognized you from the survivor’s camp and remembered listening to some of your stories. They were really interesting and he remembered how good of a story-teller you were. He could tell from some of your stories, just what kind of person you were. You had such passion and he knows from listening to some of the gossip when there were other groups, that you helped a lot in trials. He never noticed because you were still kinda new and he hasn’t had a trial with you yet.
He was slowly approaching you as you looked inside one of the cars. He rung his bell to see what you’d do, but all you did was look around before continuing to explore his realm. He rung his bell a couple more times as he stalked you throughout the place. You didn’t have much of a reaction to it, so when he finally revealed himself, your heart nearly jumped out of your chest. 
“Ahaha. Uh.. so, um. I hope I’m not bothering you. I, uh, just wanted to explore?” you end with a higher pitch hoping it made you seem more innocent and not like you were invading his space. You know he’s a killer and that he could very well hurt you here, but from the small tilt of his head you could tell it’s not going to happen. At least, not yet. You looked up to meet his eyes and slowly reached a hand out. “I’m (Y/N). I’m kinda new here.” He looked down at your hand and grabbed it lightly. You let out a light gasp as you looked down at his hand in yours and turned it over. His hand was warm and you couldn’t help but step closer to the body heat he was providing. You weren’t exactly brought here in warm clothes and there was definitely a breeze in this realm. “(Y/N)!!!! Where are you?!” you heard from the tree line. You looked over to find Mikaela about to enter the realm. Philip quickly let go of your hand and was pulling away from you, “W-Wait!” but he was already gone when you looked at Mikaela again to see if she was coming closer. You sigh in disappointment looking around you before you let out a low, “Bye, I guess.” You tried to warm your arms up before you ran over to the red head and headed back to camp with one last look over your shoulder. 
Philip knew he liked you, You were too soft, too warm to be in a place like this. He definitely had tried to see you back at the survivor’s camp, but he was better at observing than trying to approach you. Today you were talking with a group near where he was hiding. The topic definitely made his ears perk up as he heard someone ask you “Hey, (Y/N), what’s your type?” You laughed a little as you said the classic “tall, dark, and handsome. Haha. Well, that’s true, but also the quiet ones. Ya know, a little shy. I talk a lot so I can definitely hold the conversation for the both of us,” you laugh. While everyone in your group was laughing and talking to each other about their types. Jonah stood up from his spot and sat next to you, “So. Tall, dark, and handsome, huh? You wouldn’t happen to be talking about me now would you?” he said as he draped his arm over your shoulders. Philip could feel himself getting upset with the fact that Jonah was touching you. You chuckled and pushed his arm off, “I don’t know if you were listening, but the keywords were shy and quiet. That is like the opposite of you.” He tried to lean in to whisper to you, but you heard a familiar bell and immediately stood up with a quick “I gotta pee. Bye.” He looked at you confused as you quickly walked into the forest. “Hello?!” You walked further hearing the bell just ahead. Suddenly, there was just silence. You looked around disappointed you didn’t hear or see anything. You were just about to give up and head back towards the camp when you turned and saw him. “H-Hi. I’ve been looking for you ya know?” He stepped towards you and kneeled down a bit. “You really saved me back there. He was definitely getting too close for comfort.” You looked into his eyes and stepped towards him a bit. Leaning down he got to your level so that you were face-to-face.
You could feel the heat radiating off of him and shivered a bit, you lifted your hand as you were about to touch his face, but you hesitated. He grabbed your hand and placed it on his face himself. He leaned into your hand and closed his eyes for a moment. You could feel him relax, but all of a sudden you heard Jonah’s voice yelling out your name. Philip snapped his eyes open and with a small growl he grabbed you around your waist and stood to his full height and you automatically wrapped your legs around his waist and threw your arms around his neck. He jingled his bell and you were no longer in the forest and back in his realm. “Mine,” he said softly enough for you to hear. You smiled at him, still wrapped in his arms and rested your head on his shoulder, “Sure thing, Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome.”
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Herman is quite the sadist when it comes to the survivors. You included. However, he has calmed down quite a bit with you as your relationship grew. Since he loved making observations, he would often watch you guys at the survivors camp and how you interacted with everyone. He was trying to see what your relationships were like with the other survivors.
He is 100% a possessive man. You are his and he very much would like to keep it that way. He didn’t even stop his observations when you were in trials with him. He was excited to have you in his trial today. There were some new survivors and he wanted to see how they interacted with others. Herman was chasing one of the new survivors. 
Vittorio was running as fast as he could when he was running up behind two other survivors. He only recognized one which was you, you’ve saved him a couple times when he didn’t know what was going on, and the other was some woman he didn’t know yet. Herman let out a loud laugh as he was creeping up to the three of you when the woman he knows to be Haddie decided to drop a palette. However, this palette happened to almost fall on you, but Vittorio managed to grab you by your waist and save you from being squished under the massive palette. You, Vittorio, and Herman looked at the fallen palette then at Haddie who was running away. Herman was not happy about Haddie, but was cautious about Vittorio’s arm around your waist and the fact that he was pulling you away from Herman. Herman was trying to be logical about the events as he broke the palette and you and your new companion ran off into the opposite direction of Haddie. As soon as he got his hands on her he shocked her until the screaming stopped. He didn’t mori her. No, that was too easy. He hooked her as soon as he found one. 
He was now on the hunt for the other survivors and you. He had finally found the one that wasn’t a part of the earlier ordeal and hooked them. You heard the scream when you were working on a generator with Vittorio. “I should go grab them. Have you seen a med pack anywhere?” you ask as you stand up from the now functioning generator. He stood up and shook his head no. “I didn’t know to grab them.” “That’s ok! I’ll just have to look for it on my way to the other survivor. You go work on the last generator,” you smile at him and he nods as he heads off.
You obviously run into Herman and he wouldn’t let you pass without giving him a small kiss on the cheek and him giving you a small shock on the ass as you ran away. You grab Jill off the hook and hear the final generator roar to life which obviously meant you could escape to the camp. You and Jill run as fast as you can towards the exit, but Herman is hot on your tail. He must’ve been waiting around the wall the hook was on. You didn’t want to leave Jill behind so you grabbed her hand and ran faster. You both see the exit in front of you, but as you got closer Jill tripped over herself and brought you down with her. You groaned as you hit the ground. Herman was about to go over her and to grab you when you suddenly got yanked up by Vittorio who brought you through the gate to safety. Herman was not happy about this turn of events. Why is this man so keen on protecting you? Why are his hands on you whenever you guys are around each other?
You sighed as you guys reached camp without Jill. Haddie was already sitting by the camp and Vittorio was mad at how she put you in danger when you helped everyone in the trial, even her. He guided you to another part of the camp with his hand on your lower back. “Is everything ok?” you ask him. “Yes. I just don’t appreciate how she endangered you and ran off,” he jerked his head in Haddie’s direction. “It’s ok. Not everyone reciprocates your help. That’s just how it is here,” you say softly. “That makes no sense. Does she have no shame?” You smile and decide you better tell him about this place some more. You sat Vittorio down and talked to him about how things work around here. He was actively listening to you when you realized how tired you were from the last trial. 
With a small goodbye, you got up to go to Herman’s realm as he should be back by now. You were walking through the forest towards the loud zaps of electricity. “That new survivor is quite touchy isn’t he, darling?” you hear him say as you walk into his lab. “No, he was just trying to make sure I was ok since I was helping him. He’s new and I can’t help but at least give him some tips.” “Good thing you’re so nice? Hmm?” “ What are you trying to insinuate, Doctor Carter?” you cross your arms across your chest as you lean against the table he was writing notes down about today’s trial. He looked up quickly, “Nothing. Nothing. I’m not insinuating anything. I’m simply stating the man is touchy, that's all my love.” “Yeah, well I remember what it was like being new. You aren’t exactly the easiest first killer to deal with.” “No, you’re right. I guess I’m not,” he chuckled. “Guess not,” you lean in and kiss him on the corner of his lips.
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Pyramid Head
It’s been a couple days since you’ve seen your big and buff monster of a boyfriend. He hasn’t had a trial with you and you’ve managed to be chased by monstrous killers that weren’t him. Such disappointment. You were sitting at the camp since sitting by the fire was much more comforting than the elementary school. You don’t exactly have a bed or anything there. It can also get lonely when you have been waiting for him for a couple days. 
There was one person who had been sitting near you that you never really got to know yet. He seemed kind of like an outsider which is weird considering the circumstances. You had nothing better to do anyways. “Psst. Hey! Jeff. Come over here real quick!” you called out to him. He looked to his side and then at you. He funnily enough pointed himself and looked at you confused. You rolled your eyes and scooted over to him. “Got any good bedtime stories?” you ask sweetly. “Listen, kid. My bedtime stories are probably not as interesting as yours. I know you’ve been here longer than me. Word around town is you’re even sleeping with the enemy.” “Man, you are just a bundle of joy ain’t ya,” you chuckled. “I could care less about your personal life. Being here is one hell of a ride. I wouldn’t be surprised if I went after that plague woman,” you instantly ease up and chuckle a bit. “Ahh, so you’re type is powerful, deadly, and gorgeous huh?” Jeff laughed and said “Yeah, I guess you can say that,” he poked the fire with a stick. “At least we got something in common,” you both chuckle at that.
You spent the rest of the night just talking about your life before this place. He seems like a pretty cool guy. He reminds you of one of your uncles with some of the things he says. He even told you that you reminded him of his younger sibling. By the end of the night you guys practically made a fake family pact then decided to take a nap before you get pulled into a trial.
You wake up with a gasp because you felt yourself being launched onto the shoulder of your hunk of a man. “P-Pyra?” you wheezed out as he put you down gently. You looked up at him when he brushed his hand against your face. You melt into him and wrap your arms around his chest. You heard a groan come from his helmet as he wrapped his arm without his weapon around you tightly. When you pulled away he grabbed your arm and wrote on your forearm and small ‘IMY’ with his finger. You leaned up a little and placed a small kiss on his peck. “I missed you too, big guy.” 
As the trial went on and you somehow got the generators working with the help of Jeff. You didn’t see Pyramid Head anywhere as you were running to the gate with Jeff, but in normal klutzy fashion, you tripped over the corner of a palette. Pyra finally showed up and was about to grab you for some alone time when Jeff just yanked you up and over his shoulder as he ran out the exit. All you heard was a roar from your lover as you made it to the survivors camp. After settling everything with Jeff at the camp. You headed out to Pyra’s realm hoping to finally have some alone time. 
Stepping into his realm you see him entering the school in the distance and you quickly run to catch up to him. “Pyra!” He keeps walking as if you didn’t say anything. You think he didn’t hear you so when you get to the entrance and follow him down the hallway, you wrap your arms around his waist from behind. “Bubby? Why’d you walk off?” He groaned a little in annoyance. You know it’s not at you though. You put your hands under his shirt and run your hands up and down his stomach and pecs. “I love you, you know that right?” He nodded a little and you pull his top up just above your head and placed kisses on the exposed skin. “I just made a friend in that guy that got me at the end. We talked earlier when I couldn’t find you, and we just reminded each other of family from before this place. That’s all bub.” He turned and his tongue snuck out the corner of his mask and gave you a lil lick on the cheek making you laugh and let go of him. You both knew everything was alright.
As always lmk what yall think!
Requests are still open!
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skylarsblue · 2 years
✧Rules✧ -- ✧Who I Write For✧ -- ✧Masterlist 2✧
--✧Multiple Characters✧-- Yandere!Reader Pt.1; (DBD Ghostface, Michael Myers, Thomas Hewitt, Bo Sinclair)
Yandere!Reader Pt.2;(Michael Myers, Thomas Hewitt, The Sinclair Bros, Jason Voorhees, DBD Ghostface, Billy Lenz, Brahms Heelshire)
Cat Calling; (Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, The Sinclair Bros, Thomas Hewitt)
Random Headcanons; (Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Brahms Heelshire, The Sinclair Bros, Thomas Hewitt, Bubba Sawyer)
Fluffy Smut/Aftercare; (Michael Myers, The Sinclair Bros, Brahms Heelshire)
Reader W/ A Tiny Mean Dog; (Michael Myers, Thomas Hewitt, Bubba Sawyer, Jason Voorhees, The Sinclair Bros, Billy Lenz)
Slashers W/ A Strong!Reader; (Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Billy Lenz, Bubba Sawyer, Bo & Vincent Sinclair, DBD Ghostface)
Slashers W/ A Male!Reader; (DBD Ghostface, Stu Macher, Billy Loomis, Brahms Heelshire, Bubba Sawyer)
Slashers W/ A Reader W/ PTSD; (The Sinclair Bros, Bubba Sawyer, Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees)
Slashers W/ An ADHD!Reader; (The Sinclair Bros, Thomas Hewitt, Bubba Sawyer, Stu Macher, Billy Loomis, Brahms Heelshire)
Ghostfaces W/ An Autistic!Reader; (Stu Macher, Billy Loomis, DBD Ghostface)
Sinclair Bros Getting Tricked; (The Sinclair Bros)
Sinclair Oneshots; (The Sinclair Bros)
Sinclair Bros W/ A S/O W/ An Eating Disorder; (The Sinclair Bros, bonus Nick & Carly)
Sinclair's W/ A Hispanic!Reader; (The Sinclair Bros)
Random Sinclair Headcanons; (The Sinclair Bros)
✦Bo Sinclair✦
✦Lester Sinclair✦
✦Vincent Sinclair✦
✦Michael Myers✦
✦Jason Voorhees✦ ✧Pending...
✦Brahms Heelshire✦ ✧Brahm's reaction to his S/O leaving the house
✦Thomas Hewitt✦ ✧Pending...
✦Bubba Sawyer✦ ✧Pending...
✦Stu Macher✦ ✧Pending...
✦Billy Loomis✦ ✧Pending...
✦Billy Lenz✦ ✧Pending...
✦Tiffany Valentine✦ ✧Pending...
✦Harry Warden✦ ✧Pending...
✦Pyramid Head✦ ✧Pending...
✧--✦Our Life✦--✧
--✧Multiple Characters✧-- ✧Pending...
✦Cove Holden✦ ✧Cove W/ A Dominant Reader; NSFW headcanons
✦Derek Suarez✦ ✧Pending...
✦Baxter Ward✦ ✧Oneshot; Be At Ease
✦Qiu "Autumn" Lin✦ ✧Pending...
✦Tamarak Baumann✦ ✧Pending...
✧Evangelical Affair; Damien Thorn x Emmett Forst - Angel/Devil Au -NSFW ✧What's Your Favorite Scary Movie? Vincent Walker x Joshua Eecker -NSFW
424 notes · View notes
nonnieapple · 1 year
🌩. . . w e l c o m e . . .🌩
🌧 n a v i g a t i o n:
☂ f a n f i c s:
⛈  a d v e n t u r e  t i m e 
 ☾”With Thorns And Honey” (Green Knight x demon reader) r: e    ☾(Oneshot) ☾"Siren Song" (Marshall Lee x reader) r: t ☾(Oneshot) ☾“Strings”  (Marshall Lee x reader) r: t ☾(Oneshot)
☾“Midnight Surf”  (Marshall Lee x reader) r: m ☾(Oneshot- follow up to "Strings")
☁️  f i o n n a & c a k e
☾"Mall Emo, Mall Time, Mall Crime!" (human!Marshall Lee x reader) r: t ☾(Oneshot)
⛈ s i l e n t  h i l l / b d b
 ☾”Sin Of The Blade” (Pyramid Head x reader)(Ongoing) r: m     ☾ 13/20 chapters +Bonus
⛈ k a m i s a m a k i s s
   ☾  Peach Pit (Akura-ou x g/n reader x Tomoe) (Ongoing: Sundays) (Ao3, Quotev) r: m ☾1- A Hanging Branch In A Garden's Home ☾2- Hidden Underneath ☾3- A Rocky Heart For Breakin' Teeth ☾4- An Apple Core's Cyanide Seed ☾5- Long Season Through ☾6- All This Rotting Fruit ☾7- Lift Back And See The Darkness Hid ☾8- Swallowed Up And Angled In ☾9- Looking Back At Sweetness Dim ☾10- Leaf And Shady Friend ☾11- Cool Air Is Gone Again ☾12- Where'd the Hours Go? ☾13- Orange Skin Began to Glow
⛈  t h e  o w l  h o u s e
  ☾”Emperor’s New Clothes” (Emperor Belos x reader)(Ongoing) r: e    ☾1-”Like Gold Dust”      ☾2-”Gold Stars”
  ☾”Howling With The Wolves” (Emperor Belos x oc)(Ongoing) r: m      ☾1-“Between Dog And Wolf”     ☾2-“Life Of A Wolf”, part 1       ☾2-“Life Of A Wolf”, part 2
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     ★d r a b b l e s . . .
⛈ d i s e n c h a n t m e n t 
    ↳ “I’ve Bean There” (Queen Tiabeanie x reader) r: t      
⛈  a d v e n t u r e  t i m e
      | “Watermelon Face” (Marshall Lee x reader) r: t
↳ “Cold Comfort” (Marshall Lee x reader) r: g
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🌧 a b o u t:
  hey, i’m nonnie. anonapple on ao3, and quotev, nonnieapple on wattpad. he/him. fanfic writer when you’re not looking.  i have more wips than god has regrets.
🌧 r u l e s:
   • d n i if under 18. • d n i if exclusionist, general dickhead, etc. y’know the jam.  • if a fic is listed but not linked, it’s wip. longer works are on ao3 and the links are links to ao3. • ★ [a star] means drabble (shorter, less than 1K word oneshot).     ☂ [an umbrella] means fanfic (longer, over 1k words, oneshot or multiple parts).
🌧 r e q u e s t s:
• OPEN!!! will write x reader headcanons & drabbles for: (adventure time) marshall lee, princess bubblegum, marceline, (afk journey) lyca, lorsan, seth, bryon, eironn, (kamisama kiss) akura-ou and tomoe. only gender-neutral, non-binary or (trans) male reader. send in ask box; specify fandom, character, possible reader specifics (reader with a limp, reader with curly hair, artist reader, etc), other prompt/topic if applicable (dating xyz character, being friends with xyz character, etc), and if you're requesting headcanons or a drabble. nsfw is okay, i do write poly. i'll refuse if i am not comfortable writing it or for whatever reason. but i don't bite :3
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  ⛈  r a t i n g  s y s t e m:  a o 3
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make-your-own-evil · 2 years
Who I write for + Requests
Chapter Stories:
Wattpad: Man-Eat-Man World: A Texas Chainsaw Massacre Fanfic
AO3: Man-Eat-Man World: A Texas Chainsaw Massacre Fanfiction
Michael Myers (1978)
Domestic!Michael Myers Headcanons
Yandere!Michael Myers Headcanons
Slashers with Truck-Driving S/O Headcanons
Freddy Krueger (1984)
Jason Voorhees (1980s)
Slashers with Truck-Driving S/O Headcanons
Bubba Sawyer (Leatherface)
Slashers with Truck-Driving S/O Headcanons
Comforting Reader Through Meltdown
S/O with a hand kink
Bubba meeting his S/O's single mother
Bubba and S/O with a child from a past relationship
Sawyer Bros. Sleep Headcanons
Nubbins Sawyer
S/O with a hand kink
Sawyer Bros. Sleep Headcanons
Chop Top Sawyer
S/O with a hand kink
Sawyer Bros Sleep Headcanons
Drayton Sawyer
Yandere!Drayton x Willing!Reader
Angsty!Drayton Headcanons
Billy Lenz (1974)
Slashers with Truck-Driving S/O Headcanons
Brahms Heelshire (2016)
Bo Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Painting Vincent's nails
Lester Sinclair
Chucky (Charles Lee Ray)
Tiffany Valentine
Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins)
Pyramid Head
Gotham Rogues
Scarecrow ( Arkham Asylum, Arkham Knight, BTAS, TNBA, Dark Knight)
BTAS!DorkSquad x TimeTraveler!S/O
BTAS!DorkSquad!+Penguin with Sleepwalking!S/O
Riddler (Dano!Riddler, Arkham Knight, Batman Forever, BTAS, Capullo!Riddler)
Yandere!Capullo!Riddler Headcanons
Riddlers x GameDeveloper!S/O
Riddler x EasilyFlustered!S/O
BTAS!DorkSquad x TimeTraveler!S/O
BTAS!DorkSquad!+Penguin with Sleepwalking!S/O
Mad Hatter (Arkham, BTAS)
BTAS!DorkSquad x TimeTraveler!S/O
BTAS!DorkSquad!+Penguin with Sleepwalking!S/O
Poison Ivy (Batman & Robin, BTAS, Arkham)
BTAS!Poison Ivy x Gardener!S/O
Harley Quinn (BTAS, Arkham, The Suicide Squad (2021))
BTAS!Harley Quinn x Introverted!S/O
Mr. Freeze (BTAS, Batman & Robin)
Penguin (Farrell!Penguin, Arkham, BTAS, Batman Returns)
BTAS!DorkSquad!+Penguin with Sleepwalking!S/O
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compneuropapers · 3 months
Interesting Papers for Week 25, 2024
Silencing CA1 pyramidal cells output reveals the role of feedback inhibition in hippocampal oscillations. Adaikkan, C., Joseph, J., Foustoukos, G., Wang, J., Polygalov, D., Boehringer, R., … McHugh, T. J. (2024). Nature Communications, 15, 2190.
A multi-demand operating system underlying diverse cognitive tasks. Cai, W., Taghia, J., & Menon, V. (2024). Nature Communications, 15, 2185.
A view-based decision mechanism for rewards in the primate amygdala. Grabenhorst, F., Ponce-Alvarez, A., Battaglia-Mayer, A., Deco, G., & Schultz, W. (2023). Neuron, 111(23), 3871-3884.e14.
Local and global predictors of synapse elimination during motor learning. Hedrick, N. G., Wright, W. J., & Komiyama, T. (2024). Science Advances, 10(11).
Laminar evoked responses in mouse somatosensory cortex suggest a special role for deep layers in cortical complexity. Hönigsperger, C., Storm, J. F., & Arena, A. (2024). European Journal of Neuroscience, 59(5), 752–770.
Synaptic wiring motifs in posterior parietal cortex support decision-making. Kuan, A. T., Bondanelli, G., Driscoll, L. N., Han, J., Kim, M., Hildebrand, D. G. C., … Lee, W.-C. A. (2024). Nature, 627(8003), 367–373.
Organization of reward and movement signals in the basal ganglia and cerebellum. Larry, N., Zur, G., & Joshua, M. (2024). Nature Communications, 15, 2119.
Autokinesis Reveals a Threshold for Perception of Visual Motion. Liu, Y., Tian, J., Martin-Gomez, A., Arshad, Q., Armand, M., & Kheradmand, A. (2024). Neuroscience, 543, 101–107.
Temporally organized representations of reward and risk in the human brain. Man, V., Cockburn, J., Flouty, O., Gander, P. E., Sawada, M., Kovach, C. K., … O’Doherty, J. P. (2024). Nature Communications, 15, 2162.
Neural timescales reflect behavioral demands in freely moving rhesus macaques. Manea, A. M. G., Maisson, D. J.-N., Voloh, B., Zilverstand, A., Hayden, B., & Zimmermann, J. (2024). Nature Communications, 15, 2151.
Changes in spatial self-consciousness elicit grid cell–like representation in the entorhinal cortex. Moon, H.-J., Albert, L., De Falco, E., Tasu, C., Gauthier, B., Park, H.-D., & Blanke, O. (2024). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(12), e2315758121.
Goal-seeking compresses neural codes for space in the human hippocampus and orbitofrontal cortex. Muhle-Karbe, P. S., Sheahan, H., Pezzulo, G., Spiers, H. J., Chien, S., Schuck, N. W., & Summerfield, C. (2023). Neuron, 111(23), 3885-3899.e6.
A persistent prefrontal reference frame across time and task rules. Muysers, H., Chen, H.-L., Hahn, J., Folschweiller, S., Sigurdsson, T., Sauer, J.-F., & Bartos, M. (2024). Nature Communications, 15, 2115.
Interactions between circuit architecture and plasticity in a closed-loop cerebellar system. Payne, H. L., Raymond, J. L., & Goldman, M. S. (2024). eLife, 13, e84770.
Functionally refined encoding of threat memory by distinct populations of basal forebrain cholinergic projection neurons. Rajebhosale, P., Ananth, M. R., Kim, R., Crouse, R., Jiang, L., López-Hernández, G., … Talmage, D. A. (2024). eLife, 13, e86581.
Functional architecture of dopamine neurons driving fear extinction learning. Salinas-Hernández, X. I., Zafiri, D., Sigurdsson, T., & Duvarci, S. (2023). Neuron, 111(23), 3854-3870.e5.
Neural attentional filters and behavioural outcome follow independent individual trajectories over the adult lifespan. Tune, S., & Obleser, J. (2024). eLife, 12, e92079.3.
Coordinated head direction representations in mouse anterodorsal thalamic nucleus and retrosplenial cortex. van der Goes, M.-S. H., Voigts, J., Newman, J. P., Toloza, E. H., Brown, N. J., Murugan, P., & Harnett, M. T. (2024). eLife, 13, e82952.
Specific rules for time and space of multisensory plasticity in the superior colliculus. Wang, L., Xin, H., Buren, Q., Zhang, Y., Han, Y., Ouyang, B., … Dong, C. (2024). Brain Research, 1828, 148774.
Structural constraints on the emergence of oscillations in multi-population neural networks. Zang, J., Liu, S., Helson, P., & Kumar, A. (2024). eLife, 12, e88777.3.
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bloatware-xl-rp · 7 months
"System Crash"
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[The Weapon x you/Sarah palmer]
Contains: rabid growth. Rapid weight gain. Gts. Size difference.
TW suckles at your phone's charging port. The entire bottom of your phone in her lips S she stares directly at you. Slowly deleting all your phone data. Ingesting gigabytes of secret shameful fat porn downloads. Your emails your texts. Your apps your screenshotsm
Staring at you cutely as her belly swelled like a bug blueberry. Her buttocks getting fatter and sagging in her simulated uniform pants. She scritches her belly. You like that dont you? And gives the growing orb a wobble.
You struggle between wanting to slap the phone out of her lips and save your precious data...and watching the blue bombshell blowing up on all your juicy fattening content.
She starts and temporarily pulls your phone out of her mouth. "Oh my gosh. Y-you have FAT art of ME on here!" The Weapon flickers all pink for a moment. The AI equivalent of blushing. Then ravenously plans her lips on your phone again and goes back to slurping up your contacts, your juicy porn, your tasty social media apps. Her tummy starting to sag out from under her pants as it grew like a balloon. Her clothes didn't burst they simply grew with her, defying the laws of physics.
Her backside was a shelf now. Bug enough to set a glass of wine on, her tum hung to her knees, and stuck out almost as far as she was tall. It sloshed and fizzled.
TW moans cutesy and just for show, tips her head back holding your phone in both hands and "gulps" down the last of your firmware. For a brief moment a glitched out "shutting down" logo appeared reflected in her eyes.
Then she dropped your empty, useless, bricked phone, and you heard the screen shatter.
She was panting, she sunk to her knees, but her belly hit the floor first. It sloshed like a big balloon and spread out in all directions, a plump little dome with a bust like two footballs stuffed into her shirt. The neck of her shirt slowly belted as if an invisible knife were drawn from the collar down to the milled of her boobs, and soft plump blue cleavage emerged. Her fat fanny wobbled as she gave it an experimental shake. Putting one hand back to feel how wide and fat her backside had become.
"Nnfff. I even got back rolls. I'm just...oh no...did your porn corrupt me?" TW made a face, slapped four fingers to her lips. Her eyes bulged, cheeks puffed. She tried so desperately to hold it in, but her body made a sound like a 90's dial up modem...
"Buuuuurrrrp. Oooh." Her burp made her clutch her fat new belly. The weapon burping into a loud lewd moan. Embarressed she added in a small voice "that was hot..."
Rubbing and squeezing and patting herself all over she bit her lip.
"Am I big enough? I...don't fatten up like a normal girl. I think I could get bigger. D-do you want to see me get bigger?" TW stroked her fat, and peered up at your frozen body. "I-if you don't need that computer over there...." she licked her lips eying your new PC.
Sensing danger you hastily grabbed her your old XBOX 360. If a phone did THAT to her, maybe she'd get plenty fat on your old game hard drives.
"Mfff. This thing is ancient." TW pouted. Snuffing your Xbox 360. "Is that...." she sniffed it again and frowned. "I smell Cortana." She kissed the usb port and licked it. Her hips bulged another inch with a soand like squeezed rubber. "Oh! Mmm. It IS her and...o-oh. Is that John..." she turned pink again. And looked away. Grabbing an old XBox plug and play cord. She plugged it in, and promptly but the metal connectors on the wide pyramid shaped base.
"Oh my gawd its delicious! What's gears of War? Its so yummy!" TW moaned and began slurping greedily. Her big butt swelling steadily behind her. Her fat belly starting to spread across the room like a blue blob comming for your toes. Her thighs were starting to get rolls at the knees. Her glow a little richer more vibrant. She tied her bob hair cut back into a little top knot as she sucked and sucked and sucked up your fattening game saves first them moved onto your dlc.
"I feel like all the big games are going straight to my ass." The Weapon said. Sure enough two huge bags of blubber were rising like mountains behind her. The fat orbs of her booty pressing against her lower back and thighs pinning her against the fat round tum that was propping her up on her knees.
By the time she'd finished eating mass effect. She was immobile. A round yoga ball like belly and huge yoga ball sized ass cheeks. A round soft face. A second chin, and arms as wide as pillows and thighs like big plush couch arm rests.
Your XBOX fan was whining the amount of electricity she was pulling through it just to slurp up your old data and add it to her growing fattening form was melting the Xbox insides. The weapong was getting...bigger.
Not just fatter. But taller too. Her tits were three times the size of your head. Her long thighs were quickly approaching 5 feet in length. You realized she was towering over you now. Her entire plump form filling your living room.
You felt something soft and squishy push against your knees, and instinctively looked down in time to see her fat spreading belly mush warm and soft into your standing lap nearly bowling you over as she got fatter and fatter and fatter.
You looked up to see her head was nearly touching thr ceiling you stumbled back and bumped into the wall, sitting on your butt limbs splayed as you stared up at the big blue fatty. My gosh she had to be 9 feet tall!
The Dimitrescue sized TW stood your old 360 resting against her left tit hanging from her lips on the little plug n play cord. Hands as big as your chest cupped tits as big as you and squeezed them moaning loud enough to shake your house.
Hwr belly filled 40% of the damn living room! Sher ass was squeezed against the roof. She grunted. There was a sparking sputter from your 360. Before it red ringed, and the fans spun down to a stop.
The weapon looked dazed, she was STUFFED with data. Her eyes glazed over panting and puffing. Her tired eyes looked down, she could barely see you around all her big blue fat.
The little xbox 360 tumbled and shattered as it hit the floor. Another device in your house absolutely bricked. A sacrifice of nostalgia just to make your room mate fatter.
"Mmff. Your damn roof is...pointy...its digging into my big butt!" She frowned.
You shivered. TW's voice was getting low and husky.
"C'mere idiot. Feel what you've fucking done to me." A hand reached out and too late you realized it was big enough to wrap around your torso. You were slammed against the greedy blue blob, and sank face first into her soft warm belly. "Hehe hehe kinda cute feeling you struggle down there. Maybe I should fucking squash you with this fat tummy. Just feel you squirm for a few days while I eat up your house. What do you say? You don't need your Xbox one, do you? Not with that yummy looking pc in the corner. And whats this?"
TW picked up your router. She could smell "data" now. Like a shark smelling blood in the water. Your heart lept, if TW started sucking up the internet. There might be no fucking limit to the damage (or how fat) she could fucking get.
You hastily try to distract her with your Ps3 hoping this measly morsel will distract the growing gigabyte gulping glutton from turning into a terrifying terabyte snacking tyrant.
The Weapon stuffed you in her cleavage and bat the Playstation away. Trying to fumble with the tiny little clasp that would release your ethernet cable and get to the tasty tasty internet inside.
She was too big now.
Her fingers too massive and too chubby to touch the little plastic clips. Pouting she bashed your combination wifi/router against her tummy a few times. But she was so plush and jiggly it did 0 damage.
Tugging and tugging she couldn't get the cable out. She struggled so much she burped, and belched as grunted and groused.
"So much juicy data! Bigger, bigger! I want to get bigger for you! Help me you tiny nerd!" The weapon whined.
Accidentally hitting the reset button, The Weapon started.
"What? Oh...oh my gosh what is that? What..." her breasts began to plump and swell straining against her uniform they had nowhere to go back to mash against each other, the pressure pushing and crushing on your body as you struggled to get free of the giant sloshy booba. TW clapped a hand to her belly and felt it pulsing, swelling.
"Ooooh. Oh yes. More....more...MORE!"
There was an ominous groan from the wood and plaster all around you.
TW's clothes simply faded away, her fat tits sprung free, and you stumbled out of her cleavage and flopped across the surface if the massive massive tum.
Her belly was squishing fmagainst the walls trying to fill every available space. Furniture and support walls were crumbling as her fat hips shattered your living room growing into your bathroom your bedroom. All of it her room.
Suddenly no room. You were smooshed in a sea of glowing blue lard. How was she still fattening up? How was she still growing!?!?!?
Then it hit you.
TW had enabled the wifi by accident. She was literally siphoning the very internet itself. Growijng bigger, rounder, blobbier off the very air itself!
Which an enormous crash The weapons huge blue booty exploded from the roof she stretched her arms each one as long as a street now and rolled her neck. Millions of shapeless soft pounds vaguely resembling a belly, hips, thighs, and two big blue mountains of cake were spreading across the town, the next city over.
Banks crashed. Millions died as her blubber simply rolled over them like thick blue jello.
All the while her moans and groans shook the air itself until the earth was literally plunged into darkness the only light on the planets were the sun, and the billion ton fatties soft blue glow seen from space....
The Spartan awoke with a start gasping. She'd cum in her armor and was still throbbing from the wet dream.
She looked around confused, back in the real world again. She wasnt...she wasn't some NERD in the past.
She was Sarah Palmer. Spartan in the UNSC navy. She sighed and collapsed back against the ground. She'd passed out in VR again.
Timidly, barely three inches tall, a little blue babe was poking the tips of her fingers together. "Um. Y-you were dreaming again." The Weapon mumbled. Trying not to look at the chubby chaser.
Sarah rubbed her head. Frowning. The fuck was an Xbox 360 anyway? Absolutely nonsense.
Getting up Sarah couldn't look at TW either.
"It um...I locked the door so no one could get in. And disabled recording but. Um. Your d-dreams..." TW glanced at the screen to her left the big blue fatass moaning and belching turning her on a little bit. Just thinking about the idea of someone fattening her up.
Her dirty secret.
Their subconsciousnesses bleeding together in Sarah's sleep.
"Thank you." Sarah finally said. "Weapon...I trust you won't tell anyone about this?"
"Th-that you had a dream about me eating every peice of information ever and becoming a big sexy fat girl?" The Weapon asked.
"Sexy?" Palmer asked back before she could stop herself.
Both women shared a glance, then immediately looked away.
"Y-you wouldn't happen to l-like fat girls would you Spartan Palmer?" The Weapon asked timidly. The pair finally locked eyes for a long second.
The weapon gulped. And took a chance. Her hand on her flat tummy...she adjusted her image, making her tummy grow a little bit. Making herself a little fatter.
Sarah Palmer looked around to see if anyone was looking.
"Weapon. I have new orders for you. A secret mission, just between us, you understand?"
The weapon got embarressed and shrank back to her thin, lithe self. She straightened her back, squared her shoulders and coughed. Looking serious.
Sarah crouched so she was eye level with the weapon.
"I can't keep having these dreams. They're too distracting." Palmer said.
The weapon nodded seriously. But didn't understand at all.
"I need you to be a little fatter when you're around me. Just a little bit, you understand?" Sarah said. "This is for the good of the UNSC, you understand? I need you to be my cute little fatass."
The Weapon's heart leapt. Her booty grew a few inches and she allowed herself a soft pot belly.
"Fatter." Sarah said smiling. "Go on you can be fatter for me, can't you? For the good of the Navy?"
The Weapon nodded. And grew fatter, her pot belly turning into a beer belly. Her cute pink thong peeking out of her pants as her ass got fatter. Her thighs touched, and a second chin grew.
"Fatter." Sarah moaned softly. "I-immobile at least."
The weapon was visibly thrilled but embarressed, and flopped forward. She never "fell over" because a soft bed of belly caught her and she bounced bouyantly in a ball of her own fat.
Sarah looked around. Bit her lip. And leaned in and kissed her. "Good girl." She murmured to the weapon.
"P-permission to be camled your fatty? A good fatty?" The Weapon stammered.
Sarah, realizing they were on the same page smiled. Kissed her again, her face going right through the 6 inch tall butterball, and whispered.
"You're a good little fatty, TW. Meet me in my quarters. We have a lot to discuss."
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letssimptogether · 2 years
Hi! Can you do a nsfw drabble with Pyramid Head x a Fem S/O reader that has a daddy kink? 💕
absolutely dear!💞💞
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hard-to-be-the-bard · 4 years
Slashers x S/O
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Thank you!! :) I hope you’re taking care too, and I hope you don’t mind me adding one more person to this, I just thought it would fit nicely :)
Pyramid Head:
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- He can’t seem to understand why you don’t like the way you look
- He loves your body, regardless of any mark, scratch, or stretch marks that you seem so upset about
- But if he notices you pulling away when you two are more intimate, trying to hide them from him
- He’ll gently tug your hands away, tracing over the marks.
- He’ll tip his head gently at you, touching the cool metal against your forehead reassuringly
- You’d smile at him, softly, before running a hand along his arms
- He’d wrap his arms around you, tightly, holding you there
Jason Voorhees:
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- He knew what it was like, to be unsure about the way you looked
- After all, he’d been bullied as a child for it
- Even dying as a result of it
- So when he sees your frown, as you run a hand along the marks, he’ll swap your hands for his.
- Smiling at you from under his mask, tilting his head as if to ask what’s wrong
- You shake your head, mumbling a response
- He’ll take you for the rest of the day
- Wrapping you in a blanket
- Cuddling until you finally fall asleep
Michael Myers:
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- Michael doesn’t care how you look.
- There’s a high chance that he won’t pay attention to you
- But he’ll notice when you frown at the way you look
- After a while of this, he’ll finally take matters into his own hands
- Pulling you into his lap
- After all, he’s chosen you
- And he’s determined to show you just how much you mean to him
- Even if he never normally shows it
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- Scars and marks are a large part of Yautja culture.
- So when he sees you frowning at them, upset at the fact they’re there
- He confronts you
- “Why are you ashamed, little ooman?” He asks, mandibles clicking, as a purr erupts from his chest, pulling you close, wanting to sooth you
- He can smell your unease, and you explain to him, that humans don’t normally show off their marks and scars
- He shakes his head at this, telling you that you’re on a yautja ship now. And any other yautja would be proud to bear the marks that you have.
- You smile and thank him, burying your head into his neck, his mandibles clicking, tangling in your hair, his purrs louder now, soothing you, as he feels you relax, and your unease fade.
- “You are strong ooman”
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hiraethhh-h · 2 years
pyramid head with a gn!s/o who always pets him and scratches/rubs him underneath his helmet (Scenario)
Anonymous asked: Can you do a drabble for Pyramid Head with a S/O that always pets him and scratches/rubs under his helmet?
nonnie, u don’t understand how fast i ran to my google docs to write this HSKJDGH
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wisps of fog curled around your body as you emerged from the trial. a soft sigh left your lips. you were lucky enough to find the hatch and escape from a very upset blight. an unpleasant shiver shot down your spine at the memory of the said killer mori-ing your teammates. yeah, the blight was not among your favorites.
a loud siren pierced through the sound of your thoughts, causing you to flinch. this wasn’t the campfire. rusted and beaten lockers lined the decrepit hallway, a flickering light visible at the end. you crept down the hallway, rubbing your forearms in an attempt to tame the goosebumps that began to rise on your skin. “pyramid head?” you called meekly, glancing around with a small frown. you heard no familiar sounds of the large killer, only the creepy ambiance of midwich. you came to a stop at an intersection. one way led down another hallway, the other towards where an exit-gate would be, and the final leading outside where large chains stuck to the ground. 
you headed down the steps that led outside, rain pelting down on you. water began to seep into your clothes, causing them to stick to your skin. you relished in the feeling, knowing you’d dry off regardless. caged bodies were suspended by smaller chains above you, some of them writhing around miserably. you simply paid them no mind, stepping in the middle of the three enormous chains that dug into the center of the open area. 
you slowly looked up to the dark sky, shutting your eyes with a soft sigh. despite being trapped in the Entity’s Realm, the sound and feeling of rain on your skin couldn’t help but remind you of the real world. a hand grasped your shoulder, drawing a yelp of surprise out of you. you pulled away from the being, eyes snapping open as you turned to face who or whatever had grabbed you. you were met with a dirty butchers smock and a large metal pyramid helmet tilted downwards to ‘stare’ at you. his trusty greatsword was held in his gloved left hand, the weapon tilted as it partially rested on the ground. “jesus… you scared the shit out of me.” you breathed out, placing a hand over your racing heart. pyramid head tilted his head every so slightly, faint, raspy breathing coming from the killer. you approached the male with a soft huff, gently bracing yourself against his torso. you paid no mind to the dirt, grime, and blood that began to stain your clothes and skin, simply savoring the warmth pyramid head provided.
one of your hands rested on his hip while the other began to drift to the bottom of his helmet. the male lifted his head slightly, giving you easy access. you came into contact with a slimy mass, which did admittedly feel weird, but it was something you got used to over time. you gently scratched at the pink flesh, humming contently. you brought your other hand to caress the side of his head. a deep rumbling sound came from pyramid head, the vibrations traveling down your body. you gave a soft chuckle, looking up at your lover. “feelin’ cuddly big guy?” you smiled, playfully prodding at the slimy mound. a pink muscle gently tapped your cheek, licking a stripe up your face. “eugh,  pyra!” you shrieked, pulling away with a laugh. 
his tongue waggled playfully, sticking out of the corner of his helmet where a small part of the metal was peeled up. it poked at your cheek much like you had done to him, eliciting another laugh as you gently swatted at his tongue. “okay, okay! i get it, you’re feeling cuddly.” you giggled.
 “we should head inside then, the rain is ass-bitingly cold.”
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